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Business English Mentoring Introduction

I Love Bali Podcast

Welcome to the introduction to learning business English for Entrepreneurs

Now, we will work together for 5 weeks, or - if you wish - months, or years. I support you in creating not just a successful company. But a company with real meaning, and thus you are becoming a role model yourself: Initially as its founder, the operator, later its manager and leader, and finally just being the owner. Ultimately, I show you how to succeed in the adventure of growing your business in such a way that it creates

A fulfilling and meaningful life

As already mentioned before, during this coaching, we will dive into the

7 Areas of Responsibility of Entrepreneurs

1. Vision and Motive: Build a business with meaning.
2. Strategy and positioning: Attracting customers you love, and who love you, while leaving the competition behind.
3. People: Developing and leading employees, suppliers, and customers to their best performance.
4. Tidy up: Creating a lean, self-learning, and growing enterprise.
5. Implementation and control: Financial success.
6. Personal development: Seeding exponential growth, resolving the most critical bottleneck.
7. Handover to the successor: Creating a sellable or sub-contractable business.

Well, in my home country Germany, being an entrepreneur appears to be the 5th best way to earn money, after a permanent job (preferably as a civil servant), marrying rich, living on social welfare, and donating blood. Things will only change fundamentally when being an entrepreneur becomes the number one career choice for young people. And that will only happen if being an entrepreneur appears attractive and entrepreneurs become great role models. For example Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jack Ma, and Richard Branson.

The Meaning of Your Business

I want you to make a choice. Of course, the choice to build a functioning company, earn real money, and then be proud of it. But above all, the choice to create a company that makes a difference in people's life. And the choice to use your own example to encourage others to take their life into their own hands! Try thinking that far! That you can inspire others through your work! Wouldn't that be awesome?

I want you to make the choice, that at the end of your life, you do not need to say, "Oh, I've been caught in the hamster wheel," but to say, "I've lived a full and meaningful life and inspired others."

Start the coaching program

Most of the tasks at the beginning focus on psychology. The reason for this is simple: In sports, for example, success is 80% psychological and only 20% mechanical.

  • Have you ever wondered why some soccer teams in the Champions League in the first leg with great difficulty can reach a draw?
  • And in the second leg, they simply overwhelm the opponent, who has no chance at all?
  • Can they suddenly run faster?
  • Hit the ball better?
  • Or has the opposing team replaced their team with nothing but beginners?

None of that! It's the same game, the same players, and the same coaches. Only psychology is different. At the absolute top league, a split of 80% psychology and 20% mechanics is rather an understatement! So we start with your psychology. We build patiently the foundation, and then later we come to topics such as strategy, leadership, sales, marketing, etc.

Your commitment ... and mine

During the first 5 weeks, you will receive coaching for entrepreneurs for free. I want to see your commitment. After 5 weeks, the level of your commitment will be increased. Then we will switch to a paid subscription, for the weekly sessions, which will be online on ZOOM.

I believe, employees shall be honored and paid for the results and growth they produce. The same is true for consultants. That's why my honorary for the subsequent subscription will be based on the results and growth of your business. and the honorary will be up to you. So you can be sure about my full commitment.

Example Bonus

I will share individually selected lectures, tailored to your current needs, as a free bonus for the coaching. For example this one:

4 qualities of an entrepreneur

From the sixth coaching session onwards, these work materials will also be a part of the coaching.

Vital and happy regards
Klaus Forster

Your tasks

  1. Get a book with blank or lined pages in a big format. The size is important. Because you can only create reasonably usable mind maps or tables if it has a big size. If it's an exclusive book, even better. Because the more valuable the book is, the more likely it is, that you'll work with it. It is best to print out these coaching units each time and paste them into it. So that you can write your notes on the tasks on the opposite page.
  2. Write the expectations (see task 1 of your preparation for the Introduction class) on the first page of the book.
  3. Write your reasons or motives for these expectations on the second page. The clearer you formulate your motives and reasons, the higher the probability, that you will achieve them.
  4. On the third page, you note your current business situation. Because without knowing your actual location, situation, or starting point, no navigation is possible. And how are you going to know if the coaching program has brought you anything after a few weeks, months, or years?
  5. Register for the next Business English Coaching 002 ZOOM Online Class on Duolingo. Your notes from tasks 2 to 4 will be the reading exercise and the subject of the discussion in the next class. So, be prepared and join it!
  6. Block for the next 5 appointments 2 hours, each at intervals of one week in your calendar. Reserve 2 hours and treat these appointments as if they were appointments with a client, that would bring you money. As you already know, I am German, and I appreciate it if you are on time. And in fact, it is also the case that these appointments will bring you money - just not immediately.
    The important thing is: We will spend 1 hour on ZOOM and you will need approximately another hour for the weekly tasks. We want to work concentrated together to make the best use of our precious time.

PS: Do you think, that blocking 2 hours a week is a lot? For this reason, your next coaching session will be about creating space in your calendar.

Business English Mentoring Introduction
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