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Business English Conversation Class For Entrepreneurs on Duolingo

I Love Bali Podcast

In case you decided to participate in this special Business English Conversation Class For Entrepreneurs:

My congratulations to you!

We will work together for the next few weeks, months, or years. In this Business English Conversation Class For Entrepreneurs, I will help you to develop yourself into an excellent entrepreneur, while you are improving your business English skills. Who knows what to do and how to do it to succeed in an international English-speaking marketplace. I support you in improving your Business English, but a company that succeeds in the adventure of your growing your business by dealing with international customers and suppliers.

Well, in my home country Germany, being an entrepreneur appears to be only the fifth-best way to earn money:

  1. After a permanent job (preferably as a civil servant),
  2. marrying rich,
  3. living on social welfare,
  4. and donating blood.

Things will only change fundamentally when being an entrepreneur becomes the number one career choice for young people. And that will only happen if being an entrepreneur appears attractive. And if being an entrepreneur becomes a great role model. For example Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jack Ma, and Richard Branson.

Why is improving your Business English a must for you?

The English-speaking marketplace is (still) the most important one in the world, even if the Chinese one is picking up rapidly. To play in the global English-speaking market, good Business English skills are fundamental.

I know, that most entrepreneurs find no time for an English class. They worry that it'll take their focus away from business development. You need to make a choice. The choice is, that you what to build an enterprise that has international clients and earns real money. But above all, the choice to create such a company is, that makes a difference in people's life. Wouldn't that be awesome?

I want you to make the choice, that at the end of your life, you do not need to say, "Oh, I've been caught in the hamster wheel," but to say, "I've lived a full and meaningful life and inspired others."

Do you know how many entrepreneurs strategically learn Business English? I suspect it's less than 10 percent! And I would like to tell you another secret. Even if that may sound arrogant: I don't even want the other 90 percent as participants in this Business English Conversation Class. I exclusively want to work with a small elite! And I would now love to welcome you to this coaching!

What Awaits You?

In this Business English Conversation Class, we work on your business development while learning English! The units, used in the classes, are about entrepreneurial tasks, responsibilities, and success factors.

During this Business English Coaching For Entrepreneurs, we will dive into the

7 Areas of Responsibility of Entrepreneurs

1. Vision and Motive: Build a business with a meaning
2. Strategy and positioning: Attracting customers you love, and who love you, while leaving the competition behind
3. People: Developing and leading employees, suppliers, and customers to their best performance
4. Tidy up: Creating a lean, self-learning, and growing enterprise
5. Implementation and control: Financial success
6. Personal development: Seeding exponential growth, resolving the most critical bottleneck
7. Handover to the successor: Creating a sellable, sub-contractable business

Together we will transform your company and your work as an entrepreneur step by step to go aboard. You will receive English training material, with tasks that build on each other every week. I supplement this with concrete questions, checklists, and templates. Over time you will train your Business English and learn about new ways of thinking to develop new habits as an entrepreneur.

Habits are our destiny

Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

 as the Talmud says.

But I want you to think further. It is completely obvious that we are facing major challenges in the international marketplace, due to globalization. A solution from politics is hard to be expected. The only way to a solution is to take this matter into your own hands. As an entrepreneur, you are a prototype of this blueprint.

We need more entrepreneurs like you!

It is specially tailored for native German, Indonesian, Spanish, French, or Dutch self-employed, freelancers, entrepreneurs, founders, and business owners. This improves your entrepreneurial, business, and English skills simultaneously. That's the

No extra time approach!

Working on practical, exciting, and relevant entrepreneurial tasks, makes learning 10 times faster, than from theoretical examples. By participating in this, you don't lose, but you will gain some extra time and money!

Does this suit your level of English skills?

This is an advanced-level English conversation class, for intermediate fluent speakers.

This introduction should be clear to you, after reading or listening to it once. Not every word needs to be understood, but its principal content. And you should be able to answer the questions in the "Your Tasks" section at its end.

No worries, if something is not understandable!

1. All training material comes with translations in German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Indonesian language. You may switch the webpage in your language by tapping on the flags at the top of the page. Translate this training material to
🇵🇱  Bahasa Indonesia | 🇩🇪  Deutsch | 🇫🇷  Français | 🇪🇸 Spañol | 🇳🇱 Nederlands.

2. We read the text for you, to utilize listening as the 2nd modality: To increase learning speed and improve your auditive understanding. Just use the blue [Listen] button on the top left of this page.

If you master business English, You will become a better entrepreneur, and do business development at the same time. If this is your target, this Business English Conversation Class is for you!


These Business English Conversation Classes For Entrepreneurs is a program that builds on one another. It will help you find your way to becoming a fluent speaker and a competent entrepreneur to take your business internationally.

There will be tasks after each session. You may have performed similar tasks before. Still, do these tasks again anyway. At least to check the results. The reason for this is simple: New things are usually rather difficult to implement.

Our established habits, on the other hand, are easy for us. I want you to get into the habit of doing your weekly tasks in these Conversation Classes regularly, and as quickly as possible! We ultimately change by what we do, not by the things we just agree to. Knowledge is only potential power, and it is rather useless if it is not applied. But applied knowledge is wisdom, especially when it became a habit. So, do the tasks to prepare for the classes diligently!

Now, let's begin:

Dates, Schedule, and Location

The time of the weekly recurring classes will be published on my profile in Duolingo (I Putu Klaus 4ster de). The time may be changed so that the schedule suits the time zones of the international visitors best possible. The weekly sessions have this agenda:

  • 5 min: Introduction
  • 10 min: Reading and listening exercise: Participants read their answers to their tasks and preparation questions.
  • 40 min: Conversation practice and coaching about the answers.
  • 5 min: Questions and answers

Block for the next 5 appointments 2 hours each at intervals of one week in your calendar. From now on, these appointments are your most important dates: The Business English Conversation Class dates! Now you have 5 weeks to convince yourself of the quality of this program. After that, we can decide whether we want to work together to prepare your path to becoming an excellent international entrepreneur.


During these 5 weeks, you will participate in the Business English Conversation Class For Entrepreneurs free of charge.

I want to see your commitment, and I want to be honest: I only want to work with people who are fully committed. I don't enjoy working with those who don't care. Because, if you just read this, nothing will change. After 5 weeks, the level of your commitment will be increased. Then we will switch to a paid subscription, for the weekly sessions, which will be ZOOM online classes on Duolingo.

Your Bonuses

Since I want you to make real changes. And I know your time is precious. So, I asked myself: What else is needed in addition to the input and weekly training, through our regular meetings, for you to be successful? And I found an answer! The answer is: Successful entrepreneurs are learning and growing constantly. For this reason:

  1. I will share individually selected English videos, tailored to the current subject, as a free bonus. From the sixth session onwards, additional work materials will also be a part of it.
  2. Your time is your most valuable asset. That's why we read the text for you, to increase your learning speed. And due to that:
  3. All training material comes with translations in German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Indonesian language.
  4. The videos are subtitled in your native language.

About Your Host:

I am a German entrepreneur, business mentor, and philanthropist. For most of my career, I have been working in an English-speaking environment, traveling and living for more than 10 years aboard. Mainly in English-speaking countries.

English is neither my mother tongue, nor I am a certified English teacher. But, you benefit from the Business English skills I gained in more than 30 years of working internally ... even if I still can't get rid of this funny German accent.

As a fallback for your questions, we can speak German, Indonesian, Spanish, or French:

  • Deine Fragen können wir also auch auf Deutsch klären, falls wir mal auf Englisch nicht weiter kommen sollten.
  • Saat ini saya sedang belajar bahasa Indonesia. Jadi jangan ragu untuk menantang saya dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan pertanyaanmu.
  • Hablo un poco español.
  • Je peux comprendre peu le français.

I am passionate to share with you the blessings I received, by supporting you as an entrepreneur to develop your Business English and entrepreneurial skills.

Vital and happy regards
Klaus Forster

Your tasks

  1. Mark 5 appointments at intervals of one week in your calendar. Reserve 2 hours and treat these appointments as if they were appointments with a client that would bring you money. As you already know, I am German, and I appreciate it if you are on time. And in fact, it is also the case that these appointments will bring you money - just not immediately. The important thing is: We spend 1 hour on ZOOM and you will need approximately another hour for the weekly tasks. We want to work concentrated together to make the best use of this precious time.
  2. Get a book with blank or lined pages in a big format. The size is important. Because you can only create reasonably usable mind maps or tables if it has a big size. If it's an exclusive book, even better. Because the more valuable the book is, the more likely it is, that you'll work with it. It is best to print out these Conversation Class units each time and paste them into it. So that you can write your notes on the tasks on the opposite page.
  3. Start formulating your expectations of this Conversation Class program on the first page of the book.
  4. Write your reasons or motives for these expectations on the second page. The clearer you formulate your motives and reasons, the higher the probability, that you will achieve them.
  5. On the third page, you note your current business situation. Because without knowing your actual location, situation, or starting point, no navigation is possible. And how are you going to know if the Conversation Class has brought you anything after a few weeks, months, or years?
  6. Register for the next Introduction Business English Conversation ZOOM Online Class on Duolingo. Your notes from tasks 3 to 5 will be the subject of discussion in the introduction class. So, please be prepared and join it on time!

PS: Do you think, that blocking 2 hours a week is a lot? For this reason, your next lesson will be about creating space in your calendar.

business English for entrepreneurs
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