Be aware, that your body cannot lie! There are deeper, holistic, metaphysical, or spiritual messages and meanings in any disease, illness, or pain. If you are able to understand the signs of your body, it leads to everlasting health and longevity. To solve the problem, it is not sufficient to treat the symptom. It is necessary to understand the signs of your body instead.
Our body sends us permanent messages, in its own language, as a symptom. Doing so draws your attention: there is something to be acknowledged here. And it says very precisely, what needs to be done. Because it is sending a very special message, from the respective organs, or the respective body part.
It's a bit like your car: If the oil indicator light comes on, you don't need to
- periksa tekanan ban
- isi ulang air pendingin
- isi ulang bahan bakar
- bersihkan kaca depan.
The car says exactly there is a lack of oil. And just like it is in a car, you don't need to worry about the oil control lamp at all. By refilling oil, it hardens to glow by itself. The lamp has fulfilled its duty.
It is the same as the signs of the body: It sends a symptom.
Dan ketika kita memahami makna spiritual, holistik, metafisik, atau mental dari penyakit dan memecahkan penyebab di baliknya, penyakit itu menghilang. Tepat saat itu datang. Ini adalah cara alami untuk menyembuhkan diri sendiri!
Eskalasi adalah reaksi alami tubuh
Tanpa memahami tanda-tanda tubuh Anda, kami mengabaikan tanda pertama dan tidak memperhatikan. Tubuh mengirimkan sinyal eskalasi lebih lanjut, yang lebih intens. Maka itu akan membuat kita kesakitan!
yang artinya: dia memaksa kita untuk menangani pesan itu.
So, I can't ignore you anymore. as soon as you feel sick, you don't have a choice. but if you still don't react to the pain, or if you think like advertisement promotes it so beautiful:
semburkan saja rasa sakitnya!
itu sama cerdasnya dengan, jika lampu kendali menyala, dan Anda pergi ke bengkel. Tuannya tidak ada di sana.
But the apprentice says: little moment, we solve that immediately. I'll cut the cable. and then the oil control lamp does not light up anymore.
We would never fix our car like that. But that's exactly what we do with our bodies!
Kami cukup mematikan sinyal tanpa menghilangkan penyebabnya. dan tentu saja, tubuh harus mengirimkan sinyal lain.
you still can drive this car after we have cut the cable from the oil control lamp. at the moment the car is still running wonderfully. everything is fine, apparently!
Tapi hanya untuk waktu tertentu. Segera setelah tidak ada oli yang tersisa, termometer air pendingin akan berada di area merah.
dan Anda akan pergi ke spesialis lagi.
dan dia akan berkata: Anda punya masalah lain? itu bisa diselesaikan!
Saya menempelkan penunjuk termometer air pendingin di area hijau. Di sini, kami memiliki stiker kontak baru: Dalam 5 detik penunjuk meteran air pendingin dipasang di area hijau, selamanya! selama Anda memiliki mobil ini, penunjuknya sekarang berada di area hijau.
Tentu percuma, airnya masih mendidih. Kemudian akan ada garasi khusus di bawah kap motor.
Jika Anda tidak beruntung, daging buahnya akan beterbangan di sekitar telinga. Dan mesinnya kacau!
as mentioned before: We wouldn't fix our car this way. only with our bodies make act like that.
The watch is really cute. it has a pretty face. I am very happy with it.
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