What are the benefits of these guided gratitude meditations?
During this practice, we experience positive emotions such as gratitude, loving-kindness, and serenity because these gratitude meditations are about taking the time to become aware of the blessings in your life.
Gratitude meditation is simply thinking about the things in our lives, past, present, and probably surprisingly in the future, for which we are thankful. It's about experiencing happiness and joy. Sit quietly and comfortably, allowing your body to relax and open up. Let your breath flow naturally and let your heart feel light. Begin to experience the positive effects of gratitude meditation on the neural network.
Taken together, the result of the gratitude practice is a positive impact on your mental well-being. Gratitude is a feeling of happiness that comes from appreciating what was, is, or will be. Because deeper appreciation for someone (or something) creates longer-lasting positivity. Discover during this challenge how meditation can help:
How does gratitude change you and your brain?
How does mindfulness help you enjoy your work more?
Here are the top 30 guided meditations for gratitude
These guided gratitude meditations were created by Deepak Chopra, Klaus Forster, and other experts in mindfulness, meditation, and spiritual and personal growth.
Deepak Chopra Guided Morning Gratitude Meditation Day 1
Task 1: YOUR Path to Grace Begins Today
Source: Youtube 21 days of gratitude Deepak Chopra
Introduction by Opera Winfrey The Path to Grace is Within You gratitude meditation script
Deepak Chopra Meditation Script: When I am grateful, I find my grace
Welcome friends, Deepak and I are honored to share this exceptional 21-day meditation experience with you, manifesting grace through gratitude. Over the next three weeks, we steep ourselves in the exquisite experience of appreciation. We explore how nurturing this practice awakens the Glorious Grace inherent in each of us. There is nothing more life-changing than gratitude. This I know for sure. Gratitude opens up a space of light in every experience. It opens up the morning and the path for Grace to flow. Pope Francis said: Grace is not knowledge or reason, but rather, grace is the amount of light in our souls.
In the next 21 days, the light will shine brighter and more apparent every day. That's our hope. We will, as Deepak guides us, turn Grace from a noun into a verb. Through gratitude, we will activate grace and grow our presence within it. Through gratitude, we become Grace personified. Get comfortable. Get ready as we begin manifesting grace now.
Deepak Chopra Gratitude Meditation script: All good things bring gratitude
The journey to Grace is fascinating and profound. It's a journey that brings all the qualities associated with Grace over the centuries into your life today. Religions divine grace as an expression of divine love, But the world has many personal meetings outside of religion. Grace can be about how you carry yourself. With inner dignity and an air of beauty. It can be about bestowing a gift of Ava. There is Grace when you forgive someone else or show Mercy. These are beautiful Expressions. But how do we achieve them? This 21-day meditation experience will focus on turning Grace from a noun into a verb unless Grace is active in your life.
Unless it brings real benefits, it remains merely a concept. So we need to follow practical steps that make Grace come alive here in now. The most powerful way to achieve Grace's through gratitude because gratitude makes a deep connection with the source of Grace inside you that's different from the religious conception of Grace, which comes directly from God. If you feel comfortable with how your faith teaches you to find grace, these meditations will only deepen your faith. The world's wisdom Traditions speak of God within, and they locate Grace within as well. If Grace exists in our awareness already, why isn't life filled with grace at this moment? It is What's lacking is perception? Two people can be doing the same thing but have different experiences. For example, you are walking outside to get the morning paper. One is last in every thought and concern. There are work and family to think about with a hundred details. Consider the second person faces the same busy schedule. Still, in her mind, the Sun and Sky, the children on the corner, and the birds singing are all manifestations of Grace. The groom has been made in the middle of everything to feel gratitude for creation. When you know how perfectly fit into the design, and how abundant your life is from the level of being, Grace changes your perception.
Gratitude is like a secret key that shifts your awareness. Gratitude changes your relationship with life from an attitude of rejecting and defending to one of acceptance and appreciation. Research has shown that this shift involves emotional beliefs and even our bodies. Because it has a positive effect even on ourselves, gratitude is an engine for holistic change. Change begins Inside by performing meditation as gratitude from the heart. So before we start, sit and think for a moment about one thing you are deeply grateful for. It can be personal and intimate like a child in your life or as big as the beauty of nature. At this moment, you have opened the way for Grace Awakening of potential. You probably didn't know I was there. It's only a moment, but an incredible journey has begun. In the next 21 days, grace will expand in every part of your life as we prepare to meditate together.
Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought:
When I am grateful. I find my grace.
When I'm grateful, I find my grace.
When I am grateful, I find my grace.
Now, let's prepare for meditation, make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes. Begin to be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxedNowow gently introduce the Mantra and your WA. This Mantra means I feel gratitude. It invokes an attitude of appreciation for life. As you repeat the Mantra feel you're open to the unlimited blessings of Your World. Repeat it silently to yourself. Dhanya Vad, Dhanya Vad, Dhanya Vad.
It hath each repetition, feel your Body, Mind, and spirit open and receive just a little more. Then, whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra. Dhanya Vad, Dhanya Vad, Dhanya Vad.
On the journey of the heart, please continue with your meditation. I'll mind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring us off Bell. Dhanya Vad, Dhanya Vad, Dhanya Vad.
It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes. as you continue with your day, contemplate today's thought:
When I am grateful, I find my grace.
When I'm grateful, I find my grace.
When I am grateful, I find my grace.
These Deepak Chopra Gratitude Meditations, tasks, and scripts are exclusive content for members of the Gratitude Challenge.
Sign up to get access to the entire Video Playlist with all meditations (free of advertising). Those meditations will be your daily present for your participation in the gratitude challenge.

Common problems when starting to meditate
In case you’re thinking, “I’ve tried to meditate, and it’s not on my behalf,” reassess. You may get some guidance on how to get started with your meditation or improve your practice.
Throughout this gratitude challenge, we’ll guide you through multiple different meditations guided by Dr. Chopra. All you would like is headphones. Associate in nursing with an open mind and a curious spirit. Then sit back, relax, and permit the magic to take place as you settle into calmness. Get connected to yourself. And therefore, experience the authentic version of your new grateful self.
Download your FREE Meditation as a podcast MP3 audiobook
Apply for free for the complete Video Playlist of all meditations as your present participation in the gratitude challenge.
Here you can access the individual meditations (free of advertising):
Introducing 31 Days of Gratitude With Deepak Chopra Meditations
Task 2 Guided Morning Gratitude Meditations
Introduction by Opera Winfrey The Path to Grace is Within You gratitude meditation script
Deepak Chopra Gratitude Meditation Script:
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7
Task 8
Task 9
Task 10
Task 20 Gratitude Meditation Script
Day 21 Task 21 Days of Gratitude Deepak Chopra
Task 2: Chopra Morning Meditations
Simple Gratitude Meditation Script: The Path to Grace is Within You
Introduction by Opera Winfrey The Path to Grace is Within You gratitude meditation script
Have you ever caused and noticed how you feel when you are thankful for something or someone? Take a moment and consider this: When you are present in that feeling of gratitude, you feel more open, more generous, more connected, more aware, and alive. Welcome to day two. Gratitude is within you. Your experience of gratitude can be for yourself, someone or something, or your connection to that, more significant than yourself, your higher power. Whatever that may be for you. When you activate gratitude by giving it your attention and intention, you create a whole new energy flow. The energy of gratitude knows no bounds. And it returns to you, bringing unlimited goodness. Something within you changes, and everything around you changes. That, my friend, is: What I call Grace. So, take some deep breaths. Soak in Deepak's words. And let's use today's meditation to feel the warmth, the light, the transformative power of Grace, and gratitude within you.
Deepak Chopra Gratitude Meditation script: All good things bring gratitude
Discovering that Grace can bring transformation isn't new. For centuries in many cultures, there has been a tradition of practicing gratitude every day. And in return, God bestows grace. Written in Sanskrit is called "Kripa Hum." Authoring gratitude starts an inner conversation on one side of the discussion: your tanks and devotion for the good things in your life. On the other side is the response. This is to bring you more good things to be grateful for, so let's begin the conversation right this minute. Think of three good things in your life. They don't have to be the most important things. Just whatever you feel in your heart if it's a beautiful morning and you have a rose sitting in a bus and breakfast in front of you. That's three things already. Now take the first thing, whatever it is, if the item isn't in front of you, visualize it in your mind. Send tanks to it. You can say the words. Thank you if you feel comfortable starting that way. But the real key is feeling that the feeling of gratitude comes from your heart. It's a warm, gentle Sensation that brings the summer. Now comes a new element. Imagine that whatever you're grateful for, a person in Precious momentum Something Beautiful in nature is aware of your thanks. See smiling back at you, shimmering with the same warm feeling. Your tanks have been received and welcomed.
After a moment, go to the second thing and give thanks for it. Then see it receive your tanks move on to the third thing, and repeat. If successfully started the flow of Grace Grace when it is alive and flowing works like a feedback loop, you give something to the source, and in turn, a response comes back to you the secret. Is that every time you do this, you change the Pathways in your brain? These new Pathways change your perception. They allow you to pay attention to the good things. You are grateful for, and in return, Grace welcomes you. Now that you know the method, make it part of your routine. Start paying attention during your day-to-day activities, taking a moment for each thing you are thankful for. Feel the emotion while having a passing thought. The best way to feel gratitude is in mind and body. At the warmth of appreciation, begin in your heart and spread outward. It helps to visualize what you're grateful for. Honoring how you are supported even in minor ways connects you emotionally with the flow of life. Gratitude brings the support you need in life. This is how Grace becomes real and practical. So doo learning the truth behind the teaching of Kripa, which goes back thousands of years as we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider entering thought. All Good Things bring gratitude. All Good Things get appreciation. Now let's prepare for a magician. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Begin to be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.
Now gently introduce the Mantra "Kripa Hum." this means I am divine grace. This Mantra sets in motion the flow of class through gratitude. As you repeat, the Mantra feels like both the giver and receiver of blessings. You are repeated silently to yourself: Kripa Hum. GoodbyeWithth each repetition, Billy, a Body Mind, and Spirit opens and receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra: "Kripa Hum" Please continue with your meditation. I'll mind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring the soft bell. "Kripa Hum, Kripa Hum, Kripa Hum. "It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes. as you continue with your day, contemplate the good centering Things that bring gratitude. All Good Things get appreciation. All good Things bring gratitude. Namaste
Task 3: Deepak's Meditations
Simple Gratitude Meditation Script: Awaken the Energy of Gratitude
Introduction by Opera Winfrey The Path to Grace is Within You gratitude meditation script
Welcome to day 3: Awaken the energy of gratitude
This is a good good day. There is a unique one-of-a-kind power in gratitude. It's an energy that elevates and expands you. Even as it brings you to a deeper place in your own heart. Best-selling author Melody Beattie said it beautifully: Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns into what we have enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, and confusion into Clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Nothing around you changes, your change. When gratitude shifts the moment, it shifts you. For today's meditation, open up to the abundance and grace, that your gratitude ignites. We're going to share this unique energy, together. So let's listen to Deepak, and then, we will meditate.
Deepak Chopra Meditation Script: I am gladdening my heart
Yesterday we began the process of making grace real and practical. This happens through something the Buddha called: gladdening the heart. A closed heart cannot feel gratitude. When you feel irritated or angry with somebody, or if you are simply stressed and tired, you don't have the energy to be grateful.
When there's no energy for giving, forcing it won't work. Gladdening the heart is like recharging a battery. It replenishes the energy of gratitude.
First, you need to recognize, what this particular energy feels like inside yourself. It's the feeling that you're welcomed and safe in your life. You feel, that you're supported in whatever you want to be.
The good things in your life show that abundance has included you. This is the natural energy of gratitude. When you find it inside your awareness. The next thing is, to renew this energy. Which happens when you meditate.
You are specifically requesting the warm attitude of thankfulness at a deep level, where all possibilities exist, your awareness will renew this energy that's unique to gratitude.
We are not talking about looking outside the window and seeing a shiny new car, and a perfectly manicured lawn. You can feel a surge of gratitude, simply by gazing at a beam of sunlight, and watching how the bright particles are dancing in it. True gratitude comes from knowing that you belong in the infinite dance of life.
To gladden your heart, consider the perfectly precise chain of events, that created this very moment. There is a wonder in perceiving, how the tiniest element fits into the whole. How your existence is woven into the existence of everyone you love, including every memory of love.
Whenever you feel something outside yourself to be grateful for, it's not the thing that creates gratitude, but the energy of joy inside you. A gladden heart is our birthright. To awaken it comes naturally, as we've been doing right now.
As we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought:
I am gladdening my heart.
I am gladdening my heart.
Now, let's prepare for meditation, make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes. Begin to be aware of your breath. And just breathe slowly and deeply. With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.
Now, gently introduce the Mantra:
Ananda Hum,
I am bliss.
This Mantra awakens the inherent joy in our hearts. So that, we look out on the world with love and gratitude. As you repeat the mantra, feel your heart swell with joy. Repeat silently to yourself:
Ananda Hum, Ananda Hum, Ananda Hum.
With each repetition, feel your body, mind, and spirit open. And receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, simply return your attention, to silently repeating the mantra:
Ananda Hum, Ananda Hum, Ananda Hum.
Please continue with your meditation. I'll mind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell.
Ananda Hum, Ananda Hum, Ananda Hum.
It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.
As you continue with your day, contemplate today's centering thought:
I am gladdening my heart,
I am gladdening my heart,
I am gladdening my heart.
Task 4: Deepak Chopra Gratitude Meditation script
Simple Gratitude Meditation Script: Grace is Replying
Introduction by Opera Winfrey The Path to Grace is Within You gratitude meditation script
What I know for sure. Is that every one of us is seeking the same thingEachch of us wants to know do you see me? Do you hear me? Do I matter? What we want is Grace to welcome us today 4., for Grace is replying. Grace is the knowledge that we belong to that. We understood that we are a meaningful part of something big deep, and powerful. And gratitude is the Catalyst, as Deepawillto shows us today when we Express gratitude, Grace responds. Is that beautiful be present in gratitude, and Grace automatically responds, taking us beyond the confines of our own familiar experiences.
Deepak Chopra Gratitude Meditation Script: Gratitude is flowing back into me
the little things, the little moments. Well, they aren't little, says "Twam Eva Mata," and he couldn't be more correct because when you're president gratitude, you awaken the bigness of even the most minor things in life. You see things. Differently, you hear things Anew everything matters, and that's what we're all seeking indeed. That is Grace. Let's listen to the signals of Grace within us and all around us. Deepak is going to guide us there. Hehe, the more you discover about how your mind, body, and spirit are connected, to more you see that everything flows naturally. Once you've awakened the energy of gratitude, there is a response a closes the circle. You are hurt. You are understood. You are appreciated. That's how life keeps evolving by circling back within itself when you take a moment to be grateful for grace responseThisis shows you that you are in the flowAndnd with each new response, and you can move forward in your life. But how do you know that Grace is respondingSomeme signals that come from within? If you express gratitude, the movement that comes back to you could be a sense of peace and calm. There could be a moment of joyYourur perception May shift the bare tree outside your window in Winter suddenly looks perfectly shaped and harmonious, a beautiful creation instead of a basic skeleton, other signals come from outside in response to your gratitude given silently to yourself suddenly. Someone shows how much they appreciate you. a problematic task becomes more manageable, and an unexpected answer arrives. What connects inner and outer is that you have joined the flow of wholenessEverythingng becomes increasingly effortless, more enjoyable, more vibrant. This isn't what most of us were taught about Grace. When I was young, the race was considered mystical rare, and saintly but I was also taught the trace is like the rain. It falls on everyone alikeThat's's much closer to the Practical reality. Grace is the nurturing force in nature, like the purity of air, water, and sunlight that sustain all life. Being aware human beings can reach out and ask for Grace. We don't depend only on the raw ingredients and essential elements of life. We have desires and aspirations. Because Grace comes from a deep Source within you, it is intelligent, and creativity knows what you want and who you want to be, so Taylor's response fits your situation. As we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought
Grace is flowing back to me. Chris, this is slowing back to me. Now let's prepare for our meditation. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Begin to be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. No gently introduce the Mantra to am Ava Marta, which means the universe is our mother. This Mantra revealed the truth that our relationship with the world is a supportive spiritual relationship. By relating to the world with love and appreciation, we receive unconditional love and support in response. Just as a mother to her child. As you repeat the Mantra failure individual connection to your Universal existence, the intimate relationship with truth is like the bond between the child and its mother. Repeat it silently to yourself. "Twam Eva Mata, Twam Eva Mata, Twam Eva Mata." with each repetition, feel your Body, Mind, and Spirit opened and received just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra: "Twam Eva Mata, Twam Eva Mata, Twam Eva Mata." Please continue with your meditation. I'll mind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell. "Twam Eva Mata, Twam Eva Mata, Twam Eva Mata."
Task 5: A Chopra Center Meditations
Simple Gratitude Meditation Script: Gratitude Awakens the True Self
Gratitude meditation script
Introduction by Opera Winfrey: The Path to grace is Within You
Welcome to day 5. Gratitude awakens the true self. Our true self is connected with everything else in the universe. Many wise teachers tell us, that our true self is like the ocean. On the surface, there are waves, movements, and many rhythms. Just beneath, there are current, motion, and different schools of life. At the deepest fathoms, there is a profound stillness, pure silence, a deep peace. Hence the phrase:
Still, waters run deep.
The deeper you go with them, the more profoundly you become one with your true self, your grace. Gratitude is your beacon, guiding you to that rooted place of acceptance, peace, and beauty. Cultivate a state of appreciation, and you create grace; authentically, naturally, in every moment, in everything.
So, let's go deep into truth, tranquility, gratitude, and grace. Deepak is ready to guide us there. And then, we will meditate.
Deepak Chopra Gratitude Meditation Script:
The path of grace has always been considered unique. In most spiritual traditions, it requires a lifetime of devotion. But if grace abounds in all things and at all times, you can be on this path, while still leading a worldly life.
What makes this possible is one thing, to contact your true self. We all have many selves: The one we showed at work. The one we show to our families. The one we show to a special loved one. There's a child-like self and a wise self. But all of these selves are temporary. We call upon them when they are needed, and leave them behind when they aren't.
If you go deeper than the passing selves, however, there's something else. When the moment is over, your true self is left behind. It is the permanent eye, behind all passing experiences. The true self is silent, but it isn't passive. Your true self knows, what your life is all about. It knows your dreams and hopes. When you ask for the truth or the way forward, it knows what you should do.
In the Vedic tradition, the true self has a power, known as Shakti. This power animates, governs, and regulates life. Shakti is your creative force, at once cosmic, and personal. The energy of gratitude is just one face of Shakti, who is pictured as a dancer, blinging out into the universe, as she moves.
When you awaken the power of gratitude, you're contacting your true self, and then all things are possible. If you could be your true self at every moment, you would be grateful all the time. Every object your eye touches upon, every sound you hear, and every taste and smell would be vivid and beautiful. When your perception shifts to this intense state, you have no choice, but to be grateful.
You see grace abounding invisible dancer, whose slightest gesture brings new life. In our meditations, we touch the true self, which exists in silent awareness. The true self is always with us. We wouldn't be aware without it. Today you've learned, that the true self is the source of grace. This means, that when you send gratitude and feel how grace replies, the whole process exists within you. Like the goddess Shakti.
You can look at anything around you a flower, a desk, a road sign, the face of a child, and say:
This is me.
It's a very worthwhile exercise because nothing is more intimate or more precious than ourselves. When you say: This is me, the separation between you and the state of grace disappears.
As we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment, to consider our centering thought.
My true self is always grateful,
My true self is always grateful.
So, let's prepare for our meditation. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Begin to be aware of your breath, and just breathe slowly and deeply. With each breath allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. Now, gently introduce the Mantra:
Kritajna Hum.
It means: I'm grateful. It activates the feeling of gratitude from your true self. As you repeat the Mantra, feel the emotion of gratitude as your very essence. Repeat it silently to yourself.
Kritajna Hum,
Kritajna Hum,
Kritajna Hum.
With each repetition, feel your body, mind, and spirit open, and receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention, to silently repeating the mantra:
Kritajna Hum,
Kritajna Hum,
Kritajna Hum.
Please continue with your meditation. I'll mind the time. And when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell.
Kritajna Hum,
Kritajna Hum,
Kritajna Hum.
Now, it's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes. As you continue with your day, contemplate today's centering thought:
My true self is always grateful,
My true self is always grateful,
My true self is always grateful.
Task 6: Guided Morning Meditation Youtube
Simple Gratitude Meditation Script: Gratitude is in the Present
Gratitude Meditation Script: Introduction by Opera Winfrey The Path to Grace is Within You
Always say yes to the present moment. Surrender to what it is. Say YES to life and see how Life Starts working for you. That's what Eckhart Tolle, one of my favorite spiritual teachers, says. To change the phrase say YES, to say THANK YOU, and Eckhart's wisdom becomes even more powerful.
Welcome to day 6: Gratitude is in the present.
When we are distracted, distant, and not fully immersed in the here and now, nothing is ever enough. We often feel: We need more to be complete. We never actually feel satisfied. When we make gratitude the essence of each present moment, abundance multiplies. Simply being, and being grateful, creates wholeness and completeness, which is ultimately Grace. It Is by expressing our thanks that we align ourselves with the universe. And as Deepak is going to show us, very beautifully, gratitude and grace are always available and here for us. Let's embrace them together.
Deepak Chopra Meditation Script: Every moment is filled with grace
Gratitude enriches the present moment, bringing it alive. Every moment has its energy, it's own feeling, its unique signature. These are beautiful realizations, and they bring out something practical. Grace can only be found in the present moment. It lives in the Here and Now. There is nowhere else to find it. When you feel alive, you are in the present moment. The connection happens automatically.
If you awaken your gratitude right now, grace is there to respond. But being present has become a challenge, we all face. The media and consumerist culture are all about distractions. There's always something, you don't have and need to buy. There's an ideal body image to strive for, and the expensive symbols of a perfect life.
No one is supposed to have a perfect life right this minute. Getting one involves constant postponement. But whatever you postpone, you aren't experiencing Here and Now. The result is the feeling our present existence is always lacking. life right now is not enough. Gratitude that turns this around.
We learn, how to appreciate what you have given at this moment. We aren't stuck in the past or anticipating the future. Gratitude shifts our attention away, from what seems to be missing. It begins to erase old anxious habits and empty desires. We find completeness in the present moment. Because that's the only place it can never be found.
In our meditations together, we ground ourselves in the present moment, effortlessly. There's nothing to do. We only have to be. Once you learn how this feels centered, secure, calm, peaceful, unconcerned, yet aware. You can know to go back to that same feeling whenever you want to.
In fact, by being grounded in the present, you can deepen your gratitude. There's a big difference between walking in the park and speeding past it in your car. The same is true of the present moment. If you're really in it, not just passing through on, your way to something else, you appreciate the joy of Simply being here. Try the following, when you're taking a moment to be thankful.
Close your eyes and center yourself. Imagine a perfect day at the beach. See the sun shining on the water and feel the warm sand between your toes. Smell the gardenia perfume on the breeze. Now open your eyes you will find that the room you're in looks just a touch brighter and fresher.
For many people, it's more than the touch of natural vibrancy that suddenly appears. This is what the present moment every present woman should feel like. It's the perfect setting for grace, and it's always here for you.
as we prepare to meditate together. So let's take a moment to consider our centering thought.
Every moment is filled with grace.
Every moment is filled with grace. Now let's prepare for meditation, make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes. Begin to be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.
No gently introduce the Mantra Samparati Hum. This Mantra reminds us that our true self is ever-present awareness. We are being awakened. Now is the natural state of gratitude. As you think, the Mantra feels the state of Grace in the present moment. Repeat silently to yourself.
Some pretty, huh? Some handsome ham, some breathy with each repetition, peel your body, mind, and spirit. Open and receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra Samparati Hum, Samparati Hum, Samparati Hum.
Please continue with your meditation. I'll mind when it's time to end you'll hear me ring a soft bell. Some pretty hum. Some cute, huh?
Samparati Hum
It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.
As you continue with your day, contemplate today's thoughts. Every moment is filled with grace. Every moment is filled with grace. Every moment is filled with grace.
Task 7: Deepak's Gratitude Meditation scripts
Simple Gratitude Meditation Script: Gratitude is the Source of Abundance
Deepak Chopra Meditation Script:
Well, my friends,
we are about to complete the first week of our 21-day meditation experience. How are you doing? Have you started to feel some subtle shifts toward Grace, that come from opening up to gratitude? Well, it's always a great homecoming for me, to come back to gratitude.
Often during these times of growth, there comes a point where we feel some obstacles and some resistance. Perhaps even some doubt. And I would encourage you, don't worry. Now's the time to connect even more, with your gratitude. Today we're going to start, to shift our understanding of what those obstacles might be saying, and open the door to even greater grace.
Welcome to day 7. Obstacles to grace melt away. When you feel struggling, pause, try to take a step back, and give yourself a moment time to find your center. That struggle is a gift of a whisper. It is your graceful, true self, tapping you on the shoulder a little bit, trying to remind you so gently, to look again. Because you always get to choose. Do you react to an obstacle as a negative, or do you embrace it as an opportunity, to respond with the open-hearted knowledge, that all will be well? When you meet obstacles with gratitude, which is hard to do, I got to say. But if you can do that, your perception starts to shift.
Resistance loses its power, and grace finds a home within you. There is a gift in every moment, good or bad. Allow the wisdom of difficulty, to speak to you. And lead you, to where your life truly wants to go. Deepak helps us set that path. So, we're going to listen, and then we're going to meditate. And with every cleansing breath, going to clear the way for a more graceful and grateful heart.
Throughout the last seven days, over the 21-day meditation experience, you've learned how to connect gratitude and Grace in a real and practical way. This is one of the secrets imparted in the world's wisdom tradition. The grace makes life flow effortlessly. When your heart is gladdened and you feel the joy of your true self. When life is a struggle instead, this implies that you're meeting with obstacles. We've all had that experience. On the path of grace, obstacles are not your enemy. No matter how frustrating an experience is. An obstacle is a signal from your true self. It's asking you to take a fresh look at the situation. What you will almost always find is inner resistance.
The outer obstacle has mirrored, what you're resisting inside. Being grateful comes naturally. But stubborn beliefs can get in the way and block it. These stuff beliefs are generally pessimistic. Looking at life's dark side, we tell ourselves, that there isn't much in the world that's worth feeling grateful for. Another block to gratitude is entitlement. A belief, that all rewards are earned, paid for, and deserved.
If we interpret the positive aspects of our life, as what we deserve, there's no reason to be thankful. Entitlement is thinly disguised selfishness. But once we start the practice of gratitude, our perspective opens up. We start to see, how the universe generously supports us in countless ways. As this realization sinks in, the sense of entitlement dissolves. You see a life for the cosmic gift. It is a gift of grace, that renews itself with every breath.
From this shift in perception optimism naturally emerges. Because the ups and downs of daily existence pale, beside the infinite generosity of nature, as a candle pales in the noonday sun. I learned that image when I was a child, and it turned out to be very useful. In moments, when you feel resistance inside yourself, whether it is towards a person, something that happened during your day, or a tough obstacle, take a moment to by yourself, close your eyes, and allow yourself the movement to become centered. Now, see a candle sitting outside in the noonday sun. See the small flame flickering in the breeze. Now, visualize how the candle is bathed in sunlight. The sun grows brighter and brighter, and as does, the candle flame starts to vanish.
After a few seconds, you can't see it at all. There is only the blazing light of the Sun. Feel this light all around you and say silently: This is where I am. This is what is real. You're experiencing a deep truth. It is the perfect way to cap our first week together.
As we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought: When I don't resist, I am in grace!
When I don't resist, I am in grace. Now, let's prepare for our meditation, and make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes, and begin to be aware of your breath. Just breathe slowly and deeply. With each breath allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.
Now, gently introduce the Mantra: Prani DhanaThis Mantra guides our awareness in the natural process of letting go of conditioned thinking and expanding into your true self. This is real surrendering, when awareness accepts, and embraces its full universality. As you think of the Mantra, feel the candle flame for your small self being bathed in the sunlight of grace.
Repeat it silently to yourself: Prani Dhana!
Prani Dhana,
Prani Dhana.
With each repetition, feel your body Mind, and Spirit open, and receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra:
Prani Dhana!
Prani Dhana,
Prani Dhana.
Please continue with your meditation. I mind the time, and when it's time to end you will hear me ring a soft bell. Prani Dhana!
Prani Dhana,
Prani Dhana.
It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes. As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought:
When I don't resist, I am in grace!
When I don't resist, I am in grace,
When I don't resist, I am in grace.
Task 8: Guided Meditation Gratitude
Gratitude Benefits Mind and Body
Introduction by Opera Winfrey The Path to Grace is Within You gratitude meditation script
It's week number two, and today we explore a deeper facet of gratitude. That will have a profound and lasting impact on our overall well-being. Welcome to day eight. Gratitude benefits your mind and body. When we choose to shift to a place of gratitude, we open new pathways in our brains.
Yes, that is correct. Our brains change so that we strengthen our muscles. When we exercise, we can train our brains, too. As Deepak teaches us, grateful thoughts are like little Messengers that transmit positive energy throughout our entire bodies. the more we practice thoughts of gratitude, the more those pathways open up, and the more this positive energy flows, the more its strength infuses our very being
Just as Our arteries expand when we exercise our hearts, our optimism and resilience become an even more vital Essence as we exercise gratitude. Our outcomes become more positive. We feel a whole new level of optimism connection with compassion. And we become our healthiest, brightest, and most vibrant selves. So let's sit back right now. Relax, and breathe into the positive flow as Deepak Chopra shares his wisdom.
And then will meditate.
Deepak Chopra Meditation Script:
in the first week of our 21-day meditation experience, you discovered that gratitude is more than counting your blessings and feeling fortunate.
Gratitude is more than emotion, too. It opens the way for Grace. Our second week together will deepen your understanding by focusing on the mind-body connection from the brain's perspective. There are only two kinds of input, positive and negative. Positive experiences lead to increased well-being, and adverse health input leads to decreased well-being and a higher risk for disease.
Gratitude is a powerful form of positive input. It can generate new brain cells and open new pathways. These new Pathways give us the physical basis for seeing and feeling through Grace's state, our goal. So by activating the mind-body Connection, our gratitude can shift hostility, stress, and depression into positive psychological conditions such as compassion and empathy.
Even the genetic activity of grateful people shifts in a positive direction, including anti-aging. This gives us a sound foundation for making the mind-body connection stronger while at the same time turning Grace into a physical state the body participation. That's thankful. Thought doesn't just remain in your head messenger molecules transmit every thought, feeling, and sensation to the body's hundred trillion cells. We want to keep the flow going, which is one of the benefits of meditation.
Your body can benefit from extended gratitude such as daily journaling because you are strongly focusing on the kind of changes you want in your life. The gifts of Grace depend on only one thing your awareness. Suppose you focus your attention and positive changes. In that case, the entire mind-body system is noticed, and nature supports what you want.
When you ask your arm to move, it happens automatically. In the world's wisdom, Traditions asking nature to bring you more excellent health and well-being should be just as automatic. The connection is already there, waiting to be used. This will be our goal in week 2. To get your mind and body moving faster in the right direction.
Gratitude is like a force of nature. And Grace is a state that can benefit body and mind together as we prepare to meditate together. So let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. Every thankful moment makes me healthier. Every grateful moment makes me healthier.
Now let's prepare for a magician. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. Now gently introduce the Mantra Shara Vana Ya.
This Mantra opens our minds and body to the nurturing support of nature. As you repeat the Mantra Delia, the body and mind absorb the beneficial influence of the universe. Repeat silently to yourself. Shana, mana, yeah. Shara, yeah.
Yeah. With this repetition, feel your Body, Mind, and spirit open. Receive just a little more whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical Sensations. Return your attention to silently repeating the mantra:
Shara Vana Ya, Shara Vana Ya, Shara Vana Ya.
Please continue with your meditation. I don't mind the time, and when it's time for him, you'll hear me ring a soft bell. Shara Vana Ya.
It is time to release the mantra and continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Then, when you feel ready, you can open your eyes. as you continue with your day, contemplate today's thought. Every thankful movement makes me healthier.
Every thankful movement makes me healthier. Every grateful moment makes me healthier.
Task 9: Guided Meditation Gratitude
Changing Your Reality
Introduction by Opera Winfrey The Path to Grace is Within You gratitude meditation script
Welcome to day nine, changing your reality. One of my favorite quotes is from Joseph Campbell. He says the privilege of a lifetime is Who You Are. Appreciating that privilege and being grateful for the full spectrum of possibility in each moment is the ultimate connection to Grace.
As Deepak chose us, each of our realities is dynamic and ever-changing. The present moment is the only fundamental constant we have in maintaining a sense of appreciation in the present moment. Staying grounded in gratitude is our connection to the Divine. It is the ultimate Wellspring of renewal and growth, and it is good to be relished and embraced.
Being grateful for who you are, your own utterly original experience allows you to discover a new sense of light and Clarity. Anytime Anyplace life unfolds most uniquely and gloriously. You are the author of your own life story. You can start a new chapter anytime you choose. So honor your authenticity and live the story. You are the story that no one else can live. Deepak is here to show us the way to listen.
Deepak Chopra Meditation Script:
Reality is always personal. Every experience gets filtered through your core beliefs and attitudes. Your mood affects how reality looks. Emotions are always responding even when hidden out of sight; therefore, no two people exist because we are unique in seeing the world.
The world's wisdom Traditions declare that everything begins in here, meaning inside your awareness. Therefore this is where you can take control of your reality. Are you beautiful, worthy loving, loyal, confident, and creative? No amount of reassurance from somebody or something outside yourself can prove any of these things to you. You are the sole source of every quality that establishes who you are.
Only You Can Be the author of your own life story the first thing to know is that your account can change. Possibilities don't have an expiration date every day is a new world. Even if you see the same people every day, eat the same breakfast, and watch the same TV shows. It's a different cell. Who does these things? You will never be exactly who you were yesterday or who you will be tomorrow gratitude enables you to connect to this fact and bring it home because gratitude connects you with today's reality.
So is the self is constantly changing, being attached to whole thoughts, habits, and emotions. It's like holding onto illusions. When you let go of any fantasy, what remains must be real? The constants in your life for existence are nature, grace, truth, and love. These are all part of your true self.
The changing self when we make this connection hours and days job was feeling like the exact old thing repetition makes life steal it brings boredom indifference, and fatigue. If you keep repeating the things you have no genuine interest in, you grow numb. So instead, begin to experience life as a continuity based on the freshness of every moment.
This is how Grace constantly renews itself. This is the best way to be the author of your own story, a story that takes place in the state of grace. So as we prepare to meditate together, let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. My reality begins inside me.
My reality begins inside me. Now let's prepare for meditation, make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes. Be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.
No gently introduce the Mantra whom hurry name. This Mantra opens awareness to the Eternal Present in every changing moment of experience. As you repeat the Mantra feel the freshness and creative possibilities of present awareness. Repeat silently to yourself Om Hreem, Om Hreem, Om Hreem.
With this repetition, Body, Mind, and Spirit open and receive just a little more whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical Sensations. Return your attention to silently repeating the Mantra Marine.
Please continue with your meditation and mind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell. Om Hreem
It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes. as you continue with your day, and contemplate today's thoughts my reality begins inside me. My reality starts inside me.
My reality begins inside me.
Task 10: Deepak Chopra Morning Meditations
Gratitude Expands Every Relationship
Introduction by Opera Winfrey The Path to Grace is Within You gratitude meditation script
Every hour is Grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile. So beautifully said by Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel. Welcome to day ten. Gratitude expands every relationship. when we feel gratitude at the moment, we cultivate a sense of acceptance and openness. We don't try to change anything.
We're grateful for everything, as is when we cultivate gratitude for the people in our lives. We deepen our total acceptance of who they are, the most potent gift. We can give another human being is to say I accept you. in doing so. We dissolve the differences that separate us from one another and open a way to a deeper connection to alignment and energy.
That, my friends, is to love and grace manifested by expressing heartfelt gratitude for our loved ones. We enable our bonds to flourish. We connect with what truly matters. So let us breathe now. Embrace de pâques wisdom and open ourselves to how gratitude can bring us together. Deepak Chopra
We've been talking about Grace as a verb instead of a noun. It seeks us out and gives us what we need the most right this minute.
Put every relationship needs is the touch of Grace? Which is triggered when you show gratitude to the other person. Gratitude is magical as it dissolves resentments and removes obstacles. But the magic comes down to a basic fact to have a fulfilling relationship. You have to relate. There is an unbroken back and forth between you and the one you love.
The things you give and the items you receive in the life of the relationship you share. Giving is most potent at the emotional level if you give appreciation and thanks to your partner. Your words are metabolized in the brain through chemical changes that benefit both of you. The world's wisdom traditions have always known that The Giver helps just as much as the receiver.
Please think of the difference it makes when someone is thankful that you are in their life. It suits the heart and nips Petty grievances in the bud before they have a chance to harm. Relationships flourish when we can offer ourselves to one another with unlimited love, compassion, kindness, and understanding. This ideal is impossible to reach without expanded awareness. Our desires and ego needs stand in the way, but your true self knows better.
Grace accomplishes what the ego cannot. You aren't lowering yourself when you give you open instead to infinite awareness, which can achieve anything. on the other hand, when you stopped giving and receiving, the flow of Grace is constricted like water forced to run through a narrow pipe. Grace can keep the flow open even when you're anxious and doubt that your relationship is as perfect as you once dreamed.
Be grateful Here and Now. Don't indulge in the illusion of an old dream. The real potential is waiting to be awakened. When you allow yourself to be grateful, you form a bond with your partner to separate. This is how relationships in whether any difficulties when to our one.
As we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. Gratitude flows in loving relationship gratitude flows in a loving relationship. Now let's prepare for our vegetation.
Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Begin to be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. Now gently introduce the Mantra Namaste. This Mantra means I recognize my true Essence in every soul I meet.
This recognition is a wave of love and grace. As you repeat the Mantra, let your heart open and feel this love honoring the Divinity in everyone. Repeat silently to yourself. Namaste Namaste Namaste, with each repetition, peels your Body, Mind, and Spirit open and received just a little more.
Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra. Namaste Namaste Namaste, please continue with your meditation. I'll mind when it's time to end you'll hear me ring a soft bell.
Namaste namaste namaste
It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.
As you continue with your day, contemplate today's thought. gratitude flows in loving relationship gratitude flows in a loving relationship
Noa Mustang
Deepak Chopra Meditation Script:
Task 11: Guided Meditation Gratitude
Nature's Generosity is Waiting
Introduction by Opera Winfrey The Path to Grace is Within You gratitude meditation script
Welcome. It's day 11 of our meditation experience already, and I wonder how are you sensing? How life broadens when you expand your awareness through gratitude. Are you noticing how gratitude, when experienced and expressed from the purest part of you, comes back to you in bigger and more unexpected ways? Well, that is no coincidence. The more we open up in gratitude, the more benevolently the universe responds.
And Deepak is going to show us the generosity of that law is always there in nature, patiently awaiting us to see it. Just as every flower blooms in, every tree sprouts new leaves. We see how nature creates its cycle of abundance when we open and are grateful for the bounty in every moment. So the universe is infinite abundance is here for us always. There is no greater comfort and to know and believe this to be true. So let's relax into that comfort as Deepak leads us deeper, and then as always, we will sit in silence and let it fill us.
Deepak Chopra, in a moment of Grace, you feel safe and Worthy. An atmosphere of love is all around you. These privileged moments are beautiful. But if we look beyond the moment, nature is infinitely generous.
You are supported all the time because you are unique in the cosmic scheme. No One Like You has ever existed, and you cannot be replaced. It takes growth to see this truth and to own it. Every time we meditate, we take one more step toward this goal. But this isn't the kind of fulfillment you must postpone. You can live right now with the perspective. So that nature is supporting you.
Abundance and generosity filled the natural world. The only separation is the one we impose through our old conditioning and our born beliefs. The more we appreciate, the more generous nature is toward us. Feeling unworthy or victimized. These are the symptoms of contracted awareness.
Become like someone standing in the river but only able to drink from a thimble. If you recognize limitations in your situation, it's good to take active steps to better it. But the holistic way to expand awareness isn't by attacking one issue at a time. Instead, meditation gives you expanded awareness all at once.
After you open your eyes and go back to your daily routine, some of this expansion lingers. More and more will remain with you over time. But even after the first day, your cells are beginning to function better, down to the level of your genes. This is a tangible sign that expanded awareness is passive. It opens you to the generosity of nature. That is your Birthright expanded awareness is what's normal.
And awareness Contracting from fear and doubt is what's abnormal even though we have all experienced it. The reason is that nature is generous. Is that constant replenishment keeps life growing and growing? Without a flow of Life, a rosebud can't open into bloom. and neither can a human being
Once you see how necessary this is to be more generous in your own life, giving isn't a loss anymore. It's the passing on of a gift that will always be renewed. Expanding on the inside gets reflected as greater success on the outside. Gratitude effortlessly links these two domains of life, the inner and the outer.
As we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. The more grateful I am, the more my life is supported. The more grateful I am, the more my life is supported. Now let's prepare for meditation.
Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Begin to be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. now gently introduce the Mantra Burnham tada
This Mantra affirms that nature is inherently full, abundant, and complete. As you repeat the Mantra, feel that abundance as unconditional Grace showering blessings on every aspect of your life. Repeat silently to yourself or numb. Adhara.
For Nam da, feel your Body, Mind, and Spirit open and receive just a little more with each repetition. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.
For Nam Poonam, please continue with your meditation. I'll mind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell. Oh, poor Nam da
poor Nam da
It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes. as you continue with your day, contemplate today's thought.
The more grateful I am, the more my life is supported. The more grateful I am, the more my life is sustained. The more grateful I am, the more my life is sustained.
Task 12: Guided Morning Meditations
Gratefulness For Your Tantric Energy
Deepak Chopra Meditation Script:
Welcome to day 12. loving with gratitude. Marianne Williamson teaches us that there are only two emotions in life love and fear. When we open ourselves to feeling and expressing love from gratitude, something miraculous happens fear starts to melt away. Love is one of life's greatest teachers. Through love, we experience Joy, acceptance, and freedom. You realize that gratitude is not so much about how someone else receives a response to it.
It's about you connecting with the truest expression of yourself. whWhenou chooses to love everything and everybody around you, you send a clear message to the universe. My love transcends fear. —anger rejection. I love you and those who've hurt me because they're the ones who need it the most. I'm thankful for every experience, good or bad, and for how it shaped me into the person I am today. Loving fearlessly through gratitude is one of the most courageous things a human being can do so, let's breathe into loving with gratitude and no fear.
Deepak's going to guide still exceptional place. And then we will meditate. Grace has been connected to Divine love in every wisdom tradition.
Sages and spiritual guides teach us that Divine love doesn't have to be deserved. To a modern person, this seems unreasonable because most of us love what's good in our lives and withdraw when we are displeased. God or whatever name we apply to a higher power seems to love imperfect people too.
This is a central part of Grace. The reason is that Grace isn't a choice whether or not we believe in a higher power Grace exists in the infinite field of Consciousness. It is the supporting principle behind everything in nature. In our lives, Priya's we are to think and act in any way we choose without nature support bodies couldn't exist for more than a few minutes.
Spiritually this support has been called Divine love. You don't have to believe in the Divine to accept a fundamental idea here. Love is already part of your awareness. You can choose to express it or not to give only a little love or a lot. If you choose to give a lot, something magical happens.
You become more of who you are. This is one of the most positive aspects of love and the most frightening for many people. They hold back from expressing love because they are afraid of being rejected seeming needy, and a week or exposing their insecurities and vulnerability. But nothing stops us from silently giving thanks for love in our lives.
This act of gratitude gladdens the heart and awakens the grace in our lives. Love is active when it is expressed, but its power can be silent, too. We all know people who love us but can rarely find the words for it. No matter we still know what's in their hearts. Also, gratitude simplifies Love by removing the mother's helpless love, which is filled with appreciation for her child and is the template for merging love and gratitude. The Gratitude we feel for the people we love is a recognition of the unity we share with them. Love means overcoming the feeling of Separation. It brings a sense of completion. That's denied to the ego.
So if you take a moment to say either silently or to someone you love, thank you for sharing this life with such love. Know that the two of you are connected at the deepest level. So very Grace unites us all as we prepare to meditate together. So let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. Now is the truest sign of Grace in my life.
Love is the truest sign of Grace in my life. Now. Let's prepare for meditation. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.
No gently introduce the Mantra from Prema. This Mantra means my true Essence is divine. Love as you repeat the Mantra. Let your heart open and feel pure love blow through all your relationships and into every part of your life. Repeat it silently to yourself.
Prema with this repetition Celia's Body Mind and Spirit open and receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.
Prema, please continue with your meditation. I'll bind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell. Prema
It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes. as you continue with your day, contemplate this entering thought love is the truest sign of Grace in my life. Now is the truest sign of Grace.
Love is the truest sign of Grace in my life. I mistake.
Task 13: Guided Gratitude Meditation Youtube
Day 13 Guided Meditation Gratitude
Gratefulness For Your Conscious-Mind
Is a vital Catalyst for the soul-filling meaningful success we all seek as we've already learned. We cannot attract more into our lives without first truly appreciating what we already have.
Welcome to day 13 succeeding through gratitude. many of us have the belief that success only comes with sacrifice, which isn't what the universe wants for us. The universe is standing by ready to fill your life with blood.
when you feel your life is blessed the blessings multiply that is a law of nature your being here means you are worthy of all the riches life has to offer which I know for sure. Is that when you are grateful and when you believe you are worthy you will attract unimaginable abundance into your life. So recognized
Worth radiate your gratitude for it and thanks from the depth of your being and just watch how quickly success starts to line up for you. Let's take a deep breath and like always we're going to sit with the Stillness. And not often does the success gets connected to Greece. But in truth, they're intimately linked success cannot be defined through external sites. More money status positions of power can be very empty and isolating success comes from inner fulfillment, and with every step of fulfillment comes to a desire for more grace.
Infinitely abundant it waits to be asked for more so that you can give this is the link which suggests that Society over the desire for war is natural to life which constantly grows from the Viewpoint of Grace, which can give infinitely your life should be a rising heart of abundance
what saves us from greed and selfishness is to take every gift with humility and gratitude. This isn't on how to do that comes easily to be illegal, but you have learned through your meditations how to express tank from your true self contrary to what many believe it's not spiritual to shun.
this is improved that you're more pure and holy than the next person external rewards can be a sign that you're connected to your source. Which one's the best possible life for you. What we want to avoid is the ego stepping him and claiming to be the source of the good things in our lives in The Wider picture. Grace is always the source of abundance, not the ego selfish anxious struggle.
the difference comes down to fulfillment if any good thing comes to you and you want to grab it hold it and feel triumphant. That's your ego If instead, you feel gratitude and warmth of the heart. That's great the source of success that lasts a lifetime. Ego gratification is temporary. once in pain the only tactic the ego nose is to ask for more and more and more to fill this emptiness without external stimulation. The ego deals completely Hollow gratitude aligns your attention to the support of nature. You accept a deeper truth. That success has always been present.
All that happens on the surface is an unfolding of what was there beneath the surface waiting to be expressed this kind of gratitude that connects you to your source is life-sustaining. It allows you to experience life, That is the rising heart You're after. as we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought.
I find a treasure chest in fulfillment. I find success in Inner fulfillment now. Let's prepare for a magician to make yourself comfortable and close your eyes begin to be aware of your breath and just breathe slowly and deeply with each breath allow yourself to become both deeply relaxed.
No, Jim came to do this using the mantra kleem shree.
This Mantra attracts success and divine support into our lives and you repeat the Mantra peel all the qualities of success support your mind body and spirit repeating silently to Yourself clean shrimp.
With this repetition feel your body Mind and spirit open and receive just a little more whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts noises physical Sensations. Simply return your attention silently you beating me.
Please continue the time and when it's time to eat.
It's time to release the month continue to suppress inhaling and exhale when you feel ready. You can open your eyes. As you continue with the day contemplating thought I find a treasure chest in a fulfillment.
I find true success in Inner fulfillment. I find true success in Inner fulfillment.
Task 14: Guided Meditations
Day 14 Morning Meditation Youtube
Gratefulness For Your Wealth
Welcome to day 14, the end of week two of our 21-day meditation experience. Deepak and I want to thank you for going deeper into this meditation journey with us in the spirit of gratitude. Today we're going to explore the intrinsic connection between gratitude and compassion and how compassion starts to change your experience. And the world compassion is the key to recognizing and honoring what links us together. Knowing that because you are human and I am human, we are more alike than we could ever be different.
When you judge another human being, you deny the connection that ties us all. We are all human beings. When you refrain from judgment when you choose compassion and only judge favorably, you activate your Grace. You become a conduit for peace and understanding and happiness from a place of gratitude. Our hearts softened compassion becomes a natural way of being through our human connection with others. We generate a Collective Strength.
That creates Miracles. So let's today make space in our hearts for empathy. Deepak is going to show us the way, and then together, we will meditate. There is a hidden link between gratitude and compassion.
When you feel kindness in your heart, you're compassionate. This quality has been worshipped in Jesus and the Buddha. But at the same time, compassion often feels impossible. We find ourselves feeling judgmental against wrongdoing and the people who commit evil Deeds. Judgment is fueled by a sense of righteousness that the ego enjoys to the fullest.
It's like nothing better than to feel that it's on the right. The problem with judgment is that if you are in the right? You've put someone else in the wrong. So judgment creates a gulf of separation. On the other side of the Gods, the person you judge against is usually judging you just as harshly. Being thankful is the opposite of being judgmental.
When you're thankful for something or someone, you can't be judgmental at the same time. This fact has healing power because if you feel critical and judgmental again, someone, no matter how hard you try, can undermine your judgmental attitude by finding reasons for being thankful that the person is in your life. A simple technique is to visualize the person's face, and once you see it, imagine that you are their father or mother.
Say what you'd like to say to the person but adopt the attitude of a parent. No matter how critical you may want to be, you can't help but be thankful that this person was born. That you can love him or her that you shared the joy of their childhood. Stepping down from the judge's chair brings a complete shift in the attitude.
Task 15: Guided Gratitude Meditations
Day 15 Guided Morning Gratitude Meditations
Gratefulness For Love
Task 16: Morning Meditation
Day 16 Guided Meditation Gratitude
Appreciation For Clean Water And Healthy Food
Welcome to day 16, the hidden secret of being. One of my favorite experiences is when I'm flying on a plane. The plane begins to ascend at that moment when we rise over the clouds. And you suddenly see the sun blazing brightly always fills my soul because even with the clouds are blocking all the light. You're standing on the ground. The sun is always there, always shining in constant presence—what a glorious experience in the ordinary Cloud.
moment shoes to something wondrous and awe-inspiring and enlightening. So, I always pay attention to that moment on the plane. It reminds me that we always have the potential to live with a deep sense of amazement and thankfulness. The source of everything, all that is is there all the time, just waiting for us to connect the Secret of being lives. When you break through your clouds, the clouds block light, love, and warmth from killing your spirit. I sometimes call that an aha moment. It's almost like you are Awakening to a truth you already knew you've always known. So that's why it feels like ah suddenly you realize Right. So this is what life is. So this is Cole, safe, powerful, and you feel like you're home.
SD pump will show us. Grace brings you back to who you are. And then will meditate.
The deepest secrets can be hidden behind the simplest things. Nothing is simpler than being here.
To mean to exist sounds like a blank slate. What is there to be thankful for inside? Everyone's existence is the most wonderful gift, love truth, and Beauty. These are hidden from view when your awareness is constricted and narrow. They reveal themselves when your awareness has expanded into gratitude awareness. Everyone has had an experience of suddenly feeling that the moment has opened up, blurring into something awe-inspiring psychology is called. These are uncanny feelings because they are living without anything to cause them.
Out of the blue, you feel free and bounded, Blissful and awestruck such moments May last only a short time, but to the poet Wordsworth they point to a higher reality. That reality is more real than the world of appearances, and we come from it, as Wordsworth says, streaming clouds of Glory.
In other words, we bring Divine Consciousness into our lives from the first day. Knowing this, one is naturally filled with thankfulness. Whenever you are out in nature and appreciate its beauty in peace. Your Consciousness is opening and expanding the outward picture. Gazing at a gorgeous sunset communing with the forest walking across the glacier has no quality of wonder. Beauty, until you create your Consciousness, is the trustworthy source of all and wonder.
These are qualities of your awareness. So Grace is only bringing you back to who you are. That's the hidden secret about existence as race deepens. We can expand into a true sense of our being. This expansion takes us out of the small ego and surfs with these worries, insecurity, and mundane concerns into a self that feels complete.
And hook into the world to experience complete Freedom. But, first, you must be free within yourself. In our meditations, we are free in this way, unbounded and unconcerned, centered and at peace. With practice, you can carry this feeling into your daily life more and more step-by-step you begin identifying with your higher self. No matter what situation you find yourself in.
This is life's incompleteness and wholeness. That is alive and dynamic. When you are free, you won't recognize the person you were in the past. The transformation happens simply by being here. The only change is that you allowed your awareness to expand, which it has wanted to do all along.
As we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought every day. My being seeks new ways to expand. Every day my being seeks new ways to expand now. So let's prepare for meditation, make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes.
Be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. Now gently introduce the Mantra and then touch the swab power. This Mantra means my true self has no limits or boundaries. As you repeat the Mantra feel the expansive unbounded nature of your embracing life with gratitude repeated silently to yourself.
Swab swab with each repetition peel your Body, Mind, and Spirit open, and receive just a little more. Then, whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.
Anantha swaps our another God swab. Please continue with your meditation. I'll mind when it's time to end you'll hear me ring a soft bell: Ananth, a swamp.
another swap our another
It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.
As you continue with your day, contemplate today's thought every day, my being seeks new ways to expand. Every day my being seeks new ways to expand. Every day my being seeks new ways to expand.
Task 17: Morning Meditations
Day 17 Guided Gratitude Meditations Script
Welcome to day 17, making Grace a way of life. What a good day. This is the day we begin to fully manifest the power of gratitude. We Begin transforming appreciation from a feeling we pursue to a way of moving through the world. When you come from gratitude, you do unleash a flow of trust authenticity, and openness.
So what we want to do is Embrace this goodness and embody Grace when you take full responsibility for manifesting race in your life. You naturally own both the good and the bad of every moment, every decision. You become the master of your fate, the captain of your soul. You are the author of your own story, and you can make it magnificent. With every life-enhancing decision, Grace gets easier and flows.
It's so simple. It feels like all the power of the universe starts to rise to join you, and it is just waiting. So let's open our hearts even wider, listen to d-box wisdom, and then, like always, we're going to meditate. You lie.
We have reached the stage of building a life around Grace. This is a tremendous difference from most people's daily life where Grace plays little or no part. Living in a state of grace means taking gratitude from a feeling to a way of being in the world. You no longer question the value of trust. Now surrender and faith.
Because you have tested them and made them your own before the state of race has ripened completely. However, a moment of Grace or a feeling of gratitude and be fleeting. To make it last and become a way of life requires that we establish new habits. The conditioning from our past based on negativity struggle and judgment needs to be worked on.
This work inside becomes a joy because you can feel that each step brings more happiness and fulfillment. You feel free as you become who you are beneath the layers of habit and all conditioning. Yet, all this time, Grace stands beside you. It never changes, even as we do.
It's important to realize the constancy of Grace. When we feel that life isn't working out exactly how we wanted to, it's easy to project our frustration and blame God or Spirit or the soul for letting us down in a way. This is like a child scraping. Its knee and blames his mother, who had nothing to do with it. We are responsible for our own life stories. The responsibility grows when you decide to take charge of your story, not blaming, projecting, or depending on someone else.
Giving away the responsibility gives way to your control over the one thing that should and must belong to you alone. By taking control, you also claim rights to the joy and Bliss of your story. The rewards of a life lived in breath in Grace the heart sings. Light is infused into every experience. This takes time to become your reality.
But the possibility is open to everyone. Everything you want to achieve already exists in your being, waiting for the hidden key to be turned. The past isn't arduous. The practice of gratitude is the spiritual part of the heart. One experience of Joy leads to the next in time. The heart has space for nothing but love and light.
As we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. Chris is perfect. Even when my life isn't. Chris is perfect. Even when my life isn't. Now let's prepare for meditation, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, begin to be aware of your breath, and just breathe slowly and deeply.
With each breath allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. Now gently introduce the Mantra breath. Mhm. This Mantra means. I'm the Consciousness that accepts life with wisdom. This is a state of choiceless awareness that affirms life as it is now as you repeat the Mantra. Feel that abundance as unconditional Grace showering blessings on every aspect of your life.
Repeated silently to yourself. Flotsam with each repetition, feel your Body, Mind, and Spirit open, and received just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.
Um, um breath, um, Please continue with your meditation. I'll mind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft Bell. breath, um breath, am
It's time to release the mantra.
Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly when you feel ready. Then, we can open our eyes. as you continue with your day, contemplate today's thoughts. Chris is perfect even when my life isn't.
Perfect, even when my life isn't Grace is perfect even when my life isn't.
Gratefulness For Honest Words
Opera Winfrey script: "Welcome to day 17 making Grace a way of life.
What a good day. This is the day we begin to fully manifest the power of gratitude. We Begin transforming gratitude from a feeling we pursue to a way of moving through the world. When you come from gratitude, you unleash a flow of trust authenticity and openness. So what we want to do is Embrace this goodness and embody Grace. When you take full responsibility for manifesting race in your life, you naturally own both the good and the bad of every moment, every decision. You become the master of your fate, the captain of your soul. You are the author of your own story, and you can make it magnificent. With every life-enhancing decision, grace gets easier and flows. It's so simple. It feels like all the power of the universe starts to rise to join you and is just waiting. So let's open our hearts even wider. Listen to t-box wisdom, and then like always, we're going to meditate." Deepak Chopra script: "We have reached the stage of building a life around Grace. This is a tremendous difference from most people's daily life where Grace plays little or no part. Living in a state of grace means taking gratitude from a feeling to a way of being in the world. You no longer question the value of trust. Now surrender and faith. Because you have tested them and made them your own. Before the state of Grace has ripened completely. However, a moment of Grace or a feeling of gratitude and fleeting to make it last and become a way of life requires establishing new habits. The conditioning from our past based on negativity struggle and judgment needs to be worked on. This work inside becomes a joy because you can feel that each step brings more happiness and fulfillment. You feel free as you become who you are beneath the layers of habit and all conditioning. All this time, Grace stands beside you. It never changes, even as we do. It's important to realize the constancy of Grace. When we feel that life isn't working out exactly how we wanted to, it's easy to project our frustration and blame God or Spirit or the soul for letting us down. In a way, this is like a child scraping their knee, and blaming his mother, who had nothing to do with it. We are responsible for our own life stories, and the responsibility grows. When you decide to take charge of your story, not naming projecting or depending on someone's health. Giving away the responsibility gives way to your control over the one thing that should and must belong to you alone. byByaking control. You also claim rights to the joy and Bliss of your story. The rewards of a life lived in Grace in Grace the heart sings. Light is infused into every experience. This takes time to become your reality. But the possibility is open to everyone. Everything you want to achieve already exists in your being. Waiting for the hidden key to be turned on the path isn't arduous. The practice of gratitude is the spiritual part of the heart. One experience of Joy leads to the next in time. The heart has space for nothing but love and light as we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. Life is perfect. Even when my life isn't, now let's prepare for meditation. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Begin to be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply. Lee, with each breath, allows you to become more deeply relaxed. Now gently introduce the Mantra breath. Mhm. This month means I'm the Consciousness that accepts life with wisdom. This is a state of choiceless awareness that affirms life as it is at this moment. As you repeat the Mantra, Apartments as unconditional Grace showering blessings on every aspect of your life. Repeat silently to yourself. Flotsam, with each repetition, feel your Body, Mind, and spirit open and receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra. Um, them breathe, um Please continue with your meditation. I'll bind the time and when it's time to come back. You'll hear me ring a soft bell. Breath, om, om, om. It's time to release the Mantra and continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes. as you continue with your day, contemplate today's thought:
Life is perfect. Even when my life isn't. Life is perfect, even when my life isn't. Life is perfect, even when my life isn't."
Task 18: Morning Gratitude Meditations
Day 18 Morning Gratitude Meditations
Gratefulness For Oxygen
Opera Winfrey script:
"Albert Einstein was the most brilliant physicist the world has ever known. Through his science. He understood the true Mysteries of the universe. And I believe he's one of the great spiritual teachers also. the secret of life, according to Albert Einstein. I love what he says. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is a miracle. Welcome today 18 the rewards of the higher self. There is more than one way to experience the world. We can operate from ego and limit our perspectives of the world of the five senses. That ultimately may not provide the deep fulfillment that life has to offer. Instead, we can seek to access our higher selves. When we can fully unlock the Divinity and Grace of the universe. Here are you, the real you are? Spirit is infinite love. Is infinite grace together in this meditation journey we've come to experience gratitude as the portal to our higher selves? from this place of gratitude and grace, we intrinsically have faith. We trust that all will be well. We take the next right step one step at a time. We become one with the divine order of all, and that bakes miracles. So let us take a deep breath and try to tap into our higher selves into the Stillness. Let's meditate." Deepak Chopra script: "We've mentioned the highest self, and the truth has several times. They are the same assessment that goes beyond the ego. some traditions called this the soul, but we shouldn't get caught up in terminology. The important question is how to contact the higher self and take advantage of it. The higher self is nowhere but right here. A mistake is being made when we separate the lore or ego-self from the higher spiritual self. Your ego and your higher self behave differently, but they are intimately connected. The lawyers have Dominus When you believe first and foremost in the material world. the highest of dominance when you believe first and foremost in consciousness you are in ego when you focus on all the needs and demands of I, me, and mine. This isn't a bad thing. It's just one level of participating in the world. It's the story of a single isolated individual trying to survive and get ahead. Good in your higher self when you focus on self-awareness and the expansion of your being. then your stories about the things we've discussed, gratitude, grace, love, and truth. the life of the ego comes naturally. We've all learned how to look after ourselves. the life of the Soul or higher self also comes naturally. but the way is blocked by a lack of knowledge and experience. now you've got the knowledge and had the experience in our meditations together. gratitude has begun to liberate your awareness and relieve you of the ego's demands and struggles. You are ready to test the rewards of a different way of living your story. When you shift your focus to the higher self, it lifts you above the drama. approaching difficulties with the generosity of spirit keeps you from being lost in victimization, depression, or self-pity. gratitude Keeps Us humble about the limitations of our knowledge of the future. Don't we know the long-term outcome of any situation? Realizing this opens the way to surrender in an attitude of trust. Do rewards of the highest self don't appear all at once? imagine that the entire spiritual journey is a 10-mile Highway that stretches out before you with beautiful Vistas and profound experiences in-store. Perhaps you are only a mile down the road or two months or three the beauty of knowing the whole path. is that it allows you to Envision all 10 miles. Everyone's journey goes from doubt to certainty. each step is guided by what you know and what you've experienced. You are building a self and a life story along the way. but for each of us despite our differences and something to share. a vision of the possibilities that are waiting to be awakened inside us. once this Vision has been done, your natural response is complete thankfulness and deeper Trust. As we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. My higher self is with me all the time. My higher self is with me all the time. now let's prepare for meditation, make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes. Be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. now gently introduce the mantra Sanatana this month, which means I experienced myself as ever-present. As you repeat the Mantra feel the Continuum of your Consciousness as an eternal present. Repeat it silently to yourself. So not to know. Not enough. Not tonight. with this repetition, Billy a Body Mind, and Spirit open and receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra. So not enough. It's not enough. Not enough. Please continue with your meditation. I'll mind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell. so not to know. Not enough. Not enough. This is Albert. a letter What is this? this liberty this look at this. It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes. as you continue with your day, contemplate today's thought:
My higher self is with me all the time. My higher self is with me all the time. the higher self is with me all the time. namaste."
Task 19: Morning Gratitude Meditations
Day 19 Morning Gratitude Meditations
Gratefulness For Vision
Welcome to day 19, the path to Total Transformation, during a challenging moment in my life, barely able to speak in between tears of Despair. So I called my beloved Mentor. Dr. Maya Angelou is looking for comfort. And a little sympathy to I must admit.
And amid my Tears rather than consoling me. She interrupted me and said in a way that only she could stop it. Stop your crying right now and say thank you. And I said, why would I say thank you for this. Say thank you because God has put a rainbow in every cloud, and the rainbow is coming say thank you, even though you can't see it because it's already there.
So that was my friend's and the ultimate moment of both gratitude and Grace from Maya Angelou. I learned it is the path for almost any Darkness, the light of your Rainbow. Your appreciation and Grace can transform any experience for you and transform any expertise for someone else as dr. Angelou also says to prepare
So you can be a rainbow in somebody else's Cloud. Somebody who may not look like you may not dance your dances or speak your language. But be a blessing to somebody. She said: Well, there is such Grace. Just in those words. Such Grace.
Deepak and I are grateful to meditate with you right now. Change is natural, and we all want to move in a positive direction.
The path to transformation pulls out an inspiring promise. By embracing life every day with openness, we can recognize the support that arises to meet all the challenges life brings. But manifesting Grace involves inner growth, which takes time. So how should you live your life while you're on the path? It's easy to feel grateful when life is going. Well, yet not every day is like that.
Most days are a mixture of positive and negative situations, emotions, and feedback from your environment at home and work. To get through these trying moments. You need to be prepared. You wouldn't show up to build a house without tools, and the same is true when building your transformation. So we need two tools with us on the path knowledge and experience.
Knowledge gives you a vision of the bigger picture that you can trust. Experience validates that the knowledge is true on the one hand. On the other hand, you know that your higher self is carefully and precisely organizing your life, weaving together both the light and the dark aspects. As you experience different ways in which seemingly random events aren't random but happened for a reason, you validate this knowledge, and then it becomes real for you.
Link to this is the understanding that life is wholeness. This gets us out of the mindset of Separation, where everything is light against dark could come against Bad us against them, whoever they happen to be. Getting Beyond opposites is important not so that you give up and let the darkness creep.
But so that you stop being stuck in conflict. To be in the light, you must open yourself to it. Different from constantly struggling against the darkness on the path. Gratitude is like a flashlight in a Dark Forest. It doesn't matter if the night extends for miles in every direction. All that matters is the next step you see ahead of you.
You can start on the path Wherever You are. Everyone is in the position to say yes. This situation is complex. Still, I'm grateful for having a higher self that can find a solution. This acknowledges that you're being guided. But let it guide you inside you. in his poem The GuestHouse room. He speaks of treating all our daily experiences, good or bad, as honored guests.
Welcome and entertain them all. Even if a crowd of Thoreau violently sweeps your house empty of its furniture Still treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out or some new tonight. when we achieve even more knowledge and experience, complaints are transformed into delight and wonder
Gloom changes to Joy as we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. My inner light is guiding me. My inner light is guiding me. Now let's prepare for meditation, make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes.
Be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. Now gently introduce the Mantra Atma Prakash. This Mantra means my true self shines with its light. As you repeat the Mantra, See and feel the strength of your being guiding Your Way Forward.
Repeat it silently to yourself. Prakash Prakash Gotcha. With each repetition, feel your Body, Mind, and Spirit. Open and receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises, or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the Mantra: Prakashan Prakashan.
Precaution Please continue with your meditation. I'll mind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell. Ah, Prakash Prakash Mahatma Prakashan
It's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.
As you continue with your day, contemplate today's thought:
My inner light is guiding me. My inner light is guiding me. My inner light is guiding me. Namaste.
Task 20: Morning Gratitude Meditation Youtube
Day 20 Morning Gratitude Meditations
Welcome to day 20 of our meditation experience. The highest love is Grace today. We begin to experience the purest, most essential energy of love,e which begins with gratitude and transforms into Grace because you are here on the planet Earth. You are loved. Because you matter. You are an essential part of all. There is an all that got us here. You are one with the source of creation simply because you are here on Earth that my friends are the truest of loves enduring Everlasting, infinite love. And when you can connect with that core truth. It's like drawing water from a dwell that never runs dry when you allow that knowing that abundance to guide you when you open yourself up to the unifying an infinite cycle of sharing. Love you access reciprocity. That is the true manifestation of Grace. As Deepak says, life's given take becomes Bliss. We love life, and life loves us back grace. So simple and profound Deepak will show us the way, and then together, we will meditate.
On the path of gratitude Awareness on fools, you are faced with all the daily choices that everyone has to make. Some are incidental. Like what to have for dinner, others are life-changing, like who to marry your take as a partner? When you're Guided b, ego these choices call upon your resources of thinking feel. DDoyou strives to be competent to make good choices instead of bad choices transformation isn't like this. It's not Guided by how smart,t efficient, talented, or rational you are. Ego plays no part. You rely on the power of gratitude which connects you to grace and the higher self.
There is only so much. You can think or say to transform your life at a certain point, you look to a higher power and ask for support that such moments, gratitude calls upon grace. Grace is considered Divi, but it comes to us in human ways Helen, our hearts open to another person's true self. We feel the same love that's called divine. When Love flows from your true self to your true self, our Consciousness becomes real love. Is our closest experience to the feeling of completeness on the part of gratitude. You transfer the responsibility for love from another person to yourself. This is no small step is the key to transformation. If a child is asked why they'd feel safe and taken care, of it will point to his mother and father. This is how we all learn to give responsibility for love to someone outside ourselves. That's only natural in childhood when we needed love ng secure parenting. Today, looking for love and looking outside yourself is certainly viable, but it's not transformative. You are only transformed when everyone you love is a reflection of the same higher consciousness. This is what India's ancient up and shades mean when they say that all love is directed to the South. They don't mean the ego see, which is isolated and needy, but the shared self which permeates everything. This kind of love is more than an emotion. It is a state of awareness you realize something simple, true, and eternal. You are loved. Not loved by your spouse, your friend,d or anyone outside of yourself, but you are loved simply for being whether we call the state of awareness God-consciousness UnitConsciousnesses solar unconditional love race opens a deeper reciprocal relationship with existence life's give and. take becomes blissful. We love lif,e and life loves us back as we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. I allow love to come to my head. I allow love to come to my head now. Let's prepare for the meditation.
Make yourself comfortable and close you begin. Begin to be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath; allow yourself to become more deeply renewed. Now gently introduce the Mantra, a root beer damnThisy. This Mantra invoked the Divine Light of Grace to fill your life. As you repeat the Mantra peels, the light of Grace entered at the top of your head and transforms every cell of your body every, thought, feeling, and belief in your mind. Repeat it silently to yourself. A root theorem Jyot, a root param cutie a root theorem Duty with each repetition,n feel your body Mind and spirit open and receive just a little
More. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noise,s or physical sensations, return your attention to silently repeating the Mantra:
about perum Jyoti. Groote perum Jyotiartt perum Jyot, \
Please continue with your meditMindn. Mind the time,e and when it's time to en,d you'll hear me ring a soft bell.
But root beer I am. Jyothi. a routebidm course route per Jyoti,
it's time to release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly when you feel ready. You can open your eyes. as you continue with your day, and contemplate today's thoughts. I allow love to come to my head. I allow love to come to my head. I allow love to come to my head. the musty
Gratefulness For Sense of Hearing
Task 21: Deepak Chopra 21-Day Gratitude Meditation
Gratefulness For Intelligence
Day 21 of Morning Gratitude Deepak Chopra
Here we are, friends. We've had three Soul filling weeks together. I thank you for joining deep pocket me on the path to manifest in grace through gratitude. Together we've shared the sacred connection between appreciation and Grayson. That connection creates the foundation for a joyful and awakened life. Today we Elevate that Foundation to the highest level. Welcome to day 21. seeing with Soul's eyes when you are most open and alive, when you accept everyone as they are. When you ease into the moment, feel no resistance when you absorb the beauty all aryoundYouYoue manifested, Grace or in, stead Gracedisplayedsted in you.
Those moments might feel fleeting at first, but the more you practice, the better you get; this is what Deepak shares these states of most extraordinary Clarity, calm, and completeness. Seeing with the Eye Of the Soul allows you to unmask beauty and truth and everything. That is real. You are awakened to Life's perfection in every moment the blessings flow. So let's go there right now.
Every spiritual tradition has prayers of Thanksgiving to the Creator. in a secular world, this attitude has fallen away.
In this place, We demand a good experience, the kind that convinces us. We believe in something real. Grace leaves hints and clues about what's behind behind behind appearances that we see with the body's eyes. First, there is the realm of spirit, which we see with the eyes of the Soul. in a moment of Grace, you see with the Soul's eyes because you perceive subtle Dimensions where truth, beauty, and love are undeniable. These experiences come from your Source. Then we feel the Ecstasy of our being.
Beard running by an irresistible pull, the Mystic poet Rumi expresses such a moment that is happening this very instant. I have discovered love how marvelous, how good, how beautiful it is. So I offer my salutation to the spirit of passion that aroused and excited this whole universe and all it contains.
This is the highest state of Gladden's heart when mind and body almost burst with rapture. In India, it is sometimes called being mad for God. Still, in reality, this is the highest sanity because perception has become apparent. The more we see the world this way, permeated by the light, the more we offer. Thanks.
All gratitude is ultimately spiritual. The only difference is how you see the light and know that someone is as visible as sunlight or an incandescent bulb. But the Soul's eyes, not keys, do not know ch is the vibrancy of creation, the presence of love, and the beauty of nature, Chinese in all things.
You know, in meditations, we perceive silence, peace, and the purity of our being. When you keep up your practice, your perception of these things becomes more apparent. And soon, you start to see even outside meditation. Of course, the highest level of perception is to see the light at all times. At that point, everything falls fallen away, and whatever is left must be accurate.
As we prepare to meditate together. Let's take a moment to consider our centering thought. My soul sees only light everywhere. My soul sees only light everywhere. Now let's prepare for meditation. Make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes.
Be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply with each breath. Allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed. Now gently introduce the Mantra to him, Eva Salva. This Mantra means my true self is everything I hold dear spirit is my mother father friend lover wisdom: joy and abundance.
As you repeat the Mantra feel these connections to the universe in your heart as something personal and intimate. Repeat it silently to yourself. Eva 32mm Eva to him Eva service with this reputation feel your body Mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.
Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts or noise, return your attention to silently repeating the mantra. To him Eva service to am Eva service to him Eva server Please continue with your meditation. I'll mind the time, and when it's time to end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell.
12 Eva Eva 12 Eva
It's time to release the mantra.
You are continued to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Then, when you feel ready, you can open your eyes. as you continue with your day, contemplate today's thought:
My soul sees only light everywhere.
My soul sees only light everywhere.
Task 22: Morning Gratefulness For Wisdom
Day 22 Guided Morning Gratitude Meditations
Gratefulness For Wisdom
Task 23: Guided Meditation Gratefulness For Healing
Day 23 Morning Gratitude Meditations
Gratefulness For Healing
Task 24: Morning Gratitude Meditations
Day 24 Guided Morning Gratitude Meditation
Gratefulness For Sex
Task 25: Gratefulness For Enjoyment
Day 25 Morning Gratitude Meditations
Gratefulness For Enjoyment
Task 26: Gratefulness For Vitality
Day 26 Morning Gratitude Meditations
Gratefulness For Vitality
Task 27: Gratefulness For Happiness
Day 27 Morning Gratitude Meditations
Gratefulness For Happiness
Task 28: Morning Gratitude Meditations
Day 28 Evening Guided Meditation
Gratefulness For Sleep
Task 29: Gratefulness For Support
Day 29 Morning Gratitude Meditations
Gratefulness For Support
Task 30: Deepak Chopra Morning Gratitude Meditations
Before you start your meditation, please write a Review for the Vitality4Happiness Abundance Challenge on Google
Please write in your review what your outstanding experience during this journey to living abundantly was:
- Your feelings,
- Observations,
- What has changed,
- Or a description of your learnings.
Your public review is very essential!
The public reviews are building trust for people who are interested to join the next challenge. So if you think, more people would benefit from participating, please support them, by helping them to decide if this program will support them to grow. Certainly, you are aware, that the whole universe is just one holistic organism. So, if one part of it grows, everything grows.
So please be so kind, as to contribute to the universe and share your experience on:
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or in the Comments
🙏Thank you so much!
Vital and happy regards
Day 30 Deepak Chopra Morning Gratitude Guided Meditation
Appreciation For The Experience of Gratitude