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CASA » 1000 palabras más usadas

1000 palabras más usadas

Amo el podcast de Bali

1.000 Kata Paling Banyak Digunakan


Be, ... Will you be my friend?

Be, ... Will you be my friend?

Be: ... Will, ... you, ... be, ... my, ... friend?

Be ... Will you, be, my friend?

Be: ... Will, ... you, ... be, ... my, ... friend?
Be: ... Will, ... you, ... be, ... my, ... friend?
Be, ... Will you be my friend?
And, ... You and I will always be friends.

And, ... You and I will always be friends.

And: ... You, ... and, ... I, ... will, ... always, ... be, ... friends.

And ... You, and, I, will, always, be, friends.

And: ... You, ... and, ... I, ... will, ... always, ... be, ... friends.
And: ... You, ... and, ... I, ... will, ... always, ... be, ... friends.
And, ... You and I will always be friends.
Of, ... Today is the first of november.

Of, ... Today is the first of november.

Of: ... Today, ... is, ... the, ... first, ... of, ... november.

Of ... Day, this, is, which, first, month, november.

Of: ... Today, ... is, ... the, ... first, ... of, ... november.
Of: ... Today, ... is, ... the, ... first, ... of, ... november.
Of, ... Today is the first of november.
A, ... I saw a bear today.

A, ... I saw a bear today.

A: ... I, ... saw, ... a, ... bear, ... today.

A ... I, look, bear, day, this.

A: ... I, ... saw, ... a, ... bear, ... today.
A: ... I, ... saw, ... a, ... bear, ... today.
A, ... I saw a bear today.
In, ... She is in her room.

In, ... She is in her room.

In: ... She, ... is, ... in, ... her, ... room.

In ... He is, is, in, his room.

In: ... She, ... is, ... in, ... her, ... room.
In: ... She, ... is, ... in, ... her, ... room.
In, ... She is in her room.
To, ... Let’s go to the park.

To, ... Let’s go to the park.

To: ... Let’s, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... park.

To... Come on, go, to, the park.

To: ... Let’s, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... park.
To: ... Let’s, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... park.
To, ... Let’s go to the park.
Have, ... I have a few questions.

Have, ... I have a few questions.

Have: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... few, ... questions.

Have ... I, have, some, questions.

Have: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... few, ... questions.
Have: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... few, ... questions.
Have, ... I have a few questions.
Too, ... I like her too.

Too, ... I like her too.

Too: ... I, ... like, ... her, ... too.

Also... I, too, like it.

Too: ... I, ... like, ... her, ... too.
Too: ... I, ... like, ... her, ... too.
Too, ... I like her too.
It, ... It is sunny outside.

It, ... It is sunny outside.

It: ... It, ... is, ... sunny, ... outside.

It's... In, outside, it's sunny.

It: ... It, ... is, ... sunny, ... outside.
It: ... It, ... is, ... sunny, ... outside.
It, ... It is sunny outside.
I, ... I really like it here.

I, ... I really like it here.

I: ... I, ... really, ... like, ... it, ... here.

I ... I, really, like, in, here.

I: ... I, ... really, ... like, ... it, ... here.
I: ... I, ... really, ... like, ... it, ... here.
I, ... I really like it here.
That, ... That door is open.

That, ... That door is open.

That: ... That, ... door, ... is, ... open.

That... The door, that, is open.

That: ... That, ... door, ... is, ... open.
That: ... That, ... door, ... is, ... open.
That, ... That door is open.
For, ... This letter is for you.

For, ... This letter is for you.

For: ... This, ... letter, ... is, ... for, ... you.

For ... Letters, here, for you.

For: ... This, ... letter, ... is, ... for, ... you.
For: ... This, ... letter, ... is, ... for, ... you.
For, ... This letter is for you.
You, ... You are really nice.

You, ... You are really nice.

You: ... You, ... are, ... really, ... nice.

You... You are, really, good.

You: ... You, ... are, ... really, ... nice.
You: ... You, ... are, ... really, ... nice.
You, ... You are really nice.
He, ... He is my brother.

He, ... He is my brother.

He: ... He, ... is, ... my, ... brother.

He ... He, is, my brother.

He: ... He, ... is, ... my, ... brother.
He: ... He, ... is, ... my, ... brother.
He, ... He is my brother.
With, ... I want to go with you.

With, ... I want to go with you.

With: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... with, ... you.

With ... I, want, go, with you.

With: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... with, ... you.
With: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... with, ... you.
With, ... I want to go with you.
On, ... I watch movies on my ipad.

On, ... I watch movies on my ipad.

On: ... I, ... watch, ... movies, ... on, ... my, ... ipad.

Active ... Me, watching, movies, on, ipad, me.

On: ... I, ... watch, ... movies, ... on, ... my, ... ipad.
On: ... I, ... watch, ... movies, ... on, ... my, ... ipad.
On, ... I watch movies on my ipad.
Do, ... What will you do now?

Do, ... What will you do now?

Do: ... What, ... will, ... you, ... do, ... now?

Do ... What, who, will, you, do, now?

Do: ... What, ... will, ... you, ... do, ... now?
Do: ... What, ... will, ... you, ... do, ... now?
Do, ... What will you do now?
Say, ... Can I say something?

Say, ... Can I say something?

Say: ... Can, ... I, ... say, ... something?

Say ... Can, I, say, something?

Say: ... Can, ... I, ... say, ... something?
Say: ... Can, ... I, ... say, ... something?
Say, ... Can I say something?
This, ... This is my favorite cookie.

This, ... This is my favorite cookie.

This: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... cookie.

This ... This, is, cake, my favourite.

This: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... cookie.
This: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... cookie.
This, ... This is my favorite cookie.
They, ... They are here! ...

They, ... They are here! ...

They: ... They, ... are, ... here! ...

They ... They are, there, in, here!

They: ... They, ... are, ... here! ...
They: ... They, ... are, ... here! ...
They, ... They are here! ...
At, ... Can you pick me up at the mall?

At, ... Can you pick me up at the mall?

At: ... Can, ... you, ... pick, ... me, ... up, ... at, ... the, ... mall?

At ... Can, you, pick up, me, at, the mall?

At: ... Can, ... you, ... pick, ... me, ... up, ... at, ... the, ... mall?
At: ... Can, ... you, ... pick, ... me, ... up, ... at, ... the, ... mall?
At, ... Can you pick me up at the mall?
But, ... I’m sorry but she’s away.

But, ... I’m sorry but she’s away.

But: ... I’m, ... sorry, ... but, ... she’s, ... away.

But ... Sorry, but, he, go.

But: ... I’m, ... sorry, ... but, ... she’s, ... away.
But: ... I’m, ... sorry, ... but, ... she’s, ... away.
But, ... I’m sorry but she’s away.
We, ... We are going to watch a movie.

We, ... We are going to watch a movie.

We: ... We, ... are, ... going, ... to, ... watch, ... a, ... movie.

We ... We, will, watch, movies.

We: ... We, ... are, ... going, ... to, ... watch, ... a, ... movie.
We: ... We, ... are, ... going, ... to, ... watch, ... a, ... movie.
We, ... We are going to watch a movie.
His, ... This is his box.

His, ... This is his box.

His: ... This, ... is, ... his, ... box.

Hers... Here, the box.

His: ... This, ... is, ... his, ... box.
His: ... This, ... is, ... his, ... box.
His, ... This is his box.
From, ... This card came from my cousin.

From, ... This card came from my cousin.

From: ... This, ... card, ... came, ... from, ... my, ... cousin.

From ... Card, this, comes, from, cousin, me.

From: ... This, ... card, ... came, ... from, ... my, ... cousin.
From: ... This, ... card, ... came, ... from, ... my, ... cousin.
From, ... This card came from my cousin.
That, ... That’s a really cool trick! ...

That, ... That’s a really cool trick! ...

That: ... That’s, ... a, ... really, ... cool, ... trick! ...

That's... That's, a trick, which is, really, cool!

That: ... That’s, ... a, ... really, ... cool, ... trick! ...
That: ... That’s, ... a, ... really, ... cool, ... trick! ...
That, ... That’s a really cool trick! ...
Not, ... That’s not what I want.

Not, ... That’s not what I want.

Not: ... That’s, ... not, ... what, ... I, ... want.

No ... No, that, that, I, want.

Not: ... That’s, ... not, ... what, ... I, ... want.
Not: ... That’s, ... not, ... what, ... I, ... want.
Not, ... That’s not what I want.
Can’t, ... I can’t open it.

Can’t, ... I can’t open it.

Can’t: ... I, ... can’t, ... open, ... it.

No, can ... I, no, can, open it.

Can’t: ... I, ... can’t, ... open, ... it.
Can’t: ... I, ... can’t, ... open, ... it.
Can’t, ... I can’t open it.
Won’t, ... I won’t open it.

Won’t, ... I won’t open it.

Won’t: ... I, ... won’t, ... open, ... it.

No, will... I, no, will, open it.

Won’t: ... I, ... won’t, ... open, ... it.
Won’t: ... I, ... won’t, ... open, ... it.
Won’t, ... I won’t open it.
By, ... Will you come by and see me?

By, ... Will you come by and see me?

By: ... Will, ... you, ... come, ... by, ... and, ... see, ... me?

By ... Will you, come, and, see, me?

By: ... Will, ... you, ... come, ... by, ... and, ... see, ... me?
By: ... Will, ... you, ... come, ... by, ... and, ... see, ... me?
By, ... Will you come by and see me?
She, ... She is very happy.

She, ... She is very happy.

She: ... She, ... is, ... very, ... happy.

He ... He was, very, happy.

She: ... She, ... is, ... very, ... happy.
She: ... She, ... is, ... very, ... happy.
She, ... She is very happy.
Or, ... Do you like blue or yellow?

Or, ... Do you like blue or yellow?

Or: ... Do, ... you, ... like, ... blue, ... or, ... yellow?

Or ... Do, you, like, blue, or, yellow?

Or: ... Do, ... you, ... like, ... blue, ... or, ... yellow?
Or: ... Do, ... you, ... like, ... blue, ... or, ... yellow?
Or, ... Do you like blue or yellow?
As, ... Her role as an english teacher is very important.

As, ... Her role as an english teacher is very important.

As: ... Her, ... role, ... as, ... an, ... english, ... teacher, ... is, ... very, ... important.

As ... His role, as, teacher, language, english, is very, very important.

As: ... Her, ... role, ... as, ... an, ... english, ... teacher, ... is, ... very, ... important.
As: ... Her, ... role, ... as, ... an, ... english, ... teacher, ... is, ... very, ... important.
As, ... Her role as an english teacher is very important.
What, ... What are you thinking of?

What, ... What are you thinking of?

What: ... What, ... are, ... you, ... thinking, ... of?

What... What, what, you, think?

What: ... What, ... are, ... you, ... thinking, ... of?
What: ... What, ... are, ... you, ... thinking, ... of?
What, ... What are you thinking of?
Go, ... I want to go there.

Go, ... I want to go there.

Go: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... there.

Go ... I, want, go, to, there.

Go: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... there.
Go: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... there.
Go, ... I want to go there.
Their, ... This is their house.

Their, ... This is their house.

Their: ... This, ... is, ... their, ... house.

They ... This, is, home, they are.

Their: ... This, ... is, ... their, ... house.
Their: ... This, ... is, ... their, ... house.
Their, ... This is their house.
Can, ... What can I do for you?

Can, ... What can I do for you?

Can: ... What, ... can, ... I, ... do, ... for, ... you?

Can ... What, that, can, I, do, for, you?

Can: ... What, ... can, ... I, ... do, ... for, ... you?
Can: ... What, ... can, ... I, ... do, ... for, ... you?
Can, ... What can I do for you?
Who, ... Who can help me?

Who, ... Who can help me?

Who: ... Who, ... can, ... help, ... me?

Who ... Who, who, can, help, me?

Who: ... Who, ... can, ... help, ... me?
Who: ... Who, ... can, ... help, ... me?
Who, ... Who can help me?
Get, ... Can you get me my eyeglasses?

Get, ... Can you get me my eyeglasses?

Get: ... Can, ... you, ... get, ... me, ... my, ... eyeglasses?

Get ... Can, you, get, me, glasses, me?

Get: ... Can, ... you, ... get, ... me, ... my, ... eyeglasses?
Get: ... Can, ... you, ... get, ... me, ... my, ... eyeglasses?
Get, ... Can you get me my eyeglasses?
If, ... What if I fail?

If, ... What if I fail?

If: ... What, ... if, ... I, ... fail?

If ... What, if, I, fail?

If: ... What, ... if, ... I, ... fail?
If: ... What, ... if, ... I, ... fail?
If, ... What if I fail?
Would, ... Would you help me out?

Would, ... Would you help me out?

Would: ... Would, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... out?

Will ... Will you, help, me?

Would: ... Would, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... out?
Would: ... Would, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... out?
Would, ... Would you help me out?
Her, ... I have her book.

Her, ... I have her book.

Her: ... I, ... have, ... her, ... book.

He... I, have, the book.

Her: ... I, ... have, ... her, ... book.
Her: ... I, ... have, ... her, ... book.
Her, ... I have her book.
All, ... All my favorite books are on this shelf.

All, ... All my favorite books are on this shelf.

All: ... All, ... my, ... favorite, ... books, ... are, ... on, ... this, ... shelf.

All ... All, books, favorites, I, are, on, shelves, here.

All: ... All, ... my, ... favorite, ... books, ... are, ... on, ... this, ... shelf.
All: ... All, ... my, ... favorite, ... books, ... are, ... on, ... this, ... shelf.
All, ... All my favorite books are on this shelf.
My, ... My mom is coming to visit.

My, ... My mom is coming to visit.

My: ... My, ... mom, ... is, ... coming, ... to, ... visit.

Oh my gosh ... My mother, will, come, visit.

My: ... My, ... mom, ... is, ... coming, ... to, ... visit.
My: ... My, ... mom, ... is, ... coming, ... to, ... visit.
My, ... My mom is coming to visit.
Make, ... Can we make our projects together?

Make, ... Can we make our projects together?

Make: ... Can, ... we, ... make, ... our, ... projects, ... together?

Make ... Can, we, make, project, us, together?

Make: ... Can, ... we, ... make, ... our, ... projects, ... together?
Make: ... Can, ... we, ... make, ... our, ... projects, ... together?
Make, ... Can we make our projects together?
About, ... What is this movie about?

About, ... What is this movie about?

About: ... What, ... is, ... this, ... movie, ... about?

About ... About, what, this movie?

About: ... What, ... is, ... this, ... movie, ... about?
About: ... What, ... is, ... this, ... movie, ... about?
About, ... What is this movie about?
Know, ... Do you know where this place is?

Know, ... Do you know where this place is?

Know: ... Do, ... you, ... know, ... where, ... this, ... place, ... is?

Know ... Do, you, know, in, where, where, this?

Know: ... Do, ... you, ... know, ... where, ... this, ... place, ... is?
Know: ... Do, ... you, ... know, ... where, ... this, ... place, ... is?
Know, ... Do you know where this place is?
Will, ... I will help you find that place.

Will, ... I will help you find that place.

Will: ... I, ... will, ... help, ... you, ... find, ... that, ... place.

Will ... I, will, help you, find, place, that.

Will: ... I, ... will, ... help, ... you, ... find, ... that, ... place.
Will: ... I, ... will, ... help, ... you, ... find, ... that, ... place.
Will, ... I will help you find that place.
As, ... As soon as she’s here, I’ll talk to her.

As, ... As soon as she’s here, I’ll talk to her.

As: ... As, ... soon, ... as, ... she’s, ... here, ... I’ll, ... talk, ... to, ... her.

As ... I see, he, in, here, I, will, talk, with him.

As: ... As, ... soon, ... as, ... she’s, ... here, ... I’ll, ... talk, ... to, ... her.
As: ... As, ... soon, ... as, ... she’s, ... here, ... I’ll, ... talk, ... to, ... her.
As, ... As soon as she’s here, I’ll talk to her.
Up, ... I live up in the mountains.

Up, ... I live up in the mountains.

Up: ... I, ... live, ... up, ... in, ... the, ... mountains.

Ride ... I, live, in, the mountains.

Up: ... I, ... live, ... up, ... in, ... the, ... mountains.
Up: ... I, ... live, ... up, ... in, ... the, ... mountains.
Up, ... I live up in the mountains.
One, ... She is one of my english teachers.

One, ... She is one of my english teachers.

One: ... She, ... is, ... one, ... of, ... my, ... english, ... teachers.

One ... He, is, one, one, teacher, language, english, me.

One: ... She, ... is, ... one, ... of, ... my, ... english, ... teachers.
One: ... She, ... is, ... one, ... of, ... my, ... english, ... teachers.
One, ... She is one of my english teachers.
Time, ... There was a time I liked to play golf.

Time, ... There was a time I liked to play golf.

Time: ... There, ... was, ... a, ... time, ... I, ... liked, ... to, ... play, ... golf.

Time ... There, time, I, like, play, golf.

Time: ... There, ... was, ... a, ... time, ... I, ... liked, ... to, ... play, ... golf.
Time: ... There, ... was, ... a, ... time, ... I, ... liked, ... to, ... play, ... golf.
Time, ... There was a time I liked to play golf.
There, ... There are so many things I want to learn.

There, ... There are so many things I want to learn.

There: ... There, ... are, ... so, ... many, ... things, ... I, ... want, ... to, ... learn.

There are ... There are, so, many, things, which, I want, to learn.

There: ... There, ... are, ... so, ... many, ... things, ... I, ... want, ... to, ... learn.
There: ... There, ... are, ... so, ... many, ... things, ... I, ... want, ... to, ... learn.
There, ... There are so many things I want to learn.
Year, ... This is the year I’m finally going to learn english.

Year, ... This is the year I’m finally going to learn english.

Year: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... year, ... I’m, ... finally, ... going, ... to, ... learn, ... english.

Year ... This, is, year, I, finally, will, learn, language, english.

Year: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... year, ... I’m, ... finally, ... going, ... to, ... learn, ... english.
Year: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... year, ... I’m, ... finally, ... going, ... to, ... learn, ... english.
Year, ... This is the year I’m finally going to learn english.
So, ... I am so sorry.

So, ... I am so sorry.

So: ... I, ... am, ... so, ... sorry.

So... I am, very, very sorry.

So: ... I, ... am, ... so, ... sorry.
So: ... I, ... am, ... so, ... sorry.
So, ... I am so sorry.
Think, ... I think I need to lie down.

Think, ... I think I need to lie down.

Think: ... I, ... think, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... lie, ... down.

Thought ... I, thought, I, need, lay down.

Think: ... I, ... think, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... lie, ... down.
Think: ... I, ... think, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... lie, ... down.
Think, ... I think I need to lie down.
When, ... When will I see you again?

When, ... When will I see you again?

When: ... When, ... will, ... I, ... see, ... you, ... again?

When ... When, I, will, see, you, again?

When: ... When, ... will, ... I, ... see, ... you, ... again?
When: ... When, ... will, ... I, ... see, ... you, ... again?
When, ... When will I see you again?
Which, ... Which of these slippers are yours?

Which, ... Which of these slippers are yours?

Which: ... Which, ... of, ... these, ... slippers, ... are, ... yours?

Which, where ... Which, where, from, this sandal, yours?

Which: ... Which, ... of, ... these, ... slippers, ... are, ... yours?
Which: ... Which, ... of, ... these, ... slippers, ... are, ... yours?
Which, ... Which of these slippers are yours?
Them, ... Please give this to them.

Them, ... Please give this to them.

Them: ... Please, ... give, ... this, ... to, ... them.

They ... Please, give, this, on, them.

Them: ... Please, ... give, ... this, ... to, ... them.
Them: ... Please, ... give, ... this, ... to, ... them.
Them, ... Please give this to them.
Some, ... Please give them some of the apples I brought home.

Some, ... Please give them some of the apples I brought home.

Some: ... Please, ... give, ... them, ... some, ... of, ... the, ... apples, ... I, ... brought, ... home.

Some ... Please, give, them, some, apples, which, I, take, home.

Some: ... Please, ... give, ... them, ... some, ... of, ... the, ... apples, ... I, ... brought, ... home.
Some: ... Please, ... give, ... them, ... some, ... of, ... the, ... apples, ... I, ... brought, ... home.
Some, ... Please give them some of the apples I brought home.
Me, ... Can you give me some apples?

Me, ... Can you give me some apples?

Me: ... Can, ... you, ... give, ... me, ... some, ... apples?

I ... Can, you, give, me, some, apples?

Me: ... Can, ... you, ... give, ... me, ... some, ... apples?
Me: ... Can, ... you, ... give, ... me, ... some, ... apples?
Me, ... Can you give me some apples?
People, ... There are so many people at the mall today.

People, ... There are so many people at the mall today.

People: ... There, ... are, ... so, ... many, ... people, ... at, ... the, ... mall, ... today.

People ... There are, so, many, people, in, mall, day, this.

People: ... There, ... are, ... so, ... many, ... people, ... at, ... the, ... mall, ... today.
People: ... There, ... are, ... so, ... many, ... people, ... at, ... the, ... mall, ... today.
People, ... There are so many people at the mall today.
Take, ... Please take home some of these apples ...

Take, ... Please take home some of these apples ...

Take: ... Please, ... take, ... home, ... some, ... of, ... these, ... apples ...

Take it ... Please, take it, go home, some, apples, this ...

Take: ... Please, ... take, ... home, ... some, ... of, ... these, ... apples ...
Take: ... Please, ... take, ... home, ... some, ... of, ... these, ... apples ...
Take, ... Please take home some of these apples ...
Out, ... Please throw the trash out.

Out, ... Please throw the trash out.

Out: ... Please, ... throw, ... the, ... trash, ... out.

Get out ... Please, throw it, the trash.

Out: ... Please, ... throw, ... the, ... trash, ... out.
Out: ... Please, ... throw, ... the, ... trash, ... out.
Out, ... Please throw the trash out.
Into, ... My puppy ran into the woods.

Into, ... My puppy ran into the woods.

Into: ... My, ... puppy, ... ran, ... into, ... the, ... woods.

To ... Child, dog, I, run, to, the forest.

Into: ... My, ... puppy, ... ran, ... into, ... the, ... woods.
Into: ... My, ... puppy, ... ran, ... into, ... the, ... woods.
Into, ... My puppy ran into the woods.
Just, ... Just close your eyes.

Just, ... Just close your eyes.

Just: ... Just, ... close, ... your, ... eyes.

Just... Close, just, your eyes.

Just: ... Just, ... close, ... your, ... eyes.
Just: ... Just, ... close, ... your, ... eyes.
Just, ... Just close your eyes.
See, ... Did you see that?

See, ... Did you see that?

See: ... Did, ... you, ... see, ... that?

Look... Did, you, see, that?

See: ... Did, ... you, ... see, ... that?
See: ... Did, ... you, ... see, ... that?
See, ... Did you see that?
Him, ... I heard him singing earlier.

Him, ... I heard him singing earlier.

Him: ... I, ... heard, ... him, ... singing, ... earlier.

He... I, heard, he, sang, before.

Him: ... I, ... heard, ... him, ... singing, ... earlier.
Him: ... I, ... heard, ... him, ... singing, ... earlier.
Him, ... I heard him singing earlier.
Your, ... Your mom is here.

Your, ... Your mom is here.

Your: ... Your, ... mom, ... is, ... here.

You ... Your mother, there, here, here.

Your: ... Your, ... mom, ... is, ... here.
Your: ... Your, ... mom, ... is, ... here.
Your, ... Your mom is here.
Come, ... Can your mom and dad come to the party?

Come, ... Can your mom and dad come to the party?

Come: ... Can, ... your, ... mom, ... and, ... dad, ... come, ... to, ... the, ... party?

Come on ... Can, mother, and, your father, come, to, the party?

Come: ... Can, ... your, ... mom, ... and, ... dad, ... come, ... to, ... the, ... party?
Come: ... Can, ... your, ... mom, ... and, ... dad, ... come, ... to, ... the, ... party?
Come, ... Can your mom and dad come to the party?
Could, ... Could you help me with my project?

Could, ... Could you help me with my project?

Could: ... Could, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... with, ... my, ... project?

Can ... Can, you, help, me, with, project, me?

Could: ... Could, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... with, ... my, ... project?
Could: ... Could, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... with, ... my, ... project?
Could, ... Could you help me with my project?
Now, ... I want to watch this now.

Now, ... I want to watch this now.

Now: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... watch, ... this, ... now.

Now ... I, want, watch, this, now.

Now: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... watch, ... this, ... now.
Now: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... watch, ... this, ... now.
Now, ... I want to watch this now.
Than, ... I like this cake better than the other one you showed me.

Than, ... I like this cake better than the other one you showed me.

Than: ... I, ... like, ... this, ... cake, ... better, ... than, ... the, ... other, ... one, ... you, ... showed, ... me.

From ... I, like, cake, this, more, better, than, which, other, which, you, show, to, me.

Than: ... I, ... like, ... this, ... cake, ... better, ... than, ... the, ... other, ... one, ... you, ... showed, ... me.
Than: ... I, ... like, ... this, ... cake, ... better, ... than, ... the, ... other, ... one, ... you, ... showed, ... me.
Than, ... I like this cake better than the other one you showed me.
Like, ... I like this bag better than the other one you showed me.

Like, ... I like this bag better than the other one you showed me.

Like: ... I, ... like, ... this, ... bag, ... better, ... than, ... the, ... other, ... one, ... you, ... showed, ... me.

Like ... I, more, like, bag, this, than, which, other, which, you, show, to, me.

Like: ... I, ... like, ... this, ... bag, ... better, ... than, ... the, ... other, ... one, ... you, ... showed, ... me.
Like: ... I, ... like, ... this, ... bag, ... better, ... than, ... the, ... other, ... one, ... you, ... showed, ... me.
Like, ... I like this bag better than the other one you showed me.
Other, ... I like these shoes better than the other ones you showed me.

Other, ... I like these shoes better than the other ones you showed me.

Other: ... I, ... like, ... these, ... shoes, ... better, ... than, ... the, ... other, ... ones, ... you, ... showed, ... me.

More ... I, like, shoes, this, more, better, than, which, other, which, you, show, to, me.

Other: ... I, ... like, ... these, ... shoes, ... better, ... than, ... the, ... other, ... ones, ... you, ... showed, ... me.
Other: ... I, ... like, ... these, ... shoes, ... better, ... than, ... the, ... other, ... ones, ... you, ... showed, ... me.
Other, ... I like these shoes better than the other ones you showed me.
How, ... How do I turn this on?

How, ... How do I turn this on?

How: ... How, ... do, ... I, ... turn, ... this, ... on?

How ... How, how to, activate, this?

How: ... How, ... do, ... I, ... turn, ... this, ... on?
How: ... How, ... do, ... I, ... turn, ... this, ... on?
How, ... How do I turn this on?
Then, ... We had breakfast and then we went to church.

Then, ... We had breakfast and then we went to church.

Then: ... We, ... had, ... breakfast, ... and, ... then, ... we, ... went, ... to, ... church.

Then ... We, had breakfast, and, then, we, went, to, church.

Then: ... We, ... had, ... breakfast, ... and, ... then, ... we, ... went, ... to, ... church.
Then: ... We, ... had, ... breakfast, ... and, ... then, ... we, ... went, ... to, ... church.
Then, ... We had breakfast and then we went to church.
Its, ... I need to read its manual.

Its, ... I need to read its manual.

Its: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... read, ... its, ... manual.

Its ... I, need, read, the manual.

Its: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... read, ... its, ... manual.
Its: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... read, ... its, ... manual.
Its, ... I need to read its manual.
Our, ... This is our home now.

Our, ... This is our home now.

Our: ... This, ... is, ... our, ... home, ... now.

We ... This, is, home, we, now.

Our: ... This, ... is, ... our, ... home, ... now.
Our: ... This, ... is, ... our, ... home, ... now.
Our, ... This is our home now.
Two, ... Two cheeseburgers, please.

Two, ... Two cheeseburgers, please.

Two: ... Two, ... cheeseburgers, ... please.

Two ... Two, burgers, cheese, please.

Two: ... Two, ... cheeseburgers, ... please.
Two: ... Two, ... cheeseburgers, ... please.
Two, ... Two cheeseburgers, please.
More, ... Can I have some more milk shake?

More, ... Can I have some more milk shake?

More: ... Can, ... I, ... have, ... some, ... more, ... milk, ... shake?

More, more... Can I, drink, milk, shake, again?

More: ... Can, ... I, ... have, ... some, ... more, ... milk, ... shake?
More: ... Can, ... I, ... have, ... some, ... more, ... milk, ... shake?
More, ... Can I have some more milk shake?
These, ... Do you like these ribbons?

These, ... Do you like these ribbons?

These: ... Do, ... you, ... like, ... these, ... ribbons?

This ... Is, you, like, ribbon, this?

These: ... Do, ... you, ... like, ... these, ... ribbons?
These: ... Do, ... you, ... like, ... these, ... ribbons?
These, ... Do you like these ribbons?
Want, ... Do you want these ribbons?

Want, ... Do you want these ribbons?

Want: ... Do, ... you, ... want, ... these, ... ribbons?

Want ... Do, you, want, ribbon, this?

Want: ... Do, ... you, ... want, ... these, ... ribbons?
Want: ... Do, ... you, ... want, ... these, ... ribbons?
Want, ... Do you want these ribbons?
Way, ... Can you look this way?

Way, ... Can you look this way?

Way: ... Can, ... you, ... look, ... this, ... way?

Way ... Can, you, see, to, towards, this?

Way: ... Can, ... you, ... look, ... this, ... way?
Way: ... Can, ... you, ... look, ... this, ... way?
Way, ... Can you look this way?
Look, ... Please look this way.

Look, ... Please look this way.

Look: ... Please, ... look, ... this, ... way.

Look ... Please, look, to, here.

Look: ... Please, ... look, ... this, ... way.
Look: ... Please, ... look, ... this, ... way.
Look, ... Please look this way.
First, ... She was my very first teacher.

First, ... She was my very first teacher.

First: ... She, ... was, ... my, ... very, ... first, ... teacher.

First ... He, is, the teacher, first, me.

First: ... She, ... was, ... my, ... very, ... first, ... teacher.
First: ... She, ... was, ... my, ... very, ... first, ... teacher.
First, ... She was my very first teacher.
Also, ... She was also my best friend.

Also, ... She was also my best friend.

Also: ... She, ... was, ... also, ... my, ... best, ... friend.

Also ... He, too, my best friend.

Also: ... She, ... was, ... also, ... my, ... best, ... friend.
Also: ... She, ... was, ... also, ... my, ... best, ... friend.
Also, ... She was also my best friend.
New, ... I have new shoes.

New, ... I have new shoes.

New: ... I, ... have, ... new, ... shoes.

New ... I, have, shoes, new.

New: ... I, ... have, ... new, ... shoes.
New: ... I, ... have, ... new, ... shoes.
New, ... I have new shoes.
Because, ... I am crying because I’m sad.

Because, ... I am crying because I’m sad.

Because: ... I, ... am, ... crying, ... because, ... I’m, ... sad.

Because ... I, cry, because, I, sad.

Because: ... I, ... am, ... crying, ... because, ... I’m, ... sad.
Because: ... I, ... am, ... crying, ... because, ... I’m, ... sad.
Because, ... I am crying because I’m sad.
Day, ... Today is national friendship day.

Day, ... Today is national friendship day.

Day: ... Today, ... is, ... national, ... friendship, ... day.

Day ... Day, this, is, day, friendship, national.

Day: ... Today, ... is, ... national, ... friendship, ... day.
Day: ... Today, ... is, ... national, ... friendship, ... day.
Day, ... Today is national friendship day.
More, ... I have more stickers at home.

More, ... I have more stickers at home.

More: ... I, ... have, ... more, ... stickers, ... at, ... home.

More ... I, have, more, many, stickers, at, home.

More: ... I, ... have, ... more, ... stickers, ... at, ... home.
More: ... I, ... have, ... more, ... stickers, ... at, ... home.
More, ... I have more stickers at home.
Use, ... How do I use this?

Use, ... How do I use this?

Use: ... How, ... do, ... I, ... use, ... this?

Use ... How, how to, use, this?

Use: ... How, ... do, ... I, ... use, ... this?
Use: ... How, ... do, ... I, ... use, ... this?
Use, ... How do I use this?
No, ... There’s no electricity now.

No, ... There’s no electricity now.

No: ... There’s, ... no, ... electricity, ... now.

No... No, no, electricity, now.

No: ... There’s, ... no, ... electricity, ... now.
No: ... There’s, ... no, ... electricity, ... now.
No, ... There’s no electricity now.
Man, ... There’s a man outside looking for you.

Man, ... There’s a man outside looking for you.

Man: ... There’s, ... a, ... man, ... outside, ... looking, ... for, ... you.

Gosh... There's, a, man, out, out, looking for you.

Man: ... There’s, ... a, ... man, ... outside, ... looking, ... for, ... you.
Man: ... There’s, ... a, ... man, ... outside, ... looking, ... for, ... you.
Man, ... There’s a man outside looking for you.
Find, ... Where can I find rare furniture?

Find, ... Where can I find rare furniture?

Find: ... Where, ... can, ... I, ... find, ... rare, ... furniture?

Find ... In, where, I, can, find, furniture, rare?

Find: ... Where, ... can, ... I, ... find, ... rare, ... furniture?
Find: ... Where, ... can, ... I, ... find, ... rare, ... furniture?
Find, ... Where can I find rare furniture?
Here, ... My mom is here.

Here, ... My mom is here.

Here: ... My, ... mom, ... is, ... here.

This... My mother, over here.

Here: ... My, ... mom, ... is, ... here.
Here: ... My, ... mom, ... is, ... here.
Here, ... My mom is here.
Thing, ... One thing led to another.

Thing, ... One thing led to another.

Thing: ... One, ... thing, ... led, ... to, ... another.

Thing ... One, thing, leads to, to, which, another.

Thing: ... One, ... thing, ... led, ... to, ... another.
Thing: ... One, ... thing, ... led, ... to, ... another.
Thing, ... One thing led to another.
Give, ... Give her these pearls.

Give, ... Give her these pearls.

Give: ... Give, ... her, ... these, ... pearls.

Give ... Give, he, pearl, this.

Give: ... Give, ... her, ... these, ... pearls.
Give: ... Give, ... her, ... these, ... pearls.
Give, ... Give her these pearls.
Many, ... We shared many dreams together.

Many, ... We shared many dreams together.

Many: ... We, ... shared, ... many, ... dreams, ... together.

Many ... We, share, many, dreams, together.

Many: ... We, ... shared, ... many, ... dreams, ... together.
Many: ... We, ... shared, ... many, ... dreams, ... together.
Many, ... We shared many dreams together.
Well, ... You know me so well.

Well, ... You know me so well.

Well: ... You, ... know, ... me, ... so, ... well.

Well ... You, know, I, with, well.

Well: ... You, ... know, ... me, ... so, ... well.
Well: ... You, ... know, ... me, ... so, ... well.
Well, ... You know me so well.
Only, ... You are my only friend here.

Only, ... You are my only friend here.

Only: ... You, ... are, ... my, ... only, ... friend, ... here.

Only ... You, are, the only, friend, I, in, here.

Only: ... You, ... are, ... my, ... only, ... friend, ... here.
Only: ... You, ... are, ... my, ... only, ... friend, ... here.
Only, ... You are my only friend here.
Those, ... Those boots belong to my friend.

Those, ... Those boots belong to my friend.

Those: ... Those, ... boots, ... belong, ... to, ... my, ... friend.

That ... Shoes, boots, that, belong, my friend.

Those: ... Those, ... boots, ... belong, ... to, ... my, ... friend.
Those: ... Those, ... boots, ... belong, ... to, ... my, ... friend.
Those, ... Those boots belong to my friend.
Tell, ... Can you tell me which way to go?

Tell, ... Can you tell me which way to go?

Tell: ... Can, ... you, ... tell, ... me, ... which, ... way, ... to, ... go?

Tell ... Can, you, give, know, I, which way, which, should, be taken?

Tell: ... Can, ... you, ... tell, ... me, ... which, ... way, ... to, ... go?
Tell: ... Can, ... you, ... tell, ... me, ... which, ... way, ... to, ... go?
Tell, ... Can you tell me which way to go?
One, ... She’s the one he’s been waiting for.

One, ... She’s the one he’s been waiting for.

One: ... She’s, ... the, ... one, ... he’s, ... been, ... waiting, ... for.

One ... He, who, he, wait.

One: ... She’s, ... the, ... one, ... he’s, ... been, ... waiting, ... for.
One: ... She’s, ... the, ... one, ... he’s, ... been, ... waiting, ... for.
One, ... She’s the one he’s been waiting for.
Very, ... I’m very upset right now.

Very, ... I’m very upset right now.

Very: ... I’m, ... very, ... upset, ... right, ... now.

Very ... I am, very, annoyed, right now.

Very: ... I’m, ... very, ... upset, ... right, ... now.
Very: ... I’m, ... very, ... upset, ... right, ... now.
Very, ... I’m very upset right now.
Her, ... Her grandmother is sick.

Her, ... Her grandmother is sick.

Her: ... Her, ... grandmother, ... is, ... sick.

She ... Her grandmother, sick.

Her: ... Her, ... grandmother, ... is, ... sick.
Her: ... Her, ... grandmother, ... is, ... sick.
Her, ... Her grandmother is sick.
Even, ... She can’t even stand on her own.

Even, ... She can’t even stand on her own.

Even: ... She, ... can’t, ... even, ... stand, ... on, ... her, ... own.

Even ... He, even, could not, stand, alone.

Even: ... She, ... can’t, ... even, ... stand, ... on, ... her, ... own.
Even: ... She, ... can’t, ... even, ... stand, ... on, ... her, ... own.
Even, ... She can’t even stand on her own.
Back, ... I’ll be right back.

Back, ... I’ll be right back.

Back: ... I’ll, ... be, ... right, ... back.

Back ... I, will, soon, return.

Back: ... I’ll, ... be, ... right, ... back.
Back: ... I’ll, ... be, ... right, ... back.
Back, ... I’ll be right back.
Any, ... Have you had any luck on your research?

Any, ... Have you had any luck on your research?

Any: ... Have, ... you, ... had, ... any, ... luck, ... on, ... your, ... research?

Any ... Are, you, lucky, in, research, you?

Any: ... Have, ... you, ... had, ... any, ... luck, ... on, ... your, ... research?
Any: ... Have, ... you, ... had, ... any, ... luck, ... on, ... your, ... research?
Any, ... Have you had any luck on your research?
Good, ... You’re a good person.

Good, ... You’re a good person.

Good: ... You’re, ... a, ... good, ... person.

Good ... You, people, good.

Good: ... You’re, ... a, ... good, ... person.
Good: ... You’re, ... a, ... good, ... person.
Good, ... You’re a good person.
Woman, ... That woman looks so polished.

Woman, ... That woman looks so polished.

Woman: ... That, ... woman, ... looks, ... so, ... polished.

Woman ... Woman, it is, looks, very, smooth.

Woman: ... That, ... woman, ... looks, ... so, ... polished.
Woman: ... That, ... woman, ... looks, ... so, ... polished.
Woman, ... That woman looks so polished.
Through, ... Your faith will see you through tough times.

Through, ... Your faith will see you through tough times.

Through: ... Your, ... faith, ... will, ... see, ... you, ... through, ... tough, ... times.

Through ... Faith, you, will, see, you, through, times, hard.

Through: ... Your, ... faith, ... will, ... see, ... you, ... through, ... tough, ... times.
Through: ... Your, ... faith, ... will, ... see, ... you, ... through, ... tough, ... times.
Through, ... Your faith will see you through tough times.
Us, ... Do you want to go with us?

Us, ... Do you want to go with us?

Us: ... Do, ... you, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... with, ... us?

We ... Do, you, want, go, together, us?

Us: ... Do, ... you, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... with, ... us?
Us: ... Do, ... you, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... with, ... us?
Us, ... Do you want to go with us?
Life, ... This is the best day of my life.

Life, ... This is the best day of my life.

Life: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... best, ... day, ... of, ... my, ... life.

Life ... This, is, day, best, in, my life.

Life: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... best, ... day, ... of, ... my, ... life.
Life: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... best, ... day, ... of, ... my, ... life.
Life, ... This is the best day of my life.
Child, ... I just saw a child cross the street by herself.

Child, ... I just saw a child cross the street by herself.

Child: ... I, ... just, ... saw, ... a, ... child, ... cross, ... the, ... street, ... by, ... herself.

Son ... I, just, just, saw, a, child, crossing, road, alone.

Child: ... I, ... just, ... saw, ... a, ... child, ... cross, ... the, ... street, ... by, ... herself.
Child: ... I, ... just, ... saw, ... a, ... child, ... cross, ... the, ... street, ... by, ... herself.
Child, ... I just saw a child cross the street by herself.
There, ... Did you go there?

There, ... Did you go there?

There: ... Did, ... you, ... go, ... there?

There, there ... Are, you, go, to, there?

There: ... Did, ... you, ... go, ... there?
There: ... Did, ... you, ... go, ... there?
There, ... Did you go there?
Work, ... I have to go to work.

Work, ... I have to go to work.

Work: ... I, ... have, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... work.

Work ... I, have to, go, work.

Work: ... I, ... have, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... work.
Work: ... I, ... have, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... work.
Work, ... I have to go to work.
Down, ... Let’s go down.

Down, ... Let’s go down.

Down: ... Let’s, ... go, ... down.

Get down... Come on, get down.

Down: ... Let’s, ... go, ... down.
Down: ... Let’s, ... go, ... down.
Down, ... Let’s go down.
May, ... You may take your seats.

May, ... You may take your seats.

May: ... You, ... may, ... take, ... your, ... seats.

May ... You, may, sit down.

May: ... You, ... may, ... take, ... your, ... seats.
May: ... You, ... may, ... take, ... your, ... seats.
May, ... You may take your seats.
After, ... Let’s have dinner after work.

After, ... Let’s have dinner after work.

After: ... Let’s, ... have, ... dinner, ... after, ... work.

After ... Let's, we, eat, evening, after, work.

After: ... Let’s, ... have, ... dinner, ... after, ... work.
After: ... Let’s, ... have, ... dinner, ... after, ... work.
After, ... Let’s have dinner after work.
Should, ... Should I buy this dress?

Should, ... Should I buy this dress?

Should: ... Should, ... I, ... buy, ... this, ... dress?

Should ... Should, I, buy, a dress, this?

Should: ... Should, ... I, ... buy, ... this, ... dress?
Should: ... Should, ... I, ... buy, ... this, ... dress?
Should, ... Should I buy this dress?
Call, ... Call me when you get home, okay?

Call, ... Call me when you get home, okay?

Call: ... Call, ... me, ... when, ... you, ... get, ... home, ... okay?

Phone ... Call, I, when, you, get to, at, home, okay?

Call: ... Call, ... me, ... when, ... you, ... get, ... home, ... okay?
Call: ... Call, ... me, ... when, ... you, ... get, ... home, ... okay?
Call, ... Call me when you get home, okay?
World, ... I want to travel and see the world.

World, ... I want to travel and see the world.

World: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... travel, ... and, ... see, ... the, ... world.

The world ... I, want, travel, and, see, the world.

World: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... travel, ... and, ... see, ... the, ... world.
World: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... travel, ... and, ... see, ... the, ... world.
World, ... I want to travel and see the world.
Over, ... I can’t wait for this day to be over.

Over, ... I can’t wait for this day to be over.

Over: ... I, ... can’t, ... wait, ... for, ... this, ... day, ... to, ... be, ... over.

Done ... I, no, impatient, waiting, day, this, over.

Over: ... I, ... can’t, ... wait, ... for, ... this, ... day, ... to, ... be, ... over.
Over: ... I, ... can’t, ... wait, ... for, ... this, ... day, ... to, ... be, ... over.
Over, ... I can’t wait for this day to be over.
School, ... My cousin goes to school here.

School, ... My cousin goes to school here.

School: ... My, ... cousin, ... goes, ... to, ... school, ... here.

School ... Cousins, I, go to school, here.

School: ... My, ... cousin, ... goes, ... to, ... school, ... here.
School: ... My, ... cousin, ... goes, ... to, ... school, ... here.
School, ... My cousin goes to school here.
Still, ... I still think you should go.

Still, ... I still think you should go.

Still: ... I, ... still, ... think, ... you, ... should, ... go.

Still, just ... I, still, think, you, must, go.

Still: ... I, ... still, ... think, ... you, ... should, ... go.
Still: ... I, ... still, ... think, ... you, ... should, ... go.
Still, ... I still think you should go.
Try, ... Can you try to be nicer to him?

Try, ... Can you try to be nicer to him?

Try: ... Can, ... you, ... try, ... to, ... be, ... nicer, ... to, ... him?

Try... Can, you, try, be, be, be nicer, to him?

Try: ... Can, ... you, ... try, ... to, ... be, ... nicer, ... to, ... him?
Try: ... Can, ... you, ... try, ... to, ... be, ... nicer, ... to, ... him?
Try, ... Can you try to be nicer to him?
In, ... What’s in that box?

In, ... What’s in that box?

In: ... What’s, ... in, ... that, ... box?

In ... What, that, is, in, in, box, that?

In: ... What’s, ... in, ... that, ... box?
In: ... What’s, ... in, ... that, ... box?
In, ... What’s in that box?
As, ... As soon as I get home, I’m going to start watching that series.

As, ... As soon as I get home, I’m going to start watching that series.

As: ... As, ... soon, ... as, ... I, ... get, ... home, ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... start, ... watching, ... that, ... series.

As ... So, until, at, home, I, will, start, watch, serial, that.

As: ... As, ... soon, ... as, ... I, ... get, ... home, ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... start, ... watching, ... that, ... series.
As: ... As, ... soon, ... as, ... I, ... get, ... home, ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... start, ... watching, ... that, ... series.
As, ... As soon as I get home, I’m going to start watching that series.
Last, ... This is my last slice of cake, I promise! ...

Last, ... This is my last slice of cake, I promise! ...

Last: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... last, ... slice, ... of, ... cake, ... I, ... promise! ...

Last ... Here, slice, cake, last, I, I, promise!

Last: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... last, ... slice, ... of, ... cake, ... I, ... promise! ...
Last: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... last, ... slice, ... of, ... cake, ... I, ... promise! ...
Last, ... This is my last slice of cake, I promise! ...
Ask, ... Can you ask the waiter to bring us some wine?

Ask, ... Can you ask the waiter to bring us some wine?

Ask: ... Can, ... you, ... ask, ... the, ... waiter, ... to, ... bring, ... us, ... some, ... wine?

Tanya ... Can, you, ask, the waiter, bring, us, wine?

Ask: ... Can, ... you, ... ask, ... the, ... waiter, ... to, ... bring, ... us, ... some, ... wine?
Ask: ... Can, ... you, ... ask, ... the, ... waiter, ... to, ... bring, ... us, ... some, ... wine?
Ask, ... Can you ask the waiter to bring us some wine?
Need, ... I need some wine tonight! ...

Need, ... I need some wine tonight! ...

Need: ... I, ... need, ... some, ... wine, ... tonight! ...

Need ... I, need, wine, night, this!

Need: ... I, ... need, ... some, ... wine, ... tonight! ...
Need: ... I, ... need, ... some, ... wine, ... tonight! ...
Need, ... I need some wine tonight! ...
Too, ... I need some wine, too! ...

Too, ... I need some wine, too! ...

Too: ... I, ... need, ... some, ... wine, ... too! ...

Also ... I, too, need, wine!

Too: ... I, ... need, ... some, ... wine, ... too! ...
Too: ... I, ... need, ... some, ... wine, ... too! ...
Too, ... I need some wine, too! ...
Feel, ... I feel so tired, I just need to relax and unwind.

Feel, ... I feel so tired, I just need to relax and unwind.

Feel: ... I, ... feel, ... so, ... tired, ... I, ... just, ... need, ... to, ... relax, ... and, ... unwind.

Feel... I, feel, very, tired, I, just, need, rest, and, relax.

Feel: ... I, ... feel, ... so, ... tired, ... I, ... just, ... need, ... to, ... relax, ... and, ... unwind.
Feel: ... I, ... feel, ... so, ... tired, ... I, ... just, ... need, ... to, ... relax, ... and, ... unwind.
Feel, ... I feel so tired, I just need to relax and unwind.
Three, ... I have three sisters.

Three, ... I have three sisters.

Three: ... I, ... have, ... three, ... sisters.

Three ... I, have, three, brother, sister.

Three: ... I, ... have, ... three, ... sisters.
Three: ... I, ... have, ... three, ... sisters.
Three, ... I have three sisters.
When, ... When was the last time you saw them?

When, ... When was the last time you saw them?

When: ... When, ... was, ... the, ... last, ... time, ... you, ... saw, ... them?

When ... When, was the last, time, you, saw, them?

When: ... When, ... was, ... the, ... last, ... time, ... you, ... saw, ... them?
When: ... When, ... was, ... the, ... last, ... time, ... you, ... saw, ... them?
When, ... When was the last time you saw them?
State, ... Check out the state of that shed, it’s falling apart.

State, ... Check out the state of that shed, it’s falling apart.

State: ... Check, ... out, ... the, ... state, ... of, ... that, ... shed, ... it’s, ... falling, ... apart.

State ... Check, state, warehouse, that, that, a mess.

State: ... Check, ... out, ... the, ... state, ... of, ... that, ... shed, ... it’s, ... falling, ... apart.
State: ... Check, ... out, ... the, ... state, ... of, ... that, ... shed, ... it’s, ... falling, ... apart.
State, ... Check out the state of that shed, it’s falling apart.
Never, ... I’m never going to drink wine again.

Never, ... I’m never going to drink wine again.

Never: ... I’m, ... never, ... going, ... to, ... drink, ... wine, ... again.

No, ever... I, no, will, drink, wine, again.

Never: ... I’m, ... never, ... going, ... to, ... drink, ... wine, ... again.
Never: ... I’m, ... never, ... going, ... to, ... drink, ... wine, ... again.
Never, ... I’m never going to drink wine again.
Become, ... Over the years we’ve become really close.

Become, ... Over the years we’ve become really close.

Become: ... Over, ... the, ... years, ... we’ve, ... become, ... really, ... close.

Being ... Over, over the years, we, became, very, close.

Become: ... Over, ... the, ... years, ... we’ve, ... become, ... really, ... close.
Become: ... Over, ... the, ... years, ... we’ve, ... become, ... really, ... close.
Become, ... Over the years we’ve become really close.
Between, ... This is just between you and me.

Between, ... This is just between you and me.

Between: ... This, ... is, ... just, ... between, ... you, ... and, ... me.

Between ... This, just, between, you, and, me.

Between: ... This, ... is, ... just, ... between, ... you, ... and, ... me.
Between: ... This, ... is, ... just, ... between, ... you, ... and, ... me.
Between, ... This is just between you and me.
High, ... Give me a high five! ...

High, ... Give me a high five! ...

High: ... Give, ... me, ... a, ... high, ... five! ...

High ... Give me, high five!

High: ... Give, ... me, ... a, ... high, ... five! ...
High: ... Give, ... me, ... a, ... high, ... five! ...
High, ... Give me a high five! ...
Really, ... I really like your painting! ...

Really, ... I really like your painting! ...

Really: ... I, ... really, ... like, ... your, ... painting! ...

Really ... I, really, like, painting, you!

Really: ... I, ... really, ... like, ... your, ... painting! ...
Really: ... I, ... really, ... like, ... your, ... painting! ...
Really, ... I really like your painting! ...
Something, ... I have something for you.

Something, ... I have something for you.

Something: ... I, ... have, ... something, ... for, ... you.

Something ... I, have, something, for you.

Something: ... I, ... have, ... something, ... for, ... you.
Something: ... I, ... have, ... something, ... for, ... you.
Something, ... I have something for you.
Most, ... She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

Most, ... She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

Most: ... She’s, ... the, ... most, ... beautiful, ... girl, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... seen.

Most ... She, the most, most, beautiful, girl, ever, I, saw.

Most: ... She’s, ... the, ... most, ... beautiful, ... girl, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... seen.
Most: ... She’s, ... the, ... most, ... beautiful, ... girl, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... seen.
Most, ... She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.
Another, ... I’ll have another glass of wine, please.

Another, ... I’ll have another glass of wine, please.

Another: ... I’ll, ... have, ... another, ... glass, ... of, ... wine, ... please.

One more... I, want, another glass of wine.

Another: ... I’ll, ... have, ... another, ... glass, ... of, ... wine, ... please.
Another: ... I’ll, ... have, ... another, ... glass, ... of, ... wine, ... please.
Another, ... I’ll have another glass of wine, please.
Much, ... I love you guys so much.

Much, ... I love you guys so much.

Much: ... I, ... love, ... you, ... guys, ... so, ... much.

Many ... I, very, love, you guys.

Much: ... I, ... love, ... you, ... guys, ... so, ... much.
Much: ... I, ... love, ... you, ... guys, ... so, ... much.
Much, ... I love you guys so much.
Family, ... You are like family to me.

Family, ... You are like family to me.

Family: ... You, ... are, ... like, ... family, ... to, ... me.

Family ... You are, like, family, to, me.

Family: ... You, ... are, ... like, ... family, ... to, ... me.
Family: ... You, ... are, ... like, ... family, ... to, ... me.
Family, ... You are like family to me.
Own, ... I want to get my own place.

Own, ... I want to get my own place.

Own: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... get, ... my, ... own, ... place.

Alone ... I, want, get, place, I, alone.

Own: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... get, ... my, ... own, ... place.
Own: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... get, ... my, ... own, ... place.
Own, ... I want to get my own place.
Out, ... Get out of my room.

Out, ... Get out of my room.

Out: ... Get, ... out, ... of, ... my, ... room.

Get out... Get out, out of, my room.

Out: ... Get, ... out, ... of, ... my, ... room.
Out: ... Get, ... out, ... of, ... my, ... room.
Out, ... Get out of my room.
Leave, ... I want you to leave.

Leave, ... I want you to leave.

Leave: ... I, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... leave.

Leave ... I, want, you, go.

Leave: ... I, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... leave.
Leave: ... I, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... leave.
Leave, ... I want you to leave.
Put, ... Please put down that book and listen to me.

Put, ... Please put down that book and listen to me.

Put: ... Please, ... put, ... down, ... that, ... book, ... and, ... listen, ... to, ... me.

Put ... Please, put down, the book, that, and, listen, me.

Put: ... Please, ... put, ... down, ... that, ... book, ... and, ... listen, ... to, ... me.
Put: ... Please, ... put, ... down, ... that, ... book, ... and, ... listen, ... to, ... me.
Put, ... Please put down that book and listen to me.
Old, ... I feel so old! ...

Old, ... I feel so old! ...

Old: ... I, ... feel, ... so, ... old! ...

Old ... I, feel, very, old!

Old: ... I, ... feel, ... so, ... old! ...
Old: ... I, ... feel, ... so, ... old! ...
Old, ... I feel so old! ...
While, ... I can wait for you here while you shop.

While, ... I can wait for you here while you shop.

While: ... I, ... can, ... wait, ... for, ... you, ... here, ... while, ... you, ... shop.

While ... I, can, wait for you, here, while, shopping.

While: ... I, ... can, ... wait, ... for, ... you, ... here, ... while, ... you, ... shop.
While: ... I, ... can, ... wait, ... for, ... you, ... here, ... while, ... you, ... shop.
While, ... I can wait for you here while you shop.
Mean, ... I didn’t mean to sound so angry.

Mean, ... I didn’t mean to sound so angry.

Mean: ... I, ... didn’t, ... mean, ... to, ... sound, ... so, ... angry.

Means... I, no, meant, sounded, so, angry.

Mean: ... I, ... didn’t, ... mean, ... to, ... sound, ... so, ... angry.
Mean: ... I, ... didn’t, ... mean, ... to, ... sound, ... so, ... angry.
Mean, ... I didn’t mean to sound so angry.
On, ... Can you turn on the lights?

On, ... Can you turn on the lights?

On: ... Can, ... you, ... turn, ... on, ... the, ... lights?

Live ... Can, you, turn on, the light?

On: ... Can, ... you, ... turn, ... on, ... the, ... lights?
On: ... Can, ... you, ... turn, ... on, ... the, ... lights?
On, ... Can you turn on the lights?
Keep, ... Can we keep the lights on tonight?

Keep, ... Can we keep the lights on tonight?

Keep: ... Can, ... we, ... keep, ... the, ... lights, ... on, ... tonight?

Still ... Can, we, turn on, lights, night, this?

Keep: ... Can, ... we, ... keep, ... the, ... lights, ... on, ... tonight?
Keep: ... Can, ... we, ... keep, ... the, ... lights, ... on, ... tonight?
Keep, ... Can we keep the lights on tonight?
Student, ... I’ve always been a diligent student.

Student, ... I’ve always been a diligent student.

Student: ... I’ve, ... always, ... been, ... a, ... diligent, ... student.

Student ... I have, always, been, a student, who is, diligent.

Student: ... I’ve, ... always, ... been, ... a, ... diligent, ... student.
Student: ... I’ve, ... always, ... been, ... a, ... diligent, ... student.
Student, ... I’ve always been a diligent student.
Why, ... This is why I don’t go out anymore.

Why, ... This is why I don’t go out anymore.

Why: ... This, ... is, ... why, ... I, ... don’t, ... go, ... out, ... anymore.

Why ... Here, why, I, no, come out, again.

Why: ... This, ... is, ... why, ... I, ... don’t, ... go, ... out, ... anymore.
Why: ... This, ... is, ... why, ... I, ... don’t, ... go, ... out, ... anymore.
Why, ... This is why I don’t go out anymore.
Let, ... Why won’t you let him know how you feel?

Let, ... Why won’t you let him know how you feel?

Let: ... Why, ... won’t, ... you, ... let, ... him, ... know, ... how, ... you, ... feel?

Let ... Why, you, do not, let, he, know, how, feeling, you?

Let: ... Why, ... won’t, ... you, ... let, ... him, ... know, ... how, ... you, ... feel?
Let: ... Why, ... won’t, ... you, ... let, ... him, ... know, ... how, ... you, ... feel?
Let, ... Why won’t you let him know how you feel?
Great, ... This ice cream place is great for families with kids! ...

Great, ... This ice cream place is great for families with kids! ...

Great: ... This, ... ice, ... cream, ... place, ... is, ... great, ... for, ... families, ... with, ... kids! ...

Great ... Place, ice cream, this, very, suitable, for, family, with, kids!

Great: ... This, ... ice, ... cream, ... place, ... is, ... great, ... for, ... families, ... with, ... kids! ...
Great: ... This, ... ice, ... cream, ... place, ... is, ... great, ... for, ... families, ... with, ... kids! ...
Great, ... This ice cream place is great for families with kids! ...
Same, ... Hey, we’re wearing the same shirt! ...

Same, ... Hey, we’re wearing the same shirt! ...

Same: ... Hey, ... we’re, ... wearing, ... the, ... same, ... shirt! ...

Same ... Hey, we, wear, clothes, the, the same!

Same: ... Hey, ... we’re, ... wearing, ... the, ... same, ... shirt! ...
Same: ... Hey, ... we’re, ... wearing, ... the, ... same, ... shirt! ...
Same, ... Hey, we’re wearing the same shirt! ...
Big, ... I have this big crush on brad pitt.

Big, ... I have this big crush on brad pitt.

Big: ... I, ... have, ... this, ... big, ... crush, ... on, ... brad, ... pitt.

Big... I, have a crush, brad, pitt.

Big: ... I, ... have, ... this, ... big, ... crush, ... on, ... brad, ... pitt.
Big: ... I, ... have, ... this, ... big, ... crush, ... on, ... brad, ... pitt.
Big, ... I have this big crush on brad pitt.
Group, ... The group sitting across our table is so noisy.

Group, ... The group sitting across our table is so noisy.

Group: ... The, ... group, ... sitting, ... across, ... our, ... table, ... is, ... so, ... noisy.

Group ... Group, which, sitting, at, across, table, us, very, noisy.

Group: ... The, ... group, ... sitting, ... across, ... our, ... table, ... is, ... so, ... noisy.
Group: ... The, ... group, ... sitting, ... across, ... our, ... table, ... is, ... so, ... noisy.
Group, ... The group sitting across our table is so noisy.
Begin, ... Where do I begin with this huge project?

Begin, ... Where do I begin with this huge project?

Begin: ... Where, ... do, ... I, ... begin, ... with, ... this, ... huge, ... project?

Start ... In, where, I, start, project, big, this?

Begin: ... Where, ... do, ... I, ... begin, ... with, ... this, ... huge, ... project?
Begin: ... Where, ... do, ... I, ... begin, ... with, ... this, ... huge, ... project?
Begin, ... Where do I begin with this huge project?
Seem, ... She may seem quiet, but she’s really outgoing once you get to know her.

Seem, ... She may seem quiet, but she’s really outgoing once you get to know her.

Seem: ... She, ... may, ... seem, ... quiet, ... but, ... she’s, ... really, ... outgoing, ... once, ... you, ... get, ... to, ... know, ... her.

It seems ... He, maybe, seems, quiet, but, he, really, friendly, after, you, get to know him.

Seem: ... She, ... may, ... seem, ... quiet, ... but, ... she’s, ... really, ... outgoing, ... once, ... you, ... get, ... to, ... know, ... her.
Seem: ... She, ... may, ... seem, ... quiet, ... but, ... she’s, ... really, ... outgoing, ... once, ... you, ... get, ... to, ... know, ... her.
Seem, ... She may seem quiet, but she’s really outgoing once you get to know her.
Country, ... Japan is such a beautiful country! ...

Country, ... Japan is such a beautiful country! ...

Country: ... Japan, ... is, ... such, ... a, ... beautiful, ... country! ...

Country ... Japan, is, a country, which is, very, beautiful!

Country: ... Japan, ... is, ... such, ... a, ... beautiful, ... country! ...
Country: ... Japan, ... is, ... such, ... a, ... beautiful, ... country! ...
Country, ... Japan is such a beautiful country! ...
Help, ... I need help with my math homework.

Help, ... I need help with my math homework.

Help: ... I, ... need, ... help, ... with, ... my, ... math, ... homework.

Help ... I, need, help, with, work, home, math, me.

Help: ... I, ... need, ... help, ... with, ... my, ... math, ... homework.
Help: ... I, ... need, ... help, ... with, ... my, ... math, ... homework.
Help, ... I need help with my math homework.
Talk, ... Can we talk in private?

Talk, ... Can we talk in private?

Talk: ... Can, ... we, ... talk, ... in, ... private?

Talk ... Can we, talk, privately?

Talk: ... Can, ... we, ... talk, ... in, ... private?
Talk: ... Can, ... we, ... talk, ... in, ... private?
Talk, ... Can we talk in private?
Where, ... Where were you last night?

Where, ... Where were you last night?

Where: ... Where, ... were, ... you, ... last, ... night?

In, where ... Where, where, you, last night?

Where: ... Where, ... were, ... you, ... last, ... night?
Where: ... Where, ... were, ... you, ... last, ... night?
Where, ... Where were you last night?
Turn, ... If only I could turn back time.

Turn, ... If only I could turn back time.

Turn: ... If, ... only, ... I, ... could, ... turn, ... back, ... time.

Play ... If, only, I, can, turn, go back, time.

Turn: ... If, ... only, ... I, ... could, ... turn, ... back, ... time.
Turn: ... If, ... only, ... I, ... could, ... turn, ... back, ... time.
Turn, ... If only I could turn back time.
Problem, ... The problem is we think we have plenty of time.

Problem, ... The problem is we think we have plenty of time.

Problem: ... The, ... problem, ... is, ... we, ... think, ... we, ... have, ... plenty, ... of, ... time.

The problem ... The problem, is, we, think, we, have, a lot of, time.

Problem: ... The, ... problem, ... is, ... we, ... think, ... we, ... have, ... plenty, ... of, ... time.
Problem: ... The, ... problem, ... is, ... we, ... think, ... we, ... have, ... plenty, ... of, ... time.
Problem, ... The problem is we think we have plenty of time.
Every, ... Every person has his own big goal to fulfill.

Every, ... Every person has his own big goal to fulfill.

Every: ... Every, ... person, ... has, ... his, ... own, ... big, ... goal, ... to, ... fulfill.

Every ... Every, person, has, purpose, magnitude, alone, to, fulfilled.

Every: ... Every, ... person, ... has, ... his, ... own, ... big, ... goal, ... to, ... fulfill.
Every: ... Every, ... person, ... has, ... his, ... own, ... big, ... goal, ... to, ... fulfill.
Every, ... Every person has his own big goal to fulfill.
Start, ... This is a great to start to learn the english language.

Start, ... This is a great to start to learn the english language.

Start: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... great, ... to, ... start, ... to, ... learn, ... the, ... english, ... language.

Start ... This, is, the beginning, which, good, for, learn, language, english.

Start: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... great, ... to, ... start, ... to, ... learn, ... the, ... english, ... language.
Start: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... great, ... to, ... start, ... to, ... learn, ... the, ... english, ... language.
Start, ... This is a great to start to learn the english language.
Hand, ... Don’t let go of my hand.

Hand, ... Don’t let go of my hand.

Hand: ... Don’t, ... let, ... go, ... of, ... my, ... hand.

Hands ... No, let go, my hands.

Hand: ... Don’t, ... let, ... go, ... of, ... my, ... hand.
Hand: ... Don’t, ... let, ... go, ... of, ... my, ... hand.
Hand, ... Don’t let go of my hand.
Might, ... This might actually work.

Might, ... This might actually work.

Might: ... This, ... might, ... actually, ... work.

Maybe ... It, maybe, really, works.

Might: ... This, ... might, ... actually, ... work.
Might: ... This, ... might, ... actually, ... work.
Might, ... This might actually work.
American, ... The american culture is so dynamic.

American, ... The american culture is so dynamic.

American: ... The, ... american, ... culture, ... is, ... so, ... dynamic.

America ... Culture, america, so, dynamic.

American: ... The, ... american, ... culture, ... is, ... so, ... dynamic.
American: ... The, ... american, ... culture, ... is, ... so, ... dynamic.
American, ... The american culture is so dynamic.
Show, ... Can you show me how to use this vacuum cleaner?

Show, ... Can you show me how to use this vacuum cleaner?

Show: ... Can, ... you, ... show, ... me, ... how, ... to, ... use, ... this, ... vacuum, ... cleaner?

Show ... Can, you, show, how to, use, vacuum, dust, this?

Show: ... Can, ... you, ... show, ... me, ... how, ... to, ... use, ... this, ... vacuum, ... cleaner?
Show: ... Can, ... you, ... show, ... me, ... how, ... to, ... use, ... this, ... vacuum, ... cleaner?
Show, ... Can you show me how to use this vacuum cleaner?
Part, ... This is my favorite part of the movie! ...

Part, ... This is my favorite part of the movie! ...

Part: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... part, ... of, ... the, ... movie! ...

Part ... This is, is, part, my favorite, from, movie!

Part: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... part, ... of, ... the, ... movie! ...
Part: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... part, ... of, ... the, ... movie! ...
Part, ... This is my favorite part of the movie! ...
About, ... What is the story about?

About, ... What is the story about?

About: ... What, ... is, ... the, ... story, ... about?

About ... About, what, the story?

About: ... What, ... is, ... the, ... story, ... about?
About: ... What, ... is, ... the, ... story, ... about?
About, ... What is the story about?
Against, ... I am so against domestic abuse! ...

Against, ... I am so against domestic abuse! ...

Against: ... I, ... am, ... so, ... against, ... domestic, ... abuse! ...

Against ... I am, strongly, against, violence, in, home, household!

Against: ... I, ... am, ... so, ... against, ... domestic, ... abuse! ...
Against: ... I, ... am, ... so, ... against, ... domestic, ... abuse! ...
Against, ... I am so against domestic abuse! ...
Place, ... This place is wonderful! ...

Place, ... This place is wonderful! ...

Place: ... This, ... place, ... is, ... wonderful! ...

Place ... Place, this, extraordinary, extraordinary!

Place: ... This, ... place, ... is, ... wonderful! ...
Place: ... This, ... place, ... is, ... wonderful! ...
Place, ... This place is wonderful! ...
Over, ... She kept saying this over and over again.

Over, ... She kept saying this over and over again.

Over: ... She, ... kept, ... saying, ... this, ... over, ... and, ... over, ... again.

Over and over ... He, kept, said, this, over and over again.

Over: ... She, ... kept, ... saying, ... this, ... over, ... and, ... over, ... again.
Over: ... She, ... kept, ... saying, ... this, ... over, ... and, ... over, ... again.
Over, ... She kept saying this over and over again.
Such, ... He is such an annoying person.

Such, ... He is such an annoying person.

Such: ... He, ... is, ... such, ... an, ... annoying, ... person.

Like ... He, is, the person, who, sucks.

Such: ... He, ... is, ... such, ... an, ... annoying, ... person.
Such: ... He, ... is, ... such, ... an, ... annoying, ... person.
Such, ... He is such an annoying person.
Again, ... Can we play that game again?

Again, ... Can we play that game again?

Again: ... Can, ... we, ... play, ... that, ... game, ... again?

Again, again ... Can, we, play, the game, that, again?

Again: ... Can, ... we, ... play, ... that, ... game, ... again?
Again: ... Can, ... we, ... play, ... that, ... game, ... again?
Again, ... Can we play that game again?
Few, ... Just a few more errands and I’m done! ...

Few, ... Just a few more errands and I’m done! ...

Few: ... Just, ... a, ... few, ... more, ... errands, ... and, ... I’m, ... done! ...

A little ... Just, a few, tasks, again, and, I, done!

Few: ... Just, ... a, ... few, ... more, ... errands, ... and, ... I’m, ... done! ...
Few: ... Just, ... a, ... few, ... more, ... errands, ... and, ... I’m, ... done! ...
Few, ... Just a few more errands and I’m done! ...
Case, ... What an interesting case you are working on now! ...

Case, ... What an interesting case you are working on now! ...

Case: ... What, ... an, ... interesting, ... case, ... you, ... are, ... working, ... on, ... now! ...

Case ... Case, interesting, which, being, you, work on, now!

Case: ... What, ... an, ... interesting, ... case, ... you, ... are, ... working, ... on, ... now! ...
Case: ... What, ... an, ... interesting, ... case, ... you, ... are, ... working, ... on, ... now! ...
Case, ... What an interesting case you are working on now! ...
Most, ... That’s the most interesting story I’ve ever heard.

Most, ... That’s the most interesting story I’ve ever heard.

Most: ... That’s, ... the, ... most, ... interesting, ... story, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... heard.

The most ... That, the story, the most, interesting, that, I have ever heard.

Most: ... That’s, ... the, ... most, ... interesting, ... story, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... heard.
Most: ... That’s, ... the, ... most, ... interesting, ... story, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... heard.
Most, ... That’s the most interesting story I’ve ever heard.
Week, ... I had a rough week.

Week, ... I had a rough week.

Week: ... I, ... had, ... a, ... rough, ... week.

Week ... I, experienced, the week, the, heavy.

Week: ... I, ... had, ... a, ... rough, ... week.
Week: ... I, ... had, ... a, ... rough, ... week.
Week, ... I had a rough week.
Company, ... Will you keep me company?

Company, ... Will you keep me company?

Company: ... Will, ... you, ... keep, ... me, ... company?

Company ... Will you, accompany, me?

Company: ... Will, ... you, ... keep, ... me, ... company?
Company: ... Will, ... you, ... keep, ... me, ... company?
Company, ... Will you keep me company?
Where, ... Where are we going?

Where, ... Where are we going?

Where: ... Where, ... are, ... we, ... going?

To, where ... To, where, we, will, go?

Where: ... Where, ... are, ... we, ... going?
Where: ... Where, ... are, ... we, ... going?
Where, ... Where are we going?
System, ... What’s wrong with the airport’s system?

System, ... What’s wrong with the airport’s system?

System: ... What’s, ... wrong, ... with, ... the, ... airport’s, ... system?

System ... What, is, wrong, with, system, airport?

System: ... What’s, ... wrong, ... with, ... the, ... airport’s, ... system?
System: ... What’s, ... wrong, ... with, ... the, ... airport’s, ... system?
System, ... What’s wrong with the airport’s system?
Each, ... Can you give each of them an apple?

Each, ... Can you give each of them an apple?

Each: ... Can, ... you, ... give, ... each, ... of, ... them, ... an, ... apple?

Each ... Can, you, give, them, respectively, an apple?

Each: ... Can, ... you, ... give, ... each, ... of, ... them, ... an, ... apple?
Each: ... Can, ... you, ... give, ... each, ... of, ... them, ... an, ... apple?
Each, ... Can you give each of them an apple?
Right, ... I’m right this time.

Right, ... I’m right this time.

Right: ... I’m, ... right, ... this, ... time.

Right... I, right, time, this.

Right: ... I’m, ... right, ... this, ... time.
Right: ... I’m, ... right, ... this, ... time.
Right, ... I’m right this time.
Program, ... This community program for teens is really helpful.

Program, ... This community program for teens is really helpful.

Program: ... This, ... community, ... program, ... for, ... teens, ... is, ... really, ... helpful.

Program ... Program, community, for, youth, this is, very, helpful.

Program: ... This, ... community, ... program, ... for, ... teens, ... is, ... really, ... helpful.
Program: ... This, ... community, ... program, ... for, ... teens, ... is, ... really, ... helpful.
Program, ... This community program for teens is really helpful.
Hear, ... Did you hear that?

Hear, ... Did you hear that?

Hear: ... Did, ... you, ... hear, ... that?

Listen... Did, you, hear, that?

Hear: ... Did, ... you, ... hear, ... that?
Hear: ... Did, ... you, ... hear, ... that?
Hear, ... Did you hear that?
So, ... I’m so sleepy.

So, ... I’m so sleepy.

So: ... I’m, ... so, ... sleepy.

So... I'm, really, sleepy.

So: ... I’m, ... so, ... sleepy.
So: ... I’m, ... so, ... sleepy.
So, ... I’m so sleepy.
Question, ... I have a question for you.

Question, ... I have a question for you.

Question: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... question, ... for, ... you.

Questions ... I, have, questions, for, you.

Question: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... question, ... for, ... you.
Question: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... question, ... for, ... you.
Question, ... I have a question for you.
During, ... During the session, I saw him fall asleep.

During, ... During the session, I saw him fall asleep.

During: ... During, ... the, ... session, ... I, ... saw, ... him, ... fall, ... asleep.

During ... During, session, I, seeing it, fell asleep.

During: ... During, ... the, ... session, ... I, ... saw, ... him, ... fall, ... asleep.
During: ... During, ... the, ... session, ... I, ... saw, ... him, ... fall, ... asleep.
During, ... During the session, I saw him fall asleep.
Work, ... I have to work this weekend.

Work, ... I have to work this weekend.

Work: ... I, ... have, ... to, ... work, ... this, ... weekend.

Work ... I, have to, work, weekends, this.

Work: ... I, ... have, ... to, ... work, ... this, ... weekend.
Work: ... I, ... have, ... to, ... work, ... this, ... weekend.
Work, ... I have to work this weekend.
Play, ... We can play soccer next weekend instead.

Play, ... We can play soccer next weekend instead.

Play: ... We, ... can, ... play, ... soccer, ... next, ... weekend, ... instead.

Play ... We, can, play, football, ball, weekend, next, instead.

Play: ... We, ... can, ... play, ... soccer, ... next, ... weekend, ... instead.
Play: ... We, ... can, ... play, ... soccer, ... next, ... weekend, ... instead.
Play, ... We can play soccer next weekend instead.
Government, ... I hope the government does something about the poverty in this country.

Government, ... I hope the government does something about the poverty in this country.

Government: ... I, ... hope, ... the, ... government, ... does, ... something, ... about, ... the, ... poverty, ... in, ... this, ... country.

Government ... I, hope, government, do, something, about, poverty, in, this, country.

Government: ... I, ... hope, ... the, ... government, ... does, ... something, ... about, ... the, ... poverty, ... in, ... this, ... country.
Government: ... I, ... hope, ... the, ... government, ... does, ... something, ... about, ... the, ... poverty, ... in, ... this, ... country.
Government, ... I hope the government does something about the poverty in this country.
Run, ... If you see a bear here, run for your life.

Run, ... If you see a bear here, run for your life.

Run: ... If, ... you, ... see, ... a, ... bear, ... here, ... run, ... for, ... your, ... life.

Run ... If, you, see, bear, in, here, run, for, live, you.

Run: ... If, ... you, ... see, ... a, ... bear, ... here, ... run, ... for, ... your, ... life.
Run: ... If, ... you, ... see, ... a, ... bear, ... here, ... run, ... for, ... your, ... life.
Run, ... If you see a bear here, run for your life.
Small, ... I have a small favor to ask you.

Small, ... I have a small favor to ask you.

Small: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... small, ... favor, ... to, ... ask, ... you.

Small ... I, have, request, small, for you.

Small: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... small, ... favor, ... to, ... ask, ... you.
Small: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... small, ... favor, ... to, ... ask, ... you.
Small, ... I have a small favor to ask you.
Number, ... I have a number of favors to ask you.

Number, ... I have a number of favors to ask you.

Number: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... number, ... of, ... favors, ... to, ... ask, ... you.

Number ... I, have, some, request, for, you.

Number: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... number, ... of, ... favors, ... to, ... ask, ... you.
Number: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... number, ... of, ... favors, ... to, ... ask, ... you.
Number, ... I have a number of favors to ask you.
Off, ... Please turn off the television.

Off, ... Please turn off the television.

Off: ... Please, ... turn, ... off, ... the, ... television.

Off ... Please, turn off, television.

Off: ... Please, ... turn, ... off, ... the, ... television.
Off: ... Please, ... turn, ... off, ... the, ... television.
Off, ... Please turn off the television.
Always, ... I always bring pepper spray with me.

Always, ... I always bring pepper spray with me.

Always: ... I, ... always, ... bring, ... pepper, ... spray, ... with, ... me.

Always ... I, always, carry, spray, pepper.

Always: ... I, ... always, ... bring, ... pepper, ... spray, ... with, ... me.
Always: ... I, ... always, ... bring, ... pepper, ... spray, ... with, ... me.
Always, ... I always bring pepper spray with me.
Move, ... Let’s move on to the next tourist spot.

Move, ... Let’s move on to the next tourist spot.

Move: ... Let’s, ... move, ... on, ... to, ... the, ... next, ... tourist, ... spot.

Move ... Let, we, move on, to, place, tour, next.

Move: ... Let’s, ... move, ... on, ... to, ... the, ... next, ... tourist, ... spot.
Move: ... Let’s, ... move, ... on, ... to, ... the, ... next, ... tourist, ... spot.
Move, ... Let’s move on to the next tourist spot.
Like, ... I really like you.

Like, ... I really like you.

Like: ... I, ... really, ... like, ... you.

Like... I, really, like you.

Like: ... I, ... really, ... like, ... you.
Like: ... I, ... really, ... like, ... you.
Like, ... I really like you.
Night, ... The night is young.

Night, ... The night is young.

Night: ... The, ... night, ... is, ... young.

Night ... Night, still, young.

Night: ... The, ... night, ... is, ... young.
Night: ... The, ... night, ... is, ... young.
Night, ... The night is young.
Live, ... I’m going to live like there’s no tomorrow.

Live, ... I’m going to live like there’s no tomorrow.

Live: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... live, ... like, ... there’s, ... no, ... tomorrow.

Live ... I, will, live, like, no, there is, day, tomorrow.

Live: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... live, ... like, ... there’s, ... no, ... tomorrow.
Live: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... live, ... like, ... there’s, ... no, ... tomorrow.
Live, ... I’m going to live like there’s no tomorrow.
Mr., ... Mr. Morris is here.

Mr., ... Mr. Morris is here.

Mr.: ... Mr., ... Morris, ... is, ... here.

Sir ... Sir, morris, there, over here.

Mr.: ... Mr., ... Morris, ... is, ... here.
Mr.: ... Mr., ... Morris, ... is, ... here.
Mr., ... Mr. Morris is here.
Point, ... You have a point.

Point, ... You have a point.

Point: ... You, ... have, ... a, ... point.

Points ... You, there is, you're right.

Point: ... You, ... have, ... a, ... point.
Point: ... You, ... have, ... a, ... point.
Point, ... You have a point.
Believe, ... I believe in you.

Believe, ... I believe in you.

Believe: ... I, ... believe, ... in, ... you.

Believe ... I, believe, in you.

Believe: ... I, ... believe, ... in, ... you.
Believe: ... I, ... believe, ... in, ... you.
Believe, ... I believe in you.
Hold, ... Just hold my hand.

Hold, ... Just hold my hand.

Hold: ... Just, ... hold, ... my, ... hand.

Hold ... Hold, just, my hand.

Hold: ... Just, ... hold, ... my, ... hand.
Hold: ... Just, ... hold, ... my, ... hand.
Hold, ... Just hold my hand.
Today, ... I’m going to see you today.

Today, ... I’m going to see you today.

Today: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... see, ... you, ... today.

Day, this ... I, will, see you, day, this.

Today: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... see, ... you, ... today.
Today: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... see, ... you, ... today.
Today, ... I’m going to see you today.
Bring, ... Please bring a pen.

Bring, ... Please bring a pen.

Bring: ... Please, ... bring, ... a, ... pen.

Bring... Please, bring, pen.

Bring: ... Please, ... bring, ... a, ... pen.
Bring: ... Please, ... bring, ... a, ... pen.
Bring, ... Please bring a pen.
Happen, ... What will happen if you don’t submit your report on time?

Happen, ... What will happen if you don’t submit your report on time?

Happen: ... What, ... will, ... happen, ... if, ... you, ... don’t, ... submit, ... your, ... report, ... on, ... time?

Happened ... What, which, will, happen, if, you, don't, submit, report, you, right, time?

Happen: ... What, ... will, ... happen, ... if, ... you, ... don’t, ... submit, ... your, ... report, ... on, ... time?
Happen: ... What, ... will, ... happen, ... if, ... you, ... don’t, ... submit, ... your, ... report, ... on, ... time?
Happen, ... What will happen if you don’t submit your report on time?
Next, ... This is the next best thing.

Next, ... This is the next best thing.

Next: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... next, ... best, ... thing.

Next ... This, is, thing, best, next.

Next: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... next, ... best, ... thing.
Next: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... next, ... best, ... thing.
Next, ... This is the next best thing.
Without, ... I can’t live without my phone.

Without, ... I can’t live without my phone.

Without: ... I, ... can’t, ... live, ... without, ... my, ... phone.

Without ... I, no, can, live, without, phone, me.

Without: ... I, ... can’t, ... live, ... without, ... my, ... phone.
Without: ... I, ... can’t, ... live, ... without, ... my, ... phone.
Without, ... I can’t live without my phone.
Before, ... Before I go to bed I always wash my face.

Before, ... Before I go to bed I always wash my face.

Before: ... Before, ... I, ... go, ... to, ... bed, ... I, ... always, ... wash, ... my, ... face.

Before ... Before, sleeping, I, always, wash, face.

Before: ... Before, ... I, ... go, ... to, ... bed, ... I, ... always, ... wash, ... my, ... face.
Before: ... Before, ... I, ... go, ... to, ... bed, ... I, ... always, ... wash, ... my, ... face.
Before, ... Before I go to bed I always wash my face.
Large, ... There’s a large amount of data online about that topic.

Large, ... There’s a large amount of data online about that topic.

Large: ... There’s, ... a, ... large, ... amount, ... of, ... data, ... online, ... about, ... that, ... topic.

Huge ... There are, many, data, online, about, topics, that.

Large: ... There’s, ... a, ... large, ... amount, ... of, ... data, ... online, ... about, ... that, ... topic.
Large: ... There’s, ... a, ... large, ... amount, ... of, ... data, ... online, ... about, ... that, ... topic.
Large, ... There’s a large amount of data online about that topic.
All, ... That’s all I know about dinosaurs.

All, ... That’s all I know about dinosaurs.

All: ... That’s, ... all, ... I, ... know, ... about, ... dinosaurs.

All ... That, alone, that, I, know, about, dinosaurs.

All: ... That’s, ... all, ... I, ... know, ... about, ... dinosaurs.
All: ... That’s, ... all, ... I, ... know, ... about, ... dinosaurs.
All, ... That’s all I know about dinosaurs.
Million, ... I have a million questions about this book.

Million, ... I have a million questions about this book.

Million: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... million, ... questions, ... about, ... this, ... book.

Million ... I, have, a million, questions, about, books, this.

Million: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... million, ... questions, ... about, ... this, ... book.
Million: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... million, ... questions, ... about, ... this, ... book.
Million, ... I have a million questions about this book.
Must, ... We must watch this movie together.

Must, ... We must watch this movie together.

Must: ... We, ... must, ... watch, ... this, ... movie, ... together.

Must ... We, must, watch, this movie, together.

Must: ... We, ... must, ... watch, ... this, ... movie, ... together.
Must: ... We, ... must, ... watch, ... this, ... movie, ... together.
Must, ... We must watch this movie together.
Home, ... Can we go home now?

Home, ... Can we go home now?

Home: ... Can, ... we, ... go, ... home, ... now?

Go home ... Can, we, go home, now?

Home: ... Can, ... we, ... go, ... home, ... now?
Home: ... Can, ... we, ... go, ... home, ... now?
Home, ... Can we go home now?
Under, ... I hid it under my bed.

Under, ... I hid it under my bed.

Under: ... I, ... hid, ... it, ... under, ... my, ... bed.

Under, under ... I, hide it, in, under, my bed.

Under: ... I, ... hid, ... it, ... under, ... my, ... bed.
Under: ... I, ... hid, ... it, ... under, ... my, ... bed.
Under, ... I hid it under my bed.
Water, ... I filled the tub with water.

Water, ... I filled the tub with water.

Water: ... I, ... filled, ... the, ... tub, ... with, ... water.

Water ... I, fill, tub, bath, with, water.

Water: ... I, ... filled, ... the, ... tub, ... with, ... water.
Water: ... I, ... filled, ... the, ... tub, ... with, ... water.
Water, ... I filled the tub with water.
Room, ... His room is at the end of the corridor.

Room, ... His room is at the end of the corridor.

Room: ... His, ... room, ... is, ... at, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... the, ... corridor.

The room ... The room, at the end of the corridor.

Room: ... His, ... room, ... is, ... at, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... the, ... corridor.
Room: ... His, ... room, ... is, ... at, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... the, ... corridor.
Room, ... His room is at the end of the corridor.
Write, ... Can you write me a prescription for this?

Write, ... Can you write me a prescription for this?

Write: ... Can, ... you, ... write, ... me, ... a, ... prescription, ... for, ... this?

Write ... Can, you, write, me, the recipe, for, this?

Write: ... Can, ... you, ... write, ... me, ... a, ... prescription, ... for, ... this?
Write: ... Can, ... you, ... write, ... me, ... a, ... prescription, ... for, ... this?
Write, ... Can you write me a prescription for this?
Mother, ... His mother is a very lovely woman.

Mother, ... His mother is a very lovely woman.

Mother: ... His, ... mother, ... is, ... a, ... very, ... lovely, ... woman.

Mother ... Her mother, is, a woman, who is, very, beautiful.

Mother: ... His, ... mother, ... is, ... a, ... very, ... lovely, ... woman.
Mother: ... His, ... mother, ... is, ... a, ... very, ... lovely, ... woman.
Mother, ... His mother is a very lovely woman.
Area, ... This area of this house needs to be fixed.

Area, ... This area of this house needs to be fixed.

Area: ... This, ... area, ... of, ... this, ... house, ... needs, ... to, ... be, ... fixed.

Area ... Area, house, this, needs, repaired.

Area: ... This, ... area, ... of, ... this, ... house, ... needs, ... to, ... be, ... fixed.
Area: ... This, ... area, ... of, ... this, ... house, ... needs, ... to, ... be, ... fixed.
Area, ... This area of this house needs to be fixed.
National, ... That virus has become a national concern.

National, ... That virus has become a national concern.

National: ... That, ... virus, ... has, ... become, ... a, ... national, ... concern.

National ... Virus, it, has, become, concern, national.

National: ... That, ... virus, ... has, ... become, ... a, ... national, ... concern.
National: ... That, ... virus, ... has, ... become, ... a, ... national, ... concern.
National, ... That virus has become a national concern.
Money, ... She needs money to buy her medicine.

Money, ... She needs money to buy her medicine.

Money: ... She, ... needs, ... money, ... to, ... buy, ... her, ... medicine.

Money ... He, need, money, to, buy, the medicine.

Money: ... She, ... needs, ... money, ... to, ... buy, ... her, ... medicine.
Money: ... She, ... needs, ... money, ... to, ... buy, ... her, ... medicine.
Money, ... She needs money to buy her medicine.
Story, ... She shared her story to the media.

Story, ... She shared her story to the media.

Story: ... She, ... shared, ... her, ... story, ... to, ... the, ... media.

Story ... She, shared, her story, to, the media.

Story: ... She, ... shared, ... her, ... story, ... to, ... the, ... media.
Story: ... She, ... shared, ... her, ... story, ... to, ... the, ... media.
Story, ... She shared her story to the media.
Young, ... She is so young and so hopeful.

Young, ... She is so young and so hopeful.

Young: ... She, ... is, ... so, ... young, ... and, ... so, ... hopeful.

Young ... He was, very, young, and, full of, hope.

Young: ... She, ... is, ... so, ... young, ... and, ... so, ... hopeful.
Young: ... She, ... is, ... so, ... young, ... and, ... so, ... hopeful.
Young, ... She is so young and so hopeful.
Fact, ... It’s a fact: shopping can improve your mood.

Fact, ... It’s a fact: shopping can improve your mood.

Fact: ... It’s, ... a, ... fact: ... , ... shopping, ... can, ... improve, ... your, ... mood.

Facts ... That, facts ... Shopping, can, improve, mood, you.

Fact: ... It’s, ... a, ... fact: ... , ... shopping, ... can, ... improve, ... your, ... mood.
Fact: ... It’s, ... a, ... fact: ... , ... shopping, ... can, ... improve, ... your, ... mood.
Fact, ... It’s a fact: shopping can improve your mood.
Month, ... It’s that time of the month! ...

Month, ... It’s that time of the month! ...

Month: ... It’s, ... that, ... time, ... of, ... the, ... month! ...

Moon ... It's time, moon, that!

Month: ... It’s, ... that, ... time, ... of, ... the, ... month! ...
Month: ... It’s, ... that, ... time, ... of, ... the, ... month! ...
Month, ... It’s that time of the month! ...
Different, ... Just because she’s different, it doesn’t mean she’s bad.

Different, ... Just because she’s different, it doesn’t mean she’s bad.

Different: ... Just, ... because, ... she’s, ... different, ... it, ... doesn’t, ... mean, ... she’s, ... bad.

Different ... Just, because, he, different, doesn't, means, he, bad.

Different: ... Just, ... because, ... she’s, ... different, ... it, ... doesn’t, ... mean, ... she’s, ... bad.
Different: ... Just, ... because, ... she’s, ... different, ... it, ... doesn’t, ... mean, ... she’s, ... bad.
Different, ... Just because she’s different, it doesn’t mean she’s bad.
Lot, ... You have a lot of explaining to do.

Lot, ... You have a lot of explaining to do.

Lot: ... You, ... have, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... explaining, ... to, ... do.

Many ... You, have, many, explanations, which, must, be done.

Lot: ... You, ... have, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... explaining, ... to, ... do.
Lot: ... You, ... have, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... explaining, ... to, ... do.
Lot, ... You have a lot of explaining to do.
Right, ... Turn right when you reach the corner.

Right, ... Turn right when you reach the corner.

Right: ... Turn, ... right, ... when, ... you, ... reach, ... the, ... corner.

Right ... Turn, right, when, you, reach, corner.

Right: ... Turn, ... right, ... when, ... you, ... reach, ... the, ... corner.
Right: ... Turn, ... right, ... when, ... you, ... reach, ... the, ... corner.
Right, ... Turn right when you reach the corner.
Study, ... Let’s study our english lessons together.

Study, ... Let’s study our english lessons together.

Study: ... Let’s, ... study, ... our, ... english, ... lessons, ... together.

Learn ... Let's, we, learn, lesson, language, english, us, together.

Study: ... Let’s, ... study, ... our, ... english, ... lessons, ... together.
Study: ... Let’s, ... study, ... our, ... english, ... lessons, ... together.
Study, ... Let’s study our english lessons together.
Book, ... Can I borrow your english book?

Book, ... Can I borrow your english book?

Book: ... Can, ... I, ... borrow, ... your, ... english, ... book?

Books ... Can, I, borrow, books, language, english, you?

Book: ... Can, ... I, ... borrow, ... your, ... english, ... book?
Book: ... Can, ... I, ... borrow, ... your, ... english, ... book?
Book, ... Can I borrow your english book?
Eye, ... She has the pink eye.

Eye, ... She has the pink eye.

Eye: ... She, ... has, ... the, ... pink, ... eye.

Eyes ... He, has, eyes, red, young.

Eye: ... She, ... has, ... the, ... pink, ... eye.
Eye: ... She, ... has, ... the, ... pink, ... eye.
Eye, ... She has the pink eye.
Job, ... I love my job.

Job, ... I love my job.

Job: ... I, ... love, ... my, ... job.

Work ... I, love, work, me.

Job: ... I, ... love, ... my, ... job.
Job: ... I, ... love, ... my, ... job.
Job, ... I love my job.
Word, ... Describe yourself in one word.

Word, ... Describe yourself in one word.

Word: ... Describe, ... yourself, ... in, ... one, ... word.

Word ... Describe, self, you, in, one, word.

Word: ... Describe, ... yourself, ... in, ... one, ... word.
Word: ... Describe, ... yourself, ... in, ... one, ... word.
Word, ... Describe yourself in one word.
Though, ... Though you are angry now, I’m sure you will forget about this later.

Though, ... Though you are angry now, I’m sure you will forget about this later.

Though: ... Though, ... you, ... are, ... angry, ... now, ... I’m, ... sure, ... you, ... will, ... forget, ... about, ... this, ... later.

Although ... Even though, you, angry, now, I, sure, you, will, forget it, later.

Though: ... Though, ... you, ... are, ... angry, ... now, ... I’m, ... sure, ... you, ... will, ... forget, ... about, ... this, ... later.
Though: ... Though, ... you, ... are, ... angry, ... now, ... I’m, ... sure, ... you, ... will, ... forget, ... about, ... this, ... later.
Though, ... Though you are angry now, I’m sure you will forget about this later.
Business, ... His business is thriving.

Business, ... His business is thriving.

Business: ... His, ... business, ... is, ... thriving.

Business ... The business, growing, rapidly.

Business: ... His, ... business, ... is, ... thriving.
Business: ... His, ... business, ... is, ... thriving.
Business, ... His business is thriving.
Issue, ... This is not an issue for me.

Issue, ... This is not an issue for me.

Issue: ... This, ... is, ... not, ... an, ... issue, ... for, ... me.

Problem ... This, no, trouble, for, me.

Issue: ... This, ... is, ... not, ... an, ... issue, ... for, ... me.
Issue: ... This, ... is, ... not, ... an, ... issue, ... for, ... me.
Issue, ... This is not an issue for me.
Side, ... Whose side are you on, anyway?

Side, ... Whose side are you on, anyway?

Side: ... Whose, ... side, ... are, ... you, ... on, ... anyway?

Side ... You, in, party, who?

Side: ... Whose, ... side, ... are, ... you, ... on, ... anyway?
Side: ... Whose, ... side, ... are, ... you, ... on, ... anyway?
Side, ... Whose side are you on, anyway?
Kind, ... Always be kind, even to strangers.

Kind, ... Always be kind, even to strangers.

Kind: ... Always, ... be, ... kind, ... even, ... to, ... strangers.

Good ... Always, be, be kind, even, to, people, strangers.

Kind: ... Always, ... be, ... kind, ... even, ... to, ... strangers.
Kind: ... Always, ... be, ... kind, ... even, ... to, ... strangers.
Kind, ... Always be kind, even to strangers.
Four, ... There are four seasons in a year.

Four, ... There are four seasons in a year.

Four: ... There, ... are, ... four, ... seasons, ... in, ... a, ... year.

Four ... There are, four, seasons, in, a year.

Four: ... There, ... are, ... four, ... seasons, ... in, ... a, ... year.
Four: ... There, ... are, ... four, ... seasons, ... in, ... a, ... year.
Four, ... There are four seasons in a year.
Head, ... Let’s head back, it’s freezing out here.

Head, ... Let’s head back, it’s freezing out here.

Head: ... Let’s, ... head, ... back, ... it’s, ... freezing, ... out, ... here.

Head ... Come on, we, back, in, here, very, cold.

Head: ... Let’s, ... head, ... back, ... it’s, ... freezing, ... out, ... here.
Head: ... Let’s, ... head, ... back, ... it’s, ... freezing, ... out, ... here.
Head, ... Let’s head back, it’s freezing out here.
Far, ... We’ve gone too far and now we’re lost.

Far, ... We’ve gone too far and now we’re lost.

Far: ... We’ve, ... gone, ... too, ... far, ... and, ... now, ... we’re, ... lost.

Far ... We, already, too, far away, and, now, we, lost.

Far: ... We’ve, ... gone, ... too, ... far, ... and, ... now, ... we’re, ... lost.
Far: ... We’ve, ... gone, ... too, ... far, ... and, ... now, ... we’re, ... lost.
Far, ... We’ve gone too far and now we’re lost.
Black, ... She has long, black hair.

Black, ... She has long, black hair.

Black: ... She, ... has, ... long, ... black, ... hair.

Black ... He, has, hair, black, long.

Black: ... She, ... has, ... long, ... black, ... hair.
Black: ... She, ... has, ... long, ... black, ... hair.
Black, ... She has long, black hair.
Long, ... She has long, brown hair.

Long, ... She has long, brown hair.

Long: ... She, ... has, ... long, ... brown, ... hair.

Long ... He, has, hair, brown, long.

Long: ... She, ... has, ... long, ... brown, ... hair.
Long: ... She, ... has, ... long, ... brown, ... hair.
Long, ... She has long, brown hair.
Both, ... They both love chocolate ice cream.

Both, ... They both love chocolate ice cream.

Both: ... They, ... both, ... love, ... chocolate, ... ice, ... cream.

Both ... They, both, like, ice, cream, chocolate.

Both: ... They, ... both, ... love, ... chocolate, ... ice, ... cream.
Both: ... They, ... both, ... love, ... chocolate, ... ice, ... cream.
Both, ... They both love chocolate ice cream.
Little, ... I have two little boys with me now.

Little, ... I have two little boys with me now.

Little: ... I, ... have, ... two, ... little, ... boys, ... with, ... me, ... now.

Little ... I, have, two, son, son, small, with, me, now.

Little: ... I, ... have, ... two, ... little, ... boys, ... with, ... me, ... now.
Little: ... I, ... have, ... two, ... little, ... boys, ... with, ... me, ... now.
Little, ... I have two little boys with me now.
House, ... The house is so quiet without you.

House, ... The house is so quiet without you.

House: ... The, ... house, ... is, ... so, ... quiet, ... without, ... you.

Home ... Home, this, so, quiet, without you.

House: ... The, ... house, ... is, ... so, ... quiet, ... without, ... you.
House: ... The, ... house, ... is, ... so, ... quiet, ... without, ... you.
House, ... The house is so quiet without you.
Yes, ... I hope you say yes.

Yes, ... I hope you say yes.

Yes: ... I, ... hope, ... you, ... say, ... yes.

Yes ... I, hope, you, answer, yes.

Yes: ... I, ... hope, ... you, ... say, ... yes.
Yes: ... I, ... hope, ... you, ... say, ... yes.
Yes, ... I hope you say yes.
After, ... After all this time, he has finally learned to love.

After, ... After all this time, he has finally learned to love.

After: ... After, ... all, ... this, ... time, ... he, ... has, ... finally, ... learned, ... to, ... love.

After ... After, so, long, he, finally, learns, loves.

After: ... After, ... all, ... this, ... time, ... he, ... has, ... finally, ... learned, ... to, ... love.
After: ... After, ... all, ... this, ... time, ... he, ... has, ... finally, ... learned, ... to, ... love.
After, ... After all this time, he has finally learned to love.
Since, ... Ever since his mom died, he has been cranky and angry at the world.

Since, ... Ever since his mom died, he has been cranky and angry at the world.

Since: ... Ever, ... since, ... his, ... mom, ... died, ... he, ... has, ... been, ... cranky, ... and, ... angry, ... at, ... the, ... world.

Since ... Since, his mother, died, he, became, cranky, and, angry, at, the world.

Since: ... Ever, ... since, ... his, ... mom, ... died, ... he, ... has, ... been, ... cranky, ... and, ... angry, ... at, ... the, ... world.
Since: ... Ever, ... since, ... his, ... mom, ... died, ... he, ... has, ... been, ... cranky, ... and, ... angry, ... at, ... the, ... world.
Since, ... Ever since his mom died, he has been cranky and angry at the world.
Long, ... That was such a long time ago.

Long, ... That was such a long time ago.

Long: ... That, ... was, ... such, ... a, ... long, ... time, ... ago.

Long ... That, it's been, a long time, once.

Long: ... That, ... was, ... such, ... a, ... long, ... time, ... ago.
Long: ... That, ... was, ... such, ... a, ... long, ... time, ... ago.
Long, ... That was such a long time ago.
Provide, ... Please provide me with a list of your services.

Provide, ... Please provide me with a list of your services.

Provide: ... Please, ... provide, ... me, ... with, ... a, ... list, ... of, ... your, ... services.

Provide ... Please, provide, me, register, service, you.

Provide: ... Please, ... provide, ... me, ... with, ... a, ... list, ... of, ... your, ... services.
Provide: ... Please, ... provide, ... me, ... with, ... a, ... list, ... of, ... your, ... services.
Provide, ... Please provide me with a list of your services.
Service, ... Do you have a specific dental service to treat this?

Service, ... Do you have a specific dental service to treat this?

Service: ... Do, ... you, ... have, ... a, ... specific, ... dental, ... service, ... to, ... treat, ... this?

Service ... Do, you, have, service, gear, special, for, deal with, thing, this?

Service: ... Do, ... you, ... have, ... a, ... specific, ... dental, ... service, ... to, ... treat, ... this?
Service: ... Do, ... you, ... have, ... a, ... specific, ... dental, ... service, ... to, ... treat, ... this?
Service, ... Do you have a specific dental service to treat this?
Around, ... We went around the block.

Around, ... We went around the block.

Around: ... We, ... went, ... around, ... the, ... block.

Around ... We, go, in, around, block.

Around: ... We, ... went, ... around, ... the, ... block.
Around: ... We, ... went, ... around, ... the, ... block.
Around, ... We went around the block.
Friend, ... You’re a good friend.

Friend, ... You’re a good friend.

Friend: ... You’re, ... a, ... good, ... friend.

Friend ... You, friend, who, well.

Friend: ... You’re, ... a, ... good, ... friend.
Friend: ... You’re, ... a, ... good, ... friend.
Friend, ... You’re a good friend.
Important, ... You’re important to me.

Important, ... You’re important to me.

Important: ... You’re, ... important, ... to, ... me.

Important ... You, important, to me.

Important: ... You’re, ... important, ... to, ... me.
Important: ... You’re, ... important, ... to, ... me.
Important, ... You’re important to me.
Father, ... My father is so important to me.

Father, ... My father is so important to me.

Father: ... My, ... father, ... is, ... so, ... important, ... to, ... me.

Father ... Father, I, very, important, to, me.

Father: ... My, ... father, ... is, ... so, ... important, ... to, ... me.
Father: ... My, ... father, ... is, ... so, ... important, ... to, ... me.
Father, ... My father is so important to me.
Sit, ... Let’s sit outside together.

Sit, ... Let’s sit outside together.

Sit: ... Let’s, ... sit, ... outside, ... together.

Sit down ... Come on, we, sit, out, together.

Sit: ... Let’s, ... sit, ... outside, ... together.
Sit: ... Let’s, ... sit, ... outside, ... together.
Sit, ... Let’s sit outside together.
Away, ... He’s away right now.

Away, ... He’s away right now.

Away: ... He’s, ... away, ... right, ... now.

Go ... He, go, now.

Away: ... He’s, ... away, ... right, ... now.
Away: ... He’s, ... away, ... right, ... now.
Away, ... He’s away right now.
Until, ... Until when will you be away?

Until, ... Until when will you be away?

Until: ... Until, ... when, ... will, ... you, ... be, ... away?

Until ... Until, when, you, will, go?

Until: ... Until, ... when, ... will, ... you, ... be, ... away?
Until: ... Until, ... when, ... will, ... you, ... be, ... away?
Until, ... Until when will you be away?
Power, ... With great power comes great responsibility.

Power, ... With great power comes great responsibility.

Power: ... With, ... great, ... power, ... comes, ... great, ... responsibility.

Strength ... With, power, big, come, responsibility, big.

Power: ... With, ... great, ... power, ... comes, ... great, ... responsibility.
Power: ... With, ... great, ... power, ... comes, ... great, ... responsibility.
Power, ... With great power comes great responsibility.
Hour, ... I’ve been checking his temperature every hour.

Hour, ... I’ve been checking his temperature every hour.

Hour: ... I’ve, ... been, ... checking, ... his, ... temperature, ... every, ... hour.

Hours ... I, have, checked, temperature, body, every, hour.

Hour: ... I’ve, ... been, ... checking, ... his, ... temperature, ... every, ... hour.
Hour: ... I’ve, ... been, ... checking, ... his, ... temperature, ... every, ... hour.
Hour, ... I’ve been checking his temperature every hour.
Game, ... Let’s play a game.

Game, ... Let’s play a game.

Game: ... Let’s, ... play, ... a, ... game.

Game ... Come on, play, game.

Game: ... Let’s, ... play, ... a, ... game.
Game: ... Let’s, ... play, ... a, ... game.
Game, ... Let’s play a game.
Often, ... I buy from his bakery as often as I can.

Often, ... I buy from his bakery as often as I can.

Often: ... I, ... buy, ... from, ... his, ... bakery, ... as, ... often, ... as, ... I, ... can.

Often ... I, buy, from, the shop, the bread, as often, as possible.

Often: ... I, ... buy, ... from, ... his, ... bakery, ... as, ... often, ... as, ... I, ... can.
Often: ... I, ... buy, ... from, ... his, ... bakery, ... as, ... often, ... as, ... I, ... can.
Often, ... I buy from his bakery as often as I can.
Yet, ... He’s not yet home.

Yet, ... He’s not yet home.

Yet: ... He’s, ... not, ... yet, ... home.

However ... He, not yet, came home.

Yet: ... He’s, ... not, ... yet, ... home.
Yet: ... He’s, ... not, ... yet, ... home.
Yet, ... He’s not yet home.
Line, ... There’s a long line at the grocery cashier.

Line, ... There’s a long line at the grocery cashier.

Line: ... There’s, ... a, ... long, ... line, ... at, ... the, ... grocery, ... cashier.

Queue ... There are, queues, long, at, cashier, grocery.

Line: ... There’s, ... a, ... long, ... line, ... at, ... the, ... grocery, ... cashier.
Line: ... There’s, ... a, ... long, ... line, ... at, ... the, ... grocery, ... cashier.
Line, ... There’s a long line at the grocery cashier.
Political, ... I stay away from political discussions.

Political, ... I stay away from political discussions.

Political: ... I, ... stay, ... away, ... from, ... political, ... discussions.

Politics ... I, stay away, from, discussion, politics.

Political: ... I, ... stay, ... away, ... from, ... political, ... discussions.
Political: ... I, ... stay, ... away, ... from, ... political, ... discussions.
Political, ... I stay away from political discussions.
End, ... It’s the end of an era.

End, ... It’s the end of an era.

End: ... It’s, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... an, ... era.

End ... This, is, the end, of, an, era.

End: ... It’s, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... an, ... era.
End: ... It’s, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... an, ... era.
End, ... It’s the end of an era.
Among, ... Among all my pets, he’s my most favorite.

Among, ... Among all my pets, he’s my most favorite.

Among: ... Among, ... all, ... my, ... pets, ... he’s, ... my, ... most, ... favorite.

In, between ... In, between, all, animals, pets, I, he, is, favorite, me.

Among: ... Among, ... all, ... my, ... pets, ... he’s, ... my, ... most, ... favorite.
Among: ... Among, ... all, ... my, ... pets, ... he’s, ... my, ... most, ... favorite.
Among, ... Among all my pets, he’s my most favorite.
Ever, ... Have you ever tried this cake?

Ever, ... Have you ever tried this cake?

Ever: ... Have, ... you, ... ever, ... tried, ... this, ... cake?

Ever ... Have, have you, ever, tried, this cake?

Ever: ... Have, ... you, ... ever, ... tried, ... this, ... cake?
Ever: ... Have, ... you, ... ever, ... tried, ... this, ... cake?
Ever, ... Have you ever tried this cake?
Stand, ... Can you stand still for a minute?

Stand, ... Can you stand still for a minute?

Stand: ... Can, ... you, ... stand, ... still, ... for, ... a, ... minute?

Stand up ... Can you, stand up, be quiet, for a second?

Stand: ... Can, ... you, ... stand, ... still, ... for, ... a, ... minute?
Stand: ... Can, ... you, ... stand, ... still, ... for, ... a, ... minute?
Stand, ... Can you stand still for a minute?
Bad, ... What you did was so bad.

Bad, ... What you did was so bad.

Bad: ... What, ... you, ... did, ... was, ... so, ... bad.

Bad ... What, that, you, did, very, bad.

Bad: ... What, ... you, ... did, ... was, ... so, ... bad.
Bad: ... What, ... you, ... did, ... was, ... so, ... bad.
Bad, ... What you did was so bad.
Lose, ... I can’t lose you.

Lose, ... I can’t lose you.

Lose: ... I, ... can’t, ... lose, ... you.

Lose ... I, no, can, lose you.

Lose: ... I, ... can’t, ... lose, ... you.
Lose: ... I, ... can’t, ... lose, ... you.
Lose, ... I can’t lose you.
However, ... I want to buy this bag, however, I need to save up for it first.

However, ... I want to buy this bag, however, I need to save up for it first.

However: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... buy, ... this, ... bag, ... however, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... save, ... up, ... for, ... it, ... first.

However ... I, want, to buy, this bag, but, I, must, save, first, first.

However: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... buy, ... this, ... bag, ... however, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... save, ... up, ... for, ... it, ... first.
However: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... buy, ... this, ... bag, ... however, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... save, ... up, ... for, ... it, ... first.
However, ... I want to buy this bag, however, I need to save up for it first.
Member, ... She’s a member of the babysitter’s club.

Member, ... She’s a member of the babysitter’s club.

Member: ... She’s, ... a, ... member, ... of, ... the, ... babysitter’s, ... club.

Member ... He, member, club, babysitter.

Member: ... She’s, ... a, ... member, ... of, ... the, ... babysitter’s, ... club.
Member: ... She’s, ... a, ... member, ... of, ... the, ... babysitter’s, ... club.
Member, ... She’s a member of the babysitter’s club.
Pay, ... Let’s pay for our groceries.

Pay, ... Let’s pay for our groceries.

Pay: ... Let’s, ... pay, ... for, ... our, ... groceries.

Pay ... Come on, pay, groceries, we.

Pay: ... Let’s, ... pay, ... for, ... our, ... groceries.
Pay: ... Let’s, ... pay, ... for, ... our, ... groceries.
Pay, ... Let’s pay for our groceries.
Law, ... There’s a law against jay-walking.

Law, ... There’s a law against jay-walking.

Law: ... There’s, ... a, ... law, ... against, ... jay-walking.

Laws ... There are, laws, which, forbid, jay-walking.

Law: ... There’s, ... a, ... law, ... against, ... jay-walking.
Law: ... There’s, ... a, ... law, ... against, ... jay-walking.
Law, ... There’s a law against jay-walking.
Meet, ... I want you to meet my aunt.

Meet, ... I want you to meet my aunt.

Meet: ... I, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... meet, ... my, ... aunt.

Meet ... I, want, you, meet, my aunt.

Meet: ... I, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... meet, ... my, ... aunt.
Meet: ... I, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... meet, ... my, ... aunt.
Meet, ... I want you to meet my aunt.
Car, ... Let’s go inside my car.

Car, ... Let’s go inside my car.

Car: ... Let’s, ... go, ... inside, ... my, ... car.

Car ... Come on, get in, get in, in, my car.

Car: ... Let’s, ... go, ... inside, ... my, ... car.
Car: ... Let’s, ... go, ... inside, ... my, ... car.
Car, ... Let’s go inside my car.
City, ... This is the city that never sleeps.

City, ... This is the city that never sleeps.

City: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... that, ... never, ... sleeps.

The city ... This, is, the city, which, never, ever, sleeps.

City: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... that, ... never, ... sleeps.
City: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... that, ... never, ... sleeps.
City, ... This is the city that never sleeps.
Almost, ... I’m almost done with my report.

Almost, ... I’m almost done with my report.

Almost: ... I’m, ... almost, ... done, ... with, ... my, ... report.

Almost ... I'm, almost, done, with, my report.

Almost: ... I’m, ... almost, ... done, ... with, ... my, ... report.
Almost: ... I’m, ... almost, ... done, ... with, ... my, ... report.
Almost, ... I’m almost done with my report.
Include, ... Did you remember to include the summary in your report?

Include, ... Did you remember to include the summary in your report?

Include: ... Did, ... you, ... remember, ... to, ... include, ... the, ... summary, ... in, ... your, ... report?

Include ... Do, you, remember, to, include, summary, in, report, you?

Include: ... Did, ... you, ... remember, ... to, ... include, ... the, ... summary, ... in, ... your, ... report?
Include: ... Did, ... you, ... remember, ... to, ... include, ... the, ... summary, ... in, ... your, ... report?
Include, ... Did you remember to include the summary in your report?
Continue, ... Can we continue working tomorrow?

Continue, ... Can we continue working tomorrow?

Continue: ... Can, ... we, ... continue, ... working, ... tomorrow?

Continue ... Can, we, continue, work, tomorrow?

Continue: ... Can, ... we, ... continue, ... working, ... tomorrow?
Continue: ... Can, ... we, ... continue, ... working, ... tomorrow?
Continue, ... Can we continue working tomorrow?
Set, ... Great, let me set an appointment for you.

Set, ... Great, let me set an appointment for you.

Set: ... Great, ... let, ... me, ... set, ... an, ... appointment, ... for, ... you.

Arrange ... Good, allow, I, make, promise, to, you.

Set: ... Great, ... let, ... me, ... set, ... an, ... appointment, ... for, ... you.
Set: ... Great, ... let, ... me, ... set, ... an, ... appointment, ... for, ... you.
Set, ... Great, let me set an appointment for you.
Later, ... I’ll finish it later.

Later, ... I’ll finish it later.

Later: ... I’ll, ... finish, ... it, ... later.

Later ... I, will, finish it, later.

Later: ... I’ll, ... finish, ... it, ... later.
Later: ... I’ll, ... finish, ... it, ... later.
Later, ... I’ll finish it later.
Community, ... Our community is very tight knit.

Community, ... Our community is very tight knit.

Community: ... Our, ... community, ... is, ... very, ... tight, ... knit.

Community ... Community, we are, very, closely.

Community: ... Our, ... community, ... is, ... very, ... tight, ... knit.
Community: ... Our, ... community, ... is, ... very, ... tight, ... knit.
Community, ... Our community is very tight knit.
Much, ... There’s so much to learn in the english language.

Much, ... There’s so much to learn in the english language.

Much: ... There’s, ... so, ... much, ... to, ... learn, ... in, ... the, ... english, ... language.

Many ... There are, so, many, which, must, be studied, in, language, english.

Much: ... There’s, ... so, ... much, ... to, ... learn, ... in, ... the, ... english, ... language.
Much: ... There’s, ... so, ... much, ... to, ... learn, ... in, ... the, ... english, ... language.
Much, ... There’s so much to learn in the english language.
Name, ... What’s your name?

Name, ... What’s your name?

Name: ... What’s, ... your, ... name?

Name ... What, your name?

Name: ... What’s, ... your, ... name?
Name: ... What’s, ... your, ... name?
Name, ... What’s your name?
Five, ... I can give you five reasons why you need to watch that video.

Five, ... I can give you five reasons why you need to watch that video.

Five: ... I, ... can, ... give, ... you, ... five, ... reasons, ... why, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... watch, ... that, ... video.

Five ... I, can, give, you, five, reasons, why, you, need, watch, video, that.

Five: ... I, ... can, ... give, ... you, ... five, ... reasons, ... why, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... watch, ... that, ... video.
Five: ... I, ... can, ... give, ... you, ... five, ... reasons, ... why, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... watch, ... that, ... video.
Five, ... I can give you five reasons why you need to watch that video.
Once, ... I once had a puppy named bark.

Once, ... I once had a puppy named bark.

Once: ... I, ... once, ... had, ... a, ... puppy, ... named, ... bark.

Once ... I, once, had, a child, a dog, named, barks.

Once: ... I, ... once, ... had, ... a, ... puppy, ... named, ... bark.
Once: ... I, ... once, ... had, ... a, ... puppy, ... named, ... bark.
Once, ... I once had a puppy named bark.
White, ... I love my white sneakers.

White, ... I love my white sneakers.

White: ... I, ... love, ... my, ... white, ... sneakers.

White ... I, like, shoes, sneakers, white, me.

White: ... I, ... love, ... my, ... white, ... sneakers.
White: ... I, ... love, ... my, ... white, ... sneakers.
White, ... I love my white sneakers.
Least, ... She’s the least productive among all the employees.

Least, ... She’s the least productive among all the employees.

Least: ... She’s, ... the, ... least, ... productive, ... among, ... all, ... the, ... employees.

At least ... He, who is, at most, not, productive, among, all, employees.

Least: ... She’s, ... the, ... least, ... productive, ... among, ... all, ... the, ... employees.
Least: ... She’s, ... the, ... least, ... productive, ... among, ... all, ... the, ... employees.
Least, ... She’s the least productive among all the employees.
President , ... She was our class president back in high school.

President , ... She was our class president back in high school.

President, ... : ... She, ... was, ... our, ... class, ... president, ... back, ... in, ... high, ... school.

President, ... He, is, chairman, class, we, at, school, middle.

President, ... : ... She, ... was, ... our, ... class, ... president, ... back, ... in, ... high, ... school.
President, ... : ... She, ... was, ... our, ... class, ... president, ... back, ... in, ... high, ... school.
President , ... She was our class president back in high school.
Learn, ... I’d love to learn more about the english language.

Learn, ... I’d love to learn more about the english language.

Learn: ... I’d, ... love, ... to, ... learn, ... more, ... about, ... the, ... english, ... language.

Learn ... I, want, learn, more, much, about, language, english.

Learn: ... I’d, ... love, ... to, ... learn, ... more, ... about, ... the, ... english, ... language.
Learn: ... I’d, ... love, ... to, ... learn, ... more, ... about, ... the, ... english, ... language.
Learn, ... I’d love to learn more about the english language.
Real, ... What is her real name?

Real, ... What is her real name?

Real: ... What, ... is, ... her, ... real, ... name?

Real ... Who, name, real?

Real: ... What, ... is, ... her, ... real, ... name?
Real: ... What, ... is, ... her, ... real, ... name?
Real, ... What is her real name?
Change, ... What can we change so that things will get better?

Change, ... What can we change so that things will get better?

Change: ... What, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... so, ... that, ... things, ... will, ... get, ... better?

Change ... What, that, can, we, change, so that, everything, becomes, more, better?

Change: ... What, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... so, ... that, ... things, ... will, ... get, ... better?
Change: ... What, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... so, ... that, ... things, ... will, ... get, ... better?
Change, ... What can we change so that things will get better?
Team, ... They hired a team to do the design of their new office.

Team, ... They hired a team to do the design of their new office.

Team: ... They, ... hired, ... a, ... team, ... to, ... do, ... the, ... design, ... of, ... their, ... new, ... office.

Team ... They, rent, team, for, design, office, new, them.

Team: ... They, ... hired, ... a, ... team, ... to, ... do, ... the, ... design, ... of, ... their, ... new, ... office.
Team: ... They, ... hired, ... a, ... team, ... to, ... do, ... the, ... design, ... of, ... their, ... new, ... office.
Team, ... They hired a team to do the design of their new office.
Minute, ... She’s laughing every minute of every day.

Minute, ... She’s laughing every minute of every day.

Minute: ... She’s, ... laughing, ... every, ... minute, ... of, ... every, ... day.

Minutes ... He, laughs, every, minute, every, day.

Minute: ... She’s, ... laughing, ... every, ... minute, ... of, ... every, ... day.
Minute: ... She’s, ... laughing, ... every, ... minute, ... of, ... every, ... day.
Minute, ... She’s laughing every minute of every day.
Best, ... This is the best potato salad I’ve ever tasted.

Best, ... This is the best potato salad I’ve ever tasted.

Best: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... best, ... potato, ... salad, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... tasted.

Best ... This, salad, potato, is the best, that, I have ever tasted.

Best: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... best, ... potato, ... salad, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... tasted.
Best: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... best, ... potato, ... salad, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... tasted.
Best, ... This is the best potato salad I’ve ever tasted.
Several, ... I have several old clothes I need to donate.

Several, ... I have several old clothes I need to donate.

Several: ... I, ... have, ... several, ... old, ... clothes, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... donate.

Some ... I, have, some, clothes, old, which, need, I, donate.

Several: ... I, ... have, ... several, ... old, ... clothes, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... donate.
Several: ... I, ... have, ... several, ... old, ... clothes, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... donate.
Several, ... I have several old clothes I need to donate.
Idea, ... It was your idea to go to the beach, remember?

Idea, ... It was your idea to go to the beach, remember?

Idea: ... It, ... was, ... your, ... idea, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach, ... remember?

Idea ... That, idea, you, to, go, to, the beach, remember?

Idea: ... It, ... was, ... your, ... idea, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach, ... remember?
Idea: ... It, ... was, ... your, ... idea, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach, ... remember?
Idea, ... It was your idea to go to the beach, remember?
Kid, ... I loved that toy when I was a kid.

Kid, ... I loved that toy when I was a kid.

Kid: ... I, ... loved, ... that, ... toy, ... when, ... I, ... was, ... a, ... kid.

Son ... I, liked, toys, that, when, I was, still, small.

Kid: ... I, ... loved, ... that, ... toy, ... when, ... I, ... was, ... a, ... kid.
Kid: ... I, ... loved, ... that, ... toy, ... when, ... I, ... was, ... a, ... kid.
Kid, ... I loved that toy when I was a kid.
Body, ... She worked out hard to achieve a toned body.

Body, ... She worked out hard to achieve a toned body.

Body: ... She, ... worked, ... out, ... hard, ... to, ... achieve, ... a, ... toned, ... body.

Body ... He, worked, hard, to, achieve, body, which, toned.

Body: ... She, ... worked, ... out, ... hard, ... to, ... achieve, ... a, ... toned, ... body.
Body: ... She, ... worked, ... out, ... hard, ... to, ... achieve, ... a, ... toned, ... body.
Body, ... She worked out hard to achieve a toned body.
Information, ... This is the information I need.

Information, ... This is the information I need.

Information: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... information, ... I, ... need.

Information ... This, is, information, which, I, need.

Information: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... information, ... I, ... need.
Information: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... information, ... I, ... need.
Information, ... This is the information I need.
Nothing, ... There’s nothing we can do now. “

Nothing, ... There’s nothing we can do now. “

Nothing: ... There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now., ... “

No, there are ... No, there are, who, can, we, do, now., ...

Nothing: ... There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now., ... “
Nothing: ... There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now., ... “
Nothing, ... There’s nothing we can do now. “
Ago, ... Three years ago, I visited japan for the first time.

Ago, ... Three years ago, I visited japan for the first time.

Ago: ... Three, ... years, ... ago, ... I, ... visited, ... japan, ... for, ... the, ... first, ... time.

Which, then ... Three, years, ago, I, visited, japan, for, first, time .

Ago: ... Three, ... years, ... ago, ... I, ... visited, ... japan, ... for, ... the, ... first, ... time.
Ago: ... Three, ... years, ... ago, ... I, ... visited, ... japan, ... for, ... the, ... first, ... time.
Ago, ... Three years ago, I visited japan for the first time.
Right, ... You’re right, I want to go back there.

Right, ... You’re right, I want to go back there.

Right: ... You’re, ... right, ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... back, ... there.

Right ... You, right, I, want to, go back, to, there.

Right: ... You’re, ... right, ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... back, ... there.
Right: ... You’re, ... right, ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... back, ... there.
Right, ... You’re right, I want to go back there.
Lead, ... Just lead the way and I’ll follow.

Lead, ... Just lead the way and I’ll follow.

Lead: ... Just, ... lead, ... the, ... way, ... and, ... I’ll, ... follow.

Lead ... Lead, just, and, I, will, follow.

Lead: ... Just, ... lead, ... the, ... way, ... and, ... I’ll, ... follow.
Lead: ... Just, ... lead, ... the, ... way, ... and, ... I’ll, ... follow.
Lead, ... Just lead the way and I’ll follow.
Social, ... I feel awkward in these social gatherings.

Social, ... I feel awkward in these social gatherings.

Social: ... I, ... feel, ... awkward, ... in, ... these, ... social, ... gatherings.

Social ... I, feel, awkward, deep, meeting, social, this.

Social: ... I, ... feel, ... awkward, ... in, ... these, ... social, ... gatherings.
Social: ... I, ... feel, ... awkward, ... in, ... these, ... social, ... gatherings.
Social, ... I feel awkward in these social gatherings.
Understand, ... I understand how you feel.

Understand, ... I understand how you feel.

Understand: ... I, ... understand, ... how, ... you, ... feel.

Got ... I, understand, how, feeling, you.

Understand: ... I, ... understand, ... how, ... you, ... feel.
Understand: ... I, ... understand, ... how, ... you, ... feel.
Understand, ... I understand how you feel.
Whether, ... Whether in big groups or small groups, I always feel a little shy at first.

Whether, ... Whether in big groups or small groups, I always feel a little shy at first.

Whether: ... Whether, ... in, ... big, ... groups, ... or, ... small, ... groups, ... I, ... always, ... feel, ... a, ... little, ... shy, ... at, ... first.

Whether ... Is, in, group, large, or, group, small, I, always, feel, a little, embarrassed, at, initially.

Whether: ... Whether, ... in, ... big, ... groups, ... or, ... small, ... groups, ... I, ... always, ... feel, ... a, ... little, ... shy, ... at, ... first.
Whether: ... Whether, ... in, ... big, ... groups, ... or, ... small, ... groups, ... I, ... always, ... feel, ... a, ... little, ... shy, ... at, ... first.
Whether, ... Whether in big groups or small groups, I always feel a little shy at first.
Back, ... Looking back, I knew I was always an introvert.

Back, ... Looking back, I knew I was always an introvert.

Back: ... Looking, ... back, ... I, ... knew, ... I, ... was, ... always, ... an, ... introvert.

Back ... Looking, to, back, I, know, I am, always, introvert.

Back: ... Looking, ... back, ... I, ... knew, ... I, ... was, ... always, ... an, ... introvert.
Back: ... Looking, ... back, ... I, ... knew, ... I, ... was, ... always, ... an, ... introvert.
Back, ... Looking back, I knew I was always an introvert.
Watch, ... Let’s watch the sun set on the horizon.

Watch, ... Let’s watch the sun set on the horizon.

Watch: ... Let’s, ... watch, ... the, ... sun, ... set, ... on, ... the, ... horizon.

Watch ... Come, we, watch, the sun, setting, on, the horizon.

Watch: ... Let’s, ... watch, ... the, ... sun, ... set, ... on, ... the, ... horizon.
Watch: ... Let’s, ... watch, ... the, ... sun, ... set, ... on, ... the, ... horizon.
Watch, ... Let’s watch the sun set on the horizon.
Together, ... They’re together now.

Together, ... They’re together now.

Together: ... They’re, ... together, ... now.

Together... They are, together, now.

Together: ... They’re, ... together, ... now.
Together: ... They’re, ... together, ... now.
Together, ... They’re together now.
Follow, ... I’ll follow you home.

Follow, ... I’ll follow you home.

Follow: ... I’ll, ... follow, ... you, ... home.

Follow ... I, will, follow you, home.

Follow: ... I’ll, ... follow, ... you, ... home.
Follow: ... I’ll, ... follow, ... you, ... home.
Follow, ... I’ll follow you home.
Around, ... You’ll always have me around.

Around, ... You’ll always have me around.

Around: ... You’ll, ... always, ... have, ... me, ... around.

Around ... You, will, always, have, I, in, around.

Around: ... You’ll, ... always, ... have, ... me, ... around.
Around: ... You’ll, ... always, ... have, ... me, ... around.
Around, ... You’ll always have me around.
Parent, ... Every parent is trying hard and doing their best.

Parent, ... Every parent is trying hard and doing their best.

Parent: ... Every, ... parent, ... is, ... trying, ... hard, ... and, ... doing, ... their, ... best.

People, old ... Everyone, old, trying, hard, and, doing, the, best.

Parent: ... Every, ... parent, ... is, ... trying, ... hard, ... and, ... doing, ... their, ... best.
Parent: ... Every, ... parent, ... is, ... trying, ... hard, ... and, ... doing, ... their, ... best.
Parent, ... Every parent is trying hard and doing their best.
Only, ... You are only allowed to go out today.

Only, ... You are only allowed to go out today.

Only: ... You, ... are, ... only, ... allowed, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... today.

Only ... You, only, allowed, out, day, this.

Only: ... You, ... are, ... only, ... allowed, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... today.
Only: ... You, ... are, ... only, ... allowed, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... today.
Only, ... You are only allowed to go out today.
Stop, ... Please stop that.

Stop, ... Please stop that.

Stop: ... Please, ... stop, ... that.

Stop ... Please, stop, that.

Stop: ... Please, ... stop, ... that.
Stop: ... Please, ... stop, ... that.
Stop, ... Please stop that.
Face, ... Why is your face so red?

Face, ... Why is your face so red?

Face: ... Why, ... is, ... your, ... face, ... so, ... red?

Face ... Why, is your face, so, red?

Face: ... Why, ... is, ... your, ... face, ... so, ... red?
Face: ... Why, ... is, ... your, ... face, ... so, ... red?
Face, ... Why is your face so red?
Anything, ... You can ask me for anything.

Anything, ... You can ask me for anything.

Anything: ... You, ... can, ... ask, ... me, ... for, ... anything.

What, just ... You, can, ask, I, for, anything, just.

Anything: ... You, ... can, ... ask, ... me, ... for, ... anything.
Anything: ... You, ... can, ... ask, ... me, ... for, ... anything.
Anything, ... You can ask me for anything.
Create, ... Did you create that presentation? It was so good.

Create, ... Did you create that presentation? It was so good.

Create: ... Did, ... you, ... create, ... that, ... presentation?, ... It, ... was, ... so, ... good.

Create ... Did, you, make, presentation, that?, that's, very, good.

Create: ... Did, ... you, ... create, ... that, ... presentation?, ... It, ... was, ... so, ... good.
Create: ... Did, ... you, ... create, ... that, ... presentation?, ... It, ... was, ... so, ... good.
Create, ... Did you create that presentation? It was so good.
Public, ... This is public property.

Public, ... This is public property.

Public: ... This, ... is, ... public, ... property.

General ... This, is, belongs to, is common.

Public: ... This, ... is, ... public, ... property.
Public: ... This, ... is, ... public, ... property.
Public, ... This is public property.
Already, ... I already asked him to resend his report.

Already, ... I already asked him to resend his report.

Already: ... I, ... already, ... asked, ... him, ... to, ... resend, ... his, ... report.

Already ... I, have, asked him, to, send, repeat, the report.

Already: ... I, ... already, ... asked, ... him, ... to, ... resend, ... his, ... report.
Already: ... I, ... already, ... asked, ... him, ... to, ... resend, ... his, ... report.
Already, ... I already asked him to resend his report.
Speak, ... Could you speak a little louder?

Speak, ... Could you speak a little louder?

Speak: ... Could, ... you, ... speak, ... a, ... little, ... louder?

Speak ... Can you, speak, a little, more, louder?

Speak: ... Could, ... you, ... speak, ... a, ... little, ... louder?
Speak: ... Could, ... you, ... speak, ... a, ... little, ... louder?
Speak, ... Could you speak a little louder?
Others, ... The others haven’t arrived yet.

Others, ... The others haven’t arrived yet.

Others: ... The, ... others, ... haven’t, ... arrived, ... yet.

Which, another ... Which, another, yet, is coming.

Others: ... The, ... others, ... haven’t, ... arrived, ... yet.
Others: ... The, ... others, ... haven’t, ... arrived, ... yet.
Others, ... The others haven’t arrived yet.
Read, ... I read somewhere that this house is haunted.

Read, ... I read somewhere that this house is haunted.

Read: ... I, ... read, ... somewhere, ... that, ... this, ... house, ... is, ... haunted.

Read ... I, read, in, somewhere, that, house, this, is haunted.

Read: ... I, ... read, ... somewhere, ... that, ... this, ... house, ... is, ... haunted.
Read: ... I, ... read, ... somewhere, ... that, ... this, ... house, ... is, ... haunted.
Read, ... I read somewhere that this house is haunted.
Level, ... What level are you in that game?

Level, ... What level are you in that game?

Level: ... What, ... level, ... are, ... you, ... in, ... that, ... game?

Level ... What, level, you, in, game, that?

Level: ... What, ... level, ... are, ... you, ... in, ... that, ... game?
Level: ... What, ... level, ... are, ... you, ... in, ... that, ... game?
Level, ... What level are you in that game?
Allow, ... Do you allow your kids to play outside the house?

Allow, ... Do you allow your kids to play outside the house?

Allow: ... Do, ... you, ... allow, ... your, ... kids, ... to, ... play, ... outside, ... the, ... house?

Allow ... Do, you, allow, children, you, play, in, outside, home?

Allow: ... Do, ... you, ... allow, ... your, ... kids, ... to, ... play, ... outside, ... the, ... house?
Allow: ... Do, ... you, ... allow, ... your, ... kids, ... to, ... play, ... outside, ... the, ... house?
Allow, ... Do you allow your kids to play outside the house?
Add, ... Is it okay if we add a bit of sugar to the tea?

Add, ... Is it okay if we add a bit of sugar to the tea?

Add: ... Is, ... it, ... okay, ... if, ... we, ... add, ... a, ... bit, ... of, ... sugar, ... to, ... the, ... tea?

Add ... Is, no, nothing, if, we, add, a little, sugar, to, in, tea?

Add: ... Is, ... it, ... okay, ... if, ... we, ... add, ... a, ... bit, ... of, ... sugar, ... to, ... the, ... tea?
Add: ... Is, ... it, ... okay, ... if, ... we, ... add, ... a, ... bit, ... of, ... sugar, ... to, ... the, ... tea?
Add, ... Is it okay if we add a bit of sugar to the tea?
Office, ... Welcome to my office.

Office, ... Welcome to my office.

Office: ... Welcome, ... to, ... my, ... office.

Office ... Welcome, welcome, at, office, me.

Office: ... Welcome, ... to, ... my, ... office.
Office: ... Welcome, ... to, ... my, ... office.
Office, ... Welcome to my office.
Spend, ... How much did you spend on your last shopping spree?

Spend, ... How much did you spend on your last shopping spree?

Spend: ... How, ... much, ... did, ... you, ... spend, ... on, ... your, ... last, ... shopping, ... spree?

Spent ... How, much, did, you, spend, on, last, you?

Spend: ... How, ... much, ... did, ... you, ... spend, ... on, ... your, ... last, ... shopping, ... spree?
Spend: ... How, ... much, ... did, ... you, ... spend, ... on, ... your, ... last, ... shopping, ... spree?
Spend, ... How much did you spend on your last shopping spree?
Door, ... You left the door open.

Door, ... You left the door open.

Door: ... You, ... left, ... the, ... door, ... open.

The door ... You, let, the door, open.

Door: ... You, ... left, ... the, ... door, ... open.
Door: ... You, ... left, ... the, ... door, ... open.
Door, ... You left the door open.
Health, ... You must take good care of your health.

Health, ... You must take good care of your health.

Health: ... You, ... must, ... take, ... good, ... care, ... of, ... your, ... health.

Health ... You, must, take care of, health, you, with, well.

Health: ... You, ... must, ... take, ... good, ... care, ... of, ... your, ... health.
Health: ... You, ... must, ... take, ... good, ... care, ... of, ... your, ... health.
Health, ... You must take good care of your health.
Person, ... You are a good person.

Person, ... You are a good person.

Person: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... person.

People ... You, are, people, who, well.

Person: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... person.
Person: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... person.
Person, ... You are a good person.
Art, ... This is my work of art.

Art, ... This is my work of art.

Art: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... work, ... of, ... art.

Art ... This, is, work, art, I.

Art: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... work, ... of, ... art.
Art: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... work, ... of, ... art.
Art, ... This is my work of art.
Sure, ... Are you sure you want to do this alone?

Sure, ... Are you sure you want to do this alone?

Sure: ... Are, ... you, ... sure, ... you, ... want, ... to, ... do, ... this, ... alone?

Of course ... Do, you, sure, want to, do it, yourself?

Sure: ... Are, ... you, ... sure, ... you, ... want, ... to, ... do, ... this, ... alone?
Sure: ... Are, ... you, ... sure, ... you, ... want, ... to, ... do, ... this, ... alone?
Sure, ... Are you sure you want to do this alone?
Such, ... You are such a brave little boy.

Such, ... You are such a brave little boy.

Such: ... You, ... are, ... such, ... a, ... brave, ... little, ... boy.

Like ... You, child, little, who, brave.

Such: ... You, ... are, ... such, ... a, ... brave, ... little, ... boy.
Such: ... You, ... are, ... such, ... a, ... brave, ... little, ... boy.
Such, ... You are such a brave little boy.
War, ... The war has finally ended.

War, ... The war has finally ended.

War: ... The, ... war, ... has, ... finally, ... ended.

War ... War, finally, over.

War: ... The, ... war, ... has, ... finally, ... ended.
War: ... The, ... war, ... has, ... finally, ... ended.
War, ... The war has finally ended.
History, ... She is my history professor.

History, ... She is my history professor.

History: ... She, ... is, ... my, ... history, ... professor.

History ... He, is, professor, history, me.

History: ... She, ... is, ... my, ... history, ... professor.
History: ... She, ... is, ... my, ... history, ... professor.
History, ... She is my history professor.
Party, ... Are you going to her party tonight?

Party, ... Are you going to her party tonight?

Party: ... Are, ... you, ... going, ... to, ... her, ... party, ... tonight?

Party ... Are, you, going to, go, to, the party, tonight, this?

Party: ... Are, ... you, ... going, ... to, ... her, ... party, ... tonight?
Party: ... Are, ... you, ... going, ... to, ... her, ... party, ... tonight?
Party, ... Are you going to her party tonight?
Within, ... We support everyone within our small community.

Within, ... We support everyone within our small community.

Within: ... We, ... support, ... everyone, ... within, ... our, ... small, ... community.

In, in ... We, support, all, people, in, community, small, us.

Within: ... We, ... support, ... everyone, ... within, ... our, ... small, ... community.
Within: ... We, ... support, ... everyone, ... within, ... our, ... small, ... community.
Within, ... We support everyone within our small community.
Grow, ... We want everyone to grow and thrive in their careers.

Grow, ... We want everyone to grow and thrive in their careers.

Grow: ... We, ... want, ... everyone, ... to, ... grow, ... and, ... thrive, ... in, ... their, ... careers.

Growing ... We, want, all, people, grow, and, develop, in, careers, them.

Grow: ... We, ... want, ... everyone, ... to, ... grow, ... and, ... thrive, ... in, ... their, ... careers.
Grow: ... We, ... want, ... everyone, ... to, ... grow, ... and, ... thrive, ... in, ... their, ... careers.
Grow, ... We want everyone to grow and thrive in their careers.
Result, ... The result of this outreach program is amazing.

Result, ... The result of this outreach program is amazing.

Result: ... The, ... result, ... of, ... this, ... outreach, ... program, ... is, ... amazing.

Results ... Results, of, program, outreach, this, extraordinary, extraordinary.

Result: ... The, ... result, ... of, ... this, ... outreach, ... program, ... is, ... amazing.
Result: ... The, ... result, ... of, ... this, ... outreach, ... program, ... is, ... amazing.
Result, ... The result of this outreach program is amazing.
Open, ... Are you open to teaching on weekends?

Open, ... Are you open to teaching on weekends?

Open: ... Are, ... you, ... open, ... to, ... teaching, ... on, ... weekends?

Open ... Are, you, open, to, teach, on, weekends, weekends?

Open: ... Are, ... you, ... open, ... to, ... teaching, ... on, ... weekends?
Open: ... Are, ... you, ... open, ... to, ... teaching, ... on, ... weekends?
Open, ... Are you open to teaching on weekends?
Change, ... Where can we change her diaper?

Change, ... Where can we change her diaper?

Change: ... Where, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... her, ... diaper?

Change ... Where, where, we, can, change, the diaper?

Change: ... Where, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... her, ... diaper?
Change: ... Where, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... her, ... diaper?
Change, ... Where can we change her diaper?
Morning, ... It’s such a beautiful morning! ...

Morning, ... It’s such a beautiful morning! ...

Morning: ... It’s, ... such, ... a, ... beautiful, ... morning! ...

Morning ... Morning, which is, very, beautiful!

Morning: ... It’s, ... such, ... a, ... beautiful, ... morning! ...
Morning: ... It’s, ... such, ... a, ... beautiful, ... morning! ...
Morning, ... It’s such a beautiful morning! ...
Walk, ... Come take a walk with me.

Walk, ... Come take a walk with me.

Walk: ... Come, ... take, ... a, ... walk, ... with, ... me.

Walk ... Come on, take a walk, with me.

Walk: ... Come, ... take, ... a, ... walk, ... with, ... me.
Walk: ... Come, ... take, ... a, ... walk, ... with, ... me.
Walk, ... Come take a walk with me.
Reason, ... You are the reason I came home.

Reason, ... You are the reason I came home.

Reason: ... You, ... are, ... the, ... reason, ... I, ... came, ... home.

The reason ... You, are, the reason, I, go home.

Reason: ... You, ... are, ... the, ... reason, ... I, ... came, ... home.
Reason: ... You, ... are, ... the, ... reason, ... I, ... came, ... home.
Reason, ... You are the reason I came home.
Low, ... Her blood pressure has gotten really low.

Low, ... Her blood pressure has gotten really low.

Low: ... Her, ... blood, ... pressure, ... has, ... gotten, ... really, ... low.

Low ... The pressure, his blood, became, very, very low.

Low: ... Her, ... blood, ... pressure, ... has, ... gotten, ... really, ... low.
Low: ... Her, ... blood, ... pressure, ... has, ... gotten, ... really, ... low.
Low, ... Her blood pressure has gotten really low.
Win, ... We can win this match if we work together.

Win, ... We can win this match if we work together.

Win: ... We, ... can, ... win, ... this, ... match, ... if, ... we, ... work, ... together.

Win ... We, can, win, match, this, if, we, work, together.

Win: ... We, ... can, ... win, ... this, ... match, ... if, ... we, ... work, ... together.
Win: ... We, ... can, ... win, ... this, ... match, ... if, ... we, ... work, ... together.
Win, ... We can win this match if we work together.
Research, ... How is your research going?

Research, ... How is your research going?

Research: ... How, ... is, ... your, ... research, ... going?

Research ... How about, research, you?

Research: ... How, ... is, ... your, ... research, ... going?
Research: ... How, ... is, ... your, ... research, ... going?
Research, ... How is your research going?
Girl, ... That girl is in my class.

Girl, ... That girl is in my class.

Girl: ... That, ... girl, ... is, ... in, ... my, ... class.

Girl...Girl, that, is, in, my class.

Girl: ... That, ... girl, ... is, ... in, ... my, ... class.
Girl: ... That, ... girl, ... is, ... in, ... my, ... class.
Girl, ... That girl is in my class.
Guy, ... I’ve seen that guy in school before.

Guy, ... I’ve seen that guy in school before.

Guy: ... I’ve, ... seen, ... that, ... guy, ... in, ... school, ... before.

Guy ... I, have, seen, man, that, at, school, before.

Guy: ... I’ve, ... seen, ... that, ... guy, ... in, ... school, ... before.
Guy: ... I’ve, ... seen, ... that, ... guy, ... in, ... school, ... before.
Guy, ... I’ve seen that guy in school before.
Early, ... I come to work so early every day.

Early, ... I come to work so early every day.

Early: ... I, ... come, ... to, ... work, ... so, ... early, ... every, ... day.

Early ... I, come, work, very, early, every, day.

Early: ... I, ... come, ... to, ... work, ... so, ... early, ... every, ... day.
Early: ... I, ... come, ... to, ... work, ... so, ... early, ... every, ... day.
Early, ... I come to work so early every day.
Food, ... Let’s buy some food, I’m hungry! ...

Food, ... Let’s buy some food, I’m hungry! ...

Food: ... Let’s, ... buy, ... some, ... food, ... I’m, ... hungry! ...

Food ... Come on, buy, food, I, hungry!

Food: ... Let’s, ... buy, ... some, ... food, ... I’m, ... hungry! ...
Food: ... Let’s, ... buy, ... some, ... food, ... I’m, ... hungry! ...
Food, ... Let’s buy some food, I’m hungry! ...
Before, ... Can I talk to you before you go home?

Before, ... Can I talk to you before you go home?

Before: ... Can, ... I, ... talk, ... to, ... you, ... before, ... you, ... go, ... home?

Before ... Can, I, talk, with, you, before, you, go home?

Before: ... Can, ... I, ... talk, ... to, ... you, ... before, ... you, ... go, ... home?
Before: ... Can, ... I, ... talk, ... to, ... you, ... before, ... you, ... go, ... home?
Before, ... Can I talk to you before you go home?
Moment, ... The moment she walked in the room, her puppy started to jump and dance again.

Moment, ... The moment she walked in the room, her puppy started to jump and dance again.

Moment: ... The, ... moment, ... she, ... walked, ... in, ... the, ... room, ... her, ... puppy, ... started, ... to, ... jump, ... and, ... dance, ... again.

Moment ... Moment, he, walking, in, in, room, child, dog, starts, jumps, and, dances, again.

Moment: ... The, ... moment, ... she, ... walked, ... in, ... the, ... room, ... her, ... puppy, ... started, ... to, ... jump, ... and, ... dance, ... again.
Moment: ... The, ... moment, ... she, ... walked, ... in, ... the, ... room, ... her, ... puppy, ... started, ... to, ... jump, ... and, ... dance, ... again.
Moment, ... The moment she walked in the room, her puppy started to jump and dance again.
Himself, ... He cooked this turkey himself.

Himself, ... He cooked this turkey himself.

Himself: ... He, ... cooked, ... this, ... turkey, ... himself.

Alone ... He, cook, turkey, this, alone.

Himself: ... He, ... cooked, ... this, ... turkey, ... himself.
Himself: ... He, ... cooked, ... this, ... turkey, ... himself.
Himself, ... He cooked this turkey himself.
Air, ... I am loving the cold night air here.

Air, ... I am loving the cold night air here.

Air: ... I, ... am, ... loving, ... the, ... cold, ... night, ... air, ... here.

Air ... I, like, air, night, which, cold, in, here.

Air: ... I, ... am, ... loving, ... the, ... cold, ... night, ... air, ... here.
Air: ... I, ... am, ... loving, ... the, ... cold, ... night, ... air, ... here.
Air, ... I am loving the cold night air here.
Teacher, ... You are the best teacher ever.

Teacher, ... You are the best teacher ever.

Teacher: ... You, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... teacher, ... ever.

Teacher ... You, are, the best, teacher, who, ever, existed.

Teacher: ... You, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... teacher, ... ever.
Teacher: ... You, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... teacher, ... ever.
Teacher, ... You are the best teacher ever.
Force, ... Don’t force him to play with other kids.

Force, ... Don’t force him to play with other kids.

Force: ... Don’t, ... force, ... him, ... to, ... play, ... with, ... other, ... kids.

Forced ... Do not, forced, him, play, with, child, another.

Force: ... Don’t, ... force, ... him, ... to, ... play, ... with, ... other, ... kids.
Force: ... Don’t, ... force, ... him, ... to, ... play, ... with, ... other, ... kids.
Force, ... Don’t force him to play with other kids.
Offer, ... Can I offer you a ride home?

Offer, ... Can I offer you a ride home?

Offer: ... Can, ... I, ... offer, ... you, ... a, ... ride, ... home?

Offer ... Can, I, offer, a ride, home?

Offer: ... Can, ... I, ... offer, ... you, ... a, ... ride, ... home?
Offer: ... Can, ... I, ... offer, ... you, ... a, ... ride, ... home?
Offer, ... Can I offer you a ride home?
Enough, ... Boys, that’s enough playing for today.

Enough, ... Boys, that’s enough playing for today.

Enough: ... Boys, ... that’s, ... enough, ... playing, ... for, ... today.

Enough ... Son, boy, enough, play, for, today, this.

Enough: ... Boys, ... that’s, ... enough, ... playing, ... for, ... today.
Enough: ... Boys, ... that’s, ... enough, ... playing, ... for, ... today.
Enough, ... Boys, that’s enough playing for today.
Both, ... You both need to change into your sleep clothes now.

Both, ... You both need to change into your sleep clothes now.

Both: ... You, ... both, ... need, ... to, ... change, ... into, ... your, ... sleep, ... clothes, ... now.

Both... You, both, must, change, clothes, sleep, now.

Both: ... You, ... both, ... need, ... to, ... change, ... into, ... your, ... sleep, ... clothes, ... now.
Both: ... You, ... both, ... need, ... to, ... change, ... into, ... your, ... sleep, ... clothes, ... now.
Both, ... You both need to change into your sleep clothes now.
Education, ... I just want you to get the best education.

Education, ... I just want you to get the best education.

Education: ... I, ... just, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... get, ... the, ... best, ... education.

Education ... I, just, want, you, get, education, best.

Education: ... I, ... just, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... get, ... the, ... best, ... education.
Education: ... I, ... just, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... get, ... the, ... best, ... education.
Education, ... I just want you to get the best education.
Across, ... Your dog ran across the park.

Across, ... Your dog ran across the park.

Across: ... Your, ... dog, ... ran, ... across, ... the, ... park.

In, across ... Dog, you, running, across, park.

Across: ... Your, ... dog, ... ran, ... across, ... the, ... park.
Across: ... Your, ... dog, ... ran, ... across, ... the, ... park.
Across, ... Your dog ran across the park.
Although, ... Although she felt tired, she still couldn’t sleep.

Although, ... Although she felt tired, she still couldn’t sleep.

Although: ... Although, ... she, ... felt, ... tired, ... she, ... still, ... couldn’t, ... sleep.

Even though... Even though, he, felt, tired, he, still, couldn't, sleep.

Although: ... Although, ... she, ... felt, ... tired, ... she, ... still, ... couldn’t, ... sleep.
Although: ... Although, ... she, ... felt, ... tired, ... she, ... still, ... couldn’t, ... sleep.
Although, ... Although she felt tired, she still couldn’t sleep.
Remember, ... Do you think she will still remember me after ten years?

Remember, ... Do you think she will still remember me after ten years?

Remember: ... Do, ... you, ... think, ... she, ... will, ... still, ... remember, ... me, ... after, ... ten, ... years?

Remember ... Do, you, think, he, still, will, remember, me, after, ten, years?

Remember: ... Do, ... you, ... think, ... she, ... will, ... still, ... remember, ... me, ... after, ... ten, ... years?
Remember: ... Do, ... you, ... think, ... she, ... will, ... still, ... remember, ... me, ... after, ... ten, ... years?
Remember, ... Do you think she will still remember me after ten years?
Foot, ... Her foot got caught in one of the ropes.

Foot, ... Her foot got caught in one of the ropes.

Foot: ... Her, ... foot, ... got, ... caught, ... in, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... ropes.

Legs ... His legs, caught, in, one, one, rope.

Foot: ... Her, ... foot, ... got, ... caught, ... in, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... ropes.
Foot: ... Her, ... foot, ... got, ... caught, ... in, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... ropes.
Foot, ... Her foot got caught in one of the ropes.
Second, ... This is the second time she got late this month.

Second, ... This is the second time she got late this month.

Second: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... second, ... time, ... she, ... got, ... late, ... this, ... month.

Second ... This, second, time, he, late, month, this.

Second: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... second, ... time, ... she, ... got, ... late, ... this, ... month.
Second: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... second, ... time, ... she, ... got, ... late, ... this, ... month.
Second, ... This is the second time she got late this month.
Boy, ... There’s a boy in her class who keeps pulling her hair.

Boy, ... There’s a boy in her class who keeps pulling her hair.

Boy: ... There’s, ... a, ... boy, ... in, ... her, ... class, ... who, ... keeps, ... pulling, ... her, ... hair.

Boy ... There is, a, child, boy, in, his class, who, constantly, pulls, his hair.

Boy: ... There’s, ... a, ... boy, ... in, ... her, ... class, ... who, ... keeps, ... pulling, ... her, ... hair.
Boy: ... There’s, ... a, ... boy, ... in, ... her, ... class, ... who, ... keeps, ... pulling, ... her, ... hair.
Boy, ... There’s a boy in her class who keeps pulling her hair.
Maybe, ... Maybe we can have ice cream for dessert.

Maybe, ... Maybe we can have ice cream for dessert.

Maybe: ... Maybe, ... we, ... can, ... have, ... ice, ... cream, ... for, ... dessert.

Maybe ... Maybe, we, can, eat, ice, cream, for, dessert, mouth.

Maybe: ... Maybe, ... we, ... can, ... have, ... ice, ... cream, ... for, ... dessert.
Maybe: ... Maybe, ... we, ... can, ... have, ... ice, ... cream, ... for, ... dessert.
Maybe, ... Maybe we can have ice cream for dessert.
Toward, ... He took a step toward her.

Toward, ... He took a step toward her.

Toward: ... He, ... took, ... a, ... step, ... toward, ... her.

Towards ... He, took, steps, towards, towards him.

Toward: ... He, ... took, ... a, ... step, ... toward, ... her.
Toward: ... He, ... took, ... a, ... step, ... toward, ... her.
Toward, ... He took a step toward her.
Able, ... Will you be able to send me your report today?

Able, ... Will you be able to send me your report today?

Able: ... Will, ... you, ... be, ... able, ... to, ... send, ... me, ... your, ... report, ... today?

Able ... Are, you, can, send, me, report, you, today, this?

Able: ... Will, ... you, ... be, ... able, ... to, ... send, ... me, ... your, ... report, ... today?
Able: ... Will, ... you, ... be, ... able, ... to, ... send, ... me, ... your, ... report, ... today?
Able, ... Will you be able to send me your report today?
Age, ... What is the average marrying age these days?

Age, ... What is the average marrying age these days?

Age: ... What, ... is, ... the, ... average, ... marrying, ... age, ... these, ... days?

Age ... What, age, average, married, when, this?

Age: ... What, ... is, ... the, ... average, ... marrying, ... age, ... these, ... days?
Age: ... What, ... is, ... the, ... average, ... marrying, ... age, ... these, ... days?
Age, ... What is the average marrying age these days?
Off, ... The cat ran off with the dog.

Off, ... The cat ran off with the dog.

Off: ... The, ... cat, ... ran, ... off, ... with, ... the, ... dog.

Release ... The cat, that, run, with, the dog.

Off: ... The, ... cat, ... ran, ... off, ... with, ... the, ... dog.
Off: ... The, ... cat, ... ran, ... off, ... with, ... the, ... dog.
Off, ... The cat ran off with the dog.
Policy, ... They have a generous return policy.

Policy, ... They have a generous return policy.

Policy: ... They, ... have, ... a, ... generous, ... return, ... policy.

Policies ... They, have, policies, returns, which are, generously, generously.

Policy: ... They, ... have, ... a, ... generous, ... return, ... policy.
Policy: ... They, ... have, ... a, ... generous, ... return, ... policy.
Policy, ... They have a generous return policy.
Everything, ... Everything is on sale.

Everything, ... Everything is on sale.

Everything: ... Everything, ... is, ... on, ... sale.

Everything ... Everything, sold.

Everything: ... Everything, ... is, ... on, ... sale.
Everything: ... Everything, ... is, ... on, ... sale.
Everything, ... Everything is on sale.
Love, ... I love what you’re wearing! ...

Love, ... I love what you’re wearing! ...

Love: ... I, ... love, ... what, ... you’re, ... wearing! ...

Love ... I, like, what, you, wear!

Love: ... I, ... love, ... what, ... you’re, ... wearing! ...
Love: ... I, ... love, ... what, ... you’re, ... wearing! ...
Love, ... I love what you’re wearing! ...
Process, ... Wait, give me time to process everything you’re telling me.

Process, ... Wait, give me time to process everything you’re telling me.

Process: ... Wait, ... give, ... me, ... time, ... to, ... process, ... everything, ... you’re, ... telling, ... me.

Process ... Wait, give, I, time, to, process, all, that, you, say.

Process: ... Wait, ... give, ... me, ... time, ... to, ... process, ... everything, ... you’re, ... telling, ... me.
Process: ... Wait, ... give, ... me, ... time, ... to, ... process, ... everything, ... you’re, ... telling, ... me.
Process, ... Wait, give me time to process everything you’re telling me.
Music, ... I love music.

Music, ... I love music.

Music: ... I, ... love, ... music.

Music ... I, like, music.

Music: ... I, ... love, ... music.
Music: ... I, ... love, ... music.
Music, ... I love music.
Including, ... Around 20 people attended, including bob and beth.

Including, ... Around 20 people attended, including bob and beth.

Including: ... Around, ... 20, ... people, ... attended, ... including, ... bob, ... and, ... beth.

Including... Around, 20, people, present, including, bob, and, beth.

Including: ... Around, ... 20, ... people, ... attended, ... including, ... bob, ... and, ... beth.
Including: ... Around, ... 20, ... people, ... attended, ... including, ... bob, ... and, ... beth.
Including, ... Around 20 people attended, including bob and beth.
Consider, ... I hope you consider my project proposal.

Consider, ... I hope you consider my project proposal.

Consider: ... I, ... hope, ... you, ... consider, ... my, ... project, ... proposal.

Consider ... I, hope, you, consider, proposals, projects, me.

Consider: ... I, ... hope, ... you, ... consider, ... my, ... project, ... proposal.
Consider: ... I, ... hope, ... you, ... consider, ... my, ... project, ... proposal.
Consider, ... I hope you consider my project proposal.
Appear, ... How did that appear out of nowhere?

Appear, ... How did that appear out of nowhere?

Appear: ... How, ... did, ... that, ... appear, ... out, ... of, ... nowhere?

Appeared ... How, it, appeared, somehow, from, where?

Appear: ... How, ... did, ... that, ... appear, ... out, ... of, ... nowhere?
Appear: ... How, ... did, ... that, ... appear, ... out, ... of, ... nowhere?
Appear, ... How did that appear out of nowhere?
Actually, ... I’m actually just heading out.

Actually, ... I’m actually just heading out.

Actually: ... I’m, ... actually, ... just, ... heading, ... out.

Actually... I, actually, just, just, got out.

Actually: ... I’m, ... actually, ... just, ... heading, ... out.
Actually: ... I’m, ... actually, ... just, ... heading, ... out.
Actually, ... I’m actually just heading out.
Buy, ... I’m going to buy these shoes.

Buy, ... I’m going to buy these shoes.

Buy: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... buy, ... these, ... shoes.

Buy ... I, will, buy, shoes, this.

Buy: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... buy, ... these, ... shoes.
Buy: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... buy, ... these, ... shoes.
Buy, ... I’m going to buy these shoes.
Probably, ... He’s probably still asleep.

Probably, ... He’s probably still asleep.

Probably: ... He’s, ... probably, ... still, ... asleep.

Maybe ... He is, perhaps, still, sleeping.

Probably: ... He’s, ... probably, ... still, ... asleep.
Probably: ... He’s, ... probably, ... still, ... asleep.
Probably, ... He’s probably still asleep.
Human, ... Give him a break, he is only human.

Human, ... Give him a break, he is only human.

Human: ... Give, ... him, ... a, ... break, ... he, ... is, ... only, ... human.

Human ... Give, he, rest, he, just, man.

Human: ... Give, ... him, ... a, ... break, ... he, ... is, ... only, ... human.
Human: ... Give, ... him, ... a, ... break, ... he, ... is, ... only, ... human.
Human, ... Give him a break, he is only human.
Wait, ... Is it alright if you wait for a few minutes?

Wait, ... Is it alright if you wait for a few minutes?

Wait: ... Is, ... it, ... alright, ... if, ... you, ... wait, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... minutes?

Wait... No, it's okay, if, you, wait, a few, minutes?

Wait: ... Is, ... it, ... alright, ... if, ... you, ... wait, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... minutes?
Wait: ... Is, ... it, ... alright, ... if, ... you, ... wait, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... minutes?
Wait, ... Is it alright if you wait for a few minutes?
Serve, ... This blow dryer has served me well for years.

Serve, ... This blow dryer has served me well for years.

Serve: ... This, ... blow, ... dryer, ... has, ... served, ... me, ... well, ... for, ... years.

Serve ... Dryer, hair, this, has, served, I, with, well, for, many years.

Serve: ... This, ... blow, ... dryer, ... has, ... served, ... me, ... well, ... for, ... years.
Serve: ... This, ... blow, ... dryer, ... has, ... served, ... me, ... well, ... for, ... years.
Serve, ... This blow dryer has served me well for years.
Market, ... Let’s visit the sunday market.

Market, ... Let’s visit the sunday market.

Market: ... Let’s, ... visit, ... the, ... sunday, ... market.

Market ... Let's, we, visit, market, sunday.

Market: ... Let’s, ... visit, ... the, ... sunday, ... market.
Market: ... Let’s, ... visit, ... the, ... sunday, ... market.
Market, ... Let’s visit the sunday market.
Die, ... I don’t want my cat to die, let’s take him to the vet please.

Die, ... I don’t want my cat to die, let’s take him to the vet please.

Die: ... I, ... don’t, ... want, ... my, ... cat, ... to, ... die, ... let’s, ... take, ... him, ... to, ... the, ... vet, ... please.

Die ... I, no, want, cat, I, die, please, take him, to, doctor, animal.

Die: ... I, ... don’t, ... want, ... my, ... cat, ... to, ... die, ... let’s, ... take, ... him, ... to, ... the, ... vet, ... please.
Die: ... I, ... don’t, ... want, ... my, ... cat, ... to, ... die, ... let’s, ... take, ... him, ... to, ... the, ... vet, ... please.
Die, ... I don’t want my cat to die, let’s take him to the vet please.
Send, ... Please send the package to my address.

Send, ... Please send the package to my address.

Send: ... Please, ... send, ... the, ... package, ... to, ... my, ... address.

Send ... Please, send, package, to, address, me.

Send: ... Please, ... send, ... the, ... package, ... to, ... my, ... address.
Send: ... Please, ... send, ... the, ... package, ... to, ... my, ... address.
Send, ... Please send the package to my address.
Expect, ... You can’t expect much from their poor service.

Expect, ... You can’t expect much from their poor service.

Expect: ... You, ... can’t, ... expect, ... much, ... from, ... their, ... poor, ... service.

Expect ... You, can't, expect, much, from, their, service, which is, bad.

Expect: ... You, ... can’t, ... expect, ... much, ... from, ... their, ... poor, ... service.
Expect: ... You, ... can’t, ... expect, ... much, ... from, ... their, ... poor, ... service.
Expect, ... You can’t expect much from their poor service.
Home, ... I can’t wait to go home! ...

Home, ... I can’t wait to go home! ...

Home: ... I, ... can’t, ... wait, ... to, ... go, ... home! ...

Go home ... I, no, impatient, to, go home!

Home: ... I, ... can’t, ... wait, ... to, ... go, ... home! ...
Home: ... I, ... can’t, ... wait, ... to, ... go, ... home! ...
Home, ... I can’t wait to go home! ...
Sense, ... I did sense that something was not okay.

Sense, ... I did sense that something was not okay.

Sense: ... I, ... did, ... sense, ... that, ... something, ... was, ... not, ... okay.

Taste ... I, feel, there is, something, which, no, is wrong.

Sense: ... I, ... did, ... sense, ... that, ... something, ... was, ... not, ... okay.
Sense: ... I, ... did, ... sense, ... that, ... something, ... was, ... not, ... okay.
Sense, ... I did sense that something was not okay.
Build, ... He is going to build his dream house.

Build, ... He is going to build his dream house.

Build: ... He, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... build, ... his, ... dream, ... house.

Wake up ... He, will, build, the house, his dream.

Build: ... He, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... build, ... his, ... dream, ... house.
Build: ... He, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... build, ... his, ... dream, ... house.
Build, ... He is going to build his dream house.
Stay, ... You can stay with me for a few weeks.

Stay, ... You can stay with me for a few weeks.

Stay: ... You, ... can, ... stay, ... with, ... me, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... weeks.

Stay... You, can, stay, with me, for, a few, weeks.

Stay: ... You, ... can, ... stay, ... with, ... me, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... weeks.
Stay: ... You, ... can, ... stay, ... with, ... me, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... weeks.
Stay, ... You can stay with me for a few weeks.
Fall, ... Be careful, you might fall.

Fall, ... Be careful, you might fall.

Fall: ... Be, ... careful, ... you, ... might, ... fall.

Fall ... Be careful, you may fall.

Fall: ... Be, ... careful, ... you, ... might, ... fall.
Fall: ... Be, ... careful, ... you, ... might, ... fall.
Fall, ... Be careful, you might fall.
Oh, ... Oh no, I left my phone at home! ...

Oh, ... Oh no, I left my phone at home! ...

Oh: ... Oh, ... no, ... I, ... left, ... my, ... phone, ... at, ... home! ...

Oh ... Oh, no, I, left, my cell phone, at, home!

Oh: ... Oh, ... no, ... I, ... left, ... my, ... phone, ... at, ... home! ...
Oh: ... Oh, ... no, ... I, ... left, ... my, ... phone, ... at, ... home! ...
Oh, ... Oh no, I left my phone at home! ...
Nation, ... We have to act as one nation.

Nation, ... We have to act as one nation.

Nation: ... We, ... have, ... to, ... act, ... as, ... one, ... nation.

Nation ... We, must, act, as, one, nation.

Nation: ... We, ... have, ... to, ... act, ... as, ... one, ... nation.
Nation: ... We, ... have, ... to, ... act, ... as, ... one, ... nation.
Nation, ... We have to act as one nation.
Plan, ... What’s your plan this time?

Plan, ... What’s your plan this time?

Plan: ... What’s, ... your, ... plan, ... this, ... time?

Plan... What, your plan, this time?

Plan: ... What’s, ... your, ... plan, ... this, ... time?
Plan: ... What’s, ... your, ... plan, ... this, ... time?
Plan, ... What’s your plan this time?
Cut, ... Don’t cut your hair.

Cut, ... Don’t cut your hair.

Cut: ... Don’t, ... cut, ... your, ... hair.

Cut ... No, cut, your hair.

Cut: ... Don’t, ... cut, ... your, ... hair.
Cut: ... Don’t, ... cut, ... your, ... hair.
Cut, ... Don’t cut your hair.
College, ... We met in college.

College, ... We met in college.

College: ... We, ... met, ... in, ... college.

College ... We, met, at, college, college.

College: ... We, ... met, ... in, ... college.
College: ... We, ... met, ... in, ... college.
College, ... We met in college.
Interest, ... Music is an interest of mine.

Interest, ... Music is an interest of mine.

Interest: ... Music, ... is, ... an, ... interest, ... of, ... mine.

Interest ... Music, is, interest, I.

Interest: ... Music, ... is, ... an, ... interest, ... of, ... mine.
Interest: ... Music, ... is, ... an, ... interest, ... of, ... mine.
Interest, ... Music is an interest of mine.
Death, ... Death is such a heavy topic for me.

Death, ... Death is such a heavy topic for me.

Death: ... Death, ... is, ... such, ... a, ... heavy, ... topic, ... for, ... me.

Death ... Death, is, the topic, which, heavy, for me.

Death: ... Death, ... is, ... such, ... a, ... heavy, ... topic, ... for, ... me.
Death: ... Death, ... is, ... such, ... a, ... heavy, ... topic, ... for, ... me.
Death, ... Death is such a heavy topic for me.
Course, ... What course did you take up in college?

Course, ... What course did you take up in college?

Course: ... What, ... course, ... did, ... you, ... take, ... up, ... in, ... college?

Course ... Course, what, which, you, took, at, college, college?

Course: ... What, ... course, ... did, ... you, ... take, ... up, ... in, ... college?
Course: ... What, ... course, ... did, ... you, ... take, ... up, ... in, ... college?
Course, ... What course did you take up in college?
Someone, ... Is there someone who can go with you?

Someone, ... Is there someone who can go with you?

Someone: ... Is, ... there, ... someone, ... who, ... can, ... go, ... with, ... you?

Someone ... Is, is there, someone, who, can, go, with you?

Someone: ... Is, ... there, ... someone, ... who, ... can, ... go, ... with, ... you?
Someone: ... Is, ... there, ... someone, ... who, ... can, ... go, ... with, ... you?
Someone, ... Is there someone who can go with you?
Experience, ... What an exciting experience! ...

Experience, ... What an exciting experience! ...

Experience: ... What, ... an, ... exciting, ... experience! ...

Experience ... Experience, that is, fun!

Experience: ... What, ... an, ... exciting, ... experience! ...
Experience: ... What, ... an, ... exciting, ... experience! ...
Experience, ... What an exciting experience! ...
Behind, ... I’m scared to check what’s behind that door.

Behind, ... I’m scared to check what’s behind that door.

Behind: ... I’m, ... scared, ... to, ... check, ... what’s, ... behind, ... that, ... door.

In, behind ... I, afraid, for, checking, what, which, is, in, behind, the door, that.

Behind: ... I’m, ... scared, ... to, ... check, ... what’s, ... behind, ... that, ... door.
Behind: ... I’m, ... scared, ... to, ... check, ... what’s, ... behind, ... that, ... door.
Behind, ... I’m scared to check what’s behind that door.
Reach, ... I can’t reach him, he won’t answer his phone.

Reach, ... I can’t reach him, he won’t answer his phone.

Reach: ... I, ... can’t, ... reach, ... him, ... he, ... won’t, ... answer, ... his, ... phone.

Reach ... I, no, can, call him, he, no, will, answer, his phone.

Reach: ... I, ... can’t, ... reach, ... him, ... he, ... won’t, ... answer, ... his, ... phone.
Reach: ... I, ... can’t, ... reach, ... him, ... he, ... won’t, ... answer, ... his, ... phone.
Reach, ... I can’t reach him, he won’t answer his phone.
Local, ... This is a local business.

Local, ... This is a local business.

Local: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... local, ... business.

Local ... This, is, business, local.

Local: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... local, ... business.
Local: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... local, ... business.
Local, ... This is a local business.
Kill, ... Smoking can kill you.

Kill, ... Smoking can kill you.

Kill: ... Smoking, ... can, ... kill, ... you.

Kill ... Smoking, can, kill you.

Kill: ... Smoking, ... can, ... kill, ... you.
Kill: ... Smoking, ... can, ... kill, ... you.
Kill, ... Smoking can kill you.
Six, ... I have six books about psychology.

Six, ... I have six books about psychology.

Six: ... I, ... have, ... six, ... books, ... about, ... psychology.

Six ... I, have, six, books, about, psychology.

Six: ... I, ... have, ... six, ... books, ... about, ... psychology.
Six: ... I, ... have, ... six, ... books, ... about, ... psychology.
Six, ... I have six books about psychology.
Remain, ... These remain on the top shelf.

Remain, ... These remain on the top shelf.

Remain: ... These, ... remain, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... shelf.

Fixed ... It's, stay, on, shelf, most, top.

Remain: ... These, ... remain, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... shelf.
Remain: ... These, ... remain, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... shelf.
Remain, ... These remain on the top shelf.
Effect, ... Wow, the effect of that mascara is great! ...

Effect, ... Wow, the effect of that mascara is great! ...

Effect: ... Wow, ... the, ... effect, ... of, ... that, ... mascara, ... is, ... great! ...

Effects... Wow, effects, mascara, that's, great!

Effect: ... Wow, ... the, ... effect, ... of, ... that, ... mascara, ... is, ... great! ...
Effect: ... Wow, ... the, ... effect, ... of, ... that, ... mascara, ... is, ... great! ...
Effect, ... Wow, the effect of that mascara is great! ...
Use, ... Can I use your phone?

Use, ... Can I use your phone?

Use: ... Can, ... I, ... use, ... your, ... phone?

Use ... Can, I, use, phone, you?

Use: ... Can, ... I, ... use, ... your, ... phone?
Use: ... Can, ... I, ... use, ... your, ... phone?
Use, ... Can I use your phone?
Yeah, ... Yeah, he did call me earlier.

Yeah, ... Yeah, he did call me earlier.

Yeah: ... Yeah, ... he, ... did, ... call, ... me, ... earlier.

Yes ... Yes, he, called, me, before.

Yeah: ... Yeah, ... he, ... did, ... call, ... me, ... earlier.
Yeah: ... Yeah, ... he, ... did, ... call, ... me, ... earlier.
Yeah, ... Yeah, he did call me earlier.
Suggest, ... He did suggest that to me.

Suggest, ... He did suggest that to me.

Suggest: ... He, ... did, ... suggest, ... that, ... to, ... me.

Suggest ... He did, indeed, suggest, that, to me.

Suggest: ... He, ... did, ... suggest, ... that, ... to, ... me.
Suggest: ... He, ... did, ... suggest, ... that, ... to, ... me.
Suggest, ... He did suggest that to me.
Class, ... We were in the same english class.

Class, ... We were in the same english class.

Class: ... We, ... were, ... in, ... the, ... same, ... english, ... class.

Class ... We are, are, in, class, language, english, which is, the same.

Class: ... We, ... were, ... in, ... the, ... same, ... english, ... class.
Class: ... We, ... were, ... in, ... the, ... same, ... english, ... class.
Class, ... We were in the same english class.
Control, ... Where’s the remote control?

Control, ... Where’s the remote control?

Control: ... Where’s, ... the, ... remote, ... control?

Controls ... Where, where, remote, control?

Control: ... Where’s, ... the, ... remote, ... control?
Control: ... Where’s, ... the, ... remote, ... control?
Control, ... Where’s the remote control?
Raise, ... It’s so challenging to discipline kids these days.

Raise, ... It’s so challenging to discipline kids these days.

Raise: ... It’s, ... so, ... challenging, ... to, ... discipline, ... kids, ... these, ... days.

Raise ... Very, challenging, to, discipline, children, lately, this.

Raise: ... It’s, ... so, ... challenging, ... to, ... discipline, ... kids, ... these, ... days.
Raise: ... It’s, ... so, ... challenging, ... to, ... discipline, ... kids, ... these, ... days.
Raise, ... It’s so challenging to discipline kids these days.
Care, ... I don’t care about what you think.

Care, ... I don’t care about what you think.

Care: ... I, ... don’t, ... care, ... about, ... what, ... you, ... think.

Care ... I, do not, care, with, what, who, you, think.

Care: ... I, ... don’t, ... care, ... about, ... what, ... you, ... think.
Care: ... I, ... don’t, ... care, ... about, ... what, ... you, ... think.
Care, ... I don’t care about what you think.
Perhaps, ... Perhaps we can arrive at a compromise.

Perhaps, ... Perhaps we can arrive at a compromise.

Perhaps: ... Perhaps, ... we, ... can, ... arrive, ... at, ... a, ... compromise.

Maybe ... Maybe, we, can, reach, compromise.

Perhaps: ... Perhaps, ... we, ... can, ... arrive, ... at, ... a, ... compromise.
Perhaps: ... Perhaps, ... we, ... can, ... arrive, ... at, ... a, ... compromise.
Perhaps, ... Perhaps we can arrive at a compromise.
Little, ... There’s a little bird outside my window.

Little, ... There’s a little bird outside my window.

Little: ... There’s, ... a, ... little, ... bird, ... outside, ... my, ... window.

Little ... There, bird, small, in, outside, my window.

Little: ... There’s, ... a, ... little, ... bird, ... outside, ... my, ... window.
Little: ... There’s, ... a, ... little, ... bird, ... outside, ... my, ... window.
Little, ... There’s a little bird outside my window.
Late, ... I am running late for my doctor’s appointment.

Late, ... I am running late for my doctor’s appointment.

Late: ... I, ... am, ... running, ... late, ... for, ... my, ... doctor’s, ... appointment.

Late ... I, late, for, appointment, with, doctor, me.

Late: ... I, ... am, ... running, ... late, ... for, ... my, ... doctor’s, ... appointment.
Late: ... I, ... am, ... running, ... late, ... for, ... my, ... doctor’s, ... appointment.
Late, ... I am running late for my doctor’s appointment.
Hard, ... That test was so hard.

Hard, ... That test was so hard.

Hard: ... That, ... test, ... was, ... so, ... hard.

Difficult ... Test, it is, very, difficult.

Hard: ... That, ... test, ... was, ... so, ... hard.
Hard: ... That, ... test, ... was, ... so, ... hard.
Hard, ... That test was so hard.
Field, ... He’s over there, by the soccer field.

Field, ... He’s over there, by the soccer field.

Field: ... He’s, ... over, ... there, ... by, ... the, ... soccer, ... field.

Field ... He, on, there, on, near, field, football, ball.

Field: ... He’s, ... over, ... there, ... by, ... the, ... soccer, ... field.
Field: ... He’s, ... over, ... there, ... by, ... the, ... soccer, ... field.
Field, ... He’s over there, by the soccer field.
Else, ... Is anyone else coming?

Else, ... Is anyone else coming?

Else: ... Is, ... anyone, ... else, ... coming?

Another ... Is, there, someone, another, who, come?

Else: ... Is, ... anyone, ... else, ... coming?
Else: ... Is, ... anyone, ... else, ... coming?
Else, ... Is anyone else coming?
Pass, ... Can we pass by the grocery store?

Pass, ... Can we pass by the grocery store?

Pass: ... Can, ... we, ... pass, ... by, ... the, ... grocery, ... store?

Passing ... Can, we, pass, shop, grocery?

Pass: ... Can, ... we, ... pass, ... by, ... the, ... grocery, ... store?
Pass: ... Can, ... we, ... pass, ... by, ... the, ... grocery, ... store?
Pass, ... Can we pass by the grocery store?
Former, ... She was my former housemate.

Former, ... She was my former housemate.

Former: ... She, ... was, ... my, ... former, ... housemate.

Former ... He, is, ex, friend, housemate, me.

Former: ... She, ... was, ... my, ... former, ... housemate.
Former: ... She, ... was, ... my, ... former, ... housemate.
Former, ... She was my former housemate.
Sell, ... We can sell your old couch online.

Sell, ... We can sell your old couch online.

Sell: ... We, ... can, ... sell, ... your, ... old, ... couch, ... online.

Sell ... We, can, sell, sofa, old, you, online, online.

Sell: ... We, ... can, ... sell, ... your, ... old, ... couch, ... online.
Sell: ... We, ... can, ... sell, ... your, ... old, ... couch, ... online.
Sell, ... We can sell your old couch online.
Major, ... It’s a major issue for the project.

Major, ... It’s a major issue for the project.

Major: ... It’s, ... a, ... major, ... issue, ... for, ... the, ... project.

Major ... This, is, problem, big, for, project, this.

Major: ... It’s, ... a, ... major, ... issue, ... for, ... the, ... project.
Major: ... It’s, ... a, ... major, ... issue, ... for, ... the, ... project.
Major, ... It’s a major issue for the project.
Sometimes, ... Sometimes I forget to turn off the porch lights.

Sometimes, ... Sometimes I forget to turn off the porch lights.

Sometimes: ... Sometimes, ... I, ... forget, ... to, ... turn, ... off, ... the, ... porch, ... lights.

Sometimes ... Sometimes, I, forget, turn off, lights, terrace.

Sometimes: ... Sometimes, ... I, ... forget, ... to, ... turn, ... off, ... the, ... porch, ... lights.
Sometimes: ... Sometimes, ... I, ... forget, ... to, ... turn, ... off, ... the, ... porch, ... lights.
Sometimes, ... Sometimes I forget to turn off the porch lights.
Require, ... They’ll require you to show your I.D.

Require, ... They’ll require you to show your I.D.

Require: ... They’ll, ... require, ... you, ... to, ... show, ... your, ... I.D.

Requires ... They, will, ask, you, to, show, id, you ...

Require: ... They’ll, ... require, ... you, ... to, ... show, ... your, ... I.D.
Require: ... They’ll, ... require, ... you, ... to, ... show, ... your, ... I.D.
Require, ... They’ll require you to show your I.D.
Along, ... Can I tag along your road trip?

Along, ... Can I tag along your road trip?

Along: ... Can, ... I, ... tag, ... along, ... your, ... road, ... trip?

Together ... Can, I, tag, along, trip, you?

Along: ... Can, ... I, ... tag, ... along, ... your, ... road, ... trip?
Along: ... Can, ... I, ... tag, ... along, ... your, ... road, ... trip?
Along, ... Can I tag along your road trip?
Development, ... This news development is really interesting.

Development, ... This news development is really interesting.

Development: ... This, ... news, ... development, ... is, ... really, ... interesting.

Developments ... Developments, news, this is, very, interesting.

Development: ... This, ... news, ... development, ... is, ... really, ... interesting.
Development: ... This, ... news, ... development, ... is, ... really, ... interesting.
Development, ... This news development is really interesting.
Themselves, ... They can take care of themselves.

Themselves, ... They can take care of themselves.

Themselves: ... They, ... can, ... take, ... care, ... of, ... themselves.

Self, they, themselves ... They, can, keep, self, they, themselves.

Themselves: ... They, ... can, ... take, ... care, ... of, ... themselves.
Themselves: ... They, ... can, ... take, ... care, ... of, ... themselves.
Themselves, ... They can take care of themselves.
Report, ... I read her report and it was great! ...

Report, ... I read her report and it was great! ...

Report: ... I, ... read, ... her, ... report, ... and, ... it, ... was, ... great! ...

The report ... I, read, the report, and, that's it, great!

Report: ... I, ... read, ... her, ... report, ... and, ... it, ... was, ... great! ...
Report: ... I, ... read, ... her, ... report, ... and, ... it, ... was, ... great! ...
Report, ... I read her report and it was great! ...
Role, ... She’s going to play the role of elsa.

Role, ... She’s going to play the role of elsa.

Role: ... She’s, ... going, ... to, ... play, ... the, ... role, ... of, ... elsa.

Role ... She, will, play, role, elsa.

Role: ... She’s, ... going, ... to, ... play, ... the, ... role, ... of, ... elsa.
Role: ... She’s, ... going, ... to, ... play, ... the, ... role, ... of, ... elsa.
Role, ... She’s going to play the role of elsa.
Better, ... Your singing has gotten so much better! ...

Better, ... Your singing has gotten so much better! ...

Better: ... Your, ... singing, ... has, ... gotten, ... so, ... much, ... better! ...

More, better ... Chanting, you, become, much, more, better!

Better: ... Your, ... singing, ... has, ... gotten, ... so, ... much, ... better! ...
Better: ... Your, ... singing, ... has, ... gotten, ... so, ... much, ... better! ...
Better, ... Your singing has gotten so much better! ...
Economic, ... Some countries are facing an economic crisis.

Economic, ... Some countries are facing an economic crisis.

Economic: ... Some, ... countries, ... are, ... facing, ... an, ... economic, ... crisis.

Economy ... Several, countries, are, facing, crisis, economy.

Economic: ... Some, ... countries, ... are, ... facing, ... an, ... economic, ... crisis.
Economic: ... Some, ... countries, ... are, ... facing, ... an, ... economic, ... crisis.
Economic, ... Some countries are facing an economic crisis.
Effort, ... The government must make an effort to solve this.

Effort, ... The government must make an effort to solve this.

Effort: ... The, ... government, ... must, ... make, ... an, ... effort, ... to, ... solve, ... this.

Efforts ... Government, must, make, efforts, to, overcome, this, thing.

Effort: ... The, ... government, ... must, ... make, ... an, ... effort, ... to, ... solve, ... this.
Effort: ... The, ... government, ... must, ... make, ... an, ... effort, ... to, ... solve, ... this.
Effort, ... The government must make an effort to solve this.
Up, ... His grades have gone up.

Up, ... His grades have gone up.

Up: ... His, ... grades, ... have, ... gone, ... up.

Up ... The value, up.

Up: ... His, ... grades, ... have, ... gone, ... up.
Up: ... His, ... grades, ... have, ... gone, ... up.
Up, ... His grades have gone up.
Decide, ... Please decide where to eat.

Decide, ... Please decide where to eat.

Decide: ... Please, ... decide, ... where, ... to, ... eat.

Decide ... Go ahead, decide, place, eat.

Decide: ... Please, ... decide, ... where, ... to, ... eat.
Decide: ... Please, ... decide, ... where, ... to, ... eat.
Decide, ... Please decide where to eat.
Rate, ... How would you rate the hotel’s service?

Rate, ... How would you rate the hotel’s service?

Rate: ... How, ... would, ... you, ... rate, ... the, ... hotel’s, ... service?

Value ... How, you, rate, service, hotel?

Rate: ... How, ... would, ... you, ... rate, ... the, ... hotel’s, ... service?
Rate: ... How, ... would, ... you, ... rate, ... the, ... hotel’s, ... service?
Rate, ... How would you rate the hotel’s service?
Strong, ... They have strong customer service here! ...

Strong, ... They have strong customer service here! ...

Strong: ... They, ... have, ... strong, ... customer, ... service, ... here! ...

Strong ... They, have, service, customers, who, strong, in, here!

Strong: ... They, ... have, ... strong, ... customer, ... service, ... here! ...
Strong: ... They, ... have, ... strong, ... customer, ... service, ... here! ...
Strong, ... They have strong customer service here! ...
Possible, ... Maybe it’s possible to change their bathroom amenities.

Possible, ... Maybe it’s possible to change their bathroom amenities.

Possible: ... Maybe, ... it’s, ... possible, ... to, ... change, ... their, ... bathroom, ... amenities.

Maybe ... Maybe, just change, fixtures, rooms, baths, them.

Possible: ... Maybe, ... it’s, ... possible, ... to, ... change, ... their, ... bathroom, ... amenities.
Possible: ... Maybe, ... it’s, ... possible, ... to, ... change, ... their, ... bathroom, ... amenities.
Possible, ... Maybe it’s possible to change their bathroom amenities.
Heart, ... My heart is so full.

Heart, ... My heart is so full.

Heart: ... My, ... heart, ... is, ... so, ... full.

Heart ... My heart, I see, is full.

Heart: ... My, ... heart, ... is, ... so, ... full.
Heart: ... My, ... heart, ... is, ... so, ... full.
Heart, ... My heart is so full.
Drug, ... She got the patent for the drug she has created to cure cancer.

Drug, ... She got the patent for the drug she has created to cure cancer.

Drug: ... She, ... got, ... the, ... patent, ... for, ... the, ... drug, ... she, ... has, ... created, ... to, ... cure, ... cancer.

Drugs ... He, got, patents, for, drugs, which, he, invented, for, cures, cancer.

Drug: ... She, ... got, ... the, ... patent, ... for, ... the, ... drug, ... she, ... has, ... created, ... to, ... cure, ... cancer.
Drug: ... She, ... got, ... the, ... patent, ... for, ... the, ... drug, ... she, ... has, ... created, ... to, ... cure, ... cancer.
Drug, ... She got the patent for the drug she has created to cure cancer.
Show, ... Can you show me how to solve this puzzle?

Show, ... Can you show me how to solve this puzzle?

Show: ... Can, ... you, ... show, ... me, ... how, ... to, ... solve, ... this, ... puzzle?

Show ... Can, you, show, to, me, how, solve, this riddle?

Show: ... Can, ... you, ... show, ... me, ... how, ... to, ... solve, ... this, ... puzzle?
Show: ... Can, ... you, ... show, ... me, ... how, ... to, ... solve, ... this, ... puzzle?
Show, ... Can you show me how to solve this puzzle?
Leader, ... You are a wonderful leader.

Leader, ... You are a wonderful leader.

Leader: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... wonderful, ... leader.

Leader ... You, are, leaders, who are, extraordinary, extraordinary.

Leader: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... wonderful, ... leader.
Leader: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... wonderful, ... leader.
Leader, ... You are a wonderful leader.
Light, ... Watch her face light up when you mention his name.

Light, ... Watch her face light up when you mention his name.

Light: ... Watch, ... her, ... face, ... light, ... up, ... when, ... you, ... mention, ... his, ... name.

Light ... Watch, his face, shining, when, you, say, his name.

Light: ... Watch, ... her, ... face, ... light, ... up, ... when, ... you, ... mention, ... his, ... name.
Light: ... Watch, ... her, ... face, ... light, ... up, ... when, ... you, ... mention, ... his, ... name.
Light, ... Watch her face light up when you mention his name.
Voice, ... Hearing his mom’s voice is all he need right now.

Voice, ... Hearing his mom’s voice is all he need right now.

Voice: ... Hearing, ... his, ... mom’s, ... voice, ... is, ... all, ... he, ... need, ... right, ... now.

Voice ... Hear, voice, his mother, is, the only one, that, he, needs, when, this.

Voice: ... Hearing, ... his, ... mom’s, ... voice, ... is, ... all, ... he, ... need, ... right, ... now.
Voice: ... Hearing, ... his, ... mom’s, ... voice, ... is, ... all, ... he, ... need, ... right, ... now.
Voice, ... Hearing his mom’s voice is all he need right now.
Wife, ... My wife is away for the weekend.

Wife, ... My wife is away for the weekend.

Wife: ... My, ... wife, ... is, ... away, ... for, ... the, ... weekend.

Wife ... Wife, I, go, for, weekend, weekend.

Wife: ... My, ... wife, ... is, ... away, ... for, ... the, ... weekend.
Wife: ... My, ... wife, ... is, ... away, ... for, ... the, ... weekend.
Wife, ... My wife is away for the weekend.
Whole, ... I have the whole house to myself.

Whole, ... I have the whole house to myself.

Whole: ... I, ... have, ... the, ... whole, ... house, ... to, ... myself.

Whole ... I, have, all of, the house, for, myself, I, alone.

Whole: ... I, ... have, ... the, ... whole, ... house, ... to, ... myself.
Whole: ... I, ... have, ... the, ... whole, ... house, ... to, ... myself.
Whole, ... I have the whole house to myself.
Police, ... The police have questioned him about the incident.

Police, ... The police have questioned him about the incident.

Police: ... The, ... police, ... have, ... questioned, ... him, ... about, ... the, ... incident.

Police ... Police, have, questioned, him, about, the incident, that.

Police: ... The, ... police, ... have, ... questioned, ... him, ... about, ... the, ... incident.
Police: ... The, ... police, ... have, ... questioned, ... him, ... about, ... the, ... incident.
Police, ... The police have questioned him about the incident.
Mind, ... This relaxation technique really eases my mind.

Mind, ... This relaxation technique really eases my mind.

Mind: ... This, ... relaxation, ... technique, ... really, ... eases, ... my, ... mind.

Mind ... Technique, relaxation, this, really, calms, mind, me.

Mind: ... This, ... relaxation, ... technique, ... really, ... eases, ... my, ... mind.
Mind: ... This, ... relaxation, ... technique, ... really, ... eases, ... my, ... mind.
Mind, ... This relaxation technique really eases my mind.
Finally, ... I can finally move out from my old apartment.

Finally, ... I can finally move out from my old apartment.

Finally: ... I, ... can, ... finally, ... move, ... out, ... from, ... my, ... old, ... apartment.

Finally ... I, finally, can, move, from, old, apartment, me.

Finally: ... I, ... can, ... finally, ... move, ... out, ... from, ... my, ... old, ... apartment.
Finally: ... I, ... can, ... finally, ... move, ... out, ... from, ... my, ... old, ... apartment.
Finally, ... I can finally move out from my old apartment.
Pull, ... My baby niece likes to pull my hair.

Pull, ... My baby niece likes to pull my hair.

Pull: ... My, ... baby, ... niece, ... likes, ... to, ... pull, ... my, ... hair.

Pull ... Nephew, baby, I, like, pull, hair, me.

Pull: ... My, ... baby, ... niece, ... likes, ... to, ... pull, ... my, ... hair.
Pull: ... My, ... baby, ... niece, ... likes, ... to, ... pull, ... my, ... hair.
Pull, ... My baby niece likes to pull my hair.
Return, ... I give her tickles in return.

Return, ... I give her tickles in return.

Return: ... I, ... give, ... her, ... tickles, ... in, ... return.

Back ... I, gave him, tickle, as, in return.

Return: ... I, ... give, ... her, ... tickles, ... in, ... return.
Return: ... I, ... give, ... her, ... tickles, ... in, ... return.
Return, ... I give her tickles in return.
Free, ... The best things in life are free.

Free, ... The best things in life are free.

Free: ... The, ... best, ... things, ... in, ... life, ... are, ... free.

Free ... Things, best, in, life, are, free.

Free: ... The, ... best, ... things, ... in, ... life, ... are, ... free.
Free: ... The, ... best, ... things, ... in, ... life, ... are, ... free.
Free, ... The best things in life are free.
Military, ... His dad is in the military.

Military, ... His dad is in the military.

Military: ... His, ... dad, ... is, ... in, ... the, ... military.

Military ... His father, in, military.

Military: ... His, ... dad, ... is, ... in, ... the, ... military.
Military: ... His, ... dad, ... is, ... in, ... the, ... military.
Military, ... His dad is in the military.
Price, ... This is the price you pay for lying.

Price, ... This is the price you pay for lying.

Price: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... price, ... you, ... pay, ... for, ... lying.

Price ... This, is, the price, which, you, pay, for, lie.

Price: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... price, ... you, ... pay, ... for, ... lying.
Price: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... price, ... you, ... pay, ... for, ... lying.
Price, ... This is the price you pay for lying.
Report, ... Did you report this to the police?

Report, ... Did you report this to the police?

Report: ... Did, ... you, ... report, ... this, ... to, ... the, ... police?

Report ... Did, you, report, this, to, the police?

Report: ... Did, ... you, ... report, ... this, ... to, ... the, ... police?
Report: ... Did, ... you, ... report, ... this, ... to, ... the, ... police?
Report, ... Did you report this to the police?
Less, ... I am praying for less stress this coming new year.

Less, ... I am praying for less stress this coming new year.

Less: ... I, ... am, ... praying, ... for, ... less, ... stress, ... this, ... coming, ... new, ... year.

Less ... I, pray, for, reduce, stress, in, year, new, which, will, come, this.

Less: ... I, ... am, ... praying, ... for, ... less, ... stress, ... this, ... coming, ... new, ... year.
Less: ... I, ... am, ... praying, ... for, ... less, ... stress, ... this, ... coming, ... new, ... year.
Less, ... I am praying for less stress this coming new year.
According, ... According to the weather report, it’s going to rain today.

According, ... According to the weather report, it’s going to rain today.

According: ... According, ... to, ... the, ... weather, ... report, ... it’s, ... going, ... to, ... rain, ... today.

According to ... According to, reports, weather, day, this, will, rain.

According: ... According, ... to, ... the, ... weather, ... report, ... it’s, ... going, ... to, ... rain, ... today.
According: ... According, ... to, ... the, ... weather, ... report, ... it’s, ... going, ... to, ... rain, ... today.
According, ... According to the weather report, it’s going to rain today.
Decision, ... This is a big decision for me.

Decision, ... This is a big decision for me.

Decision: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... big, ... decision, ... for, ... me.

Decision ... This, is, decision, big, for, me.

Decision: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... big, ... decision, ... for, ... me.
Decision: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... big, ... decision, ... for, ... me.
Decision, ... This is a big decision for me.
Explain, ... I’ll explain everything later, I promise.

Explain, ... I’ll explain everything later, I promise.

Explain: ... I’ll, ... explain, ... everything, ... later, ... I, ... promise.

Explain ... I, will, explain, everything, later, I, promise.

Explain: ... I’ll, ... explain, ... everything, ... later, ... I, ... promise.
Explain: ... I’ll, ... explain, ... everything, ... later, ... I, ... promise.
Explain, ... I’ll explain everything later, I promise.
Son, ... His son is so cute! ...

Son, ... His son is so cute! ...

Son: ... His, ... son, ... is, ... so, ... cute! ...

Son ... Son, so, so cute!

Son: ... His, ... son, ... is, ... so, ... cute! ...
Son: ... His, ... son, ... is, ... so, ... cute! ...
Son, ... His son is so cute! ...
Hope, ... I hope I’ll have a son one day.

Hope, ... I hope I’ll have a son one day.

Hope: ... I, ... hope, ... I’ll, ... have, ... a, ... son, ... one, ... day.

Hope ... I, hope, I, will, have, a, son, someday, someday.

Hope: ... I, ... hope, ... I’ll, ... have, ... a, ... son, ... one, ... day.
Hope: ... I, ... hope, ... I’ll, ... have, ... a, ... son, ... one, ... day.
Hope, ... I hope I’ll have a son one day.
Even, ... Even if they’ve broken up, they still remain friends.

Even, ... Even if they’ve broken up, they still remain friends.

Even: ... Even, ... if, ... they’ve, ... broken, ... up, ... they, ... still, ... remain, ... friends.

Even ... Even if, they, already, broke up, they are, still, still, friends.

Even: ... Even, ... if, ... they’ve, ... broken, ... up, ... they, ... still, ... remain, ... friends.
Even: ... Even, ... if, ... they’ve, ... broken, ... up, ... they, ... still, ... remain, ... friends.
Even, ... Even if they’ve broken up, they still remain friends.
Develop, ... That rash could develop into something more serious.

Develop, ... That rash could develop into something more serious.

Develop: ... That, ... rash, ... could, ... develop, ... into, ... something, ... more, ... serious.

Developing ... Rash, it, can, develop, become, something, which is, more, serious.

Develop: ... That, ... rash, ... could, ... develop, ... into, ... something, ... more, ... serious.
Develop: ... That, ... rash, ... could, ... develop, ... into, ... something, ... more, ... serious.
Develop, ... That rash could develop into something more serious.
View, ... This view is amazing! ...

View, ... This view is amazing! ...

View: ... This, ... view, ... is, ... amazing! ...

Look ... The view, this is, amazing, amazing!

View: ... This, ... view, ... is, ... amazing! ...
View: ... This, ... view, ... is, ... amazing! ...
View, ... This view is amazing! ...
Relationship, ... They’ve taken their relationship to the next level.

Relationship, ... They’ve taken their relationship to the next level.

Relationship: ... They’ve, ... taken, ... their, ... relationship, ... to, ... the, ... next, ... level.

Relationship ... They, have, brought, relationship, they, to, level, next.

Relationship: ... They’ve, ... taken, ... their, ... relationship, ... to, ... the, ... next, ... level.
Relationship: ... They’ve, ... taken, ... their, ... relationship, ... to, ... the, ... next, ... level.
Relationship, ... They’ve taken their relationship to the next level.
Carry, ... Can you carry my bag for me?

Carry, ... Can you carry my bag for me?

Carry: ... Can, ... you, ... carry, ... my, ... bag, ... for, ... me?

Bring ... Can, you, bring, bag, me, for, me?

Carry: ... Can, ... you, ... carry, ... my, ... bag, ... for, ... me?
Carry: ... Can, ... you, ... carry, ... my, ... bag, ... for, ... me?
Carry, ... Can you carry my bag for me?
Town, ... This town is extremely quiet.

Town, ... This town is extremely quiet.

Town: ... This, ... town, ... is, ... extremely, ... quiet.

City ... City, this, very, lonely.

Town: ... This, ... town, ... is, ... extremely, ... quiet.
Town: ... This, ... town, ... is, ... extremely, ... quiet.
Town, ... This town is extremely quiet.
Road, ... There’s a road that leads to the edge of the woods.

Road, ... There’s a road that leads to the edge of the woods.

Road: ... There’s, ... a, ... road, ... that, ... leads, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... woods.

Road ... There is, a path, which, leads, to, the edge of, the forest.

Road: ... There’s, ... a, ... road, ... that, ... leads, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... woods.
Road: ... There’s, ... a, ... road, ... that, ... leads, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... woods.
Road, ... There’s a road that leads to the edge of the woods.
Drive, ... You can’t drive there, you need to walk.

Drive, ... You can’t drive there, you need to walk.

Drive: ... You, ... can’t, ... drive, ... there, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... walk.

Drive ... You, no, can, drive, in, there, you, must, walk.

Drive: ... You, ... can’t, ... drive, ... there, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... walk.
Drive: ... You, ... can’t, ... drive, ... there, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... walk.
Drive, ... You can’t drive there, you need to walk.
Arm, ... He broke his arm during practice.

Arm, ... He broke his arm during practice.

Arm: ... He, ... broke, ... his, ... arm, ... during, ... practice.

Arm ... His arm, broken, moment, practice.

Arm: ... He, ... broke, ... his, ... arm, ... during, ... practice.
Arm: ... He, ... broke, ... his, ... arm, ... during, ... practice.
Arm, ... He broke his arm during practice.
True, ... It’s true, I’m leaving the company.

True, ... It’s true, I’m leaving the company.

True: ... It’s, ... true, ... I’m, ... leaving, ... the, ... company.

Right ... Indeed, right, I, will, out, of, the company.

True: ... It’s, ... true, ... I’m, ... leaving, ... the, ... company.
True: ... It’s, ... true, ... I’m, ... leaving, ... the, ... company.
True, ... It’s true, I’m leaving the company.
Federal, ... Animal abuse is now a federal felony! ...

Federal, ... Animal abuse is now a federal felony! ...

Federal: ... Animal, ... abuse, ... is, ... now, ... a, ... federal, ... felony! ...

Federal ... Abuse, animal, now, be, crime, federal!

Federal: ... Animal, ... abuse, ... is, ... now, ... a, ... federal, ... felony! ...
Federal: ... Animal, ... abuse, ... is, ... now, ... a, ... federal, ... felony! ...
Federal, ... Animal abuse is now a federal felony! ...
Break, ... Don’t break the law.

Break, ... Don’t break the law.

Break: ... Don’t, ... break, ... the, ... law.

Rest ... Do not, violate, the law.

Break: ... Don’t, ... break, ... the, ... law.
Break: ... Don’t, ... break, ... the, ... law.
Break, ... Don’t break the law.
Better, ... You better learn how to follow rules.

Better, ... You better learn how to follow rules.

Better: ... You, ... better, ... learn, ... how, ... to, ... follow, ... rules.

More, better ... You, more, well, learn, how to, follow, rules.

Better: ... You, ... better, ... learn, ... how, ... to, ... follow, ... rules.
Better: ... You, ... better, ... learn, ... how, ... to, ... follow, ... rules.
Better, ... You better learn how to follow rules.
Difference, ... What’s the difference between happiness and contentment?

Difference, ... What’s the difference between happiness and contentment?

Difference: ... What’s, ... the, ... difference, ... between, ... happiness, ... and, ... contentment?

The difference ... What, the difference, between, happiness, and, satisfaction?

Difference: ... What’s, ... the, ... difference, ... between, ... happiness, ... and, ... contentment?
Difference: ... What’s, ... the, ... difference, ... between, ... happiness, ... and, ... contentment?
Difference, ... What’s the difference between happiness and contentment?
Thank, ... I forgot to thank her for the pie she sent us.

Thank, ... I forgot to thank her for the pie she sent us.

Thank: ... I, ... forgot, ... to, ... thank, ... her, ... for, ... the, ... pie, ... she, ... sent, ... us.

Thank ... I, forgot, thanked, thanked, him, for, cake, which, he, sent, to, us.

Thank: ... I, ... forgot, ... to, ... thank, ... her, ... for, ... the, ... pie, ... she, ... sent, ... us.
Thank: ... I, ... forgot, ... to, ... thank, ... her, ... for, ... the, ... pie, ... she, ... sent, ... us.
Thank, ... I forgot to thank her for the pie she sent us.
Receive, ... Did you receive the pie I sent you?

Receive, ... Did you receive the pie I sent you?

Receive: ... Did, ... you, ... receive, ... the, ... pie, ... I, ... sent, ... you?

Accept ... Did, you, receive, the cake, which, I, sent?

Receive: ... Did, ... you, ... receive, ... the, ... pie, ... I, ... sent, ... you?
Receive: ... Did, ... you, ... receive, ... the, ... pie, ... I, ... sent, ... you?
Receive, ... Did you receive the pie I sent you?
Value, ... I value our friendship so much.

Value, ... I value our friendship so much.

Value: ... I, ... value, ... our, ... friendship, ... so, ... much.

Value ... I, very, appreciate, friendship, us.

Value: ... I, ... value, ... our, ... friendship, ... so, ... much.
Value: ... I, ... value, ... our, ... friendship, ... so, ... much.
Value, ... I value our friendship so much.
International , ... Their brand has gone international! ...

International , ... Their brand has gone international! ...

International, ... : ... Their, ... brand, ... has, ... gone, ... international! ...

International, ... Brands, they are, already, go, international!

International, ... : ... Their, ... brand, ... has, ... gone, ... international! ...
International, ... : ... Their, ... brand, ... has, ... gone, ... international! ...
International , ... Their brand has gone international! ...
Building, ... This building is so tall! ...

Building, ... This building is so tall! ...

Building: ... This, ... building, ... is, ... so, ... tall! ...

Buildings ... Buildings, this is, very, high!

Building: ... This, ... building, ... is, ... so, ... tall! ...
Building: ... This, ... building, ... is, ... so, ... tall! ...
Building, ... This building is so tall! ...
Action, ... You next action is going to be critical.

Action, ... You next action is going to be critical.

Action: ... You, ... next, ... action, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... critical.

Action ... Action, you, next, will, be, critical.

Action: ... You, ... next, ... action, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... critical.
Action: ... You, ... next, ... action, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... critical.
Action, ... You next action is going to be critical.
Full, ... My work load is so full now.

Full, ... My work load is so full now.

Full: ... My, ... work, ... load, ... is, ... so, ... full, ... now.

Full ... Burden, work, I, very, full, now.

Full: ... My, ... work, ... load, ... is, ... so, ... full, ... now.
Full: ... My, ... work, ... load, ... is, ... so, ... full, ... now.
Full, ... My work load is so full now.
Model, ... A great leader is a great model of how to do things.

Model, ... A great leader is a great model of how to do things.

Model: ... A, ... great, ... leader, ... is, ... a, ... great, ... model, ... of, ... how, ... to, ... do, ... things.

Model ... A, leader, who, great, is, model, who, is great, about, how, does, something.

Model: ... A, ... great, ... leader, ... is, ... a, ... great, ... model, ... of, ... how, ... to, ... do, ... things.
Model: ... A, ... great, ... leader, ... is, ... a, ... great, ... model, ... of, ... how, ... to, ... do, ... things.
Model, ... A great leader is a great model of how to do things.
Join, ... He wants to join the soccer team.

Join, ... He wants to join the soccer team.

Join: ... He, ... wants, ... to, ... join, ... the, ... soccer, ... team.

Join ... He, wants, joins, with, team, football, ball.

Join: ... He, ... wants, ... to, ... join, ... the, ... soccer, ... team.
Join: ... He, ... wants, ... to, ... join, ... the, ... soccer, ... team.
Join, ... He wants to join the soccer team.
Season, ... Christmas is my favorite season! ...

Season, ... Christmas is my favorite season! ...

Season: ... Christmas, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... season! ...

Season ... Christmas, is, season, my favorite!

Season: ... Christmas, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... season! ...
Season: ... Christmas, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... season! ...
Season, ... Christmas is my favorite season! ...
Society, ... Their society is holding a fund raiser.

Society, ... Their society is holding a fund raiser.

Society: ... Their, ... society, ... is, ... holding, ... a, ... fund, ... raiser.

Society ... Society, they, organize, raise, fund.

Society: ... Their, ... society, ... is, ... holding, ... a, ... fund, ... raiser.
Society: ... Their, ... society, ... is, ... holding, ... a, ... fund, ... raiser.
Society, ... Their society is holding a fund raiser.
Because, ... I’m going home because my mom needs me.

Because, ... I’m going home because my mom needs me.

Because: ... I’m, ... going, ... home, ... because, ... my, ... mom, ... needs, ... me.

Because... I, come home, because, my mother, needs me.

Because: ... I’m, ... going, ... home, ... because, ... my, ... mom, ... needs, ... me.
Because: ... I’m, ... going, ... home, ... because, ... my, ... mom, ... needs, ... me.
Because, ... I’m going home because my mom needs me.
Tax, ... How much is the current income tax?

Tax, ... How much is the current income tax?

Tax: ... How, ... much, ... is, ... the, ... current, ... income, ... tax?

Tax ... How much, tax, income, time, this?

Tax: ... How, ... much, ... is, ... the, ... current, ... income, ... tax?
Tax: ... How, ... much, ... is, ... the, ... current, ... income, ... tax?
Tax, ... How much is the current income tax?
Director, ... The director yelled ‘cut!' ...

Director, ... The director yelled ‘cut!' ...

Director: ... The, ... director, ... yelled, ... ‘cut!' ...

Director ... Director, shouting, 'cut!' ...

Director: ... The, ... director, ... yelled, ... ‘cut!' ...
Director: ... The, ... director, ... yelled, ... ‘cut!' ...
Director, ... The director yelled ‘cut!' ...
Early, ... I’m too early for my appointment.

Early, ... I’m too early for my appointment.

Early: ... I’m, ... too, ... early, ... for, ... my, ... appointment.

Early ... I, too, early, for, promise, I.

Early: ... I’m, ... too, ... early, ... for, ... my, ... appointment.
Early: ... I’m, ... too, ... early, ... for, ... my, ... appointment.
Early, ... I’m too early for my appointment.
Position , ... Please position your hand properly when drawing.

Position , ... Please position your hand properly when drawing.

Position, ... : ... Please, ... position, ... your, ... hand, ... properly, ... when, ... drawing.

Position, ... Please, position, hand, you, with, right, moment, draw.

Position, ... : ... Please, ... position, ... your, ... hand, ... properly, ... when, ... drawing.
Position, ... : ... Please, ... position, ... your, ... hand, ... properly, ... when, ... drawing.
Position , ... Please position your hand properly when drawing.
Player, ... That basketball player is cute.

Player, ... That basketball player is cute.

Player: ... That, ... basketball, ... player, ... is, ... cute.

Players...Players, basketball, that's, funny.

Player: ... That, ... basketball, ... player, ... is, ... cute.
Player: ... That, ... basketball, ... player, ... is, ... cute.
Player, ... That basketball player is cute.
Agree, ... I agree! He is cute! ...

Agree, ... I agree! He is cute! ...

Agree: ... I, ... agree!, ... He, ... is, ... cute! ...

Agree ... I, agree!, he, cute!

Agree: ... I, ... agree!, ... He, ... is, ... cute! ...
Agree: ... I, ... agree!, ... He, ... is, ... cute! ...
Agree, ... I agree! He is cute! ...
Especially, ... I especially like his blue eyes.

Especially, ... I especially like his blue eyes.

Especially: ... I, ... especially, ... like, ... his, ... blue, ... eyes.

Especially ... I, especially, liked, the eyes, the blue.

Especially: ... I, ... especially, ... like, ... his, ... blue, ... eyes.
Especially: ... I, ... especially, ... like, ... his, ... blue, ... eyes.
Especially, ... I especially like his blue eyes.
Record , ... Can we record the minutes of this meeting, please?

Record , ... Can we record the minutes of this meeting, please?

Record, ... : ... Can, ... we, ... record, ... the, ... minutes, ... of, ... this, ... meeting, ... please?

Record, ... Can, we, record, minutes, meeting, this?

Record, ... : ... Can, ... we, ... record, ... the, ... minutes, ... of, ... this, ... meeting, ... please?
Record, ... : ... Can, ... we, ... record, ... the, ... minutes, ... of, ... this, ... meeting, ... please?
Record , ... Can we record the minutes of this meeting, please?
Pick, ... Did you pick a color theme already?

Pick, ... Did you pick a color theme already?

Pick: ... Did, ... you, ... pick, ... a, ... color, ... theme, ... already?

Choose ... Did, you, have, chose, theme, color?

Pick: ... Did, ... you, ... pick, ... a, ... color, ... theme, ... already?
Pick: ... Did, ... you, ... pick, ... a, ... color, ... theme, ... already?
Pick, ... Did you pick a color theme already?
Wear , ... Is that what you’re going to wear for the party?

Wear , ... Is that what you’re going to wear for the party?

Wear, ... : ... Is, ... that, ... what, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... wear, ... for, ... the, ... party?

Wear, ... Is, that, that, will, you, wear, for, party?

Wear, ... : ... Is, ... that, ... what, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... wear, ... for, ... the, ... party?
Wear, ... : ... Is, ... that, ... what, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... wear, ... for, ... the, ... party?
Wear , ... Is that what you’re going to wear for the party?
Paper, ... You can use a special paper for your invitations.

Paper, ... You can use a special paper for your invitations.

Paper: ... You, ... can, ... use, ... a, ... special, ... paper, ... for, ... your, ... invitations.

Paper ... You, can, use, paper, special, for, invitation, you.

Paper: ... You, ... can, ... use, ... a, ... special, ... paper, ... for, ... your, ... invitations.
Paper: ... You, ... can, ... use, ... a, ... special, ... paper, ... for, ... your, ... invitations.
Paper, ... You can use a special paper for your invitations.
Special, ... Some special paper are even scented! ...

Special, ... Some special paper are even scented! ...

Special: ... Some, ... special, ... paper, ... are, ... even, ... scented! ...

Special ... Some, paper, special, even, flavored!

Special: ... Some, ... special, ... paper, ... are, ... even, ... scented! ...
Special: ... Some, ... special, ... paper, ... are, ... even, ... scented! ...
Special, ... Some special paper are even scented! ...
Space, ... Please leave some space to write down your phone number.

Space, ... Please leave some space to write down your phone number.

Space: ... Please, ... leave, ... some, ... space, ... to, ... write, ... down, ... your, ... phone, ... number.

Space ... Please, leave, a little, space, for, write down, number, phone, you.

Space: ... Please, ... leave, ... some, ... space, ... to, ... write, ... down, ... your, ... phone, ... number.
Space: ... Please, ... leave, ... some, ... space, ... to, ... write, ... down, ... your, ... phone, ... number.
Space, ... Please leave some space to write down your phone number.
Ground , ... The ground is shaking.

Ground , ... The ground is shaking.

Ground, ... : ... The, ... ground, ... is, ... shaking.

Tanah, ... Tanah, bergetar.

Ground, ... : ... The, ... ground, ... is, ... shaking.
Ground, ... : ... The, ... ground, ... is, ... shaking.
Ground , ... The ground is shaking.
Form, ... A new island was formed after that big earthquake.

Form, ... A new island was formed after that big earthquake.

Form: ... A, ... new, ... island, ... was, ... formed, ... after, ... that, ... big, ... earthquake.

Bentuk ... Sebuah, pulau, baru, terbentuk, setelah, gempa, besar, itu.

Form: ... A, ... new, ... island, ... was, ... formed, ... after, ... that, ... big, ... earthquake.
Form: ... A, ... new, ... island, ... was, ... formed, ... after, ... that, ... big, ... earthquake.
Form, ... A new island was formed after that big earthquake.
Support , ... I need your support for this project.

Support , ... I need your support for this project.

Support, ... : ... I, ... need, ... your, ... support, ... for, ... this, ... project.

Dukungan, ... Saya, membutuhkan, dukungan, anda, untuk, proyek, ini.

Support, ... : ... I, ... need, ... your, ... support, ... for, ... this, ... project.
Support, ... : ... I, ... need, ... your, ... support, ... for, ... this, ... project.
Support , ... I need your support for this project.
Event, ... We’re holding a big event tonight.

Event, ... We’re holding a big event tonight.

Event: ... We’re, ... holding, ... a, ... big, ... event, ... tonight.

Acara ... Kami, mengadakan, acara, besar, malam, ini.

Event: ... We’re, ... holding, ... a, ... big, ... event, ... tonight.
Event: ... We’re, ... holding, ... a, ... big, ... event, ... tonight.
Event, ... We’re holding a big event tonight.
Official, ... Our official wedding photos are out! ...

Official, ... Our official wedding photos are out! ...

Official: ... Our, ... official, ... wedding, ... photos, ... are, ... out! ...

Resmi ... Foto, pernikahan, resmi, kami, sudah, keluar!

Official: ... Our, ... official, ... wedding, ... photos, ... are, ... out! ...
Official: ... Our, ... official, ... wedding, ... photos, ... are, ... out! ...
Official, ... Our official wedding photos are out! ...
Whose , ... Whose umbrella is this?

Whose , ... Whose umbrella is this?

Whose, ... : ... Whose, ... umbrella, ... is, ... this?

Siapa, ... Payung, siapa, ini?

Whose, ... : ... Whose, ... umbrella, ... is, ... this?
Whose, ... : ... Whose, ... umbrella, ... is, ... this?
Whose , ... Whose umbrella is this?
Matter, ... What does it matter anyway?

Matter, ... What does it matter anyway?

Matter: ... What, ... does, ... it, ... matter, ... anyway?

Peduli ... Lagi, pula, apa, bedanya?

Matter: ... What, ... does, ... it, ... matter, ... anyway?
Matter: ... What, ... does, ... it, ... matter, ... anyway?
Matter, ... What does it matter anyway?
Everyone , ... Everyone thinks I stole that file.

Everyone , ... Everyone thinks I stole that file.

Everyone, ... : ... Everyone, ... thinks, ... I, ... stole, ... that, ... file.

Semuanya, ... Semua, orang, mengira, aku, mencuri, file, itu.

Everyone, ... : ... Everyone, ... thinks, ... I, ... stole, ... that, ... file.
Everyone, ... : ... Everyone, ... thinks, ... I, ... stole, ... that, ... file.
Everyone , ... Everyone thinks I stole that file.
Center, ... I hate being the center of attention.

Center, ... I hate being the center of attention.

Center: ... I, ... hate, ... being, ... the, ... center, ... of, ... attention.

Center ... Aku, benci, menjadi, pusat, perhatian.

Center: ... I, ... hate, ... being, ... the, ... center, ... of, ... attention.
Center: ... I, ... hate, ... being, ... the, ... center, ... of, ... attention.
Center, ... I hate being the center of attention.
Couple, ... The couple is on their honeymoon now.

Couple, ... The couple is on their honeymoon now.

Couple: ... The, ... couple, ... is, ... on, ... their, ... honeymoon, ... now.

Pasangan ... Pasangan, itu, sedang, berbulan, madu, sekarang.

Couple: ... The, ... couple, ... is, ... on, ... their, ... honeymoon, ... now.
Couple: ... The, ... couple, ... is, ... on, ... their, ... honeymoon, ... now.
Couple, ... The couple is on their honeymoon now.
Site, ... This site is so big! ...

Site, ... This site is so big! ...

Site: ... This, ... site, ... is, ... so, ... big! ...

Situs ... Situs, ini, sangat, besar!

Site: ... This, ... site, ... is, ... so, ... big! ...
Site: ... This, ... site, ... is, ... so, ... big! ...
Site, ... This site is so big! ...
End, ... It’s the end of an era.

End, ... It’s the end of an era.

End: ... It’s, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... an, ... era.

Akhir ... Ini, adalah, akhir, dari, sebuah, era.

End: ... It’s, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... an, ... era.
End: ... It’s, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... an, ... era.
End, ... It’s the end of an era.
Project, ... This project file is due tomorrow.

Project, ... This project file is due tomorrow.

Project: ... This, ... project, ... file, ... is, ... due, ... tomorrow.

Proyek ... File, proyek, ini, dikumpulkan, besok.

Project: ... This, ... project, ... file, ... is, ... due, ... tomorrow.
Project: ... This, ... project, ... file, ... is, ... due, ... tomorrow.
Project, ... This project file is due tomorrow.
Hit , ... He hit the burglar with a bat.

Hit , ... He hit the burglar with a bat.

Hit, ... : ... He, ... hit, ... the, ... burglar, ... with, ... a, ... bat.

Pukul, ... Dia, memukul, pencuri, dengan, tongkat, pemukul.

Hit, ... : ... He, ... hit, ... the, ... burglar, ... with, ... a, ... bat.
Hit, ... : ... He, ... hit, ... the, ... burglar, ... with, ... a, ... bat.
Hit , ... He hit the burglar with a bat.
Base, ... All moms are their child’s home base.

Base, ... All moms are their child’s home base.

Base: ... All, ... moms, ... are, ... their, ... child’s, ... home, ... base.

Basis ... Semua, ibu, adalah, basis, rumah, anak, mereka.

Base: ... All, ... moms, ... are, ... their, ... child’s, ... home, ... base.
Base: ... All, ... moms, ... are, ... their, ... child’s, ... home, ... base.
Base, ... All moms are their child’s home base.
Activity, ... What musical activity can you suggest for my toddler?

Activity, ... What musical activity can you suggest for my toddler?

Activity: ... What, ... musical, ... activity, ... can, ... you, ... suggest, ... for, ... my, ... toddler?

Aktivitas ... Aktivitas, musik, apa, yang, dapat, anda, sarankan, untuk, balita, saya?

Activity: ... What, ... musical, ... activity, ... can, ... you, ... suggest, ... for, ... my, ... toddler?
Activity: ... What, ... musical, ... activity, ... can, ... you, ... suggest, ... for, ... my, ... toddler?
Activity, ... What musical activity can you suggest for my toddler?
Star, ... My son can draw a star! ...

Star, ... My son can draw a star! ...

Star: ... My, ... son, ... can, ... draw, ... a, ... star! ...

Bintang ... Anakku, bisa, menggambar, bintang!

Star: ... My, ... son, ... can, ... draw, ... a, ... star! ...
Star: ... My, ... son, ... can, ... draw, ... a, ... star! ...
Star, ... My son can draw a star! ...
Table , ... I saw him draw it while he was writing on the table.

Table , ... I saw him draw it while he was writing on the table.

Table, ... : ... I, ... saw, ... him, ... draw, ... it, ... while, ... he, ... was, ... writing, ... on, ... the, ... table.

Tabel, ... Saya, melihatnya, menggambar, saat, dia, sedang, menulis, di, atas, meja.

Table, ... : ... I, ... saw, ... him, ... draw, ... it, ... while, ... he, ... was, ... writing, ... on, ... the, ... table.
Table, ... : ... I, ... saw, ... him, ... draw, ... it, ... while, ... he, ... was, ... writing, ... on, ... the, ... table.
Table , ... I saw him draw it while he was writing on the table.
Need , ... I need to enroll him to a good preschool.

Need , ... I need to enroll him to a good preschool.

Need, ... : ... I, ... need, ... to, ... enroll, ... him, ... to, ... a, ... good, ... preschool.

Perlu, ... Saya, perlu, mendaftarkannya, ke, prasekolah, yang, baik.

Need, ... : ... I, ... need, ... to, ... enroll, ... him, ... to, ... a, ... good, ... preschool.
Need, ... : ... I, ... need, ... to, ... enroll, ... him, ... to, ... a, ... good, ... preschool.
Need , ... I need to enroll him to a good preschool.
Court, ... There’s a basketball court near our house.

Court, ... There’s a basketball court near our house.

Court: ... There’s, ... a, ... basketball, ... court, ... near, ... our, ... house.

Lapangan ... Ada, lapangan, basket, di, dekat, rumah, kami.

Court: ... There’s, ... a, ... basketball, ... court, ... near, ... our, ... house.
Court: ... There’s, ... a, ... basketball, ... court, ... near, ... our, ... house.
Court, ... There’s a basketball court near our house.
Produce , ... Fresh farm produce is the best.

Produce , ... Fresh farm produce is the best.

Produce, ... : ... Fresh, ... farm, ... produce, ... is, ... the, ... best.

Menghasilkan, ... Hasil, pertanian, segar, adalah, yang, terbaik.

Produce, ... : ... Fresh, ... farm, ... produce, ... is, ... the, ... best.
Produce, ... : ... Fresh, ... farm, ... produce, ... is, ... the, ... best.
Produce , ... Fresh farm produce is the best.
Eat, ... I could eat that all day.

Eat, ... I could eat that all day.

Eat: ... I, ... could, ... eat, ... that, ... all, ... day.

Makan ... Aku, bisa, makan, itu, sepanjang, hari.

Eat: ... I, ... could, ... eat, ... that, ... all, ... day.
Eat: ... I, ... could, ... eat, ... that, ... all, ... day.
Eat, ... I could eat that all day.
American, ... My sister is dating an american.

American, ... My sister is dating an american.

American: ... My, ... sister, ... is, ... dating, ... an, ... american.

Amerika ... Adikku, berkencan, dengan, orang, amerika.

American: ... My, ... sister, ... is, ... dating, ... an, ... american.
American: ... My, ... sister, ... is, ... dating, ... an, ... american.
American, ... My sister is dating an american.
Teach, ... I love to teach english lessons.

Teach, ... I love to teach english lessons.

Teach: ... I, ... love, ... to, ... teach, ... english, ... lessons.

Teach ... Saya, suka, mengajar, pelajaran, bahasa, inggris.

Teach: ... I, ... love, ... to, ... teach, ... english, ... lessons.
Teach: ... I, ... love, ... to, ... teach, ... english, ... lessons.
Teach, ... I love to teach english lessons.
Oil , ... Could you buy me some cooking oil at the store?

Oil , ... Could you buy me some cooking oil at the store?

Oil, ... : ... Could, ... you, ... buy, ... me, ... some, ... cooking, ... oil, ... at, ... the, ... store?

Minyak, ... Bisakah, anda, membelikan, saya, minyak, goreng, di, toko?

Oil, ... : ... Could, ... you, ... buy, ... me, ... some, ... cooking, ... oil, ... at, ... the, ... store?
Oil, ... : ... Could, ... you, ... buy, ... me, ... some, ... cooking, ... oil, ... at, ... the, ... store?
Oil , ... Could you buy me some cooking oil at the store?
Half, ... Just half a liter please.

Half, ... Just half a liter please.

Half: ... Just, ... half, ... a, ... liter, ... please.

Setengah ... Tolong, setengah, liter, saja.

Half: ... Just, ... half, ... a, ... liter, ... please.
Half: ... Just, ... half, ... a, ... liter, ... please.
Half, ... Just half a liter please.
Situation, ... The situation is getting out of hand.

Situation, ... The situation is getting out of hand.

Situation: ... The, ... situation, ... is, ... getting, ... out, ... of, ... hand.

Situasi ... Situasi, semakin, tidak, terkendali.

Situation: ... The, ... situation, ... is, ... getting, ... out, ... of, ... hand.
Situation: ... The, ... situation, ... is, ... getting, ... out, ... of, ... hand.
Situation, ... The situation is getting out of hand.
Easy, ... I thought you said this was going to be easy?

Easy, ... I thought you said this was going to be easy?

Easy: ... I, ... thought, ... you, ... said, ... this, ... was, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... easy?

Tenang ... Saya, pikir, anda, mengatakan, ini, akan, mudah?

Easy: ... I, ... thought, ... you, ... said, ... this, ... was, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... easy?
Easy: ... I, ... thought, ... you, ... said, ... this, ... was, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... easy?
Easy, ... I thought you said this was going to be easy?
Cost, ... The cost of fuel has increased! ...

Cost, ... The cost of fuel has increased! ...

Cost: ... The, ... cost, ... of, ... fuel, ... has, ... increased! ...

Biaya ... Biaya, bahan, bakar, telah, meningkat!

Cost: ... The, ... cost, ... of, ... fuel, ... has, ... increased! ...
Cost: ... The, ... cost, ... of, ... fuel, ... has, ... increased! ...
Cost, ... The cost of fuel has increased! ...
Industry, ... The fuel industry is hiking prices.

Industry, ... The fuel industry is hiking prices.

Industry: ... The, ... fuel, ... industry, ... is, ... hiking, ... prices.

Industri ... Industri, bahan, bakar, menaikkan, harga.

Industry: ... The, ... fuel, ... industry, ... is, ... hiking, ... prices.
Industry: ... The, ... fuel, ... industry, ... is, ... hiking, ... prices.
Industry, ... The fuel industry is hiking prices.
Figure, ... Will our government figure out how to fix this problem?

Figure, ... Will our government figure out how to fix this problem?

Figure: ... Will, ... our, ... government, ... figure, ... out, ... how, ... to, ... fix, ... this, ... problem?

Gambar ... Akankah, pemerintah, kita, mencari, cara, untuk, memperbaiki, masalah, ini?

Figure: ... Will, ... our, ... government, ... figure, ... out, ... how, ... to, ... fix, ... this, ... problem?
Figure: ... Will, ... our, ... government, ... figure, ... out, ... how, ... to, ... fix, ... this, ... problem?
Figure, ... Will our government figure out how to fix this problem?
Face , ... I can’t bear to face this horrendous traffic again and again.

Face , ... I can’t bear to face this horrendous traffic again and again.

Face, ... : ... I, ... can’t, ... bear, ... to, ... face, ... this, ... horrendous, ... traffic, ... again, ... and, ... again.

Wajah, ... Saya, tidak, tahan, menghadapi, lalu, lintas, yang, menghebohkan, ini, lagi, dan, lagi.

Face, ... : ... I, ... can’t, ... bear, ... to, ... face, ... this, ... horrendous, ... traffic, ... again, ... and, ... again.
Face, ... : ... I, ... can’t, ... bear, ... to, ... face, ... this, ... horrendous, ... traffic, ... again, ... and, ... again.
Face , ... I can’t bear to face this horrendous traffic again and again.
Street , ... Let’s cross the street.

Street , ... Let’s cross the street.

Street, ... : ... Let’s, ... cross, ... the, ... street.

Jalan, ... Mari, kita, menyeberang, jalan.

Street, ... : ... Let’s, ... cross, ... the, ... street.
Street, ... : ... Let’s, ... cross, ... the, ... street.
Street , ... Let’s cross the street.
Image, ... There’s an image of him stored inside my mind.

Image, ... There’s an image of him stored inside my mind.

Image: ... There’s, ... an, ... image, ... of, ... him, ... stored, ... inside, ... my, ... mind.

Gambar ... Ada, gambar, dia, yang, tersimpan, di, dalam, pikiranku.

Image: ... There’s, ... an, ... image, ... of, ... him, ... stored, ... inside, ... my, ... mind.
Image: ... There’s, ... an, ... image, ... of, ... him, ... stored, ... inside, ... my, ... mind.
Image, ... There’s an image of him stored inside my mind.
Itself , ... The bike itself is pretty awesome.

Itself , ... The bike itself is pretty awesome.

Itself, ... : ... The, ... bike, ... itself, ... is, ... pretty, ... awesome.

Sendiri, ... Sepeda, itu, sendiri, cukup, mengagumkan.

Itself, ... : ... The, ... bike, ... itself, ... is, ... pretty, ... awesome.
Itself, ... : ... The, ... bike, ... itself, ... is, ... pretty, ... awesome.
Itself , ... The bike itself is pretty awesome.
Phone , ... Plus, it has a phone holder.

Phone , ... Plus, it has a phone holder.

Phone, ... : ... Plus, ... it, ... has, ... a, ... phone, ... holder.

Telepon, ... Plus, ia, memiliki, dudukan, telepon.

Phone, ... : ... Plus, ... it, ... has, ... a, ... phone, ... holder.
Phone, ... : ... Plus, ... it, ... has, ... a, ... phone, ... holder.
Phone , ... Plus, it has a phone holder.
Either, ... I either walk or commute to work.

Either, ... I either walk or commute to work.

Either: ... I, ... either, ... walk, ... or, ... commute, ... to, ... work.

Entah ... Saya, berjalan, atau, pergi, bekerja.

Either: ... I, ... either, ... walk, ... or, ... commute, ... to, ... work.
Either: ... I, ... either, ... walk, ... or, ... commute, ... to, ... work.
Either, ... I either walk or commute to work.
Data, ... How can we simplify this data?

Data, ... How can we simplify this data?

Data: ... How, ... can, ... we, ... simplify, ... this, ... data?

Data ... Bagaimana, kita, menyederhanakan, data, ini?

Data: ... How, ... can, ... we, ... simplify, ... this, ... data?
Data: ... How, ... can, ... we, ... simplify, ... this, ... data?
Data, ... How can we simplify this data?
Cover , ... Could you cover for me during emergencies?

Cover , ... Could you cover for me during emergencies?

Cover, ... : ... Could, ... you, ... cover, ... for, ... me, ... during, ... emergencies?

Cover, ... Bisakah, anda, melindungi, saya, selama, keadaan, darurat?

Cover, ... : ... Could, ... you, ... cover, ... for, ... me, ... during, ... emergencies?
Cover, ... : ... Could, ... you, ... cover, ... for, ... me, ... during, ... emergencies?
Cover , ... Could you cover for me during emergencies?
Quite, ... I’m quite satisfied with their work.

Quite, ... I’m quite satisfied with their work.

Quite: ... I’m, ... quite, ... satisfied, ... with, ... their, ... work.

Cukup ... Saya, cukup, puas, dengan, pekerjaan, mereka.

Quite: ... I’m, ... quite, ... satisfied, ... with, ... their, ... work.
Quite: ... I’m, ... quite, ... satisfied, ... with, ... their, ... work.
Quite, ... I’m quite satisfied with their work.
Picture , ... Picture this: a lake, a cabin, and lots of peace and quiet.

Picture , ... Picture this: a lake, a cabin, and lots of peace and quiet.

Picture, ... : ... Picture, ... this: ... , ... a, ... lake, ... a, ... cabin, ... and, ... lots, ... of, ... peace, ... and, ... quiet.

Gambar, ... Bayangkan, ini ... Sebuah, danau, kabin, dan, banyak, kedamaian, dan, ketenangan.

Picture, ... : ... Picture, ... this: ... , ... a, ... lake, ... a, ... cabin, ... and, ... lots, ... of, ... peace, ... and, ... quiet.
Picture, ... : ... Picture, ... this: ... , ... a, ... lake, ... a, ... cabin, ... and, ... lots, ... of, ... peace, ... and, ... quiet.
Picture , ... Picture this: a lake, a cabin, and lots of peace and quiet.
Clear, ... That picture is so clear inside my head.

Clear, ... That picture is so clear inside my head.

Clear: ... That, ... picture, ... is, ... so, ... clear, ... inside, ... my, ... head.

Jelas ... Gambar, itu, begitu, jelas, di, dalam, kepalaku.

Clear: ... That, ... picture, ... is, ... so, ... clear, ... inside, ... my, ... head.
Clear: ... That, ... picture, ... is, ... so, ... clear, ... inside, ... my, ... head.
Clear, ... That picture is so clear inside my head.
Practice, ... Let’s practice our dance number.

Practice, ... Let’s practice our dance number.

Practice: ... Let’s, ... practice, ... our, ... dance, ... number.

Latihan ... Ayo, latihan, nomor, tarian, kita.

Practice: ... Let’s, ... practice, ... our, ... dance, ... number.
Practice: ... Let’s, ... practice, ... our, ... dance, ... number.
Practice, ... Let’s practice our dance number.
Piece, ... That’s a piece of cake! ...

Piece, ... That’s a piece of cake! ...

Piece: ... That’s, ... a, ... piece, ... of, ... cake! ...

Sepotong ... Itu, sepotong, kue!

Piece: ... That’s, ... a, ... piece, ... of, ... cake! ...
Piece: ... That’s, ... a, ... piece, ... of, ... cake! ...
Piece, ... That’s a piece of cake! ...
Land, ... Their plane is going to land soon.

Land, ... Their plane is going to land soon.

Land: ... Their, ... plane, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... land, ... soon.

Mendarat ... Pesawat, mereka, akan, segera, mendarat.

Land: ... Their, ... plane, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... land, ... soon.
Land: ... Their, ... plane, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... land, ... soon.
Land, ... Their plane is going to land soon.
Recent, ... This is her most recent social media post.

Recent, ... This is her most recent social media post.

Recent: ... This, ... is, ... her, ... most, ... recent, ... social, ... media, ... post.

Terbaru ... Ini, adalah, postingan, media, sosial, terbarunya.

Recent: ... This, ... is, ... her, ... most, ... recent, ... social, ... media, ... post.
Recent: ... This, ... is, ... her, ... most, ... recent, ... social, ... media, ... post.
Recent, ... This is her most recent social media post.
Describe, ... Describe yourself in one word.

Describe, ... Describe yourself in one word.

Describe: ... Describe, ... yourself, ... in, ... one, ... word.

Jelaskan ... Gambarkan, diri, anda, dalam, satu, kata.

Describe: ... Describe, ... yourself, ... in, ... one, ... word.
Describe: ... Describe, ... yourself, ... in, ... one, ... word.
Describe, ... Describe yourself in one word.
Product, ... This is my favorite product in their new line of cosmetics.

Product, ... This is my favorite product in their new line of cosmetics.

Product: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... product, ... in, ... their, ... new, ... line, ... of, ... cosmetics.

Produk ... Ini, adalah, produk, favorit, saya, di, lini, kosmetik, baru, mereka.

Product: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... product, ... in, ... their, ... new, ... line, ... of, ... cosmetics.
Product: ... This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... product, ... in, ... their, ... new, ... line, ... of, ... cosmetics.
Product, ... This is my favorite product in their new line of cosmetics.
Doctor, ... The doctor is in.

Doctor, ... The doctor is in.

Doctor: ... The, ... doctor, ... is, ... in.

Dokter ... Dokter, masuk.

Doctor: ... The, ... doctor, ... is, ... in.
Doctor: ... The, ... doctor, ... is, ... in.
Doctor, ... The doctor is in.
Wall, ... Can you post this up on the wall?

Wall, ... Can you post this up on the wall?

Wall: ... Can, ... you, ... post, ... this, ... up, ... on, ... the, ... wall?

Dinding ... Bisakah, anda, memasang, ini, di, dinding?

Wall: ... Can, ... you, ... post, ... this, ... up, ... on, ... the, ... wall?
Wall: ... Can, ... you, ... post, ... this, ... up, ... on, ... the, ... wall?
Wall, ... Can you post this up on the wall?
Patient , ... The patient is in so much pain now.

Patient , ... The patient is in so much pain now.

Patient, ... : ... The, ... patient, ... is, ... in, ... so, ... much, ... pain, ... now.

Sabar, ... Pasien, sangat, kesakitan, sekarang.

Patient, ... : ... The, ... patient, ... is, ... in, ... so, ... much, ... pain, ... now.
Patient, ... : ... The, ... patient, ... is, ... in, ... so, ... much, ... pain, ... now.
Patient , ... The patient is in so much pain now.
Worker, ... She’s a factory worker.

Worker, ... She’s a factory worker.

Worker: ... She’s, ... a, ... factory, ... worker.

Pekerja ... Dia, seorang, pekerja, pabrik.

Worker: ... She’s, ... a, ... factory, ... worker.
Worker: ... She’s, ... a, ... factory, ... worker.
Worker, ... She’s a factory worker.
News , ... I saw that on the news.

News , ... I saw that on the news.

News, ... : ... I, ... saw, ... that, ... on, ... the, ... news.

Berita, ... Saya, melihatnya, di, berita.

News, ... : ... I, ... saw, ... that, ... on, ... the, ... news.
News, ... : ... I, ... saw, ... that, ... on, ... the, ... news.
News , ... I saw that on the news.
Test, ... I have to pass this english test.

Test, ... I have to pass this english test.

Test: ... I, ... have, ... to, ... pass, ... this, ... english, ... test.

Tes ... Saya, harus, lulus, tes, bahasa, inggris, ini.

Test: ... I, ... have, ... to, ... pass, ... this, ... english, ... test.
Test: ... I, ... have, ... to, ... pass, ... this, ... english, ... test.
Test, ... I have to pass this english test.
Movie, ... Let’s watch a movie later.

Movie, ... Let’s watch a movie later.

Movie: ... Let’s, ... watch, ... a, ... movie, ... later.

Film ... Ayo, nonton, film, nanti.

Movie: ... Let’s, ... watch, ... a, ... movie, ... later.
Movie: ... Let’s, ... watch, ... a, ... movie, ... later.
Movie, ... Let’s watch a movie later.
Certain , ... There’s a certain kind of magic in the air now.

Certain , ... There’s a certain kind of magic in the air now.

Certain, ... : ... There’s, ... a, ... certain, ... kind, ... of, ... magic, ... in, ... the, ... air, ... now.

Tentu, ... Ada, jenis, sihir, tertentu, di, udara, sekarang.

Certain, ... : ... There’s, ... a, ... certain, ... kind, ... of, ... magic, ... in, ... the, ... air, ... now.
Certain, ... : ... There’s, ... a, ... certain, ... kind, ... of, ... magic, ... in, ... the, ... air, ... now.
Certain , ... There’s a certain kind of magic in the air now.
North, ... Santa lives up north.

North, ... Santa lives up north.

North: ... Santa, ... lives, ... up, ... north.

Utara ... Santa, tinggal, di, utara.

North: ... Santa, ... lives, ... up, ... north.
North: ... Santa, ... lives, ... up, ... north.
North, ... Santa lives up north.
Love – ... L love christmas! ...

Love – ... L love christmas! ...

Love, ... –, ... ... , ... L, ... love, ... christmas! ...

Cinta, - ..., aku, cinta, natal!

Love, ... –, ... ... , ... L, ... love, ... christmas! ...
Love, ... –, ... ... , ... L, ... love, ... christmas! ...
Love – ... L love christmas! ...
Personal , ... This letter is very personal.

Personal , ... This letter is very personal.

Personal, ... : ... This, ... letter, ... is, ... very, ... personal.

Pribadi, ... Surat, ini, sangat, pribadi.

Personal, ... : ... This, ... letter, ... is, ... very, ... personal.
Personal, ... : ... This, ... letter, ... is, ... very, ... personal.
Personal , ... This letter is very personal.
Open, ... Why did you open and read it?

Open, ... Why did you open and read it?

Open: ... Why, ... did, ... you, ... open, ... and, ... read, ... it?

Buka ... Mengapa, anda, membuka, dan, membacanya?

Open: ... Why, ... did, ... you, ... open, ... and, ... read, ... it?
Open: ... Why, ... did, ... you, ... open, ... and, ... read, ... it?
Open, ... Why did you open and read it?
Support, ... Will you support him?

Support, ... Will you support him?

Support: ... Will, ... you, ... support, ... him?

Dukungan ... Apakah, anda, mendukungnya?

Support: ... Will, ... you, ... support, ... him?
Support: ... Will, ... you, ... support, ... him?
Support, ... Will you support him?
Simply, ... I simply won’t tolerate bad behavior.

Simply, ... I simply won’t tolerate bad behavior.

Simply: ... I, ... simply, ... won’t, ... tolerate, ... bad, ... behavior.

Sederhananya ... Saya, tidak, akan, mentolerir, perilaku, buruk.

Simply: ... I, ... simply, ... won’t, ... tolerate, ... bad, ... behavior.
Simply: ... I, ... simply, ... won’t, ... tolerate, ... bad, ... behavior.
Simply, ... I simply won’t tolerate bad behavior.
Third, ... This is the third time you’ve lied to me.

Third, ... This is the third time you’ve lied to me.

Third: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... third, ... time, ... you’ve, ... lied, ... to, ... me.

Ketiga ... Ini, adalah, ketiga, kalinya, anda, berbohong, kepada, saya.

Third: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... third, ... time, ... you’ve, ... lied, ... to, ... me.
Third: ... This, ... is, ... the, ... third, ... time, ... you’ve, ... lied, ... to, ... me.
Third, ... This is the third time you’ve lied to me.
Technology, ... Write about the advantages of technology.

Technology, ... Write about the advantages of technology.

Technology: ... Write, ... about, ... the, ... advantages, ... of, ... technology.

Teknologi ... Menulis, tentang, keunggulan, teknologi.

Technology: ... Write, ... about, ... the, ... advantages, ... of, ... technology.
Technology: ... Write, ... about, ... the, ... advantages, ... of, ... technology.
Technology, ... Write about the advantages of technology.
Catch, ... Let’s catch up soon, please! ...

Catch, ... Let’s catch up soon, please! ...

Catch: ... Let’s, ... catch, ... up, ... soon, ... please! ...

Tangkap ... Ayo, segera, menyusul!

Catch: ... Let’s, ... catch, ... up, ... soon, ... please! ...
Catch: ... Let’s, ... catch, ... up, ... soon, ... please! ...
Catch, ... Let’s catch up soon, please! ...
Step, ... Watch your step.

Step, ... Watch your step.

Step: ... Watch, ... your, ... step.

Langkah ... Perhatikan, langkah, anda.

Step: ... Watch, ... your, ... step.
Step: ... Watch, ... your, ... step.
Step, ... Watch your step.
Baby, ... Her baby is so adorable.

Baby, ... Her baby is so adorable.

Baby: ... Her, ... baby, ... is, ... so, ... adorable.

Sayang ... Bayinya, sangat, menggemaskan.

Baby: ... Her, ... baby, ... is, ... so, ... adorable.
Baby: ... Her, ... baby, ... is, ... so, ... adorable.
Baby, ... Her baby is so adorable.
Computer, ... Can you turn on the computer, please?

Computer, ... Can you turn on the computer, please?

Computer: ... Can, ... you, ... turn, ... on, ... the, ... computer, ... please?

Komputer ... Bisakah, anda, menyalakan, komputer?

Computer: ... Can, ... you, ... turn, ... on, ... the, ... computer, ... please?
Computer: ... Can, ... you, ... turn, ... on, ... the, ... computer, ... please?
Computer, ... Can you turn on the computer, please?
Type , ... You need to type in your password.

Type , ... You need to type in your password.

Type, ... : ... You, ... need, ... to, ... type, ... in, ... your, ... password.

Ketik, ... Anda, perlu, mengetikkan, kata, sandi, anda.

Type, ... : ... You, ... need, ... to, ... type, ... in, ... your, ... password.
Type, ... : ... You, ... need, ... to, ... type, ... in, ... your, ... password.
Type , ... You need to type in your password.
Attention, ... Can I have your attention, please?

Attention, ... Can I have your attention, please?

Attention: ... Can, ... I, ... have, ... your, ... attention, ... please?

Perhatian ... Bisakah, saya, meminta, perhatian, anda?

Attention: ... Can, ... I, ... have, ... your, ... attention, ... please?
Attention: ... Can, ... I, ... have, ... your, ... attention, ... please?
Attention, ... Can I have your attention, please?
Draw, ... Can you draw this for me?

Draw, ... Can you draw this for me?

Draw: ... Can, ... you, ... draw, ... this, ... for, ... me?

Gambar ... Bisakah, kamu, menggambar, ini, untukku?

Draw: ... Can, ... you, ... draw, ... this, ... for, ... me?
Draw: ... Can, ... you, ... draw, ... this, ... for, ... me?
Draw, ... Can you draw this for me?
Film, ... That film is absolutely mind-blowing.

Film, ... That film is absolutely mind-blowing.

Film: ... That, ... film, ... is, ... absolutely, ... mind-blowing.

Film ... Film, itu, benar-benar, menakjubkan.

Film: ... That, ... film, ... is, ... absolutely, ... mind-blowing.
Film: ... That, ... film, ... is, ... absolutely, ... mind-blowing.
Film, ... That film is absolutely mind-blowing.
Republican, ... He is a republican candidate.

Republican, ... He is a republican candidate.

Republican: ... He, ... is, ... a, ... republican, ... candidate.

Republik ... Dia, adalah, calon, republik.

Republican: ... He, ... is, ... a, ... republican, ... candidate.
Republican: ... He, ... is, ... a, ... republican, ... candidate.
Republican, ... He is a republican candidate.
Tree, ... That tree has been there for generations.

Tree, ... That tree has been there for generations.

Tree: ... That, ... tree, ... has, ... been, ... there, ... for, ... generations.

Pohon ... Pohon, itu, telah, ada, selama, beberapa, generasi.

Tree: ... That, ... tree, ... has, ... been, ... there, ... for, ... generations.
Tree: ... That, ... tree, ... has, ... been, ... there, ... for, ... generations.
Tree, ... That tree has been there for generations.
Source, ... You are my source of strength.

Source, ... You are my source of strength.

Source: ... You, ... are, ... my, ... source, ... of, ... strength.

Sumber ... Anda, adalah, sumber, kekuatan, saya.

Source: ... You, ... are, ... my, ... source, ... of, ... strength.
Source: ... You, ... are, ... my, ... source, ... of, ... strength.
Source, ... You are my source of strength.
Red, ... I’ll wear a red dress tonight.

Red, ... I’ll wear a red dress tonight.

Red: ... I’ll, ... wear, ... a, ... red, ... dress, ... tonight.

Merah ... Aku, akan, memakai, gaun, merah, malam, ini.

Red: ... I’ll, ... wear, ... a, ... red, ... dress, ... tonight.
Red: ... I’ll, ... wear, ... a, ... red, ... dress, ... tonight.
Red, ... I’ll wear a red dress tonight.
Nearly, ... He nearly died in that accident! ...

Nearly, ... He nearly died in that accident! ...

Nearly: ... He, ... nearly, ... died, ... in, ... that, ... accident! ...

Hampir ... Dia, hampir, mati, dalam, kecelakaan, itu!

Nearly: ... He, ... nearly, ... died, ... in, ... that, ... accident! ...
Nearly: ... He, ... nearly, ... died, ... in, ... that, ... accident! ...
Nearly, ... He nearly died in that accident! ...
Organization, ... Their organization is doing great things for street kids.

Organization, ... Their organization is doing great things for street kids.

Organization: ... Their, ... organization, ... is, ... doing, ... great, ... things, ... for, ... street, ... kids.

Organisasi ... Organisasi, mereka, melakukan, hal-hal, besar, untuk, anak, jalanan.

Organization: ... Their, ... organization, ... is, ... doing, ... great, ... things, ... for, ... street, ... kids.
Organization: ... Their, ... organization, ... is, ... doing, ... great, ... things, ... for, ... street, ... kids.
Organization, ... Their organization is doing great things for street kids.
Choose, ... Let me choose a color.

Choose, ... Let me choose a color.

Choose: ... Let, ... me, ... choose, ... a, ... color.

Pilih ... Biarkan, saya, memilih, warna.

Choose: ... Let, ... me, ... choose, ... a, ... color.
Choose: ... Let, ... me, ... choose, ... a, ... color.
Choose, ... Let me choose a color.
Cause, ... We have to see the cause and effect of this experiment.

Cause, ... We have to see the cause and effect of this experiment.

Cause: ... We, ... have, ... to, ... see, ... the, ... cause, ... and, ... effect, ... of, ... this, ... experiment.

Sebab ... Kita, harus, melihat, sebab, dan, akibat, dari, eksperimen, ini.

Cause: ... We, ... have, ... to, ... see, ... the, ... cause, ... and, ... effect, ... of, ... this, ... experiment.
Cause: ... We, ... have, ... to, ... see, ... the, ... cause, ... and, ... effect, ... of, ... this, ... experiment.
Cause, ... We have to see the cause and effect of this experiment.
Hair, ... I’ll cut my hair short for a change.

Hair, ... I’ll cut my hair short for a change.

Hair: ... I’ll, ... cut, ... my, ... hair, ... short, ... for, ... a, ... change.

Rambut ... Saya, akan, memotong, pendek, rambut, saya, untuk, perubahan.

Hair: ... I’ll, ... cut, ... my, ... hair, ... short, ... for, ... a, ... change.
Hair: ... I’ll, ... cut, ... my, ... hair, ... short, ... for, ... a, ... change.
Hair, ... I’ll cut my hair short for a change.
Look, ... Can you look at the items I bought?

Look, ... Can you look at the items I bought?

Look: ... Can, ... you, ... look, ... at, ... the, ... items, ... I, ... bought?

Lihat ... Bisakah, anda, melihat, barang-barang, yang, saya, beli?

Look: ... Can, ... you, ... look, ... at, ... the, ... items, ... I, ... bought?
Look: ... Can, ... you, ... look, ... at, ... the, ... items, ... I, ... bought?
Look, ... Can you look at the items I bought?
Punto “¿cuál es el punto de todo esto?

Point “what is the point of all this?

Point, ... , ... “what, ... is, ... the, ... point, ... of, ... all, ... this?

Point, ...Apa, gunanya, semua, ini?

Point, ... , ... “what, ... is, ... the, ... point, ... of, ... all, ... this?
Point, ... , ... “what, ... is, ... the, ... point, ... of, ... all, ... this?
Punto “¿cuál es el punto de todo esto?
Century, ... We’re living in the 21st century, mary.

Century, ... We’re living in the 21st century, mary.

Century: ... We’re, ... living, ... in, ... the, ... 21st, ... century, ... mary.

Century ... Kita, hidup, di, abad, 21, mary.

Century: ... We’re, ... living, ... in, ... the, ... 21st, ... century, ... mary.
Century: ... We’re, ... living, ... in, ... the, ... 21st, ... century, ... mary.
Century, ... We’re living in the 21st century, mary.
Evidence, ... The evidence clearly shows that he is guilty.

Evidence, ... The evidence clearly shows that he is guilty.

Evidence: ... The, ... evidence, ... clearly, ... shows, ... that, ... he, ... is, ... guilty.

Bukti ... Bukti, dengan, jelas, menunjukkan, bahwa, dia, bersalah.

Evidence: ... The, ... evidence, ... clearly, ... shows, ... that, ... he, ... is, ... guilty.
Evidence: ... The, ... evidence, ... clearly, ... shows, ... that, ... he, ... is, ... guilty.
Evidence, ... The evidence clearly shows that he is guilty.
Window , ... I’ll buy window curtains next week.

Window , ... I’ll buy window curtains next week.

Window, ... : ... I’ll, ... buy, ... window, ... curtains, ... next, ... week.

Jendela, ... Saya, akan, membeli, tirai, jendela, minggu, depan.

Window, ... : ... I’ll, ... buy, ... window, ... curtains, ... next, ... week.
Window, ... : ... I’ll, ... buy, ... window, ... curtains, ... next, ... week.
Window , ... I’ll buy window curtains next week.
Difficult “sometimes, life can be difficult.

Difficult “sometimes, life can be difficult.

Difficult, ... , ... “sometimes, ... life, ... can, ... be, ... difficult.

Sulit, ...Terkadang, hidup, bisa, menjadi, sulit.

Difficult, ... , ... “sometimes, ... life, ... can, ... be, ... difficult.
Difficult, ... , ... “sometimes, ... life, ... can, ... be, ... difficult.
Difficult “sometimes, life can be difficult.
Listen, ... You have to listen to your teacher.

Listen, ... You have to listen to your teacher.

Listen: ... You, ... have, ... to, ... listen, ... to, ... your, ... teacher.

Dengar ... Kamu, harus, mendengarkan, gurumu.

Listen: ... You, ... have, ... to, ... listen, ... to, ... your, ... teacher.
Listen: ... You, ... have, ... to, ... listen, ... to, ... your, ... teacher.
Listen, ... You have to listen to your teacher.
Soon , ... I will launch my course soon.

Soon , ... I will launch my course soon.

Soon, ... : ... I, ... will, ... launch, ... my, ... course, ... soon.

Segera, ... Saya, akan, segera, meluncurkan, kursus, saya.

Soon, ... : ... I, ... will, ... launch, ... my, ... course, ... soon.
Soon, ... : ... I, ... will, ... launch, ... my, ... course, ... soon.
Soon , ... I will launch my course soon.
Culture , ... I hope they understand our culture better.

Culture , ... I hope they understand our culture better.

Culture, ... : ... I, ... hope, ... they, ... understand, ... our, ... culture, ... better.

Budaya, ... Saya, harap, mereka, lebih, memahami, budaya, kita.

Culture, ... : ... I, ... hope, ... they, ... understand, ... our, ... culture, ... better.
Culture, ... : ... I, ... hope, ... they, ... understand, ... our, ... culture, ... better.
Culture , ... I hope they understand our culture better.
Billion , ... My target is to have 1 billion dollars in my account by the end of the year.

Billion , ... My target is to have 1 billion dollars in my account by the end of the year.

Billion, ... : ... My, ... target, ... is, ... to, ... have, ... 1, ... billion, ... dollars, ... in, ... my, ... account, ... by, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... the, ... year.

Miliar, ... Target, saya, adalah, memiliki, 1, miliar, dolar, di, akun, saya, pada, akhir, tahun.

Billion, ... : ... My, ... target, ... is, ... to, ... have, ... 1, ... billion, ... dollars, ... in, ... my, ... account, ... by, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... the, ... year.
Billion, ... : ... My, ... target, ... is, ... to, ... have, ... 1, ... billion, ... dollars, ... in, ... my, ... account, ... by, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... the, ... year.
Billion , ... My target is to have 1 billion dollars in my account by the end of the year.
Chance, ... Is there any chance that you can do this for me?

Chance, ... Is there any chance that you can do this for me?

Chance: ... Is, ... there, ... any, ... chance, ... that, ... you, ... can, ... do, ... this, ... for, ... me?

Peluang ... Apakah, ada, kemungkinan, anda, bisa, melakukan, ini, untuk, saya?

Chance: ... Is, ... there, ... any, ... chance, ... that, ... you, ... can, ... do, ... this, ... for, ... me?
Chance: ... Is, ... there, ... any, ... chance, ... that, ... you, ... can, ... do, ... this, ... for, ... me?
Chance, ... Is there any chance that you can do this for me?
Brother, ... My brother always have my back.

Brother, ... My brother always have my back.

Brother: ... My, ... brother, ... always, ... have, ... my, ... back.

Kakak ... Kakakku, selalu, mendukungku.

Brother: ... My, ... brother, ... always, ... have, ... my, ... back.
Brother: ... My, ... brother, ... always, ... have, ... my, ... back.
Brother, ... My brother always have my back.
Energy , ... Now put that energy into walking.

Energy , ... Now put that energy into walking.

Energy, ... : ... Now, ... put, ... that, ... energy, ... into, ... walking.

Energi, ... Sekarang, gunakan, energi, itu, untuk, berjalan.

Energy, ... : ... Now, ... put, ... that, ... energy, ... into, ... walking.
Energy, ... : ... Now, ... put, ... that, ... energy, ... into, ... walking.
Energy , ... Now put that energy into walking.
Period, ... They covered a period of twenty years.

Period, ... They covered a period of twenty years.

Period: ... They, ... covered, ... a, ... period, ... of, ... twenty, ... years.

Periode ... Mereka, mencakup, jangka, waktu, dua, puluh, tahun.

Period: ... They, ... covered, ... a, ... period, ... of, ... twenty, ... years.
Period: ... They, ... covered, ... a, ... period, ... of, ... twenty, ... years.
Period, ... They covered a period of twenty years.
Course , ... Have seen my course already?

Course , ... Have seen my course already?

Course, ... : ... Have, ... seen, ... my, ... course, ... already?

Kursus, ... Sudah, melihat, kursus, saya?

Course, ... : ... Have, ... seen, ... my, ... course, ... already?
Course, ... : ... Have, ... seen, ... my, ... course, ... already?
Course , ... Have seen my course already?
Summer, ... I’ll go to the beach in summer.

Summer, ... I’ll go to the beach in summer.

Summer: ... I’ll, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach, ... in, ... summer.

Musim, panas ... Aku, akan, pergi, ke, pantai, di, musim, panas.

Summer: ... I’ll, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach, ... in, ... summer.
Summer: ... I’ll, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach, ... in, ... summer.
Summer, ... I’ll go to the beach in summer.
Less, ... Sometimes, less is more.

Less, ... Sometimes, less is more.

Less: ... Sometimes, ... less, ... is, ... more.

Kurang ... Kadang-kadang, kurang, lebih.

Less: ... Sometimes, ... less, ... is, ... more.
Less: ... Sometimes, ... less, ... is, ... more.
Less, ... Sometimes, less is more.
Realize, ... I just realize that I have a meeting today.

Realize, ... I just realize that I have a meeting today.

Realize: ... I, ... just, ... realize, ... that, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... meeting, ... today.

Sadarlah ... Aku, baru, sadar, bahwa, aku, ada, rapat, hari, ini.

Realize: ... I, ... just, ... realize, ... that, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... meeting, ... today.
Realize: ... I, ... just, ... realize, ... that, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... meeting, ... today.
Realize, ... I just realize that I have a meeting today.
Hundred, ... I have a hundred dollars that I can lend you.

Hundred, ... I have a hundred dollars that I can lend you.

Hundred: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... hundred, ... dollars, ... that, ... I, ... can, ... lend, ... you.

Seratus ... Saya, memiliki, seratus, dolar, yang, dapat, saya, pinjamkan, kepada, anda.

Hundred: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... hundred, ... dollars, ... that, ... I, ... can, ... lend, ... you.
Hundred: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... hundred, ... dollars, ... that, ... I, ... can, ... lend, ... you.
Hundred, ... I have a hundred dollars that I can lend you.
Available, ... I am available to work on your project.

Available, ... I am available to work on your project.

Available: ... I, ... am, ... available, ... to, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... project.

Tersedia ... Saya, tersedia, untuk, mengerjakan, proyek, anda.

Available: ... I, ... am, ... available, ... to, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... project.
Available: ... I, ... am, ... available, ... to, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... project.
Available, ... I am available to work on your project.
Plant, ... Plant a seed.

Plant, ... Plant a seed.

Plant: ... Plant, ... a, ... seed.

Tanam ... Tanam, benih.

Plant: ... Plant, ... a, ... seed.
Plant: ... Plant, ... a, ... seed.
Plant, ... Plant a seed.
Likely, ... It was likely a deer trail.

Likely, ... It was likely a deer trail.

Likely: ... It, ... was, ... likely, ... a, ... deer, ... trail.

Kemungkinan ... Itu, mungkin, jejak, rusa.

Likely: ... It, ... was, ... likely, ... a, ... deer, ... trail.
Likely: ... It, ... was, ... likely, ... a, ... deer, ... trail.
Likely, ... It was likely a deer trail.
Opportunity, ... It was the perfect opportunity to test her theory.

Opportunity, ... It was the perfect opportunity to test her theory.

Opportunity: ... It, ... was, ... the, ... perfect, ... opportunity, ... to, ... test, ... her, ... theory.

Peluang ... Itu, adalah, kesempatan, sempurna, untuk, menguji, teorinya.

Opportunity: ... It, ... was, ... the, ... perfect, ... opportunity, ... to, ... test, ... her, ... theory.
Opportunity: ... It, ... was, ... the, ... perfect, ... opportunity, ... to, ... test, ... her, ... theory.
Opportunity, ... It was the perfect opportunity to test her theory.
Term , ... I’m sure there’s a latin term for it.

Term , ... I’m sure there’s a latin term for it.

Term, ... : ... I’m, ... sure, ... there’s, ... a, ... latin, ... term, ... for, ... it.

Istilah, ... Saya, yakin, ada, istilah, latin, untuk, itu.

Term, ... : ... I’m, ... sure, ... there’s, ... a, ... latin, ... term, ... for, ... it.
Term, ... : ... I’m, ... sure, ... there’s, ... a, ... latin, ... term, ... for, ... it.
Term , ... I’m sure there’s a latin term for it.
Short , ... It was just a short stay at the hotel.

Short , ... It was just a short stay at the hotel.

Short, ... : ... It, ... was, ... just, ... a, ... short, ... stay, ... at, ... the, ... hotel.

Singkat, ... Itu, hanya, tinggal, sebentar, di, hotel.

Short, ... : ... It, ... was, ... just, ... a, ... short, ... stay, ... at, ... the, ... hotel.
Short, ... : ... It, ... was, ... just, ... a, ... short, ... stay, ... at, ... the, ... hotel.
Short , ... It was just a short stay at the hotel.
Letter, ... I already passed my letter of intent.

Letter, ... I already passed my letter of intent.

Letter: ... I, ... already, ... passed, ... my, ... letter, ... of, ... intent.

Surat ... Saya, sudah, lulus, surat, niat, saya.

Letter: ... I, ... already, ... passed, ... my, ... letter, ... of, ... intent.
Letter: ... I, ... already, ... passed, ... my, ... letter, ... of, ... intent.
Letter, ... I already passed my letter of intent.
Condition, ... Do you know the condition I am in?

Condition, ... Do you know the condition I am in?

Condition: ... Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... condition, ... I, ... am, ... in?

Kondisi ... Apakah, anda, tahu, kondisi, saya?

Condition: ... Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... condition, ... I, ... am, ... in?
Condition: ... Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... condition, ... I, ... am, ... in?
Condition, ... Do you know the condition I am in?
Choice, ... I have no choice.

Choice, ... I have no choice.

Choice: ... I, ... have, ... no, ... choice.

Pilihan ... Saya, tidak, punya, pilihan.

Choice: ... I, ... have, ... no, ... choice.
Choice: ... I, ... have, ... no, ... choice.
Choice, ... I have no choice.
Place, ... Let’s meet out at meeting place.

Place, ... Let’s meet out at meeting place.

Place: ... Let’s, ... meet, ... out, ... at, ... meeting, ... place.

Tempat ... Mari, kita, bertemu, di, tempat, pertemuan.

Place: ... Let’s, ... meet, ... out, ... at, ... meeting, ... place.
Place: ... Let’s, ... meet, ... out, ... at, ... meeting, ... place.
Place, ... Let’s meet out at meeting place.
Single, ... I am a single parent.

Single, ... I am a single parent.

Single: ... I, ... am, ... a, ... single, ... parent.

Single ... Saya, orang, tua, tunggal.

Single: ... I, ... am, ... a, ... single, ... parent.
Single: ... I, ... am, ... a, ... single, ... parent.
Single, ... I am a single parent.
Rule, ... It’s the rule of the law.

Rule, ... It’s the rule of the law.

Rule: ... It’s, ... the, ... rule, ... of, ... the, ... law.

Aturan ... Ini, aturan, hukum.

Rule: ... It’s, ... the, ... rule, ... of, ... the, ... law.
Rule: ... It’s, ... the, ... rule, ... of, ... the, ... law.
Rule, ... It’s the rule of the law.
Daughter, ... My daughter knows how to read now.

Daughter, ... My daughter knows how to read now.

Daughter: ... My, ... daughter, ... knows, ... how, ... to, ... read, ... now.

Putri ... Putri, saya, tahu, cara, membaca, sekarang.

Daughter: ... My, ... daughter, ... knows, ... how, ... to, ... read, ... now.
Daughter: ... My, ... daughter, ... knows, ... how, ... to, ... read, ... now.
Daughter, ... My daughter knows how to read now.
Administration, ... I will take this up with the administration.

Administration, ... I will take this up with the administration.

Administration: ... I, ... will, ... take, ... this, ... up, ... with, ... the, ... administration.

Administrasi ... Saya, akan, membicarakan, ini, dengan, administrasi.

Administration: ... I, ... will, ... take, ... this, ... up, ... with, ... the, ... administration.
Administration: ... I, ... will, ... take, ... this, ... up, ... with, ... the, ... administration.
Administration, ... I will take this up with the administration.
South, ... I am headed south.

South, ... I am headed south.

South: ... I, ... am, ... headed, ... south.

Selatan ... Saya, menuju, selatan.

South: ... I, ... am, ... headed, ... south.
South: ... I, ... am, ... headed, ... south.
South, ... I am headed south.
Husband, ... My husband just bought me a ring for my birthday.

Husband, ... My husband just bought me a ring for my birthday.

Husband: ... My, ... husband, ... just, ... bought, ... me, ... a, ... ring, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.

Suami ... Suamiku, baru, saja, membelikanku, cincin, untuk, ulang, tahunku.

Husband: ... My, ... husband, ... just, ... bought, ... me, ... a, ... ring, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.
Husband: ... My, ... husband, ... just, ... bought, ... me, ... a, ... ring, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.
Husband, ... My husband just bought me a ring for my birthday.
Congress, ... It will be debated at the congress.

Congress, ... It will be debated at the congress.

Congress: ... It, ... will, ... be, ... debated, ... at, ... the, ... congress.

Kongres ... Ini, akan, diperdebatkan, di, kongres.

Congress: ... It, ... will, ... be, ... debated, ... at, ... the, ... congress.
Congress: ... It, ... will, ... be, ... debated, ... at, ... the, ... congress.
Congress, ... It will be debated at the congress.
Floor, ... She is our floor manager.

Floor, ... She is our floor manager.

Floor: ... She, ... is, ... our, ... floor, ... manager.

Lantai ... Dia, adalah, manajer, lantai, kami.

Floor: ... She, ... is, ... our, ... floor, ... manager.
Floor: ... She, ... is, ... our, ... floor, ... manager.
Floor, ... She is our floor manager.
Campaign, ... I handled their election campaign.

Campaign, ... I handled their election campaign.

Campaign: ... I, ... handled, ... their, ... election, ... campaign.

Kampanye ... Saya, menangani, kampanye, pemilihan, mereka.

Campaign: ... I, ... handled, ... their, ... election, ... campaign.
Campaign: ... I, ... handled, ... their, ... election, ... campaign.
Campaign, ... I handled their election campaign.
Material, ... She had nothing material to report.

Material, ... She had nothing material to report.

Material: ... She, ... had, ... nothing, ... material, ... to, ... report.

Materi ... Dia, tidak, punya, materi, untuk, dilaporkan.

Material: ... She, ... had, ... nothing, ... material, ... to, ... report.
Material: ... She, ... had, ... nothing, ... material, ... to, ... report.
Material, ... She had nothing material to report.
Population, ... The population of the nearest big city was growing.

Population, ... The population of the nearest big city was growing.

Population: ... The, ... population, ... of, ... the, ... nearest, ... big, ... city, ... was, ... growing.

Populasi ... Populasi, kota, besar, terdekat, tumbuh.

Population: ... The, ... population, ... of, ... the, ... nearest, ... big, ... city, ... was, ... growing.
Population: ... The, ... population, ... of, ... the, ... nearest, ... big, ... city, ... was, ... growing.
Population, ... The population of the nearest big city was growing.
Well, ... I wish you well.

Well, ... I wish you well.

Well: ... I, ... wish, ... you, ... well.

Yah ... Saya, berharap, anda, baik-baik, saja.

Well: ... I, ... wish, ... you, ... well.
Well: ... I, ... wish, ... you, ... well.
Well, ... I wish you well.
Call – ... I am going to call the bank.

Call – ... I am going to call the bank.

Call, ... –, ... ... , ... I, ... am, ... going, ... to, ... call, ... the, ... bank.

Panggil, - ..., saya, akan, menelepon, bank.

Call, ... –, ... ... , ... I, ... am, ... going, ... to, ... call, ... the, ... bank.
Call, ... –, ... ... , ... I, ... am, ... going, ... to, ... call, ... the, ... bank.
Call – ... I am going to call the bank.
Economy, ... The economy is booming.

Economy, ... The economy is booming.

Economy: ... The, ... economy, ... is, ... booming.

Ekonomi ... Ekonomi, sedang, booming.

Economy: ... The, ... economy, ... is, ... booming.
Economy: ... The, ... economy, ... is, ... booming.
Economy, ... The economy is booming.
Nothing, ... There’s nothing we can do now.

Nothing, ... There’s nothing we can do now.

Nothing: ... There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now.

Tidak, ada ... Tidak, ada, yang, bisa, kita, lakukan, sekarang.

Nothing: ... There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now.
Nothing: ... There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now.
Nothing, ... There’s nothing we can do now.
Hospital, ... I’ll take her to the nearest hospital.

Hospital, ... I’ll take her to the nearest hospital.

Hospital: ... I’ll, ... take, ... her, ... to, ... the, ... nearest, ... hospital.

Rumah, sakit ... Aku, akan, membawanya, ke, rumah, sakit, terdekat.

Hospital: ... I’ll, ... take, ... her, ... to, ... the, ... nearest, ... hospital.
Hospital: ... I’ll, ... take, ... her, ... to, ... the, ... nearest, ... hospital.
Hospital, ... I’ll take her to the nearest hospital.
Church, ... I saw you in church last sunday.

Church, ... I saw you in church last sunday.

Church: ... I, ... saw, ... you, ... in, ... church, ... last, ... sunday.

Gereja ... Aku, melihatmu, di, gereja, minggu, lalu.

Church: ... I, ... saw, ... you, ... in, ... church, ... last, ... sunday.
Church: ... I, ... saw, ... you, ... in, ... church, ... last, ... sunday.
Church, ... I saw you in church last sunday.
Close -“please close the door.

Close -“please close the door.

Close, ... -“please, ... close, ... the, ... door.

Tutup, - ...Tolong, tutup, pintunya.

Close, ... -“please, ... close, ... the, ... door.
Close, ... -“please, ... close, ... the, ... door.
Close -“please close the door.
Thousand, ... There are a thousand reasons to learn english! ...

Thousand, ... There are a thousand reasons to learn english! ...

Thousand: ... There, ... are, ... a, ... thousand, ... reasons, ... to, ... learn, ... english! ...

Seribu ... Ada, seribu, alasan, untuk, belajar, bahasa, inggris!

Thousand: ... There, ... are, ... a, ... thousand, ... reasons, ... to, ... learn, ... english! ...
Thousand: ... There, ... are, ... a, ... thousand, ... reasons, ... to, ... learn, ... english! ...
Thousand, ... There are a thousand reasons to learn english! ...
Risk, ... Taking a risk can be rewarding.

Risk, ... Taking a risk can be rewarding.

Risk: ... Taking, ... a, ... risk, ... can, ... be, ... rewarding.

Risiko ... Mengambil, risiko, bisa, bermanfaat.

Risk: ... Taking, ... a, ... risk, ... can, ... be, ... rewarding.
Risk: ... Taking, ... a, ... risk, ... can, ... be, ... rewarding.
Risk, ... Taking a risk can be rewarding.
Current, ... What is your current address?

Current, ... What is your current address?

Current: ... What, ... is, ... your, ... current, ... address?

Saat, ini ... Apa, alamat, anda, saat, ini?

Current: ... What, ... is, ... your, ... current, ... address?
Current: ... What, ... is, ... your, ... current, ... address?
Current, ... What is your current address?
Fire, ... Make sure your smoke alarm works in case of fire.

Fire, ... Make sure your smoke alarm works in case of fire.

Fire: ... Make, ... sure, ... your, ... smoke, ... alarm, ... works, ... in, ... case, ... of, ... fire.

Kebakaran ... Pastikan, alarm, asap, anda, berfungsi, jika, terjadi, kebakaran.

Fire: ... Make, ... sure, ... your, ... smoke, ... alarm, ... works, ... in, ... case, ... of, ... fire.
Fire: ... Make, ... sure, ... your, ... smoke, ... alarm, ... works, ... in, ... case, ... of, ... fire.
Fire, ... Make sure your smoke alarm works in case of fire.
Future -“the future is full of hope.

Future -“the future is full of hope.

Future, ... -“the, ... future, ... is, ... full, ... of, ... hope.

Masa, depan, - ...Masa, depan, penuh, dengan, harapan.

Future, ... -“the, ... future, ... is, ... full, ... of, ... hope.
Future, ... -“the, ... future, ... is, ... full, ... of, ... hope.
Future -“the future is full of hope.
Wrong, ... That is the wrong answer.

Wrong, ... That is the wrong answer.

Wrong: ... That, ... is, ... the, ... wrong, ... answer.

Salah ... Itu, jawaban, yang, salah.

Wrong: ... That, ... is, ... the, ... wrong, ... answer.
Wrong: ... That, ... is, ... the, ... wrong, ... answer.
Wrong, ... That is the wrong answer.
Involve, ... We need to involve the police.

Involve, ... We need to involve the police.

Involve: ... We, ... need, ... to, ... involve, ... the, ... police.

Libatkan ... Kita, perlu, melibatkan, polisi.

Involve: ... We, ... need, ... to, ... involve, ... the, ... police.
Involve: ... We, ... need, ... to, ... involve, ... the, ... police.
Involve, ... We need to involve the police.
Defense, ... What is your defense or reason you did this?

Defense, ... What is your defense or reason you did this?

Defense: ... What, ... is, ... your, ... defense, ... or, ... reason, ... you, ... did, ... this?

Pertahanan ... Apa, pembelaan, anda, atau, alasan, anda, melakukan, ini?

Defense: ... What, ... is, ... your, ... defense, ... or, ... reason, ... you, ... did, ... this?
Defense: ... What, ... is, ... your, ... defense, ... or, ... reason, ... you, ... did, ... this?
Defense, ... What is your defense or reason you did this?
Anyone, ... Does anyone know the answer?

Anyone, ... Does anyone know the answer?

Anyone: ... Does, ... anyone, ... know, ... the, ... answer?

Ada ... Ada, yang, tahu, jawabannya?

Anyone: ... Does, ... anyone, ... know, ... the, ... answer?
Anyone: ... Does, ... anyone, ... know, ... the, ... answer?
Anyone, ... Does anyone know the answer?
Increase, ... Let’s increase your test score.

Increase, ... Let’s increase your test score.

Increase: ... Let’s, ... increase, ... your, ... test, ... score.

Tingkatkan ... Ayo, tingkatkan, nilai, ujian, anda.

Increase: ... Let’s, ... increase, ... your, ... test, ... score.
Increase: ... Let’s, ... increase, ... your, ... test, ... score.
Increase, ... Let’s increase your test score.
Security, ... Some apartment buildings have security.

Security, ... Some apartment buildings have security.

Security: ... Some, ... apartment, ... buildings, ... have, ... security.

Keamanan ... Beberapa, gedung, apartemen, memiliki, keamanan.

Security: ... Some, ... apartment, ... buildings, ... have, ... security.
Security: ... Some, ... apartment, ... buildings, ... have, ... security.
Security, ... Some apartment buildings have security.
Bank, ... I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.

Bank, ... I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.

Bank: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... bank, ... to, ... withdraw, ... some, ... money.

Bank ... Saya, harus, pergi, ke, bank, untuk, menarik, sejumlah, uang.

Bank: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... bank, ... to, ... withdraw, ... some, ... money.
Bank: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... bank, ... to, ... withdraw, ... some, ... money.
Bank, ... I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.
Myself, ... I can clean up by myself.

Myself, ... I can clean up by myself.

Myself: ... I, ... can, ... clean, ... up, ... by, ... myself.

Saya, sendiri ... Saya, bisa, membersihkan, sendiri.

Myself: ... I, ... can, ... clean, ... up, ... by, ... myself.
Myself: ... I, ... can, ... clean, ... up, ... by, ... myself.
Myself, ... I can clean up by myself.
Certainly, ... I can certainly help clean up.

Certainly, ... I can certainly help clean up.

Certainly: ... I, ... can, ... certainly, ... help, ... clean, ... up.

Tentu, saja ... Saya, pasti, bisa, membantu, membersihkan.

Certainly: ... I, ... can, ... certainly, ... help, ... clean, ... up.
Certainly: ... I, ... can, ... certainly, ... help, ... clean, ... up.
Certainly, ... I can certainly help clean up.
West, ... If you drive west, you will arrive in california.

West, ... If you drive west, you will arrive in california.

West: ... If, ... you, ... drive, ... west, ... you, ... will, ... arrive, ... in, ... california.

Barat ... Jika, anda, berkendara, ke, barat, anda, akan, tiba, di, california.

West: ... If, ... you, ... drive, ... west, ... you, ... will, ... arrive, ... in, ... california.
West: ... If, ... you, ... drive, ... west, ... you, ... will, ... arrive, ... in, ... california.
West, ... If you drive west, you will arrive in california.
Sport, ... My favorite sport is soccer.

Sport, ... My favorite sport is soccer.

Sport: ... My, ... favorite, ... sport, ... is, ... soccer.

Olahraga ... Olahraga, favorit, saya, adalah, sepak, bola.

Sport: ... My, ... favorite, ... sport, ... is, ... soccer.
Sport: ... My, ... favorite, ... sport, ... is, ... soccer.
Sport, ... My favorite sport is soccer.
Board, ... Can you see the board?

Board, ... Can you see the board?

Board: ... Can, ... you, ... see, ... the, ... board?

Papan ... Dapatkah, anda, melihat, papan, itu?

Board: ... Can, ... you, ... see, ... the, ... board?
Board: ... Can, ... you, ... see, ... the, ... board?
Board, ... Can you see the board?
Seek, ... Seek and you will find.

Seek, ... Seek and you will find.

Seek: ... Seek, ... and, ... you, ... will, ... find.

Carilah ... Carilah, dan, anda, akan, menemukan.

Seek: ... Seek, ... and, ... you, ... will, ... find.
Seek: ... Seek, ... and, ... you, ... will, ... find.
Seek, ... Seek and you will find.
Per, ... Lobster is $20 per pound.

Per, ... Lobster is $20 per pound.

Per: ... Lobster, ... is, ... $20, ... per, ... pound.

Per ... Lobster, adalah, $20, per, pon.

Per: ... Lobster, ... is, ... $20, ... per, ... pound.
Per: ... Lobster, ... is, ... $20, ... per, ... pound.
Per, ... Lobster is $20 per pound.
Subject, ... My favorite subject is english! ...

Subject, ... My favorite subject is english! ...

Subject: ... My, ... favorite, ... subject, ... is, ... english! ...

Subjek ... Subjek, favorit, saya, adalah, bahasa, inggris!

Subject: ... My, ... favorite, ... subject, ... is, ... english! ...
Subject: ... My, ... favorite, ... subject, ... is, ... english! ...
Subject, ... My favorite subject is english! ...
Officer, ... Where can I find a police officer?

Officer, ... Where can I find a police officer?

Officer: ... Where, ... can, ... I, ... find, ... a, ... police, ... officer?

Petugas ... Di, mana, saya, bisa, menemukan, petugas, polisi?

Officer: ... Where, ... can, ... I, ... find, ... a, ... police, ... officer?
Officer: ... Where, ... can, ... I, ... find, ... a, ... police, ... officer?
Officer, ... Where can I find a police officer?
Private, ... This is a private party.

Private, ... This is a private party.

Private: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... private, ... party.

Pribadi ... Ini, adalah, pesta, pribadi.

Private: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... private, ... party.
Private: ... This, ... is, ... a, ... private, ... party.
Private, ... This is a private party.
Rest, ... Let’s take a 15 minute rest.

Rest, ... Let’s take a 15 minute rest.

Rest: ... Let’s, ... take, ... a, ... 15, ... minute, ... rest.

Istirahat ... Mari, kita, istirahat, 15, menit.

Rest: ... Let’s, ... take, ... a, ... 15, ... minute, ... rest.
Rest: ... Let’s, ... take, ... a, ... 15, ... minute, ... rest.
Rest, ... Let’s take a 15 minute rest.
Behavior, ... This dog’s behavior is excellent.

Behavior, ... This dog’s behavior is excellent.

Behavior: ... This, ... dog’s, ... behavior, ... is, ... excellent.

Perilaku ... Perilaku, anjing, ini, sangat, baik.

Behavior: ... This, ... dog’s, ... behavior, ... is, ... excellent.
Behavior: ... This, ... dog’s, ... behavior, ... is, ... excellent.
Behavior, ... This dog’s behavior is excellent.
Deal, ... A used car can be a good deal.

Deal, ... A used car can be a good deal.

Deal: ... A, ... used, ... car, ... can, ... be, ... a, ... good, ... deal.

Deal ... Mobil, bekas, bisa, jadi, bagus.

Deal: ... A, ... used, ... car, ... can, ... be, ... a, ... good, ... deal.
Deal: ... A, ... used, ... car, ... can, ... be, ... a, ... good, ... deal.
Deal, ... A used car can be a good deal.
Performance, ... Your performance can be affected by your sleep.

Performance, ... Your performance can be affected by your sleep.

Performance: ... Your, ... performance, ... can, ... be, ... affected, ... by, ... your, ... sleep.

Kinerja ... Kinerja, anda, dapat, dipengaruhi, oleh, tidur, anda.

Performance: ... Your, ... performance, ... can, ... be, ... affected, ... by, ... your, ... sleep.
Performance: ... Your, ... performance, ... can, ... be, ... affected, ... by, ... your, ... sleep.
Performance, ... Your performance can be affected by your sleep.
Fight, ... I don’t want to fight with you.

Fight, ... I don’t want to fight with you.

Fight: ... I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... fight, ... with, ... you.

Berjuang ... Aku, tidak, ingin, berkelahi, denganmu.

Fight: ... I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... fight, ... with, ... you.
Fight: ... I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... fight, ... with, ... you.
Fight, ... I don’t want to fight with you.
Throw, ... Throw me the ball! ...

Throw, ... Throw me the ball! ...

Throw: ... Throw, ... me, ... the, ... ball! ...

Lempar ... Lemparkan, aku, bolanya!

Throw: ... Throw, ... me, ... the, ... ball! ...
Throw: ... Throw, ... me, ... the, ... ball! ...
Throw, ... Throw me the ball! ...
Top, ... You are a top student.

Top, ... You are a top student.

Top: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... top, ... student.

Atas ... Anda, adalah, siswa, terbaik.

Top: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... top, ... student.
Top: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... top, ... student.
Top, ... You are a top student.
Quickly, ... Let’s finish reading this quickly.

Quickly, ... Let’s finish reading this quickly.

Quickly: ... Let’s, ... finish, ... reading, ... this, ... quickly.

Cepat ... Mari, kita, selesaikan, membaca, ini, dengan, cepat.

Quickly: ... Let’s, ... finish, ... reading, ... this, ... quickly.
Quickly: ... Let’s, ... finish, ... reading, ... this, ... quickly.
Quickly, ... Let’s finish reading this quickly.
Past, ... In the past, my english was not as good as it is today.

Past, ... In the past, my english was not as good as it is today.

Past: ... In, ... the, ... past, ... my, ... english, ... was, ... not, ... as, ... good, ... as, ... it, ... is, ... today.

Dulu ... Di, masa, lalu, bahasa, inggris, saya, tidak, sebaik, sekarang, ini.

Past: ... In, ... the, ... past, ... my, ... english, ... was, ... not, ... as, ... good, ... as, ... it, ... is, ... today.
Past: ... In, ... the, ... past, ... my, ... english, ... was, ... not, ... as, ... good, ... as, ... it, ... is, ... today.
Past, ... In the past, my english was not as good as it is today.
Goal, ... My goal is to speak english fluently.

Goal, ... My goal is to speak english fluently.

Goal: ... My, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... speak, ... english, ... fluently.

Tujuan ... Tujuan, saya, adalah, berbicara, bahasa, inggris, dengan, lancar.

Goal: ... My, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... speak, ... english, ... fluently.
Goal: ... My, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... speak, ... english, ... fluently.
Goal, ... My goal is to speak english fluently.
Second, ... My second goal is to increase my confidence.

Second, ... My second goal is to increase my confidence.

Second: ... My, ... second, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... increase, ... my, ... confidence.

Kedua ... Tujuan, kedua, saya, adalah, untuk, meningkatkan, kepercayaan, diri, saya.

Second: ... My, ... second, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... increase, ... my, ... confidence.
Second: ... My, ... second, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... increase, ... my, ... confidence.
Second, ... My second goal is to increase my confidence.
Bed, ... I go to bed around 10pm.

Bed, ... I go to bed around 10pm.

Bed: ... I, ... go, ... to, ... bed, ... around, ... 10pm.

Tempat, tidur ... Saya, pergi, tidur, sekitar, jam, 10, malam.

Bed: ... I, ... go, ... to, ... bed, ... around, ... 10pm.
Bed: ... I, ... go, ... to, ... bed, ... around, ... 10pm.
Bed, ... I go to bed around 10pm.
Order, ... I would like to order a book.

Order, ... I would like to order a book.

Order: ... I, ... would, ... like, ... to, ... order, ... a, ... book.

Pesan ... Saya, ingin, memesan, buku.

Order: ... I, ... would, ... like, ... to, ... order, ... a, ... book.
Order: ... I, ... would, ... like, ... to, ... order, ... a, ... book.
Order, ... I would like to order a book.
Author, ... The author of this series is world-famous.

Author, ... The author of this series is world-famous.

Author: ... The, ... author, ... of, ... this, ... series, ... is, ... world-famous.

Penulis ... Penulis, seri, ini, terkenal, di, dunia.

Author: ... The, ... author, ... of, ... this, ... series, ... is, ... world-famous.
Author: ... The, ... author, ... of, ... this, ... series, ... is, ... world-famous.
Author, ... The author of this series is world-famous.
Fill, ... I need to fill (up) my gas tank.

Fill, ... I need to fill (up) my gas tank.

Fill: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... fill, ... (up), ... my, ... gas, ... tank.

Isi ... Saya, perlu, mengisi, (mengisi), tangki, bensin, saya.

Fill: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... fill, ... (up), ... my, ... gas, ... tank.
Fill: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... fill, ... (up), ... my, ... gas, ... tank.
Fill, ... I need to fill (up) my gas tank.
Represent, ... I represent my family.

Represent, ... I represent my family.

Represent: ... I, ... represent, ... my, ... family.

Mewakili ... Saya, mewakili, keluarga, saya.

Represent: ... I, ... represent, ... my, ... family.
Represent: ... I, ... represent, ... my, ... family.
Represent, ... I represent my family.
Focus, ... Turn off your phone and the tv and focus on your studies! ...

Focus, ... Turn off your phone and the tv and focus on your studies! ...

Focus: ... Turn, ... off, ... your, ... phone, ... and, ... the, ... tv, ... and, ... focus, ... on, ... your, ... studies! ...

Fokus ... Matikan, ponsel, dan, tv, anda, dan, fokuslah, pada, studi, anda!

Focus: ... Turn, ... off, ... your, ... phone, ... and, ... the, ... tv, ... and, ... focus, ... on, ... your, ... studies! ...
Focus: ... Turn, ... off, ... your, ... phone, ... and, ... the, ... tv, ... and, ... focus, ... on, ... your, ... studies! ...
Focus, ... Turn off your phone and the tv and focus on your studies! ...
Foreign, ... It’s great having foreign friends.

Foreign, ... It’s great having foreign friends.

Foreign: ... It’s, ... great, ... having, ... foreign, ... friends.

Asing ... Senang, sekali, punya, teman, asing.

Foreign: ... It’s, ... great, ... having, ... foreign, ... friends.
Foreign: ... It’s, ... great, ... having, ... foreign, ... friends.
Foreign, ... It’s great having foreign friends.
Drop, ... Please don’t drop the eggs! ...

Drop, ... Please don’t drop the eggs! ...

Drop: ... Please, ... don’t, ... drop, ... the, ... eggs! ...

Jatuhkan ... Tolong, jangan, jatuhkan, telurnya!

Drop: ... Please, ... don’t, ... drop, ... the, ... eggs! ...
Drop: ... Please, ... don’t, ... drop, ... the, ... eggs! ...
Drop, ... Please don’t drop the eggs! ...
Plan, ... Let’s make a plan.

Plan, ... Let’s make a plan.

Plan: ... Let’s, ... make, ... a, ... plan.

Rencana ... Mari, kita, membuat, rencana.

Plan: ... Let’s, ... make, ... a, ... plan.
Plan: ... Let’s, ... make, ... a, ... plan.
Plan, ... Let’s make a plan.
Blood, ... The hospital needs people to give blood.

Blood, ... The hospital needs people to give blood.

Blood: ... The, ... hospital, ... needs, ... people, ... to, ... give, ... blood.

Darah ... Rumah, sakit, membutuhkan, orang, untuk, mendonorkan, darah.

Blood: ... The, ... hospital, ... needs, ... people, ... to, ... give, ... blood.
Blood: ... The, ... hospital, ... needs, ... people, ... to, ... give, ... blood.
Blood, ... The hospital needs people to give blood.
Upon, ... Once upon a time, a princess lived in a castle.

Upon, ... Once upon a time, a princess lived in a castle.

Upon: ... Once, ... upon, ... a, ... time, ... a, ... princess, ... lived, ... in, ... a, ... castle.

Pada ... Dahulu, kala, seorang, putri, tinggal, di, sebuah, kastil.

Upon: ... Once, ... upon, ... a, ... time, ... a, ... princess, ... lived, ... in, ... a, ... castle.
Upon: ... Once, ... upon, ... a, ... time, ... a, ... princess, ... lived, ... in, ... a, ... castle.
Upon, ... Once upon a time, a princess lived in a castle.
Agency, ... Let’s contract an agency to help with marketing.

Agency, ... Let’s contract an agency to help with marketing.

Agency: ... Let’s, ... contract, ... an, ... agency, ... to, ... help, ... with, ... marketing.

Agensi ... Mari, kontrak, agen, untuk, membantu, pemasaran.

Agency: ... Let’s, ... contract, ... an, ... agency, ... to, ... help, ... with, ... marketing.
Agency: ... Let’s, ... contract, ... an, ... agency, ... to, ... help, ... with, ... marketing.
Agency, ... Let’s contract an agency to help with marketing.
Push, ... The door says ‘push,’ not ‘pull.' ...

Push, ... The door says ‘push,’ not ‘pull.' ...

Push: ... The, ... door, ... says, ... ‘push,’, ... not, ... ‘pull.' ...

Dorong ... Pintunya, bertuliskan, 'dorong', bukan, 'tarik'.

Push: ... The, ... door, ... says, ... ‘push,’, ... not, ... ‘pull.' ...
Push: ... The, ... door, ... says, ... ‘push,’, ... not, ... ‘pull.' ...
Push, ... The door says ‘push,’ not ‘pull.' ...
Nature, ... I love walking in nature! ...

Nature, ... I love walking in nature! ...

Nature: ... I, ... love, ... walking, ... in, ... nature! ...

Alam ... Saya, suka, berjalan, di, alam!

Nature: ... I, ... love, ... walking, ... in, ... nature! ...
Nature: ... I, ... love, ... walking, ... in, ... nature! ...
Nature, ... I love walking in nature! ...
Color, ... My favorite color is blue.

Color, ... My favorite color is blue.

Color: ... My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.

Warna ... Warna, favorit, saya, adalah, biru.

Color: ... My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.
Color: ... My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.
Color, ... My favorite color is blue.
No, ... ‘no’ is one of the shortest complete sentences.

No, ... ‘no’ is one of the shortest complete sentences.

No: ... ‘no’, ... is, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... shortest, ... complete, ... sentences.

Tidak ... 'tidak', adalah, salah, satu, kalimat, lengkap, terpendek.

No: ... ‘no’, ... is, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... shortest, ... complete, ... sentences.
No: ... ‘no’, ... is, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... shortest, ... complete, ... sentences.
No, ... ‘no’ is one of the shortest complete sentences.
Recently, ... I cleaned the bathroom most recently, so I think it’s your turn this time.

Recently, ... I cleaned the bathroom most recently, so I think it’s your turn this time.

Recently: ... I, ... cleaned, ... the, ... bathroom, ... most, ... recently, ... so, ... I, ... think, ... it’s, ... your, ... turn, ... this, ... time.

Baru-baru, ini ... Saya, membersihkan, kamar, mandi, baru-baru, ini, jadi, saya, pikir, giliran, anda, kali, ini.

Recently: ... I, ... cleaned, ... the, ... bathroom, ... most, ... recently, ... so, ... I, ... think, ... it’s, ... your, ... turn, ... this, ... time.
Recently: ... I, ... cleaned, ... the, ... bathroom, ... most, ... recently, ... so, ... I, ... think, ... it’s, ... your, ... turn, ... this, ... time.
Recently, ... I cleaned the bathroom most recently, so I think it’s your turn this time.
Store, ... I’m going to the store to buy some bread.

Store, ... I’m going to the store to buy some bread.

Store: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... the, ... store, ... to, ... buy, ... some, ... bread.

Toko ... Saya, akan, pergi, ke, toko, untuk, membeli, roti.

Store: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... the, ... store, ... to, ... buy, ... some, ... bread.
Store: ... I’m, ... going, ... to, ... the, ... store, ... to, ... buy, ... some, ... bread.
Store, ... I’m going to the store to buy some bread.
Reduce, ... Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the ways to help the environment.

Reduce, ... Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the ways to help the environment.

Reduce: ... Reduce, ... reuse, ... and, ... recycle, ... are, ... the, ... ways, ... to, ... help, ... the, ... environment.

Mengurangi ... Mengurangi, menggunakan, kembali, dan, mendaur, ulang, adalah, cara, untuk, membantu, lingkungan.

Reduce: ... Reduce, ... reuse, ... and, ... recycle, ... are, ... the, ... ways, ... to, ... help, ... the, ... environment.
Reduce: ... Reduce, ... reuse, ... and, ... recycle, ... are, ... the, ... ways, ... to, ... help, ... the, ... environment.
Reduce, ... Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the ways to help the environment.
Sound, ... I like the sound of wind chimes.

Sound, ... I like the sound of wind chimes.

Sound: ... I, ... like, ... the, ... sound, ... of, ... wind, ... chimes.

Suara ... Saya, suka, suara, lonceng, angin.

Sound: ... I, ... like, ... the, ... sound, ... of, ... wind, ... chimes.
Sound: ... I, ... like, ... the, ... sound, ... of, ... wind, ... chimes.
Sound, ... I like the sound of wind chimes.
Note, ... Please take notes during the lesson.

Note, ... Please take notes during the lesson.

Note: ... Please, ... take, ... notes, ... during, ... the, ... lesson.

Catatan ... Harap, mencatat, selama, pelajaran.

Note: ... Please, ... take, ... notes, ... during, ... the, ... lesson.
Note: ... Please, ... take, ... notes, ... during, ... the, ... lesson.
Note, ... Please take notes during the lesson.
Fine, ... I feel fine.

Fine, ... I feel fine.

Fine: ... I, ... feel, ... fine.

Baik ... Saya, merasa, baik-baik, saja.

Fine: ... I, ... feel, ... fine.
Fine: ... I, ... feel, ... fine.
Fine, ... I feel fine.
Before, ... Before the movie, let’s buy popcorn! ...

Before, ... Before the movie, let’s buy popcorn! ...

Before: ... Before, ... the, ... movie, ... let’s, ... buy, ... popcorn! ...

Sebelum ... Sebelum, film, ayo, beli, popcorn!

Before: ... Before, ... the, ... movie, ... let’s, ... buy, ... popcorn! ...
Before: ... Before, ... the, ... movie, ... let’s, ... buy, ... popcorn! ...
Before, ... Before the movie, let’s buy popcorn! ...
Near, ... Near, far, wherever you are, I do believe that the heart goes on.

Near, ... Near, far, wherever you are, I do believe that the heart goes on.

Near: ... Near, ... far, ... wherever, ... you, ... are, ... I, ... do, ... believe, ... that, ... the, ... heart, ... goes, ... on.

Dekat ... Dekat, jauh, dimanapun, anda, berada, saya, percaya, bahwa, hati, terus, berjalan.

Near: ... Near, ... far, ... wherever, ... you, ... are, ... I, ... do, ... believe, ... that, ... the, ... heart, ... goes, ... on.
Near: ... Near, ... far, ... wherever, ... you, ... are, ... I, ... do, ... believe, ... that, ... the, ... heart, ... goes, ... on.
Near, ... Near, far, wherever you are, I do believe that the heart goes on.
Movement, ... The environmental movement is an international movement.

Movement, ... The environmental movement is an international movement.

Movement: ... The, ... environmental, ... movement, ... is, ... an, ... international, ... movement.

Gerakan ... Gerakan, lingkungan, adalah, gerakan, internasional.

Movement: ... The, ... environmental, ... movement, ... is, ... an, ... international, ... movement.
Movement: ... The, ... environmental, ... movement, ... is, ... an, ... international, ... movement.
Movement, ... The environmental movement is an international movement.
Page, ... Please turn to page 62.

Page, ... Please turn to page 62.

Page: ... Please, ... turn, ... to, ... page, ... 62.

Halaman ... Silakan, buka, halaman, 62.

Page: ... Please, ... turn, ... to, ... page, ... 62.
Page: ... Please, ... turn, ... to, ... page, ... 62.
Page, ... Please turn to page 62.
Enter, ... You can enter the building on the left.

Enter, ... You can enter the building on the left.

Enter: ... You, ... can, ... enter, ... the, ... building, ... on, ... the, ... left.

Masuk ... Anda, dapat, memasuki, gedung, di, sebelah, kiri.

Enter: ... You, ... can, ... enter, ... the, ... building, ... on, ... the, ... left.
Enter: ... You, ... can, ... enter, ... the, ... building, ... on, ... the, ... left.
Enter, ... You can enter the building on the left.
Share, ... Let me share my idea.

Share, ... Let me share my idea.

Share: ... Let, ... me, ... share, ... my, ... idea.

Bagikan ... Biarkan, saya, membagikan, ide, saya.

Share: ... Let, ... me, ... share, ... my, ... idea.
Share: ... Let, ... me, ... share, ... my, ... idea.
Share, ... Let me share my idea.
Than, ... Ice cream has more calories than water.

Than, ... Ice cream has more calories than water.

Than: ... Ice, ... cream, ... has, ... more, ... calories, ... than, ... water.

Dari ... Es, krim, memiliki, lebih, banyak, kalori, daripada, air.

Than: ... Ice, ... cream, ... has, ... more, ... calories, ... than, ... water.
Than: ... Ice, ... cream, ... has, ... more, ... calories, ... than, ... water.
Than, ... Ice cream has more calories than water.
Common, ... Most people can find something in common with each other.

Common, ... Most people can find something in common with each other.

Common: ... Most, ... people, ... can, ... find, ... something, ... in, ... common, ... with, ... each, ... other.

Umum ... Kebanyakan, orang, dapat, menemukan, kesamaan, satu, sama, lain.

Common: ... Most, ... people, ... can, ... find, ... something, ... in, ... common, ... with, ... each, ... other.
Common: ... Most, ... people, ... can, ... find, ... something, ... in, ... common, ... with, ... each, ... other.
Common, ... Most people can find something in common with each other.
Poor, ... We had a poor harvest this year because it was so dry.

Poor, ... We had a poor harvest this year because it was so dry.

Poor: ... We, ... had, ... a, ... poor, ... harvest, ... this, ... year, ... because, ... it, ... was, ... so, ... dry.

Kasihan ... Kami, memiliki, panen, yang, buruk, tahun, ini, karena, sangat, kering.

Poor: ... We, ... had, ... a, ... poor, ... harvest, ... this, ... year, ... because, ... it, ... was, ... so, ... dry.
Poor: ... We, ... had, ... a, ... poor, ... harvest, ... this, ... year, ... because, ... it, ... was, ... so, ... dry.
Poor, ... We had a poor harvest this year because it was so dry.
Other , ... This pen doesn’t work, try the other one.

Other , ... This pen doesn’t work, try the other one.

Other, ... : ... This, ... pen, ... doesn’t, ... work, ... try, ... the, ... other, ... one.

Lainnya, ... Pena, ini, tidak, berfungsi, coba, yang, lain.

Other, ... : ... This, ... pen, ... doesn’t, ... work, ... try, ... the, ... other, ... one.
Other, ... : ... This, ... pen, ... doesn’t, ... work, ... try, ... the, ... other, ... one.
Other , ... This pen doesn’t work, try the other one.
Natural, ... This cleaner is natural, there aren’t any chemicals in it.

Natural, ... This cleaner is natural, there aren’t any chemicals in it.

Natural: ... This, ... cleaner, ... is, ... natural, ... there, ... aren’t, ... any, ... chemicals, ... in, ... it.

Alami ... Pembersih, ini, alami, tidak, ada, bahan, kimia, di, dalamnya.

Natural: ... This, ... cleaner, ... is, ... natural, ... there, ... aren’t, ... any, ... chemicals, ... in, ... it.
Natural: ... This, ... cleaner, ... is, ... natural, ... there, ... aren’t, ... any, ... chemicals, ... in, ... it.
Natural, ... This cleaner is natural, there aren’t any chemicals in it.
Race, ... We watched the car race on tv.

Race, ... We watched the car race on tv.

Race: ... We, ... watched, ... the, ... car, ... race, ... on, ... tv.

Race ... Kami, menonton, balapan, mobil, di, tv.

Race: ... We, ... watched, ... the, ... car, ... race, ... on, ... tv.
Race: ... We, ... watched, ... the, ... car, ... race, ... on, ... tv.
Race, ... We watched the car race on tv.
Concern, ... Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine.

Concern, ... Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine.

Concern: ... Thank, ... you, ... for, ... your, ... concern, ... but, ... I’m, ... fine.

Perhatian ... Terima, kasih, atas, perhatian, anda, tapi, saya, baik-baik, saja.

Concern: ... Thank, ... you, ... for, ... your, ... concern, ... but, ... I’m, ... fine.
Concern: ... Thank, ... you, ... for, ... your, ... concern, ... but, ... I’m, ... fine.
Concern, ... Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine.
Series, ... What is your favorite tv series?

Series, ... What is your favorite tv series?

Series: ... What, ... is, ... your, ... favorite, ... tv, ... series?

Seri ... Apa, serial, tv, favorit, anda?

Series: ... What, ... is, ... your, ... favorite, ... tv, ... series?
Series: ... What, ... is, ... your, ... favorite, ... tv, ... series?
Series, ... What is your favorite tv series?
Significant, ... His job earns a significant amount of money.

Significant, ... His job earns a significant amount of money.

Significant: ... His, ... job, ... earns, ... a, ... significant, ... amount, ... of, ... money.

Signifikan ... Pekerjaannya, menghasilkan, banyak, uang.

Significant: ... His, ... job, ... earns, ... a, ... significant, ... amount, ... of, ... money.
Significant: ... His, ... job, ... earns, ... a, ... significant, ... amount, ... of, ... money.
Significant, ... His job earns a significant amount of money.
Similar, ... These earrings don’t match, but they are similar.

Similar, ... These earrings don’t match, but they are similar.

Similar: ... These, ... earrings, ... don’t, ... match, ... but, ... they, ... are, ... similar.

Mirip ... Anting-anting, ini, tidak, cocok, tapi, mirip.

Similar: ... These, ... earrings, ... don’t, ... match, ... but, ... they, ... are, ... similar.
Similar: ... These, ... earrings, ... don’t, ... match, ... but, ... they, ... are, ... similar.
Similar, ... These earrings don’t match, but they are similar.
Hot, ... Don’t touch the stove, it’s still hot.

Hot, ... Don’t touch the stove, it’s still hot.

Hot: ... Don’t, ... touch, ... the, ... stove, ... it’s, ... still, ... hot.

Panas ... Jangan, sentuh, kompornya, masih, panas.

Hot: ... Don’t, ... touch, ... the, ... stove, ... it’s, ... still, ... hot.
Hot: ... Don’t, ... touch, ... the, ... stove, ... it’s, ... still, ... hot.
Hot, ... Don’t touch the stove, it’s still hot.
Language, ... Learning a new language is fun.

Language, ... Learning a new language is fun.

Language: ... Learning, ... a, ... new, ... language, ... is, ... fun.

Bahasa ... Belajar, bahasa, baru, itu, menyenangkan.

Language: ... Learning, ... a, ... new, ... language, ... is, ... fun.
Language: ... Learning, ... a, ... new, ... language, ... is, ... fun.
Language, ... Learning a new language is fun.
Each, ... Put a flower in each vase.

Each, ... Put a flower in each vase.

Each: ... Put, ... a, ... flower, ... in, ... each, ... vase.

Masing-masing ... Taruh, bunga, di, setiap, vas.

Each: ... Put, ... a, ... flower, ... in, ... each, ... vase.
Each: ... Put, ... a, ... flower, ... in, ... each, ... vase.
Each, ... Put a flower in each vase.
Usually, ... I usually shop at the corner store.

Usually, ... I usually shop at the corner store.

Usually: ... I, ... usually, ... shop, ... at, ... the, ... corner, ... store.

Biasanya ... Saya, biasanya, berbelanja, di, toko, pojok.

Usually: ... I, ... usually, ... shop, ... at, ... the, ... corner, ... store.
Usually: ... I, ... usually, ... shop, ... at, ... the, ... corner, ... store.
Usually, ... I usually shop at the corner store.
Response, ... I didn’t expect his response to come so soon.

Response, ... I didn’t expect his response to come so soon.

Response: ... I, ... didn’t, ... expect, ... his, ... response, ... to, ... come, ... so, ... soon.

Tanggapan ... Aku, tidak, menyangka, tanggapannya, akan, datang, secepat, ini.

Response: ... I, ... didn’t, ... expect, ... his, ... response, ... to, ... come, ... so, ... soon.
Response: ... I, ... didn’t, ... expect, ... his, ... response, ... to, ... come, ... so, ... soon.
Response, ... I didn’t expect his response to come so soon.
Dead, ... My phone is dead, let me charge it.

Dead, ... My phone is dead, let me charge it.

Dead: ... My, ... phone, ... is, ... dead, ... let, ... me, ... charge, ... it.

Mati ... Ponsel, saya, mati, biarkan, saya, mengisinya.

Dead: ... My, ... phone, ... is, ... dead, ... let, ... me, ... charge, ... it.
Dead: ... My, ... phone, ... is, ... dead, ... let, ... me, ... charge, ... it.
Dead, ... My phone is dead, let me charge it.
Rise, ... The sun will rise at 7:00 a.M.

Rise, ... The sun will rise at 7:00 a.M.

Rise: ... The, ... sun, ... will, ... rise, ... at, ... 7: ... 00, ... a.M.

Terbit ... Matahari, akan, terbit, pada, pukul, 07.00 ...

Rise: ... The, ... sun, ... will, ... rise, ... at, ... 7: ... 00, ... a.M.
Rise: ... The, ... sun, ... will, ... rise, ... at, ... 7: ... 00, ... a.M.
Rise, ... The sun will rise at 7:00 a.M.
Animal, ... What kind of animal is that?

Animal, ... What kind of animal is that?

Animal: ... What, ... kind, ... of, ... animal, ... is, ... that?

Hewan ... Hewan, apa, itu?

Animal: ... What, ... kind, ... of, ... animal, ... is, ... that?
Animal: ... What, ... kind, ... of, ... animal, ... is, ... that?
Animal, ... What kind of animal is that?
Factor, ... Heredity is a factor in your overall health.

Factor, ... Heredity is a factor in your overall health.

Factor: ... Heredity, ... is, ... a, ... factor, ... in, ... your, ... overall, ... health.

Faktor ... Keturunan, adalah, faktor, dalam, kesehatan, anda, secara, keseluruhan.

Factor: ... Heredity, ... is, ... a, ... factor, ... in, ... your, ... overall, ... health.
Factor: ... Heredity, ... is, ... a, ... factor, ... in, ... your, ... overall, ... health.
Factor, ... Heredity is a factor in your overall health.
Decade, ... I’ve lived in this city for over a decade.

Decade, ... I’ve lived in this city for over a decade.

Decade: ... I’ve, ... lived, ... in, ... this, ... city, ... for, ... over, ... a, ... decade.

Dekade ... Saya, telah, tinggal, di, kota, ini, selama, lebih, dari, satu, dekade.

Decade: ... I’ve, ... lived, ... in, ... this, ... city, ... for, ... over, ... a, ... decade.
Decade: ... I’ve, ... lived, ... in, ... this, ... city, ... for, ... over, ... a, ... decade.
Decade, ... I’ve lived in this city for over a decade.
Article, ... Did you read that newspaper article?

Article, ... Did you read that newspaper article?

Article: ... Did, ... you, ... read, ... that, ... newspaper, ... article?

Artikel ... Apakah, anda, membaca, artikel, surat, kabar, itu?

Article: ... Did, ... you, ... read, ... that, ... newspaper, ... article?
Article: ... Did, ... you, ... read, ... that, ... newspaper, ... article?
Article, ... Did you read that newspaper article?
Shoot, ... He wants to shoot arrows at the target.

Shoot, ... He wants to shoot arrows at the target.

Shoot: ... He, ... wants, ... to, ... shoot, ... arrows, ... at, ... the, ... target.

Tembak ... Dia, ingin, menembakkan, panah, ke, sasaran.

Shoot: ... He, ... wants, ... to, ... shoot, ... arrows, ... at, ... the, ... target.
Shoot: ... He, ... wants, ... to, ... shoot, ... arrows, ... at, ... the, ... target.
Shoot, ... He wants to shoot arrows at the target.
East, ... Drive east for three miles.

East, ... Drive east for three miles.

East: ... Drive, ... east, ... for, ... three, ... miles.

Timur ... Berkendara, ke, timur, sejauh, tiga, mil.

East: ... Drive, ... east, ... for, ... three, ... miles.
East: ... Drive, ... east, ... for, ... three, ... miles.
East, ... Drive east for three miles.
Save, ... I save all my cans for recycling.

Save, ... I save all my cans for recycling.

Save: ... I, ... save, ... all, ... my, ... cans, ... for, ... recycling.

Hemat ... Saya, menyimpan, semua, kaleng, saya, untuk, didaur, ulang.

Save: ... I, ... save, ... all, ... my, ... cans, ... for, ... recycling.
Save: ... I, ... save, ... all, ... my, ... cans, ... for, ... recycling.
Save, ... I save all my cans for recycling.
Seven, ... There are seven slices of pie left.

Seven, ... There are seven slices of pie left.

Seven: ... There, ... are, ... seven, ... slices, ... of, ... pie, ... left.

Tujuh ... Ada, tujuh, potong, kue, yang, tersisa.

Seven: ... There, ... are, ... seven, ... slices, ... of, ... pie, ... left.
Seven: ... There, ... are, ... seven, ... slices, ... of, ... pie, ... left.
Seven, ... There are seven slices of pie left.
Artist, ... Taylor swift is a recording artist.

Artist, ... Taylor swift is a recording artist.

Artist: ... Taylor, ... swift, ... is, ... a, ... recording, ... artist.

Artis ... Taylor, swift, adalah, artis, rekaman.

Artist: ... Taylor, ... swift, ... is, ... a, ... recording, ... artist.
Artist: ... Taylor, ... swift, ... is, ... a, ... recording, ... artist.
Artist, ... Taylor swift is a recording artist.
Away, ... I wish that mosquito would go away.

Away, ... I wish that mosquito would go away.

Away: ... I, ... wish, ... that, ... mosquito, ... would, ... go, ... away.

Pergi ... Saya, berharap, nyamuk, itu, pergi.

Away: ... I, ... wish, ... that, ... mosquito, ... would, ... go, ... away.
Away: ... I, ... wish, ... that, ... mosquito, ... would, ... go, ... away.
Away, ... I wish that mosquito would go away.
Scene, ... He painted a colorful street scene.

Scene, ... He painted a colorful street scene.

Scene: ... He, ... painted, ... a, ... colorful, ... street, ... scene.

Adegan ... Dia, melukis, pemandangan, jalanan, yang, berwarna-warni.

Scene: ... He, ... painted, ... a, ... colorful, ... street, ... scene.
Scene: ... He, ... painted, ... a, ... colorful, ... street, ... scene.
Scene, ... He painted a colorful street scene.
Stock, ... That shop has a good stock of postcards.

Stock, ... That shop has a good stock of postcards.

Stock: ... That, ... shop, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... stock, ... of, ... postcards.

Stok ... Toko, itu, memiliki, stok, kartu, pos, yang, bagus.

Stock: ... That, ... shop, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... stock, ... of, ... postcards.
Stock: ... That, ... shop, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... stock, ... of, ... postcards.
Stock, ... That shop has a good stock of postcards.
Career, ... Retail sales is a good career for some people.

Career, ... Retail sales is a good career for some people.

Career: ... Retail, ... sales, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... career, ... for, ... some, ... people.

Karir ... Penjualan, eceran, adalah, karir, yang, baik, bagi, sebagian, orang.

Career: ... Retail, ... sales, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... career, ... for, ... some, ... people.
Career: ... Retail, ... sales, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... career, ... for, ... some, ... people.
Career, ... Retail sales is a good career for some people.
Despite, ... Despite the rain, we will still have the picnic.

Despite, ... Despite the rain, we will still have the picnic.

Despite: ... Despite, ... the, ... rain, ... we, ... will, ... still, ... have, ... the, ... picnic.

Meskipun ... Meskipun, hujan, kita, akan, tetap, piknik.

Despite: ... Despite, ... the, ... rain, ... we, ... will, ... still, ... have, ... the, ... picnic.
Despite: ... Despite, ... the, ... rain, ... we, ... will, ... still, ... have, ... the, ... picnic.
Despite, ... Despite the rain, we will still have the picnic.
Central, ... There is good shopping in central london.

Central, ... There is good shopping in central london.

Central: ... There, ... is, ... good, ... shopping, ... in, ... central, ... london.

Central ... Ada, tempat, belanja, yang, bagus, di, pusat, kota, london.

Central: ... There, ... is, ... good, ... shopping, ... in, ... central, ... london.
Central: ... There, ... is, ... good, ... shopping, ... in, ... central, ... london.
Central, ... There is good shopping in central london.
Eight, ... That recipe takes eight cups of flour.

Eight, ... That recipe takes eight cups of flour.

Eight: ... That, ... recipe, ... takes, ... eight, ... cups, ... of, ... flour.

Delapan ... Resep, itu, membutuhkan, delapan, cangkir, tepung.

Eight: ... That, ... recipe, ... takes, ... eight, ... cups, ... of, ... flour.
Eight: ... That, ... recipe, ... takes, ... eight, ... cups, ... of, ... flour.
Eight, ... That recipe takes eight cups of flour.
Thus, ... We haven’t had any problems thus far.

Thus, ... We haven’t had any problems thus far.

Thus: ... We, ... haven’t, ... had, ... any, ... problems, ... thus, ... far.

Jadi ... Kami, tidak, punya, masalah, sejauh, ini.

Thus: ... We, ... haven’t, ... had, ... any, ... problems, ... thus, ... far.
Thus: ... We, ... haven’t, ... had, ... any, ... problems, ... thus, ... far.
Thus, ... We haven’t had any problems thus far.
Treatment, ... I will propose a treatment plan for your injury.

Treatment, ... I will propose a treatment plan for your injury.

Treatment: ... I, ... will, ... propose, ... a, ... treatment, ... plan, ... for, ... your, ... injury.

Perawatan ... Saya, akan, mengusulkan, rencana, perawatan, untuk, cedera, anda.

Treatment: ... I, ... will, ... propose, ... a, ... treatment, ... plan, ... for, ... your, ... injury.
Treatment: ... I, ... will, ... propose, ... a, ... treatment, ... plan, ... for, ... your, ... injury.
Treatment, ... I will propose a treatment plan for your injury.
Beyond, ... The town is just beyond those mountains.

Beyond, ... The town is just beyond those mountains.

Beyond: ... The, ... town, ... is, ... just, ... beyond, ... those, ... mountains.

Di, luar ... Kota, ini, tepat, di, luar, pegunungan, itu.

Beyond: ... The, ... town, ... is, ... just, ... beyond, ... those, ... mountains.
Beyond: ... The, ... town, ... is, ... just, ... beyond, ... those, ... mountains.
Beyond, ... The town is just beyond those mountains.
Happy, ... Kittens make me happy.

Happy, ... Kittens make me happy.

Happy: ... Kittens, ... make, ... me, ... happy.

Bahagia ... Anak, kucing, membuatku, bahagia.

Happy: ... Kittens, ... make, ... me, ... happy.
Happy: ... Kittens, ... make, ... me, ... happy.
Happy, ... Kittens make me happy.
Exactly, ... Use exactly one teaspoon of salt in that recipe.

Exactly, ... Use exactly one teaspoon of salt in that recipe.

Exactly: ... Use, ... exactly, ... one, ... teaspoon, ... of, ... salt, ... in, ... that, ... recipe.

Tepat ... Gunakan, tepat, satu, sendok, teh, garam, dalam, resep, itu.

Exactly: ... Use, ... exactly, ... one, ... teaspoon, ... of, ... salt, ... in, ... that, ... recipe.
Exactly: ... Use, ... exactly, ... one, ... teaspoon, ... of, ... salt, ... in, ... that, ... recipe.
Exactly, ... Use exactly one teaspoon of salt in that recipe.
Protect, ... A coat will protect you from the cold weather.

Protect, ... A coat will protect you from the cold weather.

Protect: ... A, ... coat, ... will, ... protect, ... you, ... from, ... the, ... cold, ... weather.

Lindungi ... Mantel, akan, melindungi, anda, dari, cuaca, dingin.

Protect: ... A, ... coat, ... will, ... protect, ... you, ... from, ... the, ... cold, ... weather.
Protect: ... A, ... coat, ... will, ... protect, ... you, ... from, ... the, ... cold, ... weather.
Protect, ... A coat will protect you from the cold weather.
Approach, ... The cat slowly approached the bird.

Approach, ... The cat slowly approached the bird.

Approach: ... The, ... cat, ... slowly, ... approached, ... the, ... bird.

Pendekatan ... Kucing, itu, perlahan, mendekati, burung, itu.

Approach: ... The, ... cat, ... slowly, ... approached, ... the, ... bird.
Approach: ... The, ... cat, ... slowly, ... approached, ... the, ... bird.
Approach, ... The cat slowly approached the bird.
Lie, ... Teach your children not to lie.

Lie, ... Teach your children not to lie.

Lie: ... Teach, ... your, ... children, ... not, ... to, ... lie.

Berbohong ... Ajari, anak-anak, anda, untuk, tidak, berbohong.

Lie: ... Teach, ... your, ... children, ... not, ... to, ... lie.
Lie: ... Teach, ... your, ... children, ... not, ... to, ... lie.
Lie, ... Teach your children not to lie.
Size, ... What size is that shirt?

Size, ... What size is that shirt?

Size: ... What, ... size, ... is, ... that, ... shirt?

Ukuran ... Berapa, ukuran, baju, itu?

Size: ... What, ... size, ... is, ... that, ... shirt?
Size: ... What, ... size, ... is, ... that, ... shirt?
Size, ... What size is that shirt?
Dog, ... Do you think a dog is a good pet?

Dog, ... Do you think a dog is a good pet?

Dog: ... Do, ... you, ... think, ... a, ... dog, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... pet?

Anjing ... Apakah, anda, pikir, anjing, adalah, hewan, peliharaan, yang, baik?

Dog: ... Do, ... you, ... think, ... a, ... dog, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... pet?
Dog: ... Do, ... you, ... think, ... a, ... dog, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... pet?
Dog, ... Do you think a dog is a good pet?
Fund, ... I have a savings fund for college.

Fund, ... I have a savings fund for college.

Fund: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... savings, ... fund, ... for, ... college.

Dana ... Saya, memiliki, dana, tabungan, untuk, kuliah.

Fund: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... savings, ... fund, ... for, ... college.
Fund: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... savings, ... fund, ... for, ... college.
Fund, ... I have a savings fund for college.
Serious, ... She is so serious, she never laughs.

Serious, ... She is so serious, she never laughs.

Serious: ... She, ... is, ... so, ... serious, ... she, ... never, ... laughs.

Serius ... Dia, sangat, serius, dia, tidak, pernah, tertawa.

Serious: ... She, ... is, ... so, ... serious, ... she, ... never, ... laughs.
Serious: ... She, ... is, ... so, ... serious, ... she, ... never, ... laughs.
Serious, ... She is so serious, she never laughs.
Occur, ... Strange things occur in that empty house.

Occur, ... Strange things occur in that empty house.

Occur: ... Strange, ... things, ... occur, ... in, ... that, ... empty, ... house.

Terjadi ... Hal-hal, aneh, terjadi, di, rumah, kosong, itu.

Occur: ... Strange, ... things, ... occur, ... in, ... that, ... empty, ... house.
Occur: ... Strange, ... things, ... occur, ... in, ... that, ... empty, ... house.
Occur, ... Strange things occur in that empty house.
Media, ... That issue has been discussed in the media.

Media, ... That issue has been discussed in the media.

Media: ... That, ... issue, ... has, ... been, ... discussed, ... in, ... the, ... media.

Media ... Masalah, itu, telah, dibahas, di, media.

Media: ... That, ... issue, ... has, ... been, ... discussed, ... in, ... the, ... media.
Media: ... That, ... issue, ... has, ... been, ... discussed, ... in, ... the, ... media.
Media, ... That issue has been discussed in the media.
Ready, ... Are you ready to leave for work?

Ready, ... Are you ready to leave for work?

Ready: ... Are, ... you, ... ready, ... to, ... leave, ... for, ... work?

Siap ... Apakah, anda, siap, berangkat, kerja?

Ready: ... Are, ... you, ... ready, ... to, ... leave, ... for, ... work?
Ready: ... Are, ... you, ... ready, ... to, ... leave, ... for, ... work?
Ready, ... Are you ready to leave for work?
Sign, ... That store needs a bigger sign.

Sign, ... That store needs a bigger sign.

Sign: ... That, ... store, ... needs, ... a, ... bigger, ... sign.

Tanda ... Toko, itu, membutuhkan, tanda, yang, lebih, besar.

Sign: ... That, ... store, ... needs, ... a, ... bigger, ... sign.
Sign: ... That, ... store, ... needs, ... a, ... bigger, ... sign.
Sign, ... That store needs a bigger sign.
Thought, ... I’ll have to give it some thought.

Thought, ... I’ll have to give it some thought.

Thought: ... I’ll, ... have, ... to, ... give, ... it, ... some, ... thought.

Pikir ... Aku, harus, memikirkannya.

Thought: ... I’ll, ... have, ... to, ... give, ... it, ... some, ... thought.
Thought: ... I’ll, ... have, ... to, ... give, ... it, ... some, ... thought.
Thought, ... I’ll have to give it some thought.
List, ... I made a list of things to do.

List, ... I made a list of things to do.

List: ... I, ... made, ... a, ... list, ... of, ... things, ... to, ... do.

Daftar ... Saya, membuat, daftar, hal-hal, yang, harus, dilakukan.

List: ... I, ... made, ... a, ... list, ... of, ... things, ... to, ... do.
List: ... I, ... made, ... a, ... list, ... of, ... things, ... to, ... do.
List, ... I made a list of things to do.
Individual, ... You can buy an individual or group membership.

Individual, ... You can buy an individual or group membership.

Individual: ... You, ... can, ... buy, ... an, ... individual, ... or, ... group, ... membership.

Perorangan ... Anda, dapat, membeli, keanggotaan, perorangan, atau, kelompok.

Individual: ... You, ... can, ... buy, ... an, ... individual, ... or, ... group, ... membership.
Individual: ... You, ... can, ... buy, ... an, ... individual, ... or, ... group, ... membership.
Individual, ... You can buy an individual or group membership.
Simple, ... The appliance comes with simple instructions.

Simple, ... The appliance comes with simple instructions.

Simple: ... The, ... appliance, ... comes, ... with, ... simple, ... instructions.

Sederhana ... Alat, ini, dilengkapi, dengan, petunjuk, sederhana.

Simple: ... The, ... appliance, ... comes, ... with, ... simple, ... instructions.
Simple: ... The, ... appliance, ... comes, ... with, ... simple, ... instructions.
Simple, ... The appliance comes with simple instructions.
Quality, ... I paid a little more for quality shoes.

Quality, ... I paid a little more for quality shoes.

Quality: ... I, ... paid, ... a, ... little, ... more, ... for, ... quality, ... shoes.

Kualitas ... Saya, membayar, sedikit, lebih, untuk, sepatu, berkualitas.

Quality: ... I, ... paid, ... a, ... little, ... more, ... for, ... quality, ... shoes.
Quality: ... I, ... paid, ... a, ... little, ... more, ... for, ... quality, ... shoes.
Quality, ... I paid a little more for quality shoes.
Pressure, ... There is no pressure to finish right now.

Pressure, ... There is no pressure to finish right now.

Pressure: ... There, ... is, ... no, ... pressure, ... to, ... finish, ... right, ... now.

Tekanan ... Tidak, ada, tekanan, untuk, menyelesaikan, sekarang.

Pressure: ... There, ... is, ... no, ... pressure, ... to, ... finish, ... right, ... now.
Pressure: ... There, ... is, ... no, ... pressure, ... to, ... finish, ... right, ... now.
Pressure, ... There is no pressure to finish right now.
Accept, ... Will you accept my credit card?

Accept, ... Will you accept my credit card?

Accept: ... Will, ... you, ... accept, ... my, ... credit, ... card?

Terima ... Apakah, anda, menerima, kartu, kredit, saya?

Accept: ... Will, ... you, ... accept, ... my, ... credit, ... card?
Accept: ... Will, ... you, ... accept, ... my, ... credit, ... card?
Accept, ... Will you accept my credit card?
Answer, ... Give me your answer by noon tomorrow.

Answer, ... Give me your answer by noon tomorrow.

Answer: ... Give, ... me, ... your, ... answer, ... by, ... noon, ... tomorrow.

Jawab ... Berikan, jawabanmu, besok, siang.

Answer: ... Give, ... me, ... your, ... answer, ... by, ... noon, ... tomorrow.
Answer: ... Give, ... me, ... your, ... answer, ... by, ... noon, ... tomorrow.
Answer, ... Give me your answer by noon tomorrow.
Hard, ... That test was very hard.

Hard, ... That test was very hard.

Hard: ... That, ... test, ... was, ... very, ... hard.

Sulit ... Tes, itu, sangat, sulit.

Hard: ... That, ... test, ... was, ... very, ... hard.
Hard: ... That, ... test, ... was, ... very, ... hard.
Hard, ... That test was very hard.
Resource, ... The library has many online resources.

Resource, ... The library has many online resources.

Resource: ... The, ... library, ... has, ... many, ... online, ... resources.

Sumber, daya ... Perpustakaan, memiliki, banyak, sumber, daya, online.

Resource: ... The, ... library, ... has, ... many, ... online, ... resources.
Resource: ... The, ... library, ... has, ... many, ... online, ... resources.
Resource, ... The library has many online resources.
Identify, ... I can’t identify that plant.

Identify, ... I can’t identify that plant.

Identify: ... I, ... can’t, ... identify, ... that, ... plant.

Identifikasi ... Saya, tidak, bisa, mengidentifikasi, tanaman, itu.

Identify: ... I, ... can’t, ... identify, ... that, ... plant.
Identify: ... I, ... can’t, ... identify, ... that, ... plant.
Identify, ... I can’t identify that plant.
Left, ... The door is on your left as you approach.

Left, ... The door is on your left as you approach.

Left: ... The, ... door, ... is, ... on, ... your, ... left, ... as, ... you, ... approach.

Kiri ... Pintu, ada, di, sebelah, kiri, anda, saat, anda, mendekat.

Left: ... The, ... door, ... is, ... on, ... your, ... left, ... as, ... you, ... approach.
Left: ... The, ... door, ... is, ... on, ... your, ... left, ... as, ... you, ... approach.
Left, ... The door is on your left as you approach.
Meeting, ... We’ll have a staff meeting after lunch.

Meeting, ... We’ll have a staff meeting after lunch.

Meeting: ... We’ll, ... have, ... a, ... staff, ... meeting, ... after, ... lunch.

Rapat ... Kami, akan, mengadakan, rapat, staf, setelah, makan, siang.

Meeting: ... We’ll, ... have, ... a, ... staff, ... meeting, ... after, ... lunch.
Meeting: ... We’ll, ... have, ... a, ... staff, ... meeting, ... after, ... lunch.
Meeting, ... We’ll have a staff meeting after lunch.
Determine, ... Eye color is genetically determined.

Determine, ... Eye color is genetically determined.

Determine: ... Eye, ... color, ... is, ... genetically, ... determined.

Tentukan ... Warna, mata, ditentukan, secara, genetik.

Determine: ... Eye, ... color, ... is, ... genetically, ... determined.
Determine: ... Eye, ... color, ... is, ... genetically, ... determined.
Determine, ... Eye color is genetically determined.
Prepare, ... I’ll prepare breakfast tomorrow.

Prepare, ... I’ll prepare breakfast tomorrow.

Prepare: ... I’ll, ... prepare, ... breakfast, ... tomorrow.

Siapkan ... Aku, akan, menyiapkan, sarapan, besok.

Prepare: ... I’ll, ... prepare, ... breakfast, ... tomorrow.
Prepare: ... I’ll, ... prepare, ... breakfast, ... tomorrow.
Prepare, ... I’ll prepare breakfast tomorrow.
Disease, ... Face masks help prevent disease.

Disease, ... Face masks help prevent disease.

Disease: ... Face, ... masks, ... help, ... prevent, ... disease.

Penyakit ... Masker, wajah, membantu, mencegah, penyakit.

Disease: ... Face, ... masks, ... help, ... prevent, ... disease.
Disease: ... Face, ... masks, ... help, ... prevent, ... disease.
Disease, ... Face masks help prevent disease.
Whatever, ... Choose whatever flavor you like the best.

Whatever, ... Choose whatever flavor you like the best.

Whatever: ... Choose, ... whatever, ... flavor, ... you, ... like, ... the, ... best.

Terserah ... Pilih, rasa, apa, pun, yang, paling, anda, sukai.

Whatever: ... Choose, ... whatever, ... flavor, ... you, ... like, ... the, ... best.
Whatever: ... Choose, ... whatever, ... flavor, ... you, ... like, ... the, ... best.
Whatever, ... Choose whatever flavor you like the best.
Success, ... Failure is the back door to success.

Success, ... Failure is the back door to success.

Success: ... Failure, ... is, ... the, ... back, ... door, ... to, ... success.

Sukses ... Kegagalan, adalah, pintu, belakang, menuju, kesuksesan.

Success: ... Failure, ... is, ... the, ... back, ... door, ... to, ... success.
Success: ... Failure, ... is, ... the, ... back, ... door, ... to, ... success.
Success, ... Failure is the back door to success.
Argue, ... It’s not a good idea to argue with your boss.

Argue, ... It’s not a good idea to argue with your boss.

Argue: ... It’s, ... not, ... a, ... good, ... idea, ... to, ... argue, ... with, ... your, ... boss.

Berdebat ... Bukan, ide, yang, baik, untuk, berdebat, dengan, atasan, anda.

Argue: ... It’s, ... not, ... a, ... good, ... idea, ... to, ... argue, ... with, ... your, ... boss.
Argue: ... It’s, ... not, ... a, ... good, ... idea, ... to, ... argue, ... with, ... your, ... boss.
Argue, ... It’s not a good idea to argue with your boss.
Cup, ... Would you like a cup of coffee?

Cup, ... Would you like a cup of coffee?

Cup: ... Would, ... you, ... like, ... a, ... cup, ... of, ... coffee?

Cangkir ... Apakah, anda, ingin, secangkir, kopi?

Cup: ... Would, ... you, ... like, ... a, ... cup, ... of, ... coffee?
Cup: ... Would, ... you, ... like, ... a, ... cup, ... of, ... coffee?
Cup, ... Would you like a cup of coffee?
Particularly, ... It’s not particularly hot outside, just warm.

Particularly, ... It’s not particularly hot outside, just warm.

Particularly: ... It’s, ... not, ... particularly, ... hot, ... outside, ... just, ... warm.

Khususnya ... Di, luar, tidak, terlalu, panas, hanya, hangat.

Particularly: ... It’s, ... not, ... particularly, ... hot, ... outside, ... just, ... warm.
Particularly: ... It’s, ... not, ... particularly, ... hot, ... outside, ... just, ... warm.
Particularly, ... It’s not particularly hot outside, just warm.
Amount, ... It take a large amount of food to feed an elephant.

Amount, ... It take a large amount of food to feed an elephant.

Amount: ... It, ... take, ... a, ... large, ... amount, ... of, ... food, ... to, ... feed, ... an, ... elephant.

Jumlahnya ... Dibutuhkan, sejumlah, besar, makanan, untuk, memberi, makan, seekor, gajah.

Amount: ... It, ... take, ... a, ... large, ... amount, ... of, ... food, ... to, ... feed, ... an, ... elephant.
Amount: ... It, ... take, ... a, ... large, ... amount, ... of, ... food, ... to, ... feed, ... an, ... elephant.
Amount, ... It take a large amount of food to feed an elephant.
Ability, ... He has the ability to explain things well.

Ability, ... He has the ability to explain things well.

Ability: ... He, ... has, ... the, ... ability, ... to, ... explain, ... things, ... well.

Kemampuan ... Dia, memiliki, kemampuan, untuk, menjelaskan, sesuatu, dengan, baik.

Ability: ... He, ... has, ... the, ... ability, ... to, ... explain, ... things, ... well.
Ability: ... He, ... has, ... the, ... ability, ... to, ... explain, ... things, ... well.
Ability, ... He has the ability to explain things well.
Staff, ... There are five people on staff here.

Staff, ... There are five people on staff here.

Staff: ... There, ... are, ... five, ... people, ... on, ... staff, ... here.

Staf ... Ada, lima, orang, staf, di, sini.

Staff: ... There, ... are, ... five, ... people, ... on, ... staff, ... here.
Staff: ... There, ... are, ... five, ... people, ... on, ... staff, ... here.
Staff, ... There are five people on staff here.
Recognize, ... Do you recognize the person in this photo?

Recognize, ... Do you recognize the person in this photo?

Recognize: ... Do, ... you, ... recognize, ... the, ... person, ... in, ... this, ... photo?

Kenali ... Apakah, anda, mengenali, orang, di, foto, ini?

Recognize: ... Do, ... you, ... recognize, ... the, ... person, ... in, ... this, ... photo?
Recognize: ... Do, ... you, ... recognize, ... the, ... person, ... in, ... this, ... photo?
Recognize, ... Do you recognize the person in this photo?
Indicate, ... Her reply indicated that she understood.

Indicate, ... Her reply indicated that she understood.

Indicate: ... Her, ... reply, ... indicated, ... that, ... she, ... understood.

Tunjukkan ... Jawabannya, menunjukkan, bahwa, dia, mengerti.

Indicate: ... Her, ... reply, ... indicated, ... that, ... she, ... understood.
Indicate: ... Her, ... reply, ... indicated, ... that, ... she, ... understood.
Indicate, ... Her reply indicated that she understood.
Character, ... You can trust people of good character.

Character, ... You can trust people of good character.

Character: ... You, ... can, ... trust, ... people, ... of, ... good, ... character.

Karakter ... Anda, dapat, mempercayai, orang-orang, yang, berkarakter, baik.

Character: ... You, ... can, ... trust, ... people, ... of, ... good, ... character.
Character: ... You, ... can, ... trust, ... people, ... of, ... good, ... character.
Character, ... You can trust people of good character.
Growth, ... The company has seen strong growth this quarter.

Growth, ... The company has seen strong growth this quarter.

Growth: ... The, ... company, ... has, ... seen, ... strong, ... growth, ... this, ... quarter.

Pertumbuhan ... Perusahaan, telah, melihat, pertumbuhan, yang, kuat, pada, kuartal, ini.

Growth: ... The, ... company, ... has, ... seen, ... strong, ... growth, ... this, ... quarter.
Growth: ... The, ... company, ... has, ... seen, ... strong, ... growth, ... this, ... quarter.
Growth, ... The company has seen strong growth this quarter.
Loss, ... The farmer suffered heavy losses after the storm.

Loss, ... The farmer suffered heavy losses after the storm.

Loss: ... The, ... farmer, ... suffered, ... heavy, ... losses, ... after, ... the, ... storm.

Rugi ... Petani, menderita, kerugian, besar, setelah, badai.

Loss: ... The, ... farmer, ... suffered, ... heavy, ... losses, ... after, ... the, ... storm.
Loss: ... The, ... farmer, ... suffered, ... heavy, ... losses, ... after, ... the, ... storm.
Loss, ... The farmer suffered heavy losses after the storm.
Degree, ... Set the oven to 300 degrees.

Degree, ... Set the oven to 300 degrees.

Degree: ... Set, ... the, ... oven, ... to, ... 300, ... degrees.

Derajat ... Atur, oven, ke, 300, derajat.

Degree: ... Set, ... the, ... oven, ... to, ... 300, ... degrees.
Degree: ... Set, ... the, ... oven, ... to, ... 300, ... degrees.
Degree, ... Set the oven to 300 degrees.
Wonder, ... I wonder if the bulls will win the game.

Wonder, ... I wonder if the bulls will win the game.

Wonder: ... I, ... wonder, ... if, ... the, ... bulls, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... game.

Bertanya-tanya ... Aku, ingin, tahu, apakah, banteng, akan, memenangkan, pertandingan.

Wonder: ... I, ... wonder, ... if, ... the, ... bulls, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... game.
Wonder: ... I, ... wonder, ... if, ... the, ... bulls, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... game.
Wonder, ... I wonder if the bulls will win the game.
Attack, ... The army will attack at dawn.

Attack, ... The army will attack at dawn.

Attack: ... The, ... army, ... will, ... attack, ... at, ... dawn.

Serang ... Tentara, akan, menyerang, saat, fajar.

Attack: ... The, ... army, ... will, ... attack, ... at, ... dawn.
Attack: ... The, ... army, ... will, ... attack, ... at, ... dawn.
Attack, ... The army will attack at dawn.
Herself, ... She bought herself a new coat.

Herself, ... She bought herself a new coat.

Herself: ... She, ... bought, ... herself, ... a, ... new, ... coat.

Dirinya, sendiri ... Dia, membeli, mantel, baru, untuk, dirinya, sendiri.

Herself: ... She, ... bought, ... herself, ... a, ... new, ... coat.
Herself: ... She, ... bought, ... herself, ... a, ... new, ... coat.
Herself, ... She bought herself a new coat.
Region, ... What internet services are in your region?

Region, ... What internet services are in your region?

Region: ... What, ... internet, ... services, ... are, ... in, ... your, ... region?

Wilayah ... Layanan, internet, apa, yang, ada, di, wilayah, anda?

Region: ... What, ... internet, ... services, ... are, ... in, ... your, ... region?
Region: ... What, ... internet, ... services, ... are, ... in, ... your, ... region?
Region, ... What internet services are in your region?
Television, ... I don’t watch much television.

Television, ... I don’t watch much television.

Television: ... I, ... don’t, ... watch, ... much, ... television.

Televisi ... Saya, tidak, banyak, menonton, televisi.

Television: ... I, ... don’t, ... watch, ... much, ... television.
Television: ... I, ... don’t, ... watch, ... much, ... television.
Television, ... I don’t watch much television.
Box, ... I packed my dishes in a strong box.

Box, ... I packed my dishes in a strong box.

Box: ... I, ... packed, ... my, ... dishes, ... in, ... a, ... strong, ... box.

Kotak ... Saya, mengemas, piring, saya, dalam, kotak, yang, kuat.

Box: ... I, ... packed, ... my, ... dishes, ... in, ... a, ... strong, ... box.
Box: ... I, ... packed, ... my, ... dishes, ... in, ... a, ... strong, ... box.
Box, ... I packed my dishes in a strong box.
Tv, ... There is a good movie on tv tonight.

Tv, ... There is a good movie on tv tonight.

Tv: ... There, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... movie, ... on, ... tv, ... tonight.

Tv ... Ada, film, bagus, di, tv, malam, ini.

Tv: ... There, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... movie, ... on, ... tv, ... tonight.
Tv: ... There, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... movie, ... on, ... tv, ... tonight.
Tv, ... There is a good movie on tv tonight.
Training, ... The company will pay for your training.

Training, ... The company will pay for your training.

Training: ... The, ... company, ... will, ... pay, ... for, ... your, ... training.

Pelatihan ... Perusahaan, akan, membayar, pelatihan, anda.

Training: ... The, ... company, ... will, ... pay, ... for, ... your, ... training.
Training: ... The, ... company, ... will, ... pay, ... for, ... your, ... training.
Training, ... The company will pay for your training.
Pretty, ... That is a pretty dress.

Pretty, ... That is a pretty dress.

Pretty: ... That, ... is, ... a, ... pretty, ... dress.

Cantik ... Itu, gaun, yang, cantik.

Pretty: ... That, ... is, ... a, ... pretty, ... dress.
Pretty: ... That, ... is, ... a, ... pretty, ... dress.
Pretty, ... That is a pretty dress.
Trade, ... The stock market traded lower today.

Trade, ... The stock market traded lower today.

Trade: ... The, ... stock, ... market, ... traded, ... lower, ... today.

Perdagangan ... Pasar, saham, diperdagangkan, lebih, rendah, hari, ini.

Trade: ... The, ... stock, ... market, ... traded, ... lower, ... today.
Trade: ... The, ... stock, ... market, ... traded, ... lower, ... today.
Trade, ... The stock market traded lower today.
Deal, ... I got a good deal at the store.

Deal, ... I got a good deal at the store.

Deal: ... I, ... got, ... a, ... good, ... deal, ... at, ... the, ... store.

Deal ... Saya, mendapat, banyak, di, toko.

Deal: ... I, ... got, ... a, ... good, ... deal, ... at, ... the, ... store.
Deal: ... I, ... got, ... a, ... good, ... deal, ... at, ... the, ... store.
Deal, ... I got a good deal at the store.
Election, ... Who do you think will win the election?

Election, ... Who do you think will win the election?

Election: ... Who, ... do, ... you, ... think, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... election?

Pemilu ... Menurut, anda, siapa, yang, akan, memenangkan, pemilu?

Election: ... Who, ... do, ... you, ... think, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... election?
Election: ... Who, ... do, ... you, ... think, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... election?
Election, ... Who do you think will win the election?
Everybody, ... Everybody likes ice cream.

Everybody, ... Everybody likes ice cream.

Everybody: ... Everybody, ... likes, ... ice, ... cream.

Semua, orang ... Semua, orang, suka, es, krim.

Everybody: ... Everybody, ... likes, ... ice, ... cream.
Everybody: ... Everybody, ... likes, ... ice, ... cream.
Everybody, ... Everybody likes ice cream.
Physical, ... Keep a physical distance of six feet.

Physical, ... Keep a physical distance of six feet.

Physical: ... Keep, ... a, ... physical, ... distance, ... of, ... six, ... feet.

Fisik ... Jaga, jarak, fisik, enam, kaki.

Physical: ... Keep, ... a, ... physical, ... distance, ... of, ... six, ... feet.
Physical: ... Keep, ... a, ... physical, ... distance, ... of, ... six, ... feet.
Physical, ... Keep a physical distance of six feet.
Lay, ... Lay the baby in her crib, please.

Lay, ... Lay the baby in her crib, please.

Lay: ... Lay, ... the, ... baby, ... in, ... her, ... crib, ... please.

Lay ... Baringkan, bayinya, di, tempat, tidurnya.

Lay: ... Lay, ... the, ... baby, ... in, ... her, ... crib, ... please.
Lay: ... Lay, ... the, ... baby, ... in, ... her, ... crib, ... please.
Lay, ... Lay the baby in her crib, please.
General, ... My general impression of the restaurant was good.

General, ... My general impression of the restaurant was good.

General: ... My, ... general, ... impression, ... of, ... the, ... restaurant, ... was, ... good.

Umum ... Kesan, umum, saya, tentang, restoran, itu, baik.

General: ... My, ... general, ... impression, ... of, ... the, ... restaurant, ... was, ... good.
General: ... My, ... general, ... impression, ... of, ... the, ... restaurant, ... was, ... good.
General, ... My general impression of the restaurant was good.
Feeling, ... I have a good feeling about this.

Feeling, ... I have a good feeling about this.

Feeling: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... good, ... feeling, ... about, ... this.

Perasaan ... Aku, punya, firasat, bagus, tentang, ini.

Feeling: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... good, ... feeling, ... about, ... this.
Feeling: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... good, ... feeling, ... about, ... this.
Feeling, ... I have a good feeling about this.
Standard, ... The standard fee is $10.00.

Standard, ... The standard fee is $10.00.

Standard: ... The, ... standard, ... fee, ... is, ... $10.00.

Standar ... Biaya, standar, adalah, $10,00.

Standard: ... The, ... standard, ... fee, ... is, ... $10.00.
Standard: ... The, ... standard, ... fee, ... is, ... $10.00.
Standard, ... The standard fee is $10.00.
Bill, ... The electrician will send me a bill.

Bill, ... The electrician will send me a bill.

Bill: ... The, ... electrician, ... will, ... send, ... me, ... a, ... bill.

Tagihan ... Tukang, listrik, akan, mengirimi, saya, tagihan.

Bill: ... The, ... electrician, ... will, ... send, ... me, ... a, ... bill.
Bill: ... The, ... electrician, ... will, ... send, ... me, ... a, ... bill.
Bill, ... The electrician will send me a bill.
Message, ... You have a text message on your phone.

Message, ... You have a text message on your phone.

Message: ... You, ... have, ... a, ... text, ... message, ... on, ... your, ... phone.

Pesan ... Anda, memiliki, pesan, teks, di, telepon, anda.

Message: ... You, ... have, ... a, ... text, ... message, ... on, ... your, ... phone.
Message: ... You, ... have, ... a, ... text, ... message, ... on, ... your, ... phone.
Message, ... You have a text message on your phone.
Fail, ... I fail to see what is so funny about that.

Fail, ... I fail to see what is so funny about that.

Fail: ... I, ... fail, ... to, ... see, ... what, ... is, ... so, ... funny, ... about, ... that.

Gagal ... Aku, gagal, melihat, apa, yang, lucu, tentang, itu.

Fail: ... I, ... fail, ... to, ... see, ... what, ... is, ... so, ... funny, ... about, ... that.
Fail: ... I, ... fail, ... to, ... see, ... what, ... is, ... so, ... funny, ... about, ... that.
Fail, ... I fail to see what is so funny about that.
Outside, ... The cat goes outside sometimes.

Outside, ... The cat goes outside sometimes.

Outside: ... The, ... cat, ... goes, ... outside, ... sometimes.

Di, luar ... Kucing, itu, terkadang, keluar.

Outside: ... The, ... cat, ... goes, ... outside, ... sometimes.
Outside: ... The, ... cat, ... goes, ... outside, ... sometimes.
Outside, ... The cat goes outside sometimes.
Arrive, ... When will your plane arrive?

Arrive, ... When will your plane arrive?

Arrive: ... When, ... will, ... your, ... plane, ... arrive?

Tiba ... Kapan, pesawat, anda, tiba?

Arrive: ... When, ... will, ... your, ... plane, ... arrive?
Arrive: ... When, ... will, ... your, ... plane, ... arrive?
Arrive, ... When will your plane arrive?
Analysis, ... I’ll give you my analysis when I’ve seen everything.

Analysis, ... I’ll give you my analysis when I’ve seen everything.

Analysis: ... I’ll, ... give, ... you, ... my, ... analysis, ... when, ... I’ve, ... seen, ... everything.

Analisis ... Saya, akan, memberikan, analisis, saya, setelah, saya, melihat, semuanya.

Analysis: ... I’ll, ... give, ... you, ... my, ... analysis, ... when, ... I’ve, ... seen, ... everything.
Analysis: ... I’ll, ... give, ... you, ... my, ... analysis, ... when, ... I’ve, ... seen, ... everything.
Analysis, ... I’ll give you my analysis when I’ve seen everything.
Benefit, ... There are many health benefits to quinoa.

Benefit, ... There are many health benefits to quinoa.

Benefit: ... There, ... are, ... many, ... health, ... benefits, ... to, ... quinoa.

Manfaat ... Ada, banyak, manfaat, kesehatan, quinoa.

Benefit: ... There, ... are, ... many, ... health, ... benefits, ... to, ... quinoa.
Benefit: ... There, ... are, ... many, ... health, ... benefits, ... to, ... quinoa.
Benefit, ... There are many health benefits to quinoa.
Name, ... What’s your name?

Name, ... What’s your name?

Name: ... What’s, ... your, ... name?

Nama ... Siapa, namamu?

Name: ... What’s, ... your, ... name?
Name: ... What’s, ... your, ... name?
Name, ... What’s your name?
Sex, ... Do you know the sex of your baby yet?

Sex, ... Do you know the sex of your baby yet?

Sex: ... Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... sex, ... of, ... your, ... baby, ... yet?

Jenis, kelamin ... Apakah, anda, sudah, mengetahui, jenis, kelamin, bayi, anda?

Sex: ... Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... sex, ... of, ... your, ... baby, ... yet?
Sex: ... Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... sex, ... of, ... your, ... baby, ... yet?
Sex, ... Do you know the sex of your baby yet?
Forward, ... Move the car forward a few feet.

Forward, ... Move the car forward a few feet.

Forward: ... Move, ... the, ... car, ... forward, ... a, ... few, ... feet.

Maju ... Pindahkan, mobil, ke, depan, beberapa, meter.

Forward: ... Move, ... the, ... car, ... forward, ... a, ... few, ... feet.
Forward: ... Move, ... the, ... car, ... forward, ... a, ... few, ... feet.
Forward, ... Move the car forward a few feet.
Lawyer, ... My lawyer helped me write a will.

Lawyer, ... My lawyer helped me write a will.

Lawyer: ... My, ... lawyer, ... helped, ... me, ... write, ... a, ... will.

Pengacara ... Pengacara, saya, membantu, saya, menulis, surat, wasiat.

Lawyer: ... My, ... lawyer, ... helped, ... me, ... write, ... a, ... will.
Lawyer: ... My, ... lawyer, ... helped, ... me, ... write, ... a, ... will.
Lawyer, ... My lawyer helped me write a will.
Present, ... If everyone is present, the meeting can begin.

Present, ... If everyone is present, the meeting can begin.

Present: ... If, ... everyone, ... is, ... present, ... the, ... meeting, ... can, ... begin.

Hadir ... Jika, semua, orang, hadir, rapat, dapat, dimulai.

Present: ... If, ... everyone, ... is, ... present, ... the, ... meeting, ... can, ... begin.
Present: ... If, ... everyone, ... is, ... present, ... the, ... meeting, ... can, ... begin.
Present, ... If everyone is present, the meeting can begin.
Section, ... What section of the stadium are you sitting in?

Section, ... What section of the stadium are you sitting in?

Section: ... What, ... section, ... of, ... the, ... stadium, ... are, ... you, ... sitting, ... in?

Bagian ... Bagian, mana, dari, stadion, yang, anda, duduki?

Section: ... What, ... section, ... of, ... the, ... stadium, ... are, ... you, ... sitting, ... in?
Section: ... What, ... section, ... of, ... the, ... stadium, ... are, ... you, ... sitting, ... in?
Section, ... What section of the stadium are you sitting in?
Environmental, ... Environmental issues are in the news.

Environmental, ... Environmental issues are in the news.

Environmental: ... Environmental, ... issues, ... are, ... in, ... the, ... news.

Lingkungan ... Isu, lingkungan, menjadi, berita, utama.

Environmental: ... Environmental, ... issues, ... are, ... in, ... the, ... news.
Environmental: ... Environmental, ... issues, ... are, ... in, ... the, ... news.
Environmental, ... Environmental issues are in the news.
Glass, ... Glass is much heavier than plastic.

Glass, ... Glass is much heavier than plastic.

Glass: ... Glass, ... is, ... much, ... heavier, ... than, ... plastic.

Kaca ... Kaca, jauh, lebih, berat, dari, plastik.

Glass: ... Glass, ... is, ... much, ... heavier, ... than, ... plastic.
Glass: ... Glass, ... is, ... much, ... heavier, ... than, ... plastic.
Glass, ... Glass is much heavier than plastic.
Answer, ... Could you answer a question for me?

Answer, ... Could you answer a question for me?

Answer: ... Could, ... you, ... answer, ... a, ... question, ... for, ... me?

Jawab ... Bisakah, anda, menjawab, pertanyaan, untuk, saya?

Answer: ... Could, ... you, ... answer, ... a, ... question, ... for, ... me?
Answer: ... Could, ... you, ... answer, ... a, ... question, ... for, ... me?
Answer, ... Could you answer a question for me?
Skill, ... His best skill is woodworking.

Skill, ... His best skill is woodworking.

Skill: ... His, ... best, ... skill, ... is, ... woodworking.

Skill ... Skill, terbaiknya, adalah, woodworking.

Skill: ... His, ... best, ... skill, ... is, ... woodworking.
Skill: ... His, ... best, ... skill, ... is, ... woodworking.
Skill, ... His best skill is woodworking.
Sister, ... My sister lives close to me.

Sister, ... My sister lives close to me.

Sister: ... My, ... sister, ... lives, ... close, ... to, ... me.

Kakak ... Kakakku, tinggal, dekat, denganku.

Sister: ... My, ... sister, ... lives, ... close, ... to, ... me.
Sister: ... My, ... sister, ... lives, ... close, ... to, ... me.
Sister, ... My sister lives close to me.
Pm, ... The movie starts at 7:30 pm.

Pm, ... The movie starts at 7:30 pm.

Pm: ... The, ... movie, ... starts, ... at, ... 7: ... 30, ... pm.

Pm ... Film, dimulai, pukul, 19 ... 30.

Pm: ... The, ... movie, ... starts, ... at, ... 7: ... 30, ... pm.
Pm: ... The, ... movie, ... starts, ... at, ... 7: ... 30, ... pm.
Pm, ... The movie starts at 7:30 pm.
Professor, ... Dr. Smith is my favorite professor.

Professor, ... Dr. Smith is my favorite professor.

Professor: ... Dr., ... Smith, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... professor.

Profesor ... Dr, smith, adalah, profesor, favorit, saya.

Professor: ... Dr., ... Smith, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... professor.
Professor: ... Dr., ... Smith, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... professor.
Professor, ... Dr. Smith is my favorite professor.
Operation, ... The mining operation employs thousands of people.

Operation, ... The mining operation employs thousands of people.

Operation: ... The, ... mining, ... operation, ... employs, ... thousands, ... of, ... people.

Operasi ... Operasi, penambangan, mempekerjakan, ribuan, orang.

Operation: ... The, ... mining, ... operation, ... employs, ... thousands, ... of, ... people.
Operation: ... The, ... mining, ... operation, ... employs, ... thousands, ... of, ... people.
Operation, ... The mining operation employs thousands of people.
Financial, ... I keep my accounts at my financial institution.

Financial, ... I keep my accounts at my financial institution.

Financial: ... I, ... keep, ... my, ... accounts, ... at, ... my, ... financial, ... institution.

Keuangan ... Saya, menyimpan, rekening, saya, di, lembaga, keuangan, saya.

Financial: ... I, ... keep, ... my, ... accounts, ... at, ... my, ... financial, ... institution.
Financial: ... I, ... keep, ... my, ... accounts, ... at, ... my, ... financial, ... institution.
Financial, ... I keep my accounts at my financial institution.
Crime, ... The police fight crime.

Crime, ... The police fight crime.

Crime: ... The, ... police, ... fight, ... crime.

Kejahatan ... Polisi, memerangi, kejahatan.

Crime: ... The, ... police, ... fight, ... crime.
Crime: ... The, ... police, ... fight, ... crime.
Crime, ... The police fight crime.
Stage, ... A caterpillar is the larval stage of a butterfly.

Stage, ... A caterpillar is the larval stage of a butterfly.

Stage: ... A, ... caterpillar, ... is, ... the, ... larval, ... stage, ... of, ... a, ... butterfly.

Tahap ... Ulat, adalah, tahap, larva, kupu-kupu.

Stage: ... A, ... caterpillar, ... is, ... the, ... larval, ... stage, ... of, ... a, ... butterfly.
Stage: ... A, ... caterpillar, ... is, ... the, ... larval, ... stage, ... of, ... a, ... butterfly.
Stage, ... A caterpillar is the larval stage of a butterfly.
Ok, ... Would it be ok to eat out tonight?

Ok, ... Would it be ok to eat out tonight?

Ok: ... Would, ... it, ... be, ... ok, ... to, ... eat, ... out, ... tonight?

Oke ... Apakah, boleh, makan, di, luar, malam, ini?

Ok: ... Would, ... it, ... be, ... ok, ... to, ... eat, ... out, ... tonight?
Ok: ... Would, ... it, ... be, ... ok, ... to, ... eat, ... out, ... tonight?
Ok, ... Would it be ok to eat out tonight?
Compare, ... We should compare cars before we buy one.

Compare, ... We should compare cars before we buy one.

Compare: ... We, ... should, ... compare, ... cars, ... before, ... we, ... buy, ... one.

Bandingkan ... Kita, harus, membandingkan, mobil, sebelum, membelinya.

Compare: ... We, ... should, ... compare, ... cars, ... before, ... we, ... buy, ... one.
Compare: ... We, ... should, ... compare, ... cars, ... before, ... we, ... buy, ... one.
Compare, ... We should compare cars before we buy one.
Authority, ... City authorities make the local laws.

Authority, ... City authorities make the local laws.

Authority: ... City, ... authorities, ... make, ... the, ... local, ... laws.

Otoritas ... Otoritas, kota, membuat, undang-undang, setempat.

Authority: ... City, ... authorities, ... make, ... the, ... local, ... laws.
Authority: ... City, ... authorities, ... make, ... the, ... local, ... laws.
Authority, ... City authorities make the local laws.
Miss, ... I miss you, when will I see you again?

Miss, ... I miss you, when will I see you again?

Miss: ... I, ... miss, ... you, ... when, ... will, ... I, ... see, ... you, ... again?

Nona ... Aku, merindukanmu, kapan, aku, akan, melihatmu, lagi?

Miss: ... I, ... miss, ... you, ... when, ... will, ... I, ... see, ... you, ... again?
Miss: ... I, ... miss, ... you, ... when, ... will, ... I, ... see, ... you, ... again?
Miss, ... I miss you, when will I see you again?
Design, ... We need to design a new logo.

Design, ... We need to design a new logo.

Design: ... We, ... need, ... to, ... design, ... a, ... new, ... logo.

Desain ... Kita, perlu, mendesain, logo, baru.

Design: ... We, ... need, ... to, ... design, ... a, ... new, ... logo.
Design: ... We, ... need, ... to, ... design, ... a, ... new, ... logo.
Design, ... We need to design a new logo.
Sort, ... Let’s sort these beads according to color.

Sort, ... Let’s sort these beads according to color.

Sort: ... Let’s, ... sort, ... these, ... beads, ... according, ... to, ... color.

Sortir ... Mari, kita, urutkan, manik-manik, ini, menurut, warnanya.

Sort: ... Let’s, ... sort, ... these, ... beads, ... according, ... to, ... color.
Sort: ... Let’s, ... sort, ... these, ... beads, ... according, ... to, ... color.
Sort, ... Let’s sort these beads according to color.
One, ... I only have one cat.

One, ... I only have one cat.

One: ... I, ... only, ... have, ... one, ... cat.

Satu ... Saya, hanya, punya, satu, kucing.

One: ... I, ... only, ... have, ... one, ... cat.
One: ... I, ... only, ... have, ... one, ... cat.
One, ... I only have one cat.
Act, ... I’ll act on your information today.

Act, ... I’ll act on your information today.

Act: ... I’ll, ... act, ... on, ... your, ... information, ... today.

Bertindak ... Saya, akan, bertindak, berdasarkan, informasi, anda, hari, ini.

Act: ... I’ll, ... act, ... on, ... your, ... information, ... today.
Act: ... I’ll, ... act, ... on, ... your, ... information, ... today.
Act, ... I’ll act on your information today.
Ten, ... The baby counted her ten toes.

Ten, ... The baby counted her ten toes.

Ten: ... The, ... baby, ... counted, ... her, ... ten, ... toes.

Sepuluh ... Bayi, itu, menghitung, sepuluh, jari, kakinya.

Ten: ... The, ... baby, ... counted, ... her, ... ten, ... toes.
Ten: ... The, ... baby, ... counted, ... her, ... ten, ... toes.
Ten, ... The baby counted her ten toes.
Knowledge, ... Do you have the knowledge to fix that?

Knowledge, ... Do you have the knowledge to fix that?

Knowledge: ... Do, ... you, ... have, ... the, ... knowledge, ... to, ... fix, ... that?

Pengetahuan ... Apakah, anda, memiliki, pengetahuan, untuk, memperbaikinya?

Knowledge: ... Do, ... you, ... have, ... the, ... knowledge, ... to, ... fix, ... that?
Knowledge: ... Do, ... you, ... have, ... the, ... knowledge, ... to, ... fix, ... that?
Knowledge, ... Do you have the knowledge to fix that?
Gun, ... Gun ownership is a controversial topic.

Gun, ... Gun ownership is a controversial topic.

Gun: ... Gun, ... ownership, ... is, ... a, ... controversial, ... topic.

Senjata ... Kepemilikan, senjata, adalah, topik, yang, kontroversial.

Gun: ... Gun, ... ownership, ... is, ... a, ... controversial, ... topic.
Gun: ... Gun, ... ownership, ... is, ... a, ... controversial, ... topic.
Gun, ... Gun ownership is a controversial topic.
Station, ... There is a train station close to my house.

Station, ... There is a train station close to my house.

Station: ... There, ... is, ... a, ... train, ... station, ... close, ... to, ... my, ... house.

Stasiun ... Ada, stasiun, kereta, api, di, dekat, rumah, saya.

Station: ... There, ... is, ... a, ... train, ... station, ... close, ... to, ... my, ... house.
Station: ... There, ... is, ... a, ... train, ... station, ... close, ... to, ... my, ... house.
Station, ... There is a train station close to my house.
Blue, ... My favorite color is blue.

Blue, ... My favorite color is blue.

Blue: ... My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.

Biru ... Warna, favorit, saya, adalah, biru.

Blue: ... My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.
Blue: ... My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.
Blue, ... My favorite color is blue.
State, ... After the accident I was in a state of shock.

State, ... After the accident I was in a state of shock.

State: ... After, ... the, ... accident, ... I, ... was, ... in, ... a, ... state, ... of, ... shock.

Negara ... Setelah, kecelakaan, saya, dalam, keadaan, shock.

State: ... After, ... the, ... accident, ... I, ... was, ... in, ... a, ... state, ... of, ... shock.
State: ... After, ... the, ... accident, ... I, ... was, ... in, ... a, ... state, ... of, ... shock.
State, ... After the accident I was in a state of shock.
Strategy, ... Our new corporate strategy is written here.

Strategy, ... Our new corporate strategy is written here.

Strategy: ... Our, ... new, ... corporate, ... strategy, ... is, ... written, ... here.

Strategi ... Strategi, perusahaan, baru, kami, tertulis, di, sini.

Strategy: ... Our, ... new, ... corporate, ... strategy, ... is, ... written, ... here.
Strategy: ... Our, ... new, ... corporate, ... strategy, ... is, ... written, ... here.
Strategy, ... Our new corporate strategy is written here.
Little, ... I prefer little cars.

Little, ... I prefer little cars.

Little: ... I, ... prefer, ... little, ... cars.

Sedikit ... Saya, lebih, suka, mobil, kecil.

Little: ... I, ... prefer, ... little, ... cars.
Little: ... I, ... prefer, ... little, ... cars.
Little, ... I prefer little cars.
Clearly, ... The instructions were clearly written.

Clearly, ... The instructions were clearly written.

Clearly: ... The, ... instructions, ... were, ... clearly, ... written.

Jelas ... Instruksi, ditulis, dengan, jelas.

Clearly: ... The, ... instructions, ... were, ... clearly, ... written.
Clearly: ... The, ... instructions, ... were, ... clearly, ... written.
Clearly, ... The instructions were clearly written.
Discuss, ... We’ll discuss that at the meeting.

Discuss, ... We’ll discuss that at the meeting.

Discuss: ... We’ll, ... discuss, ... that, ... at, ... the, ... meeting.

Diskusikan ... Kami, akan, membahasnya, di, rapat.

Discuss: ... We’ll, ... discuss, ... that, ... at, ... the, ... meeting.
Discuss: ... We’ll, ... discuss, ... that, ... at, ... the, ... meeting.
Discuss, ... We’ll discuss that at the meeting.
Indeed, ... Your mother does indeed have hearing loss.

Indeed, ... Your mother does indeed have hearing loss.

Indeed: ... Your, ... mother, ... does, ... indeed, ... have, ... hearing, ... loss.

Memang ... Ibumu, memang, memiliki, gangguan, pendengaran.

Indeed: ... Your, ... mother, ... does, ... indeed, ... have, ... hearing, ... loss.
Indeed: ... Your, ... mother, ... does, ... indeed, ... have, ... hearing, ... loss.
Indeed, ... Your mother does indeed have hearing loss.
Force, ... It takes a lot of force to open that door.

Force, ... It takes a lot of force to open that door.

Force: ... It, ... takes, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... force, ... to, ... open, ... that, ... door.

Paksa ... Dibutuhkan, banyak, tenaga, untuk, membuka, pintu, itu.

Force: ... It, ... takes, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... force, ... to, ... open, ... that, ... door.
Force: ... It, ... takes, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... force, ... to, ... open, ... that, ... door.
Force, ... It takes a lot of force to open that door.
Truth, ... Please tell me the truth.

Truth, ... Please tell me the truth.

Truth: ... Please, ... tell, ... me, ... the, ... truth.

Kebenaran ... Tolong, katakan, yang, sebenarnya.

Truth: ... Please, ... tell, ... me, ... the, ... truth.
Truth: ... Please, ... tell, ... me, ... the, ... truth.
Truth, ... Please tell me the truth.
Song, ... That’s a beautiful song.

Song, ... That’s a beautiful song.

Song: ... That’s, ... a, ... beautiful, ... song.

Lagu ... Itu, lagu, yang, indah.

Song: ... That’s, ... a, ... beautiful, ... song.
Song: ... That’s, ... a, ... beautiful, ... song.
Song, ... That’s a beautiful song.
Example, ... I need an example of that grammar point, please.

Example, ... I need an example of that grammar point, please.

Example: ... I, ... need, ... an, ... example, ... of, ... that, ... grammar, ... point, ... please.

Contoh ... Saya, butuh, contoh, dari, poin, tata, bahasa, itu, tolong.

Example: ... I, ... need, ... an, ... example, ... of, ... that, ... grammar, ... point, ... please.
Example: ... I, ... need, ... an, ... example, ... of, ... that, ... grammar, ... point, ... please.
Example, ... I need an example of that grammar point, please.
Democratic, ... Does australia have a democratic government?

Democratic, ... Does australia have a democratic government?

Democratic: ... Does, ... australia, ... have, ... a, ... democratic, ... government?

Demokrat ... Apakah, australia, memiliki, pemerintahan, yang, demokratis?

Democratic: ... Does, ... australia, ... have, ... a, ... democratic, ... government?
Democratic: ... Does, ... australia, ... have, ... a, ... democratic, ... government?
Democratic, ... Does australia have a democratic government?
Check, ... Please check my work to be sure it’s correct.

Check, ... Please check my work to be sure it’s correct.

Check: ... Please, ... check, ... my, ... work, ... to, ... be, ... sure, ... it’s, ... correct.

Periksa ... Silakan, periksa, pekerjaan, saya, untuk, memastikan, itu, benar.

Check: ... Please, ... check, ... my, ... work, ... to, ... be, ... sure, ... it’s, ... correct.
Check: ... Please, ... check, ... my, ... work, ... to, ... be, ... sure, ... it’s, ... correct.
Check, ... Please check my work to be sure it’s correct.
Environment, ... We live in a healthy environment.

Environment, ... We live in a healthy environment.

Environment: ... We, ... live, ... in, ... a, ... healthy, ... environment.

Lingkungan ... Kita, hidup, dalam, lingkungan, yang, sehat.

Environment: ... We, ... live, ... in, ... a, ... healthy, ... environment.
Environment: ... We, ... live, ... in, ... a, ... healthy, ... environment.
Environment, ... We live in a healthy environment.
Leg, ... The boy broke his leg.

Leg, ... The boy broke his leg.

Leg: ... The, ... boy, ... broke, ... his, ... leg.

Kaki ... Anak, itu, patah, kakinya.

Leg: ... The, ... boy, ... broke, ... his, ... leg.
Leg: ... The, ... boy, ... broke, ... his, ... leg.
Leg, ... The boy broke his leg.
Dark, ... Turn on the light, it’s dark in here.

Dark, ... Turn on the light, it’s dark in here.

Dark: ... Turn, ... on, ... the, ... light, ... it’s, ... dark, ... in, ... here.

Gelap ... Nyalakan, lampu, di, sini, gelap.

Dark: ... Turn, ... on, ... the, ... light, ... it’s, ... dark, ... in, ... here.
Dark: ... Turn, ... on, ... the, ... light, ... it’s, ... dark, ... in, ... here.
Dark, ... Turn on the light, it’s dark in here.
Public, ... Masks must be worn in public places.

Public, ... Masks must be worn in public places.

Public: ... Masks, ... must, ... be, ... worn, ... in, ... public, ... places.

Publik ... Masker, harus, dipakai, di, tempat, umum.

Public: ... Masks, ... must, ... be, ... worn, ... in, ... public, ... places.
Public: ... Masks, ... must, ... be, ... worn, ... in, ... public, ... places.
Public, ... Masks must be worn in public places.
Various, ... That rug comes in various shades of gray.

Various, ... That rug comes in various shades of gray.

Various: ... That, ... rug, ... comes, ... in, ... various, ... shades, ... of, ... gray.

Beragam ... Karpet, itu, hadir, dalam, berbagai, warna, abu-abu.

Various: ... That, ... rug, ... comes, ... in, ... various, ... shades, ... of, ... gray.
Various: ... That, ... rug, ... comes, ... in, ... various, ... shades, ... of, ... gray.
Various, ... That rug comes in various shades of gray.
Rather, ... Would you rather have a hamburger than a hot dog?

Rather, ... Would you rather have a hamburger than a hot dog?

Rather: ... Would, ... you, ... rather, ... have, ... a, ... hamburger, ... than, ... a, ... hot, ... dog?

Sebaliknya ... Apakah, anda, lebih, suka, makan, hamburger, daripada, hot, dog?

Rather: ... Would, ... you, ... rather, ... have, ... a, ... hamburger, ... than, ... a, ... hot, ... dog?
Rather: ... Would, ... you, ... rather, ... have, ... a, ... hamburger, ... than, ... a, ... hot, ... dog?
Rather, ... Would you rather have a hamburger than a hot dog?
Laugh, ... That movie always makes me laugh.

Laugh, ... That movie always makes me laugh.

Laugh: ... That, ... movie, ... always, ... makes, ... me, ... laugh.

Tertawa ... Film, itu, selalu, membuatku, tertawa.

Laugh: ... That, ... movie, ... always, ... makes, ... me, ... laugh.
Laugh: ... That, ... movie, ... always, ... makes, ... me, ... laugh.
Laugh, ... That movie always makes me laugh.
Guess, ... If you don’t know, just guess.

Guess, ... If you don’t know, just guess.

Guess: ... If, ... you, ... don’t, ... know, ... just, ... guess.

Tebak ... Jika, anda, tidak, tahu, tebak, saja.

Guess: ... If, ... you, ... don’t, ... know, ... just, ... guess.
Guess: ... If, ... you, ... don’t, ... know, ... just, ... guess.
Guess, ... If you don’t know, just guess.
Executive, ... The company’s executives are paid well.

Executive, ... The company’s executives are paid well.

Executive: ... The, ... company’s, ... executives, ... are, ... paid, ... well.

Eksekutif ... Para, eksekutif, perusahaan, dibayar, dengan, baik.

Executive: ... The, ... company’s, ... executives, ... are, ... paid, ... well.
Executive: ... The, ... company’s, ... executives, ... are, ... paid, ... well.
Executive, ... The company’s executives are paid well.
Set, ... Set the glass on the table, please.

Set, ... Set the glass on the table, please.

Set: ... Set, ... the, ... glass, ... on, ... the, ... table, ... please.

Atur ... Tolong, letakkan, gelas, di, atas, meja.

Set: ... Set, ... the, ... glass, ... on, ... the, ... table, ... please.
Set: ... Set, ... the, ... glass, ... on, ... the, ... table, ... please.
Set, ... Set the glass on the table, please.
Study, ... He needs to study for the test.

Study, ... He needs to study for the test.

Study: ... He, ... needs, ... to, ... study, ... for, ... the, ... test.

Belajar ... Dia, perlu, belajar, untuk, ujian.

Study: ... He, ... needs, ... to, ... study, ... for, ... the, ... test.
Study: ... He, ... needs, ... to, ... study, ... for, ... the, ... test.
Study, ... He needs to study for the test.
Prove, ... The employee proved his worth.

Prove, ... The employee proved his worth.

Prove: ... The, ... employee, ... proved, ... his, ... worth.

Buktikan ... Karyawan, itu, membuktikan, nilainya.

Prove: ... The, ... employee, ... proved, ... his, ... worth.
Prove: ... The, ... employee, ... proved, ... his, ... worth.
Prove, ... The employee proved his worth.
Hang, ... Please hang your coat on the hook.

Hang, ... Please hang your coat on the hook.

Hang: ... Please, ... hang, ... your, ... coat, ... on, ... the, ... hook.

Gantung ... Tolong, gantung, mantelmu, di, pengait.

Hang: ... Please, ... hang, ... your, ... coat, ... on, ... the, ... hook.
Hang: ... Please, ... hang, ... your, ... coat, ... on, ... the, ... hook.
Hang, ... Please hang your coat on the hook.
Entire, ... He ate the entire meal in 10 minutes.

Entire, ... He ate the entire meal in 10 minutes.

Entire: ... He, ... ate, ... the, ... entire, ... meal, ... in, ... 10, ... minutes.

Seluruhnya ... Dia, menghabiskan, seluruh, makanan, dalam, 10, menit.

Entire: ... He, ... ate, ... the, ... entire, ... meal, ... in, ... 10, ... minutes.
Entire: ... He, ... ate, ... the, ... entire, ... meal, ... in, ... 10, ... minutes.
Entire, ... He ate the entire meal in 10 minutes.
Rock, ... There are decorative rocks in the garden.

Rock, ... There are decorative rocks in the garden.

Rock: ... There, ... are, ... decorative, ... rocks, ... in, ... the, ... garden.

Batu ... Ada, batu, hias, di, taman.

Rock: ... There, ... are, ... decorative, ... rocks, ... in, ... the, ... garden.
Rock: ... There, ... are, ... decorative, ... rocks, ... in, ... the, ... garden.
Rock, ... There are decorative rocks in the garden.
Design, ... The windows don’t open by design.

Design, ... The windows don’t open by design.

Design: ... The, ... windows, ... don’t, ... open, ... by, ... design.

Desain ... Jendela, tidak, terbuka, karena, desain.

Design: ... The, ... windows, ... don’t, ... open, ... by, ... design.
Design: ... The, ... windows, ... don’t, ... open, ... by, ... design.
Design, ... The windows don’t open by design.
Enough, ... Have you had enough coffee?

Enough, ... Have you had enough coffee?

Enough: ... Have, ... you, ... had, ... enough, ... coffee?

Cukup ... Apakah, anda, sudah, cukup, kopi?

Enough: ... Have, ... you, ... had, ... enough, ... coffee?
Enough: ... Have, ... you, ... had, ... enough, ... coffee?
Enough, ... Have you had enough coffee?
Forget, ... Don’t forget to stop at the store.

Forget, ... Don’t forget to stop at the store.

Forget: ... Don’t, ... forget, ... to, ... stop, ... at, ... the, ... store.

Lupakan ... Jangan, lupa, mampir, ke, toko.

Forget: ... Don’t, ... forget, ... to, ... stop, ... at, ... the, ... store.
Forget: ... Don’t, ... forget, ... to, ... stop, ... at, ... the, ... store.
Forget, ... Don’t forget to stop at the store.
Since, ... She hasn’t eaten since yesterday.

Since, ... She hasn’t eaten since yesterday.

Since: ... She, ... hasn’t, ... eaten, ... since, ... yesterday.

Sejak ... Dia, belum, makan, sejak, kemarin.

Since: ... She, ... hasn’t, ... eaten, ... since, ... yesterday.
Since: ... She, ... hasn’t, ... eaten, ... since, ... yesterday.
Since, ... She hasn’t eaten since yesterday.
Claim, ... I made an insurance claim for my car accident.

Claim, ... I made an insurance claim for my car accident.

Claim: ... I, ... made, ... an, ... insurance, ... claim, ... for, ... my, ... car, ... accident.

Klaim ... Saya, membuat, klaim, asuransi, untuk, kecelakaan, mobil, saya.

Claim: ... I, ... made, ... an, ... insurance, ... claim, ... for, ... my, ... car, ... accident.
Claim: ... I, ... made, ... an, ... insurance, ... claim, ... for, ... my, ... car, ... accident.
Claim, ... I made an insurance claim for my car accident.
Note, ... Leave me a note if you’re going to be late.

Note, ... Leave me a note if you’re going to be late.

Note: ... Leave, ... me, ... a, ... note, ... if, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... late.

Catatan ... Tinggalkan, saya, catatan, jika, anda, akan, terlambat.

Note: ... Leave, ... me, ... a, ... note, ... if, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... late.
Note: ... Leave, ... me, ... a, ... note, ... if, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... late.
Note, ... Leave me a note if you’re going to be late.
Remove, ... Remove the cookies from the oven.

Remove, ... Remove the cookies from the oven.

Remove: ... Remove, ... the, ... cookies, ... from, ... the, ... oven.

Keluarkan ... Keluarkan, kue, dari, oven.

Remove: ... Remove, ... the, ... cookies, ... from, ... the, ... oven.
Remove: ... Remove, ... the, ... cookies, ... from, ... the, ... oven.
Remove, ... Remove the cookies from the oven.
Manager, ... The manager will look at your application.

Manager, ... The manager will look at your application.

Manager: ... The, ... manager, ... will, ... look, ... at, ... your, ... application.

Manajer ... Manajer, akan, melihat, aplikasi, anda.

Manager: ... The, ... manager, ... will, ... look, ... at, ... your, ... application.
Manager: ... The, ... manager, ... will, ... look, ... at, ... your, ... application.
Manager, ... The manager will look at your application.
Help, ... Could you help me move this table?

Help, ... Could you help me move this table?

Help: ... Could, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... move, ... this, ... table?

Tolong ... Bisakah, anda, membantu, saya, memindahkan, meja, ini?

Help: ... Could, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... move, ... this, ... table?
Help: ... Could, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... move, ... this, ... table?
Help, ... Could you help me move this table?
Close, ... Close the door, please.

Close, ... Close the door, please.

Close: ... Close, ... the, ... door, ... please.

Tutup ... Tutup, pintunya, tolong.

Close: ... Close, ... the, ... door, ... please.
Close: ... Close, ... the, ... door, ... please.
Close, ... Close the door, please.
Sound, ... The dog did not make a sound.

Sound, ... The dog did not make a sound.

Sound: ... The, ... dog, ... did, ... not, ... make, ... a, ... sound.

Suara ... Anjing, itu, tidak, bersuara.

Sound: ... The, ... dog, ... did, ... not, ... make, ... a, ... sound.
Sound: ... The, ... dog, ... did, ... not, ... make, ... a, ... sound.
Sound, ... The dog did not make a sound.
Enjoy, ... I enjoy soda.

Enjoy, ... I enjoy soda.

Enjoy: ... I, ... enjoy, ... soda.

Nikmati ... Saya, menikmati, soda.

Enjoy: ... I, ... enjoy, ... soda.
Enjoy: ... I, ... enjoy, ... soda.
Enjoy, ... I enjoy soda.
Network, ... Band is the name of our internet network.

Network, ... Band is the name of our internet network.

Network: ... Band, ... is, ... the, ... name, ... of, ... our, ... internet, ... network.

Jaringan ... Band, adalah, nama, jaringan, internet, kita.

Network: ... Band, ... is, ... the, ... name, ... of, ... our, ... internet, ... network.
Network: ... Band, ... is, ... the, ... name, ... of, ... our, ... internet, ... network.
Network, ... Band is the name of our internet network.
Legal, ... The legal documents need to be signed.

Legal, ... The legal documents need to be signed.

Legal: ... The, ... legal, ... documents, ... need, ... to, ... be, ... signed.

Legal ... Dokumen, legal, harus, ditandatangani.

Legal: ... The, ... legal, ... documents, ... need, ... to, ... be, ... signed.
Legal: ... The, ... legal, ... documents, ... need, ... to, ... be, ... signed.
Legal, ... The legal documents need to be signed.
Religious, ... She is very religious, she attends church weekly.

Religious, ... She is very religious, she attends church weekly.

Religious: ... She, ... is, ... very, ... religious, ... she, ... attends, ... church, ... weekly.

Religius ... Dia, sangat, religius, dia, menghadiri, gereja, setiap, minggu.

Religious: ... She, ... is, ... very, ... religious, ... she, ... attends, ... church, ... weekly.
Religious: ... She, ... is, ... very, ... religious, ... she, ... attends, ... church, ... weekly.
Religious, ... She is very religious, she attends church weekly.
Cold, ... My feet are cold.

Cold, ... My feet are cold.

Cold: ... My, ... feet, ... are, ... cold.

Dingin ... Kakiku, dingin.

Cold: ... My, ... feet, ... are, ... cold.
Cold: ... My, ... feet, ... are, ... cold.
Cold, ... My feet are cold.
Form, ... Please fill out this application form.

Form, ... Please fill out this application form.

Form: ... Please, ... fill, ... out, ... this, ... application, ... form.

Formulir ... Silakan, isi, formulir, aplikasi, ini.

Form: ... Please, ... fill, ... out, ... this, ... application, ... form.
Form: ... Please, ... fill, ... out, ... this, ... application, ... form.
Form, ... Please fill out this application form.
Final, ... The divorce was final last month.

Final, ... The divorce was final last month.

Final: ... The, ... divorce, ... was, ... final, ... last, ... month.

Final ... Perceraian, itu, final, bulan, lalu.

Final: ... The, ... divorce, ... was, ... final, ... last, ... month.
Final: ... The, ... divorce, ... was, ... final, ... last, ... month.
Final, ... The divorce was final last month.
Main, ... The main problem is a lack of money.

Main, ... The main problem is a lack of money.

Main: ... The, ... main, ... problem, ... is, ... a, ... lack, ... of, ... money.

Utama ... Masalah, utama, adalah, kekurangan, uang.

Main: ... The, ... main, ... problem, ... is, ... a, ... lack, ... of, ... money.
Main: ... The, ... main, ... problem, ... is, ... a, ... lack, ... of, ... money.
Main, ... The main problem is a lack of money.
Science, ... He studies health science at the university.

Science, ... He studies health science at the university.

Science: ... He, ... studies, ... health, ... science, ... at, ... the, ... university.

Sains ... Dia, belajar, ilmu, kesehatan, di, universitas.

Science: ... He, ... studies, ... health, ... science, ... at, ... the, ... university.
Science: ... He, ... studies, ... health, ... science, ... at, ... the, ... university.
Science, ... He studies health science at the university.
Green, ... The grass is green.

Green, ... The grass is green.

Green: ... The, ... grass, ... is, ... green.

Hijau ... Rumputnya, hijau.

Green: ... The, ... grass, ... is, ... green.
Green: ... The, ... grass, ... is, ... green.
Green, ... The grass is green.
Memory, ... He has a good memory.

Memory, ... He has a good memory.

Memory: ... He, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... memory.

Memori ... Dia, memiliki, ingatan, yang, baik.

Memory: ... He, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... memory.
Memory: ... He, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... memory.
Memory, ... He has a good memory.
Card, ... They sent me a card for my birthday.

Card, ... They sent me a card for my birthday.

Card: ... They, ... sent, ... me, ... a, ... card, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.

Kartu ... Mereka, mengirimi, saya, kartu, untuk, ulang, tahun, saya.

Card: ... They, ... sent, ... me, ... a, ... card, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.
Card: ... They, ... sent, ... me, ... a, ... card, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.
Card, ... They sent me a card for my birthday.
Above, ... Look on the shelf above the sink.

Above, ... Look on the shelf above the sink.

Above: ... Look, ... on, ... the, ... shelf, ... above, ... the, ... sink.

Di, atas ... Lihat, di, rak, di, atas, wastafel.

Above: ... Look, ... on, ... the, ... shelf, ... above, ... the, ... sink.
Above: ... Look, ... on, ... the, ... shelf, ... above, ... the, ... sink.
Above, ... Look on the shelf above the sink.
Seat, ... That’s a comfortable seat.

Seat, ... That’s a comfortable seat.

Seat: ... That’s, ... a, ... comfortable, ... seat.

Kursi ... Itu, kursi, yang, nyaman.

Seat: ... That’s, ... a, ... comfortable, ... seat.
Seat: ... That’s, ... a, ... comfortable, ... seat.
Seat, ... That’s a comfortable seat.
Cell, ... Your body is made of millions of cells.

Cell, ... Your body is made of millions of cells.

Cell: ... Your, ... body, ... is, ... made, ... of, ... millions, ... of, ... cells.

Sel ... Tubuh, anda, terbuat, dari, jutaan, sel.

Cell: ... Your, ... body, ... is, ... made, ... of, ... millions, ... of, ... cells.
Cell: ... Your, ... body, ... is, ... made, ... of, ... millions, ... of, ... cells.
Cell, ... Your body is made of millions of cells.
Establish, ... They established their business in 1942.

Establish, ... They established their business in 1942.

Establish: ... They, ... established, ... their, ... business, ... in, ... 1942.

Mendirikan ... Mereka, mendirikan, bisnis, mereka, pada, tahun, 1942.

Establish: ... They, ... established, ... their, ... business, ... in, ... 1942.
Establish: ... They, ... established, ... their, ... business, ... in, ... 1942.
Establish, ... They established their business in 1942.
Nice, ... That’s a very nice car.

Nice, ... That’s a very nice car.

Nice: ... That’s, ... a, ... very, ... nice, ... car.

Bagus ... Itu, mobil, yang, sangat, bagus.

Nice: ... That’s, ... a, ... very, ... nice, ... car.
Nice: ... That’s, ... a, ... very, ... nice, ... car.
Nice, ... That’s a very nice car.
Trial, ... They are employing her on a trial basis.

Trial, ... They are employing her on a trial basis.

Trial: ... They, ... are, ... employing, ... her, ... on, ... a, ... trial, ... basis.

Percobaan ... Mereka, mempekerjakan, dia, atas, dasar, percobaan.

Trial: ... They, ... are, ... employing, ... her, ... on, ... a, ... trial, ... basis.
Trial: ... They, ... are, ... employing, ... her, ... on, ... a, ... trial, ... basis.
Trial, ... They are employing her on a trial basis.
Expert, ... Matt is an it expert.

Expert, ... Matt is an it expert.

Expert: ... Matt, ... is, ... an, ... it, ... expert.

Pakar ... Matt, adalah, ahlinya.

Expert: ... Matt, ... is, ... an, ... it, ... expert.
Expert: ... Matt, ... is, ... an, ... it, ... expert.
Expert, ... Matt is an it expert.
That, ... Did you see that movie?

That, ... Did you see that movie?

That: ... Did, ... you, ... see, ... that, ... movie?

Itu ... Apakah, anda, melihat, film, itu?

That: ... Did, ... you, ... see, ... that, ... movie?
That: ... Did, ... you, ... see, ... that, ... movie?
That, ... Did you see that movie?
Spring, ... Spring is the most beautiful season.

Spring, ... Spring is the most beautiful season.

Spring: ... Spring, ... is, ... the, ... most, ... beautiful, ... season.

Musim, semi ... Musim, semi, adalah, musim, yang, paling, indah.

Spring: ... Spring, ... is, ... the, ... most, ... beautiful, ... season.
Spring: ... Spring, ... is, ... the, ... most, ... beautiful, ... season.
Spring, ... Spring is the most beautiful season.
Firm, ... Her ‘no ... Was very firm, she won’t change her mind.

Firm, ... Her ‘no ... Was very firm, she won’t change her mind.

Firm: ... Her, ... ‘no ... , ... Was, ... very, ... firm, ... she, ... won’t, ... change, ... her, ... mind.

Tegas ... Dia, 'tidak ..., sangat, tegas, dia, tidak, akan, berubah, pikiran.

Firm: ... Her, ... ‘no ... , ... Was, ... very, ... firm, ... she, ... won’t, ... change, ... her, ... mind.
Firm: ... Her, ... ‘no ... , ... Was, ... very, ... firm, ... she, ... won’t, ... change, ... her, ... mind.
Firm, ... Her ‘no ... Was very firm, she won’t change her mind.
Democrat, ... The democrats control the senate.

Democrat, ... The democrats control the senate.

Democrat: ... The, ... democrats, ... control, ... the, ... senate.

Demokrat ... Demokrat, mengendalikan, senat.

Democrat: ... The, ... democrats, ... control, ... the, ... senate.
Democrat: ... The, ... democrats, ... control, ... the, ... senate.
Democrat, ... The democrats control the senate.
Radio, ... I listen to the radio in the car.

Radio, ... I listen to the radio in the car.

Radio: ... I, ... listen, ... to, ... the, ... radio, ... in, ... the, ... car.

Radio ... Saya, mendengarkan, radio, di, dalam, mobil.

Radio: ... I, ... listen, ... to, ... the, ... radio, ... in, ... the, ... car.
Radio: ... I, ... listen, ... to, ... the, ... radio, ... in, ... the, ... car.
Radio, ... I listen to the radio in the car.
Visit, ... We visited the museum today.

Visit, ... We visited the museum today.

Visit: ... We, ... visited, ... the, ... museum, ... today.

Kunjungi ... Kami, mengunjungi, museum, hari, ini.

Visit: ... We, ... visited, ... the, ... museum, ... today.
Visit: ... We, ... visited, ... the, ... museum, ... today.
Visit, ... We visited the museum today.
Management, ... That store has good management.

Management, ... That store has good management.

Management: ... That, ... store, ... has, ... good, ... management.

Manajemen ... Toko, itu, memiliki, manajemen, yang, baik.

Management: ... That, ... store, ... has, ... good, ... management.
Management: ... That, ... store, ... has, ... good, ... management.
Management, ... That store has good management.
Care, ... She cares for her mother at home.

Care, ... She cares for her mother at home.

Care: ... She, ... cares, ... for, ... her, ... mother, ... at, ... home.

Peduli ... Dia, merawat, ibunya, di, rumah.

Care: ... She, ... cares, ... for, ... her, ... mother, ... at, ... home.
Care: ... She, ... cares, ... for, ... her, ... mother, ... at, ... home.
Care, ... She cares for her mother at home.
Avoid, ... You should avoid poison ivy.

Avoid, ... You should avoid poison ivy.

Avoid: ... You, ... should, ... avoid, ... poison, ... ivy.

Hindari ... Anda, harus, menghindari, poison, ivy.

Avoid: ... You, ... should, ... avoid, ... poison, ... ivy.
Avoid: ... You, ... should, ... avoid, ... poison, ... ivy.
Avoid, ... You should avoid poison ivy.
Imagine, ... Can you imagine if pigs could fly?

Imagine, ... Can you imagine if pigs could fly?

Imagine: ... Can, ... you, ... imagine, ... if, ... pigs, ... could, ... fly?

Bayangkan ... Bisakah, anda, bayangkan, jika, babi, bisa, terbang?

Imagine: ... Can, ... you, ... imagine, ... if, ... pigs, ... could, ... fly?
Imagine: ... Can, ... you, ... imagine, ... if, ... pigs, ... could, ... fly?
Imagine, ... Can you imagine if pigs could fly?
Tonight, ... Would you like to go out tonight?

Tonight, ... Would you like to go out tonight?

Tonight: ... Would, ... you, ... like, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... tonight?

Malam, ini ... Apakah, anda, ingin, keluar, malam, ini?

Tonight: ... Would, ... you, ... like, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... tonight?
Tonight: ... Would, ... you, ... like, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... tonight?
Tonight, ... Would you like to go out tonight?
Huge, ... That truck is huge! ...

Huge, ... That truck is huge! ...

Huge: ... That, ... truck, ... is, ... huge! ...

Besar ... Truk, itu, sangat, besar!

Huge: ... That, ... truck, ... is, ... huge! ...
Huge: ... That, ... truck, ... is, ... huge! ...
Huge, ... That truck is huge! ...
Ball, ... He threw the ball to the dog.

Ball, ... He threw the ball to the dog.

Ball: ... He, ... threw, ... the, ... ball, ... to, ... the, ... dog.

Bola ... Dia, melempar, bola, ke, anjing.

Ball: ... He, ... threw, ... the, ... ball, ... to, ... the, ... dog.
Ball: ... He, ... threw, ... the, ... ball, ... to, ... the, ... dog.
Ball, ... He threw the ball to the dog.
No, ... I said ‘no,’ please don’t ask again.

No, ... I said ‘no,’ please don’t ask again.

No: ... I, ... said, ... ‘no,’, ... please, ... don’t, ... ask, ... again.

Tidak ... Saya, bilang, 'tidak', tolong, jangan, tanya, lagi.

No: ... I, ... said, ... ‘no,’, ... please, ... don’t, ... ask, ... again.
No: ... I, ... said, ... ‘no,’, ... please, ... don’t, ... ask, ... again.
No, ... I said ‘no,’ please don’t ask again.
Close, ... Close the window, please.

Close, ... Close the window, please.

Close: ... Close, ... the, ... window, ... please.

Tutup ... Tolong, tutup, jendelanya.

Close: ... Close, ... the, ... window, ... please.
Close: ... Close, ... the, ... window, ... please.
Close, ... Close the window, please.
Finish, ... Did you finish your homework?

Finish, ... Did you finish your homework?

Finish: ... Did, ... you, ... finish, ... your, ... homework?

Selesai ... Apakah, anda, menyelesaikan, pekerjaan, rumah, anda?

Finish: ... Did, ... you, ... finish, ... your, ... homework?
Finish: ... Did, ... you, ... finish, ... your, ... homework?
Finish, ... Did you finish your homework?
Yourself, ... You gave yourself a haircut?

Yourself, ... You gave yourself a haircut?

Yourself: ... You, ... gave, ... yourself, ... a, ... haircut?

Diri, anda, sendiri ... Anda, memberi, diri, anda, potongan, rambut?

Yourself: ... You, ... gave, ... yourself, ... a, ... haircut?
Yourself: ... You, ... gave, ... yourself, ... a, ... haircut?
Yourself, ... You gave yourself a haircut?
Talk, ... He talks a lot.

Talk, ... He talks a lot.

Talk: ... He, ... talks, ... a, ... lot.

Bicara ... Dia, banyak, bicara.

Talk: ... He, ... talks, ... a, ... lot.
Talk: ... He, ... talks, ... a, ... lot.
Talk, ... He talks a lot.
Theory, ... In theory, that’s a good plan.

Theory, ... In theory, that’s a good plan.

Theory: ... In, ... theory, ... that’s, ... a, ... good, ... plan.

Teori ... Secara, teori, itu, rencana, yang, bagus.

Theory: ... In, ... theory, ... that’s, ... a, ... good, ... plan.
Theory: ... In, ... theory, ... that’s, ... a, ... good, ... plan.
Theory, ... In theory, that’s a good plan.
Impact, ... The drought had a big impact on the crops.

Impact, ... The drought had a big impact on the crops.

Impact: ... The, ... drought, ... had, ... a, ... big, ... impact, ... on, ... the, ... crops.

Dampak ... Kekeringan, berdampak, besar, pada, tanaman.

Impact: ... The, ... drought, ... had, ... a, ... big, ... impact, ... on, ... the, ... crops.
Impact: ... The, ... drought, ... had, ... a, ... big, ... impact, ... on, ... the, ... crops.
Impact, ... The drought had a big impact on the crops.
Respond, ... He hasn’t responded to my text yet.

Respond, ... He hasn’t responded to my text yet.

Respond: ... He, ... hasn’t, ... responded, ... to, ... my, ... text, ... yet.

Balas ... Dia, belum, membalas, pesanku.

Respond: ... He, ... hasn’t, ... responded, ... to, ... my, ... text, ... yet.
Respond: ... He, ... hasn’t, ... responded, ... to, ... my, ... text, ... yet.
Respond, ... He hasn’t responded to my text yet.
Statement, ... The police chief gave a statement to the media.

Statement, ... The police chief gave a statement to the media.

Statement: ... The, ... police, ... chief, ... gave, ... a, ... statement, ... to, ... the, ... media.

Pernyataan ... Kapolres, memberikan, pernyataan, kepada, media.

Statement: ... The, ... police, ... chief, ... gave, ... a, ... statement, ... to, ... the, ... media.
Statement: ... The, ... police, ... chief, ... gave, ... a, ... statement, ... to, ... the, ... media.
Statement, ... The police chief gave a statement to the media.
Maintain, ... Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Maintain, ... Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Maintain: ... Exercise, ... helps, ... you, ... maintain, ... a, ... healthy, ... weight.

Menjaga ... Olahraga, membantu, anda, mempertahankan, berat, badan, yang, sehat.

Maintain: ... Exercise, ... helps, ... you, ... maintain, ... a, ... healthy, ... weight.
Maintain: ... Exercise, ... helps, ... you, ... maintain, ... a, ... healthy, ... weight.
Maintain, ... Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight.
Charge, ... I need to charge my phone.

Charge, ... I need to charge my phone.

Charge: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... charge, ... my, ... phone.

Mengisi, daya ... Saya, perlu, mengisi, daya, ponsel, saya.

Charge: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... charge, ... my, ... phone.
Charge: ... I, ... need, ... to, ... charge, ... my, ... phone.
Charge, ... I need to charge my phone.
Popular, ... That’s a popular restaurant.

Popular, ... That’s a popular restaurant.

Popular: ... That’s, ... a, ... popular, ... restaurant.

Populer ... Itu, restoran, populer.

Popular: ... That’s, ... a, ... popular, ... restaurant.
Popular: ... That’s, ... a, ... popular, ... restaurant.
Popular, ... That’s a popular restaurant.
Traditional, ... They serve traditional italian food there.

Traditional, ... They serve traditional italian food there.

Traditional: ... They, ... serve, ... traditional, ... italian, ... food, ... there.

Tradisional ... Mereka, menyajikan, makanan, tradisional, italia, di, sana.

Traditional: ... They, ... serve, ... traditional, ... italian, ... food, ... there.
Traditional: ... They, ... serve, ... traditional, ... italian, ... food, ... there.
Traditional, ... They serve traditional italian food there.
Onto, ... Jump onto the boat and we’ll go fishing.

Onto, ... Jump onto the boat and we’ll go fishing.

Onto: ... Jump, ... onto, ... the, ... boat, ... and, ... we’ll, ... go, ... fishing.

Ke ... Lompat, ke, perahu, dan, kita, akan, pergi, memancing.

Onto: ... Jump, ... onto, ... the, ... boat, ... and, ... we’ll, ... go, ... fishing.
Onto: ... Jump, ... onto, ... the, ... boat, ... and, ... we’ll, ... go, ... fishing.
Onto, ... Jump onto the boat and we’ll go fishing.
Reveal, ... Washing off the dirt revealed the boy’s skinned knee.

Reveal, ... Washing off the dirt revealed the boy’s skinned knee.

Reveal: ... Washing, ... off, ... the, ... dirt, ... revealed, ... the, ... boy’s, ... skinned, ... knee.

Mengungkapkan ... Membasuh, kotoran, mengungkapkan, lutut, berkulit, anak, itu.

Reveal: ... Washing, ... off, ... the, ... dirt, ... revealed, ... the, ... boy’s, ... skinned, ... knee.
Reveal: ... Washing, ... off, ... the, ... dirt, ... revealed, ... the, ... boy’s, ... skinned, ... knee.
Reveal, ... Washing off the dirt revealed the boy’s skinned knee.
Direction, ... What direction is the city from here?

Direction, ... What direction is the city from here?

Direction: ... What, ... direction, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... from, ... here?

Arah ... Apa, arah, kota, dari, sini?

Direction: ... What, ... direction, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... from, ... here?
Direction: ... What, ... direction, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... from, ... here?
Direction, ... What direction is the city from here?
Weapon, ... No weapons are allowed in government buildings.

Weapon, ... No weapons are allowed in government buildings.

Weapon: ... No, ... weapons, ... are, ... allowed, ... in, ... government, ... buildings.

Senjata ... Senjata, tidak, diperbolehkan, di, gedung-gedung, pemerintah.

Weapon: ... No, ... weapons, ... are, ... allowed, ... in, ... government, ... buildings.
Weapon: ... No, ... weapons, ... are, ... allowed, ... in, ... government, ... buildings.
Weapon, ... No weapons are allowed in government buildings.
Employee, ... That store only has three employees.

Employee, ... That store only has three employees.

Employee: ... That, ... store, ... only, ... has, ... three, ... employees.

Karyawan ... Toko, itu, hanya, memiliki, tiga, karyawan.

Employee: ... That, ... store, ... only, ... has, ... three, ... employees.
Employee: ... That, ... store, ... only, ... has, ... three, ... employees.
Employee, ... That store only has three employees.
Cultural, ... There is cultural significance to those old ruins.

Cultural, ... There is cultural significance to those old ruins.

Cultural: ... There, ... is, ... cultural, ... significance, ... to, ... those, ... old, ... ruins.

Budaya ... Ada, makna, budaya, pada, reruntuhan, tua, itu.

Cultural: ... There, ... is, ... cultural, ... significance, ... to, ... those, ... old, ... ruins.
Cultural: ... There, ... is, ... cultural, ... significance, ... to, ... those, ... old, ... ruins.
Cultural, ... There is cultural significance to those old ruins.
Contain, ... The carton contains a dozen egges.

Contain, ... The carton contains a dozen egges.

Contain: ... The, ... carton, ... contains, ... a, ... dozen, ... egges.

Berisi ... Karton, berisi, selusin, telur.

Contain: ... The, ... carton, ... contains, ... a, ... dozen, ... egges.
Contain: ... The, ... carton, ... contains, ... a, ... dozen, ... egges.
Contain, ... The carton contains a dozen egges.
Peace, ... World leaders gathered for peace talks.

Peace, ... World leaders gathered for peace talks.

Peace: ... World, ... leaders, ... gathered, ... for, ... peace, ... talks.

Perdamaian ... Para, pemimpin, dunia, berkumpul, untuk, pembicaraan, damai.

Peace: ... World, ... leaders, ... gathered, ... for, ... peace, ... talks.
Peace: ... World, ... leaders, ... gathered, ... for, ... peace, ... talks.
Peace, ... World leaders gathered for peace talks.
Head, ... My head hurts.

Head, ... My head hurts.

Head: ... My, ... head, ... hurts.

Kepala ... Kepalaku, sakit.

Head: ... My, ... head, ... hurts.
Head: ... My, ... head, ... hurts.
Head, ... My head hurts.
Control, ... Keep control of the car.

Control, ... Keep control of the car.

Control: ... Keep, ... control, ... of, ... the, ... car.

Kontrol ... Tetap, kendalikan, mobil.

Control: ... Keep, ... control, ... of, ... the, ... car.
Control: ... Keep, ... control, ... of, ... the, ... car.
Control, ... Keep control of the car.
Base, ... The glass has a heavy base so it won’t fall over.

Base, ... The glass has a heavy base so it won’t fall over.

Base: ... The, ... glass, ... has, ... a, ... heavy, ... base, ... so, ... it, ... won’t, ... fall, ... over.

Basis ... Kaca, memiliki, alas, yang, berat, sehingga, tidak, akan, jatuh.

Base: ... The, ... glass, ... has, ... a, ... heavy, ... base, ... so, ... it, ... won’t, ... fall, ... over.
Base: ... The, ... glass, ... has, ... a, ... heavy, ... base, ... so, ... it, ... won’t, ... fall, ... over.
Base, ... The glass has a heavy base so it won’t fall over.
Pain, ... I have chest pain.

Pain, ... I have chest pain.

Pain: ... I, ... have, ... chest, ... pain.

Sakit ... Aku, sakit, dada.

Pain: ... I, ... have, ... chest, ... pain.
Pain: ... I, ... have, ... chest, ... pain.
Pain, ... I have chest pain.
Apply, ... Maria applied for the job.

Apply, ... Maria applied for the job.

Apply: ... Maria, ... applied, ... for, ... the, ... job.

Melamar ... Maria, melamar, pekerjaan, itu.

Apply: ... Maria, ... applied, ... for, ... the, ... job.
Apply: ... Maria, ... applied, ... for, ... the, ... job.
Apply, ... Maria applied for the job.
Play, ... The children play at the park.

Play, ... The children play at the park.

Play: ... The, ... children, ... play, ... at, ... the, ... park.

Bermain ... Anak-anak, bermain, di, taman.

Play: ... The, ... children, ... play, ... at, ... the, ... park.
Play: ... The, ... children, ... play, ... at, ... the, ... park.
Play, ... The children play at the park.
Measure, ... Measure twice, cut once.

Measure, ... Measure twice, cut once.

Measure: ... Measure, ... twice, ... cut, ... once.

Ukur ... Ukur, dua, kali, potong, sekali.

Measure: ... Measure, ... twice, ... cut, ... once.
Measure: ... Measure, ... twice, ... cut, ... once.
Measure, ... Measure twice, cut once.
Wide, ... The doorway was very wide.

Wide, ... The doorway was very wide.

Wide: ... The, ... doorway, ... was, ... very, ... wide.

Lebar ... Pintunya, sangat, lebar.

Wide: ... The, ... doorway, ... was, ... very, ... wide.
Wide: ... The, ... doorway, ... was, ... very, ... wide.
Wide, ... The doorway was very wide.
Shake, ... Don’t shake the can of soda.

Shake, ... Don’t shake the can of soda.

Shake: ... Don’t, ... shake, ... the, ... can, ... of, ... soda.

Kocok ... Jangan, kocok, kaleng, soda.

Shake: ... Don’t, ... shake, ... the, ... can, ... of, ... soda.
Shake: ... Don’t, ... shake, ... the, ... can, ... of, ... soda.
Shake, ... Don’t shake the can of soda.
Fly, ... We can fly to france next year.

Fly, ... We can fly to france next year.

Fly: ... We, ... can, ... fly, ... to, ... france, ... next, ... year.

Terbang ... Kita, bisa, terbang, ke, prancis, tahun, depan.

Fly: ... We, ... can, ... fly, ... to, ... france, ... next, ... year.
Fly: ... We, ... can, ... fly, ... to, ... france, ... next, ... year.
Fly, ... We can fly to france next year.
Interview, ... My job interview went well.

Interview, ... My job interview went well.

Interview: ... My, ... job, ... interview, ... went, ... well.

Wawancara ... Wawancara, kerja, saya, berjalan, dengan, baik.

Interview: ... My, ... job, ... interview, ... went, ... well.
Interview: ... My, ... job, ... interview, ... went, ... well.
Interview, ... My job interview went well.
Manage, ... Did you manage to find the keys?

Manage, ... Did you manage to find the keys?

Manage: ... Did, ... you, ... manage, ... to, ... find, ... the, ... keys?

Kelola ... Apakah, anda, berhasil, menemukan, kuncinya?

Manage: ... Did, ... you, ... manage, ... to, ... find, ... the, ... keys?
Manage: ... Did, ... you, ... manage, ... to, ... find, ... the, ... keys?
Manage, ... Did you manage to find the keys?
Chair, ... The table has six matching chairs.

Chair, ... The table has six matching chairs.

Chair: ... The, ... table, ... has, ... six, ... matching, ... chairs.

Kursi ... Meja, memiliki, enam, kursi, yang, serasi.

Chair: ... The, ... table, ... has, ... six, ... matching, ... chairs.
Chair: ... The, ... table, ... has, ... six, ... matching, ... chairs.
Chair, ... The table has six matching chairs.
Fish, ... I don’t enjoy eating fish.

Fish, ... I don’t enjoy eating fish.

Fish: ... I, ... don’t, ... enjoy, ... eating, ... fish.

Ikan ... Saya, tidak, suka, makan, ikan.

Fish: ... I, ... don’t, ... enjoy, ... eating, ... fish.
Fish: ... I, ... don’t, ... enjoy, ... eating, ... fish.
Fish, ... I don’t enjoy eating fish.
Particular, ... That particular style looks good on you.

Particular, ... That particular style looks good on you.

Particular: ... That, ... particular, ... style, ... looks, ... good, ... on, ... you.

Khusus ... Gaya, tertentu, itu, terlihat, bagus, untukmu.

Particular: ... That, ... particular, ... style, ... looks, ... good, ... on, ... you.
Particular: ... That, ... particular, ... style, ... looks, ... good, ... on, ... you.
Particular, ... That particular style looks good on you.
Camera, ... I use the camera on my phone.

Camera, ... I use the camera on my phone.

Camera: ... I, ... use, ... the, ... camera, ... on, ... my, ... phone.

Kamera ... Saya, menggunakan, kamera, di, ponsel, saya.

Camera: ... I, ... use, ... the, ... camera, ... on, ... my, ... phone.
Camera: ... I, ... use, ... the, ... camera, ... on, ... my, ... phone.
Camera, ... I use the camera on my phone.
Structure, ... The building’s structure is solid.

Structure, ... The building’s structure is solid.

Structure: ... The, ... building’s, ... structure, ... is, ... solid.

Struktur ... Struktur, bangunan, kokoh.

Structure: ... The, ... building’s, ... structure, ... is, ... solid.
Structure: ... The, ... building’s, ... structure, ... is, ... solid.
Structure, ... The building’s structure is solid.
Politics, ... Mitch is very active in politics.

Politics, ... Mitch is very active in politics.

Politics: ... Mitch, ... is, ... very, ... active, ... in, ... politics.

Politik ... Mitch, sangat, aktif, dalam, politik.

Politics: ... Mitch, ... is, ... very, ... active, ... in, ... politics.
Politics: ... Mitch, ... is, ... very, ... active, ... in, ... politics.
Politics, ... Mitch is very active in politics.
Perform, ... The singer will perform tonight.

Perform, ... The singer will perform tonight.

Perform: ... The, ... singer, ... will, ... perform, ... tonight.

Perform ... Penyanyi, akan, tampil, malam, ini.

Perform: ... The, ... singer, ... will, ... perform, ... tonight.
Perform: ... The, ... singer, ... will, ... perform, ... tonight.
Perform, ... The singer will perform tonight.
Bit, ... It rained a little bit last night.

Bit, ... It rained a little bit last night.

Bit: ... It, ... rained, ... a, ... little, ... bit, ... last, ... night.

Sedikit ... Hujan, sedikit, tadi, malam.

Bit: ... It, ... rained, ... a, ... little, ... bit, ... last, ... night.
Bit: ... It, ... rained, ... a, ... little, ... bit, ... last, ... night.
Bit, ... It rained a little bit last night.
Weight, ... Keep track of your pet’s weight.

Weight, ... Keep track of your pet’s weight.

Weight: ... Keep, ... track, ... of, ... your, ... pet’s, ... weight.

Berat ... Melacak, berat, hewan, peliharaan, anda.

Weight: ... Keep, ... track, ... of, ... your, ... pet’s, ... weight.
Weight: ... Keep, ... track, ... of, ... your, ... pet’s, ... weight.
Weight, ... Keep track of your pet’s weight.
Suddenly, ... The storm came up suddenly.

Suddenly, ... The storm came up suddenly.

Suddenly: ... The, ... storm, ... came, ... up, ... suddenly.

Tiba-tiba ... Badai, datang, tiba-tiba.

Suddenly: ... The, ... storm, ... came, ... up, ... suddenly.
Suddenly: ... The, ... storm, ... came, ... up, ... suddenly.
Suddenly, ... The storm came up suddenly.
Discover, ... You’ll discover treasures at that thrift store.

Discover, ... You’ll discover treasures at that thrift store.

Discover: ... You’ll, ... discover, ... treasures, ... at, ... that, ... thrift, ... store.

Temukan ... Anda, akan, menemukan, harta, karun, di, toko, barang, bekas, itu.

Discover: ... You’ll, ... discover, ... treasures, ... at, ... that, ... thrift, ... store.
Discover: ... You’ll, ... discover, ... treasures, ... at, ... that, ... thrift, ... store.
Discover, ... You’ll discover treasures at that thrift store.
Candidate, ... There are ten candidates for the position.

Candidate, ... There are ten candidates for the position.

Candidate: ... There, ... are, ... ten, ... candidates, ... for, ... the, ... position.

Kandidat ... Ada, sepuluh, kandidat, untuk, posisi, itu.

Candidate: ... There, ... are, ... ten, ... candidates, ... for, ... the, ... position.
Candidate: ... There, ... are, ... ten, ... candidates, ... for, ... the, ... position.
Candidate, ... There are ten candidates for the position.
Top, ... The flag flies on the top of that building.

Top, ... The flag flies on the top of that building.

Top: ... The, ... flag, ... flies, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... of, ... that, ... building.

Atas ... Bendera, berkibar, di, atas, gedung, itu.

Top: ... The, ... flag, ... flies, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... of, ... that, ... building.
Top: ... The, ... flag, ... flies, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... of, ... that, ... building.
Top, ... The flag flies on the top of that building.
Production, ... Factory production has improved over the summer.

Production, ... Factory production has improved over the summer.

Production: ... Factory, ... production, ... has, ... improved, ... over, ... the, ... summer.

Produksi ... Produksi, pabrik, telah, meningkat, selama, musim, panas.

Production: ... Factory, ... production, ... has, ... improved, ... over, ... the, ... summer.
Production: ... Factory, ... production, ... has, ... improved, ... over, ... the, ... summer.
Production, ... Factory production has improved over the summer.
Treat, ... Give yourself a treat for a job well done.

Treat, ... Give yourself a treat for a job well done.

Treat: ... Give, ... yourself, ... a, ... treat, ... for, ... a, ... job, ... well, ... done.

Perlakukan ... Beri, diri, anda, hadiah, untuk, pekerjaan, yang, dilakukan, dengan, baik.

Treat: ... Give, ... yourself, ... a, ... treat, ... for, ... a, ... job, ... well, ... done.
Treat: ... Give, ... yourself, ... a, ... treat, ... for, ... a, ... job, ... well, ... done.
Treat, ... Give yourself a treat for a job well done.
Trip, ... We are taking a trip to florida in january.

Trip, ... We are taking a trip to florida in january.

Trip: ... We, ... are, ... taking, ... a, ... trip, ... to, ... florida, ... in, ... january.

Perjalanan ... Kami, melakukan, perjalanan, ke, florida, pada, bulan, januari.

Trip: ... We, ... are, ... taking, ... a, ... trip, ... to, ... florida, ... in, ... january.
Trip: ... We, ... are, ... taking, ... a, ... trip, ... to, ... florida, ... in, ... january.
Trip, ... We are taking a trip to florida in january.
Evening, ... I’m staying home this evening.

Evening, ... I’m staying home this evening.

Evening: ... I’m, ... staying, ... home, ... this, ... evening.

Malam ... Aku, tinggal, di, rumah, malam, ini.

Evening: ... I’m, ... staying, ... home, ... this, ... evening.
Evening: ... I’m, ... staying, ... home, ... this, ... evening.
Evening, ... I’m staying home this evening.
Affect, ... My bank account will affect how much I can buy.

Affect, ... My bank account will affect how much I can buy.

Affect: ... My, ... bank, ... account, ... will, ... affect, ... how, ... much, ... I, ... can, ... buy.

Mempengaruhi ... Rekening, bank, saya, akan, mempengaruhi, berapa, banyak, yang, bisa, saya, beli.

Affect: ... My, ... bank, ... account, ... will, ... affect, ... how, ... much, ... I, ... can, ... buy.
Affect: ... My, ... bank, ... account, ... will, ... affect, ... how, ... much, ... I, ... can, ... buy.
Affect, ... My bank account will affect how much I can buy.
Inside, ... The cat stays inside.

Inside, ... The cat stays inside.

Inside: ... The, ... cat, ... stays, ... inside.

Di, dalam ... Kucing, itu, tetap, di, dalam.

Inside: ... The, ... cat, ... stays, ... inside.
Inside: ... The, ... cat, ... stays, ... inside.
Inside, ... The cat stays inside.
Conference, ... There will be expert presenters at the conference.

Conference, ... There will be expert presenters at the conference.

Conference: ... There, ... will, ... be, ... expert, ... presenters, ... at, ... the, ... conference.

Konferensi ... Akan, ada, presenter, ahli, di, konferensi.

Conference: ... There, ... will, ... be, ... expert, ... presenters, ... at, ... the, ... conference.
Conference: ... There, ... will, ... be, ... expert, ... presenters, ... at, ... the, ... conference.
Conference, ... There will be expert presenters at the conference.
Unit, ... A foot is a unit of measure.

Unit, ... A foot is a unit of measure.

Unit: ... A, ... foot, ... is, ... a, ... unit, ... of, ... measure.

Satuan ... Kaki, adalah, satuan, ukuran.

Unit: ... A, ... foot, ... is, ... a, ... unit, ... of, ... measure.
Unit: ... A, ... foot, ... is, ... a, ... unit, ... of, ... measure.
Unit, ... A foot is a unit of measure.
Best, ... Those are the best glasses to buy.

Best, ... Those are the best glasses to buy.

Best: ... Those, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... glasses, ... to, ... buy.

Terbaik ... Itu, adalah, kacamata, terbaik, untuk, dibeli.

Best: ... Those, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... glasses, ... to, ... buy.
Best: ... Those, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... glasses, ... to, ... buy.
Best, ... Those are the best glasses to buy.
Style, ... My dress is out of style.

Style, ... My dress is out of style.

Style: ... My, ... dress, ... is, ... out, ... of, ... style.

Gaya ... Gaunku, ketinggalan, zaman.

Style: ... My, ... dress, ... is, ... out, ... of, ... style.
Style: ... My, ... dress, ... is, ... out, ... of, ... style.
Style, ... My dress is out of style.
Adult, ... Adults pay full price, but children are free.

Adult, ... Adults pay full price, but children are free.

Adult: ... Adults, ... pay, ... full, ... price, ... but, ... children, ... are, ... free.

Dewasa ... Dewasa, membayar, harga, penuh, tetapi, anak-anak, gratis.

Adult: ... Adults, ... pay, ... full, ... price, ... but, ... children, ... are, ... free.
Adult: ... Adults, ... pay, ... full, ... price, ... but, ... children, ... are, ... free.
Adult, ... Adults pay full price, but children are free.
Worry, ... Don’t worry about tomorrow.

Worry, ... Don’t worry about tomorrow.

Worry: ... Don’t, ... worry, ... about, ... tomorrow.

Khawatir ... Jangan, khawatir, tentang, hari, esok.

Worry: ... Don’t, ... worry, ... about, ... tomorrow.
Worry: ... Don’t, ... worry, ... about, ... tomorrow.
Worry, ... Don’t worry about tomorrow.
Rango: mi médico me ofreció una variedad de opciones.

Range – my doctor offered me a range of options.

Range, ... –, ... my, ... doctor, ... offered, ... me, ... a, ... range, ... of, ... options.

Kisaran, –, dokter, saya, menawari, saya, berbagai, pilihan.

Range, ... –, ... my, ... doctor, ... offered, ... me, ... a, ... range, ... of, ... options.
Range, ... –, ... my, ... doctor, ... offered, ... me, ... a, ... range, ... of, ... options.
Rango: mi médico me ofreció una variedad de opciones.
Mention, ... Can you mention me in your story?

Mention, ... Can you mention me in your story?

Mention: ... Can, ... you, ... mention, ... me, ... in, ... your, ... story?

Sebutkan ... Dapatkah, anda, menyebutkan, saya, dalam, cerita, anda?

Mention: ... Can, ... you, ... mention, ... me, ... in, ... your, ... story?
Mention: ... Can, ... you, ... mention, ... me, ... in, ... your, ... story?
Mention, ... Can you mention me in your story?
Rather, ... Rather than focusing on the bad things, let’s be grateful for the good things.

Rather, ... Rather than focusing on the bad things, let’s be grateful for the good things.

Rather: ... Rather, ... than, ... focusing, ... on, ... the, ... bad, ... things, ... let’s, ... be, ... grateful, ... for, ... the, ... good, ... things.

Sebaliknya,...Daripada, berfokus, pada, hal-hal, yang, buruk, marilah, kita, mensyukuri, hal-hal, yang, baik.

Rather: ... Rather, ... than, ... focusing, ... on, ... the, ... bad, ... things, ... let’s, ... be, ... grateful, ... for, ... the, ... good, ... things.
Rather: ... Rather, ... than, ... focusing, ... on, ... the, ... bad, ... things, ... let’s, ... be, ... grateful, ... for, ... the, ... good, ... things.
Rather, ... Rather than focusing on the bad things, let’s be grateful for the good things.
Far, ... I don’t want to move far from my family.

Far, ... I don’t want to move far from my family.

Far: ... I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... move, ... far, ... from, ... my, ... family.

Jauh ... Saya, tidak, ingin, pindah, jauh, dari, keluarga, saya.

Far: ... I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... move, ... far, ... from, ... my, ... family.
Far: ... I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... move, ... far, ... from, ... my, ... family.
Far, ... I don’t want to move far from my family.
Deep, ... That poem about life is deep.

Deep, ... That poem about life is deep.

Deep: ... That, ... poem, ... about, ... life, ... is, ... deep.

Dalam ... Puisi, tentang, kehidupan, itu, dalam.

Deep: ... That, ... poem, ... about, ... life, ... is, ... deep.
Deep: ... That, ... poem, ... about, ... life, ... is, ... deep.
Deep, ... That poem about life is deep.
Front, ... Please face front.

Front, ... Please face front.

Front: ... Please, ... face, ... front.

Depan ... Harap, menghadap, ke, depan.

Front: ... Please, ... face, ... front.
Front: ... Please, ... face, ... front.
Front, ... Please face front.
Edge, ... Please do not stand so close to the edge of the cliff.

Edge, ... Please do not stand so close to the edge of the cliff.

Edge: ... Please, ... do, ... not, ... stand, ... so, ... close, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... cliff.

Tepi ... Tolong, jangan, berdiri, terlalu, dekat, dengan, tepi, tebing.

Edge: ... Please, ... do, ... not, ... stand, ... so, ... close, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... cliff.
Edge: ... Please, ... do, ... not, ... stand, ... so, ... close, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... cliff.
Edge, ... Please do not stand so close to the edge of the cliff.
Individual, ... These potato chips are in an individual serving size package.

Individual, ... These potato chips are in an individual serving size package.

Individual: ... These, ... potato, ... chips, ... are, ... in, ... an, ... individual, ... serving, ... size, ... package.

Perorangan ... Keripik, kentang, ini, dalam, kemasan, ukuran, porsi, individu.

Individual: ... These, ... potato, ... chips, ... are, ... in, ... an, ... individual, ... serving, ... size, ... package.
Individual: ... These, ... potato, ... chips, ... are, ... in, ... an, ... individual, ... serving, ... size, ... package.
Individual, ... These potato chips are in an individual serving size package.
Specific, ... Could you be more specific?

Specific, ... Could you be more specific?

Specific: ... Could, ... you, ... be, ... more, ... specific?

Spesifik ... Bisakah, anda, lebih, spesifik?

Specific: ... Could, ... you, ... be, ... more, ... specific?
Specific: ... Could, ... you, ... be, ... more, ... specific?
Specific, ... Could you be more specific?
Writer, ... You are a good writer.

Writer, ... You are a good writer.

Writer: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... writer.

Penulis ... Anda, adalah, seorang, penulis, yang, baik.

Writer: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... writer.
Writer: ... You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... writer.
Writer, ... You are a good writer.
Trouble, ... Stay out of trouble.

Trouble, ... Stay out of trouble.

Trouble: ... Stay, ... out, ... of, ... trouble.

Masalah ... Jauhi, masalah.

Trouble: ... Stay, ... out, ... of, ... trouble.
Trouble: ... Stay, ... out, ... of, ... trouble.
Trouble, ... Stay out of trouble.
Necessary, ... It is necessary to sleep.

Necessary, ... It is necessary to sleep.

Necessary: ... It, ... is, ... necessary, ... to, ... sleep.

Perlu ... Perlu, tidur.

Necessary: ... It, ... is, ... necessary, ... to, ... sleep.
Necessary: ... It, ... is, ... necessary, ... to, ... sleep.
Necessary, ... It is necessary to sleep.
Throughout, ... Throughout my life I have always enjoyed reading.

Throughout, ... Throughout my life I have always enjoyed reading.

Throughout: ... Throughout, ... my, ... life, ... I, ... have, ... always, ... enjoyed, ... reading.

Sepanjang ... Sepanjang, hidup, saya, saya, selalu, menikmati, membaca.

Throughout: ... Throughout, ... my, ... life, ... I, ... have, ... always, ... enjoyed, ... reading.
Throughout: ... Throughout, ... my, ... life, ... I, ... have, ... always, ... enjoyed, ... reading.
Throughout, ... Throughout my life I have always enjoyed reading.
Challenge, ... I challenge you to do better.

Challenge, ... I challenge you to do better.

Challenge: ... I, ... challenge, ... you, ... to, ... do, ... better.

Tantangan ... Saya, menantang, anda, untuk, berbuat, lebih, baik.

Challenge: ... I, ... challenge, ... you, ... to, ... do, ... better.
Challenge: ... I, ... challenge, ... you, ... to, ... do, ... better.
Challenge, ... I challenge you to do better.
Fear, ... Do you have any fears?

Fear, ... Do you have any fears?

Fear: ... Do, ... you, ... have, ... any, ... fears?

Takut ... Apakah, anda, memiliki, ketakutan?

Fear: ... Do, ... you, ... have, ... any, ... fears?
Fear: ... Do, ... you, ... have, ... any, ... fears?
Fear, ... Do you have any fears?
Shoulder, ... You do not have to shoulder all the work on your own.

Shoulder, ... You do not have to shoulder all the work on your own.

Shoulder: ... You, ... do, ... not, ... have, ... to, ... shoulder, ... all, ... the, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... own.

Bahu ... Anda, tidak, harus, memikul, semua, pekerjaan, anda, sendiri.

Shoulder: ... You, ... do, ... not, ... have, ... to, ... shoulder, ... all, ... the, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... own.
Shoulder: ... You, ... do, ... not, ... have, ... to, ... shoulder, ... all, ... the, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... own.
Shoulder, ... You do not have to shoulder all the work on your own.
Institution, ... Have you attended any institution of higher learning?

Institution, ... Have you attended any institution of higher learning?

Institution: ... Have, ... you, ... attended, ... any, ... institution, ... of, ... higher, ... learning?

Institusi ... Apakah, anda, pernah, mengikuti, institusi, pendidikan, tinggi?

Institution: ... Have, ... you, ... attended, ... any, ... institution, ... of, ... higher, ... learning?
Institution: ... Have, ... you, ... attended, ... any, ... institution, ... of, ... higher, ... learning?
Institution, ... Have you attended any institution of higher learning?
Middle, ... I am a middle child with one older brother and one younger sister.

Middle, ... I am a middle child with one older brother and one younger sister.

Middle: ... I, ... am, ... a, ... middle, ... child, ... with, ... one, ... older, ... brother, ... and, ... one, ... younger, ... sister.

Tengah ... Saya, anak, tengah, dengan, satu, kakak, laki-laki, dan, satu, adik, perempuan.

Middle: ... I, ... am, ... a, ... middle, ... child, ... with, ... one, ... older, ... brother, ... and, ... one, ... younger, ... sister.
Middle: ... I, ... am, ... a, ... middle, ... child, ... with, ... one, ... older, ... brother, ... and, ... one, ... younger, ... sister.
Middle, ... I am a middle child with one older brother and one younger sister.
Sea, ... I want to sail the seven seas.

Sea, ... I want to sail the seven seas.

Sea: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... sail, ... the, ... seven, ... seas.

Laut ... Saya, ingin, mengarungi, tujuh, lautan.

Sea: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... sail, ... the, ... seven, ... seas.
Sea: ... I, ... want, ... to, ... sail, ... the, ... seven, ... seas.
Sea, ... I want to sail the seven seas.
Dream, ... I have a dream.

Dream, ... I have a dream.

Dream: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... dream.

Mimpi ... Aku, punya, mimpi.

Dream: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... dream.
Dream: ... I, ... have, ... a, ... dream.
Dream, ... I have a dream.
Bar, ... A bar is a place where alcohol is served.

Bar, ... A bar is a place where alcohol is served.

Bar: ... A, ... bar, ... is, ... a, ... place, ... where, ... alcohol, ... is, ... served.

Bar ... Bar, adalah, tempat, di, mana, alkohol, disajikan.

Bar: ... A, ... bar, ... is, ... a, ... place, ... where, ... alcohol, ... is, ... served.
Bar: ... A, ... bar, ... is, ... a, ... place, ... where, ... alcohol, ... is, ... served.
Bar, ... A bar is a place where alcohol is served.
Beautiful, ... You are beautiful.

Beautiful, ... You are beautiful.

Beautiful: ... You, ... are, ... beautiful.

Cantik ... Kamu, cantik.

Beautiful: ... You, ... are, ... beautiful.
Beautiful: ... You, ... are, ... beautiful.
Beautiful, ... You are beautiful.
Property, ... Do you own property, like a house?

Property, ... Do you own property, like a house?

Property: ... Do, ... you, ... own, ... property, ... like, ... a, ... house?

Properti ... Apakah, anda, memiliki, properti, seperti, rumah?

Property: ... Do, ... you, ... own, ... property, ... like, ... a, ... house?
Property: ... Do, ... you, ... own, ... property, ... like, ... a, ... house?
Property, ... Do you own property, like a house?
Instead, ... Instead of eating cake I will have fruit.

Instead, ... Instead of eating cake I will have fruit.

Instead: ... Instead, ... of, ... eating, ... cake, ... I, ... will, ... have, ... fruit.

Sebaliknya ... Daripada, makan, kue, saya, akan, memiliki, buah.

Instead: ... Instead, ... of, ... eating, ... cake, ... I, ... will, ... have, ... fruit.
Instead: ... Instead, ... of, ... eating, ... cake, ... I, ... will, ... have, ... fruit.
Instead, ... Instead of eating cake I will have fruit.
Improve, ... I am always looking for ways to improve.

Improve, ... I am always looking for ways to improve.

Improve: ... I, ... am, ... always, ... looking, ... for, ... ways, ... to, ... improve.

Tingkatkan ... Saya, selalu, mencari, cara, untuk, meningkatkan.

Improve: ... I, ... am, ... always, ... looking, ... for, ... ways, ... to, ... improve.
Improve: ... I, ... am, ... always, ... looking, ... for, ... ways, ... to, ... improve.
Improve, ... I am always looking for ways to improve.
Stuff, ... When I moved, I realized I have a lot of stuff! ...

Stuff, ... When I moved, I realized I have a lot of stuff! ...

Stuff: ... When, ... I, ... moved, ... I, ... realized, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... stuff! ...

Barang ... Ketika, saya, pindah, saya, menyadari, bahwa, saya, memiliki, banyak, barang!

Stuff: ... When, ... I, ... moved, ... I, ... realized, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... stuff! ...
Stuff: ... When, ... I, ... moved, ... I, ... realized, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... stuff! ...
Stuff, ... When I moved, I realized I have a lot of stuff! ...
Claim, ... I claim to be a fast reader, but actually I am average.

Claim, ... I claim to be a fast reader, but actually I am average.

Claim: ... I, ... claim, ... to, ... be, ... a, ... fast, ... reader, ... but, ... actually, ... I, ... am, ... average.

Klaim ... Saya, mengaku, sebagai, pembaca, cepat, tapi, sebenarnya, saya, rata-rata.

Claim: ... I, ... claim, ... to, ... be, ... a, ... fast, ... reader, ... but, ... actually, ... I, ... am, ... average.
Claim: ... I, ... claim, ... to, ... be, ... a, ... fast, ... reader, ... but, ... actually, ... I, ... am, ... average.
Claim, ... I claim to be a fast reader, but actually I am average.


  1. El, artículo el
    The time is now.
  2. Ser
    Ser o no ser.
  3. Y
    Tu y yo.
  4. una
    Un tiempo para ti y para mí.
  5. De
    Gente de este tiempo
  6. A
    De mi para ti.
  7. En
    Haz esto a tiempo.
  8. yo
    Yo soy yo.

  9. Tu y yo.
  10. Eso
    Soy yo.
  11. Tener
    Que la pases bien.
  12. A
    De ti a mi
  13. Que
    Ese tiempo es un buen tiempo.
  14. por
    Eso es para ti.
  15. Hacer
    ¿A qué te dedicas?
  16. Él
    el y tu
  17. Con
    Un café con azúcar.
  18. En
    Llegar a tiempo.
  19. Esta
    Esto es bueno.
  20. No
    Esto no está bien.
  21. Nosotros
    Somos tu y yo.
  22. Que
    Esto es lo que somos.
  23. No
    No estamos allí.
  24. Pero
    Pero estamos aquí.
  25. Ellos
    Son la gente de allí.
  26. Decir
    ¿Qué dice la gente?
  27. A
    ¿A qué hora?
  28. Qué
    Qué hora es
  29. Su
    Ese es su buen momento.
  30. De
    De aquí para allá.
  31. Ir
    If they never-never go, they will never-never know.
  32. O
    O ir de allí para aquí.
  33. Por
    Hazlo a mano.
  34. Obtener
    Ir allí.
  35. Ella
    Ella no soy yo.
  36. Mi
    Esta es mi mano.
  37. lata
    ¿Puedo ir allí?
  38. Como
    Ella es tan buena como tú.
  39. Know If you never-never go, you will never-never know.
  40. Si
    If they never-never go, they will never-never know.
  41. Yo
    Tu no eres yo.
  42. Su
    ¿Es esa tu mano?
  43. Todas
    Todo lo que sé eres tú.
  44. Quién
    ¿Quién es?
  45. Acerca de
    Esto no es todo lo que sé sobre ti.
  46. Sus
    La gente y sus amigos.
  47. Will If we never-never go, we will never-never know.
  48. Asi que
    Ellos lo harán.
  49. haría
    Would you do this for me?
  50. Hacer
    Yo haría eso por ti.
  51. Sólo
    Solo hazlo.
  52. Arriba
    Arriba y abajo.
  53. Pensar
    No piensan bien de ti.
  54. Tiempo
    Esta vez no lo haría.
  55. Ahí
    Él no está allí.
  56. Ver
    No vemos a sus amigos.
  57. Su
    No vemos a sus amigos.
  58. Como
    Tan bueno como puede ser.
  59. Afuera
    Está fuera de tus manos.
  60. Uno
    Solo hazlo uno por uno.
  61. Venir
    Venimos a ti.
  62. Gente
    Nosotros somos personas.
  63. Tomar
    Solo hazlo uno por uno.
  64. Año
    Un año es una medida de tiempo.
  65. A él
    Lo hacen por él.
  66. A ellos
    Lo hacemos por ellos.
  67. Alguno
    ¿Tienes algunos amigos que puedan hacerlo?
  68. Desear
    Quieren hacerlo.
  69. Cómo
    ¿Cómo quieren hacerlo?
  70. Cuando
    ¿Cuándo quieres que lo hagan?
  71. Cual
    ¿Cuál quieres que lo haga?
  72. Ahora
    ¿Quieres hacerlo ahora?
  73. Me gusta
    ¿Lo harán así?
  74. Otro
    ¿O lo harán de otra manera?
  75. Pudo
    ¿Podríamos hacerlo de otra manera?
  76. Nuestro
    Nuestra manera es otra manera de verlo.
  77. Dentro
    Estamos en eso.
  78. Aquí
    Aquí está el camino.
  79. Después
    Entonces es una buena forma de verlo.
  80. Que
    Es mejor si simplemente lo haces, que si quieres hacerlo.
  81. Mirar
    Es mejor que lo mires de esta manera, que mirarlo de otra manera.
  82. Camino
    Esta forma de verlo es tu forma de verlo.
  83. Más
    Cuanto más miras, más ves.
  84. Estas
    Esta gente simplemente lo ve de esa manera.
  85. No
    No hay tiempo para hacerlo.
  86. Cosa
    Ésto es una cosa buena.
  87. Bien
    Bueno, eso es algo bueno.
  88. Porque
    Porque cuanto más miras esa cosa, más ves de ella.
  89. También
    Además, lo verás de otras maneras.
  90. Dos
    Tú y yo somos dos personas. Uno y uno son dos.
  91. Usar
    Solo usa dos de esas cosas.
  92. Decir
    Dime qué tiene de bueno.
  93. Bueno
    ¿Qué tiene de bueno?
  94. primero
    Primero dime dos cosas que sean buenas.
  95. Hombre
    El es un hombre.
  96. Día
    Este es el día de este hombre.
  97. Encontrar
    ¿Puedes averiguar dónde está este hombre hoy?
  98. Dar
    Dame tu mano.
  99. Más
    ¿Puedes darme más que eso?
  100. Nuevo
    Este hombre es su nuevo amigo.
  101. Uno
    Es solo uno de mis nuevos amigos.
  102. A nosotros
    Eso es bueno para nosotros.
  103. Alguna
    ¿El primer día o cualquier día?
  104. Aquellos
    ¿Son nuevas esas cosas?
  105. Muy
    El primer día es un muy buen día.
  106. Su
    Este es su primer día, su primer día.
  107. Necesitar
    ¿Puedes darme tu mano?
  108. BackThere
    En realidad
    Por qué
    Alguna cosa

    Me gusta
    Convertirse en
    La mayoría

    Otra vez
    Asi que
    Puede que
    Country In this country, the fried chickens fly in your mouth.
    Sin que
    La mayoría
    Este Dia
    Alguna vez
    Cualquier cosa
    Por supuesto
    Por debajo
    Ya que
    Por ciento
    De acuerdo
    Ambas cosas
    Sin embargo
    Hasta que
    El menos
    Con frecuencia
    Una vez
    Ya sea
    Ambas cosas
    Dentro de
    Todo el mundo
    Lo siento
    Por favor
    Él mismo
    A través de
    A pesar de que
    De acuerdo a
    Algunas veces
    Ellos mismos
    Mí mismo
    A lo largo de
    Tener puesto
    La carretera
    Tú mismo
    Medios de comunicación
    Darse cuenta
    Sí mismo
    Lo que sea
    Por poco
    Parte superior
    Esta noche
    La raza
    Me gusta
    El verano
    Carrera profesional
    Un poco
    De este modo
    A pesar de
    La licenciatura
    Más allá de
    La red
    Fuera de
    Ya que
    Sí misma
    La realidad
    Un poco
    En cambio
    En cambio
    De todos modos
    Parte superior




  1. Ser
    "¿Quieres ser mi amigo?"
  2. Y
    “Tú y yo siempre seremos amigos”.
  3. De
    “Hoy es el primero de noviembre”.
  4. UNA
    "Vi un oso hoy".
  5. En
    "ella está en su habitación".
  6. A
    "vamos al parque."
  7. Have – “Tengo algunas preguntas.”
  8. También – “A mí también me gusta”.
  9. Es – “hace sol afuera”.
  10. Yo – “Me gusta aquí.”
  11. Eso – “esa puerta está abierta”.
  12. Para – “esta carta es para ti.”
  13. Tú - "eres agradable".
  14. Él – “él es mi hermano.”
  15. Con – “Quiero ir contigo”.
  16. En – “Veo películas en mi iPad”.
  17. Hacer – “¿qué vas a hacer ahora?”
  18. Di - "¿Puedo decir algo?"
  19. Esto: "esta es mi galleta favorita".
  20. Ellos – “¡ellos están aquí!”
  21. En – “¿puedes recogerme en el centro comercial?”
  22. Pero - "Lo siento, pero ella está fuera".
  23. Nosotros – “vamos a ver una película”.
  24. Su - "esta es su caja".
  25. De - "esta tarjeta vino de mi primo".
  26. Eso – “¡eso es un truco genial!”
  27. No – “eso no es lo que quiero”.
  28. No puedo: "No puedo abrirlo".
  29. No lo hará: "No lo abriré".
  30. Por – “¿vendrás a verme?”
  31. Ella – “ella es muy feliz.”
  32. O – “¿te gusta el azul o el amarillo?”
  33. Como – “su papel como profesora de inglés es muy importante”.
  34. ¿Qué - "¿En qué estás pensando?"
  35. Ir - "Quiero ir allí".
    Su - "Esta es su casa".
    Can – “¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?”
    Quién – “¿Quién puede ayudarme?”
    Obtener - "¿puedes traerme mis anteojos?"
    Si – “¿Qué pasa si fallo?”
    ¿Me ayudarías?
    Ella – “Tengo su libro.”
    Todos: "Todos mis libros favoritos están en este estante".
    Mi - "mi mamá viene de visita".
    Make – “¿podemos hacer nuestros proyectos juntos?”
    Acerca de: "¿De qué se trata esta película?"
    Saber – “¿sabes dónde está este lugar?”
    Will: “Te ayudaré a encontrar ese lugar”.
    Como - "tan pronto como ella esté aquí, hablaré con ella".
    Arriba – “Vivo arriba en las montañas”.
    Uno: "ella es una de mis maestras de inglés".
    Tiempo: “Hubo un tiempo en que me gustaba jugar al golf”.
    Ahí – “hay tantas cosas que quiero aprender.”
    Año – “este es el año en el que finalmente voy a aprender inglés”.
    Entonces - "Lo siento mucho".
    Piensa: “Creo que necesito acostarme”.
    Cuándo – “¿cuándo te volveré a ver?”
    Cuál – “¿cuáles de estas pantuflas son tuyas?”
    Ellos: “Por favor, dales esto”.
    Algunos: “Por favor, denles algunas de las manzanas que traje a casa”.
    Yo – “¿puedes darme algunas manzanas?”
    Gente: "hay tanta gente en el centro comercial hoy".
    Take – “por favor llévate a casa algunas de estas manzanas”
    Fuera – “por favor tira la basura”.
    En - "mi cachorro corrió hacia el bosque".
    Solo - "solo cierra los ojos".
    Ver - "¿viste eso?"
    Él – “Lo escuché cantar antes”.
    Tu - "tu mamá está aquí".
    Ven - "¿Pueden venir tu mamá y tu papá a la fiesta?"
    Podría – “¿podría ayudarme con mi proyecto?”
    Ahora: "Quiero ver esto ahora".
    Luego – “Me gusta más este pastel que el otro que me mostraste”.
    Como: "Me gusta más este bolso que el otro que me mostraste".
    Otro – “Me gustan más estos zapatos que los otros que me mostraste”.
    ¿Cómo? "¿Cómo enciendo esto?"
    Luego, “desayunamos y luego fuimos a la iglesia”.
    Eso: "Necesito leer su manual".
    Nuestro – “Esta es nuestra casa ahora”.
    Dos: "dos hamburguesas con queso, por favor".
    Más – “¿puedo tomar más batidos?”
    Estos - "¿te gustan estas cintas?"
    Quiero - "¿quieres estas cintas?"
    Manera - "¿puedes mirar de esta manera?"
    Mire: "por favor, mire hacia este lado".
    Primero: "ella fue mi primera maestra".
    Además, "ella también era mi mejor amiga".
    Nuevo – “Tengo zapatos nuevos”.
    Porque – “Estoy llorando porque estoy triste”.
    Día – “hoy es el día nacional de la amistad”.
    Más – “Tengo más pegatinas en casa”.
    Uso: "¿Cómo uso esto?"
    No, “ahora no hay electricidad”.
    Hombre – “hay un hombre afuera buscándote”.
    Buscar – “¿dónde puedo encontrar muebles raros?”
    Aquí – “mi mamá está aquí”.
    Cosa: "una cosa llevó a la otra".
    Dale – “dale estas perlas.”
    Muchos – “compartimos muchos sueños”.
    Bueno, "me conoces muy bien".
    Solo: "tú eres mi único amigo aquí".
    Esos - "esas botas pertenecen a mi amigo".
    Dile: “¿Puedes decirme qué camino tomar?”
    Uno - "ella es la que ha estado esperando".
    Muy: "Estoy muy molesto en este momento".
    Ella – “su abuela está enferma”.
    Incluso - "ella ni siquiera puede mantenerse en pie por sí misma".
    Atrás – “Ya vuelvo”.
    Cualquier - "¿ha tenido suerte con su investigación?"
    Bien - "eres una buena persona".
    Mujer - "esa mujer se ve tan pulida".
    A través de: “tu fe te ayudará a superar tiempos difíciles”.
    Nosotros – “¿quieres ir con nosotros?”
    Vida: “Este es el mejor día de mi vida”.
    Niño – “Acabo de ver a una niña cruzar la calle sola”.
    Allí - "¿Fuiste allí?"
    Trabajo – “Tengo que ir a trabajar”.
    Abajo – “vamos a bajar”.
    Mayo – “pueden tomar sus asientos”.
    Después - "vamos a cenar después del trabajo".
    Debería – “¿debería comprar este vestido?”
    Llamar – “llámame cuando llegues a casa, ¿de acuerdo?”
    Mundo – “Quiero viajar y ver el mundo”.
    Terminado: "No puedo esperar a que termine este día".
    Escuela – “mi prima va a la escuela aquí”.
    Aún así: "Todavía creo que deberías ir".
    Intente – “¿puedes tratar de ser más amable con él?”
    En – “¿qué hay en esa caja?”
    Como: "Tan pronto como llegue a casa, voy a empezar a ver esa serie".
    Último: "¡Este es mi último trozo de pastel, lo prometo!"
    Pregunte: "¿Puede pedirle al camarero que nos traiga un poco de vino?"
    Necesidad: "¡Necesito un poco de vino esta noche!"
    También – “¡Yo también necesito un poco de vino!”
    Sentir: "Me siento tan cansado, solo necesito relajarme y descansar".
    Tres – “Tengo tres hermanas”.
    Cuándo – “¿cuándo fue la última vez que los viste?”
    Estado: "Mira el estado de ese cobertizo, se está desmoronando".
    Never If we never-never go, we will never-never know.
    Conviértase: "a lo largo de los años nos hemos vuelto cercanos".
    Entre - "esto es solo entre tú y yo".
    Alto – “¡dame un choca esos cinco!”
    Realmente – “¡Me gusta tu pintura!”
    Algo: “Tengo algo para ti”.
    La mayoría: "Es la chica más hermosa que he visto en mi vida".
    Otro: "Tomaré otra copa de vino, por favor".
    Mucho: "Los quiero mucho, chicos".
    Familia: “eres como una familia para mí”.
    Propia – “Quiero conseguir mi lugar.”
    Fuera – “sal de mi habitación”.
    Vete – “Quiero que te vayas”.
    Ponga: "por favor, deje ese libro y escúcheme".
    Viejo – “¡Me siento tan viejo!”
    Mientras – “Puedo esperarte aquí mientras compras.”
    Decir: "No quise sonar tan enojado".
    En - "¿puedes encender las luces?"
    Mantener - "¿Podemos mantener las luces encendidas esta noche?"
    Estudiante: "Siempre he sido un estudiante diligente".
    Por qué – “es por eso que ya no salgo”.
    Deje – “¿por qué no le haces saber cómo te sientes?”
    Genial: "¡Esta heladería es ideal para familias con niños!"
    Igual – “¡oye, estamos usando la misma camisa!”
    Big – “I have this big crush on Brad Pitt.”
    Grupo: "el grupo sentado al otro lado de nuestra mesa es muy ruidoso".
    Comenzar: "¿Por dónde empiezo con este gran proyecto?"
    Aparente: "puede parecer tranquila, pero es extrovertida una vez que la conoces".
    Country In this country, the fried chickens fly in your mouth.
    Ayuda – “Necesito ayuda con mi tarea de matemáticas”.
    Hablar: "¿podemos hablar en privado?"
    Dónde – “¿dónde estuviste anoche?”
    Turn – “si tan solo pudiera volver el tiempo atrás”.
    Problema: "el problema es que creemos que tenemos mucho tiempo".
    Cada - "cada persona tiene su propio gran objetivo que cumplir".
    Comienzo: "Esto es genial para comenzar a aprender el idioma inglés".
    Mano – “no sueltes mi mano”.
    Podría – “esto podría funcionar”.
    Estadounidense: "la cultura estadounidense es muy dinámica".
    Mostrar: "¿Puedes mostrarme cómo usar esta aspiradora?"
    Parte: "¡Esta es mi parte favorita de la película!"
    Acerca de: "¿De qué trata la historia?"
    En contra – “¡Estoy tan en contra del abuso doméstico!”
    Lugar – “¡este lugar es maravilloso!”
    Más - "ella seguía diciendo esto una y otra vez".
    Tal - "él es una persona tan molesta".
    Nuevamente, "¿podemos jugar ese juego otra vez?"
    Pocos: "¡Solo unos cuantos mandados más y termino!"
    Caso: "¡Qué caso tan interesante en el que estás trabajando ahora!"
    La mayoría: "Esa es la historia más interesante que he escuchado".
    Semana: "Tuve una semana difícil".
    Compañía - "¿Me harás compañía?"
    Dónde - "¿A dónde vamos?"
    Sistema – “¿Qué le pasa al sistema del aeropuerto?”
    Cada – “¿puedes darles una manzana a cada uno?”
    Correcto: "Tengo razón esta vez".
    Programa: "este programa comunitario para adolescentes es realmente útil".
    Escuche: "¿escuchó eso?"
    Entonces, "Tengo mucho sueño".
    Pregunta: "Tengo una pregunta para ti".
    Durante – “durante la sesión, lo vi quedarse dormido”.
    Trabajo – “Tengo que trabajar este fin de semana”.
    Jugar: "Podemos jugar al fútbol el próximo fin de semana".
    Gobierno – “Espero que el gobierno haga algo con respecto a la pobreza en este país”.
    Corre – “si ves un oso aquí, corre por tu vida”.
    Pequeño: "Tengo un pequeño favor que pedirte".
    Número – “Tengo muchos favores que pedirte”.
    Apagado: "por favor, apague la televisión".
    Siempre – “Siempre traigo spray de pimienta conmigo”.
    Mover – “pasemos al próximo lugar turístico”.
    Como - "Me gustas".
    Noche – “la noche es joven”.
    En vivo: "Voy a vivir como si no hubiera un mañana".
    Sr. – “Sr. Morris está aquí.
    Punto: "tienes un punto".
    Creer – “Yo creo en ti.”
    Sostén – “Solo toma mi mano.”
    Hoy: “Te veré hoy”.
    Traiga – “por favor traiga un bolígrafo”.
    Ocurre: "¿Qué sucederá si no presenta su informe a tiempo?"
    Siguiente: "Esta es la siguiente mejor opción".
    Sin: "No puedo vivir sin mi teléfono".
    Antes – “antes de irme a la cama siempre me lavo la cara”.
    Grande: "hay una gran cantidad de datos en línea sobre ese tema".
    Todo: "eso es todo lo que sé sobre los dinosaurios".
    Million – “Tengo un millón de preguntas sobre este libro”.
    Must – “debemos ver esta película juntos”.
    Inicio - "¿Podemos ir a casa ahora?"
    Debajo – “Lo escondí debajo de mi cama”.
    Agua: "Llené la bañera con agua".
    Habitación: "su habitación está al final del pasillo".
    Escriba – “¿puede escribirme una receta para esto?”
    Madre – “su madre es una mujer muy encantadora”.
    Área: "esta área de esta casa debe arreglarse".
    Nacional: “ese virus se ha convertido en una preocupación nacional”.
    Dinero – “ella necesita dinero para comprar su medicina”.
    Historia: "Ella compartió su historia con los medios".
    Joven - "ella es tan joven y tan esperanzada".
    Hecho – “es un hecho: ir de compras puede mejorar tu estado de ánimo”.
    Mes: "¡Es ese momento del mes!"
    Diferente: "Solo porque ella es diferente, no significa que sea mala".
    Mucho: "tienes muchas cosas que explicar".
    Derecha: "gira a la derecha cuando llegues a la esquina".
    Estudio – “vamos a estudiar nuestras lecciones de inglés juntos.
    Libro – “¿Me prestas tu libro de inglés?”
    Ojo – “ella tiene conjuntivitis”.
    Trabajo – “Me encanta mi trabajo.”
    Palabra – “descríbete a ti mismo en una palabra”.
    Aunque - "aunque ahora estás enojado, estoy seguro de que te olvidarás de esto más tarde".
    Negocios: "su negocio está prosperando".
    Problema: "esto no es un problema para mí".
    Lado: "¿De qué lado estás, de todos modos?"
    Amable – “siempre sé amable, incluso con los extraños”.
    Cuatro: “hay cuatro estaciones en un año”.
    Cabeza – “Volvamos, hace mucho frío aquí”.
    Lejos: "hemos ido demasiado lejos y ahora estamos perdidos".
    Negro: "tiene el pelo largo y negro".
    Largo: "tiene el pelo largo y castaño".
    Ambos: "a ambos les encanta el helado de chocolate".
    Pequeño: "Tengo dos niños pequeños conmigo ahora".
    Casa – “la casa está tan tranquila sin ti”.
    Sí – “Espero que digas que sí”.
    Después - "después de todo este tiempo, finalmente ha aprendido a amar".
    Desde - "Desde que murió su madre, ha estado de mal humor y enojado con el mundo".
    Largo: "Eso fue hace tanto tiempo".
    Proporcione: "por favor, proporcióneme una lista de sus servicios".
    Servicio: "¿tiene un servicio dental específico para tratar esto?"
    Alrededor - "dimos la vuelta a la manzana".
    Amigo - "eres un buen amigo".
    Importante: “tú eres importante para mí”.
    Padre: “mi padre es muy importante para mí”.
    Siéntate – “sentémonos afuera juntos”.
    Ausente - "él está fuera en este momento".
    Hasta – “¿hasta cuándo estarás fuera?”
    Poder: “un gran poder conlleva una gran responsabilidad”.
    Hora: "He estado revisando su temperatura cada hora".
    Juego – “juguemos un juego”.
    A menudo: "Compro en su panadería tan a menudo como puedo".
    Sin embargo, "todavía no está en casa".
    Fila: "hay una fila larga en el cajero de la tienda de comestibles".
    Político: "Me mantengo alejado de las discusiones políticas".
    Fin: "es el final de una era".
    Among – “entre todas mis mascotas, él es mi favorito”.
    Alguna vez – “¿alguna vez has probado este pastel?”
    Párate – “¿Puedes quedarte quieto por un minuto?”
    Mal – “lo que hiciste fue muy malo”.
    Perder – “No puedo perderte”.
    Sin embargo: "Quiero comprar esta bolsa, sin embargo, primero necesito ahorrar para comprarla".
    Miembro: "Ella es miembro del club de niñeras".
    Pagar – “paguemos nuestros comestibles”.
    Ley: "hay una ley contra cruzar la calle imprudentemente".
    Meet - "Quiero que conozcas a mi tía".
    Coche – “vamos a entrar en mi coche”.
    Ciudad – “esta es la ciudad que nunca duerme”.
    Casi: "Ya casi termino mi informe".
    Incluir: "¿Se acordó de incluir el resumen en su informe?"
    Continuar: "¿podemos seguir trabajando mañana?"
    Establecer: "genial, déjame programar una cita para ti".
    Más tarde: "Lo terminaré más tarde".
    Comunidad: “nuestra comunidad está muy unida”.
    Mucho: "hay mucho que aprender en inglés".
    Nombre – “¿cuál es tu nombre?”
    Cinco: “Puedo darte cinco razones por las que necesitas ver ese video”.
    Una vez – “Una vez tuve un cachorro llamado ladrido”.
    Blanco: "Me encantan mis zapatillas blancas".
    Al menos, "ella es la menos productiva entre todos los empleados".
    Presidenta: "ella era la presidenta de nuestra clase en la escuela secundaria".
    Aprender: "Me encantaría aprender más sobre el idioma inglés".
    Real - "¿cuál es su verdadero nombre?"
    Cambio – “¿qué podemos cambiar para que las cosas mejoren?”
    Equipo: "contrataron a un equipo para hacer el diseño de su nueva oficina".
    Minuto: "ella se ríe cada minuto de cada día".
    Mejor: "Esta es la mejor ensalada de papa que he probado en mi vida".
    Varias – “Tengo varias prendas viejas que necesito donar”.
    Idea – “fue tu idea ir a la playa, ¿recuerdas?”
    Niño – “Me encantaba ese juguete cuando era niño”.
    Cuerpo: "Se esforzó mucho para lograr un cuerpo tonificado".
    Información: “esta es la información que necesito”.
    Nada – “no hay nada que podamos hacer ahora. “
    Hace – “Hace tres años, visité Japón por primera vez”.
    Cierto: “tienes razón, quiero volver allí”.
    Liderar: “simplemente guía el camino y yo te seguiré”.
    Social: "Me siento incómodo en estas reuniones sociales".
    Comprender: “Entiendo cómo te sientes”.
    Ya sea: "ya sea en grupos grandes o pequeños, siempre me siento un poco tímido al principio".
    Atrás: "Mirando hacia atrás, supe que siempre fui introvertido".
    Mirar: “Veamos la puesta de sol en el horizonte”.
    Juntos: "ahora están juntos".
    Seguir - "Te seguiré a casa".
    Alrededor: "siempre me tendrás cerca".
    Padre: “Todos los padres se esfuerzan mucho y hacen lo mejor que pueden”.
    Solo: "Solo puedes salir hoy".
    Detener - "por favor, detén eso".
    Cara – “¿Por qué tu cara está tan roja?”
    Cualquier cosa – “puedes pedirme cualquier cosa”.
    Crear – “¿creaste tú esa presentación? Fue muy bueno."
    Público: “esto es propiedad pública”.
    Ya – “Ya le pedí que reenviara su informe.”
    Habla – “¿podrías hablar un poco más alto?”
    Otros – “los otros aún no han llegado”.
    Leer: "Leí en alguna parte que esta casa está encantada".
    Nivel: "¿Qué nivel tienes en ese juego?"
    Permitir: "¿Permite que sus hijos jueguen fuera de la casa?"
    Agregue: "¿Está bien si agregamos un poco de azúcar al té?"
    Oficina - "Bienvenido a mi oficina".
    Gasto: "¿Cuánto gastó en su última juerga de compras?"
    Puerta – “dejaste la puerta abierta”.
    Salud: “debes cuidar bien tu salud”.
    Persona – “eres una buena persona”.
    Arte – “esta es mi obra de arte”.
    Claro: "¿estás seguro de que quieres hacer esto solo?"
    Tal - "eres un niño tan valiente".
    Guerra: "la guerra finalmente ha terminado".
    Historia – “ella es mi profesora de historia”.
    Fiesta: "¿vas a ir a su fiesta esta noche?"
    Dentro: "Apoyamos a todos dentro de nuestra pequeña comunidad".
    Crecer: "queremos que todos crezcan y prosperen en sus carreras".
    Resultado: "el resultado de este programa de divulgación es asombroso".
    Abierto: "¿Estás abierto a enseñar los fines de semana?"
    Cambio – “¿dónde podemos cambiarle el pañal?”
    Mañana - "¡Es una mañana tan hermosa!"
    Caminar – “ven a caminar conmigo”.
    Razón: "tú eres la razón por la que volví a casa".
    Baja: "su presión arterial ha bajado".
    Ganar: “Podemos ganar este partido si trabajamos juntos”.
    Investigación: "¿cómo va su investigación?"
    Chica - "esa chica está en mi clase".
    Chico: "He visto a ese chico en la escuela antes".
    Temprano – “Llego a trabajar muy temprano todos los días”.
    Comida: "¡Vamos a comprar algo de comida, tengo hambre!"
    Antes – “¿Puedo hablar contigo antes de que te vayas a casa?”
    Momento: "en el momento en que entró en la habitación, su cachorro comenzó a saltar y bailar de nuevo".
    Él mismo: “Él mismo cocinó este pavo”.
    Aire: "Me encanta el aire frío de la noche aquí".
    Profesor: "Eres el mejor profesor de todos los tiempos".
    Fuerza – “no lo obligues a jugar con otros niños”.
    Oferta: "¿Puedo ofrecerle que lo lleve a casa?"
    Suficiente - "chicos, ya basta de jugar por hoy".
    Ambos: "ambos deben cambiarse y ponerse su ropa de dormir ahora".
    Educación: "Solo quiero que obtengas la mejor educación".
    Al otro lado - "tu perro corrió por el parque".
    Aunque - "aunque se sentía cansada, todavía no podía dormir".
    Recuerda: "¿Crees que ella todavía me recordará después de diez años?"
    Pie – “su pie quedó atrapado en una de las cuerdas”.
    Segundo: "Esta es la segunda vez que llega tarde este mes".
    Chico: "Hay un chico en su clase que no deja de tirarle del pelo".
    Tal vez – “tal vez podamos tomar helado de postre”.
    Hacia – “dio un paso hacia ella”.
    Capaz: "¿podrá enviarme su informe hoy?"
    Edad: "¿Cuál es la edad promedio para casarse en estos días?"
    Off – “el gato se escapó con el perro”.
    Política: "tienen una generosa política de devolución".
    Todo - "todo está en oferta".
    Amor: "¡Me encanta lo que llevas puesto!"
    Proceso – “espera, dame tiempo para procesar todo lo que me estás diciendo”.
    Música: "Me encanta la música".
    Incluyendo: "alrededor de 20 personas asistieron, incluidos Bob y Beth".
    Considere: "Espero que considere mi propuesta de proyecto".
    Aparecer: "¿Cómo apareció eso de la nada?"
    En realidad: "Solo me voy".
    Comprar: "Voy a comprar estos zapatos".
    Probablemente - "probablemente todavía esté dormido".
    Humano: "Dale un respiro, solo es humano".
    Espera: "¿Está bien si esperas unos minutos?"
    Servir: "este secador me ha servido bien durante años".
    Mercado – “vamos a visitar el mercado de los domingos”.
    Muere – “No quiero que mi gato se muera, llevémoslo al veterinario por favor.”
    Enviar – “envíe el paquete a mi dirección”.
    Espera: "no se puede esperar mucho de su mal servicio".
    Inicio – “¡No puedo esperar para volver a casa!”
    Sentido: "Sentí que algo no estaba bien".
    Construir – “él va a construir la casa de sus sueños”.
    Quédate – “puedes quedarte conmigo por unas semanas”.
    Caída – “ten cuidado, podrías caerte”.
    Oh – “¡oh no, dejé mi teléfono en casa!”
    Nación – “tenemos que actuar como una sola nación”.
    Plan – “¿cuál es tu plan esta vez?”
    Cortar: "no te cortes el pelo".
    Universidad: "nos conocimos en la universidad".
    Interés – “la música es un interés mío”.
    Muerte: "la muerte es un tema muy pesado para mí".
    Curso: "¿Qué curso tomaste en la universidad?"
    Alguien – “¿hay alguien que pueda ir contigo?”
    Experiencia: "¡Qué experiencia tan emocionante!"
    Detrás: "Tengo miedo de comprobar qué hay detrás de esa puerta".
    Alcance: "No puedo comunicarme con él, no contesta su teléfono".
    Local: "este es un negocio local".
    Matar – “fumar puede matarte”.
    Seis: “Tengo seis libros sobre psicología”.
    Permanecer: "estos permanecen en el estante superior".
    Efecto – “¡guau, el efecto de esa máscara es genial!”
    Uso – “¿puedo usar tu teléfono?”
    Sí, "sí, me llamó antes".
    Sugerir: "él me sugirió eso".
    Clase: "estábamos en la misma clase de inglés".
    Control – “¿dónde está el control remoto?”
    Raise: "es muy difícil disciplinar a los niños en estos días".
    Atención: "No me importa lo que pienses".
    Quizás – “quizás podamos llegar a un compromiso”.
    Little – “hay un pajarito afuera de mi ventana”.
    Tarde: "Llego tarde a la cita con mi médico".
    Difícil: "esa prueba fue muy difícil".
    Campo – “él está allí, junto al campo de fútbol”.
    Else – “¿Viene alguien más?”
    Pase – “¿podemos pasar por la tienda de comestibles?”
    Ex - "ella era mi ex compañera de casa".
    Vender: “Podemos vender tu viejo sofá en línea”.
    Mayor: "es un problema importante para el proyecto".
    A veces – “a veces me olvido de apagar las luces del porche”.
    Requerir: "te pedirán que muestres tu identificación"
    Along – “¿Puedo acompañarte en tu viaje por carretera?”
    Desarrollo: "este desarrollo de noticias es realmente interesante".
    Ellos mismos: “pueden cuidarse solos”.
    Informe: "¡Leí su informe y fue genial!"
    Rol: "ella va a interpretar el papel de Elsa".
    Mejor – “¡tu canto ha mejorado mucho!”
    Económica: “algunos países se enfrentan a una crisis económica”.
    Esfuerzo: “el gobierno debe hacer un esfuerzo para resolver esto”.
    Arriba: "Sus calificaciones han subido".
    Decide: “por favor, decide dónde comer”.
    Valore: “¿cómo calificaría el servicio del hotel?”
    Fuerte: "¡aquí tienen un excelente servicio al cliente!"
    Posible: "tal vez sea posible cambiar sus artículos de tocador".
    Corazón – “mi corazón está tan lleno”.
    Medicamento: "Obtuvo la patente del medicamento que creó para curar el cáncer".
    Mostrar: "¿Puedes mostrarme cómo resolver este rompecabezas?"
    Líder: “eres un líder maravilloso”.
    Luz: "Mira cómo se ilumina su rostro cuando mencionas su nombre".
    Voz: "escuchar la voz de su madre es todo lo que necesita en este momento".
    Esposa: "mi esposa está fuera el fin de semana".
    Whole – “Tengo toda la casa para mí solo”.
    Policía: “la policía lo ha interrogado sobre el incidente”.
    Mente – “esta técnica de relajación alivia mi mente”.
    Finalmente – “Finalmente puedo mudarme de mi antiguo departamento”.
    Jalar: “a mi sobrina le gusta jalarme el cabello”.
    Regreso: "Le doy cosquillas a cambio".
    Gratis: “las mejores cosas de la vida son gratis”.
    Militar: "su padre está en el ejército".
    Precio: “este es el precio que pagas por mentir”.
    Informe: "¿Informaste esto a la policía?"
    Menos – “Estoy orando por menos estrés este próximo año nuevo”.
    Según - "según el parte meteorológico, va a llover hoy".
    Decisión: “Esta es una gran decisión para mí”.
    Explicar: "Te lo explicaré todo más tarde, lo prometo".
    Hijo – “¡su hijo es tan lindo!”
    Esperanza: "Espero tener un hijo algún día".
    Incluso - "incluso si se han separado, siguen siendo amigos".
    Desarrollar: “ese sarpullido podría convertirse en algo más serio”.
    Vista – “¡esta vista es increíble!”
    Relación: "han llevado su relación al siguiente nivel".
    Llevar – “¿puedes llevar mi bolso por mí?”
    Ciudad: "esta ciudad es extremadamente tranquila".
    Camino: "hay un camino que conduce al borde del bosque".
    Manejar: "no puedes conducir hasta allí, debes caminar".
    Brazo: "se rompió el brazo durante la práctica".
    Cierto: “es cierto, me voy de la empresa”.
    Federal: "¡El abuso de animales ahora es un delito federal!"
    Rompe – “no infrinjas la ley”.
    Mejor – “más vale que aprendas a seguir las reglas”.
    Diferencia: "¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la felicidad y la satisfacción?"
    Agradecer – “Olvidé darle las gracias por el pastel que nos envió”.
    Recibir: "¿Recibiste el pastel que te envié?"
    Valor: "Valoro mucho nuestra amistad".
    Internacional: "¡su marca se ha vuelto internacional!"
    Edificio – “¡este edificio es tan alto!”
    Acción: “tu próxima acción será crítica”.
    Lleno: "mi carga de trabajo está tan llena ahora".
    Modelo: “un gran líder es un gran modelo de cómo hacer las cosas”.
    Unirse: "él quiere unirse al equipo de fútbol".
    Temporada – “¡La Navidad es mi estación favorita!”
    Sociedad: "su sociedad está organizando una recaudación de fondos".
    Porque - "Me voy a casa porque mi mamá me necesita".
    Impuesto: "¿cuánto es el impuesto sobre la renta actual?"
    Director – “el director gritó '¡corten!'”
    Temprano: "Llego demasiado temprano para mi cita".
    Posición: "coloque la mano correctamente al dibujar".
    Jugador: "ese jugador de baloncesto es lindo".
    De acuerdo – “¡Estoy de acuerdo! ¡El es lindo!"
    Especialmente: "Me gustan especialmente sus ojos azules".
    Registro: "¿podemos registrar las actas de esta reunión, por favor?"
    Elija: "¿Ya eligió un tema de color?"
    Desgaste: "¿es eso lo que vas a usar para la fiesta?"
    Papel – “puedes usar un papel especial para tus invitaciones”.
    Especial – “¡algunos papeles especiales incluso están perfumados!”
    Espacio: "deje un poco de espacio para escribir su número de teléfono".
    Tierra – “la tierra está temblando”.
    Forma: "Se formó una nueva isla después de ese gran terremoto".
    Apoyo: "Necesito su apoyo para este proyecto".
    Evento: "esta noche celebraremos un gran evento".
    Oficial – “¡nuestras fotos oficiales de la boda están disponibles!”
    De quién - "¿de quién es este paraguas?"
    Materia - "¿qué importa de todos modos?"
    Todos: "Todos piensan que robé ese archivo".
    Centro: "Odio ser el centro de atención".
    La pareja: "la pareja está ahora de luna de miel".
    Sitio – “¡este sitio es tan grande!”
    Fin: "es el final de una era".
    Proyecto: "este archivo de proyecto vence mañana".
    Golpe – “golpeó al ladrón con un bate”.
    Base: "todas las mamás son la base de operaciones de sus hijos".
    Actividad: "¿Qué actividad musical puede sugerir para mi niño pequeño?"
    Estrella – “¡mi hijo puede dibujar una estrella!”
    Mesa – “Lo vi dibujarlo mientras escribía en la mesa”.
    Necesidad: "Necesito inscribirlo en un buen preescolar".
    Cancha: "hay una cancha de baloncesto cerca de nuestra casa".
    Productos: "los productos agrícolas frescos son los mejores".
    Comer: "Podría comer eso todo el día".
    Estadounidense: "mi hermana está saliendo con un estadounidense".
    Enseñar: "Me encanta enseñar lecciones de inglés".
    Aceite – “¿Podrías comprarme un poco de aceite de cocina en la tienda?”
    Medio – “sólo medio litro, por favor”.
    Situación: “la situación se está saliendo de control”.
    Fácil: "¿Pensé que dijiste que esto iba a ser fácil?"
    Costo: "¡el costo del combustible ha aumentado!"
    Industria: “la industria de los combustibles está subiendo los precios”.
    Figura: "¿Nuestro gobierno descubrirá cómo solucionar este problema?"
    Cara: "No soporto enfrentarme a este horrible tráfico una y otra vez".
    Calle – “crucemos la calle”.
    Imagen: "Hay una imagen de él almacenada en mi mente".
    En sí mismo: "la bicicleta en sí es bastante impresionante".
    Teléfono: "además, tiene un soporte para teléfono".
    Cualquiera: "O camino o viajo al trabajo".
    Datos: "¿Cómo podemos simplificar estos datos?"
    Cobertura: "¿podría cubrirme durante emergencias?"
    Bastante: "Estoy bastante satisfecho con su trabajo".
    Imagen – “imagínese esto: un lago, una cabaña y mucha paz.
    Claro: "esa imagen es tan clara dentro de mi cabeza".
    Práctica – “practiquemos nuestro número de baile”.
    Pedazo – “¡eso es pan comido!”
    Aterrizar: "su avión aterrizará pronto".
    Reciente: "esta es su publicación más reciente en las redes sociales".
    Describir – “descríbete a ti mismo en una palabra”.
    Producto: "este es mi producto favorito en su nueva línea de cosméticos".
    Doctor - "el doctor está adentro".
    Muro: "¿Puedes publicar esto en el muro?"
    Paciente: “el paciente tiene mucho dolor ahora”.
    Trabajadora - "ella es una trabajadora de fábrica".
    Noticias: "Lo vi en las noticias".
    Prueba: "Tengo que aprobar esta prueba de inglés".
    Película: "veamos una película más tarde".
    Cierto: "ahora hay un cierto tipo de magia en el aire".
    Norte: "Santa vive en el norte".
    Amor – “¡Me encanta la Navidad!”
    Personal: “esta carta es muy personal”.
    Abierto: "¿Por qué lo abriste y lo leíste?"
    Apoyo: "¿lo apoyarás?"
    Simplemente: "Simplemente no toleraré el mal comportamiento".
    Tercero: "Esta es la tercera vez que me mientes".
    Tecnología: “escribe sobre las ventajas de la tecnología”.
    Captura: "¡Vamos a ponernos al día pronto, por favor!"
    Paso - "cuida tu paso".
    Bebé: "su bebé es tan adorable".
    Computadora – “¿puedes encender la computadora, por favor?”
    Escriba: "debe escribir su contraseña".
    Atención – “¿puedo tener su atención, por favor?”
    Dibujar: "¿Puedes dibujar esto para mí?"
    Película – “esa película es alucinante”.
    Republicano: “es un candidato republicano”.
    Árbol – “ese árbol ha estado allí por generaciones”.
    Fuente - "tú eres mi fuente de fortaleza".
    Rojo: "Me pondré un vestido rojo esta noche".
    Casi – “¡casi muere en ese accidente!”
    Organización: “su organización está haciendo grandes cosas por los niños de la calle”.
    Elegir - "déjame elegir un color".
    Causa: "Tenemos que ver la causa y el efecto de este experimento".
    Cabello: "Me cortaré el cabello para variar".
    Mira – “¿puedes mirar los artículos que compré?”
    Punto “¿cuál es el punto de todo esto?
    Siglo: "estamos viviendo en el siglo XXI, María".
    Evidencia: "la evidencia muestra claramente que es culpable".
    Ventana: "Compraré cortinas para la ventana la semana que viene".
    Difícil “a veces, la vida puede ser difícil”.
    Escucha: “tienes que escuchar a tu maestro”.
    Pronto: "Lanzaré mi curso pronto".
    Cultura – “Espero que entiendan mejor nuestra cultura”.
    Mil millones: “mi objetivo es tener mil millones de dólares en mi cuenta para fin de año”.
    Oportunidad: "¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que puedas hacer esto por mí?"
    Hermano: "mi hermano siempre me cubre las espaldas".
    Energía: “ahora pon esa energía en caminar”.
    Período: "cubrieron veinte años".
    Curso: "¿ya has visto mi curso?"
    Verano – “Iré a la playa en verano”.
    Menos – “a veces, menos es más”.
    Darse cuenta: "Me acabo de dar cuenta de que tengo una reunión hoy".
    Cien – “Tengo cien dólares que te puedo prestar.”
    Disponible: "Estoy disponible para trabajar en su proyecto".
    Plantar – “plantar una semilla”.
    Probable - "probablemente fue un rastro de ciervos".
    Oportunidad: "fue la oportunidad perfecta para probar su teoría".
    Término: "Estoy seguro de que hay un término latino para eso".
    Corto – “fue solo una estadía corta en el hotel”.
    Carta – “Ya aprobé mi carta de intención”.
    Condición: "¿Sabes en qué condición estoy?"
    Elección: "No tengo elección".
    Lugar - "vamos a encontrarnos en el lugar de reunión".
    Soltero: “Soy un padre soltero”.
    Regla: "es el estado de derecho".
    Hija – “mi hija ya sabe leer”.
    Administración: "Me ocuparé de esto con la administración".
    Sur: "Me dirijo al sur".
    Esposo – “mi esposo acaba de comprarme un anillo para mi cumpleaños”.
    Congreso – “será debatido en el congreso”.
    Piso: "ella es nuestra gerente de piso".
    Campaña: "Manejé su campaña electoral".
    Material: "no tenía nada material que informar".
    Población: “la población de la gran ciudad más cercana estaba creciendo”.
    Bueno - "Te deseo lo mejor".
    Llamar – “Voy a llamar al banco”.
    Economía: “la economía está en auge”.
    Médico - "ella necesita asistencia médica".
    Hospital – “La llevaré al hospital más cercano”.
    Iglesia – “Te vi en la iglesia el domingo pasado.”
    Cerrar - "por favor, cierre la puerta".
    Mil – “¡hay mil razones para aprender inglés!”
    Riesgo: “asumir un riesgo puede ser gratificante”.
    Actual: "¿Cuál es su dirección actual?"
    Incendio: "asegúrese de que su detector de humo funcione en caso de incendio".
    Futuro: "el futuro está lleno de esperanza".
    Incorrecto: "esa es la respuesta incorrecta".
    Involucrar – “necesitamos involucrar a la policía”.
    Defensa: "¿Cuál es su defensa o la razón por la que hizo esto?"
    Cualquiera - "¿alguien sabe la respuesta?"
    Aumentar: "aumentemos la puntuación de su examen".
    Seguridad: "algunos edificios de apartamentos tienen seguridad".
    Banco: "Necesito ir al banco para retirar algo de dinero".
    Yo mismo: “Puedo limpiar solo”.
    Ciertamente - "Ciertamente puedo ayudar a limpiar".
    Oeste: "si conduce hacia el oeste, llegará a California".
    Deporte: “mi deporte favorito es el fútbol”.
    Tablero: "¿puedes ver el tablero?"
    Busca – “busca y encontrarás”.
    Por: "La langosta cuesta $ 20 por libra".
    Asunto: "¡Mi tema favorito es el inglés!"
    Oficial – “¿dónde puedo encontrar un oficial de policía?”
    Privado: "esta es una fiesta privada".
    Descanso: “Tomemos un descanso de 15 minutos”.
    Comportamiento: "el comportamiento de este perro es excelente".
    Oferta: "un automóvil usado puede ser una buena oferta".
    Rendimiento: "su rendimiento puede verse afectado por su sueño".
    Pelea: “No quiero pelear contigo”.
    Lanzar – “¡tírame la pelota!”
    Superior: "eres un estudiante destacado".
    Rápido – “vamos a terminar de leer esto rápido”.
    Pasado: "en el pasado, mi inglés no era tan bueno como lo es hoy".
    Objetivo: "mi objetivo es hablar inglés con fluidez".
    Segundo: "mi segundo objetivo es aumentar mi confianza".
    Cama – “Me acuesto alrededor de las 10 de la noche”.
    Pedido: "Me gustaría pedir un libro".
    Autor: "el autor de esta serie es mundialmente famoso".
    Llenar: "Necesito llenar (hasta) mi tanque de gasolina".
    Representar – “Yo represento a mi familia.”
    Concéntrese: "¡apague su teléfono y la televisión y concéntrese en sus estudios!"
    Extranjero: "Es genial tener amigos extranjeros".
    Suelta – “¡por favor no dejes caer los huevos!”
    Plan – “hagamos un plan”.
    Sangre – “el hospital necesita gente que done sangre”.
    Upon – “Había una vez, una princesa vivía en un castillo”.
    Agencia: “contratemos una agencia para ayudar con el marketing”.
    Empujar: "la puerta dice 'empujar', no 'tirar'".
    Naturaleza – “¡Me encanta caminar en la naturaleza!”
    Color: “mi color favorito es el azul”.
    No: “'no' es una de las oraciones completas más cortas”.
    Recientemente: "Limpié el baño recientemente, así que creo que esta vez es tu turno".
    Tienda – “Voy a la tienda a comprar pan”.
    Reducir: "reducir, reutilizar y reciclar son las formas de ayudar al medio ambiente".
    Sonido: "Me gusta el sonido de las campanas de viento".
    Nota: "tome notas durante la lección".
    Bien - "Me siento bien".
    Antes – “¡antes de la película, compremos palomitas de maíz!”
    Cerca – “cerca, lejos, estés donde estés, creo que el corazón sigue”.
    Movimiento – “el movimiento ambientalista es un movimiento internacional”.
    Página – “vaya a la página 62”.
    Ingrese: "puede ingresar al edificio a la izquierda".
    Compartir – “déjame compartir mi idea”.
    Luego, “el helado tiene más calorías que el agua”.
    Común: "la mayoría de las personas pueden encontrar algo en común entre sí".
    Pobre: ​​“Tuvimos una mala cosecha este año porque estuvo muy seco”.
    Otro: "este bolígrafo no funciona, pruebe con el otro".
    Natural: "este limpiador es natural, no contiene productos químicos".
    Carrera: "vimos la carrera de autos en la televisión".
    Preocupación: "gracias por su preocupación, pero estoy bien".
    Serie – “¿Cuál es tu serie de televisión favorita?”
    Significativo: "su trabajo gana una cantidad significativa de dinero".
    Similar: "estos aretes no combinan, pero son similares".
    Caliente – “no toques la estufa, aún está caliente”.
    Idioma: "aprender un nuevo idioma es divertido".
    Cada – “pongan una flor en cada jarrón”.
    Usualmente – “Usualmente compro en la tienda de la esquina.”
    Respuesta: "No esperaba que su respuesta llegara tan pronto".
    Muerto: "mi teléfono está muerto, déjame cargarlo".
    Rise – “el sol saldrá a las 7:00 am”
    Animal – “¿Qué clase de animal es ese?”
    Factor: "la herencia es un factor en su salud general".
    Década: "He vivido en esta ciudad durante más de una década".
    Artículo: "¿Leíste ese artículo de periódico?"
    Dispara – “él quiere disparar flechas al blanco”.
    Este: "conduzca hacia el este durante tres millas".
    Guardar: "Guardo todas mis latas para reciclarlas".
    Siete – “quedan siete rebanadas de pastel”.
    Artista: "Taylor Swift es una artista discográfica".
    Lejos: "Ojalá ese mosquito se fuera".
    Escena: "pintó una escena callejera colorida".
    Stock: "esa tienda tiene un buen stock de postales".
    Carrera: "La venta minorista es una buena carrera para algunas personas".
    A pesar de: "a pesar de la lluvia, aún tendremos el picnic".
    Central – “hay buenas tiendas en el centro de Londres”.
    Ocho – “esa receta lleva ocho tazas de harina”.
    Por lo tanto, "no hemos tenido ningún problema hasta ahora".
    Tratamiento: “Propondré un plan de tratamiento para su lesión”.
    Más allá: "la ciudad está justo más allá de esas montañas".
    Feliz - "los gatitos me hacen feliz".
    Exactamente: "use exactamente una cucharadita de sal en esa receta".
    Proteger: “un abrigo te protegerá del clima frío”.
    Acercamiento: "el gato se acercó lentamente al pájaro".
    Mentira – “enseña a tus hijos a no mentir”.
    Talla – “¿Qué talla es esa camisa?
    Perro – “¿Crees que un perro es una buena mascota?”
    Fondo: "Tengo un fondo de ahorro para la universidad".
    Serio: "Ella es tan seria que nunca se ríe".
    Ocurren: "Cosas extrañas ocurren en esa casa vacía".
    Medios – “ese tema ha sido discutido en los medios”.
    Listo: "¿Estás listo para irte al trabajo?"
    Letrero: "esa tienda necesita un letrero más grande".
    Pensamiento: "Tendré que pensarlo un poco".
    Lista – “Hice una lista de cosas por hacer”.
    Individual: “puede comprar una membresía individual o grupal”.
    Simple: "el aparato viene con instrucciones simples".
    Calidad: “Pagué un poco más por zapatos de calidad”.
    Presión: "no hay presión para terminar en este momento".
    Aceptar: "¿Aceptará mi tarjeta de crédito?"
    Respuesta: "Dame tu respuesta mañana al mediodía".
    Difícil – “esa prueba fue muy difícil”.
    Recurso: "la biblioteca tiene muchos recursos en línea".
    Identificar: "No puedo identificar esa planta".
    Izquierda: "la puerta está a su izquierda cuando se acerca".
    Reunión: "tendremos una reunión de personal después del almuerzo".
    Determinar: "el color de los ojos está determinado genéticamente".
    Preparar: "Prepararé el desayuno mañana".
    Enfermedad: “las máscaras faciales ayudan a prevenir enfermedades”.
    Lo que sea: "elige el sabor que más te guste".
    Éxito: “el fracaso es la puerta trasera del éxito”.
    Discutir: "no es una buena idea discutir con tu jefe".
    Taza – “¿quieres una taza de café?”
    En particular, "no hace mucho calor afuera, solo tibio".
    Cantidad: "se necesita una gran cantidad de comida para alimentar a un elefante".
    Habilidad: "puede explicar bien las cosas".
    Personal: "hay cinco personas en el personal aquí".
    Reconocer: “¿reconoces a la persona en esta foto?”
    Indique: “su respuesta indicó que entendió”.
    Carácter: “puedes confiar en personas de buen carácter”.
    Crecimiento: "la empresa ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento este trimestre".
    Pérdida: "el agricultor sufrió grandes pérdidas después de la tormenta".
    Grado: “ponga el horno a 300 grados”.
    Maravilla – “Me pregunto si los toros ganarán el juego”.
    Ataque: “el ejército atacará al amanecer”.
    Ella misma: “se compró un abrigo nuevo”.
    Región: "¿Qué servicios de Internet hay en su región?"
    Televisión: "No veo mucha televisión".
    Caja – “Empaqué mis platos en una caja fuerte”.
    Televisión: "hay una buena película en la televisión esta noche".
    Capacitación: “la empresa pagará por su capacitación”.
    Bonito - "ese es un vestido bonito".
    Comercio: "el mercado de valores cotizó a la baja hoy".
    Oferta: "Obtuve una buena oferta en la tienda".
    Elección: "¿Quién crees que ganará las elecciones?"
    Todo el mundo - "a todo el mundo le gusta el helado".
    Físico: “mantenga una distancia física de seis pies”.
    Lay – “acueste al bebé en su cuna, por favor”.
    General: "mi impresión general del restaurante fue buena".
    Sentimiento: “Tengo un buen presentimiento sobre esto”.
    Estándar: "la tarifa estándar es de $ 10.00".
    Factura – “el electricista me enviará una factura”.
    Mensaje: "tienes un mensaje de texto en tu teléfono".
    Fail – “No veo qué tiene eso de divertido”.
    Afuera – “el gato sale afuera a veces”.
    Llegada: "¿cuándo llegará tu avión?"
    Análisis: "Te daré mi análisis cuando haya visto todo".
    Beneficio: "La quinua tiene muchos beneficios para la salud".
    Nombre – “¿cuál es tu nombre?”
    Sexo: "¿Ya sabes el sexo de tu bebé?"
    Adelante: "mueva el automóvil hacia adelante unos pocos pies".
    Abogado: “mi abogado me ayudó a redactar un testamento”.
    Presente: “si todos están presentes, la reunión puede comenzar”.
    Sección: "¿En qué sección del estadio estás sentado?"
    Ambiental: “los problemas ambientales están en las noticias”.
    Vidrio: “el vidrio es mucho más pesado que el plástico”.
    Respuesta: "¿Podría responderme una pregunta?"
    Habilidad: "su mejor habilidad es la carpintería".
    Hermana: “mi hermana vive cerca de mí”.
    Pm – “la película comienza a las 7:30 pm”.
    Profesor – “Dr. Smith es mi profesor favorito”.
    Operación: “la operación minera emplea a miles de personas”.
    Financiero: “Mantengo mis cuentas en mi institución financiera”.
    Crimen: “la policía combate el crimen”.
    Etapa: "una oruga es la etapa larvaria de una mariposa".
    Ok – “¿estaría bien salir a comer esta noche?”
    Comparar: “Deberíamos comparar autos antes de comprar uno”.
    Autoridad: "las autoridades de la ciudad hacen las leyes locales".
    Señorita – “Te extraño, ¿cuándo te volveré a ver?”
    Diseño: "necesitamos diseñar un nuevo logotipo".
    Ordenar: "clasifiquemos estas cuentas según el color".
    Uno – “Solo tengo un gato”.
    Actuar: "Actuaré según su información hoy".
    Diez – “la bebé contó los diez dedos de sus pies”.
    Conocimiento: "¿Tienes el conocimiento para arreglar eso?"
    Arma – “la propiedad de armas es un tema controvertido”.
    Estación – “hay una estación de tren cerca de mi casa”.
    Azul – “mi color favorito es el azul”.
    Estado – “después del accidente estaba en estado de shock”.
    Estrategia: “aquí está escrita nuestra nueva estrategia corporativa”.
    Little – “Prefiero los autos pequeños”.
    Claramente, "las instrucciones estaban escritas".
    Discutir: "lo discutiremos en la reunión".
    De hecho, "su madre sí tiene pérdida de audición".
    Fuerza: "se necesita mucha fuerza para abrir esa puerta".
    Verdad – “por favor dime la verdad.”
    Canción – “Esa es una hermosa canción”.
    Ejemplo: "Necesito un ejemplo de ese punto gramatical, por favor".
    Democrático: "¿Australia tiene un gobierno democrático?"
    Verificar: "verifique mi trabajo para asegurarse de que sea correcto".
    Medio ambiente: “vivimos en un medio ambiente saludable”.
    Pierna – “el niño se rompió la pierna”.
    Oscuro - "enciende la luz, está oscuro aquí".
    Público: "Se deben usar máscaras en lugares públicos".
    Varios: "esa alfombra viene en varios tonos de gris".
    Más bien: "¿preferirías una hamburguesa que un perrito caliente?"
    Ríete: “esa película siempre me hace reír”.
    Adivina: "si no sabes, simplemente adivina".
    Ejecutivo: "los ejecutivos de la empresa están bien pagados".
    Listo – “coloca el vaso sobre la mesa, por favor”.
    Estudiar: “él necesita estudiar para el examen”.
    Demostrar: "el empleado demostró su valía".
    Colgar: "por favor, cuelgue su abrigo en el gancho".
    Entero: "se comió toda la comida en 10 minutos".
    Roca – “hay rocas decorativas en el jardín”.
    Diseño: "las ventanas no se abren por diseño".
    Suficiente - "¿has tomado suficiente café?"
    Olvidar: “no olvides pasar por la tienda”.
    Desde - "no ha comido desde ayer".
    Reclamo: "Hice un reclamo de seguro por mi accidente automovilístico".
    Nota: "déjame una nota si vas a llegar tarde".
    Remover – “retirar las galletas del horno”.
    Administrador: “el administrador revisará su solicitud”.
    Ayuda – “¿podría ayudarme a mover esta mesa?”
    Cerrar – “cierra la puerta, por favor”.
    Sonido: “el perro no emitió ningún sonido”.
    Disfrute – “Me gusta la soda”.
    Red: "banda es el nombre de nuestra red de Internet".
    Legal: "los documentos legales deben estar firmados".
    Religiosa: “Ella es muy religiosa, asiste a la iglesia semanalmente”.
    Frío – “mis pies están fríos”.
    Formulario: "Por favor, rellene este formulario de solicitud".
    Final: "el divorcio fue definitivo el mes pasado".
    Main – “el principal problema es la falta de dinero”.
    Ciencias – “estudia ciencias de la salud en la universidad”.
    Verde – “la hierba es verde”.
    Memoria – “tiene buena memoria”.
    Tarjeta – “me enviaron una tarjeta para mi cumpleaños”.
    Arriba: "mira en el estante sobre el fregadero".
    Asiento: “ese es un asiento cómodo”.
    Célula: “tu cuerpo está hecho de millones de células”.
    Establecer: "establecieron su negocio en 1942".
    Agradable: "Es un auto muy bueno".
    Juicio: “la están empleando a modo de prueba”.
    Experto: "es mate, experto".
    Eso – “¿viste esa película?”
    Primavera – “la primavera es la estación más hermosa”.
    Firme – “su 'no” fue muy firme, no cambiará de opinión.”
    Demócrata: “los demócratas controlan el Senado”.
    Radio – “Escucho la radio en el carro.”
    Visita – “visitamos el museo hoy”.
    Gestión: "esa tienda tiene una buena gestión".
    Cuidado – “ella cuida a su madre en casa”.
    Evitar: “debes evitar la hiedra venenosa”.
    Imagínese – “¿te imaginas si los cerdos pudieran volar?”
    Esta noche – “¿te gustaría salir esta noche?”
    Enorme – “¡ese camión es enorme!”
    Pelota – “le tiró la pelota al perro”.
    No – “Dije 'no', por favor no vuelvas a preguntar”.
    Cerrar – “cierra la ventana, por favor”.
    Terminar: "¿Terminaste tu tarea?"
    Tú mismo: "¿te cortaste el pelo?"
    Hablar – “habla mucho”.
    Teoría: "en teoría, ese es un buen plan".
    Impacto: “la sequía tuvo un gran impacto en los cultivos”.
    Responder: "todavía no ha respondido a mi mensaje de texto".
    Declaración – “el jefe de policía declaró a los medios”.
    Mantener: “el ejercicio te ayuda a mantener un peso saludable”.
    Carga: "Necesito cargar mi teléfono".
    Popular: "ese es un restaurante popular".
    Tradicional – “Allí sirven comida tradicional italiana”.
    Onto – “salta al bote e iremos a pescar”.
    Revelar: "lavar la suciedad reveló la rodilla despellejada del niño".
    Dirección: "¿En qué dirección está la ciudad desde aquí?"
    Arma: “no se permiten armas en los edificios gubernamentales”.
    Empleado: "esa tienda solo tiene tres empleados".
    Cultural: "hay un significado cultural en esas antiguas ruinas".
    Contener: "el cartón contiene una docena de huevos".
    Paz: "líderes mundiales reunidos para conversaciones de paz".
    Cabeza – “me duele la cabeza”.
    Control: “mantener el control del automóvil”.
    Base: "el vaso tiene una base pesada para que no se caiga".
    Dolor: “Tengo dolor en el pecho”.
    Aplicar - "maria solicitó el trabajo".
    Jugar – “los niños juegan en el parque”.
    Medir: "medir dos veces, cortar una vez".
    Ancho – “la entrada era muy ancha”.
    Agitar: "no agite la lata de refresco".
    Fly In this country, fried chicken fly directly into your mouth.
    Entrevista: "mi entrevista de trabajo salió bien".
    Gestionar: "¿conseguiste encontrar las llaves?"
    Silla: "la mesa tiene seis sillas a juego".
    Pescado: "No me gusta comer pescado".
    Particular: “ese estilo en particular te queda bien”.
    Cámara: “Uso la cámara de mi teléfono”.
    Estructura: "la estructura del edificio es sólida".
    Política: “mitch es muy activo en política”.
    Actuar: "el cantante actuará esta noche".
    Bit – “llovió un poco anoche”.
    Peso: "mantenga un registro del peso de su mascota".
    De repente – “la tormenta vino de repente”.
    Descubrir: "descubrirás tesoros en esa tienda de segunda mano".
    Candidato: “hay diez candidatos para el puesto”.
    Arriba: "la bandera ondea en la parte superior de ese edificio".
    Producción: "La producción de la fábrica ha mejorado durante el verano".
    Trato – “Date un gusto por un trabajo bien hecho”.
    Viaje: “Haremos un viaje a Florida en enero”.
    Tarde: "Me quedaré en casa esta noche".
    Afecto: "mi cuenta bancaria afectará cuánto puedo comprar".
    Adentro – “el gato se queda adentro”.
    Conferencia: “habrá presentadores expertos en la conferencia”.
    Unidad: “un pie es una unidad de medida”.
    Lo mejor: "Esas son las mejores gafas para comprar".
    Estilo – “mi vestido está pasado de moda”.
    Adulto: "los adultos pagan el precio completo, pero los niños son gratis".
    Preocupación: "no te preocupes por el mañana".
    Rango: mi médico me ofreció una variedad de opciones.
    Mención: "¿Puedes mencionarme en tu historia?"
    Más bien, “en lugar de centrarnos en las cosas malas, seamos agradecidos por las cosas buenas”.
    Lejos: “No quiero mudarme lejos de mi familia”.
    Profundo – “ese poema sobre la vida es profundo”.
    Frente: "por favor, mire hacia el frente".
    Borde: "por favor, no te pares tan cerca del borde del acantilado".
    Individual: "estas papas fritas están en un paquete de tamaño de porción individual".
    Específico: "¿podría ser más específico?"
    Escritor: “eres un buen escritor”.
    Problemas – “manténgase alejado de los problemas”.
    Necesario – “es necesario dormir”.
    A lo largo de: "a lo largo de mi vida, siempre he disfrutado de la lectura".
    Desafío: "Te desafío a que lo hagas mejor".
    Miedo – “¿tienes algún miedo?”
    Hombro: “no tienes que asumir todo el trabajo por tu cuenta”.
    Institución: "¿Ha asistido a alguna institución de educación superior?"
    Medio: "Soy un hijo del medio con un hermano mayor y una hermana menor".
    Mar – “Quiero navegar los siete mares”.
    Sueño: “Tengo un sueño”.
    Bar: “un bar es un lugar donde se sirve alcohol”.
    Hermosa – “eres hermosa”.
    Propiedad: "¿Es dueño de una propiedad, como una casa?"
    En cambio, “en lugar de comer pastel, comeré fruta”.
    Mejorar: "Siempre estoy buscando formas de mejorar".
    Cosas: "¡Cuando me mudé, me di cuenta de que tenía muchas cosas!"
    Afirmación: "Afirmo ser un lector rápido, pero soy promedio".

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