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Erfahrungen und Kritik: 12 Seminarrezensionen für Selbständige und Unternehmer

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Here I reveal in which seminars for the self-employed and entrepreneurs I found my inspiration to become an entrepreneur, so as not to work my life to death on the treadmill of being self-employed. The best seminars for the self-employed and entrepreneurs, Klaus Forster's recommendations.

Ich will mich weiterentwickeln. Dazu besuche ich folgende Seminare für Freiberufler und Unternehmer und arbeite in Workshops und Arbeitskreisen mit. Dies hilft auch Ihrer persönlichen Entwicklung erheblich, weshalb ich Ihnen diese Seminare gerne weiterempfehle.


Ich möchte Ihnen einen Überblick über die Seminare geben, die ich in den vergangenen sieben Jahren besucht habe und die mit unternehmerischem Weiterkommen zu tun haben.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Teekampagnie

Eines der ersten Hörbücher, das ich zu diesem Thema gehört habe, war von Prof. Dr. Günter Faltin. Ein Wirtschaftsprofessor von der Universität in Berlin: Kopf schlägt Kapital. Es befasst sich mit Gründen aus Komponenten.

Ich sah ihn auch einen Vortrag in München halten. Das hat mich inspiriert. Und es hat mich während der gesamten Entwicklung meines Unternehmens nicht losgelassen. weil ich mir bei jeder neu anfallenden Aufgabe im Unternehmen sofort Gedanken gemacht habe: Wie kann ich das auslagern?

Und wenn Sie Prozesse von Anfang an so gestalten, hilft Ihnen das später natürlich ungemein. Das hat er in diesem Hörbuch und seinem Vortrag am Beispiel der Teeaktion erklärt. Import von tonnenweise Tee nach Deutschland. Und zwar nicht 50 Gramm pro Packung, sondern Tee in 1 kg Beuteln, und somit hochwertigen Tee sehr günstig verkaufen. Die Idee dahinter ist einfach: die Wertschöpfungskette durch den One-Step-Import brutal zu verkürzen. dann gibt es nur noch einen schritt zwischen dem hersteller und dem verbraucher. Der normale Handel funktioniert so, dass der Tee vom Hersteller über den Exporteur im Herstellungsland mehrfach weiterverkauft wird, über mehrere Händler, die ihn versenden. dann die Verpackung in kleine Einheiten und so weiter … und schließlich teilt der Händler den Zwei-Kilo-Sack wieder auf und verkauft dann handverlesene Gramm- und Einzelsäcke. und das macht den Tee unglaublich teuer. und er bemerkte, als er im Himalaya war, wie billig Tee dort ist. Dann fragte er sich: Muss es eine Marge von Faktor 1.000 haben, damit es bei uns landet? obwohl die Bauern hier fast verhungern! Das ist nicht sehr nett.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Der Weg zum erfolgreichen Unternehmer

Then I came across an audiobook by Stefan Merath. I already told you about that at the beginning: The path to becoming a successful entrepreneur. I bought it despite the name. and it captivated me.it's like a novel told exciting. It is a conversation between a management consultant and an entrepreneur who has worked in a hospital, the classic burnout. Until at some point, his PC disappeared from his field of vision, and then he only saw his desk from below. And after he woke up again, he spent several weeks in the hospital. Then a friend recommended a management consultant to him. and the story is then the conversation between the management consultant and this entrepreneur. and then he went on to tell how things went on in his company after the consultation. How the theory from the consultation meets the harsh reality and of course, everything doesn't happen as planned. there are simply very nice methods described in there: how to set goals and always make sure that you achieve the goals. Many do time management. but even if you manage your time completely and have completed everything that was planned, there is no guarantee that you will still achieve your goals. and he describes in it, for example, a goal planning and achievement system. and of course, it also goes into psychology. What can you do to put yourself under pressure? and also how to anchor the goals in the subconscious in such a way that one runs towards them on autopilot. When you motivate yourself with reward and punishment, it's easy. What also works very well is then to announce your goals in a group, just through social pressure. I told something to a good friend and if I have to admit afterward that I didn't make it, it's just an embarrassment. Hardly anyone wants to do that. That's enough for most small things. But for the big things, if you have set yourself something really big, you should do it as described in the book. But there is also a seminar by Stefan Merath.

Nachdem ich das Buch gelesen hatte, besuchte ich das Seminar.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Die Kunst, Ihre Kunden zu lieben

Ich habe dann auch noch das Aufbauseminar besucht, das noch mehr in die Psychologie geht. Das Buch heißt: The Art of Loving Your Customers. Die Hauptidee dabei ist, dass ich mein Marketing so mache, dass ich die Leute anziehe, mit denen ich ohnehin am liebsten zusammenarbeiten würde. Sie stellen sich Ihren Lieblingskunden oder -personen vor, indem Sie über die Personen oder das Publikum sprechen, das Sie am meisten lieben. und du denkst, was haben sie gemeinsam? Und dann richten Sie Ihr Marketing und Ihr Angebot genau so aus, dass es genau diese Menschen anzieht.

Dann hat Stefan Merath zusammen mit Eugen Simon ein Webinar gemacht.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Gedankendoping

Und mit Eugen Simon hatte ich meinen kompletten Durchbruch. Also litt ich damals an Rheuma. Ich hatte sehr starke Gelenkschmerzen. konnte deswegen nicht gut schlafen und war extrem unausgeglichen. und er macht ein Seminar, das sich „Springboard Seminar“ nennt. Das findet zweimal im Jahr in Deutschland statt. In diesem Seminar geht es um verschiedene Lebensbereiche: Gesundheit, Beziehungen und Karriere. Auch Geld und Finanzen gehören zu einer Karriere dazu . und beim ersten Sprungbrett-Seminar habe ich beschlossen, mich um meine Gesundheit zu kümmern! und dann beleuchten Sie diesen Bereich einfach ganz intensiv, schreiben Sie auf:

  • Was ist meine Situation?
  • Was kotzt mich an?
  • Was kostet es mich, wenn ich es so behalte?
  • Welches Erfolgspotenzial hätte ich, wenn ich etwas ändere?
  • Und nicht zuletzt: Wie will ich es?

zuerst in der realistischen Version, die mir das Gefühl gibt, dass ich es erreichen kann. und dann wieder in visionärerer Form:

wie würde es mir gefallen

What would be my absolute ideal? Eugen is an NLP practitioner. And with neuro-linguistic programming, he then does a few processes with the entire troupe over the two days. and the goals that you have previously set, you program into the subconscious. and then there's this running on autopilot. Then you can no longer prevent yourself from achieving your goals. So at the time, I thought it was a joke! One of the goals I set for myself... Although I always hated running... But Eugen is a marathon runner. and he told me about running a marathon. and how great that was. On the first day of the seminar, during the lunch break, I went jogging for the first time. again on the second day during the lunch break. I've also gotten a little further. and my goal, which I then set myself, was: I want to be able to do an hour of endurance sports in a year without it tiring me. So, being able to walk for an hour with ease. That was at the beginning of November and the end of December, i.e. on New Year’s Eve, the New Year’s Eve run with 11.1 kilometers. because of the one I ran with! And okay, it wasn't easy, but it only took me a little over an hour. and I got to the finish and everything was fine. One hour, seven minutes. After two months of training, I was able to run a six-minute break thanks to the mind doping seminar. I just thought that was great of Eugen. Then, two weeks later, I went to the seminar again with my daughter. and I have worked on the next area of ​​life. I don't even know anymore if it was finances or relationships. I think I worked on finances and career then. and I also bought an audiobook by Eugen Simon: That means Success in seven days. This is like a mini springboard seminar. There are seven CDs. You listen to one of them every day and answer exactly these questions about the area of ​​life in which you are currently stuck. and I've been working through that once a month for the past year. Of course, there is a long and detailed explanation of what the individual processes do and how to do them. and after I've done that a few times, I've narrowed it down to just processes. So on the parts where you answer these questions:

  • was quält dich?
  • was willst du ändern?
  • wie willst du es?
  • Was sind deine Ziele?

Und was ist die ideale Situation? und mache die Meditationen, wie du sie programmierst. und dann funktioniert es, ohne dass ich große Maßnahmen ergreife, um das zu erreichen. Es ist also erstaunlich, wie gut es funktioniert.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Neurostrategy

Then came the neuro strategy seminar. This is one of Stefan Morath's seminars and is the seminar for the book: The Art of Loving Your Customers. and it's about developing his vision for your company... The title of the book is: The Art of Loving Your Customers and the seminar is called: Neuro Strategy. and then you look for the people you like the most: what would they benefit from the most? And above all: where is your biggest bottleneck? The whole strategy that Stefan Merath conveys is based on the EKS, the bottleneck concentrated strategy. The strategy goes back to Dr.Mewis and... unfortunately I forgot the name of the other one. Maybe I'll get it right back. and the EKS, which looks for it: Where are there real bottlenecks in the market? Growth bottlenecks in any area of ​​your customers. And how can you align your company to solve exactly these bottlenecks? There is a seven-step program for this. What is a bit snag at one point: Two points depend on each other. they build on each other. But you can not solve one problem before the other is solved. Or have thought the other thought through? That's why you have to iterate a bit at this point. But basically, it's a great strategy. and works fine. Unfortunately, she is very unknown in Germany. But, curiously enough, that's because the EKSdoes very poor marketing for itself. There is a group around the EKS, which is a working group, and their website is even more from the old days than my own. and reminds me a bit of the musty stench of IHK meetings! Nonetheless, I think the strategy is great. It builds on that, the entrepreneur asks himself: How do I structure my company? and in particular, it builds on the understanding that in the company there are self-employed or freelancers, that there are managers, and that there are entrepreneurs. and that all three of which a completely different mindset is necessary. In principle, the self-employed person does everything himself. And his self-employment has usually arisen from the entrepreneurial seizure. The more he gets into business, the lessens reprehensible thoughts he has, and remains a specialist. So especially when the order situation is good, they usually work to death. And next to lawyers, freelancers and the self-employed have the lowest life expectancy! The managers are the employees, e.g. B. as a managing director, for example, or manager in a salaried position in larger companies, management, also Sub-Zero soon manager, or business unit management. Your job is to create systems in the company so that the people who report to you or who work for you can work with that system as well as possible and as efficiently as possible. As a manager, you are responsible for how effective your employees are. and that they have good working conditions. and so that they can be effective so that the framework conditions are as constant as possible. If I come to my computer every morning and the browser works a little differently every day, then I get the bird, because that's not very efficient! So, the manager now has the goal of creating conditions that are as constant as possible for his employees. which of course leads to a certain amount of boredom among the employees in the long run, and to a certain reluctance to learn. because they just need to evolve a little. And the entrepreneur is the destructive and creative force. He keeps looking at the processes from a bird's eye view and says: That's not ideal! That's not ideal yet. and globally you can still optimize it. and it destroys the manager's processes again and again. But for him to be able to do that, he needs a completely different mindset. The typical growth hurdle from self-employment to entrepreneur results from the fact that you have to go through these stages: from self-employment to manager requires different thought patterns. And from manager to entrepreneur again different thought patterns. and that is explained very nicely in the book on successful entrepreneurs. At the neuro strategy seminar someone said: We're going to Tony Robbins!"Oh, that's a Chaka event," as my friend called the event."And I don't need that shit." In the meantime, Stefan has gained quite a bit of respect. And he said: Take a look anyway. I know someone who has two cards. he bought it cheaply last year at the seminar. And he can't now at the appointment. Talk to him.

Nun, wir haben die Tickets gekauft und sind nach London geflogen:

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within (UPW)

Das war die Party deines Lebens! An diesem Wochenende habe ich am meisten getanzt! Tony Robbins betreibt Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.

Und erzählt viel über Psychologie und wie unsere Wertesysteme funktionieren. was unser innerer Antrieb ist, basierend auf unseren Bedürfnissen.

and he distinguishes between 6 needs that are our drive. And how our individuality arises from the fact that these six needs are differently pronounced. The seminar always goes like this: three-quarter hour lecture, and then music. Let's go! Then he'll party for five minutes. and always this alternation between sitting quietly, listening, writing like crazy, and then getting up and jumping around and partying! This alternation between learning and a strong emotional experience helps one learn faster. You simply learn a factor of 20 times faster through an emotional experience than if you try to memorize something like that. you can learn the same thing if you do it factually. so read a book. but you have to read that 20 times to get so caught up, to get it in your mind, as opposed to an emotion that conveyed extreme pain, great joy, tingling in your stomach, or whatever. So the very simplest example is, the mother tells her child: Don't touch the stovetop, 20 times! The child still hasn't learned it. it almost then once on it and it was hot. It was a powerful emotional experience and he learned it forever! And with this alternation of content, content, content, and party. Content, content, content, and party you learn faster. And at the end of the first day, they let everyone walk on hot coals. and he also does with NLP. It's great like the mind doping seminar. Over four days, Tony covers all areas of life, from the content of the thought-doping seminar. Because Eugen shrunk it to two days. Eugen Simon does it in German, in a more meditative atmosphere, much calmer, and just condensed. He borrows a lot from Tony Robbins though. How much does a ticket like this cost? I've always bought them "used", in quotes. At the end of Unleash the Power Within, they sell next year's tickets. and then two tickets cost around UK pounds 1,000, for 2 tickets together. and you can usually buy them three months or two months in advance for 600 to 800 euros each on eBay. It's a two-day seminar in London. But you need about the same money for the trip to London. But it happens more often. “But on the website, the cheapest tickets are sold out.” That's on Tony Robbin's side though. Now you go to ebay.com and search for example “Unleash the power within San Jose 2017” and find 2 tickets for “$600 or make an offer”.So I would only buy the tickets used. They just keep getting more expensive the closer the seminar gets. But all the more offers come in on eBay. “What did the seminar bring you?” Toni is such a show! Once it was there, so profoundly emotional, we flew for a quarter of a year because of the motivation! You have to commit to it. But everyone is allowed to have their own opinion on this. It has brought me a lot personally." Because it cost so much?" No because it brought so much. The intensity of learning is just something completely different. That's why I'm here too. I might as well be sitting at home doing what I'm doing here. But if I do it at home on my laptop in the hammock... and the weather at home is fine, that's no longer the case anyway...I could do it there too. But I know for sure that sustainability is not as good as when I experience it here in the beautiful atmosphere. Sustainability is created by the atmosphere and the profound emotional experience. and Toni can do that like no other.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Die ConTra

Nun, das nächste, was mir begegnete, war SEO, Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Das war der Gründer von Tomas Klußmann. Er organisierte eine Veranstaltung namens ConTra. Contra ist ein kurzes Wort aus „Conversations“ und „Traffic“. Wie bekomme ich also viel Traffic auf die Website? Und im nächsten Schritt: Wie mache ich meine Website so, dass sie auch konvertiert wird? Mit anderen Worten: Generieren Sie zuerst Kontakte. Im zweiten Schritt rutschen Interessenten im Sales Funnel ein Stück weiter nach unten. Sie haben ihnen ein Angebot gemacht, damit sie schließlich Kunden werden. und wie man jeden Schritt in dieser Kette optimiert. Das Verständnis von SEO hat mir viel gebracht. Aber es ist auf einem ziemlich einfachen Niveau. Ich gehe davon aus, dass Ihnen dies größtenteils vertraute Inhalte sind.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Braintrust oder Mastermind Groups

Stefan Merath, Tony Robbins und Eugen Simon sprechen immer wieder über das Thema Brain Trust oder Mastermind Groups. und ich sehe das jetzt auch als Mastermind-Gruppe. und wie wichtig das ist. Danach habe ich angefangen, in zwei Mastermind-Gruppen zu arbeiten. In einem trafen wir uns einmal im Quartal. Dies war ein Mastermind mit einem bezahlten Moderator. Das war sehr intensiv. Es gab dort Leute, die viel unternehmerischer waren als ich. und dann habe ich mich einer zweiten Gruppe angeschlossen, die wir alleine in Stuttgart machen. Wir sind jetzt bei 43 Meetings oder so ähnlich. und da treffen wir uns immer, um uns gegenseitig in den arsch zu treten. um dann weiter zu motivieren und sich auszutauschen. Ja, Gehirnvertrauen, Gehirnvertrauen, Gehirnvertrauen!

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Motivationstag

Then I became aware of Jürgen Höller. he does a motivational day every year. This is a big promotional event. So he gets 10 speakers who open their vendors' trays, their theater for the beginning, to present the spearhead products. and then they have their bookstall outside where they then sell their seminars. There are usually ten different speakers from ten different areas: from body language to sales, to website management, to internet shops, and so on...It's just nice to be inspired by many speakers. And to see: from whom can I learn well? Jürgen Höller is now a guy, he's not for everyone. At first, I just thought he was an arrogant asshole. but now I have a lot of respect for him and his life's work. and how many people got their asses kicked and made a move! I saw this in particular after recommending this to my sister a good two years ago. She also went to motivation day. and she booked two seminars with him there. and the girl has gone off like a rocket ever since. she lived with my parents in the house until two years ago. so she has a separate apartment with her own family. but she never left our parental home. and what she's been up to since then...well, I always thought she was a stupid brat. and meanwhile, it's such fun to chat with the girl. and how it travels. and how she has progressed spiritually. and I have to say that Jürgen simply played a big part in it. and that was great! overcoming your limits, that's no longer that was a one-off event by Stefan Merath.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Menschler

At Jürgen Höllet, Gereon Jörn and the old wine that had been sold were also in new bottles. and he explains his strategy, how he divides his customers or his fellow human beings into four different categories: the phlegmatic, the sanguine, the choleric, and the latter means: ... I'm just getting to that. How to recognize the character of the other person very quickly, so that you can green and get to know them in such a way that you gain their trust relatively quickly. which is of course very useful in personal sales. But what else makes working together with your fellow human beings a lot easier? because then you know, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, and so on... These are people of that type. And they want to be taken in one way or another. That doesn't mean that you have to adjust to the year and day and adjust to it. But it makes you a lot more tolerant of not being able to understand their reactions sometimes. Or it lets you develop a good strategy yourself for how to deal with something like that. And Gereon Jörn does an excellent job of wrapping it all up in such a way that you laugh your ass off. So it's half a comedy show he's putting on. and it still comes across quite a bit of content. and it's just a lot of fun with him."How do you spell that?" Yes, that's spelled: Gereon, Gerone, Jörn, J, Ö, RN, and menschler.de is, I think, his website. But I'm not quite sure anymore. But what works, in any case, is AG-seminar. de, but that's also here under the video ... The Menschler Weekend, which takes place on 10.05. whereby means Menschler Day, and these are its events. So Menschler Day is also such a cheap gateway drug. It costs 49 or maybe 99 euros now. so very little money and it's just a day that brings you a lot in dealing with other people.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Power Days

Die nächste große Veranstaltung von Jürgen Höller sind die Power Days. Und da macht er auch ein ähnliches Programm wie Eugen Simon. Es ist auch viel von Tony Robbins kopiert. Er macht auch diese Analyse: Wie will ich es? Wie programmiere ich es? und er biegt dann Stahlstangen oder bricht Pfeile hier zwischen 2 Leuten und macht solche Witze. und bei den Veranstaltungen herrscht immer eine tolle Stimmung. und ich war jetzt schon zweimal auf den Power Days. weil es einfach wunderschön ist. Und weil man dort einfach tolle Leute kennen lernen kann. Was Jürgen dann ziemlich ausgiebig macht, ist das Upselling seiner anderen Produkte und seiner anderen Seminare. So gehen in der Regel zwei Drittel der Teilnehmer aus und haben einige Folgeseminare bei ihm gebucht. Die Power Days sind in der Regel kostenlos oder wirklich für wenig Geld: 2 Tage um die 100 Euro. Die dort angebotenen Seminare kosten zwischen 1.500 und 2.500 Euro. Aber sie sind in der Regel drei Tage bis eine Woche. ... durch reine Geisteskraft ...

Aber wenn Sie sagen: clever. Ich kann Ihnen etwas mehr über dieses clevere Thema erzählen. Wie weit sind wir in der Zeit? Eine halbe Stunde, okay. Dann kann ich Ihnen etwas mehr über die drei DVD-Sets erzählen, die ich dabei habe. Das könnte clever sein, wenn es um Upselling zu diesem Thema geht.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Aktienhandelsseminar

Dann habe ich mich ein bisschen mit Börsen beschäftigt, das war die Zeit, in der ich mit dem Investieren angefangen habe. und machte die ersten Trades. Die Börse Stuttgart hat ... aber das macht nur Sinn, wenn man in Stuttgart wohnt, es gibt immer ein Programm mit sechs oder sieben Terminen im Herbst, wo die verschiedenen Produkte erklärt werden, die an der Börse gehandelt werden können. wie sie funktionieren und welche Vor- und Nachteile sie haben. Dieses Wissen können Sie sich auch in der Praxis aus Webinaren und YouTube-Videos aneignen. Ich bevorzuge immer Präsenzseminare. weil ich merke, dass ich mehr und schneller lerne. und ich kann konzentrierter bleiben, als es alleine auf der Couch vor dem Fernseher zu sehen.

Rückblick, Erfahrungen und Kritik: Experten kompakt

That was a seminar by Johannes Köber. Who of you still pays taxes in Germany? All is well. This is a Nuremberg tax consultant, Johannes Köber, KÖBER.and his book is called: Controlling taxes. And this book is about how your sole trader becomes a GmbH. When is it worth it? and how do you set up your gmbh in such a way that you only pay 25% taxes? So that you only pay 25 percent tax on your winnings. If you want to think about whether it's worth it for you: you have to have annual profits in the order of 50,000 or more. I'd say it's closer to €70,000 due to the start-up costs of the GmbH. Because that's what I did last year, the switch from a sole proprietorship to a GmbH. and I could have puked every month over the bills for the costs of founding a GmbH! You burn about, well, 7,000 to 8,000 euros for this. And they have to make an additional profit this year to make it worthwhile. From a profit of 70,000 euros as a sole proprietorship, it makes sense to pursue your strategy. It is based on the fact that you have a fixed tax rate within the GmbH. and that you only allow yourself so much as a payment that you are also at this 25 percent with your private tax. and you increase profits in the company. and if you need more money privately, your company will give you a loan. which she happily earns interest on, and which you will eventually have to pay back to the GmbH. But if your GmbH is unlucky, then you just died beforehand. this is how I do it now. I have now simply set my salary relatively low and simply let the profits accrue in the GmbH. and so I'll probably pay around 25% of my paid manager's salary of around €45,000. And for the GmbH profit, the corporation and trade tax is also 25%.

Und damit habe ich die Grenze überschritten. Wenn ich als Einzelunternehmer 150.000 Euro im Jahr gemeldet hätte, würde das Finanzamt 45 Prozent oder 47 Prozent sagen. Sie sind weg und das macht weniger Spaß. Das kostet auch die Bilanzierung beim Steuerberater, die doppelte Buchführung und alle Kosten, die die GmbH mit sich bringt.

Seminarübersicht für Selbständige und Unternehmer

Der ultimative Lebenszweckkurs, Leo Gura, https://www.actualized.org/life-purpose-course

Klug steuern, Mut zum Glücklichsein, Positionierung, Sog-Marketing, Einfach führen, Hundestrategie, DVD-Programme, Bodo Schäfer Academy, https://www.bodoschaefer-akademie.de/index.php/produkte/audio-seminare-78. html

Mastery University, Date with Destiny, Life and Wealth Mastery, Anthony Robbins, Fidschi, https://www.tonyrobbins.com/mastery-university/

Wie man ein Unternehmen kauft und verlässt, Kieth Cunningham, Austin TX, https://keystothevault.com/how-to-buy-or-exit-a-business/

Business Mastery, Anthony Robbins, London, https://www.tonyrobbins.com/events/business-mastery/

Access Bars http://www.unubstantial-conscious.de/termine/

Bodo Schäfer sales seminar, Bad Neuenahr http://hundestrategie24.de/

Millionaire Mind Intensive, T. Harv Eker, Frankfurt, http://www.millionairemindintensive.de/

Durchbruch zum finanziellen Erfolg, Bodo Schäfer http://www.bodoschaefer-akademie.de/index.php/durchbruch-zum-finanziellen-gewinn-2015.html

Derivative Anlageprodukte https://www.boerse-stuttgart.de/de/unternehmen/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/boersenseminare-2015/

Fonds/ETFs https://www.boerse-stuttgart.de/de/unternehmen/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/boersenseminare-2015/

NAC 2015 Nationaler Leistungskongress http://www.nacgermany.com/

Anleihen https://www.boerse-stuttgart.de/de/unternehmen/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/boersenseminare-2015/

Expertenkompakt, Köber-Seminar http://www.expertenkompakt.de/

In- und Auslandsaktien https://www.boerse-stuttgart.de/de/unternehmen/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/boersenseminare-2015/

Das kleine 1x1 der Börse https://www.boerse-stuttgart.de/de/unternehmen/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/boersenseminare-2015/

Gereon Jörn Menschler Seminar http://www.ag-seminare.de/seminar/index/familien_menschler.html

Power Day, Schweinfurt http://www.power-days.info/

Das freie Wilde Geschäft, Eugen Simon, Stuttgart

Menschler – Menschen gewinnen, Dresden http://www.ag-seminare.de/seminar/index/Menschler_Day.html

Light the Fire - Woodstock für Unternehmer, Hamburg http://www.light-the-fire.com/

Motivationstag, Nürnberg http://www.juergen-hoellers-motivationtag.de/

Brain Trust Southwest, Esslingen

Braintrust - gemeinsam erfolgreich, München

ConTra - Düsseldorf http://www.die-contra.de/

Unleash the Power Within, London, UK http://www.upwlondon.co.uk/

Braintrust-Leader-Zertifizierungsseminar, Mainz

Neurostrategie, Marktdorf am Bodensee, http://www.unternehmercoach.com/unternehmer-seminar-strategie-und-vision-kmu.htm

Der Weg zum erfolgreichen Unternehmer, Stuttgart, http://www.unternehmercoach.com/unternehmer-seminar-der-weg-zum-successful-entrepreneur-3d.htm

Gedankendoping, Böblingen http://sprungbrettseminar.gedankendoping.de/

Unternehmertage, Mainz

Head beats capital, Prof. Günter Faltin, Munich, https://www.kopfschlaegtkapital.com/

Tipps für Selbständige auf dem Weg zum Unternehmer ...

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