Most people overestimate what they can do in one year, and underestimate what they can do in seven years. In seven years you can be a millionaire. Maybe even earlier. And the changes for that do not have to be oversized in the first year. They may not even be clearly visible.
Please don't lose your trust in the process then. If you put a seed in the ground, you won't see anything in the beginning. But something in the underground will still happen. The seed bursts open, a germ sprouts, roots form... And once the plant breaks through the soil and grows rapidly, it all seems like a miracle.
Miracles are just things, that we don't know how they began. But if we know and follow the individual steps, then the miracle becomes a completely normal sequence of realities.
We want to take six steps together over the next seven years and master them:
1 Think rich
2 Save money
3 Plan
4 Invest
5 Earn
6 Enjoy
If you are a master of all six steps, you are not only very wealthy but also have a real personality. Not only do you have a million in assets, but you are also an inner millionaire.
The message of this unit is: Please don't take on too much for the first year. Otherwise, there is a risk that you will not carry out your resolutions and eventually lose your heart. And then, you lose sight of your long-term goal, which would be a shame.
In the beginning, small changes are enough. And you already guessed it:
- The account-system, and
- Your success journal.
In the next mentoring unit, I will prove to you that these small changes will ultimately work your miracle.
Abundance is your birthright.
To do
- Send this message to your Abundance Friends:
Did you finish yesterday's task of your challenge?
Day 3 for Your Abundance Challenge: Mind Matter And Spirit:
This task is an exception. Because it takes a little more effort. That's why you got 3 days to take care of it! Here are the reasons: Why and how to do it?
Describe: How do you want to be?What do you want to do?What do you want to have?
The video about “How to RELEASE mental blockages!” can help you.
Write down 5 successes.