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How The Deepak Chopra 21 Days of Abundance Challenge Works in the Languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia, Deutsch, Français, Spañol, and NederlandsBahasa IndonesiaDeutschFrançaisSpañolNederlandsItaliano中国人

This is how the abundance challenge works

you can find the content of the abundance challenge in this video.
The moderation in the videos will be in English.
But all of the text on the pages are translated automatically into other languages,
for example, Bahasa Indonesia.
The translations are not perfect, but good understandable.
For the English version you have this:
"21 days of abundance challenge tasks and Deepak Chopra meditations."
And so, if you're lazy to read, you also can listen to it.
This, unfortunately, works only in English.
So, let's go to the video. Let's put that on full screen:
"Good Morning, my dear, and welcome to the abundance challenge"
To turn on the subtitles, that works with this icon in here.
And if the subtitles are turned on, you can switch them to your preferred language,
with the settings icon here.
And now, subtitles are set to English.
And you can choose: "translate automatically",
which is the last option here.
And then, let's say, we put it to "Deutsch",
which is German: "Guten Morgen meine Liebe"
"Did you know, that abundance is your Birthright?
Well if you believe it or not, you're right in both cases!"
Okay, so now you learned how to switch moderation into your language,
so that you can read it in the subtitles.
Let's go back to the page.
You can sign up for the abundance challenge using this button:

Start for free now

And you can either sign up for your email, by filling in this form.
Or by WhatsApp, if you tap on "Join our WhatsApp group".
Join The 21 Days of Abundance WhatsApp Group
Or, if you're on the computer, you just scan this icon
with your QR code scanner of WhatsApp.
After you signed up via email, you will receive an email that looks like this:
Verify your email
"Confirm your email address to start the Vitality4Happiness program."
And there is this verification link.
You just tap on that, and it will show you. Okay.
After that, you will receive a second email:
Your email is verified
At the bottom of each page, you will find the link to confirm that you finish the task of the day.

Confirm that you finished your task of today - Click HERE

And click here.
And that will bring you to your daily meditation.
And today, after your registration,
it will bring you to the page where you can download a gratitude meditation for free.
At the end of each email, you will find the unsubscribe link,
Unsubscribe link
where you can exit the challenge anytime.
After you verify your email, you will receive your first task. So here is:
abundance challenge day 1 email
And if you click on that link, you gonna end at the page:
And once again:
"Deepak Chopra 21 days of abundance meditation challenge tasks."
So you can listen to what is on the page.
You can watch the video for day one.
You can switch it to your language,
for example to German.
Let's switch back to English.
And then, here is something to learn for you.
Some thinking time,
and then it describes the task of the day.
Finally, we do our gratitude practice.
And here, if you click here,

Confirm that you finished your task of today - Click HERE

you come to the video with the meditation of the day.
Here you find all the videos:
- The video in English,
- A video in Bahasa Indonesia,
- Ein video auf Deutsch,
- and a video in French: "Semaine se préparer à la prospérité".

Start for free now

and enjoy the challenge,
and I hope to see you soon as a member.
Deepak Chopra 21-Day Meditation Free Download

New: All tasks and abundance meditations in the Languages:

English, Bahasa Indonesia, Deutsch, Français.

This explains how the Deepak Chopra 21-days-of-abundance meditation challenge works. The challenge is to stay on the ball for 21 days and give yourself 10-15 minutes to yourself every day, even when your everyday life is going haywire. It's not easy, but definitely doable. So many people in my previous challenge groups have proven that.

And you can certainly do it too, provided you really want it! The goal is to have a new, healthy, self-energizing routine in place by the end of those 21 days. This routine gives you a viable and well-deserved retreat, even on stressful days. It enables you to slow down, to find your strength, serenity, and center again. From there, important decisions can be made with confidence on a solid foundation. Life can be enjoyed better and made more valuable as a result.

You will be given a task and a meditation for 21 days

You and all other participants will receive a daily meditation and a task for the day from me via email. You can do this from anywhere, at home, in the office, on vacation, it doesn't matter...

This will help you reflect and understand yourself better. To free yourself from hindering beliefs in order to become an even more conscious person.

The daily meditations are spoken by the warm, kind, and benevolent voice of Deepak Chopra. And the central theme is "Abundance". How we mentally focus on abundance, wealth, and gratitude.

NEW: All 21 Days of Abundance Tasks in

the Languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia, Deutsch, Français, Spañol, and Nederlands!Bahasa IndonesiaDeutschFrançaisSpañolNederlandsItaliano中国人

  1. Deep knowledge of English is no longer mandatory. Since I have participants from all over the world, we prefer to write in English in the comments. But all instructions for the daily tasks are also available in the Languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia, Deutsch, Français, Spañol, and Nederlands.Bahasa IndonesiaDeutschFrançaisSpañolNederlandsItaliano中国人  The texts will be automatically translatedfor you. The translation is not perfect but still well understandable. Simply switch in the language selection at the top of the page to your preferred language.
  2. A high degree of ambition and self-discipline is required. In this group, I only invited handpicked, ambitious people. Self-employed people and entrepreneurs who are willing to step out of their comfort zone in their own interest. And for the duration of the challenge. i.e. 21 days to stay tuned. Each day there is a short meditation and a simple task to be completed within the next 24 hours. I strive for a 100% participation quota among the participants. If you plan to just try it out and leave the group after a few days, then this is not for you!

Many in this group are "repeat offenders." i.e. you have successfully completed a challenge like this before. And have reaped so many benefits for themselves that they want to treat themselves to the experience again.

Deepak Chopra Gratitude Meditation

Based on 37 reviews
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A special kind of experience

In order to take part in this special kind of experience, you don't invest any money, you invest your time and motivation. This is like depositing money into your own account. Everything you do benefits you. The "interest" is considerable. They benefit you and those closest to you. You are completely free when to do the meditation and the task of the day. But you should do them within the next 24 hours after my post. Just do it whenever it suits you best, regardless of the others.

However, participation in this challenge is not entirely non-binding:

Because when you register, you commit yourself to stay in the group and participating until the end!

You will be eternally grateful to me and yourself for that. I can promise you that. It's a bit like being on a spaceship. It's not every day someone jumps out into space when they're fed up. Instead, everyone in the team stays with you and joins in until the mission is successfully completed.

Therefore this challenge is not for everyone. And I fully understand if you decide not to participate after all this information. But if you think:

Yes, that's exactly the right thing for me. I'm in!

Then sign up.

Deepak Chopra Gratitude Meditation

And get your gift:

A free Gratitude Meditation to download as an MP3 Podcast Audiobook as a reward for your registration and preparation:

Happy and vital greetings
Klaus Forster

It starts immediately after you have registered with your email. I will then send you a task every day. And you also get the Deepak Chopra meditation of the day. I look forward to hearing from you!

All meditations of the Create Abundance, or 21 Days of Abundance, are now also available for download in the languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Spañol, and Italiano!

Vitality4Happiness Reviews And References

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

about the Create Abundance Challenge - 21 Days of Abundance in

the Languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia, Deutsch, Français, Spañol, and Nederlands.Bahasa IndonesiaDeutschFrançaisSpañolNederlandsItaliano中国人

When does the Challenge start?

On WhatsApp, it will start on March 1st, 2022. But by email, you can start anytime with your individual start date and task!

Are the 21 Days of Abundance also available on WhatsApp?

Yes, you can sign up here for WhatsApp and it will start on March 1st, 2022. But you can receive Abundance Tasks and Meditations every 21 days by email with your individual start date and task!

Create Abundance - Criticism, and Ratings:

Mona's review

More 21 days of abundance experiences:

Aretha's review

Where can I find all 21 Create Yourself abundance tasks?

21 days of abundance criticism: Is the pyramid scheme dangerous?

Deepak Chopra 21 Day Abundance experiences on Facebook

Where can I find the 21 days of abundance meditations in English, Indonesian, German, and French?

What is the 21 Days of Abundance Pyramid or Snowball scheme?

21 days of abundance experiences on Google

How to start the Deepak Chopra 21 Day Abundance on WhatsApp?

Join The 21 Days of Abundance WhatsApp Group
Or, if you're on the computer, you just scan this icon
with the WhatsApp QR code scanner of your mobile phone.

If the WhatsApp Challenge has already ended, you still can participate via email.

Deepak Chopra Gratitude Meditation

In the Languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia, Deutsch, Français, Spañol, and Nederlands.Bahasa IndonesiaDeutschFrançaisSpañolNederlandsItaliano中国人


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