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Morning Affirmations With Questions

I Love Bali Podcast

I am powerful, ...

I am love, ...

I am letting go, ...

I am accepting of who I am, ...

I am safe, ...

 I am honoring myself and others, ...

I am confident, ...

I am freedom, ...

I am connected to mother earth, ...

I am worthy, ...

I am magnificent, ...

I am loving all that I am, ...

I am creating the life of my dreams, ...

I am loving all that you are, ...

I am a part of the greater whole, ...

 I am aligned with my inner power, ...

I am wellness, ...

I am abundance, ...

I am appreciative of all that I have, ...

 I am happy, ...

I am healthy, ...

I am at one with all there is, ...

I am in the flow of life, ...

I am here to grow and expand, ...

I am supportive of life, ...

I am a joyous being of light, ...

I am well-being, ...

I am gratitude, ...

 I am all there is, ...

 I am healing, ...

I am peaceful, ...

I am loving, ...

I am honoring my higher self, ...

Why is today a chance for me, ...

Write down: Why is today a chance for you, ...

Today is a chance for me because, ...

What is the most essential thing I need to do today, ...

Write down the most essential thing you need to do today, ...

The most essential thing I need to do today is, ...

What am I grateful for, ...

Write down five things you are grateful for, ...

1st: I am grateful for, ...

because, ...

2nd: Further, I am grateful for, ...

because, ...

3rd: I am grateful for, ...

because, ...

4th: And, I am grateful for, ...

because, ...

5th: Finally, I am grateful for, ...

because, ...


Which results did  I achieve yesterday, that I am proud of, ...

Write down five successes you achieved yesterday and are proud of, ...

1st: I am proud of, ...

2nd: Further, I am proud of, ...

3rd: I am proud of, ...

4th: And, I am proud of, ...

5th: Finally, I am proud of, ...


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