Warum ist es wichtig, vom Beginn einer Liebesbeziehung an Grenzen zu ziehen?
1. The benefits of borders for a healthy relationship
Love relationships are often colored by close special relationships. And maybe the partners think, they know almost about each other. That's because there is a sense of trust and feeling, that he is not an ordinary friend anymore.
Es stellt sich jedoch heraus, dass es zum Wohle des Guten immer noch notwendig ist, Grenzen zu setzen. Schon vor einer romantischen Beziehung ist es für ein Paar eine gute Idee, klare Grenzen zu ziehen, auf die man sich einigen muss.
Both women and men, need to talk about what makes each other comfortable and uncomfortable, and what is emotionally needed and disliked by each other. And the extent to which physical touch or friendship can be tolerated between you and your partner. The bottom line is about how we want our partners to treat us.
Neben der Vertiefung des gegenseitigen Verständnisses kann das Setzen von Grenzen von Beginn einer Beziehung an Liebende dazu bringen, einander besser zu respektieren und wertzuschätzen. Um es klar zu sagen, hier sind einige Gründe, warum Liebende in einer Beziehung früh Grenzen setzen müssen.
2. Knowing Yourself and Your Partner's Needs
By applying borders, you become aware of your wants and needs and communicate them with your partner and you can take care of yourself. You can firmly ask your partner, to treat you the way you want and need it, and umgekehrt.
3. Give a sense of security
Borders can be a way of protecting yourself from physical abuse, very mean or unfair treatment, unwanted touching, verbal abuse, and manipulation from your partner. Your partner will also know that there are things, that their friends seem used to doing to their lover, that can be classified as poisonous. So he understands not to do that to you.
4. Borders Protect You From Sexual Violence
Indem Sie die sexuellen Grenzen Ihres Partners anwenden, können Sie sagen, wie nah und wie viel körperliche Berührung Ihnen angenehm ist. Durch das Teilen dieser Grenzen kann sexuelle Gewalt wahrscheinlich verhindert werden.
5. Increase Your Confidence
Die Vereinbarung von Grenzen mit Ihrem Partner kann Ihr Vertrauen in Ihren Partner stärken. Sie beide können gut mit Gefühlen umgehen, und der langfristige Effekt ist, dass Beziehungen gut funktionieren können.
Expressing your borders will also make you more confident and brave in saying no or rejecting your partner's actions that you don't like.
6. Creating Respect
If there are topics that your partner is uncomfortable with or can't discuss because they might not like your opinion, look down on you, or think you're stupid, you need to set borders.
Das Überschreiten der Grenzen des eigenen Denkens ist notwendig, um Gefühle füreinander aufrechtzuerhalten, wenn es unterschiedliche Meinungen gibt. Wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, dass Sie ein bestimmtes Thema nicht mit Ihrem Partner besprechen können, weil Sie glauben, dass er oder sie Ihre Meinung nicht respektiert oder auf Sie herabsieht, müssen Sie die Grenzen des Gesprächs mit Ihrem Partner besprechen.
7. Respect Yourself
When you set borders, you can show that you are valuable, so that you can sort out how far your borders are, in a romantic relationship. The hope is that your partner doesn't see you as a person, who is willing to be touched, too busy to invest all of her energy and time without thinking about yourself.
There is an interesting quote:
If you don't respect your own borders,
then other people will not respect them either.
Not setting borders for yourself,
makes it difficult for other people,
to understand yours.
Communicating borders with your partner creates a basis for a healthy relationship
Heading 1: Why is it essential to set borders?
Heading 2: What does your partner want?
Heading 3: What your partner doesn't want?
Heading 4: Prevention of sexual abuse
Heading 5: Communicating openly creates confidence
Heading 6: Clarity about your limits creates respect
Heading 7: Only if you respect your own borders, others can and will respect them as well
If lovers do not share their likes and dislikes, makes it difficult for their partner to respect them.
Agreeing with your lover on borders creates a healthy relationship.