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Abundance Challenge Day 20 – Task 20: Living Luxury

I Love Bali Podcast

Introduction to the Abundance Challenge Day 20 - Task 20: Living Luxury

Task 20: Abundance Challenge Day 20

Share this link with the members of your challenge!


Thinking time for the Abundance Challenge Day 20:


We are almost at the end, and you did great work. It is time to review it. To focus on the outcome have a look at this post and then come back to this page to continue with task 20:

Apply Your Learnings


Gratitude Practice for Task 20: Living Luxury

Congratulations on the discipline of making it until today!

  1. I am grateful for ..., because ...
  2. I am grateful for ..., because ...
  3. And I am grateful for ..., because ...
  4. Further, I am grateful for ..., because ...
  5. Finally, I am grateful for ..., because ...

I kindly ask you to share 1 thing you are grateful for in the COMMENTS below this article. To share the energy of abundance we got 💕 as a good practice to you! The Abundance Challenge task of today must be done by this time tomorrow!

Your Present: The Living Luxury Meditation

Confirm that you finished your task of today - Click HERE
Confirm that you finished your task of today - Click HERE

Vital and happy regards
Klaus Forster

1 thought on “Abundance Challenge Day 20 – Task 20: Living Luxury

  1. blank

    I am grateful for my skin because it protects my organs and allows me to move through my day with easy.


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Living Luxury
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