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Affirmations For Vitality, Happiness, And Wealth

I Love Bali Podcast

Welcome to your money and prosperity Affirmations For Vitality, Happiness, And Wealth.

Affirmations are the best way to tap into our infinite inner resources for more success wealth health and luck. My suggestion, listen to these Affirmations For Vitality, Happiness, And Wealth for 30 days straight, and your life will change. We are the designers of our lives, which means, we create our reality, we do it with our thoughts, our feelings, our words, and our actions.

But everything starts with our thoughts.

As Buddha said:

We are what we think,
and everything we are,
arises first in our thoughts.

Our life follows our thoughts, we think negatively, and we attract problems, stress, and anger. If we think Positively, we automatically draw successfully towards health and happiness in our lives. The book The Laws of Winners is a guide to making your dreams come true.

Review The Laws of Winners – Bodo Schäfer

My tip: read one chapter every day. If you want the laws of the winners to become a reality in your life, then listen to this affirmation For Vitality, Happiness, And Wealth for 30 days. So, you can achieve that these laws penetrate deep into your subconscious. Through repetition, you create the necessary reinforcement. after 30 days you start a new belief about yourself and your life, so listen to these Affirmations For Vitality, Happiness, And Wealth for 30 days and you will subsequently attract success, wealth, health, and happiness into your life.

The strongest two words we have are the words: "I am". That's why I start many affirmations with I am. So let's start with the first law of the book Laws of Winners.

I am a winner because I make decisions. I make decisions quickly and stick with them for a long time. I don't play because I don't want to lose, but  I play to win. because I have clarity about my values, decisions are easy for me. I am decisive. I'm a winner 'cause I make choices.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I am constantly learning and growing.

I'm becoming more and more the person I want to be. I have a desire to learn and grow. I'm curious because I want to get to know the person I can be. I am a forever learner I learn for life. I am a winner because I am constantly learning and growing,

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I consciously live in the here and now.

Every day is a unique opportunity for me. I look at the people around me as gifts and miracles. I see every moment as a miracle and I am thankful for it. I am in the moment, I am in the now. I am fully present I'm a winner 'cause I'm living today consciously.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I focus on my income-producing activities.

I decide all by myself how much I am worth and I can increase my value. I follow the principle: Simple Things Exceptionally Well. I do simple things exceptionally well. I accept that mistakes are very important for my development. I am valuable because I focus on my income-producing activities. I'm a winner who doesn't focus on my income-producing activities.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I am becoming a personality.

I make the best of what I have right now. I'm willing to work hard. I have patience. Failures make me grow and get bigger. I am stubborn, I am hardworking. I am disciplined. I am constant I am persistent I am a winner because I am becoming a personality.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I just do it.

I know nothing is as crucial as doing it. The sooner I act, the easier it will be for me. I can motivate myself to take action. And the best moment to act is now. I'm energetic. I am effective, I'd rather start imperfect than hesitate perfectly. The best preparation is simply to do it. I'm a winner 'cause I just do it.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I deal with stress properly.

I use stress as a positive force. I control my thoughts. I try to focus on one thing whenever possible. I give all my energy and power to the moment. I'm enjoying what I'm doing right now. I am relaxed. I am joy, I am focused. I'm a winner, who deals properly with stress.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I learn to overcome difficulties.

I know the only thing I can change is myself. I determine the extent to which difficulties affect me. Every no, is an opportunity for me to learn and move on. I'm getting stronger. I am full of strength and power. After every problem that I have solved, I immediately look for a new, bigger problem. I never, never, never, never give up. I'm a winner because I learn to overcome difficulties.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I am modeling proven methods and systems.

I'm smart, and I focus on what I do best. I'm intelligent because I build on the success of others. I'm smart, on the shoulders of giants I can see much further. I'm wise, and I learn very quickly because I'm ready to imitate. I'm a winner because I adopt value systems.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I am developing at the moment.

With the momentum, I'm like a snowball going into an avalanche. with momentum, everything happens by itself. My momentum always produces results, so I expect success, I am successful. I use momentum, I am positive momentum. I am a winner because I create momentum.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I'm living my dream.

I know the ideal time for a fresh start is now. I can become what and who I want to be. I can create a new future for myself at any time. deep inside I am already who I will be. my dreams and goals are like a magnet that attracts everything and everyone to bring me closer to fulfillment. I make my dreams come true by imagining that I have already achieved my goals. Through my dreams, I become a magnet for the good and the beautiful. I'm a winner 'cause I'm living my dream.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I take care of my body.

I am healthy, vital and full of energy. I have a lot of quality of life and enjoyment of life. I am charismatic. I'm getting healthier and healthier every day. I'm becoming more and more effective. I'm eating, less, and more slowly. I enjoy eating and I'm drinking two to three liters of water a day. I do sports regularly. I allow myself breaks. I am confident and easygoing. My health gives me serenity. I'm a winner because I take care of my body.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I shrug off unfair criticism like grains of sand.

And grow from constructive criticism. I don't take destructive criticism personally. I know, there will always be enough people I can inspire for something. I stay away from nags. I alone decide whether criticism hits me or hurts me. Nobody has the power over me but myself. I can only hurt myself. I am unstoppable, I am unshakable, and I am successful. I'm a winner because I shrug off unfair criticism like grains of sand and thrive on constructive criticism.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I give 110 percent.

I know I'm capable of much more than I'm showing right now. I make it a habit to go the extra mile. I always give more than anyone could expect of me. It's my way of life and my philosophy to give 110 percent. Because I give the extra ten percent, I get more rewards than you might think. I'm worth the extra reward, I get from the universe. I get a thousand or even 10,000 percent more results. Only if I give 110 percent do I improve. I am a winner 'cause I give 110 percent.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I grow from my problems.

I turn frustration into fascination. I'm working on solving the problem. I am a problem solver. I detach myself emotionally from my problems. I know the problem isn't the predicament, it's the way I see the problem. I know my problems are never final and I don't take problems personally. I see it as a challenge and an opportunity to grow. Problems can become the greatest thing in life. I'm smart, I'm strong, and I ask for a longer list of problems because I want to get rich. Life doesn't punish me, it educates me. I'm brave. When I've solved a problem, I immediately look for a new, bigger one. I'm a winner because I grow with my problems.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I'm a boss and employee rolled into one.

I am free because I have the discipline to do the things I set out to do. I always stick to my plan. I am 100% reliable. My passion makes it easy for me to be disciplined. I'm passionate. I replace old bad habits with new habits, that make me more successful. I'm honest with myself about what I do and don't do. I keep promises I made to myself. I am reliable. I am a winner because I am a boss and an employee in one person.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I set big goals.

I strive to achieve my goals. I'm ambitious. so, I grow and develop new skills automatically, I attract the things I need for my goals, and I always find a way to get what I have in life want. When I got older, I will be very happy, to have done the things I wanted to do. I am happy. My goals serve me they make my life nicer and bigger. I'm big and noble. I grow to reach my goals. I'll be the best I can be. I'm realistic, that's why I do the impossible. I am a winner because I set big goals.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I give others what they need.

I want others to be as good as myself. I am love. The more love I put in the faster I reach my goals and the more I have energy. I am understanding, I carefully observe others to give them what they need. I know, I don't see the world as it is, but as I am in my heart. I am positive, I am good, and I am at peace with myself. That's why I can like others too. I focus on the beautiful and good in others. I'm positive. Through this, I am becoming more and more beautiful and better myself. I am a winner because I give others what they need.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I focus on my goals.

I bundle my energy and I dedicate all my attention to a single activity. I am focused. I decide to achieve my goals. I am goal oriented. I schedule fixed times for breaks. That's how I stay in my plan. I don't allow distractions because they would draw my attention to something else. I'm consequent. I am the designer of my life and steer towards my goal undeterred. I'm a winner because I'm focused on my goals.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I am a productive role model.

With my example I positively influenced others, and I am a role model. I attract people into my life who follow my example, I am a productive role model. I achieve a concrete result every three days at the latest. I stay productive my whole life. I lead by example, not by my position. I am a winner because I am a productive role model.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I start everything important as soon as possible.

I make the important things incredibly urgent. I start every resolution within 72 hours at the latest. I am fast. I make sure that the most important things in my life have the space they deserve. I'll start as soon as possible. I deal with unpleasant things as quickly as possible, I'm in the flow. I'm a winner 'cause I start everything important as soon as possible.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I take full responsibility.

I am always responsible for how I react to my circumstances and how I interpret them. I keep the power, so I don't blame others. I am powerful. For me, every day is a new birth, in which I have the choice to decide on a new life. Every day gives me a moment in which it is possible to change everything that makes me unhappy. I take full power over my life: For what I do, and also for what I don't do. I create the life I want, I am a creator, I am the designer of my life. I am a winner because I take full responsibility.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I'm learning to deal with fear.

I'm brave because I move forward despite the fear. I can outshine my fear. I'm grateful. I can make my fear my friend. When I'm grateful, I'm not afraid, I'm brave. I make friends with my fear because it makes me grow. I'd felt in my life. My life has a deeper meaning. Even if I look like a caterpillar today, I can become a beautiful butterfly. I am hopeful. I'm a winner 'cause I'm learning to deal with fear.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I focus on my strengths.

I focus on the things I can do, have, and know. I have talents that no one else has. I'm awesome. I turn my talents into extraordinary skills through training. I am determined. Through determination and perseverance, I become more and more brilliant. I am brilliant I create the circumstances that I want. so, I concentrate on my strengths, I'm focused, and I'm beautiful and potential. I am grateful, happy, and peaceful. I paint the picture of my life with the colors I have. I create a masterpiece out of my life. I am a winner because I focus on my strength.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I give and forgive.

I have infinite abundance in my life. I practice the art of giving. I practice forgiveness. I am friendly, compassionate, and endearing I am abundance. I am happy. I am at peace. I let the energy of life pulsate within me. The more I give the more alive I am. I wish all the people I meet just the best. I bless them. I give something to everyone I come in contact with. I forgive myself, I forgive my parents and all people. I am love. I am a winner because I give and forgive.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I'm smart with my money.

I have plenty, I am rich. I am prosperity, I am abundance. I have the beliefs of a rich man, I'm rich, I pay myself, I save, I live with my account system. I develop financial intelligence. Money is a positive force in my life. I am rich and I will always be rich. I attract money automatically. I am a money magnet. with my money, I help others when I donate, I show that I have faith, in myself and the universe. Money comes to me because I qualify for it. Good prosperity is my birthright. I am a winner because I am smart with my money.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I'm patiently building my foundation.

I'm persevering and patient. everything great takes time. I bet on big wins instead of small wins. I create something I can be proud of. I never give up. I invest in my personality growth, I'm on my way to being a multimillionaire. I patiently lay the foundations to live like a winner. I learn until I can't forget. I am a winner 'cause I'm patiently building my foundation.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I surround myself with role models.

I'm never satisfied with less than I can be. I surround myself with people who support me and I support others. I use the strongest force from outside, the closeness of successful people. And I want to be successful so that others can use me. Every time I meet a successful person, I learn something, and there is always something to learn. I am learning to think differently and feel differently. I surround myself with my role models and I let them inspire me. I only listen to people who are more successful than myself.

I am a winner because I surround myself with role models.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I accept dissatisfaction as a driving force.

I'm thankful for what I have, but I don't fall into the contentment trap. Gratitude is the key to happiness. Dissatisfaction is the key to lifelong learning and growth. I am thankful for what I have. But I'm not satisfied with that. I never stop growing, I strive to get the things I want, and that's a success. And I'm thankful for what I achieved, that's happiness. If I don't grow then I shrink, that's why I am growing. I am growing. I am a success, and I stay hungry to be free. I am a winner who accepts dissatisfaction as a driving force.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

I am a winner because I'm an eagle.

I don't accept excuses as ducks do. I seek solutions like an eagle, I am an eagle. Ducks croak because a situation seems difficult to them. Eagles use their energy and seek a solution: I am an eagle. Ducks are croaking excuses, eagle act. I'm an eagle. I'm optimistic, I take risks, I'm brave, and I see opportunity in every problem. I'm an eagle. I focus on solutions and act like I am an eagle. I take full responsibility and get what I want. I'm an eagle. I work out what I love, I'm an eagle. I reach the highest peaks, I'm an eagle. I make the world a better place, I'm an eagle. I'm living my dream, I'm an eagle. I'm a winner, 'cause I'm an eagle.

I'm vital, happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy.

1 thought on “Affirmations For Vitality, Happiness, And Wealth

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