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Increased Life Expectancy: Old Can Get Younger #LONGEVITY-SECRETS

Amo el podcast de Bali

Today's research covers a number of studies about increased life expectancy and aging. These studies indicate that:

Las personas mayores se están volviendo funcionalmente más jóvenes

Source: Youtube 3 secretos Cómo mantenerse sano para aumentar su esperanza de vida

Those studies compared the capabilities of age-matched cohorts of old people in the past 3 decades with old people of the same age today. Being 70 or 80 in 1990 was accompanied by a greater loss of physical capabilities. For example, walking speed, or grip strength, as is the case at those ages today. This is what one would expect given the slow upward trend in life expectancy. That has continued year after year, for more than a century now. Basically, better lifestyle choices are driving this development. Nowadays, we have greater control over medical issues throughout life. And due to that, we observe improvements in treating and preventing age-related diseases.

Envejecimiento cronológico vs.biológico: mayor esperanza de vida

Es interesante ver cuánto se ha logrado. Incluso sin realizar esfuerzos directos para atacar los mecanismos del envejecimiento. Si bien las razones de una menor carga de fragilidad y mortalidad en la vejez han cambiado con el tiempo. Los ejemplos comienzan con una reducción de la carga de enfermedades infecciosas a lo largo del siglo XX. E incluso duran hasta una disminución de las enfermedades cardiovasculares en las últimas décadas. El tema sigue siendo una reducción incidental en el nivel de daño y disfunción acumulados a una edad determinada. Ahora, estamos entrando en una era en la que la comunidad de investigación y desarrollo está activa y deliberadamente. La investigación sobre la esperanza de vida se centra en las causas subyacentes del envejecimiento.

Aumento considerable de la esperanza de vida y tendencia al alza de la vitalidad

Podríamos esperar ver un aumento de vigor, salud y longevidad en la vejez.

Aumento de la esperanza de vida: cambios relacionados con la edad y la salud de los adultos mayores

Los estudios entre hombres y mujeres de entre 75 y 80 años muestran un aumento de la vitalidad. Por un lado, físicamente eso se puede ver en la fuerza muscular y la velocidad al caminar. Y por otro lado mentalmente, en velocidad de reacción, fluidez verbal, razonamiento y memoria de trabajo. Estos indicadores de envejecimiento son hoy en día significativamente mejores que en personas de la misma edad nacidas antes. En las pruebas de función pulmonar, sin embargo, no se observaron diferencias entre las cohortes.

Razones para una mayor esperanza de vida

Nutrición, higiene y salud.

The cohort of 75- and 80-year-olds born later have grown up and lived in a different world. Compared to their counterparts, born three decades ago did. There have been many favorable changes. These include better nutrition and hygiene, improvements in health care. Even education, due to a better school system, has a positive impact. Also, better access to lifelong learning and improved working life.

How to stay fit?

The results suggest that increasing life expectancy is accompanied by a growing number of healthy years. And due to better health, they may be enjoyed with good functional ability in later life.

A combination of slower aging and longer lifespan

The observation can be explained by a slower rate of change with increasing age. Further, this is accompanied by a higher lifetime maximum in physical performance. Or a combination of the two. These developments imply, that our understanding of older age is old-fashioned. From an aging researcher's point of view, more years are added to midlife. And not so much to the utmost end of life. Increased life expectancy provides us with more non-disabled years! But at the same time, the last years of life come at higher. And higher ages may result in an expanding need for care. Among the aging population, two simultaneous changes are happening. First, a continuation of healthy years to higher ages. And second, a higher number of very old people who need external care. So the question of the future turns out as:

Cómo mantenerse sano para disfrutar de una mayor ESPERANZA DE VIDA?

3 secretos de la longevidad: ¿cómo aumentar su esperanza de vida?

7 formas de verse y sentirse más joven y saludable según la investigación


5 pensamientos sobre “Increased Life Expectancy: Old Can Get Younger #LONGEVITY-SECRETS"

  1. blank

    Sorry about my misspelled word in my previous post…. no way to correct it. Scanners should be scammers…. obviously. Sorry

  2. blank

    I’m so sick of these used car salesmen who say “pay me this and I’ll give you a secret”…. when in the end that secret IS TOTAL BULLSH*T!! We’ve got to hold these scanners to task!!! False advertising should be prosecuted!@!

  3. blank

    I really like your writing style, great information, thanks for posting :D. “In university they don’t tell you that the greater part of the law is learning to tolerate fools.” by Doris Lessing.


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Increased Life Expectancy And Vitality
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