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ZUHAUSE » Vokabeltrainer: 1.000 Wörter in 1 Monat

Vokabeltrainer: 1.000 Wörter in 1 Monat

Ich liebe Bali-Podcast

Listen to the sound of the first word:

The English translation is:

Listen to the sound of an example sentence:

Ich habe keine Zeit.

Its meaning in English is:
I have no time.
Now we speak it slowly, with a pause between the words. Speak it out loud word-by-word:

Ich habe keine Zeit.

And now, listen to its word-by-word translation in English, to develop a feeling for the structure of the sentences, without learning grammar rules!
Time: ... I, no, have, time.
And finally, you can train this sentence a couple of times. Speak every word out loud, and match their sounds best possible:

Ich habe keine Zeit.
Ich habe keine Zeit.
Ich habe keine Zeit.
Das erste Wort ist:


Wirst du mein Freund sein?

Will you be my friend?

Wirst du mein Freund sein?

Be: ... Will you, be, my friend?

Wirst du mein Freund sein?
Wirst du mein Freund sein?
Wirst du mein Freund sein?
Das 2. Wort ist:


Du und ich werden immer Freunde sein.

You and I will always be friends.

Sie, ... und ... ich ... werden ... immer ... Freunde sein.

And: ... You, and, I, will, always, be, friends.

Sie, ... und ... ich ... werden ... immer ... Freunde sein.
Sie, ... und ... ich ... werden ... immer ... Freunde sein.
Du und ich werden immer Freunde sein.
Das dritte Wort ist:


Heute ist der erste November.

Today is the first of November.

Heute, ... ist, ... der, ... erste, ... des, ... November.

Of: ... Day, this, is, which, first, of, November.

Heute, ... ist, ... der, ... erste, ... des, ... November.
Heute, ... ist, ... der, ... erste, ... des, ... November.
Heute ist der erste November.
Das vierte Wort ist:


Ich habe heute einen Bären gesehen.

I saw a bear today.

Ich, ... habe heute, ... einen, ... Bären, ... gesehen.

A: ... I, look, bear, day, this.

Ich, ... habe heute, ... einen, ... Bären, ... gesehen.
Ich, ... habe heute, ... einen, ... Bären, ... gesehen.
Ich habe heute einen Bären gesehen.
Das fünfte Wort lautet:


Sie ist in ihrem Zimmer.

She is in her room.

Sie ist in ihrem Zimmer.

In: ... He is, is, in, his room.

Sie ist in ihrem Zimmer.
Sie ist in ihrem Zimmer.
Sie ist in ihrem Zimmer.
Das 6. Wort ist:


Lass uns in den Park gehen.

Let’s go to the park.

Lass uns in den Park gehen.

To... Come on, go, to, the park.

Lass uns in den Park gehen.
Lass uns in den Park gehen.
Lass uns in den Park gehen.
Das 7. Wort ist:


Ich habe ein paar Fragen.

I have a few questions.

Ich habe ein paar Fragen.

Have: ... I, have, some, questions.

Ich habe ein paar Fragen.
Ich habe ein paar Fragen.
Ich habe ein paar Fragen.
Das achte Wort lautet:


Ich mag sie auch.

I like her too.

Ich mag sie auch.

Also... I, too, like it.

Ich mag sie auch.
Ich mag sie auch.
Ich mag sie auch.
Das 9. Wort ist:


Draußen ist es sonnig.

It is sunny outside.

Draußen ist es sonnig.

It's... In, outside, it's sunny.

Draußen ist es sonnig.
Draußen ist es sonnig.
Draußen ist es sonnig.
Das zehnte Wort lautet:


Ich mag es hier sehr.

I really like it here.

Ich, ... wirklich, ... mag, ... es, ... hier.

I: ... I, really, like, in, here.

Ich, ... wirklich, ... mag, ... es, ... hier.
Ich, ... wirklich, ... mag, ... es, ... hier.
Ich mag es hier sehr.
Das 11. Wort ist:


Diese Tür ist offen.

That door is open.

Diese, ... Tür, ... ist, ... offen.

That... The door, that, is open.

Diese, ... Tür, ... ist, ... offen.
Diese, ... Tür, ... ist, ... offen.
Diese Tür ist offen.
Das 12. Wort ist:


Dieser Brief ist für Sie.

This letter is for you.

Dieser, ... Brief, ... ist, ... für, ... Sie.

For: ... Letters, here, for you.

Dieser, ... Brief, ... ist, ... für, ... Sie.
Dieser, ... Brief, ... ist, ... für, ... Sie.
Dieser Brief ist für Sie.
Das 13. Wort ist:


Du bist sehr nett.

You are really nice.

Du bist sehr nett.

You... You are, really, good.

Du bist sehr nett.
Du bist sehr nett.
Du bist sehr nett.
Das 14. Wort ist:


Er ist mein Bruder.

He is my brother.

Er ist mein Bruder.

He: ... He, is, my brother.

Er ist mein Bruder.
Er ist mein Bruder.
Er ist mein Bruder.
Das 15. Wort:


Ich will mit dir gehen.

I want to go with you.

Ich will mit dir gehen.

With: ... I, want, go, with you.

Ich will mit dir gehen.
Ich will mit dir gehen.
Ich will mit dir gehen.
Das 16. Wort:


Ich schaue mir Filme auf meinem iPad an.

I watch movies on my ipad.

Ich, ... schaue, ... Filme, ... auf, ... meinem, ... Telefon.

Active: ... Me, watching, movies, on, phone, me.

Ich, ... schaue, ... Filme, ... auf, ... meinem, ... Telefon.
Ich, ... schaue, ... Filme, ... auf, ... meinem, ... Telefon.
Ich schaue mir Filme auf meinem iPad an.
Das 17. Wort:


Was wirst du jetzt machen?

What will you do now?

Was wirst du jetzt machen?

Do: ... What, who, will, you, do, now?

Was wirst du jetzt machen?
Was wirst du jetzt machen?
Was wirst du jetzt machen?
Das 18. Wort:


Kann ich etwas sagen?

Can I say something?

Kann ich etwas sagen?

Say: ... Can, I, say, something?

Kann ich etwas sagen?
Kann ich etwas sagen?
Kann ich etwas sagen?
Das 19. Wort:


Das ist mein Lieblingskeks.

This is my favorite cookie.

Das, ... ist, ... mein, ... Lieblings-, ... Keks.

This: ... This, is, cake, my favorite.

Das, ... ist, ... mein, ... Lieblings-, ... Keks.
Das, ... ist, ... mein, ... Lieblings-, ... Keks.
Das ist mein Lieblingskeks.
Das 20. Wort:


Sie sind hier! ...

They are here! ...

Sie sind hier!, ... ...

They: ... They are, there, in, here!

Sie sind hier!, ... ...
Sie sind hier!, ... ...
Sie sind hier! ...
Das 21. Wort:


Kannst du mich im Einkaufszentrum abholen?

Can you pick me up at the mall?

Kann, ... du, ... mich, ... abholen, ... in, ... dem, ... Einkaufszentrum?

At: ... Can, you, pick up, me, at, the mall?

Kann, ... du, ... mich, ... abholen, ... in, ... dem, ... Einkaufszentrum?
Kann, ... du, ... mich, ... abholen, ... in, ... dem, ... Einkaufszentrum?
Kannst du mich im Einkaufszentrum abholen?
Das 22. Wort:


Es tut mir leid, aber sie ist weg.

I’m sorry but she’s away.

Ich bin, ... Entschuldigung, ... aber, ... sie ist, ... weg.

But: ... Sorry, but, he, go.

Ich bin, ... Entschuldigung, ... aber, ... sie ist, ... weg.
Ich bin, ... Entschuldigung, ... aber, ... sie ist, ... weg.
Es tut mir leid, aber sie ist weg.
Das 23. Wort:


Wir schauen uns einen Film an.

We are going to watch a movie.

Wir, ... sind, ... gehen, ... zu, ... uns, ... einen, ... Film.

We: ... We, will, watch, movies.

Wir, ... sind, ... gehen, ... zu, ... uns, ... einen, ... Film.
Wir, ... sind, ... gehen, ... zu, ... uns, ... einen, ... Film.
Wir schauen uns einen Film an.
Das 24. Wort:


Das ist seine Kiste.

This is his box.

Das, ... ist, ... seine, ... Kiste.

Hers... Here, the box.

Das, ... ist, ... seine, ... Kiste.
Das, ... ist, ... seine, ... Kiste.
Das ist seine Kiste.
Das 25. Wort:


Diese Karte stammt von meinem Cousin.

This card came from my cousin.

Diese, ... Karte, ... kam, ... von, ... meinem, ... Cousin.

From: ... Card, this, comes, from, cousin, me.

Diese, ... Karte, ... kam, ... von, ... meinem, ... Cousin.
Diese, ... Karte, ... kam, ... von, ... meinem, ... Cousin.
Diese Karte stammt von meinem Cousin.
Das 26. Wort:


Das ist ein echt cooler Trick! ...

That’s a really cool trick! ...

Das ist, ... ein, ... wirklich, ... cooler, ... Trick!, ... ...

That's... That's, a trick, which is, really, cool!

Das ist, ... ein, ... wirklich, ... cooler, ... Trick!, ... ...
Das ist, ... ein, ... wirklich, ... cooler, ... Trick!, ... ...
Das ist ein echt cooler Trick! ...
Das 27. Wort:


Das will ich nicht.

That’s not what I want.

Das ist, ... nicht, ... was, ... ich, ... will.

No: ... No, that, that, I, want.

Das ist, ... nicht, ... was, ... ich, ... will.
Das ist, ... nicht, ... was, ... ich, ... will.
Das will ich nicht.
Das 28. Wort:


Ich kann es nicht öffnen.

I can’t open it.

Ich, ... kann nicht, ... öffnen, ... es.

No, can: ... I, no, can, open it.

Ich, ... kann nicht, ... öffnen, ... es.
Ich, ... kann nicht, ... öffnen, ... es.
Ich kann es nicht öffnen.
Das 29. Wort:


Ich werde es nicht öffnen.

I won’t open it.

Ich, ... werde nicht, ... öffnen, ... es.

No, will... I, no, will, open it.

Ich, ... werde nicht, ... öffnen, ... es.
Ich, ... werde nicht, ... öffnen, ... es.
Ich werde es nicht öffnen.
Das 30. Wort:


Kommst du vorbei und besuchst mich?

Will you come by and see me?

Wirst, ... du, ... kommen, ... vorbei, ... und, ... sehen, ... ich?

By: ... Will you, come, and, see, me?

Wirst, ... du, ... kommen, ... vorbei, ... und, ... sehen, ... ich?
Wirst, ... du, ... kommen, ... vorbei, ... und, ... sehen, ... ich?
Kommst du vorbei und besuchst mich?
Das 31. Wort:


Sie ist sehr glücklich.

She is very happy.

Sie ist sehr glücklich.

He: ... He was, very, happy.

Sie ist sehr glücklich.
Sie ist sehr glücklich.
Sie ist sehr glücklich.
Das 32. Wort:


Magst du blau oder gelb?

Do you like blue or yellow?

Magst du ... du ... magst ... blau, ... oder ... gelb?

Or: ... Do, you, like, blue, or, yellow?

Magst du ... du ... magst ... blau, ... oder ... gelb?
Magst du ... du ... magst ... blau, ... oder ... gelb?
Magst du blau oder gelb?
Das 33. Wort:


Ihre Rolle als Englischlehrerin ist sehr wichtig.

Her role as an english teacher is very important.

Ihre, ... Rolle, ... als, ... eine, ... Englisch-, ... Lehrerin, ... ist, ... sehr, ... wichtig.

As: ... His role, as, teacher, language, english, is very, very important.

Ihre, ... Rolle, ... als, ... eine, ... Englisch-, ... Lehrerin, ... ist, ... sehr, ... wichtig.
Ihre, ... Rolle, ... als, ... eine, ... Englisch-, ... Lehrerin, ... ist, ... sehr, ... wichtig.
Ihre Rolle als Englischlehrerin ist sehr wichtig.
Das 34. Wort:


Woran denkst du?

What are you thinking of?

Woran denkst du?

What... What, what, you, think?

Woran denkst du?
Woran denkst du?
Woran denkst du?
Das 35. Wort:


Ich will dahin.

I want to go there.

Ich will dahin.

Go: ... I, want, go, to, there.

Ich will dahin.
Ich will dahin.
Ich will dahin.
Wort 36 ist:


Das ist ihr Haus.

This is their house.

Das ist ihr Haus.

They: ... This, is, home, they are.

Das ist ihr Haus.
Das ist ihr Haus.
Das ist ihr Haus.
Wort 37 ist:


Was kann ich für Dich tun?

What can I do for you?

Was kann ich für Dich tun?

Can: ... What, that, can, I, do, for, you?

Was kann ich für Dich tun?
Was kann ich für Dich tun?
Was kann ich für Dich tun?
Wort 38 ist:


Wer kann mir helfen?

Who can help me?

Wer kann mir helfen?

Who: ... Who, who, can, help, me?

Wer kann mir helfen?
Wer kann mir helfen?
Wer kann mir helfen?
Wort 39 ist:


Kannst du mir meine Brille bringen?

Can you get me my eyeglasses?

Kann ... du ... mir ... meine ... Brille besorgen?

Get: ... Can, you, get, me, glasses, me?

Kann ... du ... mir ... meine ... Brille besorgen?
Kann ... du ... mir ... meine ... Brille besorgen?
Kannst du mir meine Brille bringen?
Wort 40. ist:


Was, wenn ich scheitere?

What if I fail?

Was, wenn ich scheitere?

If: ... What, if, I, fail?

Was, wenn ich scheitere?
Was, wenn ich scheitere?
Was, wenn ich scheitere?
Wort 41. ist:


Würdest du mir helfen?

Would you help me out?

Würdest ... du ... mir ... helfen ... raus?

Will: ... Will you, help, me?

Würdest ... du ... mir ... helfen ... raus?
Würdest ... du ... mir ... helfen ... raus?
Würdest du mir helfen?
Wort 42. ist:


Ich habe ihr Buch.

I have her book.

Ich, ... habe, ... ihr, ... Buch.

He... I, have, the book.

Ich, ... habe, ... ihr, ... Buch.
Ich, ... habe, ... ihr, ... Buch.
Ich habe ihr Buch.
Wort 43. ist:


Alle meine Lieblingsbücher stehen in diesem Regal.

All my favorite books are on this shelf.

Alle, ... meine, ... Lieblings-, ... Bücher, ... stehen, ... auf, ... diesem, ... Regal.

All: ... All, books, favorites, I, are, on, shelves, here.

Alle, ... meine, ... Lieblings-, ... Bücher, ... stehen, ... auf, ... diesem, ... Regal.
Alle, ... meine, ... Lieblings-, ... Bücher, ... stehen, ... auf, ... diesem, ... Regal.
Alle meine Lieblingsbücher stehen in diesem Regal.
Wort 44 ist:


Meine Mutter kommt zu Besuch.

My mom is coming to visit.

Meine, ... Mama, ... kommt, ... zu ... Besuch.

Oh my gosh: ... My mother, will, come, visit.

Meine, ... Mama, ... kommt, ... zu ... Besuch.
Meine, ... Mama, ... kommt, ... zu ... Besuch.
Meine Mutter kommt zu Besuch.
Wort 45 ist:


Können wir unsere Projekte zusammen machen?

Can we make our projects together?

Können ... wir ... unsere ... Projekte ... zusammen machen?

Make: ... Can, we, make, project, us, together?

Können ... wir ... unsere ... Projekte ... zusammen machen?
Können ... wir ... unsere ... Projekte ... zusammen machen?
Können wir unsere Projekte zusammen machen?
Wort 46 ist:


Worum geht es in diesem Film?

What is this movie about?

Was, ... ist, ... dieser, ... Film, ... worüber?

About: ... About, what, this movie?

Was, ... ist, ... dieser, ... Film, ... worüber?
Was, ... ist, ... dieser, ... Film, ... worüber?
Worum geht es in diesem Film?
Das 47. Wort ist:


Weißt du, wo dieser Ort ist?

Do you know where this place is?

Weißt du, ... du, ..., ... wo, ... dieser, ... Ort, ... ist?

Know: ... Do, you, know, in, where, where, this?

Weißt du, ... du, ..., ... wo, ... dieser, ... Ort, ... ist?
Weißt du, ... du, ..., ... wo, ... dieser, ... Ort, ... ist?
Weißt du, wo dieser Ort ist?
Wort 48 ist:


Ich werde dir helfen, diesen Ort zu finden.

I will help you find that place.

Ich, ... werde, ... helfen, ... dir, ... diesen ... Ort zu finden.

Will: ... I, will, help you, find, place, that.

Ich, ... werde, ... helfen, ... dir, ... diesen ... Ort zu finden.
Ich, ... werde, ... helfen, ... dir, ... diesen ... Ort zu finden.
Ich werde dir helfen, diesen Ort zu finden.
Das 49. Wort:


Sobald sie da ist, rede ich mit ihr.

As soon as she’s here, I’ll talk to her.

Als, ... bald, ... als, ... sie, ... hier, ... werde ich, ... mit, ... ihr, ... reden.

As: ... I see, he, in, here, I, will, talk, with him.

Als, ... bald, ... als, ... sie, ... hier, ... werde ich, ... mit, ... ihr, ... reden.
Als, ... bald, ... als, ... sie, ... hier, ... werde ich, ... mit, ... ihr, ... reden.
Sobald sie da ist, rede ich mit ihr.
50. Wort ist:


Ich wohne oben in den Bergen.

I live up in the mountains.

Ich, ... lebe, ... oben, ... in, ... den, ... Bergen.

Ride: ... I, live, in, the mountains.

Ich, ... lebe, ... oben, ... in, ... den, ... Bergen.
Ich, ... lebe, ... oben, ... in, ... den, ... Bergen.
Ich wohne oben in den Bergen.
51. ist:


Sie ist eine meiner Englischlehrerinnen.

She is one of my english teachers.

Sie, ... ist, ... eine, ... von, ... meinen, ... Englisch-, ... Lehrern.

One: ... He, is, one, one, teacher, language, english, me.

Sie, ... ist, ... eine, ... von, ... meinen, ... Englisch-, ... Lehrern.
Sie, ... ist, ... eine, ... von, ... meinen, ... Englisch-, ... Lehrern.
Sie ist eine meiner Englischlehrerinnen.
52. Wort:


Es gab eine Zeit, in der ich gerne Golf spielte.

There was a time I liked to play golf.

Dort, ... war, ... eine, ... Zeit, ... ich, ... mochte es, ... ... Golf zu spielen.

Time: ... There, time, I, like, play, golf.

Dort, ... war, ... eine, ... Zeit, ... ich, ... mochte es, ... ... Golf zu spielen.
Dort, ... war, ... eine, ... Zeit, ... ich, ... mochte es, ... ... Golf zu spielen.
Es gab eine Zeit, in der ich gerne Golf spielte.
53. Wort ist:


Es gibt so viele Dinge, die ich lernen möchte.

There are so many things I want to learn.

Da, ... sind, ... so, ... viele, ... Dinge, ... die ich, ... will, ... lernen, ... lernen.

There are: ... There are, so, many, things, which, I want, to learn.

Da, ... sind, ... so, ... viele, ... Dinge, ... die ich, ... will, ... lernen, ... lernen.
Da, ... sind, ... so, ... viele, ... Dinge, ... die ich, ... will, ... lernen, ... lernen.
Es gibt so viele Dinge, die ich lernen möchte.
54. ist:


Dieses Jahr werde ich endlich Englisch lernen.

This is the year I’m finally going to learn english.

Das, ... ist, ... das, ... Jahr, ... ich, ... endlich, ... gehe, ... um ... Englisch zu lernen.

Year: ... This, is, year, I, finally, will, learn, language, english.

Das, ... ist, ... das, ... Jahr, ... ich, ... endlich, ... gehe, ... um ... Englisch zu lernen.
Das, ... ist, ... das, ... Jahr, ... ich, ... endlich, ... gehe, ... um ... Englisch zu lernen.
Dieses Jahr werde ich endlich Englisch lernen.
55. Wort:


Es tut mir so leid.

I am so sorry.

Es tut mir so leid.

So... I am, very, very sorry.

Es tut mir so leid.
Es tut mir so leid.
Es tut mir so leid.
56. Wort ist:


Ich glaube, ich muss mich hinlegen.

I think I need to lie down.

Ich, ... denke, ... ich, ... muss, ... ... liegen, ... liegen.

Thought: ... I, thought, I, need, lay down.

Ich, ... denke, ... ich, ... muss, ... ... liegen, ... liegen.
Ich, ... denke, ... ich, ... muss, ... ... liegen, ... liegen.
Ich glaube, ich muss mich hinlegen.
57. ist:


Wann werde ich dich wiedersehen?

When will I see you again?

Wann werde ich dich wiedersehen?

When: ... When, I, will, see, you, again?

Wann werde ich dich wiedersehen?
Wann werde ich dich wiedersehen?
Wann werde ich dich wiedersehen?
58. Wort:


Welcher dieser Hausschuhe gehört dir?

Which of these slippers are yours?

Welche, ... von, ... diese ... Pantoffeln ... sind ... deine?

Which, where: ... Which, where, from, this sandal, yours?

Welche, ... von, ... diese ... Pantoffeln ... sind ... deine?
Welche, ... von, ... diese ... Pantoffeln ... sind ... deine?
Welcher dieser Hausschuhe gehört dir?
59. Wort ist:


Bitte geben Sie ihnen diese.

Please give this to them.

Bitte, ... gib, ... dies ... an ... sie.

They: ... Please, give, this, on, them.

Bitte, ... gib, ... dies ... an ... sie.
Bitte, ... gib, ... dies ... an ... sie.
Bitte geben Sie ihnen diese.
60. ist:


Bitte gib ihnen ein paar der Äpfel, die ich mit nach Hause gebracht habe.

Please give them some of the apples I brought home.

Bitte, ... gib, ... ihnen, ... ein paar, ... von, ... den, ... Äpfeln, ... die ich, ... mitgebracht, ... nach Hause.

Some: ... Please, give, them, some, apples, which, I, take, home.

Bitte, ... gib, ... ihnen, ... ein paar, ... von, ... den, ... Äpfeln, ... die ich, ... mitgebracht, ... nach Hause.
Bitte, ... gib, ... ihnen, ... ein paar, ... von, ... den, ... Äpfeln, ... die ich, ... mitgebracht, ... nach Hause.
Bitte gib ihnen ein paar der Äpfel, die ich mit nach Hause gebracht habe.
61. Wort:


Kannst du mir ein paar Äpfel geben?

Can you give me some apples?

Kannst ... du ... mir ... ein paar ... Äpfel geben?

I: ... Can, you, give, me, some, apples?

Kannst ... du ... mir ... ein paar ... Äpfel geben?
Kannst ... du ... mir ... ein paar ... Äpfel geben?
Kannst du mir ein paar Äpfel geben?
62. Wort ist:


Heute sind so viele Leute im Einkaufszentrum.

There are so many people at the mall today.

Dort, ... sind, ... so, ... viele, ... Menschen, ... in, ... dem, ... Einkaufszentrum, ... heute.

People: ... There are, so, many, people, in, mall, day, this.

Dort, ... sind, ... so, ... viele, ... Menschen, ... in, ... dem, ... Einkaufszentrum, ... heute.
Dort, ... sind, ... so, ... viele, ... Menschen, ... in, ... dem, ... Einkaufszentrum, ... heute.
Heute sind so viele Leute im Einkaufszentrum.
63. ist:


Bitte nehmen Sie einige dieser Äpfel mit nach Hause ...

Please take home some of these apples ...

Bitte, ... nimm, ... mit nach Hause, ... einige, ... von, ... diesen, ... Äpfeln, ... ...

Take it: ... Please, take it, go home, some, apples, this ...

Bitte, ... nimm, ... mit nach Hause, ... einige, ... von, ... diesen, ... Äpfeln, ... ...
Bitte, ... nimm, ... mit nach Hause, ... einige, ... von, ... diesen, ... Äpfeln, ... ...
Bitte nehmen Sie einige dieser Äpfel mit nach Hause ...
64. Wort:


Bitte werfen Sie den Müll weg.

Please throw the trash out.

Bitte, ... wirf, ... den, ... Müll, ... raus.

Get out: ... Please, throw it, the trash.

Bitte, ... wirf, ... den, ... Müll, ... raus.
Bitte, ... wirf, ... den, ... Müll, ... raus.
Bitte werfen Sie den Müll weg.
65. Wort ist:


Mein Welpe ist in den Wald gerannt.

My puppy ran into the woods.

Mein, ... Welpe, ... rannte, ... in, ... den, ... Wald.

To: ... Child, dog, I, run, to, the forest.

Mein, ... Welpe, ... rannte, ... in, ... den, ... Wald.
Mein, ... Welpe, ... rannte, ... in, ... den, ... Wald.
Mein Welpe ist in den Wald gerannt.
66. ist:


Schließe einfach deine Augen.

Just close your eyes.

Schließe einfach deine Augen.

Just... Close, just, your eyes.

Schließe einfach deine Augen.
Schließe einfach deine Augen.
Schließe einfach deine Augen.
67. Wort:


Hast du das gesehen?

Did you see that?

Hast du, ... du, ... gesehen, ... das?

Look... Did, you, see, that?

Hast du, ... du, ... gesehen, ... das?
Hast du, ... du, ... gesehen, ... das?
Hast du das gesehen?
68. Wort ist:


Ich habe ihn vorhin singen hören.

I heard him singing earlier.

Ich, ... hörte, ... ihn, ... singen, ... früher.

He... I, heard, he, sang, before.

Ich, ... hörte, ... ihn, ... singen, ... früher.
Ich, ... hörte, ... ihn, ... singen, ... früher.
Ich habe ihn vorhin singen hören.
69. ist:


Deine Mutter ist hier.

Your mom is here.

Deine, ... Mama, ... ist ... hier.

You: ... Your mother, there, here, here.

Deine, ... Mama, ... ist ... hier.
Deine, ... Mama, ... ist ... hier.
Deine Mutter ist hier.
70. Wort:


Können deine Mutter und dein Vater zur Party kommen?

Can your mom and dad come to the party?

Können, ... deine, ... Mama, ... und, ... Papa, ... kommen, ... zu, ... der, ... Party?

Come on: ... Can, mother, and, your father, come, to, the party?

Können, ... deine, ... Mama, ... und, ... Papa, ... kommen, ... zu, ... der, ... Party?
Können, ... deine, ... Mama, ... und, ... Papa, ... kommen, ... zu, ... der, ... Party?
Können deine Mutter und dein Vater zur Party kommen?
71. Wort ist:


Könnt ihr mir bei meinem Vorhaben helfen?

Could you help me with my project?

Könnten ... Sie, ... mir, ... bei, ... meinem, ... Projekt helfen?

Can: ... Can, you, help, me, with, project, me?

Könnten ... Sie, ... mir, ... bei, ... meinem, ... Projekt helfen?
Könnten ... Sie, ... mir, ... bei, ... meinem, ... Projekt helfen?
Könnt ihr mir bei meinem Vorhaben helfen?
72. ist:


Das will ich mir jetzt ansehen.

I want to watch this now.

Ich, ... will, ... jetzt, ... zusehen, ... das hier.

Now: ... I, want, watch, this, now.

Ich, ... will, ... jetzt, ... zusehen, ... das hier.
Ich, ... will, ... jetzt, ... zusehen, ... das hier.
Das will ich mir jetzt ansehen.
73. Wort:


Dieser Kuchen gefällt mir besser als der andere, den du mir gezeigt hast.

I like this cake better than the other one you showed me.

Ich, ... mag, ... diesen, ... Kuchen, ... besser, ... als, ... den, ... anderen, ... einen, ... dich, ... zeigte mir.

From: ... I, like, cake, this, more, better, than, which, other, which, you, show, to, me.

Ich, ... mag, ... diesen, ... Kuchen, ... besser, ... als, ... den, ... anderen, ... einen, ... dich, ... zeigte mir.
Ich, ... mag, ... diesen, ... Kuchen, ... besser, ... als, ... den, ... anderen, ... einen, ... dich, ... zeigte mir.
Dieser Kuchen gefällt mir besser als der andere, den du mir gezeigt hast.
74. Wort ist:


Diese Tasche gefällt mir besser als die andere, die du mir gezeigt hast.

I like this bag better than the other one you showed me.

Ich, ... mag, ... diese, ... Tasche, ... besser, ... als, ... die, ... andere, ... eine, ... du, ... zeigte mir.

Like: ... I, more, like, bag, this, than, which, other, which, you, show, to, me.

Ich, ... mag, ... diese, ... Tasche, ... besser, ... als, ... die, ... andere, ... eine, ... du, ... zeigte mir.
Ich, ... mag, ... diese, ... Tasche, ... besser, ... als, ... die, ... andere, ... eine, ... du, ... zeigte mir.
Diese Tasche gefällt mir besser als die andere, die du mir gezeigt hast.
75. ist:


Diese Schuhe gefallen mir besser als die anderen, die du mir gezeigt hast.

I like these shoes better than the other ones you showed me.

Ich, ... mag, ... diese, ... Schuhe, ... besser, ... als, ... die, ... andere, ... die, ... du, ... zeigte mir.

More: ... I, like, shoes, this, more, better, than, which, other, which, you, show, to, me.

Ich, ... mag, ... diese, ... Schuhe, ... besser, ... als, ... die, ... andere, ... die, ... du, ... zeigte mir.
Ich, ... mag, ... diese, ... Schuhe, ... besser, ... als, ... die, ... andere, ... die, ... du, ... zeigte mir.
Diese Schuhe gefallen mir besser als die anderen, die du mir gezeigt hast.
76. Wort:


Wie schalte ich das ein?

How do I turn this on?

Wie, ... mache ich ... ich ... schalte ... das ... ein?

How: ... How, how to, activate, this?

Wie, ... mache ich ... ich ... schalte ... das ... ein?
Wie, ... mache ich ... ich ... schalte ... das ... ein?
Wie schalte ich das ein?
77. Wort ist:


Wir haben gefrühstückt und sind dann in die Kirche gegangen.

We had breakfast and then we went to church.

Wir, ... haben, ... gefrühstückt, ... und, ... dann, ... sind wir, ..., ... in die ... Kirche gegangen.

Then: ... We, had breakfast, and, then, we, went, to, church.

Wir, ... haben, ... gefrühstückt, ... und, ... dann, ... sind wir, ..., ... in die ... Kirche gegangen.
Wir, ... haben, ... gefrühstückt, ... und, ... dann, ... sind wir, ..., ... in die ... Kirche gegangen.
Wir haben gefrühstückt und sind dann in die Kirche gegangen.
78. ist:
Es ist


Ich muss sein Handbuch lesen.

I need to read its manual.

Ich, ... muss, ... ... sein, ... Handbuch lesen.

Its: ... I, need, read, the manual.

Ich, ... muss, ... ... sein, ... Handbuch lesen.
Ich, ... muss, ... ... sein, ... Handbuch lesen.
Ich muss sein Handbuch lesen.
79. Wort:


Das ist jetzt unser Zuhause.

This is our home now.

Das, ... ist, ... unser, ... Zuhause, ... jetzt.

We: ... This, is, home, we, now.

Das, ... ist, ... unser, ... Zuhause, ... jetzt.
Das, ... ist, ... unser, ... Zuhause, ... jetzt.
Das ist jetzt unser Zuhause.
80. Wort ist:


Zwei Cheeseburger bitte.

Two cheeseburgers, please.

Zwei, ... Cheeseburger,, ... bitte.

Two: ... Two, burgers, cheese, please.

Zwei, ... Cheeseburger,, ... bitte.
Zwei, ... Cheeseburger,, ... bitte.
Zwei Cheeseburger bitte.
81. ist:


Kann ich noch etwas Milchshake haben?

Can I have some more milk shake?

Kann, ... ich, ... ... etwas, ... mehr, ... Milch, ... schütteln?

More, more... Can I, drink, milk, shake, again?

Kann, ... ich, ... ... etwas, ... mehr, ... Milch, ... schütteln?
Kann, ... ich, ... ... etwas, ... mehr, ... Milch, ... schütteln?
Kann ich noch etwas Milchshake haben?
82. Wort:


Gefallen dir diese Bänder?

Do you like these ribbons?

Mögen Sie, ... Sie, ... wie ... diese ... Bänder?

This: ... Is, you, like, ribbon, this?

Mögen Sie, ... Sie, ... wie ... diese ... Bänder?
Mögen Sie, ... Sie, ... wie ... diese ... Bänder?
Gefallen dir diese Bänder?
83. Wort ist:


Willst du diese Bänder?

Do you want these ribbons?

Möchtest du, ... du, ..., ... diese, ... Bänder?

Want: ... Do, you, want, ribbon, this?

Möchtest du, ... du, ..., ... diese, ... Bänder?
Möchtest du, ... du, ..., ... diese, ... Bänder?
Willst du diese Bänder?
84. ist:


Kannst du so aussehen?

Can you look this way?

Kannst du, ... so, ... hinsehen?

Way: ... Can, you, see, to, towards, this?

Kannst du, ... so, ... hinsehen?
Kannst du, ... so, ... hinsehen?
Kannst du so aussehen?
85. Wort:


Bitte schauen Sie in diese Richtung.

Please look this way.

Bitte, ... schau, ... auf diese, ... Weise.

Look: ... Please, look, to, here.

Bitte, ... schau, ... auf diese, ... Weise.
Bitte, ... schau, ... auf diese, ... Weise.
Bitte schauen Sie in diese Richtung.
86. Wort ist:


Sie war meine allererste Lehrerin.

She was my very first teacher.

Sie, ... war, ... meine, ... sehr, ... erste, ... Lehrerin.

First: ... He, is, the teacher, first, me.

Sie, ... war, ... meine, ... sehr, ... erste, ... Lehrerin.
Sie, ... war, ... meine, ... sehr, ... erste, ... Lehrerin.
Sie war meine allererste Lehrerin.
87. ist:


Sie war auch meine beste Freundin.

She was also my best friend.

Sie, ... war, ... auch ... meine ... beste ... Freundin.

Also: ... He, too, my best friend.

Sie, ... war, ... auch ... meine ... beste ... Freundin.
Sie, ... war, ... auch ... meine ... beste ... Freundin.
Sie war auch meine beste Freundin.
88. Wort:


Ich habe neue Schuhe.

I have new shoes.

Ich, ... habe, ... neue, ... Schuhe.

New: ... I, have, shoes, new.

Ich, ... habe, ... neue, ... Schuhe.
Ich, ... habe, ... neue, ... Schuhe.
Ich habe neue Schuhe.
89. Wort ist:


Ich weine, weil ich traurig bin.

I am crying because I’m sad.

Ich, ... bin, ... weine, ... weil, ... ich bin, ... traurig.

Because: ... I, cry, because, I, sad.

Ich, ... bin, ... weine, ... weil, ... ich bin, ... traurig.
Ich, ... bin, ... weine, ... weil, ... ich bin, ... traurig.
Ich weine, weil ich traurig bin.
90. ist:


Heute ist nationaler Freundschaftstag.

Today is national friendship day.

Heute, ... ist, ... nationaler, ... Freundschafts-, ... Tag.

Day: ... Day, this, is, day, friendship, national.

Heute, ... ist, ... nationaler, ... Freundschafts-, ... Tag.
Heute, ... ist, ... nationaler, ... Freundschafts-, ... Tag.
Heute ist nationaler Freundschaftstag.
91. Wort:


Ich habe noch mehr Aufkleber zu Hause.

I have more stickers at home.

Ich, ... habe, ... mehr, ... Aufkleber, ... bei, ... zu Hause.

More: ... I, have, more, many, stickers, at, home.

Ich, ... habe, ... mehr, ... Aufkleber, ... bei, ... zu Hause.
Ich, ... habe, ... mehr, ... Aufkleber, ... bei, ... zu Hause.
Ich habe noch mehr Aufkleber zu Hause.
92. Wort ist:


Wie verwende ich das?

How do I use this?

Wie, ... nutze, ... verwende ich ... das?

Use: ... How, how to, use, this?

Wie, ... nutze, ... verwende ich ... das?
Wie, ... nutze, ... verwende ich ... das?
Wie verwende ich das?
93. ist:


Es gibt jetzt keinen Strom.

There’s no electricity now.

Es gibt, ... nein, ... Strom, ... jetzt.

No... No, no, electricity, now.

Es gibt, ... nein, ... Strom, ... jetzt.
Es gibt, ... nein, ... Strom, ... jetzt.
Es gibt jetzt keinen Strom.
94. Wort:


Draußen sucht ein Mann nach dir.

There’s a man outside looking for you.

Da ist, ... ein, ... Mann, ... draußen, ... auf der Suche, ... nach, ... dir.

Gosh... There's, a, man, out, out, looking for you.

Da ist, ... ein, ... Mann, ... draußen, ... auf der Suche, ... nach, ... dir.
Da ist, ... ein, ... Mann, ... draußen, ... auf der Suche, ... nach, ... dir.
Draußen sucht ein Mann nach dir.
95. Wort ist:


Wo finde ich seltene Möbel?

Where can I find rare furniture?

Wo, ... kann, ... finde ich, ... seltene, ... Möbel?

Find: ... In, where, I, can, find, furniture, rare?

Wo, ... kann, ... finde ich, ... seltene, ... Möbel?
Wo, ... kann, ... finde ich, ... seltene, ... Möbel?
Wo finde ich seltene Möbel?
96. ist:


Meine Mutter ist hier.

My mom is here.

Meine Mutter ist hier.

This... My mother, over here.

Meine Mutter ist hier.
Meine Mutter ist hier.
Meine Mutter ist hier.
97. Wort:


Eins führte zum anderen.

One thing led to another.

Eins führte zum anderen.

Thing: ... One, thing, leads to, to, which, another.

Eins führte zum anderen.
Eins führte zum anderen.
Eins führte zum anderen.
98. Wort ist:


Gib ihr diese Perlen.

Give her these pearls.

Gib, ... ihr, ... diese, ... Perlen.

Give: ... Give, he, pearl, this.

Gib, ... ihr, ... diese, ... Perlen.
Gib, ... ihr, ... diese, ... Perlen.
Gib ihr diese Perlen.
99. ist:


Wir haben viele Träume miteinander geteilt.

We shared many dreams together.

Wir, ... teilten, ... viele, ... Träume, ... zusammen.

Many: ... We, share, many, dreams, together.

Wir, ... teilten, ... viele, ... Träume, ... zusammen.
Wir, ... teilten, ... viele, ... Träume, ... zusammen.
Wir haben viele Träume miteinander geteilt.
100. Wort:


Du kennst mich so gut.

You know me so well.

Du kennst mich so gut.

Well: ... You, know, I, with, well.

Du kennst mich so gut.
Du kennst mich so gut.
Du kennst mich so gut.
101. Wort ist:


Du bist mein einziger Freund hier.

You are my only friend here.

Du, ... bist, ... mein, ... einziger, ... Freund, ... hier.

Only: ... You, are, the only, friend, I, in, here.

Du, ... bist, ... mein, ... einziger, ... Freund, ... hier.
Du, ... bist, ... mein, ... einziger, ... Freund, ... hier.
Du bist mein einziger Freund hier.
102. ist:


Diese Stiefel gehören meinem Freund.

Those boots belong to my friend.

Diese, ... Stiefel, ... gehören, ... zu, ... meinem, ... Freund.

That: ... Shoes, boots, that, belong, my friend.

Diese, ... Stiefel, ... gehören, ... zu, ... meinem, ... Freund.
Diese, ... Stiefel, ... gehören, ... zu, ... meinem, ... Freund.
Diese Stiefel gehören meinem Freund.
103. Wort:


Können Sie mir sagen, welchen Weg ich gehen soll?

Can you tell me which way to go?

Kannst du, ... du, ... mir sagen, ... welcher, ... Weg, ... wohin, ... gehen?

Tell: ... Can, you, give, know, I, which way, which, should, be taken?

Kannst du, ... du, ... mir sagen, ... welcher, ... Weg, ... wohin, ... gehen?
Kannst du, ... du, ... mir sagen, ... welcher, ... Weg, ... wohin, ... gehen?
Können Sie mir sagen, welchen Weg ich gehen soll?
104. Wort ist:


Sie ist diejenige, auf die er gewartet hat.

She’s the one he’s been waiting for.

Sie ist, ... die, ... eine, ... er, ... hat, ... gewartet, ... auf die.

One: ... He, who, he, wait.

Sie ist, ... die, ... eine, ... er, ... hat, ... gewartet, ... auf die.
Sie ist, ... die, ... eine, ... er, ... hat, ... gewartet, ... auf die.
Sie ist diejenige, auf die er gewartet hat.
105. ist:


Ich bin gerade sehr verärgert.

I’m very upset right now.

Ich bin, ... sehr, ... verärgert, ... richtig, ... jetzt.

Very: ... I am, very, annoyed, right now.

Ich bin, ... sehr, ... verärgert, ... richtig, ... jetzt.
Ich bin, ... sehr, ... verärgert, ... richtig, ... jetzt.
Ich bin gerade sehr verärgert.
106. Wort:


Ihre Großmutter ist krank.

Her grandmother is sick.

Ihre, ... Großmutter, ... ist ... krank.

She: ... Her grandmother, sick.

Ihre, ... Großmutter, ... ist ... krank.
Ihre, ... Großmutter, ... ist ... krank.
Ihre Großmutter ist krank.
107. Wort ist:


Sie kann nicht einmal alleine stehen.

She can’t even stand on her own.

Sie, ... kann nicht, ... sogar, ... stehen, ... auf, ... ihr, ... besitzen.

Even: ... He, even, could not, stand, alone.

Sie, ... kann nicht, ... sogar, ... stehen, ... auf, ... ihr, ... besitzen.
Sie, ... kann nicht, ... sogar, ... stehen, ... auf, ... ihr, ... besitzen.
Sie kann nicht einmal alleine stehen.
108. ist:
Der Rücken


Ich bin gleich wieder da.

I’ll be right back.

Ich bin gleich wieder da.

Back: ... I, will, soon, return.

Ich bin gleich wieder da.
Ich bin gleich wieder da.
Ich bin gleich wieder da.
109. Wort:


Hattest du Glück bei deiner Recherche?

Have you had any luck on your research?

Hatten, ... Sie, ..., ... irgendein, ... Glück, ... bei, ... Ihren, ... Recherchen?

Any: ... Are, you, lucky, in, research, you?

Hatten, ... Sie, ..., ... irgendein, ... Glück, ... bei, ... Ihren, ... Recherchen?
Hatten, ... Sie, ..., ... irgendein, ... Glück, ... bei, ... Ihren, ... Recherchen?
Hattest du Glück bei deiner Recherche?
110. Wort ist:


Du bist ein guter Mensch.

You’re a good person.

Du bist ein guter Mensch.

Good: ... You, people, good.

Du bist ein guter Mensch.
Du bist ein guter Mensch.
Du bist ein guter Mensch.
111. ist:


Diese Frau sieht so poliert aus.

That woman looks so polished.

Diese, ... Frau, ... sieht, ... so, ... geschliffen aus.

Woman: ... Woman, it is, looks, very, smooth.

Diese, ... Frau, ... sieht, ... so, ... geschliffen aus.
Diese, ... Frau, ... sieht, ... so, ... geschliffen aus.
Diese Frau sieht so poliert aus.
112. Wort:


Ihr Glaube wird Sie durch schwere Zeiten führen.

Your faith will see you through tough times.

Dein, ... Glaube, ... wird, ... sehen, ... dich, ... durch ... harte, ... Zeiten.

Through: ... Faith, you, will, see, you, through, times, hard.

Dein, ... Glaube, ... wird, ... sehen, ... dich, ... durch ... harte, ... Zeiten.
Dein, ... Glaube, ... wird, ... sehen, ... dich, ... durch ... harte, ... Zeiten.
Ihr Glaube wird Sie durch schwere Zeiten führen.
113. Wort ist:


Möchtest du mit uns gehen?

Do you want to go with us?

Möchtest du mit uns gehen?

We: ... Do, you, want, go, together, us?

Möchtest du mit uns gehen?
Möchtest du mit uns gehen?
Möchtest du mit uns gehen?
114. ist:


Das ist der beste Tag meines Lebens.

This is the best day of my life.

Das, ... ist, ... der, ... beste, ... Tag, ... meines, ... Lebens.

Life: ... This, is, day, best, in, my life.

Das, ... ist, ... der, ... beste, ... Tag, ... meines, ... Lebens.
Das, ... ist, ... der, ... beste, ... Tag, ... meines, ... Lebens.
Das ist der beste Tag meines Lebens.
115. Wort:


Ich habe gerade gesehen, wie ein Kind allein die Straße überquert hat.

I just saw a child cross the street by herself.

Ich, ... nur, ... sah, ... ein, ... Kind, ... überqueren, ... die, ... Straße, ... von, ... sich selbst.

Son: ... I, just, just, saw, a, child, crossing, road, alone.

Ich, ... nur, ... sah, ... ein, ... Kind, ... überqueren, ... die, ... Straße, ... von, ... sich selbst.
Ich, ... nur, ... sah, ... ein, ... Kind, ... überqueren, ... die, ... Straße, ... von, ... sich selbst.
Ich habe gerade gesehen, wie ein Kind allein die Straße überquert hat.
116. Wort ist:


Sind sie dorthin gegangen?

Did you go there?

Sind sie dorthin gegangen?

There, there: ... Are, you, go, to, there?

Sind sie dorthin gegangen?
Sind sie dorthin gegangen?
Sind sie dorthin gegangen?
117. ist:


Ich muss zur Arbeit gehen.

I have to go to work.

Ich muss zur Arbeit gehen.

Work: ... I, have to, go, work.

Ich muss zur Arbeit gehen.
Ich muss zur Arbeit gehen.
Ich muss zur Arbeit gehen.
118. Wort:


Gehen wir runter.

Let’s go down.

Gehen wir runter.

Get down... Come on, get down.

Gehen wir runter.
Gehen wir runter.
Gehen wir runter.
119. Wort ist:


Sie können Ihre Plätze einnehmen.

You may take your seats.

Sie, ... dürfen, ... nehmen, ... Ihre, ... Plätze ein.

May: ... You, may, sit down.

Sie, ... dürfen, ... nehmen, ... Ihre, ... Plätze ein.
Sie, ... dürfen, ... nehmen, ... Ihre, ... Plätze ein.
Sie können Ihre Plätze einnehmen.
120. ist:


Lass uns nach der Arbeit zu Abend essen.

Let’s have dinner after work.

Lassen Sie uns, ... essen, ... zu Abend essen, ... nach ... der Arbeit.

After: ... Let's, we, eat, evening, after, work.

Lassen Sie uns, ... essen, ... zu Abend essen, ... nach ... der Arbeit.
Lassen Sie uns, ... essen, ... zu Abend essen, ... nach ... der Arbeit.
Lass uns nach der Arbeit zu Abend essen.
121. Wort:


Soll ich dieses Kleid kaufen?

Should I buy this dress?

Soll ... ich ... dieses ... Kleid kaufen?

Should: ... Should, I, buy, a dress, this?

Soll ... ich ... dieses ... Kleid kaufen?
Soll ... ich ... dieses ... Kleid kaufen?
Soll ich dieses Kleid kaufen?
122. Wort ist:


Ruf mich an, wenn du nach Hause kommst, okay?

Call me when you get home, okay?

Ruf, ... mich an, ... wenn, ... du, ... nach Hause kommst, ... okay?

Phone: ... Call, I, when, you, get to, at, home, okay?

Ruf, ... mich an, ... wenn, ... du, ... nach Hause kommst, ... okay?
Ruf, ... mich an, ... wenn, ... du, ... nach Hause kommst, ... okay?
Ruf mich an, wenn du nach Hause kommst, okay?
123. ist:


Ich möchte reisen und die Welt sehen.

I want to travel and see the world.

Ich, ... will, ... reisen, ... und ... die ... Welt sehen.

The world: ... I, want, travel, and, see, the world.

Ich, ... will, ... reisen, ... und ... die ... Welt sehen.
Ich, ... will, ... reisen, ... und ... die ... Welt sehen.
Ich möchte reisen und die Welt sehen.
124. Wort:


Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dass dieser Tag vorbei ist.

I can’t wait for this day to be over.

Ich, ... kann nicht, ... warten, ... auf ... diesen, ... Tag, ... bis, ... sein, ... vorbei.

Done: ... I, no, impatient, waiting, day, this, over.

Ich, ... kann nicht, ... warten, ... auf ... diesen, ... Tag, ... bis, ... sein, ... vorbei.
Ich, ... kann nicht, ... warten, ... auf ... diesen, ... Tag, ... bis, ... sein, ... vorbei.
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dass dieser Tag vorbei ist.
125. Wort ist:


Mein Cousin geht hier zur Schule.

My cousin goes to school here.

Meine, ... Cousine, ... geht, ... in die ... Schule, ... hier.

School: ... Cousins, I, go to school, here.

Meine, ... Cousine, ... geht, ... in die ... Schule, ... hier.
Meine, ... Cousine, ... geht, ... in die ... Schule, ... hier.
Mein Cousin geht hier zur Schule.
126. ist:


Ich denke immer noch, du solltest gehen.

I still think you should go.

Ich, ... immer noch, ... denke, ... du, ... solltest, ... gehen.

Still, just: ... I, still, think, you, must, go.

Ich, ... immer noch, ... denke, ... du, ... solltest, ... gehen.
Ich, ... immer noch, ... denke, ... du, ... solltest, ... gehen.
Ich denke immer noch, du solltest gehen.
127. Wort:


Kannst du versuchen, netter zu ihm zu sein?

Can you try to be nicer to him?

Kann, ... du, ... versuchen, ... netter, ... zu, ... ihm zu sein?

Try... Can, you, try, be, be, be nicer, to him?

Kann, ... du, ... versuchen, ... netter, ... zu, ... ihm zu sein?
Kann, ... du, ... versuchen, ... netter, ... zu, ... ihm zu sein?
Kannst du versuchen, netter zu ihm zu sein?
128. Wort ist:


Was ist in dieser Kiste?

What’s in that box?

Was ist ... in ... dieser ... Schachtel?

In: ... What, that, is, in, in, box, that?

Was ist ... in ... dieser ... Schachtel?
Was ist ... in ... dieser ... Schachtel?
Was ist in dieser Kiste?
129. ist:


Sobald ich nach Hause komme, schaue ich mir die Serie an.

As soon as I get home, I’m going to start watching that series.

Als, ... bald, ... als, ... ich, ... komme, ... nach Hause,, ... ich, ... gehe, ... um, ... starte, ... schaue, ... das, ... Serien.

As: ... So, until, at, home, I, will, start, watch, serial, that.

Als, ... bald, ... als, ... ich, ... komme, ... nach Hause,, ... ich, ... gehe, ... um, ... starte, ... schaue, ... das, ... Serien.
Als, ... bald, ... als, ... ich, ... komme, ... nach Hause,, ... ich, ... gehe, ... um, ... starte, ... schaue, ... das, ... Serien.
Sobald ich nach Hause komme, schaue ich mir die Serie an.
130. Wort:


Das ist mein letztes Stück Kuchen, versprochen! ...

This is my last slice of cake, I promise! ...

Das, ... ist, ... mein, ... letztes, ... Stück, ... von, ... Kuchen,, ... ich, ... versprochen!, ... ...

Last: ... Here, slice, cake, last, I, I, promise!

Das, ... ist, ... mein, ... letztes, ... Stück, ... von, ... Kuchen,, ... ich, ... versprochen!, ... ...
Das, ... ist, ... mein, ... letztes, ... Stück, ... von, ... Kuchen,, ... ich, ... versprochen!, ... ...
Das ist mein letztes Stück Kuchen, versprochen! ...
131. Wort ist:


Können Sie den Kellner bitten, uns etwas Wein zu bringen?

Can you ask the waiter to bring us some wine?

Können, ... Sie, ... bitten, ... den, ... Kellner, ..., ... uns, ... etwas, ... Wein zu bringen?

Tanya: ... Can, you, ask, the waiter, bring, us, wine?

Können, ... Sie, ... bitten, ... den, ... Kellner, ..., ... uns, ... etwas, ... Wein zu bringen?
Können, ... Sie, ... bitten, ... den, ... Kellner, ..., ... uns, ... etwas, ... Wein zu bringen?
Können Sie den Kellner bitten, uns etwas Wein zu bringen?
132. ist:


Ich brauche heute Abend etwas Wein! ...

I need some wine tonight! ...

Ich, ... brauche, ... etwas, ... Wein, ... heute Abend!, ... ...

Need: ... I, need, wine, night, this!

Ich, ... brauche, ... etwas, ... Wein, ... heute Abend!, ... ...
Ich, ... brauche, ... etwas, ... Wein, ... heute Abend!, ... ...
Ich brauche heute Abend etwas Wein! ...
133. Wort:


Ich brauche auch etwas Wein! ...

I need some wine, too! ...

Ich, ... brauche, ... etwas, ... Wein,, ... auch!, ... ...

Also: ... I, too, need, wine!

Ich, ... brauche, ... etwas, ... Wein,, ... auch!, ... ...
Ich, ... brauche, ... etwas, ... Wein,, ... auch!, ... ...
Ich brauche auch etwas Wein! ...
134. Wort ist:


Ich fühle mich so müde, ich muss mich nur entspannen und entspannen.

I feel so tired, I just need to relax and unwind.

Ich, ... fühle mich, ... so, ... müde, ... ich, ... muss mich nur, ... entspannen, ... und, .. ... abschalten.

Feel... I, feel, very, tired, I, just, need, rest, and, relax.

Ich, ... fühle mich, ... so, ... müde, ... ich, ... muss mich nur, ... entspannen, ... und, .. ... abschalten.
Ich, ... fühle mich, ... so, ... müde, ... ich, ... muss mich nur, ... entspannen, ... und, .. ... abschalten.
Ich fühle mich so müde, ich muss mich nur entspannen und entspannen.
135. ist:


Ich habe drei Schwestern.

I have three sisters.

Ich habe drei Schwestern.

Three: ... I, have, three, brother, sister.

Ich habe drei Schwestern.
Ich habe drei Schwestern.
Ich habe drei Schwestern.
136. Wort:


Wann hast du sie das letzte Mal gesehen?

When was the last time you saw them?

Wann, ... war, ... das, ... letzte, ... Mal, ... hast du, ..., ... sie gesehen?

When: ... When, was the last, time, you, saw, them?

Wann, ... war, ... das, ... letzte, ... Mal, ... hast du, ..., ... sie gesehen?
Wann, ... war, ... das, ... letzte, ... Mal, ... hast du, ..., ... sie gesehen?
Wann hast du sie das letzte Mal gesehen?
137. Wort ist:


Sehen Sie sich den Zustand dieses Schuppens an, er fällt auseinander.

Check out the state of that shed, it’s falling apart.

Überprüfen Sie, ... aus, ... den, ... Zustand, ... von, ... dass, ... vergossen, ... es, ... auseinander fällt.

State: ... Check, state, warehouse, that, that, a mess.

Überprüfen Sie, ... aus, ... den, ... Zustand, ... von, ... dass, ... vergossen, ... es, ... auseinander fällt.
Überprüfen Sie, ... aus, ... den, ... Zustand, ... von, ... dass, ... vergossen, ... es, ... auseinander fällt.
Sehen Sie sich den Zustand dieses Schuppens an, er fällt auseinander.
138. ist:


Ich werde nie wieder Wein trinken.

I’m never going to drink wine again.

Ich werde, ... nie, ... gehen, ... wieder, ... trinken, ... Wein, ....

No, ever... I, no, will, drink, wine, again.

Ich werde, ... nie, ... gehen, ... wieder, ... trinken, ... Wein, ....
Ich werde, ... nie, ... gehen, ... wieder, ... trinken, ... Wein, ....
Ich werde nie wieder Wein trinken.
139. Wort:


Im Laufe der Jahre sind wir uns sehr nahe gekommen.

Over the years we’ve become really close.

Über, ... die, ... Jahre, ... sind wir, ... geworden, ... wirklich, ... nah.

Being: ... Over, over the years, we, became, very, close.

Über, ... die, ... Jahre, ... sind wir, ... geworden, ... wirklich, ... nah.
Über, ... die, ... Jahre, ... sind wir, ... geworden, ... wirklich, ... nah.
Im Laufe der Jahre sind wir uns sehr nahe gekommen.
140. Wort ist:


Das ist nur unter uns.

This is just between you and me.

Das, ... ist, ... nur, ... zwischen, ... dir, ... und, ... mir.

Between: ... This, just, between, you, and, me.

Das, ... ist, ... nur, ... zwischen, ... dir, ... und, ... mir.
Das, ... ist, ... nur, ... zwischen, ... dir, ... und, ... mir.
Das ist nur unter uns.
141. ist:


Gib mir ein High Five! ...

Give me a high five! ...

Gib, ... mir, ... a, ... hoch, ... fünf!, ... ...

High: ... Give me, high five!

Gib, ... mir, ... a, ... hoch, ... fünf!, ... ...
Gib, ... mir, ... a, ... hoch, ... fünf!, ... ...
Gib mir ein High Five! ...
142. Wort:


Deine Malerei gefällt mir sehr! ...

I really like your painting! ...

Ich, ... wirklich, ... mag, ... dein, ... Gemälde!, ... ...

Really: ... I, really, like, painting, you!

Ich, ... wirklich, ... mag, ... dein, ... Gemälde!, ... ...
Ich, ... wirklich, ... mag, ... dein, ... Gemälde!, ... ...
Deine Malerei gefällt mir sehr! ...
143. Wort ist:


Ich habe etwas für dich.

I have something for you.

Ich habe etwas für dich.

Something: ... I, have, something, for you.

Ich habe etwas für dich.
Ich habe etwas für dich.
Ich habe etwas für dich.
144. ist:
Die meisten


Sie ist das schönste Mädchen, das ich je gesehen habe.

She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

Sie ist, ... das, ... schönste, ... Mädchen, ... das ich ... je ... gesehen habe.

Most: ... She, the most, most, beautiful, girl, ever, I, saw.

Sie ist, ... das, ... schönste, ... Mädchen, ... das ich ... je ... gesehen habe.
Sie ist, ... das, ... schönste, ... Mädchen, ... das ich ... je ... gesehen habe.
Sie ist das schönste Mädchen, das ich je gesehen habe.
145. Wort:


Ich nehme bitte noch ein Glas Wein.

I’ll have another glass of wine, please.

Ich, ... trinke, ... noch ein, ... Glas, ... von, ... Wein,, ... bitte.

One more... I, want, another glass of wine.

Ich, ... trinke, ... noch ein, ... Glas, ... von, ... Wein,, ... bitte.
Ich, ... trinke, ... noch ein, ... Glas, ... von, ... Wein,, ... bitte.
Ich nehme bitte noch ein Glas Wein.
146. Wort ist:


Ich liebe euch so sehr.

I love you guys so much.

Ich, ... liebe, ... euch, ... Jungs, ... so, ... sehr.

Many: ... I, very, love, you guys.

Ich, ... liebe, ... euch, ... Jungs, ... so, ... sehr.
Ich, ... liebe, ... euch, ... Jungs, ... so, ... sehr.
Ich liebe euch so sehr.
147. ist:


Du bist wie eine Familie für mich.

You are like family to me.

Du, ... bist, ... wie ... Familie, ... von, ... mir.

Family: ... You are, like, family, to, me.

Du, ... bist, ... wie ... Familie, ... von, ... mir.
Du, ... bist, ... wie ... Familie, ... von, ... mir.
Du bist wie eine Familie für mich.
148. Wort:


Ich möchte meinen eigenen Platz bekommen.

I want to get my own place.

Ich, ... möchte, ... meinen, ... eigenen, ... Platz bekommen.

Alone: ... I, want, get, place, I, alone.

Ich, ... möchte, ... meinen, ... eigenen, ... Platz bekommen.
Ich, ... möchte, ... meinen, ... eigenen, ... Platz bekommen.
Ich möchte meinen eigenen Platz bekommen.
149. Wort ist:


Raus aus meinem Zimmer.

Get out of my room.

Raus aus meinem Zimmer.

Get out... Get out, out of, my room.

Raus aus meinem Zimmer.
Raus aus meinem Zimmer.
Raus aus meinem Zimmer.
150. ist:


Ich möchte, dass du gehst.

I want you to leave.

Ich, ... will, ... du, ... ... gehen.

Leave: ... I, want, you, go.

Ich, ... will, ... du, ... ... gehen.
Ich, ... will, ... du, ... ... gehen.
Ich möchte, dass du gehst.
151. Wort:


Bitte legen Sie das Buch weg und hören Sie mir zu.

Please put down that book and listen to me.

Bitte, ... legen, ... hin, ... das, ... Buch, ... und, ... hören, ... mir, ... zu.

Put: ... Please, put down, the book, that, and, listen, me.

Bitte, ... legen, ... hin, ... das, ... Buch, ... und, ... hören, ... mir, ... zu.
Bitte, ... legen, ... hin, ... das, ... Buch, ... und, ... hören, ... mir, ... zu.
Bitte legen Sie das Buch weg und hören Sie mir zu.
152. Wort ist:


Ich fühle mich so alt! ...

I feel so old! ...

Ich, ... fühle mich, ... so, ... alt!, ... ...

Old: ... I, feel, very, old!

Ich, ... fühle mich, ... so, ... alt!, ... ...
Ich, ... fühle mich, ... so, ... alt!, ... ...
Ich fühle mich so alt! ...
153. ist:


Ich kann hier auf dich warten, während du einkaufst.

I can wait for you here while you shop.

Ich, ... kann, ... warten, ... auf ... dich, ... hier, ... während ... du, ... einkaufst.

While: ... I, can, wait for you, here, while, shopping.

Ich, ... kann, ... warten, ... auf ... dich, ... hier, ... während ... du, ... einkaufst.
Ich, ... kann, ... warten, ... auf ... dich, ... hier, ... während ... du, ... einkaufst.
Ich kann hier auf dich warten, während du einkaufst.
154. Wort:


Ich wollte nicht so wütend klingen.

I didn’t mean to sound so angry.

Ich, ... habe nicht, ... meine, ... zu, ... klingen, ... so, ... wütend.

Means... I, no, meant, sounded, so, angry.

Ich, ... habe nicht, ... meine, ... zu, ... klingen, ... so, ... wütend.
Ich, ... habe nicht, ... meine, ... zu, ... klingen, ... so, ... wütend.
Ich wollte nicht so wütend klingen.
155. Wort ist:


Kannst du das Licht anmachen?

Can you turn on the lights?

Können, ... Sie, ... das ... Licht einschalten, ... einschalten?

Live: ... Can, you, turn on, the light?

Können, ... Sie, ... das ... Licht einschalten, ... einschalten?
Können, ... Sie, ... das ... Licht einschalten, ... einschalten?
Kannst du das Licht anmachen?
156. ist:


Können wir heute Nacht das Licht anlassen?

Can we keep the lights on tonight?

Können, ... wir, ... heute Abend, ... die, ... Lichter, ... an, ... halten?

Still: ... Can, we, turn on, lights, night, this?

Können, ... wir, ... heute Abend, ... die, ... Lichter, ... an, ... halten?
Können, ... wir, ... heute Abend, ... die, ... Lichter, ... an, ... halten?
Können wir heute Nacht das Licht anlassen?
157. Wort:


Ich war schon immer ein fleißiger Schüler.

I’ve always been a diligent student.

Ich war, ... schon immer, ... ein, ... fleißiger, ... Student.

Student: ... I have, always, been, a student, who is, diligent.

Ich war, ... schon immer, ... ein, ... fleißiger, ... Student.
Ich war, ... schon immer, ... ein, ... fleißiger, ... Student.
Ich war schon immer ein fleißiger Schüler.
158. Wort ist:


Deshalb gehe ich nicht mehr raus.

This is why I don’t go out anymore.

Das, ... ist, ... warum, ... ich, ... nicht, ... gehe, ... raus, ... mehr.

Why: ... Here, why, I, no, come out, again.

Das, ... ist, ... warum, ... ich, ... nicht, ... gehe, ... raus, ... mehr.
Das, ... ist, ... warum, ... ich, ... nicht, ... gehe, ... raus, ... mehr.
Deshalb gehe ich nicht mehr raus.
159. ist:


Warum lässt du ihn nicht wissen, wie du dich fühlst?

Why won’t you let him know how you feel?

Warum, ... will nicht, ... du, ... lass, ... ihn, ... wissen, ... wie, ... du, ... fühlst?

Let: ... Why, you, do not, let, he, know, how, feeling, you?

Warum, ... will nicht, ... du, ... lass, ... ihn, ... wissen, ... wie, ... du, ... fühlst?
Warum, ... will nicht, ... du, ... lass, ... ihn, ... wissen, ... wie, ... du, ... fühlst?
Warum lässt du ihn nicht wissen, wie du dich fühlst?
160. Wort:


Diese Eisdiele ist ideal für Familien mit Kindern! ...

This ice cream place is great for families with kids! ...

Dieses, ... Eis, ... Sahne, ... Lokal, ... ist, ... toll, ... für, ... Familien, ... mit, ... Kindern!, .. . ...

Great: ... Place, ice cream, this, very, suitable, for, family, with, kids!

Dieses, ... Eis, ... Sahne, ... Lokal, ... ist, ... toll, ... für, ... Familien, ... mit, ... Kindern!, .. . ...
Dieses, ... Eis, ... Sahne, ... Lokal, ... ist, ... toll, ... für, ... Familien, ... mit, ... Kindern!, .. . ...
Diese Eisdiele ist ideal für Familien mit Kindern! ...
161. Wort ist:


Hey, wir tragen das gleiche Shirt! ...

Hey, we’re wearing the same shirt! ...

Hey,, ... wir, ... tragen, ... das, ... gleiche, ... Shirt!, ... ...

Same: ... Hey, we, wear, clothes, the, the same!

Hey,, ... wir, ... tragen, ... das, ... gleiche, ... Shirt!, ... ...
Hey,, ... wir, ... tragen, ... das, ... gleiche, ... Shirt!, ... ...
Hey, wir tragen das gleiche Shirt! ...
162. ist:


Ich bin total in Brad Pitt verknallt.

I have this big crush on brad pitt.

Ich, ... habe, ... das, ... groß, ... verknallt, ... auf, ... brad, ... pitt.

Big... I, have a crush, brad, pitt.

Ich, ... habe, ... das, ... groß, ... verknallt, ... auf, ... brad, ... pitt.
Ich, ... habe, ... das, ... groß, ... verknallt, ... auf, ... brad, ... pitt.
Ich bin total in Brad Pitt verknallt.
163. Wort:


Die Gruppe, die gegenüber unserem Tisch sitzt, ist so laut.

The group sitting across our table is so noisy.

Die, ... Gruppe, ... sitzt, ... gegenüber, ... unser, ... Tisch, ... ist, ... so, ... laut.

Group: ... Group, which, sitting, at, across, table, us, very, noisy.

Die, ... Gruppe, ... sitzt, ... gegenüber, ... unser, ... Tisch, ... ist, ... so, ... laut.
Die, ... Gruppe, ... sitzt, ... gegenüber, ... unser, ... Tisch, ... ist, ... so, ... laut.
Die Gruppe, die gegenüber unserem Tisch sitzt, ist so laut.
164. Wort ist:


Wo fange ich bei diesem riesigen Projekt an?

Where do I begin with this huge project?

Wo, ... beginne, ... beginne ich, ... mit ... diesem, ... riesigen, ... Projekt?

Start: ... In, where, I, start, project, big, this?

Wo, ... beginne, ... beginne ich, ... mit ... diesem, ... riesigen, ... Projekt?
Wo, ... beginne, ... beginne ich, ... mit ... diesem, ... riesigen, ... Projekt?
Wo fange ich bei diesem riesigen Projekt an?
165. ist:


Sie mag ruhig wirken, aber sie ist wirklich kontaktfreudig, sobald du sie kennengelernt hast.

She may seem quiet, but she’s really outgoing once you get to know her.

Sie, ... mag, ... scheinen, ... ruhig,, ... aber, ... sie ist, ... wirklich, ... kontaktfreudig, ... einmal, ... du, .. . Sie kennen lernen.

It seems: ... He, maybe, seems, quiet, but, he, really, friendly, after, you, get to know him.

Sie, ... mag, ... scheinen, ... ruhig,, ... aber, ... sie ist, ... wirklich, ... kontaktfreudig, ... einmal, ... du, .. . Sie kennen lernen.
Sie, ... mag, ... scheinen, ... ruhig,, ... aber, ... sie ist, ... wirklich, ... kontaktfreudig, ... einmal, ... du, .. . Sie kennen lernen.
Sie mag ruhig wirken, aber sie ist wirklich kontaktfreudig, sobald du sie kennengelernt hast.
166. Wort:


Japan ist so ein schönes Land! ...

Japan is such a beautiful country! ...

Japan, ... ist, ... so, ... ein, ... schönes, ... Land!, ... ...

Country: ... Japan, is, a country, which is, very, beautiful!

Japan, ... ist, ... so, ... ein, ... schönes, ... Land!, ... ...
Japan, ... ist, ... so, ... ein, ... schönes, ... Land!, ... ...
Japan ist so ein schönes Land! ...
167. Wort ist:


Ich brauche Hilfe bei meinen Mathehausaufgaben.

I need help with my math homework.

Ich, ... brauche, ... Hilfe, ... bei, ... meinen, ... Mathe-, ... Hausaufgaben.

Help: ... I, need, help, with, work, home, math, me.

Ich, ... brauche, ... Hilfe, ... bei, ... meinen, ... Mathe-, ... Hausaufgaben.
Ich, ... brauche, ... Hilfe, ... bei, ... meinen, ... Mathe-, ... Hausaufgaben.
Ich brauche Hilfe bei meinen Mathehausaufgaben.
168. ist:
Sich unterhalten


Können wir uns privat unterhalten?

Can we talk in private?

Können, ... wir, ... miteinander reden, ... in, ... privat?

Talk: ... Can we, talk, privately?

Können, ... wir, ... miteinander reden, ... in, ... privat?
Können, ... wir, ... miteinander reden, ... in, ... privat?
Können wir uns privat unterhalten?
169. Wort:


Wo warst du letzte Nacht?

Where were you last night?

Wo warst du letzte Nacht?

In, where: ... Where, where, you, last night?

Wo warst du letzte Nacht?
Wo warst du letzte Nacht?
Wo warst du letzte Nacht?
170. Wort ist:


Wenn ich doch nur die Zeit zurückdrehen könnte.

If only I could turn back time.

Wenn ich doch nur die Zeit zurückdrehen könnte.

Play: ... If, only, I, can, turn, go back, time.

Wenn ich doch nur die Zeit zurückdrehen könnte.
Wenn ich doch nur die Zeit zurückdrehen könnte.
Wenn ich doch nur die Zeit zurückdrehen könnte.
171. ist:


Das Problem ist, dass wir denken, dass wir viel Zeit haben.

The problem is we think we have plenty of time.

Das, ... Problem, ... ist, ... wir, ... denken, ... wir, ... haben, ... viel, ... von, ... Zeit.

The problem: ... The problem, is, we, think, we, have, a lot of, time.

Das, ... Problem, ... ist, ... wir, ... denken, ... wir, ... haben, ... viel, ... von, ... Zeit.
Das, ... Problem, ... ist, ... wir, ... denken, ... wir, ... haben, ... viel, ... von, ... Zeit.
Das Problem ist, dass wir denken, dass wir viel Zeit haben.
172. Wort:


Jeder Mensch hat sein eigenes großes Ziel zu erfüllen.

Every person has his own big goal to fulfill.

Jeder, ... Mensch, ... hat, ... sein, ... eigenes, ... großes, ... Ziel, ... zu, ... zu erfüllen.

Every: ... Every, person, has, purpose, magnitude, alone, to, fulfilled.

Jeder, ... Mensch, ... hat, ... sein, ... eigenes, ... großes, ... Ziel, ... zu, ... zu erfüllen.
Jeder, ... Mensch, ... hat, ... sein, ... eigenes, ... großes, ... Ziel, ... zu, ... zu erfüllen.
Jeder Mensch hat sein eigenes großes Ziel zu erfüllen.
173. Wort ist:


Dies ist ein großartiger Anfang, um die englische Sprache zu lernen.

This is a great to start to learn the english language.

Das, ... ist, ... ein, ... toller, ... um, ... anzufangen, ... um, ... zu lernen, ... das, ... Englisch, ... Sprache.

Start: ... This, is, the beginning, which, good, for, learn, language, english.

Das, ... ist, ... ein, ... toller, ... um, ... anzufangen, ... um, ... zu lernen, ... das, ... Englisch, ... Sprache.
Das, ... ist, ... ein, ... toller, ... um, ... anzufangen, ... um, ... zu lernen, ... das, ... Englisch, ... Sprache.
Dies ist ein großartiger Anfang, um die englische Sprache zu lernen.
174. ist:


Lass meine Hand nicht los.

Don’t let go of my hand.

Nicht, ... lass, ... los, ... von, ... meiner, ... Hand.

Hands: ... No, let go, my hands.

Nicht, ... lass, ... los, ... von, ... meiner, ... Hand.
Nicht, ... lass, ... los, ... von, ... meiner, ... Hand.
Lass meine Hand nicht los.
175. Wort:


Das könnte tatsächlich funktionieren.

This might actually work.

Das, ... könnte, ... tatsächlich, ... funktionieren.

Maybe: ... It, maybe, really, works.

Das, ... könnte, ... tatsächlich, ... funktionieren.
Das, ... könnte, ... tatsächlich, ... funktionieren.
Das könnte tatsächlich funktionieren.
176. Wort ist:


Die amerikanische Kultur ist so dynamisch.

The american culture is so dynamic.

Die, ... amerikanische, ... Kultur, ... ist, ... so, ... dynamisch.

America: ... Culture, america, so, dynamic.

Die, ... amerikanische, ... Kultur, ... ist, ... so, ... dynamisch.
Die, ... amerikanische, ... Kultur, ... ist, ... so, ... dynamisch.
Die amerikanische Kultur ist so dynamisch.
177. ist:


Können Sie mir zeigen, wie man diesen Staubsauger benutzt?

Can you show me how to use this vacuum cleaner?

Kann, ... du, ... mir ... zeigen, ... wie, ... man ... diesen, ... Staubsauger, ... Staubsauger benutzt?

Show: ... Can, you, show, how to, use, vacuum, dust, this?

Kann, ... du, ... mir ... zeigen, ... wie, ... man ... diesen, ... Staubsauger, ... Staubsauger benutzt?
Kann, ... du, ... mir ... zeigen, ... wie, ... man ... diesen, ... Staubsauger, ... Staubsauger benutzt?
Können Sie mir zeigen, wie man diesen Staubsauger benutzt?
178. Wort:


Das ist mein Lieblingsteil des Films! ...

This is my favorite part of the movie! ...

Das, ... ist, ... mein, ... Lieblings-, ... Teil, ... aus, ... dem, ... Film!, ... ...

Part: ... This is, is, part, my favorite, from, movie!

Das, ... ist, ... mein, ... Lieblings-, ... Teil, ... aus, ... dem, ... Film!, ... ...
Das, ... ist, ... mein, ... Lieblings-, ... Teil, ... aus, ... dem, ... Film!, ... ...
Das ist mein Lieblingsteil des Films! ...
179. Wort ist:


Um was geht es in der Geschichte?

What is the story about?

Um was geht es in der Geschichte?

About: ... About, what, the story?

Um was geht es in der Geschichte?
Um was geht es in der Geschichte?
Um was geht es in der Geschichte?
180. ist:


Ich bin so gegen häusliche Gewalt! ...

I am so against domestic abuse! ...

Ich, ... bin, ... so, ... gegen, ... häuslichen, ... Missbrauch!, ... ...

Against: ... I am, strongly, against, violence, in, home, household!

Ich, ... bin, ... so, ... gegen, ... häuslichen, ... Missbrauch!, ... ...
Ich, ... bin, ... so, ... gegen, ... häuslichen, ... Missbrauch!, ... ...
Ich bin so gegen häusliche Gewalt! ...
181. Wort:


Dieser Ort ist wunderbar! ...

This place is wonderful! ...

Dieser, ... Ort, ... ist, ... wunderbar!, ... ...

Place: ... Place, this, extraordinary, extraordinary!

Dieser, ... Ort, ... ist, ... wunderbar!, ... ...
Dieser, ... Ort, ... ist, ... wunderbar!, ... ...
Dieser Ort ist wunderbar! ...
182. Wort ist:


Das sagte sie immer wieder.

She kept saying this over and over again.

Sie, ... hielt, ... sagte, ... dies, ... vorbei, ... und, ... vorbei, ... noch einmal.

Over and over: ... He, kept, said, this, over and over again.

Sie, ... hielt, ... sagte, ... dies, ... vorbei, ... und, ... vorbei, ... noch einmal.
Sie, ... hielt, ... sagte, ... dies, ... vorbei, ... und, ... vorbei, ... noch einmal.
Das sagte sie immer wieder.
183. ist:
Eine solche


Er ist so ein nerviger Mensch.

He is such an annoying person.

Er, ... ist, ... so, ... ein, ... lästiger, ... Mensch.

Like: ... He, is, the person, who, sucks.

Er, ... ist, ... so, ... ein, ... lästiger, ... Mensch.
Er, ... ist, ... so, ... ein, ... lästiger, ... Mensch.
Er ist so ein nerviger Mensch.
184. Wort:


Können wir das Spiel noch einmal spielen?

Can we play that game again?

Können, ... wir, ... noch einmal, ... das, ... Spiel, ... spielen?

Again, again: ... Can, we, play, the game, that, again?

Können, ... wir, ... noch einmal, ... das, ... Spiel, ... spielen?
Können, ... wir, ... noch einmal, ... das, ... Spiel, ... spielen?
Können wir das Spiel noch einmal spielen?
185. Wort ist:


Nur noch ein paar Besorgungen und ich bin fertig! ...

Just a few more errands and I’m done! ...

Nur, ... ein, ... paar, ... mehr, ... Besorgungen, ... und, ... ich bin, ... fertig!, ... ...

A little: ... Just, a few, tasks, again, and, I, done!

Nur, ... ein, ... paar, ... mehr, ... Besorgungen, ... und, ... ich bin, ... fertig!, ... ...
Nur, ... ein, ... paar, ... mehr, ... Besorgungen, ... und, ... ich bin, ... fertig!, ... ...
Nur noch ein paar Besorgungen und ich bin fertig! ...
186. ist:


Was für ein interessanter Fall, an dem Sie gerade arbeiten! ...

What an interesting case you are working on now! ...

Was, ... ein, ... interessanter, ... Fall, ... Sie, ... arbeiten, ... am, ... jetzt!, ... ...

Case: ... Case, interesting, which, being, you, work on, now!

Was, ... ein, ... interessanter, ... Fall, ... Sie, ... arbeiten, ... am, ... jetzt!, ... ...
Was, ... ein, ... interessanter, ... Fall, ... Sie, ... arbeiten, ... am, ... jetzt!, ... ...
Was für ein interessanter Fall, an dem Sie gerade arbeiten! ...
187. Wort:
Die meisten


Das ist die interessanteste Geschichte, die ich je gehört habe.

That’s the most interesting story I’ve ever heard.

Das ist, ... die, ... interessanteste, ... Geschichte, ... die ich, ... je, ... gehört habe.

The most: ... That, the story, the most, interesting, that, I have ever heard.

Das ist, ... die, ... interessanteste, ... Geschichte, ... die ich, ... je, ... gehört habe.
Das ist, ... die, ... interessanteste, ... Geschichte, ... die ich, ... je, ... gehört habe.
Das ist die interessanteste Geschichte, die ich je gehört habe.
188. Wort ist:


Ich hatte eine harte Woche.

I had a rough week.

Ich, ... hatte, ... eine, ... harte, ... Woche.

Week: ... I, experienced, the week, the, heavy.

Ich, ... hatte, ... eine, ... harte, ... Woche.
Ich, ... hatte, ... eine, ... harte, ... Woche.
Ich hatte eine harte Woche.
189. ist:


Wirst du mir Gesellschaft leisten?

Will you keep me company?

Wirst ... du ... mir ... Gesellschaft leisten?

Company: ... Will you, accompany, me?

Wirst ... du ... mir ... Gesellschaft leisten?
Wirst ... du ... mir ... Gesellschaft leisten?
Wirst du mir Gesellschaft leisten?
190. Wort:


Wohin gehen wir?

Where are we going?

Wohin gehen wir?

To, where: ... To, where, we, will, go?

Wohin gehen wir?
Wohin gehen wir?
Wohin gehen wir?
191. Wort ist:


Was ist mit dem System des Flughafens falsch?

What’s wrong with the airport’s system?

Was ist, ... falsch, ... mit ... dem ... Flughafensystem ...?

System: ... What, is, wrong, with, system, airport?

Was ist, ... falsch, ... mit ... dem ... Flughafensystem ...?
Was ist, ... falsch, ... mit ... dem ... Flughafensystem ...?
Was ist mit dem System des Flughafens falsch?
192. ist:


Kannst du jedem von ihnen einen Apfel geben?

Can you give each of them an apple?

Kannst ... du ... jedem, ... von, ... ihnen, ... einen, ... Apfel geben?

Each: ... Can, you, give, them, respectively, an apple?

Kannst ... du ... jedem, ... von, ... ihnen, ... einen, ... Apfel geben?
Kannst ... du ... jedem, ... von, ... ihnen, ... einen, ... Apfel geben?
Kannst du jedem von ihnen einen Apfel geben?
193. Wort:


Diesmal habe ich recht.

I’m right this time.

Ich bin, ... richtig, ... diese, ... Zeit.

Right... I, right, time, this.

Ich bin, ... richtig, ... diese, ... Zeit.
Ich bin, ... richtig, ... diese, ... Zeit.
Diesmal habe ich recht.
194. Wort ist:


Dieses Gemeinschaftsprogramm für Teenager ist wirklich hilfreich.

This community program for teens is really helpful.

Dieses, ... Community, ... Programm, ... für, ... Teenager, ... ist, ... wirklich, ... hilfreich.

Program: ... Program, community, for, youth, this is, very, helpful.

Dieses, ... Community, ... Programm, ... für, ... Teenager, ... ist, ... wirklich, ... hilfreich.
Dieses, ... Community, ... Programm, ... für, ... Teenager, ... ist, ... wirklich, ... hilfreich.
Dieses Gemeinschaftsprogramm für Teenager ist wirklich hilfreich.
195. ist:


Hast du das gehört?

Did you hear that?

Hast du das gehört?

Listen... Did, you, hear, that?

Hast du das gehört?
Hast du das gehört?
Hast du das gehört?
196. Wort:


Ich bin so müde.

I’m so sleepy.

Ich bin so müde.

So... I'm, really, sleepy.

Ich bin so müde.
Ich bin so müde.
Ich bin so müde.
197. Wort ist:


Ich habe eine Frage an Sie.

I have a question for you.

Ich habe eine Frage an Sie.

Questions: ... I, have, questions, for, you.

Ich habe eine Frage an Sie.
Ich habe eine Frage an Sie.
Ich habe eine Frage an Sie.
198. ist:


Während der Sitzung sah ich ihn einschlafen.

During the session, I saw him fall asleep.

Während, ... der, ... Sitzung, ... sah ich, ..., ... ihn, ... einfallen, ... einschlafen.

During: ... During, session, I, seeing it, fell asleep.

Während, ... der, ... Sitzung, ... sah ich, ..., ... ihn, ... einfallen, ... einschlafen.
Während, ... der, ... Sitzung, ... sah ich, ..., ... ihn, ... einfallen, ... einschlafen.
Während der Sitzung sah ich ihn einschlafen.
199. Wort:


Ich muss dieses Wochenende arbeiten.

I have to work this weekend.

Ich, ... muss ... an diesem ... Wochenende ... arbeiten.

Work: ... I, have to, work, weekends, this.

Ich, ... muss ... an diesem ... Wochenende ... arbeiten.
Ich, ... muss ... an diesem ... Wochenende ... arbeiten.
Ich muss dieses Wochenende arbeiten.
200. Wort ist:


Wir können stattdessen nächstes Wochenende Fußball spielen.

We can play soccer next weekend instead.

Wir, ... können, ... stattdessen, ... Fußball spielen, ... am nächsten, ... Wochenende, ....

Play: ... We, can, play, football, ball, weekend, next, instead.

Wir, ... können, ... stattdessen, ... Fußball spielen, ... am nächsten, ... Wochenende, ....
Wir, ... können, ... stattdessen, ... Fußball spielen, ... am nächsten, ... Wochenende, ....
Wir können stattdessen nächstes Wochenende Fußball spielen.
201. ist:


Ich hoffe, dass die Regierung etwas gegen die Armut in diesem Land unternimmt.

I hope the government does something about the poverty in this country.

Ich, ... hoffe, ... die, ... Regierung, ... tut, ... etwas, ... über, ... die, ... Armut, ... in, ... dieses Land.

Government: ... I, hope, government, do, something, about, poverty, in, this, country.

Ich, ... hoffe, ... die, ... Regierung, ... tut, ... etwas, ... über, ... die, ... Armut, ... in, ... dieses Land.
Ich, ... hoffe, ... die, ... Regierung, ... tut, ... etwas, ... über, ... die, ... Armut, ... in, ... dieses Land.
Ich hoffe, dass die Regierung etwas gegen die Armut in diesem Land unternimmt.
202. Wort:


Wenn Sie hier einen Bären sehen, rennen Sie um Ihr Leben.

If you see a bear here, run for your life.

Wenn, ... du, ... siehst, ... ein, ... Bär, ... hier,, ... renn, ... für, ... dein, ... Leben.

Run: ... If, you, see, bear, in, here, run, for, live, you.

Wenn, ... du, ... siehst, ... ein, ... Bär, ... hier,, ... renn, ... für, ... dein, ... Leben.
Wenn, ... du, ... siehst, ... ein, ... Bär, ... hier,, ... renn, ... für, ... dein, ... Leben.
Wenn Sie hier einen Bären sehen, rennen Sie um Ihr Leben.
203. Wort ist:


Ich muss dich um einen kleinen Gefallen bitten.

I have a small favor to ask you.

Ich, ... habe, ... einen, ... kleinen, ... Gefallen, ... um ... dich zu bitten.

Small: ... I, have, request, small, for you.

Ich, ... habe, ... einen, ... kleinen, ... Gefallen, ... um ... dich zu bitten.
Ich, ... habe, ... einen, ... kleinen, ... Gefallen, ... um ... dich zu bitten.
Ich muss dich um einen kleinen Gefallen bitten.
204. ist:


Ich muss Sie um einige Gefallen bitten.

I have a number of favors to ask you.

Ich, ... habe, ... eine, ... Anzahl, ... von, ... Gefälligkeiten, ... um ... Sie zu bitten.

Number: ... I, have, some, request, for, you.

Ich, ... habe, ... eine, ... Anzahl, ... von, ... Gefälligkeiten, ... um ... Sie zu bitten.
Ich, ... habe, ... eine, ... Anzahl, ... von, ... Gefälligkeiten, ... um ... Sie zu bitten.
Ich muss Sie um einige Gefallen bitten.
205. Wort:


Bitte schalten Sie den Fernseher aus.

Please turn off the television.

Bitte, ... schalten, ... aus, ... den, ... Fernseher.

Off: ... Please, turn off, television.

Bitte, ... schalten, ... aus, ... den, ... Fernseher.
Bitte, ... schalten, ... aus, ... den, ... Fernseher.
Bitte schalten Sie den Fernseher aus.
206. Wort ist:


Pfefferspray habe ich immer dabei.

I always bring pepper spray with me.

Ich, ... immer, ... bringe, ... Pfeffer, ... Spritze, ... mit, ... mir.

Always: ... I, always, carry, spray, pepper.

Ich, ... immer, ... bringe, ... Pfeffer, ... Spritze, ... mit, ... mir.
Ich, ... immer, ... bringe, ... Pfeffer, ... Spritze, ... mit, ... mir.
Pfefferspray habe ich immer dabei.
207. ist:


Kommen wir zum nächsten Touristenort.

Let’s move on to the next tourist spot.

Lasst uns, ... weiterziehen, ... weiter, ... zu, ... dem, ... nächsten, ... touristischen, ... Ort.

Move: ... Let, we, move on, to, place, tour, next.

Lasst uns, ... weiterziehen, ... weiter, ... zu, ... dem, ... nächsten, ... touristischen, ... Ort.
Lasst uns, ... weiterziehen, ... weiter, ... zu, ... dem, ... nächsten, ... touristischen, ... Ort.
Kommen wir zum nächsten Touristenort.
208. Wort:


Ich mag dich wirklich.

I really like you.

Ich mag dich wirklich.

Like... I, really, like you.

Ich mag dich wirklich.
Ich mag dich wirklich.
Ich mag dich wirklich.
209. Wort ist:


Die Nacht ist jung.

The night is young.

Die Nacht ist jung.

Night: ... Night, still, young.

Die Nacht ist jung.
Die Nacht ist jung.
Die Nacht ist jung.
210. ist:


Ich werde leben, als gäbe es kein Morgen.

I’m going to live like there’s no tomorrow.

Ich, ... gehe, ... zu, ... leben, ... wie, ... da ist, ... nein, ... morgen.

Live: ... I, will, live, like, no, there is, day, tomorrow.

Ich, ... gehe, ... zu, ... leben, ... wie, ... da ist, ... nein, ... morgen.
Ich, ... gehe, ... zu, ... leben, ... wie, ... da ist, ... nein, ... morgen.
Ich werde leben, als gäbe es kein Morgen.
211. Wort:


Herr Morris ist hier.

Mr. Morris is here.

Mr., ... Morris, ... ist, ... hier.

Sir: ... Sir, morris, there, over here.

Mr., ... Morris, ... ist, ... hier.
Mr., ... Morris, ... ist, ... hier.
Herr Morris ist hier.
212. Wort ist:


Du hast einen Punkt.

You have a point.

Du hast einen Punkt.

Points: ... You, there is, you're right.

Du hast einen Punkt.
Du hast einen Punkt.
Du hast einen Punkt.
213. ist:


Ich glaube an dich.

I believe in you.

Ich glaube an dich.

Believe: ... I, believe, in you.

Ich glaube an dich.
Ich glaube an dich.
Ich glaube an dich.
214. Wort:


Halte einfach meine Hand.

Just hold my hand.

Nur, ... halt, ... meine, ... Hand.

Hold: ... Hold, just, my hand.

Nur, ... halt, ... meine, ... Hand.
Nur, ... halt, ... meine, ... Hand.
Halte einfach meine Hand.
215. Wort ist:


Ich werde dich heute sehen.

I’m going to see you today.

Ich, ... gehe, ... zu, ... sehen, ... Sie, ... heute.

Day, this: ... I, will, see you, day, this.

Ich, ... gehe, ... zu, ... sehen, ... Sie, ... heute.
Ich, ... gehe, ... zu, ... sehen, ... Sie, ... heute.
Ich werde dich heute sehen.
216. ist:


Bitte bringen Sie einen Stift mit.

Please bring a pen.

Bitte, ... bring, ... einen, ... Kugelschreiber mit.

Bring... Please, bring, pen.

Bitte, ... bring, ... einen, ... Kugelschreiber mit.
Bitte, ... bring, ... einen, ... Kugelschreiber mit.
Bitte bringen Sie einen Stift mit.
217. Wort:


Was passiert, wenn Sie Ihren Bericht nicht rechtzeitig einreichen?

What will happen if you don’t submit your report on time?

Was, ... wird, ... passieren, ... wenn, ... Sie, ... nicht, ... einreichen, ... Ihren, ... Bericht, ... über, . .. Zeit?

Happened: ... What, which, will, happen, if, you, don't, submit, report, you, right, time?

Was, ... wird, ... passieren, ... wenn, ... Sie, ... nicht, ... einreichen, ... Ihren, ... Bericht, ... über, . .. Zeit?
Was, ... wird, ... passieren, ... wenn, ... Sie, ... nicht, ... einreichen, ... Ihren, ... Bericht, ... über, . .. Zeit?
Was passiert, wenn Sie Ihren Bericht nicht rechtzeitig einreichen?
218. Wort ist:


Das ist das Nächstbeste.

This is the next best thing.

Das, ... ist, ... das, ... nächste, ... beste, ... Ding.

Next: ... This, is, thing, best, next.

Das, ... ist, ... das, ... nächste, ... beste, ... Ding.
Das, ... ist, ... das, ... nächste, ... beste, ... Ding.
Das ist das Nächstbeste.
219. ist:


Ich kann nicht ohne mein Telefon leben.

I can’t live without my phone.

Ich, ... kann nicht, ... leben, ... ohne, ... mein, ... Telefon.

Without: ... I, no, can, live, without, phone, me.

Ich, ... kann nicht, ... leben, ... ohne, ... mein, ... Telefon.
Ich, ... kann nicht, ... leben, ... ohne, ... mein, ... Telefon.
Ich kann nicht ohne mein Telefon leben.
220. Wort:


Bevor ich ins Bett gehe wasche ich immer mein Gesicht.

Before I go to bed I always wash my face.

Bevor, ... ich, ... gehe, ... ins, ... Bett, ... ich, ... immer, ... wasche, ... mein, ... Gesicht.

Before: ... Before, sleeping, I, always, wash, face.

Bevor, ... ich, ... gehe, ... ins, ... Bett, ... ich, ... immer, ... wasche, ... mein, ... Gesicht.
Bevor, ... ich, ... gehe, ... ins, ... Bett, ... ich, ... immer, ... wasche, ... mein, ... Gesicht.
Bevor ich ins Bett gehe wasche ich immer mein Gesicht.
221. Wort ist:


Es gibt eine große Menge an Daten online zu diesem Thema.

There’s a large amount of data online about that topic.

Es gibt, ... eine, ... große, ... Menge, ... von ... Daten, ... online, ... über, ... das, ... Thema.

Huge: ... There are, many, data, online, about, topics, that.

Es gibt, ... eine, ... große, ... Menge, ... von ... Daten, ... online, ... über, ... das, ... Thema.
Es gibt, ... eine, ... große, ... Menge, ... von ... Daten, ... online, ... über, ... das, ... Thema.
Es gibt eine große Menge an Daten online zu diesem Thema.
222. ist:


Das ist alles, was ich über Dinosaurier weiß.

That’s all I know about dinosaurs.

Das sind, ... alle, ... ich, ... weiß, ... über ... Dinosaurier.

All: ... That, alone, that, I, know, about, dinosaurs.

Das sind, ... alle, ... ich, ... weiß, ... über ... Dinosaurier.
Das sind, ... alle, ... ich, ... weiß, ... über ... Dinosaurier.
Das ist alles, was ich über Dinosaurier weiß.
223. Wort:


Ich habe eine Million Fragen zu diesem Buch.

I have a million questions about this book.

Ich, ... habe, ... a, ... Millionen, ... Fragen, ... über, ... dieses, ... Buch.

Million: ... I, have, a million, questions, about, books, this.

Ich, ... habe, ... a, ... Millionen, ... Fragen, ... über, ... dieses, ... Buch.
Ich, ... habe, ... a, ... Millionen, ... Fragen, ... über, ... dieses, ... Buch.
Ich habe eine Million Fragen zu diesem Buch.
224. Wort ist:


Wir müssen diesen Film zusammen ansehen.

We must watch this movie together.

Wir, ... müssen, ... diesen ... Film ... zusammen ansehen.

Must: ... We, must, watch, this movie, together.

Wir, ... müssen, ... diesen ... Film ... zusammen ansehen.
Wir, ... müssen, ... diesen ... Film ... zusammen ansehen.
Wir müssen diesen Film zusammen ansehen.
225. ist:


Können wir jetzt nach Hause gehen?

Can we go home now?

Können wir jetzt nach Hause gehen?

Go home: ... Can, we, go home, now?

Können wir jetzt nach Hause gehen?
Können wir jetzt nach Hause gehen?
Können wir jetzt nach Hause gehen?
226. Wort:


Ich habe es unter meinem Bett versteckt.

I hid it under my bed.

Ich, ... versteckte, ... es, ... unter, ... meinem, ... Bett.

Under, under: ... I, hide it, in, under, my bed.

Ich, ... versteckte, ... es, ... unter, ... meinem, ... Bett.
Ich, ... versteckte, ... es, ... unter, ... meinem, ... Bett.
Ich habe es unter meinem Bett versteckt.
227. Wort ist:


Ich habe die Wanne mit Wasser gefüllt.

I filled the tub with water.

Ich, ... füllte, ... die, ... Wanne, ... mit, ... Wasser.

Water: ... I, fill, tub, bath, with, water.

Ich, ... füllte, ... die, ... Wanne, ... mit, ... Wasser.
Ich, ... füllte, ... die, ... Wanne, ... mit, ... Wasser.
Ich habe die Wanne mit Wasser gefüllt.
228. ist:


Sein Zimmer ist am Ende des Korridors.

His room is at the end of the corridor.

Sein, ... Zimmer, ... ist, ... am, ... Ende, ... von, ... dem, ... Korridor.

The room: ... The room, at the end of the corridor.

Sein, ... Zimmer, ... ist, ... am, ... Ende, ... von, ... dem, ... Korridor.
Sein, ... Zimmer, ... ist, ... am, ... Ende, ... von, ... dem, ... Korridor.
Sein Zimmer ist am Ende des Korridors.
229. Wort:


Können Sie mir dafür ein Rezept ausstellen?

Can you write me a prescription for this?

Können, ... Sie, ... mir, ... ein, ... Rezept, ... für, ... das schreiben?

Write: ... Can, you, write, me, the recipe, for, this?

Können, ... Sie, ... mir, ... ein, ... Rezept, ... für, ... das schreiben?
Können, ... Sie, ... mir, ... ein, ... Rezept, ... für, ... das schreiben?
Können Sie mir dafür ein Rezept ausstellen?
230. Wort ist:


Seine Mutter ist eine sehr schöne Frau.

His mother is a very lovely woman.

Seine, ... Mutter, ... ist, ... eine, ... sehr, ... schöne, ... Frau.

Mother: ... Her mother, is, a woman, who is, very, beautiful.

Seine, ... Mutter, ... ist, ... eine, ... sehr, ... schöne, ... Frau.
Seine, ... Mutter, ... ist, ... eine, ... sehr, ... schöne, ... Frau.
Seine Mutter ist eine sehr schöne Frau.
231. ist:


Dieser Bereich dieses Hauses muss repariert werden.

This area of this house needs to be fixed.

Dieses, ... Areal, ... von, ... dieses, ... Haus, ... muss, ..., ... repariert werden.

Area: ... Area, house, this, needs, repaired.

Dieses, ... Areal, ... von, ... dieses, ... Haus, ... muss, ..., ... repariert werden.
Dieses, ... Areal, ... von, ... dieses, ... Haus, ... muss, ..., ... repariert werden.
Dieser Bereich dieses Hauses muss repariert werden.
232. Wort:


Dieses Virus ist zu einem nationalen Problem geworden.

That virus has become a national concern.

Das, ... Virus, ... ist, ... geworden, ... ein, ... nationales, ... Anliegen.

National: ... Virus, it, has, become, concern, national.

Das, ... Virus, ... ist, ... geworden, ... ein, ... nationales, ... Anliegen.
Das, ... Virus, ... ist, ... geworden, ... ein, ... nationales, ... Anliegen.
Dieses Virus ist zu einem nationalen Problem geworden.
233. Wort ist:


Sie braucht Geld, um ihre Medizin zu kaufen.

She needs money to buy her medicine.

Sie, ... braucht ... Geld, ... um ... ihre ... Medizin zu kaufen.

Money: ... He, need, money, to, buy, the medicine.

Sie, ... braucht ... Geld, ... um ... ihre ... Medizin zu kaufen.
Sie, ... braucht ... Geld, ... um ... ihre ... Medizin zu kaufen.
Sie braucht Geld, um ihre Medizin zu kaufen.
234. ist:


Sie teilte ihre Geschichte den Medien mit.

She shared her story to the media.

Sie, ... teilte, ... ihre, ... Geschichte, ... mit, ... den, ... Medien.

Story: ... She, shared, her story, to, the media.

Sie, ... teilte, ... ihre, ... Geschichte, ... mit, ... den, ... Medien.
Sie, ... teilte, ... ihre, ... Geschichte, ... mit, ... den, ... Medien.
Sie teilte ihre Geschichte den Medien mit.
235. Wort:


Sie ist so jung und so hoffnungsvoll.

She is so young and so hopeful.

Sie, ... ist, ... so, ... jung, ... und, ... so, ... hoffnungsvoll.

Young: ... He was, very, young, and, full of, hope.

Sie, ... ist, ... so, ... jung, ... und, ... so, ... hoffnungsvoll.
Sie, ... ist, ... so, ... jung, ... und, ... so, ... hoffnungsvoll.
Sie ist so jung und so hoffnungsvoll.
236. Wort ist:


Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Einkaufen Ihre Stimmung verbessern kann.

It’s a fact, shopping can improve your mood.

Es ist, ... eine, ... Tatsache, ... Einkaufen, ... kann, ... verbessern, ... Ihre, ... Stimmung.

Facts: ... That, facts: ... Shopping, can, improve, mood, you.

Es ist, ... eine, ... Tatsache, ... Einkaufen, ... kann, ... verbessern, ... Ihre, ... Stimmung.
Es ist, ... eine, ... Tatsache, ... Einkaufen, ... kann, ... verbessern, ... Ihre, ... Stimmung.
Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Einkaufen Ihre Stimmung verbessern kann.
237. ist:


Es ist die Zeit des Monats! ...

It’s that time of the month! ...

Es ist die Zeit des Monats!, ... ...

Moon: ... It's time, moon, that!

Es ist die Zeit des Monats!, ... ...
Es ist die Zeit des Monats!, ... ...
Es ist die Zeit des Monats! ...
238. Wort:


Nur weil sie anders ist, heißt das nicht, dass sie schlecht ist.

Just because she’s different, it doesn’t mean she’s bad.

Nur, ... weil, ... sie, ... anders ist, ... es, ... nicht, ... bedeutet, ... sie ist, ... schlecht.

Different: ... Just, because, he, different, doesn't, means, he, bad.

Nur, ... weil, ... sie, ... anders ist, ... es, ... nicht, ... bedeutet, ... sie ist, ... schlecht.
Nur, ... weil, ... sie, ... anders ist, ... es, ... nicht, ... bedeutet, ... sie ist, ... schlecht.
Nur weil sie anders ist, heißt das nicht, dass sie schlecht ist.
239. Wort ist:


Du hast viel zu erklären.

You have a lot of explaining to do.

Sie, ... haben, ... eine, ... Menge, ... von, ... zu erklären, ... zu, ... zu tun.

Many: ... You, have, many, explanations, which, must, be done.

Sie, ... haben, ... eine, ... Menge, ... von, ... zu erklären, ... zu, ... zu tun.
Sie, ... haben, ... eine, ... Menge, ... von, ... zu erklären, ... zu, ... zu tun.
Du hast viel zu erklären.
240. ist:


Biegen Sie rechts ab, wenn Sie die Ecke erreichen.

Turn right when you reach the corner.

Biegen Sie ... rechts ab ... wenn Sie ... die ... Ecke erreichen.

Right: ... Turn, right, when, you, reach, corner.

Biegen Sie ... rechts ab ... wenn Sie ... die ... Ecke erreichen.
Biegen Sie ... rechts ab ... wenn Sie ... die ... Ecke erreichen.
Biegen Sie rechts ab, wenn Sie die Ecke erreichen.
241. Wort:


Lass uns zusammen unseren Englischunterricht studieren.

Let’s study our english lessons together.

Lass uns, ... unseren, ... Englisch-, ... Unterricht, ... zusammen studieren.

Learn: ... Let's, we, learn, lesson, language, english, us, together.

Lass uns, ... unseren, ... Englisch-, ... Unterricht, ... zusammen studieren.
Lass uns, ... unseren, ... Englisch-, ... Unterricht, ... zusammen studieren.
Lass uns zusammen unseren Englischunterricht studieren.
242. Wort ist:


Kann ich mir dein Englischbuch ausleihen?

Can I borrow your english book?

Kann, ... ich, ... ausleihen, ... dein, ... englisches, ... Buch?

Books: ... Can, I, borrow, books, language, english, you?

Kann, ... ich, ... ausleihen, ... dein, ... englisches, ... Buch?
Kann, ... ich, ... ausleihen, ... dein, ... englisches, ... Buch?
Kann ich mir dein Englischbuch ausleihen?
243. ist:


Sie hat das rosa Auge.

She has the pink eye.

Sie, ... hat, ... das, ... rosa, ... Auge.

Eyes: ... He, has, eyes, red, young.

Sie, ... hat, ... das, ... rosa, ... Auge.
Sie, ... hat, ... das, ... rosa, ... Auge.
Sie hat das rosa Auge.
244. Wort:


Ich liebe meinen Job.

I love my job.

Ich liebe meinen Job.

Work: ... I, love, work, me.

Ich liebe meinen Job.
Ich liebe meinen Job.
Ich liebe meinen Job.
245. Wort ist:


Beschreibe dich selbst mit einem Wort.

Describe yourself in one word.

Beschreibe dich selbst mit einem Wort.

Word: ... Describe, self, you, in, one, word.

Beschreibe dich selbst mit einem Wort.
Beschreibe dich selbst mit einem Wort.
Beschreibe dich selbst mit einem Wort.
246. ist:


Auch wenn Sie jetzt wütend sind, werden Sie das sicher später vergessen.

Though you are angry now, I’m sure you will forget about this later.

Obwohl, ... du, ... bist, ... wütend, ... jetzt, ... bin ich, ... sicher, ... du, ... wirst, ... vergessen, ... darüber, ... darüber, ... später.

Although: ... Even though, you, angry, now, I, sure, you, will, forget it, later.

Obwohl, ... du, ... bist, ... wütend, ... jetzt, ... bin ich, ... sicher, ... du, ... wirst, ... vergessen, ... darüber, ... darüber, ... später.
Obwohl, ... du, ... bist, ... wütend, ... jetzt, ... bin ich, ... sicher, ... du, ... wirst, ... vergessen, ... darüber, ... darüber, ... später.
Auch wenn Sie jetzt wütend sind, werden Sie das sicher später vergessen.
247. Wort:


Sein Geschäft floriert.

His business is thriving.

Sein, ... Geschäft, ... floriert.

Business: ... The business, growing, rapidly.

Sein, ... Geschäft, ... floriert.
Sein, ... Geschäft, ... floriert.
Sein Geschäft floriert.
248. Wort ist:


Dies ist kein Thema für mich.

This is not an issue for me.

Das, ... ist, ... nicht, ... ein, ... Problem, ... für, ... mich.

Problem: ... This, no, trouble, for, me.

Das, ... ist, ... nicht, ... ein, ... Problem, ... für, ... mich.
Das, ... ist, ... nicht, ... ein, ... Problem, ... für, ... mich.
Dies ist kein Thema für mich.
249. ist:


Auf wessen Seite stehst du überhaupt?

Whose side are you on, anyway?

Auf wessen, ... Seite, ... stehen, ... Sie, ... überhaupt?

Side: ... You, in, party, who?

Auf wessen, ... Seite, ... stehen, ... Sie, ... überhaupt?
Auf wessen, ... Seite, ... stehen, ... Sie, ... überhaupt?
Auf wessen Seite stehst du überhaupt?
250. Wort:


Sei immer freundlich, auch zu Fremden.

Always be kind, even to strangers.

Sei immer, ... freundlich, ... sogar ... zu ... Fremden.

Good: ... Always, be, be kind, even, to, people, strangers.

Sei immer, ... freundlich, ... sogar ... zu ... Fremden.
Sei immer, ... freundlich, ... sogar ... zu ... Fremden.
Sei immer freundlich, auch zu Fremden.
251. Wort ist:


Es gibt vier Jahreszeiten in einem Jahr.

There are four seasons in a year.

Es gibt vier Jahreszeiten in einem Jahr.

Four: ... There are, four, seasons, in, a year.

Es gibt vier Jahreszeiten in einem Jahr.
Es gibt vier Jahreszeiten in einem Jahr.
Es gibt vier Jahreszeiten in einem Jahr.
252. ist:


Gehen wir zurück, es ist eiskalt hier draußen.

Let’s head back, it’s freezing out here.

Lasst uns, ... Kopf, ... zurück,, ... es ist, ... eiskalt, ... raus, ... hier.

Head: ... Come on, we, back, in, here, very, cold.

Lasst uns, ... Kopf, ... zurück,, ... es ist, ... eiskalt, ... raus, ... hier.
Lasst uns, ... Kopf, ... zurück,, ... es ist, ... eiskalt, ... raus, ... hier.
Gehen wir zurück, es ist eiskalt hier draußen.
253. Wort:


Wir sind zu weit gegangen und jetzt sind wir verloren.

We’ve gone too far and now we’re lost.

Wir sind, ... weg, ... auch, ... weit, ... und, ... jetzt, ... sind wir, ... verloren.

Far: ... We, already, too, far away, and, now, we, lost.

Wir sind, ... weg, ... auch, ... weit, ... und, ... jetzt, ... sind wir, ... verloren.
Wir sind, ... weg, ... auch, ... weit, ... und, ... jetzt, ... sind wir, ... verloren.
Wir sind zu weit gegangen und jetzt sind wir verloren.
254. Wort ist:


Sie hat lange schwarze Haare.

She has long, black hair.

Sie hat lange schwarze Haare.

Black: ... He, has, hair, black, long.

Sie hat lange schwarze Haare.
Sie hat lange schwarze Haare.
Sie hat lange schwarze Haare.
255. ist:


Sie hat lange braune Haare.

She has long, brown hair.

Sie hat lange braune Haare.

Long: ... He, has, hair, brown, long.

Sie hat lange braune Haare.
Sie hat lange braune Haare.
Sie hat lange braune Haare.
256. Wort:


Beide lieben Schokoladeneis.

They both love chocolate ice cream.

Sie, ... beide, ... lieben, ... Schokolade, ... Eis, ... Sahne.

Both: ... They, both, like, ice, cream, chocolate.

Sie, ... beide, ... lieben, ... Schokolade, ... Eis, ... Sahne.
Sie, ... beide, ... lieben, ... Schokolade, ... Eis, ... Sahne.
Beide lieben Schokoladeneis.
257. Wort ist:


Ich habe jetzt zwei kleine Jungs bei mir.

I have two little boys with me now.

Ich, ... habe, ... zwei, ... kleine, ... Jungs, ... mit, ... mir, ... jetzt.

Little: ... I, have, two, son, son, small, with, me, now.

Ich, ... habe, ... zwei, ... kleine, ... Jungs, ... mit, ... mir, ... jetzt.
Ich, ... habe, ... zwei, ... kleine, ... Jungs, ... mit, ... mir, ... jetzt.
Ich habe jetzt zwei kleine Jungs bei mir.
258. ist:


Das Haus ist so still ohne dich.

The house is so quiet without you.

Das, ... Haus, ... ist, ... so, ... ruhig, ... ohne, ... Sie.

Home: ... Home, this, so, quiet, without you.

Das, ... Haus, ... ist, ... so, ... ruhig, ... ohne, ... Sie.
Das, ... Haus, ... ist, ... so, ... ruhig, ... ohne, ... Sie.
Das Haus ist so still ohne dich.
259. Wort:


Ich hoffe du sagst ja.

I hope you say yes.

Ich, ... hoffe, ... du, ... sagst, ... ja.

Yes: ... I, hope, you, answer, yes.

Ich, ... hoffe, ... du, ... sagst, ... ja.
Ich, ... hoffe, ... du, ... sagst, ... ja.
Ich hoffe du sagst ja.
260. Wort ist:


Nach all dieser Zeit hat er endlich gelernt zu lieben.

After all this time, he has finally learned to love.

Nach, ... aller, ... dieser, ... Zeit, ... hat er ... endlich ... gelernt, ... zu, ... zu lieben.

After: ... After, so, long, he, finally, learns, loves.

Nach, ... aller, ... dieser, ... Zeit, ... hat er ... endlich ... gelernt, ... zu, ... zu lieben.
Nach, ... aller, ... dieser, ... Zeit, ... hat er ... endlich ... gelernt, ... zu, ... zu lieben.
Nach all dieser Zeit hat er endlich gelernt zu lieben.
261. ist:


Seit dem Tod seiner Mutter ist er launisch und wütend auf die Welt.

Ever since his mom died, he has been cranky and angry at the world.

Immer, ... seit ... seine, ... Mutter, ... gestorben ist, ... er, ... war, ..., ... launisch, ... und, .. .. wütend, ... auf, ... die, ... Welt.

Since: ... Since, his mother, died, he, became, cranky, and, angry, at, the world.

Immer, ... seit ... seine, ... Mutter, ... gestorben ist, ... er, ... war, ..., ... launisch, ... und, .. .. wütend, ... auf, ... die, ... Welt.
Immer, ... seit ... seine, ... Mutter, ... gestorben ist, ... er, ... war, ..., ... launisch, ... und, .. .. wütend, ... auf, ... die, ... Welt.
Seit dem Tod seiner Mutter ist er launisch und wütend auf die Welt.
262. Wort:


Das ist so lange her.

That was such a long time ago.

Das, ... war, ... so, ... eine, ... lange, ... Zeit, ... her.

Long: ... That, it's been, a long time, once.

Das, ... war, ... so, ... eine, ... lange, ... Zeit, ... her.
Das, ... war, ... so, ... eine, ... lange, ... Zeit, ... her.
Das ist so lange her.
263. Wort ist:
Zur Verfügung stellen


Bitte stellen Sie mir eine Liste Ihrer Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung.

Please provide me with a list of your services.

Bitte, ... stellen Sie, ... mir, ... eine, ... Liste, ... von, ... Ihren, ... Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung.

Provide: ... Please, provide, me, register, service, you.

Bitte, ... stellen Sie, ... mir, ... eine, ... Liste, ... von, ... Ihren, ... Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung.
Bitte, ... stellen Sie, ... mir, ... eine, ... Liste, ... von, ... Ihren, ... Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung.
Bitte stellen Sie mir eine Liste Ihrer Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung.
264. ist:


Haben Sie einen speziellen zahnärztlichen Dienst, um dies zu behandeln?

Do you have a specific dental service to treat this?

Haben, ... Sie, ..., ... eine, ... bestimmte, ... zahnärztliche, ... Dienstleistung, ... um ... diese ... zu behandeln?

Service: ... Do, you, have, service, gear, special, for, deal with, thing, this?

Haben, ... Sie, ..., ... eine, ... bestimmte, ... zahnärztliche, ... Dienstleistung, ... um ... diese ... zu behandeln?
Haben, ... Sie, ..., ... eine, ... bestimmte, ... zahnärztliche, ... Dienstleistung, ... um ... diese ... zu behandeln?
Haben Sie einen speziellen zahnärztlichen Dienst, um dies zu behandeln?
265. Wort:


Wir gingen um den Block.

We went around the block.

Wir, ... gingen, ... um, ... den, ... Block.

Around: ... We, go, in, around, block.

Wir, ... gingen, ... um, ... den, ... Block.
Wir, ... gingen, ... um, ... den, ... Block.
Wir gingen um den Block.
266. Wort ist:


Du bist ein guter Freund.

You’re a good friend.

Du bist ein guter Freund.

Friend: ... You, friend, who, well.

Du bist ein guter Freund.
Du bist ein guter Freund.
Du bist ein guter Freund.
267. ist:


Du bist mir wichtig.

You’re important to me.

Du bist mir wichtig.

Important: ... You, important, to me.

Du bist mir wichtig.
Du bist mir wichtig.
Du bist mir wichtig.
268. Wort:


Mein Vater ist mir so wichtig.

My father is so important to me.

Mein, ... Vater, ... ist, ... so, ... wichtig, ... für, ... mich.

Father: ... Father, I, very, important, to, me.

Mein, ... Vater, ... ist, ... so, ... wichtig, ... für, ... mich.
Mein, ... Vater, ... ist, ... so, ... wichtig, ... für, ... mich.
Mein Vater ist mir so wichtig.
269. Wort ist:
Mach Sitz


Lass uns zusammen draußen sitzen.

Let’s sit outside together.

Lass uns, ... sitzen, ... draußen, ... zusammen.

Sit down: ... Come on, we, sit, out, together.

Lass uns, ... sitzen, ... draußen, ... zusammen.
Lass uns, ... sitzen, ... draußen, ... zusammen.
Lass uns zusammen draußen sitzen.
270. ist:
Ein Weg


Er ist gerade weg.

He’s away right now.

Er ist, ... weg, ... richtig, ... jetzt.

Go: ... He, go, now.

Er ist, ... weg, ... richtig, ... jetzt.
Er ist, ... weg, ... richtig, ... jetzt.
Er ist gerade weg.
271. Wort:
Bis um


Bis wann bist du weg?

Until when will you be away?

Bis, ... wann, ... wirst ... du ... weg sein?

Until: ... Until, when, you, will, go?

Bis, ... wann, ... wirst ... du ... weg sein?
Bis, ... wann, ... wirst ... du ... weg sein?
Bis wann bist du weg?
272. Wort ist:


Mit großer Macht kommt große Verantwortung.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Mit großer Macht kommt große Verantwortung.

Strength: ... With, power, big, come, responsibility, big.

Mit großer Macht kommt große Verantwortung.
Mit großer Macht kommt große Verantwortung.
Mit großer Macht kommt große Verantwortung.
273. ist:


Ich habe jede Stunde seine Temperatur überprüft.

I’ve been checking his temperature every hour.

Ich, ... habe, ... seine ... Temperatur ... jede ... Stunde überprüft.

Hours: ... I, have, checked, temperature, body, every, hour.

Ich, ... habe, ... seine ... Temperatur ... jede ... Stunde überprüft.
Ich, ... habe, ... seine ... Temperatur ... jede ... Stunde überprüft.
Ich habe jede Stunde seine Temperatur überprüft.
274. Wort:


Lassen Sie uns ein Spiel spielen.

Let’s play a game.

Lassen Sie uns ein Spiel spielen.

Game: ... Come on, play, game.

Lassen Sie uns ein Spiel spielen.
Lassen Sie uns ein Spiel spielen.
Lassen Sie uns ein Spiel spielen.
275. Wort ist:


Ich kaufe so oft wie möglich in seiner Bäckerei ein.

I buy from his bakery as often as I can.

Ich, ... kaufe, ... bei, ... seinem, ... Bäcker, ... wie, ... oft, ... wie, ... ich, ... kann.

Often: ... I, buy, from, the shop, the bread, as often, as possible.

Ich, ... kaufe, ... bei, ... seinem, ... Bäcker, ... wie, ... oft, ... wie, ... ich, ... kann.
Ich, ... kaufe, ... bei, ... seinem, ... Bäcker, ... wie, ... oft, ... wie, ... ich, ... kann.
Ich kaufe so oft wie möglich in seiner Bäckerei ein.
276. ist:


Er ist noch nicht zu Hause.

He’s not yet home.

Er ist ... noch nicht ... zu Hause.

However: ... He, not yet, came home.

Er ist ... noch nicht ... zu Hause.
Er ist ... noch nicht ... zu Hause.
Er ist noch nicht zu Hause.
277. Wort:


An der Lebensmittelkasse ist eine lange Schlange.

There’s a long line at the grocery cashier.

Da ist, ... eine, ... lange, ... Schlange, ... vor, ... dem, ... Lebensmittelgeschäft, ... Kassierer.

Queue: ... There are, queues, long, at, cashier, grocery.

Da ist, ... eine, ... lange, ... Schlange, ... vor, ... dem, ... Lebensmittelgeschäft, ... Kassierer.
Da ist, ... eine, ... lange, ... Schlange, ... vor, ... dem, ... Lebensmittelgeschäft, ... Kassierer.
An der Lebensmittelkasse ist eine lange Schlange.
278. Wort ist:


Ich halte mich von politischen Diskussionen fern.

I stay away from political discussions.

Ich, ... bleibe, ... fern, ... von ... politischen, ... Diskussionen.

Politics: ... I, stay away, from, discussion, politics.

Ich, ... bleibe, ... fern, ... von ... politischen, ... Diskussionen.
Ich, ... bleibe, ... fern, ... von ... politischen, ... Diskussionen.
Ich halte mich von politischen Diskussionen fern.
279. ist:


Es ist das Ende einer Ära.

It’s the end of an era.

Es ist, ... das, ... Ende, ... einer, ... Ära.

End: ... This, is, the end, of, an, era.

Es ist, ... das, ... Ende, ... einer, ... Ära.
Es ist, ... das, ... Ende, ... einer, ... Ära.
Es ist das Ende einer Ära.
280. Wort:


Unter all meinen Haustieren ist er mein Liebling.

Among all my pets, he’s my most favorite.

Unter, ... allen, ... meinen, ... Haustieren,, ... ist er, ... mein, ... liebster, ... Liebling.

In, between: ... In, between, all, animals, pets, I, he, is, favorite, me.

Unter, ... allen, ... meinen, ... Haustieren,, ... ist er, ... mein, ... liebster, ... Liebling.
Unter, ... allen, ... meinen, ... Haustieren,, ... ist er, ... mein, ... liebster, ... Liebling.
Unter all meinen Haustieren ist er mein Liebling.
281. Wort ist:


Hast du diesen Kuchen schon einmal probiert?

Have you ever tried this cake?

Haben ... Sie ... schon mal ... diesen ... Kuchen probiert?

Ever: ... Have, have you, ever, tried, this cake?

Haben ... Sie ... schon mal ... diesen ... Kuchen probiert?
Haben ... Sie ... schon mal ... diesen ... Kuchen probiert?
Hast du diesen Kuchen schon einmal probiert?
282. ist:


Kannst du eine Minute still stehen?

Can you stand still for a minute?

Kannst du, ... stehen, ... still, ... für, ... eine, ... Minute?

Stand up: ... Can you, stand up, be quiet, for a second?

Kannst du, ... stehen, ... still, ... für, ... eine, ... Minute?
Kannst du, ... stehen, ... still, ... für, ... eine, ... Minute?
Kannst du eine Minute still stehen?
283rd word:


What you did was so bad.

What you did was so bad.

What, ... you, ... did, ... was, ... so, ... bad.

Bad: ... What, that, you, did, very, bad.

What, ... you, ... did, ... was, ... so, ... bad.
What, ... you, ... did, ... was, ... so, ... bad.
What you did was so bad.
284th word is:


I can’t lose you.

I can’t lose you.

I, ... can’t, ... lose, ... you.

Lose: ... I, no, can, lose you.

I, ... can’t, ... lose, ... you.
I, ... can’t, ... lose, ... you.
I can’t lose you.
285th is:


I want to buy this bag, however, I need to save up for it first.

I want to buy this bag, however, I need to save up for it first.

I, ... want, ... to, ... buy, ... this, ... bag,, ... however,, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... save, ... up, ... for, ... it, ... first.

However: ... I, want, to buy, this bag, but, I, must, save, first, first.

I, ... want, ... to, ... buy, ... this, ... bag,, ... however,, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... save, ... up, ... for, ... it, ... first.
I, ... want, ... to, ... buy, ... this, ... bag,, ... however,, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... save, ... up, ... for, ... it, ... first.
I want to buy this bag, however, I need to save up for it first.
286th word:


She’s a member of the babysitter’s club.

She’s a member of the babysitter’s club.

She’s, ... a, ... member, ... of, ... the, ... babysitter’s, ... club.

Member: ... He, member, club, babysitter.

She’s, ... a, ... member, ... of, ... the, ... babysitter’s, ... club.
She’s, ... a, ... member, ... of, ... the, ... babysitter’s, ... club.
She’s a member of the babysitter’s club.
287th word is:


Let’s pay for our groceries.

Let’s pay for our groceries.

Let’s, ... pay, ... for, ... our, ... groceries.

Pay: ... Come on, pay, groceries, we.

Let’s, ... pay, ... for, ... our, ... groceries.
Let’s, ... pay, ... for, ... our, ... groceries.
Let’s pay for our groceries.
288th is:


There’s a law against jay-walking.

There’s a law against jay-walking.

There’s, ... a, ... law, ... against, ... jay-walking.

Laws: ... There are, laws, which, forbid, jay-walking.

There’s, ... a, ... law, ... against, ... jay-walking.
There’s, ... a, ... law, ... against, ... jay-walking.
There’s a law against jay-walking.
289th word:


I want you to meet my aunt.

I want you to meet my aunt.

I, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... meet, ... my, ... aunt.

Meet: ... I, want, you, meet, my aunt.

I, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... meet, ... my, ... aunt.
I, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... meet, ... my, ... aunt.
I want you to meet my aunt.
290st word is:


Let’s go inside my car.

Let’s go inside my car.

Let’s, ... go, ... inside, ... my, ... car.

Car: ... Come on, get in, get in, in, my car.

Let’s, ... go, ... inside, ... my, ... car.
Let’s, ... go, ... inside, ... my, ... car.
Let’s go inside my car.
291st is:


This is the city that never sleeps.

This is the city that never sleeps.

This, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... that, ... never, ... sleeps.

The city: ... This, is, the city, which, never, ever, sleeps.

This, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... that, ... never, ... sleeps.
This, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... that, ... never, ... sleeps.
This is the city that never sleeps.
292nd word:


I’m almost done with my report.

I’m almost done with my report.

I’m, ... almost, ... done, ... with, ... my, ... report.

Almost: ... I'm, almost, done, with, my report.

I’m, ... almost, ... done, ... with, ... my, ... report.
I’m, ... almost, ... done, ... with, ... my, ... report.
I’m almost done with my report.
293rd word is:


Did you remember to include the summary in your report?

Did you remember to include the summary in your report?

Did, ... you, ... remember, ... to, ... include, ... the, ... summary, ... in, ... your, ... report?

Include: ... Do, you, remember, to, include, summary, in, report, you?

Did, ... you, ... remember, ... to, ... include, ... the, ... summary, ... in, ... your, ... report?
Did, ... you, ... remember, ... to, ... include, ... the, ... summary, ... in, ... your, ... report?
Did you remember to include the summary in your report?
294th is:


Can we continue working tomorrow?

Can we continue working tomorrow?

Can, ... we, ... continue, ... working, ... tomorrow?

Continue: ... Can, we, continue, work, tomorrow?

Can, ... we, ... continue, ... working, ... tomorrow?
Can, ... we, ... continue, ... working, ... tomorrow?
Can we continue working tomorrow?
295th word:


Great, let me set an appointment for you.

Great, let me set an appointment for you.

Great,, ... let, ... me, ... set, ... an, ... appointment, ... for, ... you.

Arrange: ... Good, allow, I, make, promise, to, you.

Great,, ... let, ... me, ... set, ... an, ... appointment, ... for, ... you.
Great,, ... let, ... me, ... set, ... an, ... appointment, ... for, ... you.
Great, let me set an appointment for you.
296th word is:


I’ll finish it later.

I’ll finish it later.

I’ll, ... finish, ... it, ... later.

Later: ... I, will, finish it, later.

I’ll, ... finish, ... it, ... later.
I’ll, ... finish, ... it, ... later.
I’ll finish it later.
297th is:


Our community is very tight knit.

Our community is very tight knit.

Our, ... community, ... is, ... very, ... tight, ... knit.

Community: ... Community, we are, very, closely.

Our, ... community, ... is, ... very, ... tight, ... knit.
Our, ... community, ... is, ... very, ... tight, ... knit.
Our community is very tight knit.
298th word:


There’s so much to learn in the english language.

There’s so much to learn in the english language.

There’s, ... so, ... much, ... to, ... learn, ... in, ... the, ... english, ... language.

Many: ... There are, so, many, which, must, be studied, in, language, english.

There’s, ... so, ... much, ... to, ... learn, ... in, ... the, ... english, ... language.
There’s, ... so, ... much, ... to, ... learn, ... in, ... the, ... english, ... language.
There’s so much to learn in the english language.
299th word is:


What’s your name?

What’s your name?

What’s, ... your, ... name?

Name: ... What, your name?

What’s, ... your, ... name?
What’s, ... your, ... name?
What’s your name?
300st is:


I can give you five reasons why you need to watch that video.

I can give you five reasons why you need to watch that video.

I, ... can, ... give, ... you, ... five, ... reasons, ... why, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... watch, ... that, ... video.

Five: ... I, can, give, you, five, reasons, why, you, need, watch, video, that.

I, ... can, ... give, ... you, ... five, ... reasons, ... why, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... watch, ... that, ... video.
I, ... can, ... give, ... you, ... five, ... reasons, ... why, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... watch, ... that, ... video.
I can give you five reasons why you need to watch that video.
301st word:


I once had a puppy named bark.

I once had a puppy named bark.

I, ... once, ... had, ... a, ... puppy, ... named, ... bark.

Once: ... I, once, had, a child, a dog, named, barks.

I, ... once, ... had, ... a, ... puppy, ... named, ... bark.
I, ... once, ... had, ... a, ... puppy, ... named, ... bark.
I once had a puppy named bark.
302nd word is:


I love my white sneakers.

I love my white sneakers.

I, ... love, ... my, ... white, ... sneakers.

White: ... I, like, shoes, sneakers, white, me.

I, ... love, ... my, ... white, ... sneakers.
I, ... love, ... my, ... white, ... sneakers.
I love my white sneakers.
303rd is:


She’s the least productive among all the employees.

She’s the least productive among all the employees.

She’s, ... the, ... least, ... productive, ... among, ... all, ... the, ... employees.

At least: ... He, who is, at most, not, productive, among, all, employees.

She’s, ... the, ... least, ... productive, ... among, ... all, ... the, ... employees.
She’s, ... the, ... least, ... productive, ... among, ... all, ... the, ... employees.
She’s the least productive among all the employees.
304th word:


She was our class president back in high school.

She was our class president back in high school.

She, ... was, ... our, ... class, ... president, ... back, ... in, ... high, ... school.

President,: ... He, is, chairman, class, we, at, school, middle.

She, ... was, ... our, ... class, ... president, ... back, ... in, ... high, ... school.
She, ... was, ... our, ... class, ... president, ... back, ... in, ... high, ... school.
She was our class president back in high school.
305th word is:


I’d love to learn more about the english language.

I’d love to learn more about the english language.

I’d, ... love, ... to, ... learn, ... more, ... about, ... the, ... english, ... language.

Learn: ... I, want, learn, more, much, about, language, english.

I’d, ... love, ... to, ... learn, ... more, ... about, ... the, ... english, ... language.
I’d, ... love, ... to, ... learn, ... more, ... about, ... the, ... english, ... language.
I’d love to learn more about the english language.
306th is:


What is her real name?

What is her real name?

What, ... is, ... her, ... real, ... name?

Real: ... Who, name, real?

What, ... is, ... her, ... real, ... name?
What, ... is, ... her, ... real, ... name?
What is her real name?
307th word:


What can we change so that things will get better?

What can we change so that things will get better?

What, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... so, ... that, ... things, ... will, ... get, ... better?

Change: ... What, that, can, we, change, so that, everything, becomes, more, better?

What, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... so, ... that, ... things, ... will, ... get, ... better?
What, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... so, ... that, ... things, ... will, ... get, ... better?
What can we change so that things will get better?
308th word is:


They hired a team to do the design of their new office.

They hired a team to do the design of their new office.

They, ... hired, ... a, ... team, ... to, ... do, ... the, ... design, ... of, ... their, ... new, ... office.

Team: ... They, rent, team, for, design, office, new, them.

They, ... hired, ... a, ... team, ... to, ... do, ... the, ... design, ... of, ... their, ... new, ... office.
They, ... hired, ... a, ... team, ... to, ... do, ... the, ... design, ... of, ... their, ... new, ... office.
They hired a team to do the design of their new office.
309th is:


She’s laughing every minute of every day.

She’s laughing every minute of every day.

She’s, ... laughing, ... every, ... minute, ... of, ... every, ... day.

Minutes: ... He, laughs, every, minute, every, day.

She’s, ... laughing, ... every, ... minute, ... of, ... every, ... day.
She’s, ... laughing, ... every, ... minute, ... of, ... every, ... day.
She’s laughing every minute of every day.
310th word:


This is the best potato salad I’ve ever tasted.

This is the best potato salad I’ve ever tasted.

This, ... is, ... the, ... best, ... potato, ... salad, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... tasted.

Best: ... This, salad, potato, is the best, that, I have ever tasted.

This, ... is, ... the, ... best, ... potato, ... salad, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... tasted.
This, ... is, ... the, ... best, ... potato, ... salad, ... I’ve, ... ever, ... tasted.
This is the best potato salad I’ve ever tasted.
311th word is:


I have several old clothes I need to donate.

I have several old clothes I need to donate.

I, ... have, ... several, ... old, ... clothes, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... donate.

Some: ... I, have, some, clothes, old, which, need, I, donate.

I, ... have, ... several, ... old, ... clothes, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... donate.
I, ... have, ... several, ... old, ... clothes, ... I, ... need, ... to, ... donate.
I have several old clothes I need to donate.
312th is:


It was your idea to go to the beach, remember?

It was your idea to go to the beach, remember?

It, ... was, ... your, ... idea, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach,, ... remember?

Idea: ... That, idea, you, to, go, to, the beach, remember?

It, ... was, ... your, ... idea, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach,, ... remember?
It, ... was, ... your, ... idea, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach,, ... remember?
It was your idea to go to the beach, remember?
313th word:


I loved that toy when I was a kid.

I loved that toy when I was a kid.

I, ... loved, ... that, ... toy, ... when, ... I, ... was, ... a, ... kid.

Son: ... I, liked, toys, that, when, I was, still, small.

I, ... loved, ... that, ... toy, ... when, ... I, ... was, ... a, ... kid.
I, ... loved, ... that, ... toy, ... when, ... I, ... was, ... a, ... kid.
I loved that toy when I was a kid.
314th word is:


She worked out hard to achieve a toned body.

She worked out hard to achieve a toned body.

She, ... worked, ... out, ... hard, ... to, ... achieve, ... a, ... toned, ... body.

Body: ... He, worked, hard, to, achieve, body, which, toned.

She, ... worked, ... out, ... hard, ... to, ... achieve, ... a, ... toned, ... body.
She, ... worked, ... out, ... hard, ... to, ... achieve, ... a, ... toned, ... body.
She worked out hard to achieve a toned body.
315th is:


This is the information I need.

This is the information I need.

This, ... is, ... the, ... information, ... I, ... need.

Information: ... This, is, information, which, I, need.

This, ... is, ... the, ... information, ... I, ... need.
This, ... is, ... the, ... information, ... I, ... need.
This is the information I need.
316th word:


There’s nothing we can do now. “

There’s nothing we can do now. “

There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now., ... “

No, there are: ... No, there are, who, can, we, do, now., ...

There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now., ... “
There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now., ... “
There’s nothing we can do now. “
317th word is:


Three years ago, I visited japan for the first time.

Three years ago, I visited japan for the first time.

Three, ... years, ... ago,, ... I, ... visited, ... japan, ... for, ... the, ... first, ... time.

Which, then: ... Three, years, ago, I, visited, japan, for, first, time .

Three, ... years, ... ago,, ... I, ... visited, ... japan, ... for, ... the, ... first, ... time.
Three, ... years, ... ago,, ... I, ... visited, ... japan, ... for, ... the, ... first, ... time.
Three years ago, I visited japan for the first time.
318th is:


You’re right, I want to go back there.

You’re right, I want to go back there.

You’re, ... right,, ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... back, ... there.

Right: ... You, right, I, want to, go back, to, there.

You’re, ... right,, ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... back, ... there.
You’re, ... right,, ... I, ... want, ... to, ... go, ... back, ... there.
You’re right, I want to go back there.
319th word:


Just lead the way and I’ll follow.

Just lead the way and I’ll follow.

Just, ... lead, ... the, ... way, ... and, ... I’ll, ... follow.

Lead: ... Lead, just, and, I, will, follow.

Just, ... lead, ... the, ... way, ... and, ... I’ll, ... follow.
Just, ... lead, ... the, ... way, ... and, ... I’ll, ... follow.
Just lead the way and I’ll follow.
320st word is:


I feel awkward in these social gatherings.

I feel awkward in these social gatherings.

I, ... feel, ... awkward, ... in, ... these, ... social, ... gatherings.

Social: ... I, feel, awkward, deep, meeting, social, this.

I, ... feel, ... awkward, ... in, ... these, ... social, ... gatherings.
I, ... feel, ... awkward, ... in, ... these, ... social, ... gatherings.
I feel awkward in these social gatherings.
321st is:


I understand how you feel.

I understand how you feel.

I, ... understand, ... how, ... you, ... feel.

Got: ... I, understand, how, feeling, you.

I, ... understand, ... how, ... you, ... feel.
I, ... understand, ... how, ... you, ... feel.
I understand how you feel.
322nd word:


Whether in big groups or small groups, I always feel a little shy at first.

Whether in big groups or small groups, I always feel a little shy at first.

Whether, ... in, ... big, ... groups, ... or, ... small, ... groups,, ... I, ... always, ... feel, ... a, ... little, ... shy, ... at, ... first.

Whether: ... Is, in, group, large, or, group, small, I, always, feel, a little, embarrassed, at, initially.

Whether, ... in, ... big, ... groups, ... or, ... small, ... groups,, ... I, ... always, ... feel, ... a, ... little, ... shy, ... at, ... first.
Whether, ... in, ... big, ... groups, ... or, ... small, ... groups,, ... I, ... always, ... feel, ... a, ... little, ... shy, ... at, ... first.
Whether in big groups or small groups, I always feel a little shy at first.
323rd word is:
Der Rücken


Looking back, I knew I was always an introvert.

Looking back, I knew I was always an introvert.

Looking, ... back,, ... I, ... knew, ... I, ... was, ... always, ... an, ... introvert.

Back: ... Looking, to, back, I, know, I am, always, introvert.

Looking, ... back,, ... I, ... knew, ... I, ... was, ... always, ... an, ... introvert.
Looking, ... back,, ... I, ... knew, ... I, ... was, ... always, ... an, ... introvert.
Looking back, I knew I was always an introvert.
324th is:


Let’s watch the sun set on the horizon.

Let’s watch the sun set on the horizon.

Let’s, ... watch, ... the, ... sun, ... set, ... on, ... the, ... horizon.

Watch: ... Come, we, watch, the sun, setting, on, the horizon.

Let’s, ... watch, ... the, ... sun, ... set, ... on, ... the, ... horizon.
Let’s, ... watch, ... the, ... sun, ... set, ... on, ... the, ... horizon.
Let’s watch the sun set on the horizon.
325th word:


They’re together now.

They’re together now.

They’re, ... together, ... now.

Together... They are, together, now.

They’re, ... together, ... now.
They’re, ... together, ... now.
They’re together now.
326th word is:


I’ll follow you home.

I’ll follow you home.

I’ll, ... follow, ... you, ... home.

Follow: ... I, will, follow you, home.

I’ll, ... follow, ... you, ... home.
I’ll, ... follow, ... you, ... home.
I’ll follow you home.
327th is:


You’ll always have me around.

You’ll always have me around.

You’ll, ... always, ... have, ... me, ... around.

Around: ... You, will, always, have, I, in, around.

You’ll, ... always, ... have, ... me, ... around.
You’ll, ... always, ... have, ... me, ... around.
You’ll always have me around.
328th word:


Every parent is trying hard and doing their best.

Every parent is trying hard and doing their best.

Every, ... parent, ... is, ... trying, ... hard, ... and, ... doing, ... their, ... best.

People, old: ... Everyone, old, trying, hard, and, doing, the, best.

Every, ... parent, ... is, ... trying, ... hard, ... and, ... doing, ... their, ... best.
Every, ... parent, ... is, ... trying, ... hard, ... and, ... doing, ... their, ... best.
Every parent is trying hard and doing their best.
329th word is:


You are only allowed to go out today.

You are only allowed to go out today.

You, ... are, ... only, ... allowed, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... today.

Only: ... You, only, allowed, out, day, this.

You, ... are, ... only, ... allowed, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... today.
You, ... are, ... only, ... allowed, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... today.
You are only allowed to go out today.
330st is:


Please stop that.

Please stop that.

Please, ... stop, ... that.

Stop: ... Please, stop, that.

Please, ... stop, ... that.
Please, ... stop, ... that.
Please stop that.
331st word:


Why is your face so red?

Why is your face so red?

Why, ... is, ... your, ... face, ... so, ... red?

Face: ... Why, is your face, so, red?

Why, ... is, ... your, ... face, ... so, ... red?
Why, ... is, ... your, ... face, ... so, ... red?
Why is your face so red?
332nd word is:


You can ask me for anything.

You can ask me for anything.

You, ... can, ... ask, ... me, ... for, ... anything.

What, just: ... You, can, ask, I, for, anything, just.

You, ... can, ... ask, ... me, ... for, ... anything.
You, ... can, ... ask, ... me, ... for, ... anything.
You can ask me for anything.
333rd is:


Did you create that presentation? It was so good.

Did you create that presentation? It was so good.

Did, ... you, ... create, ... that, ... presentation?, ... It, ... was, ... so, ... good.

Create: ... Did, you, make, presentation, that?, that's, very, good.

Did, ... you, ... create, ... that, ... presentation?, ... It, ... was, ... so, ... good.
Did, ... you, ... create, ... that, ... presentation?, ... It, ... was, ... so, ... good.
Did you create that presentation? It was so good.
334th word:


This is public property.

This is public property.

This, ... is, ... public, ... property.

General: ... This, is, belongs to, is common.

This, ... is, ... public, ... property.
This, ... is, ... public, ... property.
This is public property.
335th word is:


I already asked him to resend his report.

I already asked him to resend his report.

I, ... already, ... asked, ... him, ... to, ... resend, ... his, ... report.

Already: ... I, have, asked him, to, send, repeat, the report.

I, ... already, ... asked, ... him, ... to, ... resend, ... his, ... report.
I, ... already, ... asked, ... him, ... to, ... resend, ... his, ... report.
I already asked him to resend his report.
336th is:


Could you speak a little louder?

Could you speak a little louder?

Could, ... you, ... speak, ... a, ... little, ... louder?

Speak: ... Can you, speak, a little, more, louder?

Could, ... you, ... speak, ... a, ... little, ... louder?
Could, ... you, ... speak, ... a, ... little, ... louder?
Could you speak a little louder?
337th word:


The others haven’t arrived yet.

The others haven’t arrived yet.

The, ... others, ... haven’t, ... arrived, ... yet.

Which, another: ... Which, another, yet, is coming.

The, ... others, ... haven’t, ... arrived, ... yet.
The, ... others, ... haven’t, ... arrived, ... yet.
The others haven’t arrived yet.
338th word is:


I read somewhere that this house is haunted.

I read somewhere that this house is haunted.

I, ... read, ... somewhere, ... that, ... this, ... house, ... is, ... haunted.

Read: ... I, read, in, somewhere, that, house, this, is haunted.

I, ... read, ... somewhere, ... that, ... this, ... house, ... is, ... haunted.
I, ... read, ... somewhere, ... that, ... this, ... house, ... is, ... haunted.
I read somewhere that this house is haunted.
339th is:


What level are you in that game?

What level are you in that game?

What, ... level, ... are, ... you, ... in, ... that, ... game?

Level: ... What, level, you, in, game, that?

What, ... level, ... are, ... you, ... in, ... that, ... game?
What, ... level, ... are, ... you, ... in, ... that, ... game?
What level are you in that game?
340st word:


Do you allow your kids to play outside the house?

Do you allow your kids to play outside the house?

Do, ... you, ... allow, ... your, ... kids, ... to, ... play, ... outside, ... the, ... house?

Allow: ... Do, you, allow, children, you, play, in, outside, home?

Do, ... you, ... allow, ... your, ... kids, ... to, ... play, ... outside, ... the, ... house?
Do, ... you, ... allow, ... your, ... kids, ... to, ... play, ... outside, ... the, ... house?
Do you allow your kids to play outside the house?
341st word is:


Is it okay if we add a bit of sugar to the tea?

Is it okay if we add a bit of sugar to the tea?

Is, ... it, ... okay, ... if, ... we, ... add, ... a, ... bit, ... of, ... sugar, ... to, ... the, ... tea?

Add: ... Is, no, nothing, if, we, add, a little, sugar, to, in, tea?

Is, ... it, ... okay, ... if, ... we, ... add, ... a, ... bit, ... of, ... sugar, ... to, ... the, ... tea?
Is, ... it, ... okay, ... if, ... we, ... add, ... a, ... bit, ... of, ... sugar, ... to, ... the, ... tea?
Is it okay if we add a bit of sugar to the tea?
342nd is:


Welcome to my office.

Welcome to my office.

Welcome, ... to, ... my, ... office.

Office: ... Welcome, welcome, at, office, me.

Welcome, ... to, ... my, ... office.
Welcome, ... to, ... my, ... office.
Welcome to my office.
343rd word:


How much did you spend on your last shopping spree?

How much did you spend on your last shopping spree?

How, ... much, ... did, ... you, ... spend, ... on, ... your, ... last, ... shopping, ... spree?

Spent: ... How, much, did, you, spend, on, last, you?

How, ... much, ... did, ... you, ... spend, ... on, ... your, ... last, ... shopping, ... spree?
How, ... much, ... did, ... you, ... spend, ... on, ... your, ... last, ... shopping, ... spree?
How much did you spend on your last shopping spree?
344th word is:


You left the door open.

You left the door open.

You, ... left, ... the, ... door, ... open.

The door: ... You, let, the door, open.

You, ... left, ... the, ... door, ... open.
You, ... left, ... the, ... door, ... open.
You left the door open.
345th is:


You must take good care of your health.

You must take good care of your health.

You, ... must, ... take, ... good, ... care, ... of, ... your, ... health.

Health: ... You, must, take care of, health, you, with, well.

You, ... must, ... take, ... good, ... care, ... of, ... your, ... health.
You, ... must, ... take, ... good, ... care, ... of, ... your, ... health.
You must take good care of your health.
346th word:


You are a good person.

You are a good person.

You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... person.

People: ... You, are, people, who, well.

You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... person.
You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... person.
You are a good person.
347th word is:


This is my work of art.

This is my work of art.

This, ... is, ... my, ... work, ... of, ... art.

Art: ... This, is, work, art, I.

This, ... is, ... my, ... work, ... of, ... art.
This, ... is, ... my, ... work, ... of, ... art.
This is my work of art.
348th is:


Are you sure you want to do this alone?

Are you sure you want to do this alone?

Are, ... you, ... sure, ... you, ... want, ... to, ... do, ... this, ... alone?

Of course: ... Do, you, sure, want to, do it, yourself?

Are, ... you, ... sure, ... you, ... want, ... to, ... do, ... this, ... alone?
Are, ... you, ... sure, ... you, ... want, ... to, ... do, ... this, ... alone?
Are you sure you want to do this alone?
349th word:
Eine solche


You are such a brave little boy.

You are such a brave little boy.

You, ... are, ... such, ... a, ... brave, ... little, ... boy.

Like: ... You, child, little, who, brave.

You, ... are, ... such, ... a, ... brave, ... little, ... boy.
You, ... are, ... such, ... a, ... brave, ... little, ... boy.
You are such a brave little boy.
350st word is:


The war has finally ended.

The war has finally ended.

The, ... war, ... has, ... finally, ... ended.

War: ... War, finally, over.

The, ... war, ... has, ... finally, ... ended.
The, ... war, ... has, ... finally, ... ended.
The war has finally ended.
351st is:


She is my history professor.

She is my history professor.

She, ... is, ... my, ... history, ... professor.

History: ... He, is, professor, history, me.

She, ... is, ... my, ... history, ... professor.
She, ... is, ... my, ... history, ... professor.
She is my history professor.
352nd word:


Are you going to her party tonight?

Are you going to her party tonight?

Are, ... you, ... going, ... to, ... her, ... party, ... tonight?

Party: ... Are, you, going to, go, to, the party, tonight, this?

Are, ... you, ... going, ... to, ... her, ... party, ... tonight?
Are, ... you, ... going, ... to, ... her, ... party, ... tonight?
Are you going to her party tonight?
353rd word is:


We support everyone within our small community.

We support everyone within our small community.

We, ... support, ... everyone, ... within, ... our, ... small, ... community.

In, in: ... We, support, all, people, in, community, small, us.

We, ... support, ... everyone, ... within, ... our, ... small, ... community.
We, ... support, ... everyone, ... within, ... our, ... small, ... community.
We support everyone within our small community.
354th is:


We want everyone to grow and thrive in their careers.

We want everyone to grow and thrive in their careers.

We, ... want, ... everyone, ... to, ... grow, ... and, ... thrive, ... in, ... their, ... careers.

Growing: ... We, want, all, people, grow, and, develop, in, careers, them.

We, ... want, ... everyone, ... to, ... grow, ... and, ... thrive, ... in, ... their, ... careers.
We, ... want, ... everyone, ... to, ... grow, ... and, ... thrive, ... in, ... their, ... careers.
We want everyone to grow and thrive in their careers.
355th word:


The result of this outreach program is amazing.

The result of this outreach program is amazing.

The, ... result, ... of, ... this, ... outreach, ... program, ... is, ... amazing.

Results: ... Results, of, program, outreach, this, extraordinary, extraordinary.

The, ... result, ... of, ... this, ... outreach, ... program, ... is, ... amazing.
The, ... result, ... of, ... this, ... outreach, ... program, ... is, ... amazing.
The result of this outreach program is amazing.
356th word is:


Are you open to teaching on weekends?

Are you open to teaching on weekends?

Are, ... you, ... open, ... to, ... teaching, ... on, ... weekends?

Open: ... Are, you, open, to, teach, on, weekends, weekends?

Are, ... you, ... open, ... to, ... teaching, ... on, ... weekends?
Are, ... you, ... open, ... to, ... teaching, ... on, ... weekends?
Are you open to teaching on weekends?
357th is:


Where can we change her diaper?

Where can we change her diaper?

Where, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... her, ... diaper?

Change: ... Where, where, we, can, change, the diaper?

Where, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... her, ... diaper?
Where, ... can, ... we, ... change, ... her, ... diaper?
Where can we change her diaper?
358th word:


It’s such a beautiful morning! ...

It’s such a beautiful morning! ...

It’s, ... such, ... a, ... beautiful, ... morning!, ... ...

Morning: ... Morning, which is, very, beautiful!

It’s, ... such, ... a, ... beautiful, ... morning!, ... ...
It’s, ... such, ... a, ... beautiful, ... morning!, ... ...
It’s such a beautiful morning! ...
359th word is:


Come take a walk with me.

Come take a walk with me.

Come, ... take, ... a, ... walk, ... with, ... me.

Walk: ... Come on, take a walk, with me.

Come, ... take, ... a, ... walk, ... with, ... me.
Come, ... take, ... a, ... walk, ... with, ... me.
Come take a walk with me.
360st is:


You are the reason I came home.

You are the reason I came home.

You, ... are, ... the, ... reason, ... I, ... came, ... home.

The reason: ... You, are, the reason, I, go home.

You, ... are, ... the, ... reason, ... I, ... came, ... home.
You, ... are, ... the, ... reason, ... I, ... came, ... home.
You are the reason I came home.
361st word:


Her blood pressure has gotten really low.

Her blood pressure has gotten really low.

Her, ... blood, ... pressure, ... has, ... gotten, ... really, ... low.

Low: ... The pressure, his blood, became, very, very low.

Her, ... blood, ... pressure, ... has, ... gotten, ... really, ... low.
Her, ... blood, ... pressure, ... has, ... gotten, ... really, ... low.
Her blood pressure has gotten really low.
362nd word is:


We can win this match if we work together.

We can win this match if we work together.

We, ... can, ... win, ... this, ... match, ... if, ... we, ... work, ... together.

Win: ... We, can, win, match, this, if, we, work, together.

We, ... can, ... win, ... this, ... match, ... if, ... we, ... work, ... together.
We, ... can, ... win, ... this, ... match, ... if, ... we, ... work, ... together.
We can win this match if we work together.
363rd is:


How is your research going?

How is your research going?

How, ... is, ... your, ... research, ... going?

Research: ... How about, research, you?

How, ... is, ... your, ... research, ... going?
How, ... is, ... your, ... research, ... going?
How is your research going?
364th word:


That girl is in my class.

That girl is in my class.

That, ... girl, ... is, ... in, ... my, ... class.

Girl...Girl, that, is, in, my class.

That, ... girl, ... is, ... in, ... my, ... class.
That, ... girl, ... is, ... in, ... my, ... class.
That girl is in my class.
365th word is:


I’ve seen that guy in school before.

I’ve seen that guy in school before.

I’ve, ... seen, ... that, ... guy, ... in, ... school, ... before.

Guy: ... I, have, seen, man, that, at, school, before.

I’ve, ... seen, ... that, ... guy, ... in, ... school, ... before.
I’ve, ... seen, ... that, ... guy, ... in, ... school, ... before.
I’ve seen that guy in school before.
366th is:


I come to work so early every day.

I come to work so early every day.

I, ... come, ... to, ... work, ... so, ... early, ... every, ... day.

Early: ... I, come, work, very, early, every, day.

I, ... come, ... to, ... work, ... so, ... early, ... every, ... day.
I, ... come, ... to, ... work, ... so, ... early, ... every, ... day.
I come to work so early every day.
367th word:


Let’s buy some food, I’m hungry! ...

Let’s buy some food, I’m hungry! ...

Let’s, ... buy, ... some, ... food,, ... I’m, ... hungry!, ... ...

Food: ... Come on, buy, food, I, hungry!

Let’s, ... buy, ... some, ... food,, ... I’m, ... hungry!, ... ...
Let’s, ... buy, ... some, ... food,, ... I’m, ... hungry!, ... ...
Let’s buy some food, I’m hungry! ...
368th word is:


Can I talk to you before you go home?

Can I talk to you before you go home?

Can, ... I, ... talk, ... to, ... you, ... before, ... you, ... go, ... home?

Before: ... Can, I, talk, with, you, before, you, go home?

Can, ... I, ... talk, ... to, ... you, ... before, ... you, ... go, ... home?
Can, ... I, ... talk, ... to, ... you, ... before, ... you, ... go, ... home?
Can I talk to you before you go home?
369th is:


The moment she walked in the room, her puppy started to jump and dance again.

The moment she walked in the room, her puppy started to jump and dance again.

The, ... moment, ... she, ... walked, ... in, ... the, ... room,, ... her, ... puppy, ... started, ... to, ... jump, ... and, ... dance, ... again.

Moment: ... Moment, he, walking, in, in, room, child, dog, starts, jumps, and, dances, again.

The, ... moment, ... she, ... walked, ... in, ... the, ... room,, ... her, ... puppy, ... started, ... to, ... jump, ... and, ... dance, ... again.
The, ... moment, ... she, ... walked, ... in, ... the, ... room,, ... her, ... puppy, ... started, ... to, ... jump, ... and, ... dance, ... again.
The moment she walked in the room, her puppy started to jump and dance again.
370st word:


He cooked this turkey himself.

He cooked this turkey himself.

He, ... cooked, ... this, ... turkey, ... himself.

Alone: ... He, cook, turkey, this, alone.

He, ... cooked, ... this, ... turkey, ... himself.
He, ... cooked, ... this, ... turkey, ... himself.
He cooked this turkey himself.
371st word is:


I am loving the cold night air here.

I am loving the cold night air here.

I, ... am, ... loving, ... the, ... cold, ... night, ... air, ... here.

Air: ... I, like, air, night, which, cold, in, here.

I, ... am, ... loving, ... the, ... cold, ... night, ... air, ... here.
I, ... am, ... loving, ... the, ... cold, ... night, ... air, ... here.
I am loving the cold night air here.
372nd is:


You are the best teacher ever.

You are the best teacher ever.

You, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... teacher, ... ever.

Teacher: ... You, are, the best, teacher, who, ever, existed.

You, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... teacher, ... ever.
You, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... teacher, ... ever.
You are the best teacher ever.
373rd word:


Don’t force him to play with other kids.

Don’t force him to play with other kids.

Don’t, ... force, ... him, ... to, ... play, ... with, ... other, ... kids.

Forced: ... Do not, forced, him, play, with, child, another.

Don’t, ... force, ... him, ... to, ... play, ... with, ... other, ... kids.
Don’t, ... force, ... him, ... to, ... play, ... with, ... other, ... kids.
Don’t force him to play with other kids.
374th word is:


Can I offer you a ride home?

Can I offer you a ride home?

Can, ... I, ... offer, ... you, ... a, ... ride, ... home?

Offer: ... Can, I, offer, a ride, home?

Can, ... I, ... offer, ... you, ... a, ... ride, ... home?
Can, ... I, ... offer, ... you, ... a, ... ride, ... home?
Can I offer you a ride home?
375th is:


Boys, that’s enough playing for today.

Boys, that’s enough playing for today.

Boys,, ... that’s, ... enough, ... playing, ... for, ... today.

Enough: ... Son, boy, enough, play, for, today, this.

Boys,, ... that’s, ... enough, ... playing, ... for, ... today.
Boys,, ... that’s, ... enough, ... playing, ... for, ... today.
Boys, that’s enough playing for today.
376th word:


You both need to change into your sleep clothes now.

You both need to change into your sleep clothes now.

You, ... both, ... need, ... to, ... change, ... into, ... your, ... sleep, ... clothes, ... now.

Both... You, both, must, change, clothes, sleep, now.

You, ... both, ... need, ... to, ... change, ... into, ... your, ... sleep, ... clothes, ... now.
You, ... both, ... need, ... to, ... change, ... into, ... your, ... sleep, ... clothes, ... now.
You both need to change into your sleep clothes now.
377th word is:


I just want you to get the best education.

I just want you to get the best education.

I, ... just, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... get, ... the, ... best, ... education.

Education: ... I, just, want, you, get, education, best.

I, ... just, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... get, ... the, ... best, ... education.
I, ... just, ... want, ... you, ... to, ... get, ... the, ... best, ... education.
I just want you to get the best education.
378th is:


Your dog ran across the park.

Your dog ran across the park.

Your, ... dog, ... ran, ... across, ... the, ... park.

In, across: ... Dog, you, running, across, park.

Your, ... dog, ... ran, ... across, ... the, ... park.
Your, ... dog, ... ran, ... across, ... the, ... park.
Your dog ran across the park.
379th word:


Although she felt tired, she still couldn’t sleep.

Although she felt tired, she still couldn’t sleep.

Although, ... she, ... felt, ... tired,, ... she, ... still, ... couldn’t, ... sleep.

Even though... Even though, he, felt, tired, he, still, couldn't, sleep.

Although, ... she, ... felt, ... tired,, ... she, ... still, ... couldn’t, ... sleep.
Although, ... she, ... felt, ... tired,, ... she, ... still, ... couldn’t, ... sleep.
Although she felt tired, she still couldn’t sleep.
380st word is:


Do you think she will still remember me after ten years?

Do you think she will still remember me after ten years?

Do, ... you, ... think, ... she, ... will, ... still, ... remember, ... me, ... after, ... ten, ... years?

Remember: ... Do, you, think, he, still, will, remember, me, after, ten, years?

Do, ... you, ... think, ... she, ... will, ... still, ... remember, ... me, ... after, ... ten, ... years?
Do, ... you, ... think, ... she, ... will, ... still, ... remember, ... me, ... after, ... ten, ... years?
Do you think she will still remember me after ten years?
381st is:


Her foot got caught in one of the ropes.

Her foot got caught in one of the ropes.

Her, ... foot, ... got, ... caught, ... in, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... ropes.

Legs: ... His legs, caught, in, one, one, rope.

Her, ... foot, ... got, ... caught, ... in, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... ropes.
Her, ... foot, ... got, ... caught, ... in, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... ropes.
Her foot got caught in one of the ropes.
382nd word:


This is the second time she got late this month.

This is the second time she got late this month.

This, ... is, ... the, ... second, ... time, ... she, ... got, ... late, ... this, ... month.

Second: ... This, second, time, he, late, month, this.

This, ... is, ... the, ... second, ... time, ... she, ... got, ... late, ... this, ... month.
This, ... is, ... the, ... second, ... time, ... she, ... got, ... late, ... this, ... month.
This is the second time she got late this month.
383rd word is:


There’s a boy in her class who keeps pulling her hair.

There’s a boy in her class who keeps pulling her hair.

There’s, ... a, ... boy, ... in, ... her, ... class, ... who, ... keeps, ... pulling, ... her, ... hair.

Boy: ... There is, a, child, boy, in, his class, who, constantly, pulls, his hair.

There’s, ... a, ... boy, ... in, ... her, ... class, ... who, ... keeps, ... pulling, ... her, ... hair.
There’s, ... a, ... boy, ... in, ... her, ... class, ... who, ... keeps, ... pulling, ... her, ... hair.
There’s a boy in her class who keeps pulling her hair.
384th is:


Maybe we can have ice cream for dessert.

Maybe we can have ice cream for dessert.

Maybe, ... we, ... can, ... have, ... ice, ... cream, ... for, ... dessert.

Maybe: ... Maybe, we, can, eat, ice, cream, for, dessert, mouth.

Maybe, ... we, ... can, ... have, ... ice, ... cream, ... for, ... dessert.
Maybe, ... we, ... can, ... have, ... ice, ... cream, ... for, ... dessert.
Maybe we can have ice cream for dessert.
385th word:


He took a step toward her.

He took a step toward her.

He, ... took, ... a, ... step, ... toward, ... her.

Towards: ... He, took, steps, towards, towards him.

He, ... took, ... a, ... step, ... toward, ... her.
He, ... took, ... a, ... step, ... toward, ... her.
He took a step toward her.
386th word is:


Will you be able to send me your report today?

Will you be able to send me your report today?

Will, ... you, ... be, ... able, ... to, ... send, ... me, ... your, ... report, ... today?

Able: ... Are, you, can, send, me, report, you, today, this?

Will, ... you, ... be, ... able, ... to, ... send, ... me, ... your, ... report, ... today?
Will, ... you, ... be, ... able, ... to, ... send, ... me, ... your, ... report, ... today?
Will you be able to send me your report today?
387th is:


What is the average marrying age these days?

What is the average marrying age these days?

What, ... is, ... the, ... average, ... marrying, ... age, ... these, ... days?

Age: ... What, age, average, married, when, this?

What, ... is, ... the, ... average, ... marrying, ... age, ... these, ... days?
What, ... is, ... the, ... average, ... marrying, ... age, ... these, ... days?
What is the average marrying age these days?
388th word:


The cat ran off with the dog.

The cat ran off with the dog.

The, ... cat, ... ran, ... off, ... with, ... the, ... dog.

Release: ... The cat, that, run, with, the dog.

The, ... cat, ... ran, ... off, ... with, ... the, ... dog.
The, ... cat, ... ran, ... off, ... with, ... the, ... dog.
The cat ran off with the dog.
389th word is:


They have a generous return policy.

They have a generous return policy.

They, ... have, ... a, ... generous, ... return, ... policy.

Policies: ... They, have, policies, returns, which are, generously, generously.

They, ... have, ... a, ... generous, ... return, ... policy.
They, ... have, ... a, ... generous, ... return, ... policy.
They have a generous return policy.
390st is:


Everything is on sale.

Everything is on sale.

Everything, ... is, ... on, ... sale.

Everything: ... Everything, sold.

Everything, ... is, ... on, ... sale.
Everything, ... is, ... on, ... sale.
Everything is on sale.
391st word:


I love what you’re wearing! ...

I love what you’re wearing! ...

I, ... love, ... what, ... you’re, ... wearing!, ... ...

Love: ... I, like, what, you, wear!

I, ... love, ... what, ... you’re, ... wearing!, ... ...
I, ... love, ... what, ... you’re, ... wearing!, ... ...
I love what you’re wearing! ...
392nd word is:


Wait, give me time to process everything you’re telling me.

Wait, give me time to process everything you’re telling me.

Wait,, ... give, ... me, ... time, ... to, ... process, ... everything, ... you’re, ... telling, ... me.

Process: ... Wait, give, I, time, to, process, all, that, you, say.

Wait,, ... give, ... me, ... time, ... to, ... process, ... everything, ... you’re, ... telling, ... me.
Wait,, ... give, ... me, ... time, ... to, ... process, ... everything, ... you’re, ... telling, ... me.
Wait, give me time to process everything you’re telling me.
393rd is:


I love music.

I love music.

I, ... love, ... music.

Music: ... I, like, music.

I, ... love, ... music.
I, ... love, ... music.
I love music.
394th word:


Around 20 people attended, including bob and beth.

Around 20 people attended, including bob and beth.

Around, ... 20, ... people, ... attended,, ... including, ... bob, ... and, ... beth.

Including... Around, 20, people, present, including, bob, and, beth.

Around, ... 20, ... people, ... attended,, ... including, ... bob, ... and, ... beth.
Around, ... 20, ... people, ... attended,, ... including, ... bob, ... and, ... beth.
Around 20 people attended, including bob and beth.
395th word is:


I hope you consider my project proposal.

I hope you consider my project proposal.

I, ... hope, ... you, ... consider, ... my, ... project, ... proposal.

Consider: ... I, hope, you, consider, proposals, projects, me.

I, ... hope, ... you, ... consider, ... my, ... project, ... proposal.
I, ... hope, ... you, ... consider, ... my, ... project, ... proposal.
I hope you consider my project proposal.
396th is:


How did that appear out of nowhere?

How did that appear out of nowhere?

How, ... did, ... that, ... appear, ... out, ... of, ... nowhere?

Appeared: ... How, it, appeared, somehow, from, where?

How, ... did, ... that, ... appear, ... out, ... of, ... nowhere?
How, ... did, ... that, ... appear, ... out, ... of, ... nowhere?
How did that appear out of nowhere?
397th word:


I’m actually just heading out.

I’m actually just heading out.

I’m, ... actually, ... just, ... heading, ... out.

Actually... I, actually, just, just, got out.

I’m, ... actually, ... just, ... heading, ... out.
I’m, ... actually, ... just, ... heading, ... out.
I’m actually just heading out.
398th word is:


I’m going to buy these shoes.

I’m going to buy these shoes.

I’m, ... going, ... to, ... buy, ... these, ... shoes.

Buy: ... I, will, buy, shoes, this.

I’m, ... going, ... to, ... buy, ... these, ... shoes.
I’m, ... going, ... to, ... buy, ... these, ... shoes.
I’m going to buy these shoes.
399th is:


He’s probably still asleep.

He’s probably still asleep.

He’s, ... probably, ... still, ... asleep.

Maybe: ... He is, perhaps, still, sleeping.

He’s, ... probably, ... still, ... asleep.
He’s, ... probably, ... still, ... asleep.
He’s probably still asleep.
400st word:


Give him a break, he is only human.

Give him a break, he is only human.

Give, ... him, ... a, ... break,, ... he, ... is, ... only, ... human.

Human: ... Give, he, rest, he, just, man.

Give, ... him, ... a, ... break,, ... he, ... is, ... only, ... human.
Give, ... him, ... a, ... break,, ... he, ... is, ... only, ... human.
Give him a break, he is only human.
401st word is:


Is it alright if you wait for a few minutes?

Is it alright if you wait for a few minutes?

Is, ... it, ... alright, ... if, ... you, ... wait, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... minutes?

Wait... No, it's okay, if, you, wait, a few, minutes?

Is, ... it, ... alright, ... if, ... you, ... wait, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... minutes?
Is, ... it, ... alright, ... if, ... you, ... wait, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... minutes?
Is it alright if you wait for a few minutes?
402nd is:


This blow dryer has served me well for years.

This blow dryer has served me well for years.

This, ... blow, ... dryer, ... has, ... served, ... me, ... well, ... for, ... years.

Serve: ... Dryer, hair, this, has, served, I, with, well, for, many years.

This, ... blow, ... dryer, ... has, ... served, ... me, ... well, ... for, ... years.
This, ... blow, ... dryer, ... has, ... served, ... me, ... well, ... for, ... years.
This blow dryer has served me well for years.
403rd word:


Let’s visit the sunday market.

Let’s visit the sunday market.

Let’s, ... visit, ... the, ... sunday, ... market.

Market: ... Let's, we, visit, market, sunday.

Let’s, ... visit, ... the, ... sunday, ... market.
Let’s, ... visit, ... the, ... sunday, ... market.
Let’s visit the sunday market.
404th word is:


I don’t want my cat to die, let’s take him to the vet please.

I don’t want my cat to die, let’s take him to the vet please.

I, ... don’t, ... want, ... my, ... cat, ... to, ... die,, ... let’s, ... take, ... him, ... to, ... the, ... vet, ... please.

Die: ... I, no, want, cat, I, die, please, take him, to, doctor, animal.

I, ... don’t, ... want, ... my, ... cat, ... to, ... die,, ... let’s, ... take, ... him, ... to, ... the, ... vet, ... please.
I, ... don’t, ... want, ... my, ... cat, ... to, ... die,, ... let’s, ... take, ... him, ... to, ... the, ... vet, ... please.
I don’t want my cat to die, let’s take him to the vet please.
405th is:


Please send the package to my address.

Please send the package to my address.

Please, ... send, ... the, ... package, ... to, ... my, ... address.

Send: ... Please, send, package, to, address, me.

Please, ... send, ... the, ... package, ... to, ... my, ... address.
Please, ... send, ... the, ... package, ... to, ... my, ... address.
Please send the package to my address.
406th word:


You can’t expect much from their poor service.

You can’t expect much from their poor service.

You, ... can’t, ... expect, ... much, ... from, ... their, ... poor, ... service.

Expect: ... You, can't, expect, much, from, their, service, which is, bad.

You, ... can’t, ... expect, ... much, ... from, ... their, ... poor, ... service.
You, ... can’t, ... expect, ... much, ... from, ... their, ... poor, ... service.
You can’t expect much from their poor service.
407th word is:


I can’t wait to go home! ...

I can’t wait to go home! ...

I, ... can’t, ... wait, ... to, ... go, ... home!, ... ...

Go home: ... I, no, impatient, to, go home!

I, ... can’t, ... wait, ... to, ... go, ... home!, ... ...
I, ... can’t, ... wait, ... to, ... go, ... home!, ... ...
I can’t wait to go home! ...
408th is:


I did sense that something was not okay.

I did sense that something was not okay.

I, ... did, ... sense, ... that, ... something, ... was, ... not, ... okay.

Taste: ... I, feel, there is, something, which, no, is wrong.

I, ... did, ... sense, ... that, ... something, ... was, ... not, ... okay.
I, ... did, ... sense, ... that, ... something, ... was, ... not, ... okay.
I did sense that something was not okay.
409th word:


He is going to build his dream house.

He is going to build his dream house.

He, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... build, ... his, ... dream, ... house.

Wake up: ... He, will, build, the house, his dream.

He, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... build, ... his, ... dream, ... house.
He, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... build, ... his, ... dream, ... house.
He is going to build his dream house.
410th word is:


You can stay with me for a few weeks.

You can stay with me for a few weeks.

You, ... can, ... stay, ... with, ... me, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... weeks.

Stay... You, can, stay, with me, for, a few, weeks.

You, ... can, ... stay, ... with, ... me, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... weeks.
You, ... can, ... stay, ... with, ... me, ... for, ... a, ... few, ... weeks.
You can stay with me for a few weeks.
411th is:


Be careful, you might fall.

Be careful, you might fall.

Be, ... careful,, ... you, ... might, ... fall.

Fall: ... Be careful, you may fall.

Be, ... careful,, ... you, ... might, ... fall.
Be, ... careful,, ... you, ... might, ... fall.
Be careful, you might fall.
412th word:


Oh no, I left my phone at home! ...

Oh no, I left my phone at home! ...

Oh, ... no,, ... I, ... left, ... my, ... phone, ... at, ... home!, ... ...

Oh: ... Oh, no, I, left, my cell phone, at, home!

Oh, ... no,, ... I, ... left, ... my, ... phone, ... at, ... home!, ... ...
Oh, ... no,, ... I, ... left, ... my, ... phone, ... at, ... home!, ... ...
Oh no, I left my phone at home! ...
413th word is:


We have to act as one nation.

We have to act as one nation.

We, ... have, ... to, ... act, ... as, ... one, ... nation.

Nation: ... We, must, act, as, one, nation.

We, ... have, ... to, ... act, ... as, ... one, ... nation.
We, ... have, ... to, ... act, ... as, ... one, ... nation.
We have to act as one nation.
414th is:


What’s your plan this time?

What’s your plan this time?

What’s, ... your, ... plan, ... this, ... time?

Plan... What, your plan, this time?

What’s, ... your, ... plan, ... this, ... time?
What’s, ... your, ... plan, ... this, ... time?
What’s your plan this time?
415th word:


Don’t cut your hair.

Don’t cut your hair.

Don’t, ... cut, ... your, ... hair.

Cut: ... No, cut, your hair.

Don’t, ... cut, ... your, ... hair.
Don’t, ... cut, ... your, ... hair.
Don’t cut your hair.
416th word is:


We met in college.

We met in college.

We, ... met, ... in, ... college.

College: ... We, met, at, college, college.

We, ... met, ... in, ... college.
We, ... met, ... in, ... college.
We met in college.
417th is:


Music is an interest of mine.

Music is an interest of mine.

Music, ... is, ... an, ... interest, ... of, ... mine.

Interest: ... Music, is, interest, I.

Music, ... is, ... an, ... interest, ... of, ... mine.
Music, ... is, ... an, ... interest, ... of, ... mine.
Music is an interest of mine.
418th word:


Death is such a heavy topic for me.

Death is such a heavy topic for me.

Death, ... is, ... such, ... a, ... heavy, ... topic, ... for, ... me.

Death: ... Death, is, the topic, which, heavy, for me.

Death, ... is, ... such, ... a, ... heavy, ... topic, ... for, ... me.
Death, ... is, ... such, ... a, ... heavy, ... topic, ... for, ... me.
Death is such a heavy topic for me.
419th word is:


What course did you take up in college?

What course did you take up in college?

What, ... course, ... did, ... you, ... take, ... up, ... in, ... college?

Course: ... Course, what, which, you, took, at, college, college?

What, ... course, ... did, ... you, ... take, ... up, ... in, ... college?
What, ... course, ... did, ... you, ... take, ... up, ... in, ... college?
What course did you take up in college?
420st is:


Is there someone who can go with you?

Is there someone who can go with you?

Is, ... there, ... someone, ... who, ... can, ... go, ... with, ... you?

Someone: ... Is, is there, someone, who, can, go, with you?

Is, ... there, ... someone, ... who, ... can, ... go, ... with, ... you?
Is, ... there, ... someone, ... who, ... can, ... go, ... with, ... you?
Is there someone who can go with you?
421st word:


What an exciting experience! ...

What an exciting experience! ...

What, ... an, ... exciting, ... experience!, ... ...

Experience: ... Experience, that is, fun!

What, ... an, ... exciting, ... experience!, ... ...
What, ... an, ... exciting, ... experience!, ... ...
What an exciting experience! ...
422nd word is:


I’m scared to check what’s behind that door.

I’m scared to check what’s behind that door.

I’m, ... scared, ... to, ... check, ... what’s, ... behind, ... that, ... door.

In, behind: ... I, afraid, for, checking, what, which, is, in, behind, the door, that.

I’m, ... scared, ... to, ... check, ... what’s, ... behind, ... that, ... door.
I’m, ... scared, ... to, ... check, ... what’s, ... behind, ... that, ... door.
I’m scared to check what’s behind that door.
423rd is:


I can’t reach him, he won’t answer his phone.

I can’t reach him, he won’t answer his phone.

I, ... can’t, ... reach, ... him,, ... he, ... won’t, ... answer, ... his, ... phone.

Reach: ... I, no, can, call him, he, no, will, answer, his phone.

I, ... can’t, ... reach, ... him,, ... he, ... won’t, ... answer, ... his, ... phone.
I, ... can’t, ... reach, ... him,, ... he, ... won’t, ... answer, ... his, ... phone.
I can’t reach him, he won’t answer his phone.
424th word:


This is a local business.

This is a local business.

This, ... is, ... a, ... local, ... business.

Local: ... This, is, business, local.

This, ... is, ... a, ... local, ... business.
This, ... is, ... a, ... local, ... business.
This is a local business.
425th word is:


Smoking can kill you.

Smoking can kill you.

Smoking, ... can, ... kill, ... you.

Kill: ... Smoking, can, kill you.

Smoking, ... can, ... kill, ... you.
Smoking, ... can, ... kill, ... you.
Smoking can kill you.
426th is:


I have six books about psychology.

I have six books about psychology.

I, ... have, ... six, ... books, ... about, ... psychology.

Six: ... I, have, six, books, about, psychology.

I, ... have, ... six, ... books, ... about, ... psychology.
I, ... have, ... six, ... books, ... about, ... psychology.
I have six books about psychology.
427th word:


These remain on the top shelf.

These remain on the top shelf.

These, ... remain, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... shelf.

Fixed: ... It's, stay, on, shelf, most, top.

These, ... remain, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... shelf.
These, ... remain, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... shelf.
These remain on the top shelf.
428th word is:


Wow, the effect of that mascara is great! ...

Wow, the effect of that mascara is great! ...

Wow,, ... the, ... effect, ... of, ... that, ... mascara, ... is, ... great!, ... ...

Effects... Wow, effects, mascara, that's, great!

Wow,, ... the, ... effect, ... of, ... that, ... mascara, ... is, ... great!, ... ...
Wow,, ... the, ... effect, ... of, ... that, ... mascara, ... is, ... great!, ... ...
Wow, the effect of that mascara is great! ...
429th is:


Can I use your phone?

Can I use your phone?

Can, ... I, ... use, ... your, ... phone?

Use: ... Can, I, use, phone, you?

Can, ... I, ... use, ... your, ... phone?
Can, ... I, ... use, ... your, ... phone?
Can I use your phone?
430st word:


Yeah, he did call me earlier.

Yeah, he did call me earlier.

Yeah,, ... he, ... did, ... call, ... me, ... earlier.

Yes: ... Yes, he, called, me, before.

Yeah,, ... he, ... did, ... call, ... me, ... earlier.
Yeah,, ... he, ... did, ... call, ... me, ... earlier.
Yeah, he did call me earlier.
431st word is:


He did suggest that to me.

He did suggest that to me.

He, ... did, ... suggest, ... that, ... to, ... me.

Suggest: ... He did, indeed, suggest, that, to me.

He, ... did, ... suggest, ... that, ... to, ... me.
He, ... did, ... suggest, ... that, ... to, ... me.
He did suggest that to me.
432nd is:


We were in the same english class.

We were in the same english class.

We, ... were, ... in, ... the, ... same, ... english, ... class.

Class: ... We are, are, in, class, language, english, which is, the same.

We, ... were, ... in, ... the, ... same, ... english, ... class.
We, ... were, ... in, ... the, ... same, ... english, ... class.
We were in the same english class.
433rd word:


Where’s the remote control?

Where’s the remote control?

Where’s, ... the, ... remote, ... control?

Controls: ... Where, where, remote, control?

Where’s, ... the, ... remote, ... control?
Where’s, ... the, ... remote, ... control?
Where’s the remote control?
434th word is:


It’s so challenging to discipline kids these days.

It’s so challenging to discipline kids these days.

It’s, ... so, ... challenging, ... to, ... discipline, ... kids, ... these, ... days.

Raise: ... Very, challenging, to, discipline, children, lately, this.

It’s, ... so, ... challenging, ... to, ... discipline, ... kids, ... these, ... days.
It’s, ... so, ... challenging, ... to, ... discipline, ... kids, ... these, ... days.
It’s so challenging to discipline kids these days.
435th is:


I don’t care about what you think.

I don’t care about what you think.

I, ... don’t, ... care, ... about, ... what, ... you, ... think.

Care: ... I, do not, care, with, what, who, you, think.

I, ... don’t, ... care, ... about, ... what, ... you, ... think.
I, ... don’t, ... care, ... about, ... what, ... you, ... think.
I don’t care about what you think.
436th word:


Perhaps we can arrive at a compromise.

Perhaps we can arrive at a compromise.

Perhaps, ... we, ... can, ... arrive, ... at, ... a, ... compromise.

Maybe: ... Maybe, we, can, reach, compromise.

Perhaps, ... we, ... can, ... arrive, ... at, ... a, ... compromise.
Perhaps, ... we, ... can, ... arrive, ... at, ... a, ... compromise.
Perhaps we can arrive at a compromise.
437th word is:


There’s a little bird outside my window.

There’s a little bird outside my window.

There’s, ... a, ... little, ... bird, ... outside, ... my, ... window.

Little: ... There, bird, small, in, outside, my window.

There’s, ... a, ... little, ... bird, ... outside, ... my, ... window.
There’s, ... a, ... little, ... bird, ... outside, ... my, ... window.
There’s a little bird outside my window.
438th is:


I am running late for my doctor’s appointment.

I am running late for my doctor’s appointment.

I, ... am, ... running, ... late, ... for, ... my, ... doctor’s, ... appointment.

Late: ... I, late, for, appointment, with, doctor, me.

I, ... am, ... running, ... late, ... for, ... my, ... doctor’s, ... appointment.
I, ... am, ... running, ... late, ... for, ... my, ... doctor’s, ... appointment.
I am running late for my doctor’s appointment.
439th word:


That test was so hard.

That test was so hard.

That, ... test, ... was, ... so, ... hard.

Difficult: ... Test, it is, very, difficult.

That, ... test, ... was, ... so, ... hard.
That, ... test, ... was, ... so, ... hard.
That test was so hard.
440st word is:


He’s over there, by the soccer field.

He’s over there, by the soccer field.

He’s, ... over, ... there,, ... by, ... the, ... soccer, ... field.

Field: ... He, on, there, on, near, field, football, ball.

He’s, ... over, ... there,, ... by, ... the, ... soccer, ... field.
He’s, ... over, ... there,, ... by, ... the, ... soccer, ... field.
He’s over there, by the soccer field.
441st is:


Is anyone else coming?

Is anyone else coming?

Is, ... anyone, ... else, ... coming?

Another: ... Is, there, someone, another, who, come?

Is, ... anyone, ... else, ... coming?
Is, ... anyone, ... else, ... coming?
Is anyone else coming?
442nd word:


Can we pass by the grocery store?

Can we pass by the grocery store?

Can, ... we, ... pass, ... by, ... the, ... grocery, ... store?

Passing: ... Can, we, pass, shop, grocery?

Can, ... we, ... pass, ... by, ... the, ... grocery, ... store?
Can, ... we, ... pass, ... by, ... the, ... grocery, ... store?
Can we pass by the grocery store?
443rd word is:


She was my former housemate.

She was my former housemate.

She, ... was, ... my, ... former, ... housemate.

Former: ... He, is, ex, friend, housemate, me.

She, ... was, ... my, ... former, ... housemate.
She, ... was, ... my, ... former, ... housemate.
She was my former housemate.
444th is:


We can sell your old couch online.

We can sell your old couch online.

We, ... can, ... sell, ... your, ... old, ... couch, ... online.

Sell: ... We, can, sell, sofa, old, you, online, online.

We, ... can, ... sell, ... your, ... old, ... couch, ... online.
We, ... can, ... sell, ... your, ... old, ... couch, ... online.
We can sell your old couch online.
445th word:


It’s a major issue for the project.

It’s a major issue for the project.

It’s, ... a, ... major, ... issue, ... for, ... the, ... project.

Major: ... This, is, problem, big, for, project, this.

It’s, ... a, ... major, ... issue, ... for, ... the, ... project.
It’s, ... a, ... major, ... issue, ... for, ... the, ... project.
It’s a major issue for the project.
446th word is:


Sometimes I forget to turn off the porch lights.

Sometimes I forget to turn off the porch lights.

Sometimes, ... I, ... forget, ... to, ... turn, ... off, ... the, ... porch, ... lights.

Sometimes: ... Sometimes, I, forget, turn off, lights, terrace.

Sometimes, ... I, ... forget, ... to, ... turn, ... off, ... the, ... porch, ... lights.
Sometimes, ... I, ... forget, ... to, ... turn, ... off, ... the, ... porch, ... lights.
Sometimes I forget to turn off the porch lights.
447th is:


They’ll require you to show your I.D.

They’ll require you to show your I.D.

They’ll, ... require, ... you, ... to, ... show, ... your, ... I.D.

Requires: ... They, will, ask, you, to, show, id, you ...

They’ll, ... require, ... you, ... to, ... show, ... your, ... I.D.
They’ll, ... require, ... you, ... to, ... show, ... your, ... I.D.
They’ll require you to show your I.D.
448th word:


Can I tag along your road trip?

Can I tag along your road trip?

Can, ... I, ... tag, ... along, ... your, ... road, ... trip?

Together: ... Can, I, tag, along, trip, you?

Can, ... I, ... tag, ... along, ... your, ... road, ... trip?
Can, ... I, ... tag, ... along, ... your, ... road, ... trip?
Can I tag along your road trip?
449th word is:


This news development is really interesting.

This news development is really interesting.

This, ... news, ... development, ... is, ... really, ... interesting.

Developments: ... Developments, news, this is, very, interesting.

This, ... news, ... development, ... is, ... really, ... interesting.
This, ... news, ... development, ... is, ... really, ... interesting.
This news development is really interesting.
450st is:


They can take care of themselves.

They can take care of themselves.

They, ... can, ... take, ... care, ... of, ... themselves.

Self, they, themselves: ... They, can, keep, self, they, themselves.

They, ... can, ... take, ... care, ... of, ... themselves.
They, ... can, ... take, ... care, ... of, ... themselves.
They can take care of themselves.
451st word:


I read her report and it was great! ...

I read her report and it was great! ...

I, ... read, ... her, ... report, ... and, ... it, ... was, ... great!, ... ...

The report: ... I, read, the report, and, that's it, great!

I, ... read, ... her, ... report, ... and, ... it, ... was, ... great!, ... ...
I, ... read, ... her, ... report, ... and, ... it, ... was, ... great!, ... ...
I read her report and it was great! ...
452nd word is:


She’s going to play the role of elsa.

She’s going to play the role of elsa.

She’s, ... going, ... to, ... play, ... the, ... role, ... of, ... elsa.

Role: ... She, will, play, role, elsa.

She’s, ... going, ... to, ... play, ... the, ... role, ... of, ... elsa.
She’s, ... going, ... to, ... play, ... the, ... role, ... of, ... elsa.
She’s going to play the role of elsa.
453rd is:


Your singing has gotten so much better! ...

Your singing has gotten so much better! ...

Your, ... singing, ... has, ... gotten, ... so, ... much, ... better!, ... ...

More, better: ... Chanting, you, become, much, more, better!

Your, ... singing, ... has, ... gotten, ... so, ... much, ... better!, ... ...
Your, ... singing, ... has, ... gotten, ... so, ... much, ... better!, ... ...
Your singing has gotten so much better! ...
454th word:


Some countries are facing an economic crisis.

Some countries are facing an economic crisis.

Some, ... countries, ... are, ... facing, ... an, ... economic, ... crisis.

Economy: ... Several, countries, are, facing, crisis, economy.

Some, ... countries, ... are, ... facing, ... an, ... economic, ... crisis.
Some, ... countries, ... are, ... facing, ... an, ... economic, ... crisis.
Some countries are facing an economic crisis.
455th word is:


The government must make an effort to solve this.

The government must make an effort to solve this.

The, ... government, ... must, ... make, ... an, ... effort, ... to, ... solve, ... this.

Efforts: ... Government, must, make, efforts, to, overcome, this, thing.

The, ... government, ... must, ... make, ... an, ... effort, ... to, ... solve, ... this.
The, ... government, ... must, ... make, ... an, ... effort, ... to, ... solve, ... this.
The government must make an effort to solve this.
456th is:


His grades have gone up.

His grades have gone up.

His, ... grades, ... have, ... gone, ... up.

Up: ... The value, up.

His, ... grades, ... have, ... gone, ... up.
His, ... grades, ... have, ... gone, ... up.
His grades have gone up.
457th word:


Please decide where to eat.

Please decide where to eat.

Please, ... decide, ... where, ... to, ... eat.

Decide: ... Go ahead, decide, place, eat.

Please, ... decide, ... where, ... to, ... eat.
Please, ... decide, ... where, ... to, ... eat.
Please decide where to eat.
458th word is:


How would you rate the hotel’s service?

How would you rate the hotel’s service?

How, ... would, ... you, ... rate, ... the, ... hotel’s, ... service?

Value: ... How, you, rate, service, hotel?

How, ... would, ... you, ... rate, ... the, ... hotel’s, ... service?
How, ... would, ... you, ... rate, ... the, ... hotel’s, ... service?
How would you rate the hotel’s service?
459th is:


They have strong customer service here! ...

They have strong customer service here! ...

They, ... have, ... strong, ... customer, ... service, ... here!, ... ...

Strong: ... They, have, service, customers, who, strong, in, here!

They, ... have, ... strong, ... customer, ... service, ... here!, ... ...
They, ... have, ... strong, ... customer, ... service, ... here!, ... ...
They have strong customer service here! ...
460st word:


Maybe it’s possible to change their bathroom amenities.

Maybe it’s possible to change their bathroom amenities.

Maybe, ... it’s, ... possible, ... to, ... change, ... their, ... bathroom, ... amenities.

Maybe: ... Maybe, just change, fixtures, rooms, baths, them.

Maybe, ... it’s, ... possible, ... to, ... change, ... their, ... bathroom, ... amenities.
Maybe, ... it’s, ... possible, ... to, ... change, ... their, ... bathroom, ... amenities.
Maybe it’s possible to change their bathroom amenities.
461st word is:


My heart is so full.

My heart is so full.

My, ... heart, ... is, ... so, ... full.

Heart: ... My heart, I see, is full.

My, ... heart, ... is, ... so, ... full.
My, ... heart, ... is, ... so, ... full.
My heart is so full.
462nd is:


She got the patent for the drug she has created to cure cancer.

She got the patent for the drug she has created to cure cancer.

She, ... got, ... the, ... patent, ... for, ... the, ... drug, ... she, ... has, ... created, ... to, ... cure, ... cancer.

Drugs: ... He, got, patents, for, drugs, which, he, invented, for, cures, cancer.

She, ... got, ... the, ... patent, ... for, ... the, ... drug, ... she, ... has, ... created, ... to, ... cure, ... cancer.
She, ... got, ... the, ... patent, ... for, ... the, ... drug, ... she, ... has, ... created, ... to, ... cure, ... cancer.
She got the patent for the drug she has created to cure cancer.
463rd word:


Can you show me how to solve this puzzle?

Can you show me how to solve this puzzle?

Can, ... you, ... show, ... me, ... how, ... to, ... solve, ... this, ... puzzle?

Show: ... Can, you, show, to, me, how, solve, this riddle?

Can, ... you, ... show, ... me, ... how, ... to, ... solve, ... this, ... puzzle?
Can, ... you, ... show, ... me, ... how, ... to, ... solve, ... this, ... puzzle?
Can you show me how to solve this puzzle?
464th word is:


You are a wonderful leader.

You are a wonderful leader.

You, ... are, ... a, ... wonderful, ... leader.

Leader: ... You, are, leaders, who are, extraordinary, extraordinary.

You, ... are, ... a, ... wonderful, ... leader.
You, ... are, ... a, ... wonderful, ... leader.
You are a wonderful leader.
465th is:


Watch her face light up when you mention his name.

Watch her face light up when you mention his name.

Watch, ... her, ... face, ... light, ... up, ... when, ... you, ... mention, ... his, ... name.

Light: ... Watch, his face, shining, when, you, say, his name.

Watch, ... her, ... face, ... light, ... up, ... when, ... you, ... mention, ... his, ... name.
Watch, ... her, ... face, ... light, ... up, ... when, ... you, ... mention, ... his, ... name.
Watch her face light up when you mention his name.
466th word:


Hearing his mom’s voice is all he need right now.

Hearing his mom’s voice is all he need right now.

Hearing, ... his, ... mom’s, ... voice, ... is, ... all, ... he, ... need, ... right, ... now.

Voice: ... Hear, voice, his mother, is, the only one, that, he, needs, when, this.

Hearing, ... his, ... mom’s, ... voice, ... is, ... all, ... he, ... need, ... right, ... now.
Hearing, ... his, ... mom’s, ... voice, ... is, ... all, ... he, ... need, ... right, ... now.
Hearing his mom’s voice is all he need right now.
467th word is:


My wife is away for the weekend.

My wife is away for the weekend.

My, ... wife, ... is, ... away, ... for, ... the, ... weekend.

Wife: ... Wife, I, go, for, weekend, weekend.

My, ... wife, ... is, ... away, ... for, ... the, ... weekend.
My, ... wife, ... is, ... away, ... for, ... the, ... weekend.
My wife is away for the weekend.
468th is:


I have the whole house to myself.

I have the whole house to myself.

I, ... have, ... the, ... whole, ... house, ... to, ... myself.

Whole: ... I, have, all of, the house, for, myself, I, alone.

I, ... have, ... the, ... whole, ... house, ... to, ... myself.
I, ... have, ... the, ... whole, ... house, ... to, ... myself.
I have the whole house to myself.
469th word:


The police have questioned him about the incident.

The police have questioned him about the incident.

The, ... police, ... have, ... questioned, ... him, ... about, ... the, ... incident.

Police: ... Police, have, questioned, him, about, the incident, that.

The, ... police, ... have, ... questioned, ... him, ... about, ... the, ... incident.
The, ... police, ... have, ... questioned, ... him, ... about, ... the, ... incident.
The police have questioned him about the incident.
470st word is:


This relaxation technique really eases my mind.

This relaxation technique really eases my mind.

This, ... relaxation, ... technique, ... really, ... eases, ... my, ... mind.

Mind: ... Technique, relaxation, this, really, calms, mind, me.

This, ... relaxation, ... technique, ... really, ... eases, ... my, ... mind.
This, ... relaxation, ... technique, ... really, ... eases, ... my, ... mind.
This relaxation technique really eases my mind.
471st is:


I can finally move out from my old apartment.

I can finally move out from my old apartment.

I, ... can, ... finally, ... move, ... out, ... from, ... my, ... old, ... apartment.

Finally: ... I, finally, can, move, from, old, apartment, me.

I, ... can, ... finally, ... move, ... out, ... from, ... my, ... old, ... apartment.
I, ... can, ... finally, ... move, ... out, ... from, ... my, ... old, ... apartment.
I can finally move out from my old apartment.
472nd word:


My baby niece likes to pull my hair.

My baby niece likes to pull my hair.

My, ... baby, ... niece, ... likes, ... to, ... pull, ... my, ... hair.

Pull: ... Nephew, baby, I, like, pull, hair, me.

My, ... baby, ... niece, ... likes, ... to, ... pull, ... my, ... hair.
My, ... baby, ... niece, ... likes, ... to, ... pull, ... my, ... hair.
My baby niece likes to pull my hair.
473rd word is:


I give her tickles in return.

I give her tickles in return.

I, ... give, ... her, ... tickles, ... in, ... return.

Back: ... I, gave him, tickle, as, in return.

I, ... give, ... her, ... tickles, ... in, ... return.
I, ... give, ... her, ... tickles, ... in, ... return.
I give her tickles in return.
474th is:


The best things in life are free.

The best things in life are free.

The, ... best, ... things, ... in, ... life, ... are, ... free.

Free: ... Things, best, in, life, are, free.

The, ... best, ... things, ... in, ... life, ... are, ... free.
The, ... best, ... things, ... in, ... life, ... are, ... free.
The best things in life are free.
475th word:


His dad is in the military.

His dad is in the military.

His, ... dad, ... is, ... in, ... the, ... military.

Military: ... His father, in, military.

His, ... dad, ... is, ... in, ... the, ... military.
His, ... dad, ... is, ... in, ... the, ... military.
His dad is in the military.
476th word is:


This is the price you pay for lying.

This is the price you pay for lying.

This, ... is, ... the, ... price, ... you, ... pay, ... for, ... lying.

Price: ... This, is, the price, which, you, pay, for, lie.

This, ... is, ... the, ... price, ... you, ... pay, ... for, ... lying.
This, ... is, ... the, ... price, ... you, ... pay, ... for, ... lying.
This is the price you pay for lying.
477th is:


Did you report this to the police?

Did you report this to the police?

Did, ... you, ... report, ... this, ... to, ... the, ... police?

Report: ... Did, you, report, this, to, the police?

Did, ... you, ... report, ... this, ... to, ... the, ... police?
Did, ... you, ... report, ... this, ... to, ... the, ... police?
Did you report this to the police?
478th word:


I am praying for less stress this coming new year.

I am praying for less stress this coming new year.

I, ... am, ... praying, ... for, ... less, ... stress, ... this, ... coming, ... new, ... year.

Less: ... I, pray, for, reduce, stress, in, year, new, which, will, come, this.

I, ... am, ... praying, ... for, ... less, ... stress, ... this, ... coming, ... new, ... year.
I, ... am, ... praying, ... for, ... less, ... stress, ... this, ... coming, ... new, ... year.
I am praying for less stress this coming new year.
479th word is:


According to the weather report, it’s going to rain today.

According to the weather report, it’s going to rain today.

According, ... to, ... the, ... weather, ... report,, ... it’s, ... going, ... to, ... rain, ... today.

According to: ... According to, reports, weather, day, this, will, rain.

According, ... to, ... the, ... weather, ... report,, ... it’s, ... going, ... to, ... rain, ... today.
According, ... to, ... the, ... weather, ... report,, ... it’s, ... going, ... to, ... rain, ... today.
According to the weather report, it’s going to rain today.
480st is:


This is a big decision for me.

This is a big decision for me.

This, ... is, ... a, ... big, ... decision, ... for, ... me.

Decision: ... This, is, decision, big, for, me.

This, ... is, ... a, ... big, ... decision, ... for, ... me.
This, ... is, ... a, ... big, ... decision, ... for, ... me.
This is a big decision for me.
481st word:


I’ll explain everything later, I promise.

I’ll explain everything later, I promise.

I’ll, ... explain, ... everything, ... later,, ... I, ... promise.

Explain: ... I, will, explain, everything, later, I, promise.

I’ll, ... explain, ... everything, ... later,, ... I, ... promise.
I’ll, ... explain, ... everything, ... later,, ... I, ... promise.
I’ll explain everything later, I promise.
482nd word is:


His son is so cute! ...

His son is so cute! ...

His, ... son, ... is, ... so, ... cute!, ... ...

Son: ... Son, so, so cute!

His, ... son, ... is, ... so, ... cute!, ... ...
His, ... son, ... is, ... so, ... cute!, ... ...
His son is so cute! ...
483rd is:


I hope I’ll have a son one day.

I hope I’ll have a son one day.

I, ... hope, ... I’ll, ... have, ... a, ... son, ... one, ... day.

Hope: ... I, hope, I, will, have, a, son, someday, someday.

I, ... hope, ... I’ll, ... have, ... a, ... son, ... one, ... day.
I, ... hope, ... I’ll, ... have, ... a, ... son, ... one, ... day.
I hope I’ll have a son one day.
484th word:


Even if they’ve broken up, they still remain friends.

Even if they’ve broken up, they still remain friends.

Even, ... if, ... they’ve, ... broken, ... up,, ... they, ... still, ... remain, ... friends.

Even: ... Even if, they, already, broke up, they are, still, still, friends.

Even, ... if, ... they’ve, ... broken, ... up,, ... they, ... still, ... remain, ... friends.
Even, ... if, ... they’ve, ... broken, ... up,, ... they, ... still, ... remain, ... friends.
Even if they’ve broken up, they still remain friends.
485th word is:


That rash could develop into something more serious.

That rash could develop into something more serious.

That, ... rash, ... could, ... develop, ... into, ... something, ... more, ... serious.

Developing: ... Rash, it, can, develop, become, something, which is, more, serious.

That, ... rash, ... could, ... develop, ... into, ... something, ... more, ... serious.
That, ... rash, ... could, ... develop, ... into, ... something, ... more, ... serious.
That rash could develop into something more serious.
486th is:


This view is amazing! ...

This view is amazing! ...

This, ... view, ... is, ... amazing!, ... ...

Look: ... The view, this is, amazing, amazing!

This, ... view, ... is, ... amazing!, ... ...
This, ... view, ... is, ... amazing!, ... ...
This view is amazing! ...
487th word:


They’ve taken their relationship to the next level.

They’ve taken their relationship to the next level.

They’ve, ... taken, ... their, ... relationship, ... to, ... the, ... next, ... level.

Relationship: ... They, have, brought, relationship, they, to, level, next.

They’ve, ... taken, ... their, ... relationship, ... to, ... the, ... next, ... level.
They’ve, ... taken, ... their, ... relationship, ... to, ... the, ... next, ... level.
They’ve taken their relationship to the next level.
488th word is:


Can you carry my bag for me?

Can you carry my bag for me?

Can, ... you, ... carry, ... my, ... bag, ... for, ... me?

Bring: ... Can, you, bring, bag, me, for, me?

Can, ... you, ... carry, ... my, ... bag, ... for, ... me?
Can, ... you, ... carry, ... my, ... bag, ... for, ... me?
Can you carry my bag for me?
489th is:


This town is extremely quiet.

This town is extremely quiet.

This, ... town, ... is, ... extremely, ... quiet.

City: ... City, this, very, lonely.

This, ... town, ... is, ... extremely, ... quiet.
This, ... town, ... is, ... extremely, ... quiet.
This town is extremely quiet.
490st word:


There’s a road that leads to the edge of the woods.

There’s a road that leads to the edge of the woods.

There’s, ... a, ... road, ... that, ... leads, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... woods.

Road: ... There is, a path, which, leads, to, the edge of, the forest.

There’s, ... a, ... road, ... that, ... leads, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... woods.
There’s, ... a, ... road, ... that, ... leads, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... woods.
There’s a road that leads to the edge of the woods.
491st word is:


You can’t drive there, you need to walk.

You can’t drive there, you need to walk.

You, ... can’t, ... drive, ... there,, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... walk.

Drive: ... You, no, can, drive, in, there, you, must, walk.

You, ... can’t, ... drive, ... there,, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... walk.
You, ... can’t, ... drive, ... there,, ... you, ... need, ... to, ... walk.
You can’t drive there, you need to walk.
492nd is:


He broke his arm during practice.

He broke his arm during practice.

He, ... broke, ... his, ... arm, ... during, ... practice.

Arm: ... His arm, broken, moment, practice.

He, ... broke, ... his, ... arm, ... during, ... practice.
He, ... broke, ... his, ... arm, ... during, ... practice.
He broke his arm during practice.
493rd word:


It’s true, I’m leaving the company.

It’s true, I’m leaving the company.

It’s, ... true,, ... I’m, ... leaving, ... the, ... company.

Right: ... Indeed, right, I, will, out, of, the company.

It’s, ... true,, ... I’m, ... leaving, ... the, ... company.
It’s, ... true,, ... I’m, ... leaving, ... the, ... company.
It’s true, I’m leaving the company.
494th word is:


Animal abuse is now a federal felony! ...

Animal abuse is now a federal felony! ...

Animal, ... abuse, ... is, ... now, ... a, ... federal, ... felony!, ... ...

Federal: ... Abuse, animal, now, be, crime, federal!

Animal, ... abuse, ... is, ... now, ... a, ... federal, ... felony!, ... ...
Animal, ... abuse, ... is, ... now, ... a, ... federal, ... felony!, ... ...
Animal abuse is now a federal felony! ...
495th is:


Don’t break the law.

Don’t break the law.

Don’t, ... break, ... the, ... law.

Rest: ... Do not, violate, the law.

Don’t, ... break, ... the, ... law.
Don’t, ... break, ... the, ... law.
Don’t break the law.
496th word:


You better learn how to follow rules.

You better learn how to follow rules.

You, ... better, ... learn, ... how, ... to, ... follow, ... rules.

More, better: ... You, more, well, learn, how to, follow, rules.

You, ... better, ... learn, ... how, ... to, ... follow, ... rules.
You, ... better, ... learn, ... how, ... to, ... follow, ... rules.
You better learn how to follow rules.
497th word is:


What’s the difference between happiness and contentment?

What’s the difference between happiness and contentment?

What’s, ... the, ... difference, ... between, ... happiness, ... and, ... contentment?

The difference: ... What, the difference, between, happiness, and, satisfaction?

What’s, ... the, ... difference, ... between, ... happiness, ... and, ... contentment?
What’s, ... the, ... difference, ... between, ... happiness, ... and, ... contentment?
What’s the difference between happiness and contentment?
498th is:


I forgot to thank her for the pie she sent us.

I forgot to thank her for the pie she sent us.

I, ... forgot, ... to, ... thank, ... her, ... for, ... the, ... pie, ... she, ... sent, ... us.

Thank: ... I, forgot, thanked, thanked, him, for, cake, which, he, sent, to, us.

I, ... forgot, ... to, ... thank, ... her, ... for, ... the, ... pie, ... she, ... sent, ... us.
I, ... forgot, ... to, ... thank, ... her, ... for, ... the, ... pie, ... she, ... sent, ... us.
I forgot to thank her for the pie she sent us.
499th word:


Did you receive the pie I sent you?

Did you receive the pie I sent you?

Did, ... you, ... receive, ... the, ... pie, ... I, ... sent, ... you?

Accept: ... Did, you, receive, the cake, which, I, sent?

Did, ... you, ... receive, ... the, ... pie, ... I, ... sent, ... you?
Did, ... you, ... receive, ... the, ... pie, ... I, ... sent, ... you?
Did you receive the pie I sent you?
500st word is:


I value our friendship so much.

I value our friendship so much.

I, ... value, ... our, ... friendship, ... so, ... much.

Value: ... I, very, appreciate, friendship, us.

I, ... value, ... our, ... friendship, ... so, ... much.
I, ... value, ... our, ... friendship, ... so, ... much.
I value our friendship so much.
501st is:


Their brand has gone international! ...

Their brand has gone international! ...

Their, ... brand, ... has, ... gone, ... international!, ... ...

International,: ... Brands, they are, already, go, international!

Their, ... brand, ... has, ... gone, ... international!, ... ...
Their, ... brand, ... has, ... gone, ... international!, ... ...
Their brand has gone international! ...
502nd word:


This building is so tall! ...

This building is so tall! ...

This, ... building, ... is, ... so, ... tall!, ... ...

Buildings: ... Buildings, this is, very, high!

This, ... building, ... is, ... so, ... tall!, ... ...
This, ... building, ... is, ... so, ... tall!, ... ...
This building is so tall! ...
503rd word is:


You next action is going to be critical.

You next action is going to be critical.

You, ... next, ... action, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... critical.

Action: ... Action, you, next, will, be, critical.

You, ... next, ... action, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... critical.
You, ... next, ... action, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... critical.
You next action is going to be critical.
504th is:


My work load is so full now.

My work load is so full now.

My, ... work, ... load, ... is, ... so, ... full, ... now.

Full: ... Burden, work, I, very, full, now.

My, ... work, ... load, ... is, ... so, ... full, ... now.
My, ... work, ... load, ... is, ... so, ... full, ... now.
My work load is so full now.
505th word:


A great leader is a great model of how to do things.

A great leader is a great model of how to do things.

A, ... great, ... leader, ... is, ... a, ... great, ... model, ... of, ... how, ... to, ... do, ... things.

Model: ... A, leader, who, great, is, model, who, is great, about, how, does, something.

A, ... great, ... leader, ... is, ... a, ... great, ... model, ... of, ... how, ... to, ... do, ... things.
A, ... great, ... leader, ... is, ... a, ... great, ... model, ... of, ... how, ... to, ... do, ... things.
A great leader is a great model of how to do things.
506th word is:


He wants to join the soccer team.

He wants to join the soccer team.

He, ... wants, ... to, ... join, ... the, ... soccer, ... team.

Join: ... He, wants, joins, with, team, football, ball.

He, ... wants, ... to, ... join, ... the, ... soccer, ... team.
He, ... wants, ... to, ... join, ... the, ... soccer, ... team.
He wants to join the soccer team.
507th is:


Christmas is my favorite season! ...

Christmas is my favorite season! ...

Christmas, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... season!, ... ...

Season: ... Christmas, is, season, my favorite!

Christmas, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... season!, ... ...
Christmas, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... season!, ... ...
Christmas is my favorite season! ...
508th word:


Their society is holding a fund raiser.

Their society is holding a fund raiser.

Their, ... society, ... is, ... holding, ... a, ... fund, ... raiser.

Society: ... Society, they, organize, raise, fund.

Their, ... society, ... is, ... holding, ... a, ... fund, ... raiser.
Their, ... society, ... is, ... holding, ... a, ... fund, ... raiser.
Their society is holding a fund raiser.
509th word is:


I’m going home because my mom needs me.

I’m going home because my mom needs me.

I’m, ... going, ... home, ... because, ... my, ... mom, ... needs, ... me.

Because... I, come home, because, my mother, needs me.

I’m, ... going, ... home, ... because, ... my, ... mom, ... needs, ... me.
I’m, ... going, ... home, ... because, ... my, ... mom, ... needs, ... me.
I’m going home because my mom needs me.
510th is:


How much is the current income tax?

How much is the current income tax?

How, ... much, ... is, ... the, ... current, ... income, ... tax?

Tax: ... How much, tax, income, time, this?

How, ... much, ... is, ... the, ... current, ... income, ... tax?
How, ... much, ... is, ... the, ... current, ... income, ... tax?
How much is the current income tax?
511th word:


The director yelled ‘cut!' ...

The director yelled ‘cut!' ...

The, ... director, ... yelled, ... ‘cut!', ... ...

Director: ... Director, shouting, 'cut!' ...

The, ... director, ... yelled, ... ‘cut!', ... ...
The, ... director, ... yelled, ... ‘cut!', ... ...
The director yelled ‘cut!' ...
512th word is:


I’m too early for my appointment.

I’m too early for my appointment.

I’m, ... too, ... early, ... for, ... my, ... appointment.

Early: ... I, too, early, for, promise, I.

I’m, ... too, ... early, ... for, ... my, ... appointment.
I’m, ... too, ... early, ... for, ... my, ... appointment.
I’m too early for my appointment.
513th is:


Please position your hand properly when drawing.

Please position your hand properly when drawing.

Please, ... position, ... your, ... hand, ... properly, ... when, ... drawing.

Position,: ... Please, position, hand, you, with, right, moment, draw.

Please, ... position, ... your, ... hand, ... properly, ... when, ... drawing.
Please, ... position, ... your, ... hand, ... properly, ... when, ... drawing.
Please position your hand properly when drawing.
514th word:


That basketball player is cute.

That basketball player is cute.

That, ... basketball, ... player, ... is, ... cute.

Players...Players, basketball, that's, funny.

That, ... basketball, ... player, ... is, ... cute.
That, ... basketball, ... player, ... is, ... cute.
That basketball player is cute.
515th word is:


I agree! He is cute! ...

I agree! He is cute! ...

I, ... agree!, ... He, ... is, ... cute!, ... ...

Agree: ... I, agree!, he, cute!

I, ... agree!, ... He, ... is, ... cute!, ... ...
I, ... agree!, ... He, ... is, ... cute!, ... ...
I agree! He is cute! ...
516th is:


I especially like his blue eyes.

I especially like his blue eyes.

I, ... especially, ... like, ... his, ... blue, ... eyes.

Especially: ... I, especially, liked, the eyes, the blue.

I, ... especially, ... like, ... his, ... blue, ... eyes.
I, ... especially, ... like, ... his, ... blue, ... eyes.
I especially like his blue eyes.
517th word:


Can we record the minutes of this meeting, please?

Can we record the minutes of this meeting, please?

Can, ... we, ... record, ... the, ... minutes, ... of, ... this, ... meeting,, ... please?

Record,: ... Can, we, record, minutes, meeting, this?

Can, ... we, ... record, ... the, ... minutes, ... of, ... this, ... meeting,, ... please?
Can, ... we, ... record, ... the, ... minutes, ... of, ... this, ... meeting,, ... please?
Can we record the minutes of this meeting, please?
518th word is:


Did you pick a color theme already?

Did you pick a color theme already?

Did, ... you, ... pick, ... a, ... color, ... theme, ... already?

Choose: ... Did, you, have, chose, theme, color?

Did, ... you, ... pick, ... a, ... color, ... theme, ... already?
Did, ... you, ... pick, ... a, ... color, ... theme, ... already?
Did you pick a color theme already?
519th is:


Is that what you’re going to wear for the party?

Is that what you’re going to wear for the party?

Is, ... that, ... what, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... wear, ... for, ... the, ... party?

Wear,: ... Is, that, that, will, you, wear, for, party?

Is, ... that, ... what, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... wear, ... for, ... the, ... party?
Is, ... that, ... what, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... wear, ... for, ... the, ... party?
Is that what you’re going to wear for the party?
520st word:


You can use a special paper for your invitations.

You can use a special paper for your invitations.

You, ... can, ... use, ... a, ... special, ... paper, ... for, ... your, ... invitations.

Paper: ... You, can, use, paper, special, for, invitation, you.

You, ... can, ... use, ... a, ... special, ... paper, ... for, ... your, ... invitations.
You, ... can, ... use, ... a, ... special, ... paper, ... for, ... your, ... invitations.
You can use a special paper for your invitations.
521st word is:


Some special paper are even scented! ...

Some special paper are even scented! ...

Some, ... special, ... paper, ... are, ... even, ... scented!, ... ...

Special: ... Some, paper, special, even, flavored!

Some, ... special, ... paper, ... are, ... even, ... scented!, ... ...
Some, ... special, ... paper, ... are, ... even, ... scented!, ... ...
Some special paper are even scented! ...
522nd is:


Please leave some space to write down your phone number.

Please leave some space to write down your phone number.

Please, ... leave, ... some, ... space, ... to, ... write, ... down, ... your, ... phone, ... number.

Space: ... Please, leave, a little, space, for, write down, number, phone, you.

Please, ... leave, ... some, ... space, ... to, ... write, ... down, ... your, ... phone, ... number.
Please, ... leave, ... some, ... space, ... to, ... write, ... down, ... your, ... phone, ... number.
Please leave some space to write down your phone number.
523rd word:


The ground is shaking.

The ground is shaking.

The, ... ground, ... is, ... shaking.

Tanah,: ... Tanah, bergetar.

The, ... ground, ... is, ... shaking.
The, ... ground, ... is, ... shaking.
The ground is shaking.
524th word is:


A new island was formed after that big earthquake.

A new island was formed after that big earthquake.

A, ... new, ... island, ... was, ... formed, ... after, ... that, ... big, ... earthquake.

Bentuk: ... Sebuah, pulau, baru, terbentuk, setelah, gempa, besar, itu.

A, ... new, ... island, ... was, ... formed, ... after, ... that, ... big, ... earthquake.
A, ... new, ... island, ... was, ... formed, ... after, ... that, ... big, ... earthquake.
A new island was formed after that big earthquake.
525th is:


I need your support for this project.

I need your support for this project.

I, ... need, ... your, ... support, ... for, ... this, ... project.

Dukungan,: ... Saya, membutuhkan, dukungan, anda, untuk, proyek, ini.

I, ... need, ... your, ... support, ... for, ... this, ... project.
I, ... need, ... your, ... support, ... for, ... this, ... project.
I need your support for this project.
526th word:


We’re holding a big event tonight.

We’re holding a big event tonight.

We’re, ... holding, ... a, ... big, ... event, ... tonight.

Acara: ... Kami, mengadakan, acara, besar, malam, ini.

We’re, ... holding, ... a, ... big, ... event, ... tonight.
We’re, ... holding, ... a, ... big, ... event, ... tonight.
We’re holding a big event tonight.
527th word is:


Our official wedding photos are out! ...

Our official wedding photos are out! ...

Our, ... official, ... wedding, ... photos, ... are, ... out!, ... ...

Resmi: ... Foto, pernikahan, resmi, kami, sudah, keluar!

Our, ... official, ... wedding, ... photos, ... are, ... out!, ... ...
Our, ... official, ... wedding, ... photos, ... are, ... out!, ... ...
Our official wedding photos are out! ...
528th is:


Whose umbrella is this?

Whose umbrella is this?

Whose, ... umbrella, ... is, ... this?

Siapa,: ... Payung, siapa, ini?

Whose, ... umbrella, ... is, ... this?
Whose, ... umbrella, ... is, ... this?
Whose umbrella is this?
529th word:


What does it matter anyway?

What does it matter anyway?

What, ... does, ... it, ... matter, ... anyway?

Peduli: ... Lagi, pula, apa, bedanya?

What, ... does, ... it, ... matter, ... anyway?
What, ... does, ... it, ... matter, ... anyway?
What does it matter anyway?
530st word is:


Everyone thinks I stole that file.

Everyone thinks I stole that file.

Everyone, ... thinks, ... I, ... stole, ... that, ... file.

Semuanya,: ... Semua, orang, mengira, aku, mencuri, file, itu.

Everyone, ... thinks, ... I, ... stole, ... that, ... file.
Everyone, ... thinks, ... I, ... stole, ... that, ... file.
Everyone thinks I stole that file.
531st is:


I hate being the center of attention.

I hate being the center of attention.

I, ... hate, ... being, ... the, ... center, ... of, ... attention.

Center: ... Aku, benci, menjadi, pusat, perhatian.

I, ... hate, ... being, ... the, ... center, ... of, ... attention.
I, ... hate, ... being, ... the, ... center, ... of, ... attention.
I hate being the center of attention.
532nd word:


The couple is on their honeymoon now.

The couple is on their honeymoon now.

The, ... couple, ... is, ... on, ... their, ... honeymoon, ... now.

Pasangan: ... Pasangan, itu, sedang, berbulan, madu, sekarang.

The, ... couple, ... is, ... on, ... their, ... honeymoon, ... now.
The, ... couple, ... is, ... on, ... their, ... honeymoon, ... now.
The couple is on their honeymoon now.
533rd word is:


This site is so big! ...

This site is so big! ...

This, ... site, ... is, ... so, ... big!, ... ...

Situs: ... Situs, ini, sangat, besar!

This, ... site, ... is, ... so, ... big!, ... ...
This, ... site, ... is, ... so, ... big!, ... ...
This site is so big! ...
534th is:


Es ist das Ende einer Ära.

It’s the end of an era.

Es ist, ... das, ... Ende, ... einer, ... Ära.

Akhir: ... Ini, adalah, akhir, dari, sebuah, era.

Es ist, ... das, ... Ende, ... einer, ... Ära.
Es ist, ... das, ... Ende, ... einer, ... Ära.
Es ist das Ende einer Ära.
535th word:


This project file is due tomorrow.

This project file is due tomorrow.

This, ... project, ... file, ... is, ... due, ... tomorrow.

Proyek: ... File, proyek, ini, dikumpulkan, besok.

This, ... project, ... file, ... is, ... due, ... tomorrow.
This, ... project, ... file, ... is, ... due, ... tomorrow.
This project file is due tomorrow.
536th word is:


He hit the burglar with a bat.

He hit the burglar with a bat.

He, ... hit, ... the, ... burglar, ... with, ... a, ... bat.

Pukul,: ... Dia, memukul, pencuri, dengan, tongkat, pemukul.

He, ... hit, ... the, ... burglar, ... with, ... a, ... bat.
He, ... hit, ... the, ... burglar, ... with, ... a, ... bat.
He hit the burglar with a bat.
537th is:


All moms are their child’s home base.

All moms are their child’s home base.

All, ... moms, ... are, ... their, ... child’s, ... home, ... base.

Basis: ... Semua, ibu, adalah, basis, rumah, anak, mereka.

All, ... moms, ... are, ... their, ... child’s, ... home, ... base.
All, ... moms, ... are, ... their, ... child’s, ... home, ... base.
All moms are their child’s home base.
538th word:


What musical activity can you suggest for my toddler?

What musical activity can you suggest for my toddler?

What, ... musical, ... activity, ... can, ... you, ... suggest, ... for, ... my, ... toddler?

Aktivitas: ... Aktivitas, musik, apa, yang, dapat, anda, sarankan, untuk, balita, saya?

What, ... musical, ... activity, ... can, ... you, ... suggest, ... for, ... my, ... toddler?
What, ... musical, ... activity, ... can, ... you, ... suggest, ... for, ... my, ... toddler?
What musical activity can you suggest for my toddler?
539th word is:


My son can draw a star! ...

My son can draw a star! ...

My, ... son, ... can, ... draw, ... a, ... star!, ... ...

Bintang: ... Anakku, bisa, menggambar, bintang!

My, ... son, ... can, ... draw, ... a, ... star!, ... ...
My, ... son, ... can, ... draw, ... a, ... star!, ... ...
My son can draw a star! ...
540st is:


I saw him draw it while he was writing on the table.

I saw him draw it while he was writing on the table.

I, ... saw, ... him, ... draw, ... it, ... while, ... he, ... was, ... writing, ... on, ... the, ... table.

Tabel,: ... Saya, melihatnya, menggambar, saat, dia, sedang, menulis, di, atas, meja.

I, ... saw, ... him, ... draw, ... it, ... while, ... he, ... was, ... writing, ... on, ... the, ... table.
I, ... saw, ... him, ... draw, ... it, ... while, ... he, ... was, ... writing, ... on, ... the, ... table.
I saw him draw it while he was writing on the table.
541st word:


I need to enroll him to a good preschool.

I need to enroll him to a good preschool.

I, ... need, ... to, ... enroll, ... him, ... to, ... a, ... good, ... preschool.

Perlu,: ... Saya, perlu, mendaftarkannya, ke, prasekolah, yang, baik.

I, ... need, ... to, ... enroll, ... him, ... to, ... a, ... good, ... preschool.
I, ... need, ... to, ... enroll, ... him, ... to, ... a, ... good, ... preschool.
I need to enroll him to a good preschool.
542nd word is:


There’s a basketball court near our house.

There’s a basketball court near our house.

There’s, ... a, ... basketball, ... court, ... near, ... our, ... house.

Lapangan: ... Ada, lapangan, basket, di, dekat, rumah, kami.

There’s, ... a, ... basketball, ... court, ... near, ... our, ... house.
There’s, ... a, ... basketball, ... court, ... near, ... our, ... house.
There’s a basketball court near our house.
543rd is:


Fresh farm produce is the best.

Fresh farm produce is the best.

Fresh, ... farm, ... produce, ... is, ... the, ... best.

Menghasilkan,: ... Hasil, pertanian, segar, adalah, yang, terbaik.

Fresh, ... farm, ... produce, ... is, ... the, ... best.
Fresh, ... farm, ... produce, ... is, ... the, ... best.
Fresh farm produce is the best.
544th word:


I could eat that all day.

I could eat that all day.

I, ... could, ... eat, ... that, ... all, ... day.

Makan: ... Aku, bisa, makan, itu, sepanjang, hari.

I, ... could, ... eat, ... that, ... all, ... day.
I, ... could, ... eat, ... that, ... all, ... day.
I could eat that all day.
545th word is:


My sister is dating an american.

My sister is dating an american.

My, ... sister, ... is, ... dating, ... an, ... american.

Amerika: ... Adikku, berkencan, dengan, orang, amerika.

My, ... sister, ... is, ... dating, ... an, ... american.
My, ... sister, ... is, ... dating, ... an, ... american.
My sister is dating an american.
546th is:


I love to teach english lessons.

I love to teach english lessons.

I, ... love, ... to, ... teach, ... english, ... lessons.

Teach: ... Saya, suka, mengajar, pelajaran, bahasa, inggris.

I, ... love, ... to, ... teach, ... english, ... lessons.
I, ... love, ... to, ... teach, ... english, ... lessons.
I love to teach english lessons.
547th word:


Could you buy me some cooking oil at the store?

Could you buy me some cooking oil at the store?

Could, ... you, ... buy, ... me, ... some, ... cooking, ... oil, ... at, ... the, ... store?

Minyak,: ... Bisakah, anda, membelikan, saya, minyak, goreng, di, toko?

Could, ... you, ... buy, ... me, ... some, ... cooking, ... oil, ... at, ... the, ... store?
Could, ... you, ... buy, ... me, ... some, ... cooking, ... oil, ... at, ... the, ... store?
Could you buy me some cooking oil at the store?
548th word is:


Just half a liter please.

Just half a liter please.

Just, ... half, ... a, ... liter, ... please.

Setengah: ... Tolong, setengah, liter, saja.

Just, ... half, ... a, ... liter, ... please.
Just, ... half, ... a, ... liter, ... please.
Just half a liter please.
549th is:


The situation is getting out of hand.

The situation is getting out of hand.

The, ... situation, ... is, ... getting, ... out, ... of, ... hand.

Situasi: ... Situasi, semakin, tidak, terkendali.

The, ... situation, ... is, ... getting, ... out, ... of, ... hand.
The, ... situation, ... is, ... getting, ... out, ... of, ... hand.
The situation is getting out of hand.
550st word:


I thought you said this was going to be easy?

I thought you said this was going to be easy?

I, ... thought, ... you, ... said, ... this, ... was, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... easy?

Tenang: ... Saya, pikir, anda, mengatakan, ini, akan, mudah?

I, ... thought, ... you, ... said, ... this, ... was, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... easy?
I, ... thought, ... you, ... said, ... this, ... was, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... easy?
I thought you said this was going to be easy?
551st word is:


The cost of fuel has increased! ...

The cost of fuel has increased! ...

The, ... cost, ... of, ... fuel, ... has, ... increased!, ... ...

Biaya: ... Biaya, bahan, bakar, telah, meningkat!

The, ... cost, ... of, ... fuel, ... has, ... increased!, ... ...
The, ... cost, ... of, ... fuel, ... has, ... increased!, ... ...
The cost of fuel has increased! ...
552nd is:


The fuel industry is hiking prices.

The fuel industry is hiking prices.

The, ... fuel, ... industry, ... is, ... hiking, ... prices.

Industri: ... Industri, bahan, bakar, menaikkan, harga.

The, ... fuel, ... industry, ... is, ... hiking, ... prices.
The, ... fuel, ... industry, ... is, ... hiking, ... prices.
The fuel industry is hiking prices.
553rd word:


Will our government figure out how to fix this problem?

Will our government figure out how to fix this problem?

Will, ... our, ... government, ... figure, ... out, ... how, ... to, ... fix, ... this, ... problem?

Gambar: ... Akankah, pemerintah, kita, mencari, cara, untuk, memperbaiki, masalah, ini?

Will, ... our, ... government, ... figure, ... out, ... how, ... to, ... fix, ... this, ... problem?
Will, ... our, ... government, ... figure, ... out, ... how, ... to, ... fix, ... this, ... problem?
Will our government figure out how to fix this problem?
554th word is:


I can’t bear to face this horrendous traffic again and again.

I can’t bear to face this horrendous traffic again and again.

I, ... can’t, ... bear, ... to, ... face, ... this, ... horrendous, ... traffic, ... again, ... and, ... again.

Wajah,: ... Saya, tidak, tahan, menghadapi, lalu, lintas, yang, menghebohkan, ini, lagi, dan, lagi.

I, ... can’t, ... bear, ... to, ... face, ... this, ... horrendous, ... traffic, ... again, ... and, ... again.
I, ... can’t, ... bear, ... to, ... face, ... this, ... horrendous, ... traffic, ... again, ... and, ... again.
I can’t bear to face this horrendous traffic again and again.
555th is:


Let’s cross the street.

Let’s cross the street.

Let’s, ... cross, ... the, ... street.

Jalan,: ... Mari, kita, menyeberang, jalan.

Let’s, ... cross, ... the, ... street.
Let’s, ... cross, ... the, ... street.
Let’s cross the street.
556th word:


There’s an image of him stored inside my mind.

There’s an image of him stored inside my mind.

There’s, ... an, ... image, ... of, ... him, ... stored, ... inside, ... my, ... mind.

Gambar: ... Ada, gambar, dia, yang, tersimpan, di, dalam, pikiranku.

There’s, ... an, ... image, ... of, ... him, ... stored, ... inside, ... my, ... mind.
There’s, ... an, ... image, ... of, ... him, ... stored, ... inside, ... my, ... mind.
There’s an image of him stored inside my mind.
557th word is:


The bike itself is pretty awesome.

The bike itself is pretty awesome.

The, ... bike, ... itself, ... is, ... pretty, ... awesome.

Sendiri,: ... Sepeda, itu, sendiri, cukup, mengagumkan.

The, ... bike, ... itself, ... is, ... pretty, ... awesome.
The, ... bike, ... itself, ... is, ... pretty, ... awesome.
The bike itself is pretty awesome.
558th is:


Plus, it has a phone holder.

Plus, it has a phone holder.

Plus,, ... it, ... has, ... a, ... phone, ... holder.

Telepon,: ... Plus, ia, memiliki, dudukan, telepon.

Plus,, ... it, ... has, ... a, ... phone, ... holder.
Plus,, ... it, ... has, ... a, ... phone, ... holder.
Plus, it has a phone holder.
559th word:


I either walk or commute to work.

I either walk or commute to work.

I, ... either, ... walk, ... or, ... commute, ... to, ... work.

Entah: ... Saya, berjalan, atau, pergi, bekerja.

I, ... either, ... walk, ... or, ... commute, ... to, ... work.
I, ... either, ... walk, ... or, ... commute, ... to, ... work.
I either walk or commute to work.
560st word is:


How can we simplify this data?

How can we simplify this data?

How, ... can, ... we, ... simplify, ... this, ... data?

Data: ... Bagaimana, kita, menyederhanakan, data, ini?

How, ... can, ... we, ... simplify, ... this, ... data?
How, ... can, ... we, ... simplify, ... this, ... data?
How can we simplify this data?
561st is:


Could you cover for me during emergencies?

Could you cover for me during emergencies?

Could, ... you, ... cover, ... for, ... me, ... during, ... emergencies?

Cover,: ... Bisakah, anda, melindungi, saya, selama, keadaan, darurat?

Could, ... you, ... cover, ... for, ... me, ... during, ... emergencies?
Could, ... you, ... cover, ... for, ... me, ... during, ... emergencies?
Could you cover for me during emergencies?
562nd word:


I’m quite satisfied with their work.

I’m quite satisfied with their work.

I’m, ... quite, ... satisfied, ... with, ... their, ... work.

Cukup: ... Saya, cukup, puas, dengan, pekerjaan, mereka.

I’m, ... quite, ... satisfied, ... with, ... their, ... work.
I’m, ... quite, ... satisfied, ... with, ... their, ... work.
I’m quite satisfied with their work.
563rd word is:


Picture this, a lake, a cabin, and lots of peace and quiet.

Picture this, a lake, a cabin, and lots of peace and quiet.

Picture, ... this,, ... a, ... lake,, ... a, ... cabin,, ... and, ... lots, ... of, ... peace, ... and, ... quiet.

Gambar,: ... Bayangkan, ini: ... Sebuah, danau, kabin, dan, banyak, kedamaian, dan, ketenangan.

Picture, ... this,, ... a, ... lake,, ... a, ... cabin,, ... and, ... lots, ... of, ... peace, ... and, ... quiet.
Picture, ... this,, ... a, ... lake,, ... a, ... cabin,, ... and, ... lots, ... of, ... peace, ... and, ... quiet.
Picture this, a lake, a cabin, and lots of peace and quiet.
564th is:


That picture is so clear inside my head.

That picture is so clear inside my head.

That, ... picture, ... is, ... so, ... clear, ... inside, ... my, ... head.

Jelas: ... Gambar, itu, begitu, jelas, di, dalam, kepalaku.

That, ... picture, ... is, ... so, ... clear, ... inside, ... my, ... head.
That, ... picture, ... is, ... so, ... clear, ... inside, ... my, ... head.
That picture is so clear inside my head.
565th word:


Let’s practice our dance number.

Let’s practice our dance number.

Let’s, ... practice, ... our, ... dance, ... number.

Latihan: ... Ayo, latihan, nomor, tarian, kita.

Let’s, ... practice, ... our, ... dance, ... number.
Let’s, ... practice, ... our, ... dance, ... number.
Let’s practice our dance number.
566th word is:


That’s a piece of cake! ...

That’s a piece of cake! ...

That’s, ... a, ... piece, ... of, ... cake!, ... ...

Sepotong: ... Itu, sepotong, kue!

That’s, ... a, ... piece, ... of, ... cake!, ... ...
That’s, ... a, ... piece, ... of, ... cake!, ... ...
That’s a piece of cake! ...
567th is:


Their plane is going to land soon.

Their plane is going to land soon.

Their, ... plane, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... land, ... soon.

Mendarat: ... Pesawat, mereka, akan, segera, mendarat.

Their, ... plane, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... land, ... soon.
Their, ... plane, ... is, ... going, ... to, ... land, ... soon.
Their plane is going to land soon.
568th word:


This is her most recent social media post.

This is her most recent social media post.

This, ... is, ... her, ... most, ... recent, ... social, ... media, ... post.

Terbaru: ... Ini, adalah, postingan, media, sosial, terbarunya.

This, ... is, ... her, ... most, ... recent, ... social, ... media, ... post.
This, ... is, ... her, ... most, ... recent, ... social, ... media, ... post.
This is her most recent social media post.
569th word is:


Beschreibe dich selbst mit einem Wort.

Describe yourself in one word.

Beschreibe dich selbst mit einem Wort.

Jelaskan: ... Gambarkan, diri, anda, dalam, satu, kata.

Beschreibe dich selbst mit einem Wort.
Beschreibe dich selbst mit einem Wort.
Beschreibe dich selbst mit einem Wort.
570st is:


This is my favorite product in their new line of cosmetics.

This is my favorite product in their new line of cosmetics.

This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... product, ... in, ... their, ... new, ... line, ... of, ... cosmetics.

Produk: ... Ini, adalah, produk, favorit, saya, di, lini, kosmetik, baru, mereka.

This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... product, ... in, ... their, ... new, ... line, ... of, ... cosmetics.
This, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... product, ... in, ... their, ... new, ... line, ... of, ... cosmetics.
This is my favorite product in their new line of cosmetics.
571st word:


The doctor is in.

The doctor is in.

The, ... doctor, ... is, ... in.

Dokter: ... Dokter, masuk.

The, ... doctor, ... is, ... in.
The, ... doctor, ... is, ... in.
The doctor is in.
572nd word is:


Can you post this up on the wall?

Can you post this up on the wall?

Can, ... you, ... post, ... this, ... up, ... on, ... the, ... wall?

Dinding: ... Bisakah, anda, memasang, ini, di, dinding?

Can, ... you, ... post, ... this, ... up, ... on, ... the, ... wall?
Can, ... you, ... post, ... this, ... up, ... on, ... the, ... wall?
Can you post this up on the wall?
573rd is:


The patient is in so much pain now.

The patient is in so much pain now.

The, ... patient, ... is, ... in, ... so, ... much, ... pain, ... now.

Sabar,: ... Pasien, sangat, kesakitan, sekarang.

The, ... patient, ... is, ... in, ... so, ... much, ... pain, ... now.
The, ... patient, ... is, ... in, ... so, ... much, ... pain, ... now.
The patient is in so much pain now.
574th word:


She’s a factory worker.

She’s a factory worker.

She’s, ... a, ... factory, ... worker.

Pekerja: ... Dia, seorang, pekerja, pabrik.

She’s, ... a, ... factory, ... worker.
She’s, ... a, ... factory, ... worker.
She’s a factory worker.
575th word is:


I saw that on the news.

I saw that on the news.

I, ... saw, ... that, ... on, ... the, ... news.

Berita,: ... Saya, melihatnya, di, berita.

I, ... saw, ... that, ... on, ... the, ... news.
I, ... saw, ... that, ... on, ... the, ... news.
I saw that on the news.
576th is:


I have to pass this english test.

I have to pass this english test.

I, ... have, ... to, ... pass, ... this, ... english, ... test.

Tes: ... Saya, harus, lulus, tes, bahasa, inggris, ini.

I, ... have, ... to, ... pass, ... this, ... english, ... test.
I, ... have, ... to, ... pass, ... this, ... english, ... test.
I have to pass this english test.
577th word:


Let’s watch a movie later.

Let’s watch a movie later.

Let’s, ... watch, ... a, ... movie, ... later.

Film: ... Ayo, nonton, film, nanti.

Let’s, ... watch, ... a, ... movie, ... later.
Let’s, ... watch, ... a, ... movie, ... later.
Let’s watch a movie later.
578th word is:


There’s a certain kind of magic in the air now.

There’s a certain kind of magic in the air now.

There’s, ... a, ... certain, ... kind, ... of, ... magic, ... in, ... the, ... air, ... now.

Tentu,: ... Ada, jenis, sihir, tertentu, di, udara, sekarang.

There’s, ... a, ... certain, ... kind, ... of, ... magic, ... in, ... the, ... air, ... now.
There’s, ... a, ... certain, ... kind, ... of, ... magic, ... in, ... the, ... air, ... now.
There’s a certain kind of magic in the air now.
579th is:


Santa lives up north.

Santa lives up north.

Santa, ... lives, ... up, ... north.

Utara: ... Santa, tinggal, di, utara.

Santa, ... lives, ... up, ... north.
Santa, ... lives, ... up, ... north.
Santa lives up north.
580st word:


I love christmas! ...

I love christmas! ...

I, ... love, ... christmas!, ... ...

Cinta, - ..., aku, cinta, natal!

I, ... love, ... christmas!, ... ...
I, ... love, ... christmas!, ... ...
I love christmas! ...
581st word is:


This letter is very personal.

This letter is very personal.

This, ... letter, ... is, ... very, ... personal.

Pribadi,: ... Surat, ini, sangat, pribadi.

This, ... letter, ... is, ... very, ... personal.
This, ... letter, ... is, ... very, ... personal.
This letter is very personal.
582nd is:


Why did you open and read it?

Why did you open and read it?

Why, ... did, ... you, ... open, ... and, ... read, ... it?

Buka: ... Mengapa, anda, membuka, dan, membacanya?

Why, ... did, ... you, ... open, ... and, ... read, ... it?
Why, ... did, ... you, ... open, ... and, ... read, ... it?
Why did you open and read it?
583rd word:


Will you support him?

Will you support him?

Will, ... you, ... support, ... him?

Dukungan: ... Apakah, anda, mendukungnya?

Will, ... you, ... support, ... him?
Will, ... you, ... support, ... him?
Will you support him?
584th word is:


I simply won’t tolerate bad behavior.

I simply won’t tolerate bad behavior.

I, ... simply, ... won’t, ... tolerate, ... bad, ... behavior.

Sederhananya: ... Saya, tidak, akan, mentolerir, perilaku, buruk.

I, ... simply, ... won’t, ... tolerate, ... bad, ... behavior.
I, ... simply, ... won’t, ... tolerate, ... bad, ... behavior.
I simply won’t tolerate bad behavior.
585th is:


This is the third time you’ve lied to me.

This is the third time you’ve lied to me.

This, ... is, ... the, ... third, ... time, ... you’ve, ... lied, ... to, ... me.

Ketiga: ... Ini, adalah, ketiga, kalinya, anda, berbohong, kepada, saya.

This, ... is, ... the, ... third, ... time, ... you’ve, ... lied, ... to, ... me.
This, ... is, ... the, ... third, ... time, ... you’ve, ... lied, ... to, ... me.
This is the third time you’ve lied to me.
586th word:


Write about the advantages of technology.

Write about the advantages of technology.

Write, ... about, ... the, ... advantages, ... of, ... technology.

Teknologi: ... Menulis, tentang, keunggulan, teknologi.

Write, ... about, ... the, ... advantages, ... of, ... technology.
Write, ... about, ... the, ... advantages, ... of, ... technology.
Write about the advantages of technology.
587th word is:


Let’s catch up soon, please! ...

Let’s catch up soon, please! ...

Let’s, ... catch, ... up, ... soon,, ... please!, ... ...

Tangkap: ... Ayo, segera, menyusul!

Let’s, ... catch, ... up, ... soon,, ... please!, ... ...
Let’s, ... catch, ... up, ... soon,, ... please!, ... ...
Let’s catch up soon, please! ...
588th is:


Watch your step.

Watch your step.

Watch, ... your, ... step.

Langkah: ... Perhatikan, langkah, anda.

Watch, ... your, ... step.
Watch, ... your, ... step.
Watch your step.
589th word:


Her baby is so adorable.

Her baby is so adorable.

Her, ... baby, ... is, ... so, ... adorable.

Sayang: ... Bayinya, sangat, menggemaskan.

Her, ... baby, ... is, ... so, ... adorable.
Her, ... baby, ... is, ... so, ... adorable.
Her baby is so adorable.
590st word is:


Can you turn on the computer, please?

Can you turn on the computer, please?

Can, ... you, ... turn, ... on, ... the, ... computer,, ... please?

Komputer: ... Bisakah, anda, menyalakan, komputer?

Can, ... you, ... turn, ... on, ... the, ... computer,, ... please?
Can, ... you, ... turn, ... on, ... the, ... computer,, ... please?
Can you turn on the computer, please?
591st is:


You need to type in your password.

You need to type in your password.

You, ... need, ... to, ... type, ... in, ... your, ... password.

Ketik,: ... Anda, perlu, mengetikkan, kata, sandi, anda.

You, ... need, ... to, ... type, ... in, ... your, ... password.
You, ... need, ... to, ... type, ... in, ... your, ... password.
You need to type in your password.
592nd word:


Can I have your attention, please?

Can I have your attention, please?

Can, ... I, ... have, ... your, ... attention,, ... please?

Perhatian: ... Bisakah, saya, meminta, perhatian, anda?

Can, ... I, ... have, ... your, ... attention,, ... please?
Can, ... I, ... have, ... your, ... attention,, ... please?
Can I have your attention, please?
593rd word is:


Can you draw this for me?

Can you draw this for me?

Can, ... you, ... draw, ... this, ... for, ... me?

Gambar: ... Bisakah, kamu, menggambar, ini, untukku?

Can, ... you, ... draw, ... this, ... for, ... me?
Can, ... you, ... draw, ... this, ... for, ... me?
Can you draw this for me?
594th is:


That film is absolutely mind-blowing.

That film is absolutely mind-blowing.

That, ... film, ... is, ... absolutely, ... mind-blowing.

Film: ... Film, itu, benar-benar, menakjubkan.

That, ... film, ... is, ... absolutely, ... mind-blowing.
That, ... film, ... is, ... absolutely, ... mind-blowing.
That film is absolutely mind-blowing.
595th word:


He is a republican candidate.

He is a republican candidate.

He, ... is, ... a, ... republican, ... candidate.

Republik: ... Dia, adalah, calon, republik.

He, ... is, ... a, ... republican, ... candidate.
He, ... is, ... a, ... republican, ... candidate.
He is a republican candidate.
596th word is:


That tree has been there for generations.

That tree has been there for generations.

That, ... tree, ... has, ... been, ... there, ... for, ... generations.

Pohon: ... Pohon, itu, telah, ada, selama, beberapa, generasi.

That, ... tree, ... has, ... been, ... there, ... for, ... generations.
That, ... tree, ... has, ... been, ... there, ... for, ... generations.
That tree has been there for generations.
597th is:


You are my source of strength.

You are my source of strength.

You, ... are, ... my, ... source, ... of, ... strength.

Sumber: ... Anda, adalah, sumber, kekuatan, saya.

You, ... are, ... my, ... source, ... of, ... strength.
You, ... are, ... my, ... source, ... of, ... strength.
You are my source of strength.
598th word:


I’ll wear a red dress tonight.

I’ll wear a red dress tonight.

I’ll, ... wear, ... a, ... red, ... dress, ... tonight.

Merah: ... Aku, akan, memakai, gaun, merah, malam, ini.

I’ll, ... wear, ... a, ... red, ... dress, ... tonight.
I’ll, ... wear, ... a, ... red, ... dress, ... tonight.
I’ll wear a red dress tonight.
599th word is:


He nearly died in that accident! ...

He nearly died in that accident! ...

He, ... nearly, ... died, ... in, ... that, ... accident!, ... ...

Hampir: ... Dia, hampir, mati, dalam, kecelakaan, itu!

He, ... nearly, ... died, ... in, ... that, ... accident!, ... ...
He, ... nearly, ... died, ... in, ... that, ... accident!, ... ...
He nearly died in that accident! ...
600st is:


Their organization is doing great things for street kids.

Their organization is doing great things for street kids.

Their, ... organization, ... is, ... doing, ... great, ... things, ... for, ... street, ... kids.

Organisasi: ... Organisasi, mereka, melakukan, hal-hal, besar, untuk, anak, jalanan.

Their, ... organization, ... is, ... doing, ... great, ... things, ... for, ... street, ... kids.
Their, ... organization, ... is, ... doing, ... great, ... things, ... for, ... street, ... kids.
Their organization is doing great things for street kids.
601st word:


Let me choose a color.

Let me choose a color.

Let, ... me, ... choose, ... a, ... color.

Pilih: ... Biarkan, saya, memilih, warna.

Let, ... me, ... choose, ... a, ... color.
Let, ... me, ... choose, ... a, ... color.
Let me choose a color.
602nd word is:


We have to see the cause and effect of this experiment.

We have to see the cause and effect of this experiment.

We, ... have, ... to, ... see, ... the, ... cause, ... and, ... effect, ... of, ... this, ... experiment.

Sebab: ... Kita, harus, melihat, sebab, dan, akibat, dari, eksperimen, ini.

We, ... have, ... to, ... see, ... the, ... cause, ... and, ... effect, ... of, ... this, ... experiment.
We, ... have, ... to, ... see, ... the, ... cause, ... and, ... effect, ... of, ... this, ... experiment.
We have to see the cause and effect of this experiment.
603rd is:


I’ll cut my hair short for a change.

I’ll cut my hair short for a change.

I’ll, ... cut, ... my, ... hair, ... short, ... for, ... a, ... change.

Rambut: ... Saya, akan, memotong, pendek, rambut, saya, untuk, perubahan.

I’ll, ... cut, ... my, ... hair, ... short, ... for, ... a, ... change.
I’ll, ... cut, ... my, ... hair, ... short, ... for, ... a, ... change.
I’ll cut my hair short for a change.
604th word:


Can you look at the items I bought?

Can you look at the items I bought?

Can, ... you, ... look, ... at, ... the, ... items, ... I, ... bought?

Lihat: ... Bisakah, anda, melihat, barang-barang, yang, saya, beli?

Can, ... you, ... look, ... at, ... the, ... items, ... I, ... bought?
Can, ... you, ... look, ... at, ... the, ... items, ... I, ... bought?
Can you look at the items I bought?
605th word is:


what is the point of all this?

what is the point of all this?

what, ... is, ... the, ... point, ... of, ... all, ... this?

Point, ...Apa, gunanya, semua, ini?

what, ... is, ... the, ... point, ... of, ... all, ... this?
what, ... is, ... the, ... point, ... of, ... all, ... this?
what is the point of all this?
606th is:


We’re living in the 21st century, mary.

We’re living in the 21st century, mary.

We’re, ... living, ... in, ... the, ... 21st, ... century,, ... mary.

Century: ... Kita, hidup, di, abad, 21, mary.

We’re, ... living, ... in, ... the, ... 21st, ... century,, ... mary.
We’re, ... living, ... in, ... the, ... 21st, ... century,, ... mary.
We’re living in the 21st century, mary.
607th word:


The evidence clearly shows that he is guilty.

The evidence clearly shows that he is guilty.

The, ... evidence, ... clearly, ... shows, ... that, ... he, ... is, ... guilty.

Bukti: ... Bukti, dengan, jelas, menunjukkan, bahwa, dia, bersalah.

The, ... evidence, ... clearly, ... shows, ... that, ... he, ... is, ... guilty.
The, ... evidence, ... clearly, ... shows, ... that, ... he, ... is, ... guilty.
The evidence clearly shows that he is guilty.
608th word is:


I’ll buy window curtains next week.

I’ll buy window curtains next week.

I’ll, ... buy, ... window, ... curtains, ... next, ... week.

Jendela,: ... Saya, akan, membeli, tirai, jendela, minggu, depan.

I’ll, ... buy, ... window, ... curtains, ... next, ... week.
I’ll, ... buy, ... window, ... curtains, ... next, ... week.
I’ll buy window curtains next week.
609th is:


sometimes, life can be difficult.

sometimes, life can be difficult.

sometimes,, ... life, ... can, ... be, ... difficult.

Sulit, ...Terkadang, hidup, bisa, menjadi, sulit.

sometimes,, ... life, ... can, ... be, ... difficult.
sometimes,, ... life, ... can, ... be, ... difficult.
sometimes, life can be difficult.
610th word:


You have to listen to your teacher.

You have to listen to your teacher.

You, ... have, ... to, ... listen, ... to, ... your, ... teacher.

Dengar: ... Kamu, harus, mendengarkan, gurumu.

You, ... have, ... to, ... listen, ... to, ... your, ... teacher.
You, ... have, ... to, ... listen, ... to, ... your, ... teacher.
You have to listen to your teacher.
611th word is:


I will launch my course soon.

I will launch my course soon.

I, ... will, ... launch, ... my, ... course, ... soon.

Segera,: ... Saya, akan, segera, meluncurkan, kursus, saya.

I, ... will, ... launch, ... my, ... course, ... soon.
I, ... will, ... launch, ... my, ... course, ... soon.
I will launch my course soon.
612th is:


I hope they understand our culture better.

I hope they understand our culture better.

I, ... hope, ... they, ... understand, ... our, ... culture, ... better.

Budaya,: ... Saya, harap, mereka, lebih, memahami, budaya, kita.

I, ... hope, ... they, ... understand, ... our, ... culture, ... better.
I, ... hope, ... they, ... understand, ... our, ... culture, ... better.
I hope they understand our culture better.
613th word:


My target is to have 1 billion dollars in my account by the end of the year.

My target is to have 1 billion dollars in my account by the end of the year.

My, ... target, ... is, ... to, ... have, ... 1, ... billion, ... dollars, ... in, ... my, ... account, ... by, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... the, ... year.

Miliar,: ... Target, saya, adalah, memiliki, 1, miliar, dolar, di, akun, saya, pada, akhir, tahun.

My, ... target, ... is, ... to, ... have, ... 1, ... billion, ... dollars, ... in, ... my, ... account, ... by, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... the, ... year.
My, ... target, ... is, ... to, ... have, ... 1, ... billion, ... dollars, ... in, ... my, ... account, ... by, ... the, ... end, ... of, ... the, ... year.
My target is to have 1 billion dollars in my account by the end of the year.
614th word is:


Is there any chance that you can do this for me?

Is there any chance that you can do this for me?

Is, ... there, ... any, ... chance, ... that, ... you, ... can, ... do, ... this, ... for, ... me?

Peluang: ... Apakah, ada, kemungkinan, anda, bisa, melakukan, ini, untuk, saya?

Is, ... there, ... any, ... chance, ... that, ... you, ... can, ... do, ... this, ... for, ... me?
Is, ... there, ... any, ... chance, ... that, ... you, ... can, ... do, ... this, ... for, ... me?
Is there any chance that you can do this for me?
615th is:


My brother always have my back.

My brother always have my back.

My, ... brother, ... always, ... have, ... my, ... back.

Kakak: ... Kakakku, selalu, mendukungku.

My, ... brother, ... always, ... have, ... my, ... back.
My, ... brother, ... always, ... have, ... my, ... back.
My brother always have my back.
616th word:


Now put that energy into walking.

Now put that energy into walking.

Now, ... put, ... that, ... energy, ... into, ... walking.

Energi,: ... Sekarang, gunakan, energi, itu, untuk, berjalan.

Now, ... put, ... that, ... energy, ... into, ... walking.
Now, ... put, ... that, ... energy, ... into, ... walking.
Now put that energy into walking.
617th word is:


They covered a period of twenty years.

They covered a period of twenty years.

They, ... covered, ... a, ... period, ... of, ... twenty, ... years.

Periode: ... Mereka, mencakup, jangka, waktu, dua, puluh, tahun.

They, ... covered, ... a, ... period, ... of, ... twenty, ... years.
They, ... covered, ... a, ... period, ... of, ... twenty, ... years.
They covered a period of twenty years.
618th is:


Have seen my course already?

Have seen my course already?

Have, ... seen, ... my, ... course, ... already?

Kursus,: ... Sudah, melihat, kursus, saya?

Have, ... seen, ... my, ... course, ... already?
Have, ... seen, ... my, ... course, ... already?
Have seen my course already?
619th word:


I’ll go to the beach in summer.

I’ll go to the beach in summer.

I’ll, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach, ... in, ... summer.

Musim, panas: ... Aku, akan, pergi, ke, pantai, di, musim, panas.

I’ll, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach, ... in, ... summer.
I’ll, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... beach, ... in, ... summer.
I’ll go to the beach in summer.
620st word is:


Sometimes, less is more.

Sometimes, less is more.

Sometimes,, ... less, ... is, ... more.

Kurang: ... Kadang-kadang, kurang, lebih.

Sometimes,, ... less, ... is, ... more.
Sometimes,, ... less, ... is, ... more.
Sometimes, less is more.
621st is:


I just realize that I have a meeting today.

I just realize that I have a meeting today.

I, ... just, ... realize, ... that, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... meeting, ... today.

Sadarlah: ... Aku, baru, sadar, bahwa, aku, ada, rapat, hari, ini.

I, ... just, ... realize, ... that, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... meeting, ... today.
I, ... just, ... realize, ... that, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... meeting, ... today.
I just realize that I have a meeting today.
622nd word:


I have a hundred dollars that I can lend you.

I have a hundred dollars that I can lend you.

I, ... have, ... a, ... hundred, ... dollars, ... that, ... I, ... can, ... lend, ... you.

Seratus: ... Saya, memiliki, seratus, dolar, yang, dapat, saya, pinjamkan, kepada, anda.

I, ... have, ... a, ... hundred, ... dollars, ... that, ... I, ... can, ... lend, ... you.
I, ... have, ... a, ... hundred, ... dollars, ... that, ... I, ... can, ... lend, ... you.
I have a hundred dollars that I can lend you.
623rd word is:


I am available to work on your project.

I am available to work on your project.

I, ... am, ... available, ... to, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... project.

Tersedia: ... Saya, tersedia, untuk, mengerjakan, proyek, anda.

I, ... am, ... available, ... to, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... project.
I, ... am, ... available, ... to, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... project.
I am available to work on your project.
624th is:


Plant a seed.

Plant a seed.

Plant, ... a, ... seed.

Tanam: ... Tanam, benih.

Plant, ... a, ... seed.
Plant, ... a, ... seed.
Plant a seed.
625th word:


It was likely a deer trail.

It was likely a deer trail.

It, ... was, ... likely, ... a, ... deer, ... trail.

Kemungkinan: ... Itu, mungkin, jejak, rusa.

It, ... was, ... likely, ... a, ... deer, ... trail.
It, ... was, ... likely, ... a, ... deer, ... trail.
It was likely a deer trail.
626th word is:


It was the perfect opportunity to test her theory.

It was the perfect opportunity to test her theory.

It, ... was, ... the, ... perfect, ... opportunity, ... to, ... test, ... her, ... theory.

Peluang: ... Itu, adalah, kesempatan, sempurna, untuk, menguji, teorinya.

It, ... was, ... the, ... perfect, ... opportunity, ... to, ... test, ... her, ... theory.
It, ... was, ... the, ... perfect, ... opportunity, ... to, ... test, ... her, ... theory.
It was the perfect opportunity to test her theory.
627th is:


I’m sure there’s a latin term for it.

I’m sure there’s a latin term for it.

I’m, ... sure, ... there’s, ... a, ... latin, ... term, ... for, ... it.

Istilah,: ... Saya, yakin, ada, istilah, latin, untuk, itu.

I’m, ... sure, ... there’s, ... a, ... latin, ... term, ... for, ... it.
I’m, ... sure, ... there’s, ... a, ... latin, ... term, ... for, ... it.
I’m sure there’s a latin term for it.
628th word:


It was just a short stay at the hotel.

It was just a short stay at the hotel.

It, ... was, ... just, ... a, ... short, ... stay, ... at, ... the, ... hotel.

Singkat,: ... Itu, hanya, tinggal, sebentar, di, hotel.

It, ... was, ... just, ... a, ... short, ... stay, ... at, ... the, ... hotel.
It, ... was, ... just, ... a, ... short, ... stay, ... at, ... the, ... hotel.
It was just a short stay at the hotel.
629th word is:


I already passed my letter of intent.

I already passed my letter of intent.

I, ... already, ... passed, ... my, ... letter, ... of, ... intent.

Surat: ... Saya, sudah, lulus, surat, niat, saya.

I, ... already, ... passed, ... my, ... letter, ... of, ... intent.
I, ... already, ... passed, ... my, ... letter, ... of, ... intent.
I already passed my letter of intent.
630st is:


Do you know the condition I am in?

Do you know the condition I am in?

Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... condition, ... I, ... am, ... in?

Kondisi: ... Apakah, anda, tahu, kondisi, saya?

Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... condition, ... I, ... am, ... in?
Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... condition, ... I, ... am, ... in?
Do you know the condition I am in?
631st word:


I have no choice.

I have no choice.

I, ... have, ... no, ... choice.

Pilihan: ... Saya, tidak, punya, pilihan.

I, ... have, ... no, ... choice.
I, ... have, ... no, ... choice.
I have no choice.
632nd word is:


Let’s meet out at meeting place.

Let’s meet out at meeting place.

Let’s, ... meet, ... out, ... at, ... meeting, ... place.

Tempat: ... Mari, kita, bertemu, di, tempat, pertemuan.

Let’s, ... meet, ... out, ... at, ... meeting, ... place.
Let’s, ... meet, ... out, ... at, ... meeting, ... place.
Let’s meet out at meeting place.
633rd is:


I am a single parent.

I am a single parent.

I, ... am, ... a, ... single, ... parent.

Single: ... Saya, orang, tua, tunggal.

I, ... am, ... a, ... single, ... parent.
I, ... am, ... a, ... single, ... parent.
I am a single parent.
634th word:


It’s the rule of the law.

It’s the rule of the law.

It’s, ... the, ... rule, ... of, ... the, ... law.

Aturan: ... Ini, aturan, hukum.

It’s, ... the, ... rule, ... of, ... the, ... law.
It’s, ... the, ... rule, ... of, ... the, ... law.
It’s the rule of the law.
635th word is:


My daughter knows how to read now.

My daughter knows how to read now.

My, ... daughter, ... knows, ... how, ... to, ... read, ... now.

Putri: ... Putri, saya, tahu, cara, membaca, sekarang.

My, ... daughter, ... knows, ... how, ... to, ... read, ... now.
My, ... daughter, ... knows, ... how, ... to, ... read, ... now.
My daughter knows how to read now.
636th is:


I will take this up with the administration.

I will take this up with the administration.

I, ... will, ... take, ... this, ... up, ... with, ... the, ... administration.

Administrasi: ... Saya, akan, membicarakan, ini, dengan, administrasi.

I, ... will, ... take, ... this, ... up, ... with, ... the, ... administration.
I, ... will, ... take, ... this, ... up, ... with, ... the, ... administration.
I will take this up with the administration.
637th word:


I am headed south.

I am headed south.

I, ... am, ... headed, ... south.

Selatan: ... Saya, menuju, selatan.

I, ... am, ... headed, ... south.
I, ... am, ... headed, ... south.
I am headed south.
638th word is:


My husband just bought me a ring for my birthday.

My husband just bought me a ring for my birthday.

My, ... husband, ... just, ... bought, ... me, ... a, ... ring, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.

Suami: ... Suamiku, baru, saja, membelikanku, cincin, untuk, ulang, tahunku.

My, ... husband, ... just, ... bought, ... me, ... a, ... ring, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.
My, ... husband, ... just, ... bought, ... me, ... a, ... ring, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.
My husband just bought me a ring for my birthday.
639th is:


It will be debated at the congress.

It will be debated at the congress.

It, ... will, ... be, ... debated, ... at, ... the, ... congress.

Kongres: ... Ini, akan, diperdebatkan, di, kongres.

It, ... will, ... be, ... debated, ... at, ... the, ... congress.
It, ... will, ... be, ... debated, ... at, ... the, ... congress.
It will be debated at the congress.
640st word:


She is our floor manager.

She is our floor manager.

She, ... is, ... our, ... floor, ... manager.

Lantai: ... Dia, adalah, manajer, lantai, kami.

She, ... is, ... our, ... floor, ... manager.
She, ... is, ... our, ... floor, ... manager.
She is our floor manager.
641st word is:


I handled their election campaign.

I handled their election campaign.

I, ... handled, ... their, ... election, ... campaign.

Kampanye: ... Saya, menangani, kampanye, pemilihan, mereka.

I, ... handled, ... their, ... election, ... campaign.
I, ... handled, ... their, ... election, ... campaign.
I handled their election campaign.
642nd is:


She had nothing material to report.

She had nothing material to report.

She, ... had, ... nothing, ... material, ... to, ... report.

Materi: ... Dia, tidak, punya, materi, untuk, dilaporkan.

She, ... had, ... nothing, ... material, ... to, ... report.
She, ... had, ... nothing, ... material, ... to, ... report.
She had nothing material to report.
643rd word:


The population of the nearest big city was growing.

The population of the nearest big city was growing.

The, ... population, ... of, ... the, ... nearest, ... big, ... city, ... was, ... growing.

Populasi: ... Populasi, kota, besar, terdekat, tumbuh.

The, ... population, ... of, ... the, ... nearest, ... big, ... city, ... was, ... growing.
The, ... population, ... of, ... the, ... nearest, ... big, ... city, ... was, ... growing.
The population of the nearest big city was growing.
644th word is:


I wish you well.

I wish you well.

I, ... wish, ... you, ... well.

Yah: ... Saya, berharap, anda, baik-baik, saja.

I, ... wish, ... you, ... well.
I, ... wish, ... you, ... well.
I wish you well.
645th is:


I am going to call the bank.

I am going to call the bank.

I, ... am, ... going, ... to, ... call, ... the, ... bank.

Panggil, - ..., saya, akan, menelepon, bank.

I, ... am, ... going, ... to, ... call, ... the, ... bank.
I, ... am, ... going, ... to, ... call, ... the, ... bank.
I am going to call the bank.
646th word:


The economy is booming.

The economy is booming.

The, ... economy, ... is, ... booming.

Ekonomi: ... Ekonomi, sedang, booming.

The, ... economy, ... is, ... booming.
The, ... economy, ... is, ... booming.
The economy is booming.
647th word is:


There’s nothing we can do now.

There’s nothing we can do now.

There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now.

Tidak, ada: ... Tidak, ada, yang, bisa, kita, lakukan, sekarang.

There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now.
There’s, ... nothing, ... we, ... can, ... do, ... now.
There’s nothing we can do now.
648th is:


I’ll take her to the nearest hospital.

I’ll take her to the nearest hospital.

I’ll, ... take, ... her, ... to, ... the, ... nearest, ... hospital.

Rumah, sakit: ... Aku, akan, membawanya, ke, rumah, sakit, terdekat.

I’ll, ... take, ... her, ... to, ... the, ... nearest, ... hospital.
I’ll, ... take, ... her, ... to, ... the, ... nearest, ... hospital.
I’ll take her to the nearest hospital.
649th word:


I saw you in church last sunday.

I saw you in church last sunday.

I, ... saw, ... you, ... in, ... church, ... last, ... sunday.

Gereja: ... Aku, melihatmu, di, gereja, minggu, lalu.

I, ... saw, ... you, ... in, ... church, ... last, ... sunday.
I, ... saw, ... you, ... in, ... church, ... last, ... sunday.
I saw you in church last sunday.
650st word is:


Please close the door.

Please close the door.

Please, ... close, ... the, ... door.

Tutup, - ...Tolong, tutup, pintunya.

Please, ... close, ... the, ... door.
Please, ... close, ... the, ... door.
Please close the door.
651st is:


There are a thousand reasons to learn english!

There are a thousand reasons to learn english!

There, ... are, ... a, ... thousand, ... reasons, ... to, ... learn, ... english!

Seribu: ... Ada, seribu, alasan, untuk, belajar, bahasa, inggris!

There, ... are, ... a, ... thousand, ... reasons, ... to, ... learn, ... english!
There, ... are, ... a, ... thousand, ... reasons, ... to, ... learn, ... english!
There are a thousand reasons to learn english!
652nd word:


Taking a risk can be rewarding.

Taking a risk can be rewarding.

Taking, ... a, ... risk, ... can, ... be, ... rewarding.

Risiko: ... Mengambil, risiko, bisa, bermanfaat.

Taking, ... a, ... risk, ... can, ... be, ... rewarding.
Taking, ... a, ... risk, ... can, ... be, ... rewarding.
Taking a risk can be rewarding.
653rd word is:


What is your current address?

What is your current address?

What, ... is, ... your, ... current, ... address?

Saat, ini: ... Apa, alamat, anda, saat, ini?

What, ... is, ... your, ... current, ... address?
What, ... is, ... your, ... current, ... address?
What is your current address?
654th is:


Make sure your smoke alarm works in case of fire.

Make sure your smoke alarm works in case of fire.

Make, ... sure, ... your, ... smoke, ... alarm, ... works, ... in, ... case, ... of, ... fire.

Kebakaran: ... Pastikan, alarm, asap, anda, berfungsi, jika, terjadi, kebakaran.

Make, ... sure, ... your, ... smoke, ... alarm, ... works, ... in, ... case, ... of, ... fire.
Make, ... sure, ... your, ... smoke, ... alarm, ... works, ... in, ... case, ... of, ... fire.
Make sure your smoke alarm works in case of fire.
655th word:


The future is full of hope.

The future is full of hope.

The, ... future, ... is, ... full, ... of, ... hope.

Masa, depan, - ...Masa, depan, penuh, dengan, harapan.

The, ... future, ... is, ... full, ... of, ... hope.
The, ... future, ... is, ... full, ... of, ... hope.
The future is full of hope.
656th word is:


That is the wrong answer.

That is the wrong answer.

That, ... is, ... the, ... wrong, ... answer.

Salah: ... Itu, jawaban, yang, salah.

That, ... is, ... the, ... wrong, ... answer.
That, ... is, ... the, ... wrong, ... answer.
That is the wrong answer.
657th is:


We need to involve the police.

We need to involve the police.

We, ... need, ... to, ... involve, ... the, ... police.

Libatkan: ... Kita, perlu, melibatkan, polisi.

We, ... need, ... to, ... involve, ... the, ... police.
We, ... need, ... to, ... involve, ... the, ... police.
We need to involve the police.
658th word:


What is your defense or reason you did this?

What is your defense or reason you did this?

What, ... is, ... your, ... defense, ... or, ... reason, ... you, ... did, ... this?

Pertahanan: ... Apa, pembelaan, anda, atau, alasan, anda, melakukan, ini?

What, ... is, ... your, ... defense, ... or, ... reason, ... you, ... did, ... this?
What, ... is, ... your, ... defense, ... or, ... reason, ... you, ... did, ... this?
What is your defense or reason you did this?
659th word is:


Does anyone know the answer?

Does anyone know the answer?

Does, ... anyone, ... know, ... the, ... answer?

Ada: ... Ada, yang, tahu, jawabannya?

Does, ... anyone, ... know, ... the, ... answer?
Does, ... anyone, ... know, ... the, ... answer?
Does anyone know the answer?
660st is:


Let’s increase your test score.

Let’s increase your test score.

Let’s, ... increase, ... your, ... test, ... score.

Tingkatkan: ... Ayo, tingkatkan, nilai, ujian, anda.

Let’s, ... increase, ... your, ... test, ... score.
Let’s, ... increase, ... your, ... test, ... score.
Let’s increase your test score.
661st word:


Some apartment buildings have security.

Some apartment buildings have security.

Some, ... apartment, ... buildings, ... have, ... security.

Keamanan: ... Beberapa, gedung, apartemen, memiliki, keamanan.

Some, ... apartment, ... buildings, ... have, ... security.
Some, ... apartment, ... buildings, ... have, ... security.
Some apartment buildings have security.
662nd word is:


I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.

I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.

I, ... need, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... bank, ... to, ... withdraw, ... some, ... money.

Bank: ... Saya, harus, pergi, ke, bank, untuk, menarik, sejumlah, uang.

I, ... need, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... bank, ... to, ... withdraw, ... some, ... money.
I, ... need, ... to, ... go, ... to, ... the, ... bank, ... to, ... withdraw, ... some, ... money.
I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.
663rd is:


I can clean up by myself.

I can clean up by myself.

I, ... can, ... clean, ... up, ... by, ... myself.

Saya, sendiri: ... Saya, bisa, membersihkan, sendiri.

I, ... can, ... clean, ... up, ... by, ... myself.
I, ... can, ... clean, ... up, ... by, ... myself.
I can clean up by myself.
664th word:


I can certainly help clean up.

I can certainly help clean up.

I, ... can, ... certainly, ... help, ... clean, ... up.

Tentu, saja: ... Saya, pasti, bisa, membantu, membersihkan.

I, ... can, ... certainly, ... help, ... clean, ... up.
I, ... can, ... certainly, ... help, ... clean, ... up.
I can certainly help clean up.
665th word is:


If you drive west, you will arrive in california.

If you drive west, you will arrive in california.

If, ... you, ... drive, ... west,, ... you, ... will, ... arrive, ... in, ... california.

Barat: ... Jika, anda, berkendara, ke, barat, anda, akan, tiba, di, california.

If, ... you, ... drive, ... west,, ... you, ... will, ... arrive, ... in, ... california.
If, ... you, ... drive, ... west,, ... you, ... will, ... arrive, ... in, ... california.
If you drive west, you will arrive in california.
666th is:


My favorite sport is soccer.

My favorite sport is soccer.

My, ... favorite, ... sport, ... is, ... soccer.

Olahraga: ... Olahraga, favorit, saya, adalah, sepak, bola.

My, ... favorite, ... sport, ... is, ... soccer.
My, ... favorite, ... sport, ... is, ... soccer.
My favorite sport is soccer.
667th word:


Can you see the board?

Can you see the board?

Can, ... you, ... see, ... the, ... board?

Papan: ... Dapatkah, anda, melihat, papan, itu?

Can, ... you, ... see, ... the, ... board?
Can, ... you, ... see, ... the, ... board?
Can you see the board?
668th word is:


Seek and you will find.

Seek and you will find.

Seek, ... and, ... you, ... will, ... find.

Carilah: ... Carilah, dan, anda, akan, menemukan.

Seek, ... and, ... you, ... will, ... find.
Seek, ... and, ... you, ... will, ... find.
Seek and you will find.
669th is:


Lobster is $20 per pound.

Lobster is $20 per pound.

Lobster, ... is, ... $20, ... per, ... pound.

Per: ... Lobster, adalah, $20, per, pon.

Lobster, ... is, ... $20, ... per, ... pound.
Lobster, ... is, ... $20, ... per, ... pound.
Lobster is $20 per pound.
670st word:


My favorite subject is english! ...

My favorite subject is english! ...

My, ... favorite, ... subject, ... is, ... english!, ... ...

Subjek: ... Subjek, favorit, saya, adalah, bahasa, inggris!

My, ... favorite, ... subject, ... is, ... english!, ... ...
My, ... favorite, ... subject, ... is, ... english!, ... ...
My favorite subject is english! ...
671st word is:


Where can I find a police officer?

Where can I find a police officer?

Where, ... can, ... I, ... find, ... a, ... police, ... officer?

Petugas: ... Di, mana, saya, bisa, menemukan, petugas, polisi?

Where, ... can, ... I, ... find, ... a, ... police, ... officer?
Where, ... can, ... I, ... find, ... a, ... police, ... officer?
Where can I find a police officer?
672nd is:


This is a private party.

This is a private party.

This, ... is, ... a, ... private, ... party.

Pribadi: ... Ini, adalah, pesta, pribadi.

This, ... is, ... a, ... private, ... party.
This, ... is, ... a, ... private, ... party.
This is a private party.
673rd word:


Let’s take a 15 minute rest.

Let’s take a 15 minute rest.

Let’s, ... take, ... a, ... 15, ... minute, ... rest.

Istirahat: ... Mari, kita, istirahat, 15, menit.

Let’s, ... take, ... a, ... 15, ... minute, ... rest.
Let’s, ... take, ... a, ... 15, ... minute, ... rest.
Let’s take a 15 minute rest.
674th word is:


This dog’s behavior is excellent.

This dog’s behavior is excellent.

This, ... dog’s, ... behavior, ... is, ... excellent.

Perilaku: ... Perilaku, anjing, ini, sangat, baik.

This, ... dog’s, ... behavior, ... is, ... excellent.
This, ... dog’s, ... behavior, ... is, ... excellent.
This dog’s behavior is excellent.
675th is:


A used car can be a good deal.

A used car can be a good deal.

A, ... used, ... car, ... can, ... be, ... a, ... good, ... deal.

Deal: ... Mobil, bekas, bisa, jadi, bagus.

A, ... used, ... car, ... can, ... be, ... a, ... good, ... deal.
A, ... used, ... car, ... can, ... be, ... a, ... good, ... deal.
A used car can be a good deal.
676th word:


Your performance can be affected by your sleep.

Your performance can be affected by your sleep.

Your, ... performance, ... can, ... be, ... affected, ... by, ... your, ... sleep.

Kinerja: ... Kinerja, anda, dapat, dipengaruhi, oleh, tidur, anda.

Your, ... performance, ... can, ... be, ... affected, ... by, ... your, ... sleep.
Your, ... performance, ... can, ... be, ... affected, ... by, ... your, ... sleep.
Your performance can be affected by your sleep.
677th word is:


I don’t want to fight with you.

I don’t want to fight with you.

I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... fight, ... with, ... you.

Berjuang: ... Aku, tidak, ingin, berkelahi, denganmu.

I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... fight, ... with, ... you.
I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... fight, ... with, ... you.
I don’t want to fight with you.
678th is:


Throw me the ball! ...

Throw me the ball! ...

Throw, ... me, ... the, ... ball!, ... ...

Lempar: ... Lemparkan, aku, bolanya!

Throw, ... me, ... the, ... ball!, ... ...
Throw, ... me, ... the, ... ball!, ... ...
Throw me the ball! ...
679th word:


You are a top student.

You are a top student.

You, ... are, ... a, ... top, ... student.

Atas: ... Anda, adalah, siswa, terbaik.

You, ... are, ... a, ... top, ... student.
You, ... are, ... a, ... top, ... student.
You are a top student.
680st word is:


Let’s finish reading this quickly.

Let’s finish reading this quickly.

Let’s, ... finish, ... reading, ... this, ... quickly.

Cepat: ... Mari, kita, selesaikan, membaca, ini, dengan, cepat.

Let’s, ... finish, ... reading, ... this, ... quickly.
Let’s, ... finish, ... reading, ... this, ... quickly.
Let’s finish reading this quickly.
681st is:


In the past, my english was not as good as it is today.

In the past, my english was not as good as it is today.

In, ... the, ... past,, ... my, ... english, ... was, ... not, ... as, ... good, ... as, ... it, ... is, ... today.

Dulu: ... Di, masa, lalu, bahasa, inggris, saya, tidak, sebaik, sekarang, ini.

In, ... the, ... past,, ... my, ... english, ... was, ... not, ... as, ... good, ... as, ... it, ... is, ... today.
In, ... the, ... past,, ... my, ... english, ... was, ... not, ... as, ... good, ... as, ... it, ... is, ... today.
In the past, my english was not as good as it is today.
682nd word:


My goal is to speak english fluently.

My goal is to speak english fluently.

My, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... speak, ... english, ... fluently.

Tujuan: ... Tujuan, saya, adalah, berbicara, bahasa, inggris, dengan, lancar.

My, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... speak, ... english, ... fluently.
My, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... speak, ... english, ... fluently.
My goal is to speak english fluently.
683rd word is:


My second goal is to increase my confidence.

My second goal is to increase my confidence.

My, ... second, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... increase, ... my, ... confidence.

Kedua: ... Tujuan, kedua, saya, adalah, untuk, meningkatkan, kepercayaan, diri, saya.

My, ... second, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... increase, ... my, ... confidence.
My, ... second, ... goal, ... is, ... to, ... increase, ... my, ... confidence.
My second goal is to increase my confidence.
684th is:


I go to bed around 10pm.

I go to bed around 10pm.

I, ... go, ... to, ... bed, ... around, ... 10pm.

Tempat, tidur: ... Saya, pergi, tidur, sekitar, jam, 10, malam.

I, ... go, ... to, ... bed, ... around, ... 10pm.
I, ... go, ... to, ... bed, ... around, ... 10pm.
I go to bed around 10pm.
685th word:


I would like to order a book.

I would like to order a book.

I, ... would, ... like, ... to, ... order, ... a, ... book.

Pesan: ... Saya, ingin, memesan, buku.

I, ... would, ... like, ... to, ... order, ... a, ... book.
I, ... would, ... like, ... to, ... order, ... a, ... book.
I would like to order a book.
686th word is:


The author of this series is world-famous.

The author of this series is world-famous.

The, ... author, ... of, ... this, ... series, ... is, ... world-famous.

Penulis: ... Penulis, seri, ini, terkenal, di, dunia.

The, ... author, ... of, ... this, ... series, ... is, ... world-famous.
The, ... author, ... of, ... this, ... series, ... is, ... world-famous.
The author of this series is world-famous.
687th is:


I need to fill (up) my gas tank.

I need to fill (up) my gas tank.

I, ... need, ... to, ... fill, ... (up), ... my, ... gas, ... tank.

Isi: ... Saya, perlu, mengisi, (mengisi), tangki, bensin, saya.

I, ... need, ... to, ... fill, ... (up), ... my, ... gas, ... tank.
I, ... need, ... to, ... fill, ... (up), ... my, ... gas, ... tank.
I need to fill (up) my gas tank.
688th word:


I represent my family.

I represent my family.

I, ... represent, ... my, ... family.

Mewakili: ... Saya, mewakili, keluarga, saya.

I, ... represent, ... my, ... family.
I, ... represent, ... my, ... family.
I represent my family.
689th word is:


Turn off your phone and the tv and focus on your studies! ...

Turn off your phone and the tv and focus on your studies! ...

Turn, ... off, ... your, ... phone, ... and, ... the, ... tv, ... and, ... focus, ... on, ... your, ... studies!, ... ...

Fokus: ... Matikan, ponsel, dan, tv, anda, dan, fokuslah, pada, studi, anda!

Turn, ... off, ... your, ... phone, ... and, ... the, ... tv, ... and, ... focus, ... on, ... your, ... studies!, ... ...
Turn, ... off, ... your, ... phone, ... and, ... the, ... tv, ... and, ... focus, ... on, ... your, ... studies!, ... ...
Turn off your phone and the tv and focus on your studies! ...
690st is:


It’s great having foreign friends.

It’s great having foreign friends.

It’s, ... great, ... having, ... foreign, ... friends.

Asing: ... Senang, sekali, punya, teman, asing.

It’s, ... great, ... having, ... foreign, ... friends.
It’s, ... great, ... having, ... foreign, ... friends.
It’s great having foreign friends.
691st word:


Please don’t drop the eggs! ...

Please don’t drop the eggs! ...

Please, ... don’t, ... drop, ... the, ... eggs!, ... ...

Jatuhkan: ... Tolong, jangan, jatuhkan, telurnya!

Please, ... don’t, ... drop, ... the, ... eggs!, ... ...
Please, ... don’t, ... drop, ... the, ... eggs!, ... ...
Please don’t drop the eggs! ...
692nd word is:


Let’s make a plan.

Let’s make a plan.

Let’s, ... make, ... a, ... plan.

Rencana: ... Mari, kita, membuat, rencana.

Let’s, ... make, ... a, ... plan.
Let’s, ... make, ... a, ... plan.
Let’s make a plan.
693rd is:


The hospital needs people to give blood.

The hospital needs people to give blood.

The, ... hospital, ... needs, ... people, ... to, ... give, ... blood.

Darah: ... Rumah, sakit, membutuhkan, orang, untuk, mendonorkan, darah.

The, ... hospital, ... needs, ... people, ... to, ... give, ... blood.
The, ... hospital, ... needs, ... people, ... to, ... give, ... blood.
The hospital needs people to give blood.
694th word:


Once upon a time, a princess lived in a castle.

Once upon a time, a princess lived in a castle.

Once, ... upon, ... a, ... time,, ... a, ... princess, ... lived, ... in, ... a, ... castle.

Pada: ... Dahulu, kala, seorang, putri, tinggal, di, sebuah, kastil.

Once, ... upon, ... a, ... time,, ... a, ... princess, ... lived, ... in, ... a, ... castle.
Once, ... upon, ... a, ... time,, ... a, ... princess, ... lived, ... in, ... a, ... castle.
Once upon a time, a princess lived in a castle.
695th word is:


Let’s contract an agency to help with marketing.

Let’s contract an agency to help with marketing.

Let’s, ... contract, ... an, ... agency, ... to, ... help, ... with, ... marketing.

Agensi: ... Mari, kontrak, agen, untuk, membantu, pemasaran.

Let’s, ... contract, ... an, ... agency, ... to, ... help, ... with, ... marketing.
Let’s, ... contract, ... an, ... agency, ... to, ... help, ... with, ... marketing.
Let’s contract an agency to help with marketing.
696th is:


The door says ‘push,’ not ‘pull.' ...

The door says ‘push,’ not ‘pull.' ...

The, ... door, ... says, ... ‘push,’, ... not, ... ‘pull.', ... ...

Dorong: ... Pintunya, bertuliskan, 'dorong', bukan, 'tarik'.

The, ... door, ... says, ... ‘push,’, ... not, ... ‘pull.', ... ...
The, ... door, ... says, ... ‘push,’, ... not, ... ‘pull.', ... ...
The door says ‘push,’ not ‘pull.' ...
697th word:


I love walking in nature! ...

I love walking in nature! ...

I, ... love, ... walking, ... in, ... nature!, ... ...

Alam: ... Saya, suka, berjalan, di, alam!

I, ... love, ... walking, ... in, ... nature!, ... ...
I, ... love, ... walking, ... in, ... nature!, ... ...
I love walking in nature! ...
698th word is:


My favorite color is blue.

My favorite color is blue.

My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.

Warna: ... Warna, favorit, saya, adalah, biru.

My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.
My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.
My favorite color is blue.
699th is:


‘no’ is one of the shortest complete sentences.

‘no’ is one of the shortest complete sentences.

‘no’, ... is, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... shortest, ... complete, ... sentences.

Tidak: ... 'tidak', adalah, salah, satu, kalimat, lengkap, terpendek.

‘no’, ... is, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... shortest, ... complete, ... sentences.
‘no’, ... is, ... one, ... of, ... the, ... shortest, ... complete, ... sentences.
‘no’ is one of the shortest complete sentences.
700st word:


I cleaned the bathroom most recently, so I think it’s your turn this time.

I cleaned the bathroom most recently, so I think it’s your turn this time.

I, ... cleaned, ... the, ... bathroom, ... most, ... recently,, ... so, ... I, ... think, ... it’s, ... your, ... turn, ... this, ... time.

Baru-baru, ini: ... Saya, membersihkan, kamar, mandi, baru-baru, ini, jadi, saya, pikir, giliran, anda, kali, ini.

I, ... cleaned, ... the, ... bathroom, ... most, ... recently,, ... so, ... I, ... think, ... it’s, ... your, ... turn, ... this, ... time.
I, ... cleaned, ... the, ... bathroom, ... most, ... recently,, ... so, ... I, ... think, ... it’s, ... your, ... turn, ... this, ... time.
I cleaned the bathroom most recently, so I think it’s your turn this time.
701st word is:


I’m going to the store to buy some bread.

I’m going to the store to buy some bread.

I’m, ... going, ... to, ... the, ... store, ... to, ... buy, ... some, ... bread.

Toko: ... Saya, akan, pergi, ke, toko, untuk, membeli, roti.

I’m, ... going, ... to, ... the, ... store, ... to, ... buy, ... some, ... bread.
I’m, ... going, ... to, ... the, ... store, ... to, ... buy, ... some, ... bread.
I’m going to the store to buy some bread.
702nd is:


Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the ways to help the environment.

Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the ways to help the environment.

Reduce,, ... reuse,, ... and, ... recycle, ... are, ... the, ... ways, ... to, ... help, ... the, ... environment.

Mengurangi: ... Mengurangi, menggunakan, kembali, dan, mendaur, ulang, adalah, cara, untuk, membantu, lingkungan.

Reduce,, ... reuse,, ... and, ... recycle, ... are, ... the, ... ways, ... to, ... help, ... the, ... environment.
Reduce,, ... reuse,, ... and, ... recycle, ... are, ... the, ... ways, ... to, ... help, ... the, ... environment.
Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the ways to help the environment.
703rd word:


I like the sound of wind chimes.

I like the sound of wind chimes.

I, ... like, ... the, ... sound, ... of, ... wind, ... chimes.

Suara: ... Saya, suka, suara, lonceng, angin.

I, ... like, ... the, ... sound, ... of, ... wind, ... chimes.
I, ... like, ... the, ... sound, ... of, ... wind, ... chimes.
I like the sound of wind chimes.
704th word is:


Please take notes during the lesson.

Please take notes during the lesson.

Please, ... take, ... notes, ... during, ... the, ... lesson.

Catatan: ... Harap, mencatat, selama, pelajaran.

Please, ... take, ... notes, ... during, ... the, ... lesson.
Please, ... take, ... notes, ... during, ... the, ... lesson.
Please take notes during the lesson.
705th is:


I feel fine.

I feel fine.

I, ... feel, ... fine.

Baik: ... Saya, merasa, baik-baik, saja.

I, ... feel, ... fine.
I, ... feel, ... fine.
I feel fine.
706th word:


Before the movie, let’s buy popcorn! ...

Before the movie, let’s buy popcorn! ...

Before, ... the, ... movie,, ... let’s, ... buy, ... popcorn!, ... ...

Sebelum: ... Sebelum, film, ayo, beli, popcorn!

Before, ... the, ... movie,, ... let’s, ... buy, ... popcorn!, ... ...
Before, ... the, ... movie,, ... let’s, ... buy, ... popcorn!, ... ...
Before the movie, let’s buy popcorn! ...
707th word is:


Near, far, wherever you are, I do believe that the heart goes on.

Near, far, wherever you are, I do believe that the heart goes on.

Near,, ... far,, ... wherever, ... you, ... are,, ... I, ... do, ... believe, ... that, ... the, ... heart, ... goes, ... on.

Dekat: ... Dekat, jauh, dimanapun, anda, berada, saya, percaya, bahwa, hati, terus, berjalan.

Near,, ... far,, ... wherever, ... you, ... are,, ... I, ... do, ... believe, ... that, ... the, ... heart, ... goes, ... on.
Near,, ... far,, ... wherever, ... you, ... are,, ... I, ... do, ... believe, ... that, ... the, ... heart, ... goes, ... on.
Near, far, wherever you are, I do believe that the heart goes on.
708th is:


The environmental movement is an international movement.

The environmental movement is an international movement.

The, ... environmental, ... movement, ... is, ... an, ... international, ... movement.

Gerakan: ... Gerakan, lingkungan, adalah, gerakan, internasional.

The, ... environmental, ... movement, ... is, ... an, ... international, ... movement.
The, ... environmental, ... movement, ... is, ... an, ... international, ... movement.
The environmental movement is an international movement.
709th word:


Please turn to page 62.

Please turn to page 62.

Please, ... turn, ... to, ... page, ... 62.

Halaman: ... Silakan, buka, halaman, 62.

Please, ... turn, ... to, ... page, ... 62.
Please, ... turn, ... to, ... page, ... 62.
Please turn to page 62.
710th word is:


You can enter the building on the left.

You can enter the building on the left.

You, ... can, ... enter, ... the, ... building, ... on, ... the, ... left.

Masuk: ... Anda, dapat, memasuki, gedung, di, sebelah, kiri.

You, ... can, ... enter, ... the, ... building, ... on, ... the, ... left.
You, ... can, ... enter, ... the, ... building, ... on, ... the, ... left.
You can enter the building on the left.
711th is:


Let me share my idea.

Let me share my idea.

Let, ... me, ... share, ... my, ... idea.

Bagikan: ... Biarkan, saya, membagikan, ide, saya.

Let, ... me, ... share, ... my, ... idea.
Let, ... me, ... share, ... my, ... idea.
Let me share my idea.
712th word:


Ice cream has more calories than water.

Ice cream has more calories than water.

Ice, ... cream, ... has, ... more, ... calories, ... than, ... water.

Dari: ... Es, krim, memiliki, lebih, banyak, kalori, daripada, air.

Ice, ... cream, ... has, ... more, ... calories, ... than, ... water.
Ice, ... cream, ... has, ... more, ... calories, ... than, ... water.
Ice cream has more calories than water.
713th word is:


Most people can find something in common with each other.

Most people can find something in common with each other.

Most, ... people, ... can, ... find, ... something, ... in, ... common, ... with, ... each, ... other.

Umum: ... Kebanyakan, orang, dapat, menemukan, kesamaan, satu, sama, lain.

Most, ... people, ... can, ... find, ... something, ... in, ... common, ... with, ... each, ... other.
Most, ... people, ... can, ... find, ... something, ... in, ... common, ... with, ... each, ... other.
Most people can find something in common with each other.
714th is:


We had a poor harvest this year because it was so dry.

We had a poor harvest this year because it was so dry.

We, ... had, ... a, ... poor, ... harvest, ... this, ... year, ... because, ... it, ... was, ... so, ... dry.

Kasihan: ... Kami, memiliki, panen, yang, buruk, tahun, ini, karena, sangat, kering.

We, ... had, ... a, ... poor, ... harvest, ... this, ... year, ... because, ... it, ... was, ... so, ... dry.
We, ... had, ... a, ... poor, ... harvest, ... this, ... year, ... because, ... it, ... was, ... so, ... dry.
We had a poor harvest this year because it was so dry.
715th word:


This pen doesn’t work, try the other one.

This pen doesn’t work, try the other one.

This, ... pen, ... doesn’t, ... work,, ... try, ... the, ... other, ... one.

Lainnya,: ... Pena, ini, tidak, berfungsi, coba, yang, lain.

This, ... pen, ... doesn’t, ... work,, ... try, ... the, ... other, ... one.
This, ... pen, ... doesn’t, ... work,, ... try, ... the, ... other, ... one.
This pen doesn’t work, try the other one.
716th word is:


This cleaner is natural, there aren’t any chemicals in it.

This cleaner is natural, there aren’t any chemicals in it.

This, ... cleaner, ... is, ... natural,, ... there, ... aren’t, ... any, ... chemicals, ... in, ... it.

Alami: ... Pembersih, ini, alami, tidak, ada, bahan, kimia, di, dalamnya.

This, ... cleaner, ... is, ... natural,, ... there, ... aren’t, ... any, ... chemicals, ... in, ... it.
This, ... cleaner, ... is, ... natural,, ... there, ... aren’t, ... any, ... chemicals, ... in, ... it.
This cleaner is natural, there aren’t any chemicals in it.
717th is:


We watched the car race on tv.

We watched the car race on tv.

We, ... watched, ... the, ... car, ... race, ... on, ... tv.

Race: ... Kami, menonton, balapan, mobil, di, tv.

We, ... watched, ... the, ... car, ... race, ... on, ... tv.
We, ... watched, ... the, ... car, ... race, ... on, ... tv.
We watched the car race on tv.
718th word:


Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine.

Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine.

Thank, ... you, ... for, ... your, ... concern,, ... but, ... I’m, ... fine.

Perhatian: ... Terima, kasih, atas, perhatian, anda, tapi, saya, baik-baik, saja.

Thank, ... you, ... for, ... your, ... concern,, ... but, ... I’m, ... fine.
Thank, ... you, ... for, ... your, ... concern,, ... but, ... I’m, ... fine.
Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine.
719th word is:


What is your favorite tv series?

What is your favorite tv series?

What, ... is, ... your, ... favorite, ... tv, ... series?

Seri: ... Apa, serial, tv, favorit, anda?

What, ... is, ... your, ... favorite, ... tv, ... series?
What, ... is, ... your, ... favorite, ... tv, ... series?
What is your favorite tv series?
720st is:


His job earns a significant amount of money.

His job earns a significant amount of money.

His, ... job, ... earns, ... a, ... significant, ... amount, ... of, ... money.

Signifikan: ... Pekerjaannya, menghasilkan, banyak, uang.

His, ... job, ... earns, ... a, ... significant, ... amount, ... of, ... money.
His, ... job, ... earns, ... a, ... significant, ... amount, ... of, ... money.
His job earns a significant amount of money.
721st word:


These earrings don’t match, but they are similar.

These earrings don’t match, but they are similar.

These, ... earrings, ... don’t, ... match,, ... but, ... they, ... are, ... similar.

Mirip: ... Anting-anting, ini, tidak, cocok, tapi, mirip.

These, ... earrings, ... don’t, ... match,, ... but, ... they, ... are, ... similar.
These, ... earrings, ... don’t, ... match,, ... but, ... they, ... are, ... similar.
These earrings don’t match, but they are similar.
722nd word is:


Don’t touch the stove, it’s still hot.

Don’t touch the stove, it’s still hot.

Don’t, ... touch, ... the, ... stove,, ... it’s, ... still, ... hot.

Panas: ... Jangan, sentuh, kompornya, masih, panas.

Don’t, ... touch, ... the, ... stove,, ... it’s, ... still, ... hot.
Don’t, ... touch, ... the, ... stove,, ... it’s, ... still, ... hot.
Don’t touch the stove, it’s still hot.
723rd is:


Learning a new language is fun.

Learning a new language is fun.

Learning, ... a, ... new, ... language, ... is, ... fun.

Bahasa: ... Belajar, bahasa, baru, itu, menyenangkan.

Learning, ... a, ... new, ... language, ... is, ... fun.
Learning, ... a, ... new, ... language, ... is, ... fun.
Learning a new language is fun.
724th word:


Put a flower in each vase.

Put a flower in each vase.

Put, ... a, ... flower, ... in, ... each, ... vase.

Masing-masing: ... Taruh, bunga, di, setiap, vas.

Put, ... a, ... flower, ... in, ... each, ... vase.
Put, ... a, ... flower, ... in, ... each, ... vase.
Put a flower in each vase.
725th word is:


I usually shop at the corner store.

I usually shop at the corner store.

I, ... usually, ... shop, ... at, ... the, ... corner, ... store.

Biasanya: ... Saya, biasanya, berbelanja, di, toko, pojok.

I, ... usually, ... shop, ... at, ... the, ... corner, ... store.
I, ... usually, ... shop, ... at, ... the, ... corner, ... store.
I usually shop at the corner store.
726th is:


I didn’t expect his response to come so soon.

I didn’t expect his response to come so soon.

I, ... didn’t, ... expect, ... his, ... response, ... to, ... come, ... so, ... soon.

Tanggapan: ... Aku, tidak, menyangka, tanggapannya, akan, datang, secepat, ini.

I, ... didn’t, ... expect, ... his, ... response, ... to, ... come, ... so, ... soon.
I, ... didn’t, ... expect, ... his, ... response, ... to, ... come, ... so, ... soon.
I didn’t expect his response to come so soon.
727th word:


My phone is dead, let me charge it.

My phone is dead, let me charge it.

My, ... phone, ... is, ... dead,, ... let, ... me, ... charge, ... it.

Mati: ... Ponsel, saya, mati, biarkan, saya, mengisinya.

My, ... phone, ... is, ... dead,, ... let, ... me, ... charge, ... it.
My, ... phone, ... is, ... dead,, ... let, ... me, ... charge, ... it.
My phone is dead, let me charge it.
728th word is:


The sun will rise at 7 a.m.

The sun will rise at 7 a.m.

The, ... sun, ... will, ... rise, ... at, ... 7, ... a.m.

Terbit: ... Matahari, akan, terbit, pada, pukul, 07.00 ...

The, ... sun, ... will, ... rise, ... at, ... 7, ... a.m.
The, ... sun, ... will, ... rise, ... at, ... 7, ... a.m.
The sun will rise at 7 a.m.
729th is:


What kind of animal is that?

What kind of animal is that?

What, ... kind, ... of, ... animal, ... is, ... that?

Hewan: ... Hewan, apa, itu?

What, ... kind, ... of, ... animal, ... is, ... that?
What, ... kind, ... of, ... animal, ... is, ... that?
What kind of animal is that?
730st word:


Heredity is a factor in your overall health.

Heredity is a factor in your overall health.

Heredity, ... is, ... a, ... factor, ... in, ... your, ... overall, ... health.

Faktor: ... Keturunan, adalah, faktor, dalam, kesehatan, anda, secara, keseluruhan.

Heredity, ... is, ... a, ... factor, ... in, ... your, ... overall, ... health.
Heredity, ... is, ... a, ... factor, ... in, ... your, ... overall, ... health.
Heredity is a factor in your overall health.
731st word is:


I’ve lived in this city for over a decade.

I’ve lived in this city for over a decade.

I’ve, ... lived, ... in, ... this, ... city, ... for, ... over, ... a, ... decade.

Dekade: ... Saya, telah, tinggal, di, kota, ini, selama, lebih, dari, satu, dekade.

I’ve, ... lived, ... in, ... this, ... city, ... for, ... over, ... a, ... decade.
I’ve, ... lived, ... in, ... this, ... city, ... for, ... over, ... a, ... decade.
I’ve lived in this city for over a decade.
732nd is:


Did you read that newspaper article?

Did you read that newspaper article?

Did, ... you, ... read, ... that, ... newspaper, ... article?

Artikel: ... Apakah, anda, membaca, artikel, surat, kabar, itu?

Did, ... you, ... read, ... that, ... newspaper, ... article?
Did, ... you, ... read, ... that, ... newspaper, ... article?
Did you read that newspaper article?
733rd word:


He wants to shoot arrows at the target.

He wants to shoot arrows at the target.

He, ... wants, ... to, ... shoot, ... arrows, ... at, ... the, ... target.

Tembak: ... Dia, ingin, menembakkan, panah, ke, sasaran.

He, ... wants, ... to, ... shoot, ... arrows, ... at, ... the, ... target.
He, ... wants, ... to, ... shoot, ... arrows, ... at, ... the, ... target.
He wants to shoot arrows at the target.
734th word is:


Drive east for three miles.

Drive east for three miles.

Drive, ... east, ... for, ... three, ... miles.

Timur: ... Berkendara, ke, timur, sejauh, tiga, mil.

Drive, ... east, ... for, ... three, ... miles.
Drive, ... east, ... for, ... three, ... miles.
Drive east for three miles.
735th is:


I save all my cans for recycling.

I save all my cans for recycling.

I, ... save, ... all, ... my, ... cans, ... for, ... recycling.

Hemat: ... Saya, menyimpan, semua, kaleng, saya, untuk, didaur, ulang.

I, ... save, ... all, ... my, ... cans, ... for, ... recycling.
I, ... save, ... all, ... my, ... cans, ... for, ... recycling.
I save all my cans for recycling.
736th word:


There are seven slices of pie left.

There are seven slices of pie left.

There, ... are, ... seven, ... slices, ... of, ... pie, ... left.

Tujuh: ... Ada, tujuh, potong, kue, yang, tersisa.

There, ... are, ... seven, ... slices, ... of, ... pie, ... left.
There, ... are, ... seven, ... slices, ... of, ... pie, ... left.
There are seven slices of pie left.
737th word is:


Taylor swift is a recording artist.

Taylor swift is a recording artist.

Taylor, ... swift, ... is, ... a, ... recording, ... artist.

Artis: ... Taylor, swift, adalah, artis, rekaman.

Taylor, ... swift, ... is, ... a, ... recording, ... artist.
Taylor, ... swift, ... is, ... a, ... recording, ... artist.
Taylor swift is a recording artist.
738th is:
Ein Weg


I wish that mosquito would go away.

I wish that mosquito would go away.

I, ... wish, ... that, ... mosquito, ... would, ... go, ... away.

Pergi: ... Saya, berharap, nyamuk, itu, pergi.

I, ... wish, ... that, ... mosquito, ... would, ... go, ... away.
I, ... wish, ... that, ... mosquito, ... would, ... go, ... away.
I wish that mosquito would go away.
739th word:


He painted a colorful street scene.

He painted a colorful street scene.

He, ... painted, ... a, ... colorful, ... street, ... scene.

Adegan: ... Dia, melukis, pemandangan, jalanan, yang, berwarna-warni.

He, ... painted, ... a, ... colorful, ... street, ... scene.
He, ... painted, ... a, ... colorful, ... street, ... scene.
He painted a colorful street scene.
740st word is:


That shop has a good stock of postcards.

That shop has a good stock of postcards.

That, ... shop, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... stock, ... of, ... postcards.

Stok: ... Toko, itu, memiliki, stok, kartu, pos, yang, bagus.

That, ... shop, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... stock, ... of, ... postcards.
That, ... shop, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... stock, ... of, ... postcards.
That shop has a good stock of postcards.
741st is:


Retail sales is a good career for some people.

Retail sales is a good career for some people.

Retail, ... sales, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... career, ... for, ... some, ... people.

Karir: ... Penjualan, eceran, adalah, karir, yang, baik, bagi, sebagian, orang.

Retail, ... sales, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... career, ... for, ... some, ... people.
Retail, ... sales, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... career, ... for, ... some, ... people.
Retail sales is a good career for some people.
742nd word:


Despite the rain, we will still have the picnic.

Despite the rain, we will still have the picnic.

Despite, ... the, ... rain,, ... we, ... will, ... still, ... have, ... the, ... picnic.

Meskipun: ... Meskipun, hujan, kita, akan, tetap, piknik.

Despite, ... the, ... rain,, ... we, ... will, ... still, ... have, ... the, ... picnic.
Despite, ... the, ... rain,, ... we, ... will, ... still, ... have, ... the, ... picnic.
Despite the rain, we will still have the picnic.
743rd word is:


There is good shopping in central london.

There is good shopping in central london.

There, ... is, ... good, ... shopping, ... in, ... central, ... london.

Central: ... Ada, tempat, belanja, yang, bagus, di, pusat, kota, london.

There, ... is, ... good, ... shopping, ... in, ... central, ... london.
There, ... is, ... good, ... shopping, ... in, ... central, ... london.
There is good shopping in central london.
744th is:


That recipe takes eight cups of flour.

That recipe takes eight cups of flour.

That, ... recipe, ... takes, ... eight, ... cups, ... of, ... flour.

Delapan: ... Resep, itu, membutuhkan, delapan, cangkir, tepung.

That, ... recipe, ... takes, ... eight, ... cups, ... of, ... flour.
That, ... recipe, ... takes, ... eight, ... cups, ... of, ... flour.
That recipe takes eight cups of flour.
745th word:


We haven’t had any problems thus far.

We haven’t had any problems thus far.

We, ... haven’t, ... had, ... any, ... problems, ... thus, ... far.

Jadi: ... Kami, tidak, punya, masalah, sejauh, ini.

We, ... haven’t, ... had, ... any, ... problems, ... thus, ... far.
We, ... haven’t, ... had, ... any, ... problems, ... thus, ... far.
We haven’t had any problems thus far.
746th word is:


I will propose a treatment plan for your injury.

I will propose a treatment plan for your injury.

I, ... will, ... propose, ... a, ... treatment, ... plan, ... for, ... your, ... injury.

Perawatan: ... Saya, akan, mengusulkan, rencana, perawatan, untuk, cedera, anda.

I, ... will, ... propose, ... a, ... treatment, ... plan, ... for, ... your, ... injury.
I, ... will, ... propose, ... a, ... treatment, ... plan, ... for, ... your, ... injury.
I will propose a treatment plan for your injury.
747th is:


The town is just beyond those mountains.

The town is just beyond those mountains.

The, ... town, ... is, ... just, ... beyond, ... those, ... mountains.

Di, luar: ... Kota, ini, tepat, di, luar, pegunungan, itu.

The, ... town, ... is, ... just, ... beyond, ... those, ... mountains.
The, ... town, ... is, ... just, ... beyond, ... those, ... mountains.
The town is just beyond those mountains.
748th word:


Kittens make me happy.

Kittens make me happy.

Kittens, ... make, ... me, ... happy.

Bahagia: ... Anak, kucing, membuatku, bahagia.

Kittens, ... make, ... me, ... happy.
Kittens, ... make, ... me, ... happy.
Kittens make me happy.
749th word is:


Use exactly one teaspoon of salt in that recipe.

Use exactly one teaspoon of salt in that recipe.

Use, ... exactly, ... one, ... teaspoon, ... of, ... salt, ... in, ... that, ... recipe.

Tepat: ... Gunakan, tepat, satu, sendok, teh, garam, dalam, resep, itu.

Use, ... exactly, ... one, ... teaspoon, ... of, ... salt, ... in, ... that, ... recipe.
Use, ... exactly, ... one, ... teaspoon, ... of, ... salt, ... in, ... that, ... recipe.
Use exactly one teaspoon of salt in that recipe.
750st is:


A coat will protect you from the cold weather.

A coat will protect you from the cold weather.

A, ... coat, ... will, ... protect, ... you, ... from, ... the, ... cold, ... weather.

Lindungi: ... Mantel, akan, melindungi, anda, dari, cuaca, dingin.

A, ... coat, ... will, ... protect, ... you, ... from, ... the, ... cold, ... weather.
A, ... coat, ... will, ... protect, ... you, ... from, ... the, ... cold, ... weather.
A coat will protect you from the cold weather.
751st word:


The cat slowly approached the bird.

The cat slowly approached the bird.

The, ... cat, ... slowly, ... approached, ... the, ... bird.

Pendekatan: ... Kucing, itu, perlahan, mendekati, burung, itu.

The, ... cat, ... slowly, ... approached, ... the, ... bird.
The, ... cat, ... slowly, ... approached, ... the, ... bird.
The cat slowly approached the bird.
752nd word is:


Teach your children not to lie.

Teach your children not to lie.

Teach, ... your, ... children, ... not, ... to, ... lie.

Berbohong: ... Ajari, anak-anak, anda, untuk, tidak, berbohong.

Teach, ... your, ... children, ... not, ... to, ... lie.
Teach, ... your, ... children, ... not, ... to, ... lie.
Teach your children not to lie.
753rd is:


What size is that shirt?

What size is that shirt?

What, ... size, ... is, ... that, ... shirt?

Ukuran: ... Berapa, ukuran, baju, itu?

What, ... size, ... is, ... that, ... shirt?
What, ... size, ... is, ... that, ... shirt?
What size is that shirt?
754th word:


Do you think a dog is a good pet?

Do you think a dog is a good pet?

Do, ... you, ... think, ... a, ... dog, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... pet?

Anjing: ... Apakah, anda, pikir, anjing, adalah, hewan, peliharaan, yang, baik?

Do, ... you, ... think, ... a, ... dog, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... pet?
Do, ... you, ... think, ... a, ... dog, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... pet?
Do you think a dog is a good pet?
755th word is:


I have a savings fund for college.

I have a savings fund for college.

I, ... have, ... a, ... savings, ... fund, ... for, ... college.

Dana: ... Saya, memiliki, dana, tabungan, untuk, kuliah.

I, ... have, ... a, ... savings, ... fund, ... for, ... college.
I, ... have, ... a, ... savings, ... fund, ... for, ... college.
I have a savings fund for college.
756th is:


She is so serious, she never laughs.

She is so serious, she never laughs.

She, ... is, ... so, ... serious,, ... she, ... never, ... laughs.

Serius: ... Dia, sangat, serius, dia, tidak, pernah, tertawa.

She, ... is, ... so, ... serious,, ... she, ... never, ... laughs.
She, ... is, ... so, ... serious,, ... she, ... never, ... laughs.
She is so serious, she never laughs.
757th word:


Strange things occur in that empty house.

Strange things occur in that empty house.

Strange, ... things, ... occur, ... in, ... that, ... empty, ... house.

Terjadi: ... Hal-hal, aneh, terjadi, di, rumah, kosong, itu.

Strange, ... things, ... occur, ... in, ... that, ... empty, ... house.
Strange, ... things, ... occur, ... in, ... that, ... empty, ... house.
Strange things occur in that empty house.
758th word is:


That issue has been discussed in the media.

That issue has been discussed in the media.

That, ... issue, ... has, ... been, ... discussed, ... in, ... the, ... media.

Media: ... Masalah, itu, telah, dibahas, di, media.

That, ... issue, ... has, ... been, ... discussed, ... in, ... the, ... media.
That, ... issue, ... has, ... been, ... discussed, ... in, ... the, ... media.
That issue has been discussed in the media.
759th is:


Are you ready to leave for work?

Are you ready to leave for work?

Are, ... you, ... ready, ... to, ... leave, ... for, ... work?

Siap: ... Apakah, anda, siap, berangkat, kerja?

Are, ... you, ... ready, ... to, ... leave, ... for, ... work?
Are, ... you, ... ready, ... to, ... leave, ... for, ... work?
Are you ready to leave for work?
760st word:


That store needs a bigger sign.

That store needs a bigger sign.

That, ... store, ... needs, ... a, ... bigger, ... sign.

Tanda: ... Toko, itu, membutuhkan, tanda, yang, lebih, besar.

That, ... store, ... needs, ... a, ... bigger, ... sign.
That, ... store, ... needs, ... a, ... bigger, ... sign.
That store needs a bigger sign.
761st word is:


I’ll have to give it some thought.

I’ll have to give it some thought.

I’ll, ... have, ... to, ... give, ... it, ... some, ... thought.

Pikir: ... Aku, harus, memikirkannya.

I’ll, ... have, ... to, ... give, ... it, ... some, ... thought.
I’ll, ... have, ... to, ... give, ... it, ... some, ... thought.
I’ll have to give it some thought.
762nd is:


I made a list of things to do.

I made a list of things to do.

I, ... made, ... a, ... list, ... of, ... things, ... to, ... do.

Daftar: ... Saya, membuat, daftar, hal-hal, yang, harus, dilakukan.

I, ... made, ... a, ... list, ... of, ... things, ... to, ... do.
I, ... made, ... a, ... list, ... of, ... things, ... to, ... do.
I made a list of things to do.
763rd word:


You can buy an individual or group membership.

You can buy an individual or group membership.

You, ... can, ... buy, ... an, ... individual, ... or, ... group, ... membership.

Perorangan: ... Anda, dapat, membeli, keanggotaan, perorangan, atau, kelompok.

You, ... can, ... buy, ... an, ... individual, ... or, ... group, ... membership.
You, ... can, ... buy, ... an, ... individual, ... or, ... group, ... membership.
You can buy an individual or group membership.
764th word is:


The appliance comes with simple instructions.

The appliance comes with simple instructions.

The, ... appliance, ... comes, ... with, ... simple, ... instructions.

Sederhana: ... Alat, ini, dilengkapi, dengan, petunjuk, sederhana.

The, ... appliance, ... comes, ... with, ... simple, ... instructions.
The, ... appliance, ... comes, ... with, ... simple, ... instructions.
The appliance comes with simple instructions.
765th is:


I paid a little more for quality shoes.

I paid a little more for quality shoes.

I, ... paid, ... a, ... little, ... more, ... for, ... quality, ... shoes.

Kualitas: ... Saya, membayar, sedikit, lebih, untuk, sepatu, berkualitas.

I, ... paid, ... a, ... little, ... more, ... for, ... quality, ... shoes.
I, ... paid, ... a, ... little, ... more, ... for, ... quality, ... shoes.
I paid a little more for quality shoes.
766th word:


There is no pressure to finish right now.

There is no pressure to finish right now.

There, ... is, ... no, ... pressure, ... to, ... finish, ... right, ... now.

Tekanan: ... Tidak, ada, tekanan, untuk, menyelesaikan, sekarang.

There, ... is, ... no, ... pressure, ... to, ... finish, ... right, ... now.
There, ... is, ... no, ... pressure, ... to, ... finish, ... right, ... now.
There is no pressure to finish right now.
767th word is:


Will you accept my credit card?

Will you accept my credit card?

Will, ... you, ... accept, ... my, ... credit, ... card?

Terima: ... Apakah, anda, menerima, kartu, kredit, saya?

Will, ... you, ... accept, ... my, ... credit, ... card?
Will, ... you, ... accept, ... my, ... credit, ... card?
Will you accept my credit card?
768th is:


Give me your answer by noon tomorrow.

Give me your answer by noon tomorrow.

Give, ... me, ... your, ... answer, ... by, ... noon, ... tomorrow.

Jawab: ... Berikan, jawabanmu, besok, siang.

Give, ... me, ... your, ... answer, ... by, ... noon, ... tomorrow.
Give, ... me, ... your, ... answer, ... by, ... noon, ... tomorrow.
Give me your answer by noon tomorrow.
769th word:


That test was very hard.

That test was very hard.

That, ... test, ... was, ... very, ... hard.

Sulit: ... Tes, itu, sangat, sulit.

That, ... test, ... was, ... very, ... hard.
That, ... test, ... was, ... very, ... hard.
That test was very hard.
770st word is:


The library has many online resources.

The library has many online resources.

The, ... library, ... has, ... many, ... online, ... resources.

Sumber, daya: ... Perpustakaan, memiliki, banyak, sumber, daya, online.

The, ... library, ... has, ... many, ... online, ... resources.
The, ... library, ... has, ... many, ... online, ... resources.
The library has many online resources.
771st is:


I can’t identify that plant.

I can’t identify that plant.

I, ... can’t, ... identify, ... that, ... plant.

Identifikasi: ... Saya, tidak, bisa, mengidentifikasi, tanaman, itu.

I, ... can’t, ... identify, ... that, ... plant.
I, ... can’t, ... identify, ... that, ... plant.
I can’t identify that plant.
772nd word:


The door is on your left as you approach.

The door is on your left as you approach.

The, ... door, ... is, ... on, ... your, ... left, ... as, ... you, ... approach.

Kiri: ... Pintu, ada, di, sebelah, kiri, anda, saat, anda, mendekat.

The, ... door, ... is, ... on, ... your, ... left, ... as, ... you, ... approach.
The, ... door, ... is, ... on, ... your, ... left, ... as, ... you, ... approach.
The door is on your left as you approach.
773rd word is:


We’ll have a staff meeting after lunch.

We’ll have a staff meeting after lunch.

We’ll, ... have, ... a, ... staff, ... meeting, ... after, ... lunch.

Rapat: ... Kami, akan, mengadakan, rapat, staf, setelah, makan, siang.

We’ll, ... have, ... a, ... staff, ... meeting, ... after, ... lunch.
We’ll, ... have, ... a, ... staff, ... meeting, ... after, ... lunch.
We’ll have a staff meeting after lunch.
774th is:


Eye color is genetically determined.

Eye color is genetically determined.

Eye, ... color, ... is, ... genetically, ... determined.

Tentukan: ... Warna, mata, ditentukan, secara, genetik.

Eye, ... color, ... is, ... genetically, ... determined.
Eye, ... color, ... is, ... genetically, ... determined.
Eye color is genetically determined.
775th word:


I’ll prepare breakfast tomorrow.

I’ll prepare breakfast tomorrow.

I’ll, ... prepare, ... breakfast, ... tomorrow.

Siapkan: ... Aku, akan, menyiapkan, sarapan, besok.

I’ll, ... prepare, ... breakfast, ... tomorrow.
I’ll, ... prepare, ... breakfast, ... tomorrow.
I’ll prepare breakfast tomorrow.
776th word is:


Face masks help prevent disease.

Face masks help prevent disease.

Face, ... masks, ... help, ... prevent, ... disease.

Penyakit: ... Masker, wajah, membantu, mencegah, penyakit.

Face, ... masks, ... help, ... prevent, ... disease.
Face, ... masks, ... help, ... prevent, ... disease.
Face masks help prevent disease.
777th is:


Choose whatever flavor you like the best.

Choose whatever flavor you like the best.

Choose, ... whatever, ... flavor, ... you, ... like, ... the, ... best.

Terserah: ... Pilih, rasa, apa, pun, yang, paling, anda, sukai.

Choose, ... whatever, ... flavor, ... you, ... like, ... the, ... best.
Choose, ... whatever, ... flavor, ... you, ... like, ... the, ... best.
Choose whatever flavor you like the best.
778th word:


Failure is the back door to success.

Failure is the back door to success.

Failure, ... is, ... the, ... back, ... door, ... to, ... success.

Sukses: ... Kegagalan, adalah, pintu, belakang, menuju, kesuksesan.

Failure, ... is, ... the, ... back, ... door, ... to, ... success.
Failure, ... is, ... the, ... back, ... door, ... to, ... success.
Failure is the back door to success.
779th word is:


It’s not a good idea to argue with your boss.

It’s not a good idea to argue with your boss.

It’s, ... not, ... a, ... good, ... idea, ... to, ... argue, ... with, ... your, ... boss.

Berdebat: ... Bukan, ide, yang, baik, untuk, berdebat, dengan, atasan, anda.

It’s, ... not, ... a, ... good, ... idea, ... to, ... argue, ... with, ... your, ... boss.
It’s, ... not, ... a, ... good, ... idea, ... to, ... argue, ... with, ... your, ... boss.
It’s not a good idea to argue with your boss.
780st is:


Would you like a cup of coffee?

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Would, ... you, ... like, ... a, ... cup, ... of, ... coffee?

Cangkir: ... Apakah, anda, ingin, secangkir, kopi?

Would, ... you, ... like, ... a, ... cup, ... of, ... coffee?
Would, ... you, ... like, ... a, ... cup, ... of, ... coffee?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
781st word:


It’s not particularly hot outside, just warm.

It’s not particularly hot outside, just warm.

It’s, ... not, ... particularly, ... hot, ... outside,, ... just, ... warm.

Khususnya: ... Di, luar, tidak, terlalu, panas, hanya, hangat.

It’s, ... not, ... particularly, ... hot, ... outside,, ... just, ... warm.
It’s, ... not, ... particularly, ... hot, ... outside,, ... just, ... warm.
It’s not particularly hot outside, just warm.
782nd word is:


It take a large amount of food to feed an elephant.

It take a large amount of food to feed an elephant.

It, ... take, ... a, ... large, ... amount, ... of, ... food, ... to, ... feed, ... an, ... elephant.

Jumlahnya: ... Dibutuhkan, sejumlah, besar, makanan, untuk, memberi, makan, seekor, gajah.

It, ... take, ... a, ... large, ... amount, ... of, ... food, ... to, ... feed, ... an, ... elephant.
It, ... take, ... a, ... large, ... amount, ... of, ... food, ... to, ... feed, ... an, ... elephant.
It take a large amount of food to feed an elephant.
783rd is:


He has the ability to explain things well.

He has the ability to explain things well.

He, ... has, ... the, ... ability, ... to, ... explain, ... things, ... well.

Kemampuan: ... Dia, memiliki, kemampuan, untuk, menjelaskan, sesuatu, dengan, baik.

He, ... has, ... the, ... ability, ... to, ... explain, ... things, ... well.
He, ... has, ... the, ... ability, ... to, ... explain, ... things, ... well.
He has the ability to explain things well.
784th word:


There are five people on staff here.

There are five people on staff here.

There, ... are, ... five, ... people, ... on, ... staff, ... here.

Staf: ... Ada, lima, orang, staf, di, sini.

There, ... are, ... five, ... people, ... on, ... staff, ... here.
There, ... are, ... five, ... people, ... on, ... staff, ... here.
There are five people on staff here.
785th word is:


Do you recognize the person in this photo?

Do you recognize the person in this photo?

Do, ... you, ... recognize, ... the, ... person, ... in, ... this, ... photo?

Kenali: ... Apakah, anda, mengenali, orang, di, foto, ini?

Do, ... you, ... recognize, ... the, ... person, ... in, ... this, ... photo?
Do, ... you, ... recognize, ... the, ... person, ... in, ... this, ... photo?
Do you recognize the person in this photo?
786th is:


Her reply indicated that she understood.

Her reply indicated that she understood.

Her, ... reply, ... indicated, ... that, ... she, ... understood.

Tunjukkan: ... Jawabannya, menunjukkan, bahwa, dia, mengerti.

Her, ... reply, ... indicated, ... that, ... she, ... understood.
Her, ... reply, ... indicated, ... that, ... she, ... understood.
Her reply indicated that she understood.
787th word:


You can trust people of good character.

You can trust people of good character.

You, ... can, ... trust, ... people, ... of, ... good, ... character.

Karakter: ... Anda, dapat, mempercayai, orang-orang, yang, berkarakter, baik.

You, ... can, ... trust, ... people, ... of, ... good, ... character.
You, ... can, ... trust, ... people, ... of, ... good, ... character.
You can trust people of good character.
788th word is:


The company has seen strong growth this quarter.

The company has seen strong growth this quarter.

The, ... company, ... has, ... seen, ... strong, ... growth, ... this, ... quarter.

Pertumbuhan: ... Perusahaan, telah, melihat, pertumbuhan, yang, kuat, pada, kuartal, ini.

The, ... company, ... has, ... seen, ... strong, ... growth, ... this, ... quarter.
The, ... company, ... has, ... seen, ... strong, ... growth, ... this, ... quarter.
The company has seen strong growth this quarter.
789th is:


The farmer suffered heavy losses after the storm.

The farmer suffered heavy losses after the storm.

The, ... farmer, ... suffered, ... heavy, ... losses, ... after, ... the, ... storm.

Rugi: ... Petani, menderita, kerugian, besar, setelah, badai.

The, ... farmer, ... suffered, ... heavy, ... losses, ... after, ... the, ... storm.
The, ... farmer, ... suffered, ... heavy, ... losses, ... after, ... the, ... storm.
The farmer suffered heavy losses after the storm.
790st word:


Set the oven to 300 degrees.

Set the oven to 300 degrees.

Set, ... the, ... oven, ... to, ... 300, ... degrees.

Derajat: ... Atur, oven, ke, 300, derajat.

Set, ... the, ... oven, ... to, ... 300, ... degrees.
Set, ... the, ... oven, ... to, ... 300, ... degrees.
Set the oven to 300 degrees.
791st word is:


I wonder if the bulls will win the game.

I wonder if the bulls will win the game.

I, ... wonder, ... if, ... the, ... bulls, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... game.

Bertanya-tanya: ... Aku, ingin, tahu, apakah, banteng, akan, memenangkan, pertandingan.

I, ... wonder, ... if, ... the, ... bulls, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... game.
I, ... wonder, ... if, ... the, ... bulls, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... game.
I wonder if the bulls will win the game.
792nd is:


The army will attack at dawn.

The army will attack at dawn.

The, ... army, ... will, ... attack, ... at, ... dawn.

Serang: ... Tentara, akan, menyerang, saat, fajar.

The, ... army, ... will, ... attack, ... at, ... dawn.
The, ... army, ... will, ... attack, ... at, ... dawn.
The army will attack at dawn.
793rd word:


She bought herself a new coat.

She bought herself a new coat.

She, ... bought, ... herself, ... a, ... new, ... coat.

Dirinya, sendiri: ... Dia, membeli, mantel, baru, untuk, dirinya, sendiri.

She, ... bought, ... herself, ... a, ... new, ... coat.
She, ... bought, ... herself, ... a, ... new, ... coat.
She bought herself a new coat.
794th word is:


What internet services are in your region?

What internet services are in your region?

What, ... internet, ... services, ... are, ... in, ... your, ... region?

Wilayah: ... Layanan, internet, apa, yang, ada, di, wilayah, anda?

What, ... internet, ... services, ... are, ... in, ... your, ... region?
What, ... internet, ... services, ... are, ... in, ... your, ... region?
What internet services are in your region?
795th is:


I don’t watch much television.

I don’t watch much television.

I, ... don’t, ... watch, ... much, ... television.

Televisi: ... Saya, tidak, banyak, menonton, televisi.

I, ... don’t, ... watch, ... much, ... television.
I, ... don’t, ... watch, ... much, ... television.
I don’t watch much television.
796th word:


I packed my dishes in a strong box.

I packed my dishes in a strong box.

I, ... packed, ... my, ... dishes, ... in, ... a, ... strong, ... box.

Kotak: ... Saya, mengemas, piring, saya, dalam, kotak, yang, kuat.

I, ... packed, ... my, ... dishes, ... in, ... a, ... strong, ... box.
I, ... packed, ... my, ... dishes, ... in, ... a, ... strong, ... box.
I packed my dishes in a strong box.
797th word is:


There is a good movie on tv tonight.

There is a good movie on tv tonight.

There, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... movie, ... on, ... tv, ... tonight.

Tv: ... Ada, film, bagus, di, tv, malam, ini.

There, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... movie, ... on, ... tv, ... tonight.
There, ... is, ... a, ... good, ... movie, ... on, ... tv, ... tonight.
There is a good movie on tv tonight.
798th is:


The company will pay for your training.

The company will pay for your training.

The, ... company, ... will, ... pay, ... for, ... your, ... training.

Pelatihan: ... Perusahaan, akan, membayar, pelatihan, anda.

The, ... company, ... will, ... pay, ... for, ... your, ... training.
The, ... company, ... will, ... pay, ... for, ... your, ... training.
The company will pay for your training.
799th word:


That is a pretty dress.

That is a pretty dress.

That, ... is, ... a, ... pretty, ... dress.

Cantik: ... Itu, gaun, yang, cantik.

That, ... is, ... a, ... pretty, ... dress.
That, ... is, ... a, ... pretty, ... dress.
That is a pretty dress.
800st word is:


The stock market traded lower today.

The stock market traded lower today.

The, ... stock, ... market, ... traded, ... lower, ... today.

Perdagangan: ... Pasar, saham, diperdagangkan, lebih, rendah, hari, ini.

The, ... stock, ... market, ... traded, ... lower, ... today.
The, ... stock, ... market, ... traded, ... lower, ... today.
The stock market traded lower today.
801st is:


I got a good deal at the store.

I got a good deal at the store.

I, ... got, ... a, ... good, ... deal, ... at, ... the, ... store.

Deal: ... Saya, mendapat, banyak, di, toko.

I, ... got, ... a, ... good, ... deal, ... at, ... the, ... store.
I, ... got, ... a, ... good, ... deal, ... at, ... the, ... store.
I got a good deal at the store.
802nd word:


Who do you think will win the election?

Who do you think will win the election?

Who, ... do, ... you, ... think, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... election?

Pemilu: ... Menurut, anda, siapa, yang, akan, memenangkan, pemilu?

Who, ... do, ... you, ... think, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... election?
Who, ... do, ... you, ... think, ... will, ... win, ... the, ... election?
Who do you think will win the election?
803rd word is:


Everybody likes ice cream.

Everybody likes ice cream.

Everybody, ... likes, ... ice, ... cream.

Semua, orang: ... Semua, orang, suka, es, krim.

Everybody, ... likes, ... ice, ... cream.
Everybody, ... likes, ... ice, ... cream.
Everybody likes ice cream.
804th is:


Keep a physical distance of six feet.

Keep a physical distance of six feet.

Keep, ... a, ... physical, ... distance, ... of, ... six, ... feet.

Fisik: ... Jaga, jarak, fisik, enam, kaki.

Keep, ... a, ... physical, ... distance, ... of, ... six, ... feet.
Keep, ... a, ... physical, ... distance, ... of, ... six, ... feet.
Keep a physical distance of six feet.
805th word:


Lay the baby in her crib, please.

Lay the baby in her crib, please.

Lay, ... the, ... baby, ... in, ... her, ... crib,, ... please.

Lay: ... Baringkan, bayinya, di, tempat, tidurnya.

Lay, ... the, ... baby, ... in, ... her, ... crib,, ... please.
Lay, ... the, ... baby, ... in, ... her, ... crib,, ... please.
Lay the baby in her crib, please.
806th word is:


My general impression of the restaurant was good.

My general impression of the restaurant was good.

My, ... general, ... impression, ... of, ... the, ... restaurant, ... was, ... good.

Umum: ... Kesan, umum, saya, tentang, restoran, itu, baik.

My, ... general, ... impression, ... of, ... the, ... restaurant, ... was, ... good.
My, ... general, ... impression, ... of, ... the, ... restaurant, ... was, ... good.
My general impression of the restaurant was good.
807th is:


I have a good feeling about this.

I have a good feeling about this.

I, ... have, ... a, ... good, ... feeling, ... about, ... this.

Perasaan: ... Aku, punya, firasat, bagus, tentang, ini.

I, ... have, ... a, ... good, ... feeling, ... about, ... this.
I, ... have, ... a, ... good, ... feeling, ... about, ... this.
I have a good feeling about this.
808th word:


The standard fee is $10.00.

The standard fee is $10.00.

The, ... standard, ... fee, ... is, ... $10.00.

Standar: ... Biaya, standar, adalah, $10,00.

The, ... standard, ... fee, ... is, ... $10.00.
The, ... standard, ... fee, ... is, ... $10.00.
The standard fee is $10.00.
809th word is:


The electrician will send me a bill.

The electrician will send me a bill.

The, ... electrician, ... will, ... send, ... me, ... a, ... bill.

Tagihan: ... Tukang, listrik, akan, mengirimi, saya, tagihan.

The, ... electrician, ... will, ... send, ... me, ... a, ... bill.
The, ... electrician, ... will, ... send, ... me, ... a, ... bill.
The electrician will send me a bill.
810th is:


You have a text message on your phone.

You have a text message on your phone.

You, ... have, ... a, ... text, ... message, ... on, ... your, ... phone.

Pesan: ... Anda, memiliki, pesan, teks, di, telepon, anda.

You, ... have, ... a, ... text, ... message, ... on, ... your, ... phone.
You, ... have, ... a, ... text, ... message, ... on, ... your, ... phone.
You have a text message on your phone.
811th word:


I fail to see what is so funny about that.

I fail to see what is so funny about that.

I, ... fail, ... to, ... see, ... what, ... is, ... so, ... funny, ... about, ... that.

Gagal: ... Aku, gagal, melihat, apa, yang, lucu, tentang, itu.

I, ... fail, ... to, ... see, ... what, ... is, ... so, ... funny, ... about, ... that.
I, ... fail, ... to, ... see, ... what, ... is, ... so, ... funny, ... about, ... that.
I fail to see what is so funny about that.
812th word is:


The cat goes outside sometimes.

The cat goes outside sometimes.

The, ... cat, ... goes, ... outside, ... sometimes.

Di, luar: ... Kucing, itu, terkadang, keluar.

The, ... cat, ... goes, ... outside, ... sometimes.
The, ... cat, ... goes, ... outside, ... sometimes.
The cat goes outside sometimes.
813th is:


When will your plane arrive?

When will your plane arrive?

When, ... will, ... your, ... plane, ... arrive?

Tiba: ... Kapan, pesawat, anda, tiba?

When, ... will, ... your, ... plane, ... arrive?
When, ... will, ... your, ... plane, ... arrive?
When will your plane arrive?
814th word:


I’ll give you my analysis when I’ve seen everything.

I’ll give you my analysis when I’ve seen everything.

I’ll, ... give, ... you, ... my, ... analysis, ... when, ... I’ve, ... seen, ... everything.

Analisis: ... Saya, akan, memberikan, analisis, saya, setelah, saya, melihat, semuanya.

I’ll, ... give, ... you, ... my, ... analysis, ... when, ... I’ve, ... seen, ... everything.
I’ll, ... give, ... you, ... my, ... analysis, ... when, ... I’ve, ... seen, ... everything.
I’ll give you my analysis when I’ve seen everything.
815th word is:


There are many health benefits to quinoa.

There are many health benefits to quinoa.

There, ... are, ... many, ... health, ... benefits, ... to, ... quinoa.

Manfaat: ... Ada, banyak, manfaat, kesehatan, quinoa.

There, ... are, ... many, ... health, ... benefits, ... to, ... quinoa.
There, ... are, ... many, ... health, ... benefits, ... to, ... quinoa.
There are many health benefits to quinoa.
816th is:


What’s your name?

What’s your name?

What’s, ... your, ... name?

Nama: ... Siapa, namamu?

What’s, ... your, ... name?
What’s, ... your, ... name?
What’s your name?
817th word:


Do you know the sex of your baby yet?

Do you know the sex of your baby yet?

Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... sex, ... of, ... your, ... baby, ... yet?

Jenis, kelamin: ... Apakah, anda, sudah, mengetahui, jenis, kelamin, bayi, anda?

Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... sex, ... of, ... your, ... baby, ... yet?
Do, ... you, ... know, ... the, ... sex, ... of, ... your, ... baby, ... yet?
Do you know the sex of your baby yet?
818th word is:


Move the car forward a few feet.

Move the car forward a few feet.

Move, ... the, ... car, ... forward, ... a, ... few, ... feet.

Maju: ... Pindahkan, mobil, ke, depan, beberapa, meter.

Move, ... the, ... car, ... forward, ... a, ... few, ... feet.
Move, ... the, ... car, ... forward, ... a, ... few, ... feet.
Move the car forward a few feet.
819th is:


My lawyer helped me write a will.

My lawyer helped me write a will.

My, ... lawyer, ... helped, ... me, ... write, ... a, ... will.

Pengacara: ... Pengacara, saya, membantu, saya, menulis, surat, wasiat.

My, ... lawyer, ... helped, ... me, ... write, ... a, ... will.
My, ... lawyer, ... helped, ... me, ... write, ... a, ... will.
My lawyer helped me write a will.
820st word:


If everyone is present, the meeting can begin.

If everyone is present, the meeting can begin.

If, ... everyone, ... is, ... present,, ... the, ... meeting, ... can, ... begin.

Hadir: ... Jika, semua, orang, hadir, rapat, dapat, dimulai.

If, ... everyone, ... is, ... present,, ... the, ... meeting, ... can, ... begin.
If, ... everyone, ... is, ... present,, ... the, ... meeting, ... can, ... begin.
If everyone is present, the meeting can begin.
821st word is:


What section of the stadium are you sitting in?

What section of the stadium are you sitting in?

What, ... section, ... of, ... the, ... stadium, ... are, ... you, ... sitting, ... in?

Bagian: ... Bagian, mana, dari, stadion, yang, anda, duduki?

What, ... section, ... of, ... the, ... stadium, ... are, ... you, ... sitting, ... in?
What, ... section, ... of, ... the, ... stadium, ... are, ... you, ... sitting, ... in?
What section of the stadium are you sitting in?
822nd is:


Environmental issues are in the news.

Environmental issues are in the news.

Environmental, ... issues, ... are, ... in, ... the, ... news.

Lingkungan: ... Isu, lingkungan, menjadi, berita, utama.

Environmental, ... issues, ... are, ... in, ... the, ... news.
Environmental, ... issues, ... are, ... in, ... the, ... news.
Environmental issues are in the news.
823rd word:


Glass is much heavier than plastic.

Glass is much heavier than plastic.

Glass, ... is, ... much, ... heavier, ... than, ... plastic.

Kaca: ... Kaca, jauh, lebih, berat, dari, plastik.

Glass, ... is, ... much, ... heavier, ... than, ... plastic.
Glass, ... is, ... much, ... heavier, ... than, ... plastic.
Glass is much heavier than plastic.
824th word is:


Could you answer a question for me?

Could you answer a question for me?

Could, ... you, ... answer, ... a, ... question, ... for, ... me?

Jawab: ... Bisakah, anda, menjawab, pertanyaan, untuk, saya?

Could, ... you, ... answer, ... a, ... question, ... for, ... me?
Could, ... you, ... answer, ... a, ... question, ... for, ... me?
Could you answer a question for me?
825th is:


His best skill is woodworking.

His best skill is woodworking.

His, ... best, ... skill, ... is, ... woodworking.

Skill: ... Skill, terbaiknya, adalah, woodworking.

His, ... best, ... skill, ... is, ... woodworking.
His, ... best, ... skill, ... is, ... woodworking.
His best skill is woodworking.
826th word:


My sister lives close to me.

My sister lives close to me.

My, ... sister, ... lives, ... close, ... to, ... me.

Kakak: ... Kakakku, tinggal, dekat, denganku.

My, ... sister, ... lives, ... close, ... to, ... me.
My, ... sister, ... lives, ... close, ... to, ... me.
My sister lives close to me.
827th word is:


The movie starts at 7 p.m.

The movie starts at 7 p.m.

The, ... movie, ... starts, ... at, ... 7, ... p.m.

Pm: ... Film, dimulai, pukul, 19: ... 30.

The, ... movie, ... starts, ... at, ... 7, ... p.m.
The, ... movie, ... starts, ... at, ... 7, ... p.m.
The movie starts at 7 p.m.
828th is:


Dr. Smith is my favorite professor.

Dr. Smith is my favorite professor.

Dr., ... Smith, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... professor.

Profesor: ... Dr, smith, adalah, profesor, favorit, saya.

Dr., ... Smith, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... professor.
Dr., ... Smith, ... is, ... my, ... favorite, ... professor.
Dr. Smith is my favorite professor.
829th word:


The mining operation employs thousands of people.

The mining operation employs thousands of people.

The, ... mining, ... operation, ... employs, ... thousands, ... of, ... people.

Operasi: ... Operasi, penambangan, mempekerjakan, ribuan, orang.

The, ... mining, ... operation, ... employs, ... thousands, ... of, ... people.
The, ... mining, ... operation, ... employs, ... thousands, ... of, ... people.
The mining operation employs thousands of people.
830st word is:


I keep my accounts at my financial institution.

I keep my accounts at my financial institution.

I, ... keep, ... my, ... accounts, ... at, ... my, ... financial, ... institution.

Keuangan: ... Saya, menyimpan, rekening, saya, di, lembaga, keuangan, saya.

I, ... keep, ... my, ... accounts, ... at, ... my, ... financial, ... institution.
I, ... keep, ... my, ... accounts, ... at, ... my, ... financial, ... institution.
I keep my accounts at my financial institution.
831st is:


The police fight crime.

The police fight crime.

The, ... police, ... fight, ... crime.

Kejahatan: ... Polisi, memerangi, kejahatan.

The, ... police, ... fight, ... crime.
The, ... police, ... fight, ... crime.
The police fight crime.
832nd word:


A caterpillar is the larval stage of a butterfly.

A caterpillar is the larval stage of a butterfly.

A, ... caterpillar, ... is, ... the, ... larval, ... stage, ... of, ... a, ... butterfly.

Tahap: ... Ulat, adalah, tahap, larva, kupu-kupu.

A, ... caterpillar, ... is, ... the, ... larval, ... stage, ... of, ... a, ... butterfly.
A, ... caterpillar, ... is, ... the, ... larval, ... stage, ... of, ... a, ... butterfly.
A caterpillar is the larval stage of a butterfly.
833rd word is:


Would it be ok to eat out tonight?

Would it be ok to eat out tonight?

Would, ... it, ... be, ... ok, ... to, ... eat, ... out, ... tonight?

Oke: ... Apakah, boleh, makan, di, luar, malam, ini?

Would, ... it, ... be, ... ok, ... to, ... eat, ... out, ... tonight?
Would, ... it, ... be, ... ok, ... to, ... eat, ... out, ... tonight?
Would it be ok to eat out tonight?
834th is:


We should compare cars before we buy one.

We should compare cars before we buy one.

We, ... should, ... compare, ... cars, ... before, ... we, ... buy, ... one.

Bandingkan: ... Kita, harus, membandingkan, mobil, sebelum, membelinya.

We, ... should, ... compare, ... cars, ... before, ... we, ... buy, ... one.
We, ... should, ... compare, ... cars, ... before, ... we, ... buy, ... one.
We should compare cars before we buy one.
835th word:


City authorities make the local laws.

City authorities make the local laws.

City, ... authorities, ... make, ... the, ... local, ... laws.

Otoritas: ... Otoritas, kota, membuat, undang-undang, setempat.

City, ... authorities, ... make, ... the, ... local, ... laws.
City, ... authorities, ... make, ... the, ... local, ... laws.
City authorities make the local laws.
836th word is:


I miss you, when will I see you again?

I miss you, when will I see you again?

I, ... miss, ... you,, ... when, ... will, ... I, ... see, ... you, ... again?

Nona: ... Aku, merindukanmu, kapan, aku, akan, melihatmu, lagi?

I, ... miss, ... you,, ... when, ... will, ... I, ... see, ... you, ... again?
I, ... miss, ... you,, ... when, ... will, ... I, ... see, ... you, ... again?
I miss you, when will I see you again?
837th is:


We need to design a new logo.

We need to design a new logo.

We, ... need, ... to, ... design, ... a, ... new, ... logo.

Desain: ... Kita, perlu, mendesain, logo, baru.

We, ... need, ... to, ... design, ... a, ... new, ... logo.
We, ... need, ... to, ... design, ... a, ... new, ... logo.
We need to design a new logo.
838th word:


Let’s sort these beads according to color.

Let’s sort these beads according to color.

Let’s, ... sort, ... these, ... beads, ... according, ... to, ... color.

Sortir: ... Mari, kita, urutkan, manik-manik, ini, menurut, warnanya.

Let’s, ... sort, ... these, ... beads, ... according, ... to, ... color.
Let’s, ... sort, ... these, ... beads, ... according, ... to, ... color.
Let’s sort these beads according to color.
839th word is:


I only have one cat.

I only have one cat.

I, ... only, ... have, ... one, ... cat.

Satu: ... Saya, hanya, punya, satu, kucing.

I, ... only, ... have, ... one, ... cat.
I, ... only, ... have, ... one, ... cat.
I only have one cat.
840st is:


I’ll act on your information today.

I’ll act on your information today.

I’ll, ... act, ... on, ... your, ... information, ... today.

Bertindak: ... Saya, akan, bertindak, berdasarkan, informasi, anda, hari, ini.

I’ll, ... act, ... on, ... your, ... information, ... today.
I’ll, ... act, ... on, ... your, ... information, ... today.
I’ll act on your information today.
841st word:


The baby counted her ten toes.

The baby counted her ten toes.

The, ... baby, ... counted, ... her, ... ten, ... toes.

Sepuluh: ... Bayi, itu, menghitung, sepuluh, jari, kakinya.

The, ... baby, ... counted, ... her, ... ten, ... toes.
The, ... baby, ... counted, ... her, ... ten, ... toes.
The baby counted her ten toes.
842nd word is:


Do you have the knowledge to fix that?

Do you have the knowledge to fix that?

Do, ... you, ... have, ... the, ... knowledge, ... to, ... fix, ... that?

Pengetahuan: ... Apakah, anda, memiliki, pengetahuan, untuk, memperbaikinya?

Do, ... you, ... have, ... the, ... knowledge, ... to, ... fix, ... that?
Do, ... you, ... have, ... the, ... knowledge, ... to, ... fix, ... that?
Do you have the knowledge to fix that?
843rd is:


Gun ownership is a controversial topic.

Gun ownership is a controversial topic.

Gun, ... ownership, ... is, ... a, ... controversial, ... topic.

Senjata: ... Kepemilikan, senjata, adalah, topik, yang, kontroversial.

Gun, ... ownership, ... is, ... a, ... controversial, ... topic.
Gun, ... ownership, ... is, ... a, ... controversial, ... topic.
Gun ownership is a controversial topic.
844th word:


There is a train station close to my house.

There is a train station close to my house.

There, ... is, ... a, ... train, ... station, ... close, ... to, ... my, ... house.

Stasiun: ... Ada, stasiun, kereta, api, di, dekat, rumah, saya.

There, ... is, ... a, ... train, ... station, ... close, ... to, ... my, ... house.
There, ... is, ... a, ... train, ... station, ... close, ... to, ... my, ... house.
There is a train station close to my house.
845th word is:


My favorite color is blue.

My favorite color is blue.

My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.

Biru: ... Warna, favorit, saya, adalah, biru.

My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.
My, ... favorite, ... color, ... is, ... blue.
My favorite color is blue.
846th is:


After the accident I was in a state of shock.

After the accident I was in a state of shock.

After, ... the, ... accident, ... I, ... was, ... in, ... a, ... state, ... of, ... shock.

Negara: ... Setelah, kecelakaan, saya, dalam, keadaan, shock.

After, ... the, ... accident, ... I, ... was, ... in, ... a, ... state, ... of, ... shock.
After, ... the, ... accident, ... I, ... was, ... in, ... a, ... state, ... of, ... shock.
After the accident I was in a state of shock.
847th word:


Our new corporate strategy is written here.

Our new corporate strategy is written here.

Our, ... new, ... corporate, ... strategy, ... is, ... written, ... here.

Strategi: ... Strategi, perusahaan, baru, kami, tertulis, di, sini.

Our, ... new, ... corporate, ... strategy, ... is, ... written, ... here.
Our, ... new, ... corporate, ... strategy, ... is, ... written, ... here.
Our new corporate strategy is written here.
848th word is:


I prefer little cars.

I prefer little cars.

I, ... prefer, ... little, ... cars.

Sedikit: ... Saya, lebih, suka, mobil, kecil.

I, ... prefer, ... little, ... cars.
I, ... prefer, ... little, ... cars.
I prefer little cars.
849th is:


The instructions were clearly written.

The instructions were clearly written.

The, ... instructions, ... were, ... clearly, ... written.

Jelas: ... Instruksi, ditulis, dengan, jelas.

The, ... instructions, ... were, ... clearly, ... written.
The, ... instructions, ... were, ... clearly, ... written.
The instructions were clearly written.
850st word:


We’ll discuss that at the meeting.

We’ll discuss that at the meeting.

We’ll, ... discuss, ... that, ... at, ... the, ... meeting.

Diskusikan: ... Kami, akan, membahasnya, di, rapat.

We’ll, ... discuss, ... that, ... at, ... the, ... meeting.
We’ll, ... discuss, ... that, ... at, ... the, ... meeting.
We’ll discuss that at the meeting.
851st word is:


Your mother does indeed have hearing loss.

Your mother does indeed have hearing loss.

Your, ... mother, ... does, ... indeed, ... have, ... hearing, ... loss.

Memang: ... Ibumu, memang, memiliki, gangguan, pendengaran.

Your, ... mother, ... does, ... indeed, ... have, ... hearing, ... loss.
Your, ... mother, ... does, ... indeed, ... have, ... hearing, ... loss.
Your mother does indeed have hearing loss.
852nd is:


It takes a lot of force to open that door.

It takes a lot of force to open that door.

It, ... takes, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... force, ... to, ... open, ... that, ... door.

Paksa: ... Dibutuhkan, banyak, tenaga, untuk, membuka, pintu, itu.

It, ... takes, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... force, ... to, ... open, ... that, ... door.
It, ... takes, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... force, ... to, ... open, ... that, ... door.
It takes a lot of force to open that door.
853rd word:


Please tell me the truth.

Please tell me the truth.

Please, ... tell, ... me, ... the, ... truth.

Kebenaran: ... Tolong, katakan, yang, sebenarnya.

Please, ... tell, ... me, ... the, ... truth.
Please, ... tell, ... me, ... the, ... truth.
Please tell me the truth.
854th word is:


That’s a beautiful song.

That’s a beautiful song.

That’s, ... a, ... beautiful, ... song.

Lagu: ... Itu, lagu, yang, indah.

That’s, ... a, ... beautiful, ... song.
That’s, ... a, ... beautiful, ... song.
That’s a beautiful song.
855th is:


I need an example of that grammar point, please.

I need an example of that grammar point, please.

I, ... need, ... an, ... example, ... of, ... that, ... grammar, ... point,, ... please.

Contoh: ... Saya, butuh, contoh, dari, poin, tata, bahasa, itu, tolong.

I, ... need, ... an, ... example, ... of, ... that, ... grammar, ... point,, ... please.
I, ... need, ... an, ... example, ... of, ... that, ... grammar, ... point,, ... please.
I need an example of that grammar point, please.
856th word:


Does australia have a democratic government?

Does australia have a democratic government?

Does, ... australia, ... have, ... a, ... democratic, ... government?

Demokrat: ... Apakah, australia, memiliki, pemerintahan, yang, demokratis?

Does, ... australia, ... have, ... a, ... democratic, ... government?
Does, ... australia, ... have, ... a, ... democratic, ... government?
Does australia have a democratic government?
857th word is:


Please check my work to be sure it’s correct.

Please check my work to be sure it’s correct.

Please, ... check, ... my, ... work, ... to, ... be, ... sure, ... it’s, ... correct.

Periksa: ... Silakan, periksa, pekerjaan, saya, untuk, memastikan, itu, benar.

Please, ... check, ... my, ... work, ... to, ... be, ... sure, ... it’s, ... correct.
Please, ... check, ... my, ... work, ... to, ... be, ... sure, ... it’s, ... correct.
Please check my work to be sure it’s correct.
858th is:


We live in a healthy environment.

We live in a healthy environment.

We, ... live, ... in, ... a, ... healthy, ... environment.

Lingkungan: ... Kita, hidup, dalam, lingkungan, yang, sehat.

We, ... live, ... in, ... a, ... healthy, ... environment.
We, ... live, ... in, ... a, ... healthy, ... environment.
We live in a healthy environment.
859th word:


The boy broke his leg.

The boy broke his leg.

The, ... boy, ... broke, ... his, ... leg.

Kaki: ... Anak, itu, patah, kakinya.

The, ... boy, ... broke, ... his, ... leg.
The, ... boy, ... broke, ... his, ... leg.
The boy broke his leg.
860st word is:


Turn on the light, it’s dark in here.

Turn on the light, it’s dark in here.

Turn, ... on, ... the, ... light,, ... it’s, ... dark, ... in, ... here.

Gelap: ... Nyalakan, lampu, di, sini, gelap.

Turn, ... on, ... the, ... light,, ... it’s, ... dark, ... in, ... here.
Turn, ... on, ... the, ... light,, ... it’s, ... dark, ... in, ... here.
Turn on the light, it’s dark in here.
861st is:


Masks must be worn in public places.

Masks must be worn in public places.

Masks, ... must, ... be, ... worn, ... in, ... public, ... places.

Publik: ... Masker, harus, dipakai, di, tempat, umum.

Masks, ... must, ... be, ... worn, ... in, ... public, ... places.
Masks, ... must, ... be, ... worn, ... in, ... public, ... places.
Masks must be worn in public places.
862nd word:


That rug comes in various shades of gray.

That rug comes in various shades of gray.

That, ... rug, ... comes, ... in, ... various, ... shades, ... of, ... gray.

Beragam: ... Karpet, itu, hadir, dalam, berbagai, warna, abu-abu.

That, ... rug, ... comes, ... in, ... various, ... shades, ... of, ... gray.
That, ... rug, ... comes, ... in, ... various, ... shades, ... of, ... gray.
That rug comes in various shades of gray.
863rd word is:


Would you rather have a hamburger than a hot dog?

Would you rather have a hamburger than a hot dog?

Would, ... you, ... rather, ... have, ... a, ... hamburger, ... than, ... a, ... hot, ... dog?

Sebaliknya: ... Apakah, anda, lebih, suka, makan, hamburger, daripada, hot, dog?

Would, ... you, ... rather, ... have, ... a, ... hamburger, ... than, ... a, ... hot, ... dog?
Would, ... you, ... rather, ... have, ... a, ... hamburger, ... than, ... a, ... hot, ... dog?
Would you rather have a hamburger than a hot dog?
864th is:


That movie always makes me laugh.

That movie always makes me laugh.

That, ... movie, ... always, ... makes, ... me, ... laugh.

Tertawa: ... Film, itu, selalu, membuatku, tertawa.

That, ... movie, ... always, ... makes, ... me, ... laugh.
That, ... movie, ... always, ... makes, ... me, ... laugh.
That movie always makes me laugh.
865th word:


If you don’t know, just guess.

If you don’t know, just guess.

If, ... you, ... don’t, ... know,, ... just, ... guess.

Tebak: ... Jika, anda, tidak, tahu, tebak, saja.

If, ... you, ... don’t, ... know,, ... just, ... guess.
If, ... you, ... don’t, ... know,, ... just, ... guess.
If you don’t know, just guess.
866th word is:


The company’s executives are paid well.

The company’s executives are paid well.

The, ... company’s, ... executives, ... are, ... paid, ... well.

Eksekutif: ... Para, eksekutif, perusahaan, dibayar, dengan, baik.

The, ... company’s, ... executives, ... are, ... paid, ... well.
The, ... company’s, ... executives, ... are, ... paid, ... well.
The company’s executives are paid well.
867th is:


Set the glass on the table, please.

Set the glass on the table, please.

Set, ... the, ... glass, ... on, ... the, ... table,, ... please.

Atur: ... Tolong, letakkan, gelas, di, atas, meja.

Set, ... the, ... glass, ... on, ... the, ... table,, ... please.
Set, ... the, ... glass, ... on, ... the, ... table,, ... please.
Set the glass on the table, please.
868th word:


He needs to study for the test.

He needs to study for the test.

He, ... needs, ... to, ... study, ... for, ... the, ... test.

Belajar: ... Dia, perlu, belajar, untuk, ujian.

He, ... needs, ... to, ... study, ... for, ... the, ... test.
He, ... needs, ... to, ... study, ... for, ... the, ... test.
He needs to study for the test.
869th word is:


The employee proved his worth.

The employee proved his worth.

The, ... employee, ... proved, ... his, ... worth.

Buktikan: ... Karyawan, itu, membuktikan, nilainya.

The, ... employee, ... proved, ... his, ... worth.
The, ... employee, ... proved, ... his, ... worth.
The employee proved his worth.
870st is:


Please hang your coat on the hook.

Please hang your coat on the hook.

Please, ... hang, ... your, ... coat, ... on, ... the, ... hook.

Gantung: ... Tolong, gantung, mantelmu, di, pengait.

Please, ... hang, ... your, ... coat, ... on, ... the, ... hook.
Please, ... hang, ... your, ... coat, ... on, ... the, ... hook.
Please hang your coat on the hook.
871st word:


He ate the entire meal in 10 minutes.

He ate the entire meal in 10 minutes.

He, ... ate, ... the, ... entire, ... meal, ... in, ... 10, ... minutes.

Seluruhnya: ... Dia, menghabiskan, seluruh, makanan, dalam, 10, menit.

He, ... ate, ... the, ... entire, ... meal, ... in, ... 10, ... minutes.
He, ... ate, ... the, ... entire, ... meal, ... in, ... 10, ... minutes.
He ate the entire meal in 10 minutes.
872nd word is:


There are decorative rocks in the garden.

There are decorative rocks in the garden.

There, ... are, ... decorative, ... rocks, ... in, ... the, ... garden.

Batu: ... Ada, batu, hias, di, taman.

There, ... are, ... decorative, ... rocks, ... in, ... the, ... garden.
There, ... are, ... decorative, ... rocks, ... in, ... the, ... garden.
There are decorative rocks in the garden.
873rd is:


The windows don’t open by design.

The windows don’t open by design.

The, ... windows, ... don’t, ... open, ... by, ... design.

Desain: ... Jendela, tidak, terbuka, karena, desain.

The, ... windows, ... don’t, ... open, ... by, ... design.
The, ... windows, ... don’t, ... open, ... by, ... design.
The windows don’t open by design.
874th word:


Have you had enough coffee?

Have you had enough coffee?

Have, ... you, ... had, ... enough, ... coffee?

Cukup: ... Apakah, anda, sudah, cukup, kopi?

Have, ... you, ... had, ... enough, ... coffee?
Have, ... you, ... had, ... enough, ... coffee?
Have you had enough coffee?
875th word is:


Don’t forget to stop at the store.

Don’t forget to stop at the store.

Don’t, ... forget, ... to, ... stop, ... at, ... the, ... store.

Lupakan: ... Jangan, lupa, mampir, ke, toko.

Don’t, ... forget, ... to, ... stop, ... at, ... the, ... store.
Don’t, ... forget, ... to, ... stop, ... at, ... the, ... store.
Don’t forget to stop at the store.
876th is:


She hasn’t eaten since yesterday.

She hasn’t eaten since yesterday.

She, ... hasn’t, ... eaten, ... since, ... yesterday.

Sejak: ... Dia, belum, makan, sejak, kemarin.

She, ... hasn’t, ... eaten, ... since, ... yesterday.
She, ... hasn’t, ... eaten, ... since, ... yesterday.
She hasn’t eaten since yesterday.
877th word:


I made an insurance claim for my car accident.

I made an insurance claim for my car accident.

I, ... made, ... an, ... insurance, ... claim, ... for, ... my, ... car, ... accident.

Klaim: ... Saya, membuat, klaim, asuransi, untuk, kecelakaan, mobil, saya.

I, ... made, ... an, ... insurance, ... claim, ... for, ... my, ... car, ... accident.
I, ... made, ... an, ... insurance, ... claim, ... for, ... my, ... car, ... accident.
I made an insurance claim for my car accident.
878th word is:


Leave me a note if you’re going to be late.

Leave me a note if you’re going to be late.

Leave, ... me, ... a, ... note, ... if, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... late.

Catatan: ... Tinggalkan, saya, catatan, jika, anda, akan, terlambat.

Leave, ... me, ... a, ... note, ... if, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... late.
Leave, ... me, ... a, ... note, ... if, ... you’re, ... going, ... to, ... be, ... late.
Leave me a note if you’re going to be late.
879th is:


Remove the cookies from the oven.

Remove the cookies from the oven.

Remove, ... the, ... cookies, ... from, ... the, ... oven.

Keluarkan: ... Keluarkan, kue, dari, oven.

Remove, ... the, ... cookies, ... from, ... the, ... oven.
Remove, ... the, ... cookies, ... from, ... the, ... oven.
Remove the cookies from the oven.
880st word:


The manager will look at your application.

The manager will look at your application.

The, ... manager, ... will, ... look, ... at, ... your, ... application.

Manajer: ... Manajer, akan, melihat, aplikasi, anda.

The, ... manager, ... will, ... look, ... at, ... your, ... application.
The, ... manager, ... will, ... look, ... at, ... your, ... application.
The manager will look at your application.
881st word is:


Could you help me move this table?

Could you help me move this table?

Could, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... move, ... this, ... table?

Tolong: ... Bisakah, anda, membantu, saya, memindahkan, meja, ini?

Could, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... move, ... this, ... table?
Could, ... you, ... help, ... me, ... move, ... this, ... table?
Could you help me move this table?
882nd is:


Close the door, please.

Close the door, please.

Close, ... the, ... door,, ... please.

Tutup: ... Tutup, pintunya, tolong.

Close, ... the, ... door,, ... please.
Close, ... the, ... door,, ... please.
Close the door, please.
883rd word:


The dog did not make a sound.

The dog did not make a sound.

The, ... dog, ... did, ... not, ... make, ... a, ... sound.

Suara: ... Anjing, itu, tidak, bersuara.

The, ... dog, ... did, ... not, ... make, ... a, ... sound.
The, ... dog, ... did, ... not, ... make, ... a, ... sound.
The dog did not make a sound.
884th word is:


I enjoy soda.

I enjoy soda.

I, ... enjoy, ... soda.

Nikmati: ... Saya, menikmati, soda.

I, ... enjoy, ... soda.
I, ... enjoy, ... soda.
I enjoy soda.
885th is:


Band is the name of our internet network.

Band is the name of our internet network.

Band, ... is, ... the, ... name, ... of, ... our, ... internet, ... network.

Jaringan: ... Band, adalah, nama, jaringan, internet, kita.

Band, ... is, ... the, ... name, ... of, ... our, ... internet, ... network.
Band, ... is, ... the, ... name, ... of, ... our, ... internet, ... network.
Band is the name of our internet network.
886th word:


The legal documents need to be signed.

The legal documents need to be signed.

The, ... legal, ... documents, ... need, ... to, ... be, ... signed.

Legal: ... Dokumen, legal, harus, ditandatangani.

The, ... legal, ... documents, ... need, ... to, ... be, ... signed.
The, ... legal, ... documents, ... need, ... to, ... be, ... signed.
The legal documents need to be signed.
887th word is:


She is very religious, she attends church weekly.

She is very religious, she attends church weekly.

She, ... is, ... very, ... religious,, ... she, ... attends, ... church, ... weekly.

Religius: ... Dia, sangat, religius, dia, menghadiri, gereja, setiap, minggu.

She, ... is, ... very, ... religious,, ... she, ... attends, ... church, ... weekly.
She, ... is, ... very, ... religious,, ... she, ... attends, ... church, ... weekly.
She is very religious, she attends church weekly.
888th is:


My feet are cold.

My feet are cold.

My, ... feet, ... are, ... cold.

Dingin: ... Kakiku, dingin.

My, ... feet, ... are, ... cold.
My, ... feet, ... are, ... cold.
My feet are cold.
889th word:


Please fill out this application form.

Please fill out this application form.

Please, ... fill, ... out, ... this, ... application, ... form.

Formulir: ... Silakan, isi, formulir, aplikasi, ini.

Please, ... fill, ... out, ... this, ... application, ... form.
Please, ... fill, ... out, ... this, ... application, ... form.
Please fill out this application form.
890st word is:


The divorce was final last month.

The divorce was final last month.

The, ... divorce, ... was, ... final, ... last, ... month.

Final: ... Perceraian, itu, final, bulan, lalu.

The, ... divorce, ... was, ... final, ... last, ... month.
The, ... divorce, ... was, ... final, ... last, ... month.
The divorce was final last month.
891st is:


The main problem is a lack of money.

The main problem is a lack of money.

The, ... main, ... problem, ... is, ... a, ... lack, ... of, ... money.

Utama: ... Masalah, utama, adalah, kekurangan, uang.

The, ... main, ... problem, ... is, ... a, ... lack, ... of, ... money.
The, ... main, ... problem, ... is, ... a, ... lack, ... of, ... money.
The main problem is a lack of money.
892nd word:


He studies health science at the university.

He studies health science at the university.

He, ... studies, ... health, ... science, ... at, ... the, ... university.

Sains: ... Dia, belajar, ilmu, kesehatan, di, universitas.

He, ... studies, ... health, ... science, ... at, ... the, ... university.
He, ... studies, ... health, ... science, ... at, ... the, ... university.
He studies health science at the university.
893rd word is:


The grass is green.

The grass is green.

The, ... grass, ... is, ... green.

Hijau: ... Rumputnya, hijau.

The, ... grass, ... is, ... green.
The, ... grass, ... is, ... green.
The grass is green.
894th is:


He has a good memory.

He has a good memory.

He, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... memory.

Memori: ... Dia, memiliki, ingatan, yang, baik.

He, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... memory.
He, ... has, ... a, ... good, ... memory.
He has a good memory.
895th word:


They sent me a card for my birthday.

They sent me a card for my birthday.

They, ... sent, ... me, ... a, ... card, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.

Kartu: ... Mereka, mengirimi, saya, kartu, untuk, ulang, tahun, saya.

They, ... sent, ... me, ... a, ... card, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.
They, ... sent, ... me, ... a, ... card, ... for, ... my, ... birthday.
They sent me a card for my birthday.
896th word is:


Look on the shelf above the sink.

Look on the shelf above the sink.

Look, ... on, ... the, ... shelf, ... above, ... the, ... sink.

Di, atas: ... Lihat, di, rak, di, atas, wastafel.

Look, ... on, ... the, ... shelf, ... above, ... the, ... sink.
Look, ... on, ... the, ... shelf, ... above, ... the, ... sink.
Look on the shelf above the sink.
897th is:


That’s a comfortable seat.

That’s a comfortable seat.

That’s, ... a, ... comfortable, ... seat.

Kursi: ... Itu, kursi, yang, nyaman.

That’s, ... a, ... comfortable, ... seat.
That’s, ... a, ... comfortable, ... seat.
That’s a comfortable seat.
898th word:


Your body is made of millions of cells.

Your body is made of millions of cells.

Your, ... body, ... is, ... made, ... of, ... millions, ... of, ... cells.

Sel: ... Tubuh, anda, terbuat, dari, jutaan, sel.

Your, ... body, ... is, ... made, ... of, ... millions, ... of, ... cells.
Your, ... body, ... is, ... made, ... of, ... millions, ... of, ... cells.
Your body is made of millions of cells.
899th word is:


They established their business in 1942.

They established their business in 1942.

They, ... established, ... their, ... business, ... in, ... 1942.

Mendirikan: ... Mereka, mendirikan, bisnis, mereka, pada, tahun, 1942.

They, ... established, ... their, ... business, ... in, ... 1942.
They, ... established, ... their, ... business, ... in, ... 1942.
They established their business in 1942.
900st is:


That’s a very nice car.

That’s a very nice car.

That’s, ... a, ... very, ... nice, ... car.

Bagus: ... Itu, mobil, yang, sangat, bagus.

That’s, ... a, ... very, ... nice, ... car.
That’s, ... a, ... very, ... nice, ... car.
That’s a very nice car.
901st word:


They are employing her on a trial basis.

They are employing her on a trial basis.

They, ... are, ... employing, ... her, ... on, ... a, ... trial, ... basis.

Percobaan: ... Mereka, mempekerjakan, dia, atas, dasar, percobaan.

They, ... are, ... employing, ... her, ... on, ... a, ... trial, ... basis.
They, ... are, ... employing, ... her, ... on, ... a, ... trial, ... basis.
They are employing her on a trial basis.
902nd word is:


Matt is an it expert.

Matt is an it expert.

Matt, ... is, ... an, ... it, ... expert.

Pakar: ... Matt, adalah, ahlinya.

Matt, ... is, ... an, ... it, ... expert.
Matt, ... is, ... an, ... it, ... expert.
Matt is an it expert.
903rd is:


Did you see that movie?

Did you see that movie?

Did, ... you, ... see, ... that, ... movie?

Itu: ... Apakah, anda, melihat, film, itu?

Did, ... you, ... see, ... that, ... movie?
Did, ... you, ... see, ... that, ... movie?
Did you see that movie?
904th word:


Spring is the most beautiful season.

Spring is the most beautiful season.

Spring, ... is, ... the, ... most, ... beautiful, ... season.

Musim, semi: ... Musim, semi, adalah, musim, yang, paling, indah.

Spring, ... is, ... the, ... most, ... beautiful, ... season.
Spring, ... is, ... the, ... most, ... beautiful, ... season.
Spring is the most beautiful season.
905th word is:


Her ‘no ... Was very firm, she won’t change her mind.

Her ‘no ... Was very firm, she won’t change her mind.

Her, ... ‘no, ..., ..., ... Was, ... very, ... firm,, ... she, ... won’t, ... change, ... her, ... mind.

Tegas: ... Dia, 'tidak ..., sangat, tegas, dia, tidak, akan, berubah, pikiran.

Her, ... ‘no, ..., ..., ... Was, ... very, ... firm,, ... she, ... won’t, ... change, ... her, ... mind.
Her, ... ‘no, ..., ..., ... Was, ... very, ... firm,, ... she, ... won’t, ... change, ... her, ... mind.
Her ‘no ... Was very firm, she won’t change her mind.
906th is:


The democrats control the senate.

The democrats control the senate.

The, ... democrats, ... control, ... the, ... senate.

Demokrat: ... Demokrat, mengendalikan, senat.

The, ... democrats, ... control, ... the, ... senate.
The, ... democrats, ... control, ... the, ... senate.
The democrats control the senate.
907th word:


I listen to the radio in the car.

I listen to the radio in the car.

I, ... listen, ... to, ... the, ... radio, ... in, ... the, ... car.

Radio: ... Saya, mendengarkan, radio, di, dalam, mobil.

I, ... listen, ... to, ... the, ... radio, ... in, ... the, ... car.
I, ... listen, ... to, ... the, ... radio, ... in, ... the, ... car.
I listen to the radio in the car.
908th word is:


We visited the museum today.

We visited the museum today.

We, ... visited, ... the, ... museum, ... today.

Kunjungi: ... Kami, mengunjungi, museum, hari, ini.

We, ... visited, ... the, ... museum, ... today.
We, ... visited, ... the, ... museum, ... today.
We visited the museum today.
909th is:


That store has good management.

That store has good management.

That, ... store, ... has, ... good, ... management.

Manajemen: ... Toko, itu, memiliki, manajemen, yang, baik.

That, ... store, ... has, ... good, ... management.
That, ... store, ... has, ... good, ... management.
That store has good management.
910th word:


She cares for her mother at home.

She cares for her mother at home.

She, ... cares, ... for, ... her, ... mother, ... at, ... home.

Peduli: ... Dia, merawat, ibunya, di, rumah.

She, ... cares, ... for, ... her, ... mother, ... at, ... home.
She, ... cares, ... for, ... her, ... mother, ... at, ... home.
She cares for her mother at home.
911th word is:


You should avoid poison ivy.

You should avoid poison ivy.

You, ... should, ... avoid, ... poison, ... ivy.

Hindari: ... Anda, harus, menghindari, poison, ivy.

You, ... should, ... avoid, ... poison, ... ivy.
You, ... should, ... avoid, ... poison, ... ivy.
You should avoid poison ivy.
912th is:


Can you imagine if pigs could fly?

Can you imagine if pigs could fly?

Can, ... you, ... imagine, ... if, ... pigs, ... could, ... fly?

Bayangkan: ... Bisakah, anda, bayangkan, jika, babi, bisa, terbang?

Can, ... you, ... imagine, ... if, ... pigs, ... could, ... fly?
Can, ... you, ... imagine, ... if, ... pigs, ... could, ... fly?
Can you imagine if pigs could fly?
913th word:


Would you like to go out tonight?

Would you like to go out tonight?

Would, ... you, ... like, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... tonight?

Malam, ini: ... Apakah, anda, ingin, keluar, malam, ini?

Would, ... you, ... like, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... tonight?
Would, ... you, ... like, ... to, ... go, ... out, ... tonight?
Would you like to go out tonight?
914th word is:


That truck is huge! ...

That truck is huge! ...

That, ... truck, ... is, ... huge!, ... ...

Besar: ... Truk, itu, sangat, besar!

That, ... truck, ... is, ... huge!, ... ...
That, ... truck, ... is, ... huge!, ... ...
That truck is huge! ...
915th is:


He threw the ball to the dog.

He threw the ball to the dog.

He, ... threw, ... the, ... ball, ... to, ... the, ... dog.

Bola: ... Dia, melempar, bola, ke, anjing.

He, ... threw, ... the, ... ball, ... to, ... the, ... dog.
He, ... threw, ... the, ... ball, ... to, ... the, ... dog.
He threw the ball to the dog.
916th word:


I said ‘no,’ please don’t ask again.

I said ‘no,’ please don’t ask again.

I, ... said, ... ‘no,’, ... please, ... don’t, ... ask, ... again.

Tidak: ... Saya, bilang, 'tidak', tolong, jangan, tanya, lagi.

I, ... said, ... ‘no,’, ... please, ... don’t, ... ask, ... again.
I, ... said, ... ‘no,’, ... please, ... don’t, ... ask, ... again.
I said ‘no,’ please don’t ask again.
917th word is:


Close the window, please.

Close the window, please.

Close, ... the, ... window,, ... please.

Tutup: ... Tolong, tutup, jendelanya.

Close, ... the, ... window,, ... please.
Close, ... the, ... window,, ... please.
Close the window, please.
918th is:


Did you finish your homework?

Did you finish your homework?

Did, ... you, ... finish, ... your, ... homework?

Selesai: ... Apakah, anda, menyelesaikan, pekerjaan, rumah, anda?

Did, ... you, ... finish, ... your, ... homework?
Did, ... you, ... finish, ... your, ... homework?
Did you finish your homework?
919th word:


You gave yourself a haircut?

You gave yourself a haircut?

You, ... gave, ... yourself, ... a, ... haircut?

Diri, anda, sendiri: ... Anda, memberi, diri, anda, potongan, rambut?

You, ... gave, ... yourself, ... a, ... haircut?
You, ... gave, ... yourself, ... a, ... haircut?
You gave yourself a haircut?
920st word is:
Sich unterhalten


He talks a lot.

He talks a lot.

He, ... talks, ... a, ... lot.

Bicara: ... Dia, banyak, bicara.

He, ... talks, ... a, ... lot.
He, ... talks, ... a, ... lot.
He talks a lot.
921st is:


In theory, that’s a good plan.

In theory, that’s a good plan.

In, ... theory,, ... that’s, ... a, ... good, ... plan.

Teori: ... Secara, teori, itu, rencana, yang, bagus.

In, ... theory,, ... that’s, ... a, ... good, ... plan.
In, ... theory,, ... that’s, ... a, ... good, ... plan.
In theory, that’s a good plan.
922nd word:


The drought had a big impact on the crops.

The drought had a big impact on the crops.

The, ... drought, ... had, ... a, ... big, ... impact, ... on, ... the, ... crops.

Dampak: ... Kekeringan, berdampak, besar, pada, tanaman.

The, ... drought, ... had, ... a, ... big, ... impact, ... on, ... the, ... crops.
The, ... drought, ... had, ... a, ... big, ... impact, ... on, ... the, ... crops.
The drought had a big impact on the crops.
923rd word is:


He hasn’t responded to my text yet.

He hasn’t responded to my text yet.

He, ... hasn’t, ... responded, ... to, ... my, ... text, ... yet.

Balas: ... Dia, belum, membalas, pesanku.

He, ... hasn’t, ... responded, ... to, ... my, ... text, ... yet.
He, ... hasn’t, ... responded, ... to, ... my, ... text, ... yet.
He hasn’t responded to my text yet.
924th is:


The police chief gave a statement to the media.

The police chief gave a statement to the media.

The, ... police, ... chief, ... gave, ... a, ... statement, ... to, ... the, ... media.

Pernyataan: ... Kapolres, memberikan, pernyataan, kepada, media.

The, ... police, ... chief, ... gave, ... a, ... statement, ... to, ... the, ... media.
The, ... police, ... chief, ... gave, ... a, ... statement, ... to, ... the, ... media.
The police chief gave a statement to the media.
925th word:


Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise, ... helps, ... you, ... maintain, ... a, ... healthy, ... weight.

Menjaga: ... Olahraga, membantu, anda, mempertahankan, berat, badan, yang, sehat.

Exercise, ... helps, ... you, ... maintain, ... a, ... healthy, ... weight.
Exercise, ... helps, ... you, ... maintain, ... a, ... healthy, ... weight.
Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight.
926th word is:


I need to charge my phone.

I need to charge my phone.

I, ... need, ... to, ... charge, ... my, ... phone.

Mengisi, daya: ... Saya, perlu, mengisi, daya, ponsel, saya.

I, ... need, ... to, ... charge, ... my, ... phone.
I, ... need, ... to, ... charge, ... my, ... phone.
I need to charge my phone.
927th is:


That’s a popular restaurant.

That’s a popular restaurant.

That’s, ... a, ... popular, ... restaurant.

Populer: ... Itu, restoran, populer.

That’s, ... a, ... popular, ... restaurant.
That’s, ... a, ... popular, ... restaurant.
That’s a popular restaurant.
928th word:


They serve traditional italian food there.

They serve traditional italian food there.

They, ... serve, ... traditional, ... italian, ... food, ... there.

Tradisional: ... Mereka, menyajikan, makanan, tradisional, italia, di, sana.

They, ... serve, ... traditional, ... italian, ... food, ... there.
They, ... serve, ... traditional, ... italian, ... food, ... there.
They serve traditional italian food there.
929th word is:


Jump onto the boat and we’ll go fishing.

Jump onto the boat and we’ll go fishing.

Jump, ... onto, ... the, ... boat, ... and, ... we’ll, ... go, ... fishing.

Ke: ... Lompat, ke, perahu, dan, kita, akan, pergi, memancing.

Jump, ... onto, ... the, ... boat, ... and, ... we’ll, ... go, ... fishing.
Jump, ... onto, ... the, ... boat, ... and, ... we’ll, ... go, ... fishing.
Jump onto the boat and we’ll go fishing.
930st is:


Washing off the dirt revealed the boy’s skinned knee.

Washing off the dirt revealed the boy’s skinned knee.

Washing, ... off, ... the, ... dirt, ... revealed, ... the, ... boy’s, ... skinned, ... knee.

Mengungkapkan: ... Membasuh, kotoran, mengungkapkan, lutut, berkulit, anak, itu.

Washing, ... off, ... the, ... dirt, ... revealed, ... the, ... boy’s, ... skinned, ... knee.
Washing, ... off, ... the, ... dirt, ... revealed, ... the, ... boy’s, ... skinned, ... knee.
Washing off the dirt revealed the boy’s skinned knee.
931st word:


What direction is the city from here?

What direction is the city from here?

What, ... direction, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... from, ... here?

Arah: ... Apa, arah, kota, dari, sini?

What, ... direction, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... from, ... here?
What, ... direction, ... is, ... the, ... city, ... from, ... here?
What direction is the city from here?
932nd word is:


No weapons are allowed in government buildings.

No weapons are allowed in government buildings.

No, ... weapons, ... are, ... allowed, ... in, ... government, ... buildings.

Senjata: ... Senjata, tidak, diperbolehkan, di, gedung-gedung, pemerintah.

No, ... weapons, ... are, ... allowed, ... in, ... government, ... buildings.
No, ... weapons, ... are, ... allowed, ... in, ... government, ... buildings.
No weapons are allowed in government buildings.
933rd is:


That store only has three employees.

That store only has three employees.

That, ... store, ... only, ... has, ... three, ... employees.

Karyawan: ... Toko, itu, hanya, memiliki, tiga, karyawan.

That, ... store, ... only, ... has, ... three, ... employees.
That, ... store, ... only, ... has, ... three, ... employees.
That store only has three employees.
934th word:


There is cultural significance to those old ruins.

There is cultural significance to those old ruins.

There, ... is, ... cultural, ... significance, ... to, ... those, ... old, ... ruins.

Budaya: ... Ada, makna, budaya, pada, reruntuhan, tua, itu.

There, ... is, ... cultural, ... significance, ... to, ... those, ... old, ... ruins.
There, ... is, ... cultural, ... significance, ... to, ... those, ... old, ... ruins.
There is cultural significance to those old ruins.
935th word is:


The carton contains a dozen egges.

The carton contains a dozen egges.

The, ... carton, ... contains, ... a, ... dozen, ... egges.

Berisi: ... Karton, berisi, selusin, telur.

The, ... carton, ... contains, ... a, ... dozen, ... egges.
The, ... carton, ... contains, ... a, ... dozen, ... egges.
The carton contains a dozen egges.
936th is:


World leaders gathered for peace talks.

World leaders gathered for peace talks.

World, ... leaders, ... gathered, ... for, ... peace, ... talks.

Perdamaian: ... Para, pemimpin, dunia, berkumpul, untuk, pembicaraan, damai.

World, ... leaders, ... gathered, ... for, ... peace, ... talks.
World, ... leaders, ... gathered, ... for, ... peace, ... talks.
World leaders gathered for peace talks.
937th word:


My head hurts.

My head hurts.

My, ... head, ... hurts.

Kepala: ... Kepalaku, sakit.

My, ... head, ... hurts.
My, ... head, ... hurts.
My head hurts.
938th word is:


Keep control of the car.

Keep control of the car.

Keep, ... control, ... of, ... the, ... car.

Kontrol: ... Tetap, kendalikan, mobil.

Keep, ... control, ... of, ... the, ... car.
Keep, ... control, ... of, ... the, ... car.
Keep control of the car.
939th is:


The glass has a heavy base so it won’t fall over.

The glass has a heavy base so it won’t fall over.

The, ... glass, ... has, ... a, ... heavy, ... base, ... so, ... it, ... won’t, ... fall, ... over.

Basis: ... Kaca, memiliki, alas, yang, berat, sehingga, tidak, akan, jatuh.

The, ... glass, ... has, ... a, ... heavy, ... base, ... so, ... it, ... won’t, ... fall, ... over.
The, ... glass, ... has, ... a, ... heavy, ... base, ... so, ... it, ... won’t, ... fall, ... over.
The glass has a heavy base so it won’t fall over.
940st word:


I have chest pain.

I have chest pain.

I, ... have, ... chest, ... pain.

Sakit: ... Aku, sakit, dada.

I, ... have, ... chest, ... pain.
I, ... have, ... chest, ... pain.
I have chest pain.
941st word is:


Maria applied for the job.

Maria applied for the job.

Maria, ... applied, ... for, ... the, ... job.

Melamar: ... Maria, melamar, pekerjaan, itu.

Maria, ... applied, ... for, ... the, ... job.
Maria, ... applied, ... for, ... the, ... job.
Maria applied for the job.
942nd is:


The children play at the park.

The children play at the park.

The, ... children, ... play, ... at, ... the, ... park.

Bermain: ... Anak-anak, bermain, di, taman.

The, ... children, ... play, ... at, ... the, ... park.
The, ... children, ... play, ... at, ... the, ... park.
The children play at the park.
943rd word:


Measure twice, cut once.

Measure twice, cut once.

Measure, ... twice,, ... cut, ... once.

Ukur: ... Ukur, dua, kali, potong, sekali.

Measure, ... twice,, ... cut, ... once.
Measure, ... twice,, ... cut, ... once.
Measure twice, cut once.
944th word is:


The doorway was very wide.

The doorway was very wide.

The, ... doorway, ... was, ... very, ... wide.

Lebar: ... Pintunya, sangat, lebar.

The, ... doorway, ... was, ... very, ... wide.
The, ... doorway, ... was, ... very, ... wide.
The doorway was very wide.
945th is:


Don’t shake the can of soda.

Don’t shake the can of soda.

Don’t, ... shake, ... the, ... can, ... of, ... soda.

Kocok: ... Jangan, kocok, kaleng, soda.

Don’t, ... shake, ... the, ... can, ... of, ... soda.
Don’t, ... shake, ... the, ... can, ... of, ... soda.
Don’t shake the can of soda.
946th word:


We can fly to france next year.

We can fly to france next year.

We, ... can, ... fly, ... to, ... france, ... next, ... year.

Terbang: ... Kita, bisa, terbang, ke, prancis, tahun, depan.

We, ... can, ... fly, ... to, ... france, ... next, ... year.
We, ... can, ... fly, ... to, ... france, ... next, ... year.
We can fly to france next year.
947th word is:


My job interview went well.

My job interview went well.

My, ... job, ... interview, ... went, ... well.

Wawancara: ... Wawancara, kerja, saya, berjalan, dengan, baik.

My, ... job, ... interview, ... went, ... well.
My, ... job, ... interview, ... went, ... well.
My job interview went well.
948th is:


Did you manage to find the keys?

Did you manage to find the keys?

Did, ... you, ... manage, ... to, ... find, ... the, ... keys?

Kelola: ... Apakah, anda, berhasil, menemukan, kuncinya?

Did, ... you, ... manage, ... to, ... find, ... the, ... keys?
Did, ... you, ... manage, ... to, ... find, ... the, ... keys?
Did you manage to find the keys?
949th word:


The table has six matching chairs.

The table has six matching chairs.

The, ... table, ... has, ... six, ... matching, ... chairs.

Kursi: ... Meja, memiliki, enam, kursi, yang, serasi.

The, ... table, ... has, ... six, ... matching, ... chairs.
The, ... table, ... has, ... six, ... matching, ... chairs.
The table has six matching chairs.
950st word is:


I don’t enjoy eating fish.

I don’t enjoy eating fish.

I, ... don’t, ... enjoy, ... eating, ... fish.

Ikan: ... Saya, tidak, suka, makan, ikan.

I, ... don’t, ... enjoy, ... eating, ... fish.
I, ... don’t, ... enjoy, ... eating, ... fish.
I don’t enjoy eating fish.
951st is:


That particular style looks good on you.

That particular style looks good on you.

That, ... particular, ... style, ... looks, ... good, ... on, ... you.

Khusus: ... Gaya, tertentu, itu, terlihat, bagus, untukmu.

That, ... particular, ... style, ... looks, ... good, ... on, ... you.
That, ... particular, ... style, ... looks, ... good, ... on, ... you.
That particular style looks good on you.
952nd word:


I use the camera on my phone.

I use the camera on my phone.

I, ... use, ... the, ... camera, ... on, ... my, ... phone.

Kamera: ... Saya, menggunakan, kamera, di, ponsel, saya.

I, ... use, ... the, ... camera, ... on, ... my, ... phone.
I, ... use, ... the, ... camera, ... on, ... my, ... phone.
I use the camera on my phone.
953rd word is:


The building’s structure is solid.

The building’s structure is solid.

The, ... building’s, ... structure, ... is, ... solid.

Struktur: ... Struktur, bangunan, kokoh.

The, ... building’s, ... structure, ... is, ... solid.
The, ... building’s, ... structure, ... is, ... solid.
The building’s structure is solid.
954th is:


Mitch is very active in politics.

Mitch is very active in politics.

Mitch, ... is, ... very, ... active, ... in, ... politics.

Politik: ... Mitch, sangat, aktif, dalam, politik.

Mitch, ... is, ... very, ... active, ... in, ... politics.
Mitch, ... is, ... very, ... active, ... in, ... politics.
Mitch is very active in politics.
955th word:


The singer will perform tonight.

The singer will perform tonight.

The, ... singer, ... will, ... perform, ... tonight.

Perform: ... Penyanyi, akan, tampil, malam, ini.

The, ... singer, ... will, ... perform, ... tonight.
The, ... singer, ... will, ... perform, ... tonight.
The singer will perform tonight.
956th word is:


It rained a little bit last night.

It rained a little bit last night.

It, ... rained, ... a, ... little, ... bit, ... last, ... night.

Sedikit: ... Hujan, sedikit, tadi, malam.

It, ... rained, ... a, ... little, ... bit, ... last, ... night.
It, ... rained, ... a, ... little, ... bit, ... last, ... night.
It rained a little bit last night.
957th is:


Keep track of your pet’s weight.

Keep track of your pet’s weight.

Keep, ... track, ... of, ... your, ... pet’s, ... weight.

Berat: ... Melacak, berat, hewan, peliharaan, anda.

Keep, ... track, ... of, ... your, ... pet’s, ... weight.
Keep, ... track, ... of, ... your, ... pet’s, ... weight.
Keep track of your pet’s weight.
958th word:


The storm came up suddenly.

The storm came up suddenly.

The, ... storm, ... came, ... up, ... suddenly.

Tiba-tiba: ... Badai, datang, tiba-tiba.

The, ... storm, ... came, ... up, ... suddenly.
The, ... storm, ... came, ... up, ... suddenly.
The storm came up suddenly.
959th word is:


You’ll discover treasures at that thrift store.

You’ll discover treasures at that thrift store.

You’ll, ... discover, ... treasures, ... at, ... that, ... thrift, ... store.

Temukan: ... Anda, akan, menemukan, harta, karun, di, toko, barang, bekas, itu.

You’ll, ... discover, ... treasures, ... at, ... that, ... thrift, ... store.
You’ll, ... discover, ... treasures, ... at, ... that, ... thrift, ... store.
You’ll discover treasures at that thrift store.
960st is:


There are ten candidates for the position.

There are ten candidates for the position.

There, ... are, ... ten, ... candidates, ... for, ... the, ... position.

Kandidat: ... Ada, sepuluh, kandidat, untuk, posisi, itu.

There, ... are, ... ten, ... candidates, ... for, ... the, ... position.
There, ... are, ... ten, ... candidates, ... for, ... the, ... position.
There are ten candidates for the position.
961st word:


The flag flies on the top of that building.

The flag flies on the top of that building.

The, ... flag, ... flies, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... of, ... that, ... building.

Atas: ... Bendera, berkibar, di, atas, gedung, itu.

The, ... flag, ... flies, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... of, ... that, ... building.
The, ... flag, ... flies, ... on, ... the, ... top, ... of, ... that, ... building.
The flag flies on the top of that building.
962nd word is:


Factory production has improved over the summer.

Factory production has improved over the summer.

Factory, ... production, ... has, ... improved, ... over, ... the, ... summer.

Produksi: ... Produksi, pabrik, telah, meningkat, selama, musim, panas.

Factory, ... production, ... has, ... improved, ... over, ... the, ... summer.
Factory, ... production, ... has, ... improved, ... over, ... the, ... summer.
Factory production has improved over the summer.
963rd is:


Give yourself a treat for a job well done.

Give yourself a treat for a job well done.

Give, ... yourself, ... a, ... treat, ... for, ... a, ... job, ... well, ... done.

Perlakukan: ... Beri, diri, anda, hadiah, untuk, pekerjaan, yang, dilakukan, dengan, baik.

Give, ... yourself, ... a, ... treat, ... for, ... a, ... job, ... well, ... done.
Give, ... yourself, ... a, ... treat, ... for, ... a, ... job, ... well, ... done.
Give yourself a treat for a job well done.
964th word:


We are taking a trip to florida in january.

We are taking a trip to florida in january.

We, ... are, ... taking, ... a, ... trip, ... to, ... florida, ... in, ... january.

Perjalanan: ... Kami, melakukan, perjalanan, ke, florida, pada, bulan, januari.

We, ... are, ... taking, ... a, ... trip, ... to, ... florida, ... in, ... january.
We, ... are, ... taking, ... a, ... trip, ... to, ... florida, ... in, ... january.
We are taking a trip to florida in january.
965th word is:


I’m staying home this evening.

I’m staying home this evening.

I’m, ... staying, ... home, ... this, ... evening.

Malam: ... Aku, tinggal, di, rumah, malam, ini.

I’m, ... staying, ... home, ... this, ... evening.
I’m, ... staying, ... home, ... this, ... evening.
I’m staying home this evening.
966th is:


My bank account will affect how much I can buy.

My bank account will affect how much I can buy.

My, ... bank, ... account, ... will, ... affect, ... how, ... much, ... I, ... can, ... buy.

Mempengaruhi: ... Rekening, bank, saya, akan, mempengaruhi, berapa, banyak, yang, bisa, saya, beli.

My, ... bank, ... account, ... will, ... affect, ... how, ... much, ... I, ... can, ... buy.
My, ... bank, ... account, ... will, ... affect, ... how, ... much, ... I, ... can, ... buy.
My bank account will affect how much I can buy.
967th word:


The cat stays inside.

The cat stays inside.

The, ... cat, ... stays, ... inside.

Di, dalam: ... Kucing, itu, tetap, di, dalam.

The, ... cat, ... stays, ... inside.
The, ... cat, ... stays, ... inside.
The cat stays inside.
968th word is:


There will be expert presenters at the conference.

There will be expert presenters at the conference.

There, ... will, ... be, ... expert, ... presenters, ... at, ... the, ... conference.

Konferensi: ... Akan, ada, presenter, ahli, di, konferensi.

There, ... will, ... be, ... expert, ... presenters, ... at, ... the, ... conference.
There, ... will, ... be, ... expert, ... presenters, ... at, ... the, ... conference.
There will be expert presenters at the conference.
969th is:


A foot is a unit of measure.

A foot is a unit of measure.

A, ... foot, ... is, ... a, ... unit, ... of, ... measure.

Satuan: ... Kaki, adalah, satuan, ukuran.

A, ... foot, ... is, ... a, ... unit, ... of, ... measure.
A, ... foot, ... is, ... a, ... unit, ... of, ... measure.
A foot is a unit of measure.
970st word:


Those are the best glasses to buy.

Those are the best glasses to buy.

Those, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... glasses, ... to, ... buy.

Terbaik: ... Itu, adalah, kacamata, terbaik, untuk, dibeli.

Those, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... glasses, ... to, ... buy.
Those, ... are, ... the, ... best, ... glasses, ... to, ... buy.
Those are the best glasses to buy.
971st word is:


My dress is out of style.

My dress is out of style.

My, ... dress, ... is, ... out, ... of, ... style.

Gaya: ... Gaunku, ketinggalan, zaman.

My, ... dress, ... is, ... out, ... of, ... style.
My, ... dress, ... is, ... out, ... of, ... style.
My dress is out of style.
972nd is:


Adults pay full price, but children are free.

Adults pay full price, but children are free.

Adults, ... pay, ... full, ... price,, ... but, ... children, ... are, ... free.

Dewasa: ... Dewasa, membayar, harga, penuh, tetapi, anak-anak, gratis.

Adults, ... pay, ... full, ... price,, ... but, ... children, ... are, ... free.
Adults, ... pay, ... full, ... price,, ... but, ... children, ... are, ... free.
Adults pay full price, but children are free.
973rd word:


Don’t worry about tomorrow.

Don’t worry about tomorrow.

Don’t, ... worry, ... about, ... tomorrow.

Khawatir: ... Jangan, khawatir, tentang, hari, esok.

Don’t, ... worry, ... about, ... tomorrow.
Don’t, ... worry, ... about, ... tomorrow.
Don’t worry about tomorrow.
974th word is:


My doctor offered me a range of options.

My doctor offered me a range of options.

My, ... doctor, ... offered, ... me, ... a, ... range, ... of, ... options.

Kisaran, –, dokter, saya, menawari, saya, berbagai, pilihan.

My, ... doctor, ... offered, ... me, ... a, ... range, ... of, ... options.
My, ... doctor, ... offered, ... me, ... a, ... range, ... of, ... options.
My doctor offered me a range of options.
975th is:


Can you mention me in your story?

Can you mention me in your story?

Can, ... you, ... mention, ... me, ... in, ... your, ... story?

Sebutkan: ... Dapatkah, anda, menyebutkan, saya, dalam, cerita, anda?

Can, ... you, ... mention, ... me, ... in, ... your, ... story?
Can, ... you, ... mention, ... me, ... in, ... your, ... story?
Can you mention me in your story?
976th word:


Rather than focusing on the bad things, let’s be grateful for the good things.

Rather than focusing on the bad things, let’s be grateful for the good things.

Rather, ... than, ... focusing, ... on, ... the, ... bad, ... things,, ... let’s, ... be, ... grateful, ... for, ... the, ... good, ... things.

Sebaliknya,...Daripada, berfokus, pada, hal-hal, yang, buruk, marilah, kita, mensyukuri, hal-hal, yang, baik.

Rather, ... than, ... focusing, ... on, ... the, ... bad, ... things,, ... let’s, ... be, ... grateful, ... for, ... the, ... good, ... things.
Rather, ... than, ... focusing, ... on, ... the, ... bad, ... things,, ... let’s, ... be, ... grateful, ... for, ... the, ... good, ... things.
Rather than focusing on the bad things, let’s be grateful for the good things.
977th word is:


I don’t want to move far from my family.

I don’t want to move far from my family.

I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... move, ... far, ... from, ... my, ... family.

Jauh: ... Saya, tidak, ingin, pindah, jauh, dari, keluarga, saya.

I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... move, ... far, ... from, ... my, ... family.
I, ... don’t, ... want, ... to, ... move, ... far, ... from, ... my, ... family.
I don’t want to move far from my family.
978th is:


That poem about life is deep.

That poem about life is deep.

That, ... poem, ... about, ... life, ... is, ... deep.

Dalam: ... Puisi, tentang, kehidupan, itu, dalam.

That, ... poem, ... about, ... life, ... is, ... deep.
That, ... poem, ... about, ... life, ... is, ... deep.
That poem about life is deep.
979th word:


Please face front.

Please face front.

Please, ... face, ... front.

Depan: ... Harap, menghadap, ke, depan.

Please, ... face, ... front.
Please, ... face, ... front.
Please face front.
980st word is:


Please do not stand so close to the edge of the cliff.

Please do not stand so close to the edge of the cliff.

Please, ... do, ... not, ... stand, ... so, ... close, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... cliff.

Tepi: ... Tolong, jangan, berdiri, terlalu, dekat, dengan, tepi, tebing.

Please, ... do, ... not, ... stand, ... so, ... close, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... cliff.
Please, ... do, ... not, ... stand, ... so, ... close, ... to, ... the, ... edge, ... of, ... the, ... cliff.
Please do not stand so close to the edge of the cliff.
981st is:


These potato chips are in an individual serving size package.

These potato chips are in an individual serving size package.

These, ... potato, ... chips, ... are, ... in, ... an, ... individual, ... serving, ... size, ... package.

Perorangan: ... Keripik, kentang, ini, dalam, kemasan, ukuran, porsi, individu.

These, ... potato, ... chips, ... are, ... in, ... an, ... individual, ... serving, ... size, ... package.
These, ... potato, ... chips, ... are, ... in, ... an, ... individual, ... serving, ... size, ... package.
These potato chips are in an individual serving size package.
982nd word:


Could you be more specific?

Could you be more specific?

Could, ... you, ... be, ... more, ... specific?

Spesifik: ... Bisakah, anda, lebih, spesifik?

Could, ... you, ... be, ... more, ... specific?
Could, ... you, ... be, ... more, ... specific?
Could you be more specific?
983rd word is:


You are a good writer.

You are a good writer.

You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... writer.

Penulis: ... Anda, adalah, seorang, penulis, yang, baik.

You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... writer.
You, ... are, ... a, ... good, ... writer.
You are a good writer.
984th is:


Stay out of trouble.

Stay out of trouble.

Stay, ... out, ... of, ... trouble.

Masalah: ... Jauhi, masalah.

Stay, ... out, ... of, ... trouble.
Stay, ... out, ... of, ... trouble.
Stay out of trouble.
985th word:


It is necessary to sleep.

It is necessary to sleep.

It, ... is, ... necessary, ... to, ... sleep.

Perlu: ... Perlu, tidur.

It, ... is, ... necessary, ... to, ... sleep.
It, ... is, ... necessary, ... to, ... sleep.
It is necessary to sleep.
986th word is:


Throughout my life I have always enjoyed reading.

Throughout my life I have always enjoyed reading.

Throughout, ... my, ... life, ... I, ... have, ... always, ... enjoyed, ... reading.

Sepanjang: ... Sepanjang, hidup, saya, saya, selalu, menikmati, membaca.

Throughout, ... my, ... life, ... I, ... have, ... always, ... enjoyed, ... reading.
Throughout, ... my, ... life, ... I, ... have, ... always, ... enjoyed, ... reading.
Throughout my life I have always enjoyed reading.
987th is:


I challenge you to do better.

I challenge you to do better.

I, ... challenge, ... you, ... to, ... do, ... better.

Tantangan: ... Saya, menantang, anda, untuk, berbuat, lebih, baik.

I, ... challenge, ... you, ... to, ... do, ... better.
I, ... challenge, ... you, ... to, ... do, ... better.
I challenge you to do better.
988th word:


Do you have any fears?

Do you have any fears?

Do, ... you, ... have, ... any, ... fears?

Takut: ... Apakah, anda, memiliki, ketakutan?

Do, ... you, ... have, ... any, ... fears?
Do, ... you, ... have, ... any, ... fears?
Do you have any fears?
989th word is:


You do not have to shoulder all the work on your own.

You do not have to shoulder all the work on your own.

You, ... do, ... not, ... have, ... to, ... shoulder, ... all, ... the, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... own.

Bahu: ... Anda, tidak, harus, memikul, semua, pekerjaan, anda, sendiri.

You, ... do, ... not, ... have, ... to, ... shoulder, ... all, ... the, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... own.
You, ... do, ... not, ... have, ... to, ... shoulder, ... all, ... the, ... work, ... on, ... your, ... own.
You do not have to shoulder all the work on your own.
990st is:


Have you attended any institution of higher learning?

Have you attended any institution of higher learning?

Have, ... you, ... attended, ... any, ... institution, ... of, ... higher, ... learning?

Institusi: ... Apakah, anda, pernah, mengikuti, institusi, pendidikan, tinggi?

Have, ... you, ... attended, ... any, ... institution, ... of, ... higher, ... learning?
Have, ... you, ... attended, ... any, ... institution, ... of, ... higher, ... learning?
Have you attended any institution of higher learning?
991st word:


I am a middle child with one older brother and one younger sister.

I am a middle child with one older brother and one younger sister.

I, ... am, ... a, ... middle, ... child, ... with, ... one, ... older, ... brother, ... and, ... one, ... younger, ... sister.

Tengah: ... Saya, anak, tengah, dengan, satu, kakak, laki-laki, dan, satu, adik, perempuan.

I, ... am, ... a, ... middle, ... child, ... with, ... one, ... older, ... brother, ... and, ... one, ... younger, ... sister.
I, ... am, ... a, ... middle, ... child, ... with, ... one, ... older, ... brother, ... and, ... one, ... younger, ... sister.
I am a middle child with one older brother and one younger sister.
992nd word is:


I want to sail the seven seas.

I want to sail the seven seas.

I, ... want, ... to, ... sail, ... the, ... seven, ... seas.

Laut: ... Saya, ingin, mengarungi, tujuh, lautan.

I, ... want, ... to, ... sail, ... the, ... seven, ... seas.
I, ... want, ... to, ... sail, ... the, ... seven, ... seas.
I want to sail the seven seas.
993rd is:


I have a dream.

I have a dream.

I, ... have, ... a, ... dream.

Mimpi: ... Aku, punya, mimpi.

I, ... have, ... a, ... dream.
I, ... have, ... a, ... dream.
I have a dream.
994th word:


A bar is a place where alcohol is served.

A bar is a place where alcohol is served.

A, ... bar, ... is, ... a, ... place, ... where, ... alcohol, ... is, ... served.

Bar: ... Bar, adalah, tempat, di, mana, alkohol, disajikan.

A, ... bar, ... is, ... a, ... place, ... where, ... alcohol, ... is, ... served.
A, ... bar, ... is, ... a, ... place, ... where, ... alcohol, ... is, ... served.
A bar is a place where alcohol is served.
995th word is:


You are beautiful.

You are beautiful.

You, ... are, ... beautiful.

Cantik: ... Kamu, cantik.

You, ... are, ... beautiful.
You, ... are, ... beautiful.
You are beautiful.
996th is:


Do you own property, like a house?

Do you own property, like a house?

Do, ... you, ... own, ... property,, ... like, ... a, ... house?

Properti: ... Apakah, anda, memiliki, properti, seperti, rumah?

Do, ... you, ... own, ... property,, ... like, ... a, ... house?
Do, ... you, ... own, ... property,, ... like, ... a, ... house?
Do you own property, like a house?
997th word:


Instead of eating cake I will have fruit.

Instead of eating cake I will have fruit.

Instead, ... of, ... eating, ... cake, ... I, ... will, ... have, ... fruit.

Sebaliknya: ... Daripada, makan, kue, saya, akan, memiliki, buah.

Instead, ... of, ... eating, ... cake, ... I, ... will, ... have, ... fruit.
Instead, ... of, ... eating, ... cake, ... I, ... will, ... have, ... fruit.
Instead of eating cake I will have fruit.
998th word is:


I am always looking for ways to improve.

I am always looking for ways to improve.

I, ... am, ... always, ... looking, ... for, ... ways, ... to, ... improve.

Tingkatkan: ... Saya, selalu, mencari, cara, untuk, meningkatkan.

I, ... am, ... always, ... looking, ... for, ... ways, ... to, ... improve.
I, ... am, ... always, ... looking, ... for, ... ways, ... to, ... improve.
I am always looking for ways to improve.
999th is:


When I moved, I realized I have a lot of stuff!

When I moved, I realized I have a lot of stuff!

When, ... I, ... moved,, ... I, ... realized, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... stuff!

Barang: ... Ketika, saya, pindah, saya, menyadari, bahwa, saya, memiliki, banyak, barang!

When, ... I, ... moved,, ... I, ... realized, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... stuff!
When, ... I, ... moved,, ... I, ... realized, ... I, ... have, ... a, ... lot, ... of, ... stuff!
When I moved, I realized I have a lot of stuff!
1000st word:


I claim to be a fast reader, but actually I am average.

I claim to be a fast reader, but actually I am average.

I, ... claim, ... to, ... be, ... a, ... fast, ... reader,, ... but, ... actually, ... I, ... am, ... average.

Klaim: ... Saya, mengaku, sebagai, pembaca, cepat, tapi, sebenarnya, saya, rata-rata.

I, ... claim, ... to, ... be, ... a, ... fast, ... reader,, ... but, ... actually, ... I, ... am, ... average.
I, ... claim, ... to, ... be, ... a, ... fast, ... reader,, ... but, ... actually, ... I, ... am, ... average.
I claim to be a fast reader, but actually I am average.


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Vokabeltrainer: 1.000 Wörter in 1 Monat
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