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Solve Problems in 6 Steps

I Love Bali Podcast

Problems have a bad reputation. Most people don't know, how to Solve Problems in 6 Steps. For those, problems are rather like unwelcome guests.


Without much effort, they are brushed off as quickly as possible, and their visit is suppressed as much as possible. The following usually applies:

It is not the problem itself that is unfortunate. The way we view our problems creates the greatest frustration. With a positive attitude and goal-oriented strategies, we would make decisive progress.

Ask the right questions

If you master the technique of problem-solving, you will not only find better solutions. The way you look at problems is also changing fundamentally. The next time you encounter a problem, do it differently. Just answer these questions:

  1. What's good about my problem?
    Find the positive aspect of your problem. There is always one.
    What does the problem show me about my life?
    Where might problem-solving take me?
    Focus on the lesson contained in the problem. There are lessons for each of us. But not everyone is looking for it.
  2. How did my problem arise?
    Find out how your problem came about:
    What is not yet perfect in my life?
    How can I avoid my problem coming back in the future?
    Don't fall into the victim trap. There will always be times when people harm you.
    But what uses is this attitude to you?
    Better take your life into your own hands and solve your problem yourself.
  3. What am I willing to do?
    Ideally, you solve a problem in such a way, that it doesn't happen again. But solving a problem takes effort. Mastering a problem, so that it no longer occurs in the future, is even more challenging. You need to know, that if you invest time and energy in the short term, you'll get away with it better in the long run. After all, a problem is a blockage:
    If you release it, the energy can flow freely again
  4. What solutions are there?
    Find your opportunities and think:
    Who can help me?
    Use the advice of competent people. For this, you should limit yourself to the essentials. You shouldn't be trying to understand everything. The advice of competent people will help you further, it is not a pity. Spreading out problems at length has the same effect as fertilizer on weeds.
  5. Which solution is the best?
    Finally, decide on a way to solve your problem. But making decisions is not everyone's strength. Because there are risks associated with decisions. The scope for action is getting smaller. Suffice it to say to yourself:
    I don't look too much into the past.
    I can no longer change it anyway.
    I let the anger go, by focusing on a solution.
    I shape my future with it.
  6. How can I solve my problem with passion?
    Many people perceive problems as a threat. Problems disrupt routines, thwart plans, and tie up time. That's why they try everything to avoid problems. And if the problem is there, the problem should be solved as quickly and unnoticed as possible. But with this attitude, problems become bigger than they are. Look at it this way:
    Life is usually a series of problems.
    The higher you aim, the more obstacles will come your way.

Wouldn't it be better
to welcome problems into your life?

How to solve a problem with 6 steps?
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