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RUMAH » Morning Gratitude Challenge Tugas 8 – Mengapa penyakit adalah teman Anda?

Morning Gratitude Challenge Tugas 8 – Mengapa penyakit adalah teman Anda?

Podcast I Love Bali

1. Waktu Berpikir: Tantangan Syukur Pagi Tugas 8

Tahukah Anda bahwa penyakit adalah teman Anda?

Well, most people think if I get sick or not it's a coincidence. It hits me and it doesn't hit another person. So, I had bad luck the other one had good luck.


But well, that's not the case. If a disease or sickness gets you or not, it's always a result of some action you took in the past. Or you didn't take ... and it's basically the result of your behavior. So, whenever you're getting sick, for example, does the virus hit you or doesn't hit you ...

Well, you might say: I might accidentally get into a situation where I get the virus ... and then I'm sick. But in fact, whether you get sick or not, is a result of your immune system.

So, let's say, you're over acid. You're eating a lot of sugar. You're not alkalizing your body this fucks up your immune system over time. And if you end up with a weak immune system the virus will have an easy time getting you. So, it is in your hands and it's time to take responsibility for your health.

And actually, each sickness, each pain, each infection wants to tell you that you are not behaving in a harmonious way with a cosmos. So, get back and start thinking about it what does this disease, this virus, this whatever, ... want to tell you. And take it as a chance to grow.

Dan jika Anda ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang gejalanya, bagaimana melakukan interpretasi gejala, untuk mempelajari di mana perilaku Anda tidak selaras dengan kosmos dan alam semesta.

Pil Ajaib Untuk Hasil Sejati: Arti Bahasa Tubuh

And in the next video, I'm gonna tell you more about it and the 7 escalation stages of sickness.

2. Tugas Tantangan Syukur Anda Untuk Hari Ini:

Bagikan rasa terima kasih dengan membagikan tautan ini kepada anggota tantangan Anda:

3. Latihan Syukur

Mulai minggu ini, kita akan sedikit lebih mendalami latihan syukur kita. Bayangkan hari ini sudah berakhir, dan pikirkan apa yang Anda capai hari ini.

This visualization practice will extend your imagination skills. And being grateful for something which will happen in the future, will make it happen! Don't worry, if you have no idea yet, how it is going to happen. Let life find its way to do so, and be surprised how it did it. Just take some successes, in which you can believe, that you can reach them today.

Tuliskan lima kesuksesan Anda hari ini, dan mengapa Anda mensyukurinya. Sebagai contoh:

1. Saya bersyukur atas pelatihan otak saya hari ini. Karena itu meningkatkan kemampuan imajinasi saya.
2. Further, I am grateful for today's fitness training. Because it strengthens my body and makes me healthier.
5. Akhirnya, saya bersyukur karena berada dalam energi positif sepanjang hari. Karena orang-orang di sekitar saya mencerminkan energi itu. Dan itu membantu saya, untuk membuat hubungan yang lebih baik dengan rekan-rekan saya.

4. A Meditasi Syukur dari Dr. Deepak Chopra

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Salam penting dan bahagia
Klaus Forster

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Morning Gratitude Challenge Tugas 8 – Mengapa penyakit adalah teman Anda?
Pilih Bahasa Subtitel Video Anda, Teks [CC]