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🇮🇩 Pronunciation Training Indonesian Syllables

I Love Bali Podcast

Listen and speak aloud the most frequently used Indonesian syllables in this Pronunciation Training.

Match the sound best possible. If you make it to the 30est word "yang", you already covered more than 80% of the most often used syllables of the 100 most frequently spoken Indonesian words!

Then you are ready for exercise:

🇮🇩Pelatihan Pengucapan Suku Kata Bahasa Indonesia

  1. ta
  2. kan
  3. a
  4. An
  5. sa
  6. da
  7. ba
  8. be
  9. di
  10. ke
  11. ma
  12. men
  13. ka
  14. me
  15. se
  16. ber
  17. gan
  18. gi
  19. in
  20. la
  21. mem
  22. nya
  23. pe
  24. per
  25. ri
  26. sar
  27. te
  28. tu
  29. ya
  30. yang
  31. ak
  32. at
  33. bu
  34. den
  35. dia
  36. gu
  37. ha
  38. ing
  39. itu
  40. ja
  41. ker
  42. kit
  43. lah
  44. mu
  45. na
  46. o
  47. pa
  48. pi
  49. ra
  50. re
  51. se
  52. tan
  53. ti
  54. tuk
  55. un
  56. ang
  57. au
  58. bih
  59. bil
  60. ca
  61. cil
  62. co
  63. dak
  64. dan
  65. dang
  66. du
  67. dup
  68. em
  69. er
  70. fak
  71. ga
  72. gai
  73. gal
  74. gam
  75. gil
  76. gin
  77. hal
  78. hat
  79. hi
  80. hir
  81. hu
  82. hun
  83. i
  84. ik
  85. ini
  86. kah
  87. kir
  88. ku
  89. kut
  90. lam
  91. le
  92. leh
  93. li
  94. lik
  95. lom
  96. ming
  97. mor
  98. nak
  99. nar
  100. ni
  101. no
  102. nt
  103. pai
  104. pak
  105. pat
  106. pem
  107. pok
  108. pria
  109. pub
  110. rang
  111. ru
  112. ruk
  113. sam
  114. sen
  115. su
  116. sus
  117. tah
  118. tam
  119. tang
  120. tas
  121. ten
  122. ter
  123. tik
  124. ting
  125. tua
  126. us
  127. wa
  128. wak
  129. wal

Pronunciation Training Indonesian Syllables
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