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Doneer met dankbaarheid

Ik hou van Bali-podcast

Just leave a donation. We appreciate it!

The Prana Healing Foundation is a philanthropic, non-profit project. But maintaining this website, recording, editing, uploading the videos, and translating the video captions is a time-consuming and costly affair. Camera equipment, microphones, software, marketing, customer support, web hosting, and web programming are expensive.

Your donation helps to finance even better content in the future. Because I am constantly investing a lot of time and money into these programs, and participating in courses, seminars, and books, to acquire better insights to share with you. Even if Bali Sunrise Beach Coaching is a philanthropic, non-profit project, it is not an officially registered charity foundation. This means I cannot provide you with a tax-deductible donation receipt.

Doneren: Bij voorbaat hartelijk dank voor uw donatie!
Alvast bedankt voor uw steun!

Thank You for Your Donation with Gratitude!

Doneer met dankbaarheid

About the Prana Healing Foundation


It helps to finance even better content in the future. Because I am constantly investing a lot of time and money into these programs, and participating in courses, seminars, and books, to acquire better insights to share with you.

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