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abundance-coaching-272 Are you an entrepreneur type?

I Love Bali Podcast

Are you an entrepreneur type?

Today we're going to talk about what makes an entrepreneur. We determine the optimal entrepreneurial personality and we do a test. From this, you will be able to see exactly how strong your entrepreneurial mindset is. Where you are right now and where you still need to grow. You may be surprised.

Let's start with a very general definition of an entrepreneur.

Being an entrepreneur means that you have a very specific character - maybe with rough edges. And these rough edges may be perceived by some people as uncomfortable or even as weaknesses. But really, those are strengths. Yes, you heard right!

As an entrepreneur, your corners and edges are your strengths. I'll go into more detail later on about why that is.

"Okay, and what kind of personality does an entrepreneur have?"

First, let's look at what all entrepreneurs have in common. Imagine a tribe that lived 100,000 years ago. There were hunters, and the best hunter eventually became the leader. What made this single hunter so special? If the tribe was to survive, they needed hunters. But he couldn't understand the hunters.

All great entrepreneurs are hunters. Whether Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs - even Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and Nelson Mandela were hunters. Yes, these last three prominent people also distinguished themselves as entrepreneur personalities. They were also different from most people. They resembled the hunters of earlier cultures.

How are these hunters?

They don't accept what is there, what is there. You have a discipline problem. They are often workaholics. you are manic ADHD syndrome is recognizable in many of them. They are hyperactive and often very energetic.

Do you recognize one or the other? Entrepreneurial personalities have often not been good pupils and students. After all, schools are made to educate docile people. But hunters don't want to submit.

On the contrary. Hunters are rebellious. They don't like a compulsion. And they think they know a lot better. That doesn't always make them likable in the eyes of others. But other people's opinions don't stop them from trying things anyway.

Hunters suffer from an educational system that is all about sitting still and learning to memorize phrases.

A hunter carries within himself the nagging questions: "How can I change things?" and "How do I get ahead?"

Without guidance and coaching, many hunters fail to understand that these are their strengths. Because society tells them, "You can't adapt, and that's bad."

I found my success when I realized I was different. That being different is beneficial. And that I can build something fantastic.

Three things characterize the early hunter and today's entrepreneur:

1. He wants to get ahead.

He is "fidgety" - full of energy. He has an inner drive that drives him to do something. Just to go forward. Something to change. to build something.

2 . He does not tolerate coercion.

The entrepreneur does not want to endure the compulsion either. There are always two options: we can endure something, or we can change something.

The entrepreneur can endure things, but only because he wants to change something. So he's persistent. Normal people endure something, because they don't want to change it, or think they can't change it. That's a big difference.

3. He tries the impossible.

The entrepreneur wants to make it possible. He doesn't accept the impossible - that's a bad word for him. And that's only logical because something impossible means compulsion for this type of entrepreneur. He would then be forced to endure something that stays the way it is. So he prefers to change it.

  • How about you?
  • Do you have an inner motor that drives you forward?
  • Don't you like a compulsion?
  • Do you want to make something impossible possible?

Then you are an entrepreneurial type.

And it is precisely these qualities that most people see as weaknesses. Isn't that terrible? If we think it through, where would the world be without entrepreneurial types? It is inconceivable to me that these wonderful people are often disparaged.

We have to understand: It's not just okay if you're like what I just described as the typical entrepreneur. You have great strengths. You have everything you need to be an entrepreneur.

The Entrepreneur Test

There's an easy way to find out where you stand as far as you and your talent for being an entrepreneur are concerned. Let me call it an Entrepreneur Mindset. Let's discuss that together now. You may know my philosophy: truth is not a point, truth is a line.

And on the line, there are always two extremes. None of this is right or wrong. The important thing is that we understand: The more we move towards one pole, the more likely we are to achieve certain results - or not to achieve them.

The key mindsets of entrepreneurs are represented by six scales in total. The left side symbolizes the mindset of an employee.


Let's take the first scale: Here we can choose between the two extremes of fear and self-confidence.

It would be silly to say that fear is inherently bad. Sometimes fear even saves our lives. But it is just as important to understand that the more self-confidence we have, the more we trust ourselves.

And it's also true: Today, in most cases, fear is simply what the Americans call FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real, i.e. an illusion of the senses. Pure imagination. The danger we fear doesn't exist.

Many small business owners are simply afraid to hire employees because they fear they will not be able to pay their wages.

We should think of this scale as a regulator. And we have a control button. We can always develop more self-confidence. The more we do that, the more we have an entrepreneurial mindset.

The more we regulate ourselves in the direction of fear or even remain there, the more we have the employee mindset.

The second scale ranges from victim to responsibility. The more we move towards responsibility, the more we become entrepreneurs.

The third slider concerns the scale between safety and risk. Entrepreneurs have a certain willingness to take risks. At the same time, they also need security. Very few entrepreneurs I know do crazy things non-stop.

Then there is the scale between duck and accountability.

Accountability involves more than responsibility. Not only do I take responsibility, but I also clearly communicate to others what I have achieved with my responsibility, and what result I have achieved. We call that an accountability report.

And for that, we need a fundamental willingness. In the event of a mistake, ducks do not want this error to come out, so it should become visible.

Accountability is the opposite of this: when we make a mistake, we can't tell others about it fast enough. So that this error can be corrected immediately and avoided in the future.

The scale between TV and KLUW combines entertainment with the formula for constant learning and growing. Do you remember the corresponding coaching letter? Entrepreneurs are readers. I still read four to eight books a month.

Finally, the sixth scale concerns your speed. How fast or how slow are you?

Let's summarize what makes an entrepreneur:

The entrepreneur has a high level of self-confidence and an enormous willingness to assume responsibility; he takes risks; he is accountable; he wants to learn and grow; he understood that it is important to be fast; he works SSWIM, as fast as humanly possible. Being financially successful is more important to him than being passively entertained, being entertained.

He wants to be at the top, he doesn't tolerate pressure and strives to achieve the impossible.

Entrepreneurs want income, not wages. You receive profit (dividend). You build a system instead of being the system. You understand: the simpler, the better my system. So you're building a pipeline instead of hauling buckets. They create a company that works without them.

They want freedom, not control. You delegate and trust despite all disappointments. They take their money and knowledge to get time and money.

I think it's wonderful to be an entrepreneur!

Do you recognize yourself? Or can you do little with my words?

Entrepreneurs are labeled crazy until they start making real money and changing the world. Then they are called brilliant. You are not crazy and you are not alone.

You are here to change the world. Transform yourself, transform yourself and your company at the same time. Make a masterpiece out of your life and your company!

Abundance is our birthright.

To do:

  1. Now it's your turn! Maybe you instinctively evaluated yourself while reading. Very good, then you can do the test faster now. Where are you on the scale? What is your mindset? Don't think about it for too long. Your gut feeling is usually correct: EMPLOYEE or ENTREPRENEUR?
  2. Do you wish to become a 5-star entrepreneurial genius? Write down ten to fifteen reasons why you want this. Take your time and do it thoroughly. You can also do this if you are already an entrepreneur.
  3. If you have a little more time, think about what your ideal day will look like in four years. From morning to night, write down everything that goes through your head. Dreams! And remember: This dream of everyday life can probably only be realized as an entrepreneur. Because only as entrepreneurs can we live a truly free life.
  4. Remember: As an entrepreneur, your rough edges are your strengths. You must understand this deeply. Read chapter 24 “Focus on your strengths” from my book The Laws of Winners.
  5. Note five successes.


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