Congratulations on the discipline of making it until today!
I am grateful for ..., because ...
I am grateful for ..., because ...
And I am grateful for ..., because ...
Further, I am grateful for ..., because ...
Finally, I am grateful for ..., because ...
I kindly ask you to share the one thing you are most grateful for in the KOMENTAR below this article. To share the energy of abundance we got 💕 as a good practice to you!
Tugas Tantangan Kelimpahan hari ini harus diselesaikan pada jam ini besok!
Dan inilah hadiah Anda untuk partisipasi Anda, meditasi hidup Anda yang penuh syukur:
Confirm that you finished your task of today - Klik disini
Je suis reconnaissant pour le sentiment de gratitude et d’énergie que ressenti depuis le début de ce merveilleux défi d’abondance
I am grateful for power of my thoughts to heal my body.
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