During this Gratitude Challenge, you are building a Backup for situations in which you are Mentally Challenged. During this journey, your gratitude journal gets filled with things and reasons, you are grateful for.
1. Thinking Time: How to use your Backup if Mentally Challenged?
In case, you are feeling down, sad, if you are in grief or fear, you can utilize it. Just read your notes in your gratitude journal and let your fantasy and mind flow.
Try it out right now:
First of all, estimate on a scale from 1 to 10
- 1 = I am in a negative mood, demotivated, energyless, fearful, depressed, anxious, ...
- 10 = I am highly motivated, positive mood, full of energy, hope, confidence, ...
Write down your rating ...
... and only, if you are done with it ...
... then scroll down to continue.
And now, utilize your Backup if Mentally Challenged:
Just read your gratitude records from the last week: All 35 reasons to be grateful!
- How do you feel after reading it?
- What is your rating now on a scale of 1 - 10?
- How much did your mood increase?
- Are you convinced that it works?
So keep on writing your gratitude journal and fill up your Backup if Mentally Challenged. You do not need to do it forever, but I would recommend doing it as long as you breathe.
2. Your Gratitude Challenge Task For Today:
Share gratitude by distributing this link to the members of your challenge:
3. Gratitude Practice
Write down five things you will be grateful for your successes by the end of today. For example, like that:
1. I am grateful for increasing my risk tolerance. Because it gives me my emotions of fear better.
2. Further, I am grateful for continuing my meditation habit today., because it increases my consciousness.
5. Finally, I am grateful for living my open-mindedness, making eye contact with other people, and smiling at them. Because it shows that I am taking life seriously, by living in the here and now.
Please remember that as your self-esteem grows, due to a feeling of gratitude, your feelings of helplessness and your fears disappear.
4. Gratitude Meditation from Dr. Deepak Chopra
Vital and happy regards
Klaus Forster
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