Introduction to Day 4 for Your Abundance Challenge - Pure Consciousness
1. Aufgabe 4 für Ihre Überfluss-Challenge
Hast du deine Freunde gestern gebeten, an deiner Challenge teilzunehmen? NEIN??? Wenn ja, überspringen Sie die heutige Bedenkzeit und legen Sie los diese Aufgabe stattdessen!
3. Übungsaufgabe 4 für Dankbarkeit für Ihre Fülle-Herausforderung
Ich bin dankbar für ..., weil ...
Ich bin dankbar für ..., weil ...
Und ich bin dankbar für ..., weil ...
Außerdem bin ich dankbar für ..., weil ...
Schließlich bin ich dankbar für ..., weil ...
Und schließlich teilen Sie 1 Sache mit, für die Sie dankbar sind BEMERKUNGEN unter diesem Artikel. Die Fülle-Challenge-Aufgabe von heute muss bis morgen um diese Zeit erledigt sein!
4. Deine Gegenwart: Die reine Bewusstseinsmeditation
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6 Gedanken zu „Überfluss Herausforderung Tag 4 – Aufgabe 4: Reines Bewusstsein”
I am greatful for having a home and food, I am greatful for the oportunities that Mozambique have given me, I am greatful to be healthy and to be able to work and help other women. I am greatful that the universe and God protect me. I am greatful for all the friends and supporters that are helping me with my project. I am greatful for my family that even at 10000km away supports me. I am greatful for the love I am receiving.
Kellie L Carter
How do I get to the Deepak meditation of this 21 day meditation?
Author Klaus Forster
Dear Kellie,
Just sign up for the challenge:
and I will send you each day a link to the meditation of the day.
Or you can buy the meditation download at Chopra Center. You find the links to it on this page:
I am so grateful for a supportive family that loves me. Grateful that they support and encourage me even when I doubt myself.
I am grateful for this abundance and our daily practice because it reminds me that each day there is always something to be grateful for no matter what is going on in the world.
Ashley Latouf
I am very grateful to have found this site. I’m on day 4 and am grateful for the guidance from Klaus.🙏and of course to Deepak for the meditations.
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I am greatful for having a home and food, I am greatful for the oportunities that Mozambique have given me, I am greatful to be healthy and to be able to work and help other women. I am greatful that the universe and God protect me. I am greatful for all the friends and supporters that are helping me with my project. I am greatful for my family that even at 10000km away supports me. I am greatful for the love I am receiving.
How do I get to the Deepak meditation of this 21 day meditation?
Dear Kellie,
Just sign up for the challenge:
and I will send you each day a link to the meditation of the day.
Or you can buy the meditation download at Chopra Center. You find the links to it on this page:
I am so grateful for a supportive family that loves me. Grateful that they support and encourage me even when I doubt myself.
I am grateful for this abundance and our daily practice because it reminds me that each day there is always something to be grateful for no matter what is going on in the world.
I am very grateful to have found this site. I’m on day 4 and am grateful for the guidance from Klaus.🙏and of course to Deepak for the meditations.
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