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How To Treat An Infected Ear And Cure Deafness?

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Welcome to your How To Treat An Infected Ear And Cure Deafness self-healing guided meditation with affirmations to cure hearing problems. Listen online to the

How To Cure Deathness Self-Healing Guided Meditation

to heal deafness, tinnitus, hearing, and other ear problems.

Start your

Self-Healing Guided Meditation

to cure deafness, tinnitus, hearing, and other ear problems.

Find a quiet place and settle down.
Take 3 deep breaths.
And repeat the following affirmations in your mind,
to practice utilizing them on your own.

  • While breathing in, think with vitality:
    "I feel a wonderful peace and serenity with every breath".
  • As you exhale, repeat energetic:
    "I let go of everything and feel a deep peace in me".
  • Inhale deeply with happiness:
    "I feel a wonderful peace and serenity with every breath".
  • Exhale with joy:
    "I let go of everything and feel a deep peace in me".
  • Take another deep breath in, and think gratefully:
    "I feel a wonderful peace and serenity with every breath".
  • As you exhale with gratitude:
    "I let go of everything and feel a deep peace in me".

Now, open your crown chakra, and step out.

And at the same time, connect both parts of your brain,

with your heart chakra, and with the crown chakra.
Enter the holistic way of thinking.
Think with both parts of your brain at the same time.
Integrate the thinking with your heart chakra.
And involve it with the thinking of your crown chakra.
Do all of this simultaneously to enter holistic thinking.
And let your mind step completely out of your body.
Grow beyond yourself.
And arrive at your higher self.
Then, consciously connect your mind to the cosmic energy and information field.
Dive into infinity.
And feel the smooth shift into your higher self.
And to verify that it is happening:
Let the cosmic energy flow into your body.
Allow the cosmic energy to heal you, and consciously feel how healing happens.

Now, follow these affirmations:

  • My positive attitude towards life makes me healthy and happy.
  • This supports my self-actualization.
  • I consciously eat the right thing in the right measure, by eating balanced and moderate food.
  • And this makes me productive and comfortable.
  • I enjoy a healthy, natural, and restful sleep.
  • Due to that, I wake up fresh and in a good mood every morning.
  • So, I can go through the day with joy.
  • And a wonderful feeling of well-being flows through my whole body.
  • It fills every single cell with strength, health, and harmony.
  • I solve the tasks that life gives me calm and relaxed.
  • I carry out my tasks with enthusiasm and achieve every goal.
  • My confidence gives me endurance and strengthens my courage.
  • Thanks to my strength and health, I am independent and free.
  • I gratefully recognize the chance, to shape my life and my future anew every day.
  • My faith gives me strength, self-confidence, and harmony.
  • I am healthy, happy, and secure, in the all-embracing love of the creation.

Let's energize the healing process, and program a neurolinguistic anchor:

  • With a certain voice and a feeling of vitality, speak out loud:
    Once more “Yes!”
    and again "Yes!"
    Experience, how you feel stronger and healthier.
  • And again, say with a joyful voice, and the feeling of happiness:
  • Once more “Yes!”
    and again "Yes!"
    Acknowledge how your positive feelings elevate, each time you do so.
  • Once more, with a praising voice and a feeling of gratitude, whisper the word:
  • Once more “Yes!”
    and again "Yes!"
    And feel the effect of these emotions in every cell of your body.

Do the repetitions in your mind to embody the affirmations,
and to learn, how to do this process on your own.

Now, let's start the healing ear and hearing problems with this

How To Treat An Infected Ear And Cure Deafness Self-Healing Guided Meditation:

Self-Healing Guided Meditation to cure ear hearing problems

Point your middle and ring finger toward your ears.

Or utilize the Shunya Mudra during these affirmations.

Both energizes the healing process of ear problems and hearing problems.


I believe in cosmic energy and I listen inward. My ears can hear whatever sounds they are receptive to. Now, my subconscious mind understands reality, to which I am lovingly open.

My ears are universal and perfect organs of the body. I hear better and better with my ears, and due to that, I clearly understand everything positive, constructive, and affirmative. My ears perceive everything positively and I hear everything completely clear and precise.

My ears reflect my mental calmness, and I am grateful for the stable mental peace. I hear and feel it now and always how cosmic love flows through my ears. The cosmic power invigorates and strengthens my hearing, and my ears are completely free and open. I thank the cosmic power for perfect hearing.

Once again, let the cosmic energy flow into your body.
Allow the cosmic energy to heal you, and feel how healing happens.
Now, consciously, let healing happen in your body.
Experience how good it feels, to be connected to the infinite field of cosmic energy and information.
While you stay connected to it, remember that it is your choice, to remain connected permanently.
Finally, come back into the here and now, while remaining connected to the cosmic energy and information field. Take 3 deep breaths, and think
    • While inhaling gratefully:
      "I can feel my health and vitality."
    • And exhaling with gratitude:
      "I am grateful for my well-being and happiness in life".
    • Happily inhale deeply:
      "I can feel my health and vitality."
    • Exhale with joy:
      "I am grateful for my well-being and happiness in life".
    • Deep in, and with full energy:
      "I can feel my health and vitality."
    • And breath powerful out:
      "I am grateful for my well-being and happiness in life".

Remain to lay down or sit for a while. Give yourself the time you need, and enjoy your well-being and harmony. Believe in the power of this How To Treat An Infected Ear And Cure Deafness Self-Healing Guided Meditation.

Furthermore, embody those affirmations of this Cure Deafness Self-Healing Guided Meditation in your subconscious, to achieve effective success with the affirmations of this meditation.

How To Treat An Infected Ear And Cure Deafness?
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