Which is available on YouTube:
Meditation is like a special time-out for your mind and body. It helps you relax and focus on your breathing, which can bring a sense of calm and peace. It's a simple practice that can be done anywhere, anytime, and it can make a big difference in how you feel.
Your biggest benefits of this 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation by Great Meditation:
- Relaxation: Meditation can help you relax and de-stress, which is important when things get overwhelming.
- Focus: By paying attention to your breath and body, meditation can improve your focus and concentration.
- Mindfulness: Meditation helps you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, teaching you to be present in the moment.
- Self-compassion: Meditation can teach you to be kind to yourself and accept things as they are, without judgment.
- Emotional regulation: When you practice meditation regularly, you may find that you're better able to handle your emotions in a calm and balanced way.
- Better sleep: Meditation can help you relax before bed, leading to a more restful night's sleep.
Take a comfortable seated position.
If you are in a chair, make sure your legs are.
In front and feet are planted firmly on the floor.
Either way take a moment to adjust your hands
so that they feel balanced and even on either side.
But your spine rolls up.
Feeling it straighten and lengthens.
Rolling your shoulders back,
a little dropping down the shoulder blades.
I'm wearing those shoulders away from your ears.
Tucking the chin under ever since nightly.
Feeling as though the top of your head is being straight.
Put in your hands rest,
however feels good to you,
in your lap.
And when you're ready,
softly close your eyes.
Begin to turn into your breath
Something noticing what it feels like right now.
Engaging? Awesome!
Station feeling at the tip of your nose.
Allow your belly to expand as you breathe in.
Track Position your breath,
be soft and natural breathing at a pace.
It feels good to you.
Unless you observe your breath,
you do so without judgment.
And feet are planted firmly on the floor.
Either way, take a moment to adjust your sit bones.
A balanced and even on either side.
Put your spine roll up.
Feeling it straighten and lengthen.
Perhaps rolling your shoulders back
a little dropping down the shoulder blade.
Lowering the shoulders away from your ears.
Feeling as though the top of your head is,
being pulled up towards the sky.
Running your hands rest,
however feels good to you in your lap.
And when you're ready.
Softly close your eyes.
Begin to tune into your breath.
Simply noticing what it feels like right now.
To expand as you breathe.
In fact, as you read that
let your breath be soft and natural breathing at a pace
it feels good to you.
And as You observe your breath,
you do so without judgment.
Kindness and compassion.
Updating your breath as it is.
Spend a few moments,
simply observing your breath without judgment.
Just letting it be.
Becoming more mindful of your breath.
Also become more mindful,
of your body as a whole.
Just observing what you experience?
Without judging anything, Sensations.
Do you notice your body?
Kindness and compassion,
And compassion as well without getting hung up.
Look for that.
Return to Being a mindful Observer It's noticing whatever is.
Serving Your breath and body.
Without touching yourself for it.
Has he returned your focus to your friend and body?
What is Through the lens?
Accept your next breath in.
Allow yourself to be extra intentional,
really allowing your stomach and rib cage to expand fully.
Holding the breath at the top.
And when you're ready exhale with a sigh.
Notice how it feels,
to your body Without an agenda.
Are you thankful to yourself for doing that?
Allowing yourself to Simply.
Begin to roll your shoulders.
Wiggle your fingers and toes
And when you're ready.
Slowly open your eyes back to the world around you.
Seeing it.
Simply allow,
without judgment as often as you can.
The rest of your day
Overall, meditation is a wonderful tool that can benefit you in many ways, both mentally and physically. Give it a try and see how it can help you feel more calm, focused, and happy.